Pursue One Thing: Seek Intimacy with God - Peter Tan Chi - Wanting the One Thing

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you were watching Christ's Commission fellowship changing lives for eternity [Music] today I want to continue our series what has been our series want the one thing that our series everybody say that with me one thing the one thing what is the one thing last week we discuss Mary's one thing Mary what was her one thing to sit at the feet of Jesus today we are going to discuss David one thing are you ready now before I do that can I ask you an honest question give me an honest mental answer or answer your neighbor all right what is your one thing I said now what is your one thing what does it mean one thing what do you really want what do you really want that's what you are dreaming for that's what you think about in fact you tell yourself without that I will not be happy so what is that one thing in your mind that if you have it you'll really be happy that's your one thing what is it are you speaking to me mentally now okay can you whisper to your neighbor if it's secret don't whisper if it is not they can pray for you what is that one thing now let me tell you why this is so important the reason why one thing is so important it is simply this things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things with matter listen sometimes you are preoccupied with so many things and the most important thing gets neglected the next problem is this most of us don't even know what is the one thing think about it you are pursuing something but you may not even be aware of it or you are pursuing many things you may not even be aware of it this will change your life if you understand what is the one thing you see one thing is something that is affected by your knowledge by your perspective as also all chamber once said death the reality of death has an amazing power to alter our desires let me repeat death has an amazing power to alter your desires because it will tell you what is really the most important thing just imagine together you see a couple always fighting about money about the color of their furnitures they're always fighting and then suddenly the husband discovered that he has only 30 days to live nothing if you're the husband and you have 30 days to live what will be the most important thing for you will you be with me the reality of death has an amazing power to adjust your desires to adjust what is important now the reason why I like this series because I believe there are a lot of Christians who are not really critical finger they don't think is - typically they go through life they go with the flow but they don't really focus on what is really the one thing what is the most important thing so today are you and I are ready to discuss the one thing of David let's find out about David okay what is this one thing let's read together one thing I have asked from the Lord notice amazing attitude I need God to change my heart I need God to help me so one thing I asked from the Lord he made it a prayer concern that I shall seek you notice something to pray does not mean you don't do your part so he's saying I'm gonna ask God to help me it's all by grace but I need to do my part I shall seek now what is David wanting let's be together that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in his temple what was David wanting to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life what does that mean he wanted intimacy with God he wanted God's presence for what purpose notice to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in his temple I'm going to explain that in a short while but right now let's all be clear what was David's one thing everybody to seek intimacy with God so tell your neighbor to seek intimacy with God now let me ask you is that your one thing let me explain to you why that is really a wonderful thing intimacy with God because at the end of your life you cannot bring anything with you when you die you leave everything behind but the reality if you believe in what the Bible is saying assuming you believe in the existence of God you believe that Jesus is real assuming you do believe I think this makes sense to seek intimacy with God for David one pursuit one purpose one preoccupation for David I want to seek intimacy with God now what does that mean intimacy with God why is this so important because once you have chosen your one thing it will affect your entire life your direction in life will change if my direction in life is to seek intimacy with God that's my North Star that's my GPS everything I do is going to be affected now it does not mean I will never fail it does not mean I will never sin however it does mean when I do fall into sin when I fail I recover because I know sin affecting my intimacy with God so I want to deal with that sin exactly like David you know I know that David failed yes or no horrible sin but not this David recovered how did he recover because of his one thing I will I want to seek intimacy with God if you read his prayer of repentance in sound 51 we will notice his emphasis Lord restore to me the joy of my salvation Lord give me a new heart because I want intimacy with you David said in the Sun when I was hiding my sin I was so miserable therefore at the end of David's life look at what God said about David this amazing God described David together together I found David the son of Jesse a man after my heart who will do all my will you see if your one thing is intimacy with God God says is very pleasing to him why because you want to place him and you will do all of his will now does it mean you will never fail of course not but should it fail you recover and you will not live a lifestyle of sin look at the opposite of David King Saul King Saul never recovered because for King Saul his one thing is about himself for King Saul his one thing is about this position I want to be the king of Israel no matter what it is not intimacy with God let's read this again let me explain let's repeat this verse okay our message is very simple what our mayor said stick intimacy with God you're one thing what you're wanting stick intimacy with God when I see you this week at the mall and I ask you how was the message but we return you sick intimacy with God don't ever tell me it's good it's good okay what's the message Busta it's good no so if I were you I'm going to discuss this message during lunch time I'm going to discuss this message during dinner I'm gonna discuss this message with my family members I'm going to discuss this message with my D group so I will remember and we can all apply because today I'm going to describe to you sick intimacy with God what does it mean how does it look like and how do you do it I'll give you the house are we ready all right one more time everybody point one upward everybody are you pointing upward all right the right finger huh one now everybody one one thing okay now let's read together one thing I have asked from the Lord remember David knew apart from God's power we cannot be what God wants us to be amen so prayer is crucial how do you accomplish the one thing you begin with prayer one thing I have us number two I shall seek you got to do your part don't try to seek for too many things one thing first what will you seek with that I very personal that I may dwell in the house of the Lord you see in the time of David the temple was not yet built but you have the tent of meeting is the house of the Lord for God told Moses I'm gonna meet you in the tent of meeting this is also a prophetic understanding of David that someday there will be a place of gathering of God's people so for David that I may dwell in the house of the Lord for what purpose by this time if you read some 27 you know that David was already the king not to stay in the mansion not to stay in the palace his wanting is to be in the house of the Lord to do what before I tell you he says all the days of my life what does it mean all the days of my life one main preoccupation not just one pursuit not just one goal one main be-all cue patience all the days of his life Wow what will make somebody desire to be in the presence of God but let me give you good news this is one pair if you pay today today if you are sincere and you make it your prayer I guarantee you you'll become intimate with God can you tell your neighbor you can be intimate with God today for sure you know why he gave us a promise the Bible tells us God gives a promise you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart ladies and gentlemen if you seek God with all your heart he promise you you will find him shaking intimacy is not hard God is not playing games with us God is not saying you know what I'm so hard to find piccaboo know God is there he's always there waiting for us but you got to search him you got to seek Him nutsert stick him with all your heart you have to be sincere and God knows whether you are sincere or you or not see Christianity is about the heart for David why did he want to seek God with all his heart why does he want intimacy what's the message today thick intimacy why let me tell you why you will not want to be with somebody if every time you are with that person that person is always angry of you or that person discourages you you don't want to be with somebody like that do you understand are there some people in your life who are KSP now there yeah she said beside you but you love them okay but the truth is this people there are some people you don't like to be with yes or no that's reality but why did God give you the group members that sometimes you don't like to be with can I tell you why to mold your character why is it in a family some family members are just nice to be with some not-so-nice do you have those in your family all right why because God wants you to grow in your character in that but for David is different he wanted God for surface reason do you realize God does not mind if you want him for your own reason is a good reason you know what's the reason let me share with you David wrote this or a David said in Psalm 34 o taste and see that the Lord is good how blessed is the man who takes refuge in him see people were not encountered the Lord will not know what you and I are talking about why will you seek God if you don't believe he is good if you don't believe the greatest blessing of God is God himself but there are collateral blessings David did not write this son in a vacuum he wrote this in an environment of real challenges so to understand verse 4 you must go to verse 1 2 and 3 and that's what we're gonna do for David he said the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the difference of my life whom shall I dread notice how personal same idea capital L capital o capital R capital D very personal name of God the Lord Yahweh the Lord is my light number 2 he is my salvation and number 3 is my defense the defense of my life what does that mean let me explain to you intimacy with God means you have learned to see things from God's perspective the Lord is my light what enters your mind when you think of the world light your eyes on appreciate light I wanted to imagine in a place where there is no light alright close your eyes now close your eyes cross don't look at me close your eyes can I tell you something with your eyes closed you'll notice the darkness in your eyes is not yet even real darkness now open your eyes I visited one of the biggest cave in the world in Kentucky it's called Mammoth Cave when we were brought inside that cave the guide told us turn off the flashlight when I turn off the flashlight I had never seen darkness more dark absolutely knowledge you can even see anything in front of you it's like a wall complete darkness now the Bible tells us once upon a time you and I are blind the Bible says if our gospel is veiled if you cannot see it it is veiled you know the word belt from there you know dello you know it's covered to those who are perishing they cannot see in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving who is the god of this world Satan Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God they are blinded they cannot see and the Bible is very clear the god of this world has blinded the spiritual eyes of the unbelievers so ladies and gentlemen be patient with people who do not know the world because they don't see what you see you and I can see exactly the same thing and arrive at totally different conclusion let me give example if I see the creation by the way did you notice the moon last night how many of you notice the moon last night was it beautiful how many of you did not see the moon last night raise your hand I feel sorry for you okay because you are always in your house but you know what sometimes it's good to go up I take a walk almost every night the moon was beautiful amen now if I see the moon I see the stars well I visit beautiful places I see the mountains I see the valleys you know what enters my mind who are an amazing creator we have now somebody else will see what an amazing evolution we had you see when I see animals when I see the hand of babies when I see children smiling Wow when you see baby smile what are the missing creator we have to give life but some people will say well came from the monkey perspective so David is saying his eyes was open whenever a person turns the Lord the veil is taken away so the first step in intimacy with God so that you have his light is to come to know Jesus jesus said I am that everybody read I'm the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in that darkness but will have the light of Life you see the Bible is very clear Jesus is the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in darkness so you need to understand now why when your friends do not value Bible study they don't value worship they are so busy with something else be patient don't judge them because they are blind they cannot see love them but don't judge them they see things differently you see intimacy with God comes when you begin to understand to see things from this light your word is a lamp to my feet and then light to my path you cannot be intimate with God apart from knowing his word and that's why intimacy with God means what seeing things from God's perspective that Lord is my light that's intimacy with God you begin to see things a God sees it and then the Lord is my salvation which is many people know Jesus as a good man as but how many of you really know God as your Savior while David was talking about physical salvation the New Testament is very clear God is not just our physical salvation he saves us completely let's read this together this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent everybody read one more time this is not if what is eternal life eternal life is knowing intimacy knowing the only true God in Jesus Christ whom you have sent and I submit to you there are many people who think they're Christians but they are not you see you are not have been misled into thinking Christianity is just a mental agreement I believe in Jesus the Bible tells us Satan believes in God do you understand the Bible says in the book of James Satan believes in God but Satan is not safe there's a big difference intimacy with God knowing him as my savior do you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of your sins louder no do you really believe on the 20 of you believe one more time how many how many you really believed when Jesus died on the cross he died to pay for all of your sins raise your hand higher higher now those of you who raised your hands second question if Jesus Christ is your Savior he died for all of your sins are you sure all your sins are forgiven if you are sure raise your hand now if you are sure all your sins are forgiven how many of you are sure you'll go to heaven when you die raise your hands you see that disconnect some of you are afraid to raise your hands you are not connecting you need to be intimate with the Lord say Jesus is my Savior Sarah with me and the fish your Savior if you were to die today what happened to your sins paid for forgiven that's intimacy with God people who are not intimate with God would have no assurance of salvation you don't know notice what else did he say the Lord is the defense what the defence of my life my protection this is written in the real situation look at what he wrote when verse 2 when evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh my adversaries and my enemies they stumble and fall what you need to learn is pursuing intimacy with God to seek intimacy with God does not accept you does not accept me from problems this guy was living in the midst of problems I like to believe at this point in his life his own son betrayed him there was a rebellion in his kingdom notice what he said though a horse and come against me my heart will not fear though war arise against me in spite of this I shall be confident she people were intimate with God have great peace because God is your refuge in the midst of problem you can have peace David said in spite of all of this I shall be confident people who are not intimate with God they get rattled they fall apart so question to you do you know the Lord for David the Lord is light the Lord is his salvation the Lord is his reference and because of that he will not tell all of us one thing I had asked from the Lord that I shall sick that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life you see because he understood how precious God lives and what is he gonna do how do you express intimacy with God it's called worshiped to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in his temple ha what does it mean to behold the beauty of the Lord tonight early the word behold the word for behold means you will gaze it's a beautiful world to admire to look intently single guys way but me single guys a few single guys only higher higher not a single or she can forget single those of you are married married guys raise your hand when you first encountered your wife-to-be you met her what did you do did you just glance at her or did you learn to kiss to behold to look and admire see what I'm saying for David to behold the beauty notice the word beauty the beauty in the Hebrew language has many meaning instead of with the goodness of God it has to do with the character of God his mercy his justice the perfection of his being that is the beauty of God His goodness his attributes you know some people have no idea the beauty of gun you don't have that desire because you don't know him and to know him you need to worship to gaze to behold his beauty and then to meditate now this word these are basically synonyms but the word meditate is translated in some of your other Bible to inquire to us to ask for counsel but the idea meditate is really fellowship to seek guidance that is all of that is worshiped to behold the beauty of the Lord to admire him to inquire to fellowship with him Wow let me give you an example to understand this kind of expression of David to gaze to behold the beauty of the Lord there was a person a lady who inherited a piece of jewelry it was passed on to her by her mom and her mom got it from her mom from Grandma parents grandma grandma but she never really took that jewelry seriously sometimes you'd misplace it sometimes you would find it well one day while trying to fix her drawer she accidentally saw this piece of jewelry and she said you know out of curiosity I'm going to have it appraised so she brought it to a jeweler and the jeweler began to look in a she lock his mouth began to drop and then his breathing became faster okay it is something like this image okay he began to gaze he began to look and then finally he stopped looking and he look at this lady he said ma'am to appraise this piece of jewelry this stone this diamond he said it is priceless I cannot give any value because in my 30 years in the jewelry business I have never seen a stone like this the billions that cut the technology that was put into it ma'am this is priceless now this illustration was given by Tim Keller his whole point is this if you are a girl how will you take that piece of jewelry given to you by your mom will you treat it half-heartedly or will you take that thing so seriously that you will make sure it has the proper casing you will make sure this protected you will make sure it is given its a rightful value yes or not now let me ask you comparing God and Jesus to any piece of diamond to any piece of jewelry which one has more value God Jesus and the reason I submit to you that we don't really worship is we don't really know we are not intimate with God she may not believe God but how many of you really know how precious goddess how many of you really in your heart you really know the preciousness how valuable Jesus is goddess do you enter me which is the way you worship tells me what is your understanding with who goddess whether you worship or you don't worship does not impact the value and the glory of God it's like somebody who says the Sun is dark it doesn't matter whether you believe the Sun is there or the Sun is not there whether you believe God is good or not it does not matter because by not worshipping him we do not diminish his glory amen but how do you worship him I love disco passion of worship worship is quickening the conscience by the holiness of God it impacts your entire being quickening the conscience of the holiness of God feeding the mind with the truth of God purging the imagination by the beauty of God opening the heart to the love of God and devoting the wheel to the purpose of God let me expand this explanation one of the best explanation of what true worship is it impacts your conscience it impacts your entire being feeding the mind with the truth of God it impacts your mind because of the truth about God you cannot worship properly without truth it imparts your mind purging the imagination but the beauty of God what a beautiful statement opening the heart to the love of God your entire being is affected by God when you were sitting properly and devoting the will the purpose of God you surrender everything you see worshipped is the proper response to who God is and was just done for you if you don't know God your worship is anemic if your worship is dry the problem is you and I don't really understand who God is but once you know God your worship will change so I call this the loop intimacy with God we resolved in worship worship will result in greater intimacy with God for example what is worship once you know who God is who Jesus is you give him your own because he has done so much for you example what is worship in the New Testament I urge you brethren by the mercies of God notice because of who God is what he has done intimacy with God result in something you do something what is that something to present your bodies a living Holy Sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship see once I know who God is what he has done for me something happens I want to give him my best and apparently your best is giving your life that's what the Bible is saying offer your bodies as a living sacrifice so I call this the loop of intimacy you know intimacy with God when you get intimate with God you worship the more you worship the greater your intimacy the greater your intimacy you will worship it's a cycle you know if worship is just one thing you do everything becomes mundane however if worship is the one thing we do everything takes on eternal significance in other words what the writer is saying is simply this if my life is a life of worship to God everything I do becomes very significant if I am a good husband I do it because I a gun if I go to the office I do it because I worship gun if you're a housewife if you cook it's because you love God you worship Him everything becomes meaningful no wonder how did Mary worship the Lord when Mary sat at the feet of Jesus she became so generous you know why it affected her entire being the Bible tells us what did Mary do Mary then last week we learned how did she worship Jesus she took a pan of very costly perfume she gave her best very expensive and the other disciples especially Judas what was Judah saying you are wasting your money when you love somebody when you worship somebody you give your best that my friend is worship the same thing happened to David because David understood the Lord he understood the only thing he can respond is worship so this what David said when he was offered a piece of property to build the temple to build an offering place you know what David said to Ornan no I will surely buy it for the full price I will not take what is yours for the Lord to offer burnt offering which cost me what nothing the Christianity today is consumerism consumerism our Christianity today is cheap because we don't know the Lord we come not to worship or should we worship we don't understand what is worship it's a consumer it's a business transaction Lord I do this you do this for me but once you understand who Jesus is you give him your best look at what David did you know David because he understood worship he understood the value of God they it said when he was building the temple in the same place away he was going to be the temple in that place where he bought the temple is not for men but for the Lord everybody read now with all my ability I provided for the house of my god the gold the things of gold silver the things of silver bronze the things of bronze iron wood our next stones indeed stones and timoni stones of various colors all kinds of precious stones and alabaster david said in my love for the lord i provided with all my abilities sharing me with all my ability that is worship notice ever read in my delight for him he said the light it's not a duty in my delight in the house of my god the treasure I have of gold silver I had given I give it to the house of my god over and above all that I have already provided David was very generous in his giving people asked me how can you tell if somebody is really worth being gone I pretest your time your treasure and what you do with your talent what do you do with your life for David he said I gave three thousand talents of gold seven thousand talents of the fine silver do you know how much this is I asked my banker friend to give me a rough computation and our own staff did a computation this is so shocking David gave David's giving was for was five billion dollars five billion dollars plus the people they gave nine billion you know for the temple of God it is the most expensive building ever built in history how much was it 14 billion on a per square meter basis nothing would the cause of God's temple up to today you know why for David it's not a waste of money it's not extravagance you see when you love God you give and David understood God how Lord everything I'm giving you all of this abundance that we have provided to build your house for your Holy Name it's from You Lord it's yours did something last year in December somebody talk to me maybe someday I can announce you his name but I've not as permission he told me Peter I'd be building somewhere in Mall of Asia I'm gonna give it to CCF for worship 2,000 square meter for worship we don't have to pay anything and then this year somebody from Davao sign an agreement to donate over 2,000 square meter or prime property in the bow for CCF to build a new facility I realized something about people who have a close encounter with God they know everything we have is from God and out of their love for God they become generous you see it will impact your entire life look at what the psalmist said the psalmist said because of who God is worship means what it will do something with your life o come let us sing for joy to the Lord let us shout I want you to notice the pronoun let us let us let us come before his presence with Thanksgiving let us shout for joy let us shout joyfully to him for the Lord is a great God a great King above all notice worship is complain it's always with other people in the Bible you have private worship and you have a big worship let me give another example everybody praise the Lord capital L capital o capital R capital D I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart everybody with in the company of the upright and in the Assembly notice anybody will praise the Lord sing to the Lord a new song his praise in the congregation of the godly ones why am i bringing this up I've nothing against livestreaming I've nothing against people thinking that they're worshiping in the privacy of their bedroom however I have a question if you just livestream a message that's not worship you are listening to a message it's okay there's nothing wrong but if you want worship sing with God's people my question to you is this if a place is accessible to you why will it not go with the people of God is it because it is not convenient well if worship is dependent on whether it is convenient or not then you diminish the value of whom you're worshiping think about it what is your attitude on a Sunday see I got excited on a Sunday I come to the house of the Lord with other people to worship in fact Tim Keller said something very insightful he got this from CS Lewis your CS Lewis is saying worship together you will never know God as he is unless you are in a worshipping community individual worship is a preparation for cooperate worship which is the real transforming experience private worship is important I worship God privately but on a Sunday when it's God's time for people to gather together I worship the reason is simply this I value the Lord and I want to show him I love him I can show my love in many ways so practical suggestions how do you now develop this habit of worship as you worship you become more intimate as you become more intimate you worship someone it's called system as James clear said you do not rise the level of your ghost all of us have goals all of you want to be intimate with God I know you fall to the level of your system what do I mean let me give example I'm gonna help you for me to develop habit of worship the first thing I do in the morning remember all of us have habits 60% of your behaviors are all habits the only problem is this are they good habits are they bad habits you have to identify your habits some of them are bad habits its subconscious when you keep repeating it and some habits I'm going to destroy you eventually you see bad habits do not imp our community eating bad food one day one week two weeks it seems to be okay after one year after two years after five years after ten years you see the cumulative compounding effect or bad habit I'd like your kidney I like your liver affect your heart the same thing with the spiritual habits you don't see the impact mmediately but you keep doing it so in my case for many years I gave in the morning I brushed my teeth remember after brushing my teeth what do I do it's a habit I kneel down on my bed I pray it's a habit I've developed and after praying I get my audio phone to listen the Bible verses to meditate on God's Word I exercise I walk in there listen and then I take a shower and then I go to my computer if I can if I in sight of what I've heard I look at the Bible again it's a habit that I have done for many years let's talk about money I'm the very habit I told my office it's a system this is for tithing at least 10% she she is already there it's tithing over and above that I'm my wife as a fan it's called benevolent fun it's or something else it's a system with develop because intimacy with God is fantastic it's a goal but what's the system to help you so it affects my quiet time every day I pray every day I have a system I memorize Bible verses I read the memory verses every day as much as possible I remember them my giving is a system scheduling every week I already scheduled a night where I met with my D group I've another detour I scheduled already it's all in the schedule it's a system on Sunday oh my goodness on Sunday you prepare by Saturday night your clothes are later what you will wear what my son did he was sharing no cell phone beside his bed every night no cell phone in the morning no cell phone it's a system you slip early on Saturday so buy some day you are ready for worship you understand is a system and because we have developed this for many years the impact is there to see the impact on my family all of them they got to worship their family put Christ first it is something we have developed you see your habit eventually will make you your habit eventually shape you so today I challenge you make one habit practice won't have it can I suggest early in the morning make it a habit to spend time with others do one habit that really contribute to the one ultimate goal that you want intimacy with God but is stuck with one habit then two habits and do it every day every year and you will see the impact you know David ended sound 27 he ended some twenty seven with this amazing verse because it's a habit for him to be intimate with God in the midst of danger look at what he said I would have despaired unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living he said I would have been depressed wait for the Lord be strong let your heart take courage wait for the Lord you know waiting on the Lord is part of worship many of you are sometimes having problems in your discouraged sick intimacy with God to seek intimacy with God is to learn to wait upon him you see David said how remain is courage unless I really believe I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living do you believe God is good worship him seek Him in good times in bad times wait for him take courage make it a habit and that has been my habit it is now a habit of seeking God in good times in bad times whatever it is it's a default mode in my life good times bad times I seek after God I start in the morning let's bow our heads and pray and your heads are bowed down the choir will sing a song as the choir sing that amazing song of surrendering all I want you to make that your prayer some of you have never really made that choice make that commitment I want to seek intimacy today you can do it and you can experience intimacy as long as you are sincere are you willing to sincerely pray this prayer Lord today I want to seek you with all my heart if you are willing to be sincere and pray that prayer sincerely will you raise your hand alright you make that your prayer right now as you make that prayer then you sing this song from your heart but let's pray first Lord Jesus I'm making a commitment I need your help like David I ask you Lord to help me to seek intimacy with you today with all my heart I sincerely want to seek you with all my heart to be intimate with you help me to start at least with one good habit of meeting you every morning or every day even just for 15 minutes 10 minutes but lord help me to develop good habits Jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless you
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 137,015
Rating: 4.8688254 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: -RKefEoCRow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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