Lime plastering, how to finish sheetrock or drywall with lime plaster

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Hello folks, Kirk and jason here  with Kirk Giordano Plastering.  Today I want to show you guys how to use a veneer  finish we're gonna basically put a 1/16 of an inch   or less a little more sometimes depending on  the thickness and then we're gonna finish it   with a veneer why veneer because veneer is made  with limestone you put one part gypsum plaster   and you put two parts lime check this out guys on  my last video I showed how to do this I mean who   wants to walk around you'll be walking around at  say art wine fair or something else imagine going   to say Burning Man you're walking around people  say how you do that man I learned how to do this   when I was on the ship I was watching these guys  spin plates and I said that is theoretically   impossible I don't care how great your skill  level is, because I'm a Nun Chucks expert, with   my hands and with tools and I couldn't do it I  thought they must have drilled holes anyway I   showed how to do this in my last video you want to  know how to do it piece of cake guys I mean you I   showed exactly how to do that I could put a nail  like put anything anyway guys I'll quit messing   around I'll show you what we're gonna do here we  are going to use the veneer of base coat first why   a base coat guys okay let me show you something oh  this particular material here this is a base coat   now a base coat for veneer plaster is usually here  in the states you go with USG you go with diamond   finishes or you'll go with Keens or you'll go  with diamond sister product which is Imperial used in  hospitals and schools, Diamond lime, it has more fat, I  like to play with it, but right now this is a base   coat and the base coat so if I were to go take him  out here guys you know it'd take me three trips it   would take three trips but with the base coat  here all I'm going to do is it was put it on I   would start the bottom now this base coat is a lot  stronger than say tape and mud and I explained it   a second ago why because this base coat has sand  in it and it hat well it has crushed lime where'd   you get the lime from the the quarries or the  the mines you break it down and you put usually   two parts lime for every one part gypsum and mix  them together and you got this stuff here now can   you just use a base coat you can but it'll give  a sandy finish can you just use say the plaster   because I'm gonna plaster right over this in about  about say 10 to 15 minutes I'm gonna put another   coat well let me change that in case you guys are  watching in about half-hour I'll put on another coat   on and this right here is basically just so the  next coat does not bubble because the people who   say hey Kirk can I just do a coat of veneer finish? yes, and no if you're very good you could   if you're not very good you should do this, even if you're very good I recommend you do this   anyway, because it's a lot stronger, guys I know  we're in a society where everybody's in a hurry   you got to get done fast they'll have no time for  waiting, but if you skip this process here guys you   skip some of the strength, I don't I mean  some jobs you don't have to worry about the strength   and you guys watch me plaster, how do you always  use a swimming pool trowel, well the swimming pool   trowel is not really a swimming pool trowel, it  is technically but I've said this many times   guys when I was Union, I cut I take a skill saw  with a masonry blade or metal blade, I cut this   and I just leave the arcs so I liked it better  it's straight on the top not it's not a complete   radius but anyway I still use it guys now here's a  joint here's a paint joint here's a plaster joint   so we fill the plaster joint and there's a paint  joint for paint joint you can allow the finished   product to do that and the finished product again  is just lime guys it's lime and gypsum there is no   sand in it this has sand and the sand is for structural strength, When we were Union that just means   we worked with a whole bunch of people and out of  the hall they used to have eighty-pound bags we'd   be carrying these big old bags, as big as uh eighty  pounds because for hospitals and schools they   didn't allow for any other stuff but I'll show you  when we, I'm not gonna do this whole thing on film   but for the sake of those who say man I want to  do one coat I'll explain something because I can   meaning okay say for example what's this base coat  drives right here and I get ready to do the finish   coat I can show you do to finish coat just over  this is straight because all these cabinets right   here the fellow who owns the kitchen over the  the house he said, "Kirk, don't worry about this wall   at all, you can do just over the vent and this" and  I said why is that? well, he said, I'm selling   the house. I said, Man, that's a scary attitude I  tell you what I'm going to do I'm gonna do the whole   thing anyway man I'm just not right leaving this  like it is so when we come back I'm gonna show   you how we finish over this it's nothing  guys this beats the heck out of say taping mud   because one trip you see that didn't take me long  it's all on film and it's it's so much harder it's   monolithic, I mean that's concrete solid durable  like rock marble, I mean, it's solid, so you can't   push thumbtacks through this and plus with the  lime in it it's more resistant to all the cooking   the steam and all of that in a kitchen we're in a  kitchen anyway we'll show you that in a minute all   right guys I'm waiting for paint to dry actually  I'm waiting for that to dry I've got another ten   minutes or so we covered the windows so they've  got no air going on people to say, "gee whiz that trowel   is too big" to get in small spots, okay you see  this we got corners we got all kinds of junk I   can get in small spots with it for the folks who  say man that that giant trowel, is just not working   bull it all depends on the applicator guys because  I could use a big trowel, a tiny midget trowel, I mean   I could use the spatula or the taping mud knife  that all the tapers used to that's nothing this   material spreads so well that you could use any  any tool, I could put use my big this is an 18   inch trial and I also have a 20 that I like to use  for interiors, I could use that 20 also because you   just you just got to ankle the trowel guys, angle  it and move that mud, see as I move my hand I hate   what I want with the mud in the direction I  want it right here where it's lower we just   fill it over here where we're going behind things  we start here to use the end or the toe and fill it   up then go this side to the cornerback get that  out of there boom now because I'm out of mud, I'll   grab some mud and show you how we get even this  this little stuff out of the way, okay guys tight   spot with a Congo trowel, there's a tight spot but  if you know how to handle the mud it's not so bad   and right here guys as a rule base coat Diamond  finishes they're supposed to go say a sixteenth   of an inch three thirty-seconds but have I gone a  quarter-inch yes, have I gone a whole inch, yes, that   patch over there it was about an inch thick, I just hit it  and it will be dry and it will be hard and it's   an inch thick, so there are rules with this stuff, but  those rules are when you're working professionally   on jobs for schools, hospitals, and stuff like  that you better know your specifications for   each, but for homeowners stuff like this it's  not a cardinal sin if you break the rules and go   a little thicker my buddy From walls and ceilings  would disagree, he'd ask "Kirk, you know you gotta   be within specification?" Specifications what's that? I'm an applicator, not an engineer. Anyway Mark Fowler he's the specifications expert editor for walls and ceilings; I'm an applicator and I'm not working on government projects. Right now working on a homeowner project, see, how that sticks you turn it, you spin it  and have not like spitting the trough you   put it there and use your hand you spin  this turn your hand and push it on here   then squeeze it down and push it up and  boom you got it all that ceiling we're   going to take it here and you're probably  thinking well how you're going to get   that corner because your trowel doesn't have  a tip good question I'll show you okay how   are we going to get that tip put this over  there I'll grab my handy-dandy trowel, okay I'm going to take some of the fat that's why  I like this these materials here that the the   veneers such as Imperial it doesn't have it  much fat for the or as much lime as this lime   is what makes it buttery, guys now I'm out of  material so we're gonna wait on this to dry and   you'll be able to tell it'll start to lighten  we're gonna start to lighten you'll know or is   it starts to darken one of those two I left this  little piece here, because I want to show you the   the veneer lime finish, you can go over this as it's  pretty thick so you don't need any more strength   plus it's getting covered by the tiles or by the  cabinet's any way when we get back started I'll   show you that the finish alright guys we are doing  the finish coat now notice it did dry a little bit   darker I think it's I said I was gonna dry uh some  lighter just a exterior work dry and lighter there   anyway this is what we're doing guys and you  know also I guess I'll point out right now see   right here this mud this will do that this whole  thing right here that'll take another trowel but   now check this out and again by the way guys the  advantages to this monolithic stuff is it's also   water-resistant and it's got no sand in it, it's  strong you could paint the next day how many of   you guys can use a product that you could paint  the next day how many interiors were out there none   that you could paint the next day, that is the  the biggest advantage of this man, you know a lot   of guys they call me, and say, "Kirk, we're in a  hurry," and I think well why didn't you call   us earlier but there's a lot of advantages  to this veneer finish of course my buddy. Mark with walls and ceilings would say, "Kirk, you're  gonna show them how to go an inch thick with that too? where walls and ceiling they wrote the book  on these products, they do a lot of video work   so if you want to see somebody else's work  and they'll come out there they got all their   videos very professional look, not like old  Kirk, saying you can go an inch thick, that's   taboo you're not supposed to go an inch thick  you're supposed to go just about 1/16 to 1/8,   and you still get that monolithic hard finish  you can't get that with tape and mud guys it's   just gypsum, this you got this lime in it, and  so lime is incredibly strong, oh I'm gonna get   yelled at the homeowner, Andy Davis, man, enough how'd  you know I was here, oh you saw my truck, yeah   you brought the whole crew take a look at these  guys to take a look oh so chef Seth Richardson Father and son, yeah, it is. This is Andy  Davis of Davis plastering. He's the best   guy I know doing almost anything except for me. I've been teaching him stuff,   man, I got a couple minutes, and I'm gonna  this muds getting hard man getting hard,  that's good to see you guys, man,  I take it you're working close by, Yeah, you ever confused me like that  on video again. You're out getting   ready to go out there and move my truck. okay guys, anyway once you finish this up   Andy yeah yeah now this finish here this is smooth  am I gonna finish everything right now no because   this mud is getting hard but I just want to leave  it at that plus I want to stop and talk with my   buddy for a minute but I will say this guy when  you get it to this stage here now again this is   really really strong much stronger five ten times  stronger than tape in mind because tape in mud is   just gypsum this has got lime in it so the lime  gives it that monolithic strength there   you go you let that set I'll tell you something  here's the key to a lot of this stuff the back in the   day we used to when we did white coating they'd call  it "White Coating," we'd have a $60 brush and you were a   punk if you didn't have a $60 brush but today I'll  tell you I like to get these little dollar brushes   that I have somewhere okay a dollar brush these  little dollar brushes you throw them away the   next day after you use them you just use them like  a paintbrush get your corners with the edge get   your inner corners right here right here and that  little corner there that'll do it I said I was   going to show you how to do this oh my goodness  okay that's stuff that's gone that's okay but   we're just doing a quick thing here now because  oh that's hard because this wall here is going   to get covered with cabinets I'll just show it  their guys that's stiff mud this gets hard quick So anything you guys say well, gee whiz,  I just want to do one coat or you guys put   in the UK that say Kirk you bloody wanker, you  waste time we do that with Kal coat one coat,   but we don't have Kal coat here guys we're in the u.s. anyway that's a goner but if you're   gonna do one solid coat put it on don't over  trowel it, like what I'll do is like this right   here and again cabinets are gonna go over this  so but even if it works I'm still gonna make   it pretty, we do like so you let it try a little  bit then you take a water brush or a bottle or   a Hudson sprayer you hose it you missed it then  you take a trowel and you just go back over and   get all the cat faces out and make it smooth  like a baby's butt guys anyway, my name is Kirk,   Jason on the camera what uh we thank you for  watching it we'll see you guys at the next one.   by the way folks my dad and I are now members of  Amazon affiliates so if you're looking to buy any   of the plastering or construction tools you've  seen in our videos and you want to support us   in the process you can check the links below our  video or you can go to our website and get them   there if you have any other questions that for  tools we don't have linked email us direct and   we'll respond to you then once again folks we  thank you for watching and I really enjoy all   your comments if you guys like this video please  click the like button down below and also if you   enjoy what we do subscribe to our channel so we  can keep making these videos for you my name is   Kirk and Jay, we thank you for watching, and from the  entire Giordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 18,755
Rating: 4.9472694 out of 5
Keywords: apply veneer plaster, Plastering Veneer finishes, how to apply lime plastering interior walls, installing lime plastering, Interior lime Plastering over sheetrock walls, finishing sheetrock walls, applying lime Plastering for finishing sheetrock walls, how to finish sheetrock walls with lime, how to finish sheetrock or drywall with lime plaster, spinning plaster hawk trick, finish drywall with lime plaster not gypsum, Lime interior plastering, Interior lime plasters
Id: KldxODNprP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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