Lime plaster base and finish coats stronger than drywall compounds or taping muds

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Hi Folks, Kirk and Jayson here with Kirk Giordano  plastering, today I'm going to show you veneer   plastering why are we doing veneer plastering  because, well it's strong it's so what we're   doing is we're matching this what is this right  here can you get a close-up of this Jay, this is   a lime plaster what is lime plaster well you  take a lime stone you heat it up and it used   to in the old days give you lime putty today that  gives you lime powder and you just add water boom   air and it's right back to its original form this  is lime plaster real lime plaster how many I'm in   a San Francisco Bay Area how many companies do I  know right off the top to have real line plasters   like let's see American clay, Tadillac, eco stucco  they're all pre-bagged lime plaster it's good for   the area up here we're high up in the air in fact  show that beautiful area over here J now we've got   San Francisco bridge we got Golden Gate Bridge  we got San Rafael bridge these guys got a 360   and way over there a San Mateo Bridge course  I can't see my side ain't as good as it used   to be what we're doing is we're going to tie  everything in today now this is lime limestone   plastering how do I know that because I've been  doing this like 30 years guys what is this this   is veneer plaster what is veneer plaster the near  plastron is you take gypsum and you add lime why   well the lime makes it a hundred times stronger  than say regular sheetrock drywall it makes it a   hundred times stronger you cannot put a thumbtack  in this nor can you put a thumbtack in this you   could pound it with a hammer possibly but you  can put a thumbtack in here or here so what   we're going to do is we're going to we're putting  a veneer plaster system over everything and which   one is the strongest well that's debatable but  USG makes Imperial Imperials the strongest base   that I'm aware of why do people want even to put a  veneer plaster system well the old systems between   a half inch to seven eighths of an inch veneer  you can put it once sixteenth of an inch to 1/8   to code system it only takes 48 hours before you  could paint it if you do one coat which I rare I   never do the one coats guys but you can't you  can paint it the next day 24 hours we're doing   a to coach system over everything now this finish  here it's it's somewhat smooth but it's very rough   also you hear that time that's very rough and  that's what they want they want it to look like   this because it's all natural of course they're  going to paint it you see these splotches here   but this is old plastering what it does is if you  have an area such as this where you get humidity   the showers that have a steam room absorbs the  moisture just absorbs right in it and when dryer   conditions occur it releases it sheetrock can't do  that sheetrock will mold out anyway I'm gonna what   we I'm gonna try to explain a few things here  guys going to get kind of busy we got working   with about ten different contractors on this job  this blue board what is blue board blue board is   specifically engineered for plaster the veneer  systems and while we're on veneers some guy just   said well what does venetian venetian is you add  gypsum in crushed marble so this is a lime it's   called the veneer system the veneer plastering  system and what do we got here is this veneer   base coat its Imperial a lot of guys like myself  will put an imperial base and sometimes I'll use   imperial finish sometimes I'll use the diamond  finish why they're both thing both costs about   the same in fact they're like I don't know between  30 and 55 dollars a bag but the diamond finish is   spread further you have more time with it and  you could bring more fat out so you put it on   and you wet it later you could bring that back  to life it's it got more lime in it basically   so that's why contractors such as myself tend to  use the Imperial base with a diamond finish but   of course on this we're just using diamond we're  using imperial base with an imperial finish and   I'm actually going to use the base coat because  I can make that smooth with like what these guys   guys they said match this Kirke and you're good so  I'm going to show you something here while we're   on it we got our metal corner are these stronger  than metal corners guys to mesh with plastic here   polyurethane and you just use a hammer tacker to  tack that on are they stronger than these right   here not really and besides if I were to put this  on here and use the hammer tacker stapler right   here now notice it'll go through it'll go through  this sheetrock but once this veneer is on it never   going to go through this is faster sometimes but  I still apply a bonding agent on it we're getting   uh doing a lot of things guys so I'm going to  explain something this metal I put a bonding   agent on it do you have to not really I put a  bonding agent on this wall why because we're up   in the air toward the middle of the day is warm  up here it's like very humid up here right now   this wall here I don't have any bonding agent  on it so I'm going to show you something what   happens if you don't have a bonding agent on it  now bear with me guys I'm going to skim coat this   entire wall and then when I skim coat this entire  the wall I'm going to show you the material will use   it and yet normally guys you need a brand new or  a clean trowel and you need clean buckets clean   scoops everything gotta be should be brand new  because if you get a pebble in here one pebble   is will make your life miserable now me here's a  big trowel I'm going to use this smaller one just   to get started up here because I'm on the ladder  and what I what I'm basically doing guys is I'm   putting the first coat on now the first coat it  only has to be a sixteenth of an inch now right   here where they're going to do some decorative  stuff I'm just going to chew it out okay boom and what a lot of people a lot of contractors  choose this because it saves time in a power   evolving universe man time is everything a lot  of folks have construction loans and they go   oh man it's costing me it's just for the loan  we want something that you can do quickly and   have equal or more strength than say KP mud this  is it guys okay that's done but because I have   this pink stuff it's called plaster weld that  stuff right there plaster weld made by Larsen   it's killing the suction because I don't want  it to absorb too fast because we have too much   humidity right here right now and since I'm going  to skin this entire wall twice I figured I cut   down on the suction so unless you guys want to  see the second coat you can click off now and   go to the end of this video or you can watch me  skim coat this because I got a skim coat it anyway   so and again guys this only has to be about six  sixteenth of an inch thick this blue board looks   pink now because we have plaster weld on it so  okay I'm gonna move the ladder one more time fortunately I got pretty long arms so I can  stretch you see that that's not much right   there guys the hard part or them the more  challenging part comes from when I do the   second coat and the second coat is designed to  go over this and smooth it out a little bit so   I'll show you that part too when this when  this dries what we're going to do is since   I've got to do this wall anyway Jason is going  to keep filming until I'm done with it what I'm   going to do when I get on the bottom and switch  trials because this trial here is your average   US 16 inch it's a pretty good trial but I want  a 20 inch for when I do the bottom because we're   going to be hustlin and personally guys when  you're working with veneer you have to hustle   it's not a matter of how much time do I have  it's a matter of how much time do I have after   this is mixed because this stuff doesn't wait for  anybody you mix it it's going to set how hard does   it set well let's put it this way I have on my  truck a couple chisels and the chisels are for doing a video guys the chisels are for when it  sets on the back of this child because that is   really hard okay now I'm going to stop it right  here just for the sake of explanation because I   don't have a piece of fiber mesh where it meets  the wall over here and I want a piece of fiber   mat but while we're at it I'm going to show you  something else guys okay notice this wall over   here that we don't have the bonding agent just  for example our notice the color when when   this starts to darken which means this it's setting  and when that's darkening if you don't know what   you're doing and you'll have the time in which I  have a lot of time in guys you any of your folks   watch and say oh man that looks easy I can do it  keep in mind I make it look easy because I've been   doing this stuff for ever that means like 30 years  okay right here taking it right down to where   their screens going to be obviously they're going  to put off all a wood trim down here so this big   trial right here is like a gigantic Darby it's a  monster trial it's kind of hard to work with guys   so I don't advise any of you guys watching this to  go out and buy one of these Big O trials okay got   to cover that go to the metal bead and my son Dan  and Kyle they're mixing up mud right now because   I'm not the only one plastering here we got a  few other guys plastering but I'll show you the   material too so if you say hey gee whiz I want to  save some time and Kirk made it look easy instead   of going three coats of taping mud and waiting  forever and then having a sand that stuff down man   unless if you ever sand it down taping mud you'll  know that stuff sucks there's no fun there's no   glory to it look see this right here that's how  stiff the mud is the muds got to be like whipping   cream okay now we we get in the we're getting  the first coat on and again do this guy's if it's   stiff it's kind of like whipping cream oh and  this mud is starting to get hard because we've   been messing around messing around organizing  people and saying you do this you do that and   Here I am I've let this mud sit a little too long  but it's kind of fun because now you got a hustle   to get rid of it and ah yeah that is definitely  getting stiff now I'm going to switch trowel   again because this mud is too stiff for that big  trial what I'm going to do is just finish up this   piece right here and then I'm going to spread  the rest of this mud somewhere else because I'm   not going to double back with it because it's a  little stiff to double back with it but what I'll   do is tell them boys of mine mix me up some good  stuff so I can put that second coat on and the   second coat again it's that one is I'm going to go  over this so what happens when you put a veneer over   veneer that's already set well you think you think  I'm hustling now when I do the next coat over the   veneer that's on now this is going to suck the  moisture out immediately so there's no time for   messing around it's just got to get her down  anyway almost to the end here again always fill   your corners up fill that corner fill it tight  what I'm going to do is I'm going to help J go   down and tell them boys to mix me up some more  in the meantime I got just another handful left   in this bucket but you get the idea of what's  happening here I'll hit this little piece out   J if you can go to danacarr to mix me up a fresh  bucket will show you how we take it down now and   generally when this starts to darken that's it  that's it'll be twice as hard for the next coat   notice I put this on and this is not darkening yet  because I killed the suction with the plaster well   look it over here you see this already how dark  this is that means that's already set so people   say well why you use a bonding agent if the  blue board is specifically engineered for the   veneer finishes because sometimes I don't want to  kill myself and rush this gives me here I mean I'm   going to do it anyhow but this gives me the luxury  of relaxing so I like to relax while we're on a   job listen to the music anyhow they're going to  bring me up another one and I'll show you how to   put that second coat on all right guys let's go  down these stairs over here I'll show you what   kind of material it is so in case you say well man  I'm going to try that you get the right stuff we   hit these we hit we're doing patchwork everywhere  why because the people who used to own this house   knew they're plastering so we're matching what  they're doing adolfo how's it going buddy there's   that it's a tough thing to match in a ceiling  within a ceiling especially when the sheetrock is   cockeyed but my buddy Tim over here what's up Tim  all right these are fine craftsman Tim's   been doing this stuff for 30 years of Deauville  is been doing it for maybe 25 but he's already as   good as me let's go down down here Jake all right  guys we'll walk through the dungeon here is where   we got some of our materials this is Imperial  base imperial base coats are about 50 pound bag 55   something like that the base coach that's what it  looks like usj imperial is save a lot of time but   this product is twice to three times as expensive  it's taping mud obviously and most of the   compounds right here is the finished coats because  we are doing some finished coat plastering too and   if you want if you wanted a little sanding you  could add some sand or you can just take a scoop   out of this bag and add it to the finish and I'm  going too fast for you guys but we're hustling here   over here is where if you want to find a mixing  station guys you are going to need Dan's mixing   out here you've got himself set up show that  impressive drill Dan that's the color mix that's   that drill right there is made or mixing and we're  using a birdcage paddle what does that mean well   it it crushes all of it and brings it back to life  so there's not a whole lot of lumps and clumps and   things like that the drill and the buckets are  so important if you if you're mixed mortar before   clean it out perfectly otherwise you're going to  get little chatter marks little grains of sand   it's a real pain in the butt okay we're going to  go back up we I believe I have some good mud and   we'll show you that second coat alright guys let  me show you the second coat now the second coat   I'm using a smaller trowel why because now we're  going to use a lot of elbow action guys I don't   know if the camera will show how dark this is now  it darkened up because it's drying so what I want   to do now is put this coat on and again yes I am  hustling why because this first coat is sucking   the moisture right out of this coat here so I'm  working against time now and again guys what   all we're doing is going 1/8 1/8 because the first  one was with 16 and this is 1/8 and by the way you   might have noticed my trials in the back pocket  all those are a couple of stainless steel trials   for corners but fortunately I picked the wall that  didn't have any corners so I could show you guys   what the heck we're doing I had corners here then  I have to pull that trial out every few minutes   you guys might say well why not just use a square  child to begin with you could I'm kind of partial   to this guy here though alright now what I'm going  to do is I want to smooth this out no see that I'm   smoothing it out now if I was using a square jaw  take a little bit more practice but I do have that   practice ok so that's pretty smooth it's a lot  smoother than what they have but the homeowner   did tell me it's the Kirk if you can go a little  bit smoother but not too much we're good so that's   done right there that's a two coat veneer system  as I get towards the bottom and you can see where   the colors difference this is a lot darker that's  because it's drying out so again I'm just going   up going side way and pulling it back easy peasy  lemon squeezy nothing to it I will say this guys   if you're a taper and you have hands-on experience  about taping mud you probably can do this but one   thing that is pretty important material knowledge  like this stuff material knowledge is everything   guys it usually takes about Oh sometimes takes 15  20 years to get that knowledge and what I'm doing   here is I'm getting rid of that top because I'm  not sure what they're going to put up here but   if it's a piece of wood we want it to sit plumb  without without it hitting any clinkers come on   off you guys alright so what I'm going to do is  I'm going to continue going this way I'm going   to take it right to that door and then I'll show  you one more thing alright so we're gonna put it   on again this stuff it does save you a lot of  time if you know how to do it you don't know   how to do it and you think well gee I'm going to  watch Kerch video and learn how to do it you watch   Kirk's video and you can get an idea of how it's  done it does take a lot of practice guys so I'm   not I do these to show you how we do it and I'm  not encouraging anybody to run out and buy this   and start going to town and doing it because of  late I've got a few responses to the folks saying   gee I tried it and I can't do it why do you why  to do these videos and say anybody can do it we   do these videos to show people how we do it if  you guys want to try it that's one thing but on   a veneer system the first time around or even the  hundredth time around sometimes it's better just   to hire professional guys okay we got a death trap  right here all kinds of stuff in the way landmines   hammer I'll put my last trial full odd right  here and then I'm going to come down and gather   everything in so what I'm doing guys is if you  can hear me through that circular saw going as I'm   getting my second coat on and the reason I choose  this particular trowel look no lines guide could   I do that with a square jaw I can yes okay I'm  going to take one more scoop and then I'll show   you how we bottom up into that right there which  takes a pretty keen eye you got to kind of know   what you get done guys all right so we're going  to take it here if I had given it another hour   or the next day oh that's good too a lot of people  say gee you have to do it back to back immediately   no you don't have to do it like that if you want  it you could where I got some on the metal I just   take my trial there pull it off pull it off here  now I'm going to go ahead and take my top once   more sometimes you have to look real close if then  if you don't give it a couple days to dry and see   where you need to put it I can look at it pretty  much and I can see the color because I'm right   on it but again I'm not certain if that camera  showing exactly what I see keep your corners full   guys right there I had a holiday holiday what  is that not going on vacation that's just one   of those goofy words to say an imperfection take  that little clinker put it here and I'm going to   leave it right there guys I'm going to show you I  still have 15 to 20 minutes with this instead I'll   show you something over here before I bottom up  over here J please okay we take this mud now you   see where this patch originally was this is the  veneer I'm taking veneer into limestone is it a   big deal no not really I show you the thing about  a big trial to guys if you're not really familiar   with aa screen work or trowel work I'm going to  pull over here and get this big trial notice I had   to wash this trout I wash it because if you don't  wash it you'll need a chisel to get it off now I'm   going to use this as a rod I'm going to touch the  veneer and I'm going to touch the line boom one   time get it off and come down now that's ready for  either either a finish coat and and I could smooth   it out or if I put water on this and I trial it  and trial it I can get it just as smooth as that   again guys that takes a wee bit of practice okay  so we're going to take it back up I'm going to   switch again to this big trial because I don't  want to mess around I want to get it done all   right of course me I put a bucket on a bucket so  I don't have to bend down too much now notice this   is all over this Hawk it's like crazy looking but  it ain't going to fall off because it's like it   is like what is it like I'm hustling okay whipping  cream so we kind of avoid some of those electrical   lines and get that they could here take it here  plumb it out gets the corners right and - while   I'm doing this I have the luxury of coming back  with a felt brush or a spray bottle and bringing   this back to life a little bit not a whole lot but  a little bit and I'll use the big trial because it   will basically trim out everything it's like  a screed a rod okay I can see areas I miss I   just go over them where I have a outlet like this  hit it here hit it here hit it here put some mud   on the top hit it on the bottom and come down  and then feather it all in just like that and   you could even go right over that box you have  to put a little mud here when it dries you just   tap it right off that guy okay now I'm going to  take it in to what I started off with you want   to put your mud depending on the trowel size in  the middle of it you don't want it a little bit   here a little bit there go on big guns all right  we got a lot of crews working here they're doing   a lot of stuff these guys are doing a tile  floor so we're in their way anyhow see again   I'm putting the mud I have about three inches of  spare here three to spare here if I had a little   bitty trial and I just don't have two to three  inches to spare because if you take it off and   you put it to the end then when you then when you  go like this it all comes off the side guys so see   that and where we got all these little grits where  that's sand you just go right over it and what's   the total depth of this right now guy who's been  paying attention who cares total depth is about   an eighth of an inch, but it's just as strong as a  system of gypsum, that is, say a half-inch or even   seven eighths because again it's got that lime in  it the lime this crushed lime it's very very   strong I'll tell you another tip guys before I and  this is how do you know if if it's lime plaster or   say taping mud if you if it's lime plaster usually  guys it'll when you touch the wall it would be   really cold and it'll be hard dense sheetrock  tends to be soft and warm and fuzzy this stuff   there's no warm and fuzzy about it it is cold hard  dense and you won't get any screws popping out not   to this stuff say this is made that it's so  strong the screws to screw heads they simply won't   pop out guys with tape and mud down the years  you'll see that often in fact I've looked at lob   jobs people say hey how come all these heads are  coming out I'll say the house is moving a little   bit and plus they use tape and mud which is okay  the only thing I dislike about taping mud is that   you have to sand it I hate sand and stuff okay  that's what's about it there's about a thousand   more details guys that we can go into but there's  only so much you can do in a ten minute video   anyway my name is Kirk, Jason on the camera he's  going to put the camera down he's going to spread   majority these walls out while I go do something  else we thank you for watching and as usual we'll   see you on the next one once again folks we  thank you for watching and I really enjoy all   your comments if you guys like this video please  click the like button down below and also if you   enjoy what we do subscribe to our channel so we  can keep making these videos for you my name is   Kirk and Jayson, we thank you for watching, and from the  entire giordano family, we'll see on the next one.
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 130,102
Rating: 4.8851352 out of 5
Keywords: how to apply veneer plaster walls, apply a veneer lime plastering, lime for finishing sheetrock, finishing sheetrock with a lime plaster base and finish coat, how to lime plaster a wall, how to apply lime plaster to walls, Lime plastering interior fireplaces, lime plastering how to finish your walls, what is lime plastering, Plaster lime base and finish coats stronger than drywall compounds, Lime plaster base and finish coats stronger than drywall compounds or taping muds
Id: P-MYIWu6hLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2016
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