LIFELINE ... For Noobs

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I'm hit I require medical attention right fine get back up in the fight I need a gun boys I'm beat yeah oppa Minnesotan over here okay cool thanks I'm good I said all 2-minute seller over here okay he said ultimate accelerant over here okay good I'm calling in a lifeline care package again lifeline aka the combat medic isn't your typical apex legend her real name is AJ che and she is from I'm joking she's actually from Samantha it's a planet you know in the middle of nowhere she is the child of wealthy war profiteers but when she realized that damaged her family has caused she enlisted in the Frontier Corps a humanitarian organization that helps the communities that were negatively affected by the frontier Wars it's kind of like Red Cross but in space she has since devoted her life to helping others and join the apex games to fund the Frontier Corps with her winnings she's like Katniss for Hunger Games I think I actually have never seen Hunger Games so uh she is also an avid drummer and even has these awesome drumstick heirlooms that only cost 150 dollars totally worth it but now that you know who lifeline is let's learn how to play her shall we lifeline is a support here oh sure you can just give your team heals wait what do not have heals otters are you joking here I have 28 but you can also heal people with their first ability the doc peeling drone this drone heals 7.5 health a second and last 20 seconds for a whopping 150 health for each target well it's nice to heal yourself don't be selfish and go ahead and heal your teammates or even heal your enemies it doesn't follow you around so if you go too far it will stop healing you so you'll need to kick the drum if you want it to move however it won't drop from a high place easily it would just slowly fall use it on dum-dum boughs who like to waste syringes no syringe dumb idiot boys after escaping a storm you can drone your team back to fool oh my god or even use the drone outside of the ring to get some healing off however it will go away after a couple seconds if you're low on shields and health it's good to multitask which means you're gonna drone and then heal armor so you can do it at the same time it may just be my OCD but top off your team that little sliver of health may be exactly what they need to win hey guys hold up hold up both of you you know her passive ability is combat medic which gives her the ability to heal 25% faster and revive knocked down teammates faster with a protective barrier so she can heal pretty dumb fast not gold shield fast but it's fast this is great for getting topped off in the middle or in between fights her revived shield is very useful you revive in four seconds unlike five seconds for everybody else plus you get this barrier that allows you to go in without fear enemies will come at you thinking you can't do anything but uh they're wrong in combination with your drone you can res and hear yourself at the same time multitasking room unfortunately it is very loud and the shield can be seen if it's you know piercing through a wall so just be careful where you rest also don't go in and just res your teammate willy nilly they're gonna spawn with like one health which means they'll just be downed again stupid her ultimate is care package you call in a blue lifeline care package that doesn't bring guns or gold armor but it brings healing and epic attachment and a purple knockdown shield helmet or body shield and 99% of the time the body shield is what you want although it feels like whenever you don't need it it comes with armor and when you need armor it's like nah fam no armor for you but it does guarantee heals so that's always nice even late-game okay they say this always comes with two cells can I at least have those I have no but you're gonna want this care package early game so you're gonna have to suck on these ultimate accelerates trust me if you don't eat these ultimate accelerants people will be mad I'm good take it take it come use it basically anywhere you see the sky you can call in a care package just make sure there's nothing blocking you from up top like a big dinosaur or something just be aware that when you call the ultimate there's a big beam of light so enemies will know that you're there and sometimes they'll even steal your loot don't let that happen dear they just off my package they just took my stuff look I've made guides on basically every one but only one Legend is my main and that legend is lifeline and for once I can genuinely say you can trust me after you listen to these pro tips you'll win win win win and what what's that ya win so listen to these pro tips number one gold backpacks and lifeline go hand-in-hand you get a safe quick res and you're revived teammate can actually fight because they get 75% of their health back and half of their shields it's nuts even if you're doing an unsafe res just having a second teammate can get you the win so hopefully your team will give you the gold bat packs if they do be a good teammate and don't take the gold armor you don't need it it's fast healing ability doesn't stack with your ability plus you're the only legend that can get fast heals with the read Evo shields besides it feels good doing the right things so just let it go like I did live on Twitch mmm-hmm here you go actually I'm not gonna be toxic here take this take this I'm lifeline are DFS feels I'm so good I'm so good waffle number two use your ultimate s cover people don't realize how strong this can be in open areas where you're fighting it can even block doorways or line-of-sight from enemies number three lifeline pairs well with every legend she can play aggressive since she has fast heals or you can play Campion passively with unlimited healing when you're combining with Watson so she fits any team composition quite well number four your drone shield is still a great shield use it to block incoming grenades a fishing or you can even use it in the middle of a 1v1 fight to win now go up there and use those 150 dollar shock sticks for some good okay when she wins lifeline is my main and I love her but I can't help but feel like respawn lost what made her unique by buffing Gibraltar with the ability to fast survive and heal fast in the bubble this made lifeline just a weaker version of gibby she's so fun but I feel like she needs buffs which I mentioned more in detail in my tearless video if you want to go check that out you just go find it it's on my channel however for noobs she's really easy to play and one of the best legends for any newcomer to try out but what do you guys think do you think lifeline is overpowered and needs nerves do you think lifeline needs buffs do you think she's easy to play or hard to play let me know in the comments down below alright guys I got to go kick the drone real quick get the drone kick this drone drunk drunk kick the drone drone
Channel: Macro
Views: 4,063,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifeline For Noobs, Lifeline guide, apex legends guide, season 4, how to lifeline, lifeline pro, lifeline tips, how to play lifeline, lifeline beginners guide, lifeline drone, mozambique here, apex legends, king's canyon, rank split, gibraltar, how to apex, how to win apex legends, best legend, worst legend, buff lifeline, lifeline good, apex dead, warzone apex, ultimate accelerant, lifeline ultimate, lifeline abilities, meet lifeline, apex funny moments
Id: xwyF5i3KcVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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