Listen to Morgan Freeman ATTEMPT THE ADHAN in Cairo | Islam Channel

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Manifestation of god? This was said twice. That is incorrect. Islam does not believe that and whenever someone says a prophets name we say peace be upon him. Before attempting the azan and taking lightly of it one needs to understand the azan meaning. A mosque no matter how big or small does not matter it is the prayer/reading Quran/worship that matters. It is not a conversation with god we ask god to forgive us for our sins, god does not need us he is god he created us we need him. Muslims take prayer very seriously it is not just a conversation how are You see you again later, etc. The azan is asking you to come to what is good you. Islam is a gift, god guides whoever he sees worthy. You may be born into Islam, but you may not be worthy enough to stay in it. God knows what is in every humans heart he created us.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is hella cute. Loved it.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/daniel_ricciardo 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

He should stick to working with satanic hollywood...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Apollyon-1333 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
i've decided to return to cairo to try and understand who god is to muslims islam believes in the same god as jews and christians but i want to know if there are differences in how they think about the divine historian of islam ahmed ragab has brought me to the al hussein mosque and you can just come in here just like the catholic church so it's always open to prayer yeah if you want to come in here and you can hang out with the yourself and allah yeah absolutely i'm just in time to hear what muslims believe is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world the call to prayer for the faithful the song of the muay zen is a manifestation of god himself so that's the end of the prayer is by saying assalamu alaikum much like you in you end an encounter with anybody and it is because the prayer is essentially a meeting with god collection like hey you know see you later nice talk see you the next time prayer to allah seems like a conversation with a person but how do you speak to a person who has no human form to help me understand ahmed has arranged a meeting with the mosque spiritual leader imam alamir mafuze thank you so much for speaking with us welcome in the christian religion god is so manifested but there is no such thing in islam so who am i talking to do i envision anything we feel messy hey masala you cannot imagine god um god is beyond imagination whatever you would imagine with our human minds god would be different from it one of the most haunting and beautiful sounds in the world is the muslim call the prayer what was the origin of that it is said that one of muhammad's companions had a vision while he was asleep where he heard this call for prayer and then when he woke up he went to muhammad and told him about it and he's made it into this ritual of using it to call for prayers every day uh five times every day the music how is he chosen do you hold all the ships there are auditions where they would listen to people and the one who has the best voice would be given the position of masks are designed to be filled with beautiful sounds and images that delight the senses from elaborate architecture to verses of the quran written in the finest calligraphy many muslims see this beauty as a manifestation of god himself islam sees god in all things that are beautiful because god has no physical form he can be experienced anywhere with any of the senses but these experiences are only ever aspects of the divine god is always more than we can imagine
Channel: Islam Channel
Views: 2,712,235
Rating: 4.9348693 out of 5
Keywords: morgan freeman, story of god, cairo, morgan freeman muslim, morgan freemon god, morgan freeman national geographic, adhan, muslim, morgan freeman adhan, islam channel tv uk, www.islam, Islam Channel TV, TV Islam Channel, islam channel tv live, islam channel in tv, now tv islam channel, islam channel tv live online, islam channel live streaming, eman islam channel tv, Live Stream, Islam, Muslims, Muslim, Muslim TV, Islamic TV, Muslim Live TV, Islam Live TV, Live Show
Id: JO1P2LWmxHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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