LOBA ... For Noobs

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[MACRO] Are you and the boys creeping and prowling around trying to steal But every time you're about to land a big score, there's always somebody there. Just ready to stop you in your tracks? What's a burglar gotta do? Well introducing, Loba Using our patent-pending technology, you can steal stuff without even stepping foot inside a house Simply select what you want, then it will instantly teleport to you. It's so simple even a bronze player could do it! So what are you waiting for? Try Loba today! Side effects of loba can include disconnecting teammates, creepy stares at your rear, at least one THICC joke, third party syndrome. Loba do be lokkin thicc doe am i right or naw Please consult your doctor before using loba Loba Because thievery has never looked this good When revenant was sent to kill Marcus Andrade He left a little girl orphaned that little girl was a young loba. Ever since that painful day, she has seeked revenge on revenant. She needed to survive on her own first. She was put into the system with foster parents, but quickly realized that she has a knack for burglary She left her foster family and lived on her own surviving as a pickpocket. She became an incredible thief even robbing a supposed 'Impenetrable' facility where she found this jumpdrive tech. With her new teleportation bracelet. Nothing was out of her reach She became notorious in the Outlands Do you need something that's impossible to get? Everything changed when her friend whos name is unknown, so we'll just call him Simp Rick, found out that revenant joined the apex games She had to kill him! So she snuck into the games and sabotaged a facility full of revenant bodies and tried to kill revenants mind. But ultimately failed and ended up destroying all the Thunderdome and skull town in the process! Can we get an F in the chat for skull town? Alexa play skull town Road. However, she learned that this was just one of the many factories like this hidden in the frontier. So she joined the apex games to kill revenant once and for all and also to uncover the hidden treasures that lie beneath.... Of course with every new legend we get a brand new season. No new map this time nor did we get a new gun. But what we did get is INCREDIBLE as I mentioned before skull town is gone, but in its place, is this awesome Excavation area and the skull is hosted up by a crane It's so dope Relay is gone, too But this dope rig is there and we got a new area next to labs which makes the map overall feel a lot bigger. There are also these ult stations throughout the map that instantly get you and your team there ultimate, so check out those! The anvil receiver is gone and SKULLPIERCER is back, mirages got reworked. So you actually get bamboozled. I'll be making Mirage 2.0 for noobs at 2000 Twitch subs. Just an FYI we have a new PvE mode which at the time of recording this I still haven't tried because you need to get a bunch of These treasure things but you can only get one a day So I'll discuss that another time. Gold armor no longer fast heels, but doubles cells and syringe heals The Peacekeeper is a care package gun and the Mastiff is now in the regular game and the best new thing that we got is now that when you disconnect You can finally rejoin your games! I'm back. I'm back. Thats it! Oh my god. That's awesome. Every season has their bugs or two But once they get fixed this may very well be the best season! Dare I say that the thiccest season. Anyways, so now that you know who loba is let's learn how to play her. Shall we? Loba's tactical ability is burglars best friend, AKA jump drive, AKA teleport bracelet. Which basically teleports her to wherever she throws the bracelet. You can go up to the top of a hill, Quickly down to the bottom! [MACRO's FRIEND] That goes to be fair really far God Damn [MACRO] Or even across a gorge! Seriously it's like the new skull area was made with Loba in mind Where are they at? ping em ping em [MACRO's FRIEND] Like right in front of me Right here In the middle of a big fight if the enemies are unaware of you, you can get some sneaky kills from an advantageous position You can even throw her bracelet in the air when using the jump pad or zipline Just be careful once you use the tactical you can't cancel it so you just go wherever it lands Where did I go? Shoot. Or even off the map Just kidding she won't let you kill yourself that easily ya noob. In the middle of a fight It could be a great tool to quickly yeet yourself out of there Or you can even get yourself back into the ring quicker, but it's not fast So if you don't time it right you were just a sitting duck waiting to die So it's not ideal for a rescue mission where you go in grab the banner and get out OH COME ON Also, it's very loud so it can notify the whole Lobby that loba is coming So be cautious, but once you get the hang of the teleportation you'll get some thicc kills for sure Loba's passive ability is: Eye for quality, where she can see nearby epic and legendary loot through the walls and even in the bins This is very useful on drop when you're landing contested. You can go for the good loot first People will be amazed at your ability to tell the future. There's a golden backpack in here, by the way You can even ping through walls You may accidentally bamboozle your team if you don't know exactly where the item is. I see purple armor in there bottom floor on the right In the bin.... i guess it's in the bin. But a good teammate will use this ability to speed up the looting process. Hey man there is a blue helmet in here No, I'm sorry I meant purple helmet yeah, go grab it good boy, her ultimate is black market BOOTY-K. Whoops boutique She uses her Loba staff, which she got from her dad by the way fun fact to put down a black market that can take loot from anywhere in its radius except off of you know, The people that are alive and you and your teammates can steal any two items each for em for ammo you'll steal a stack and for heals you'll also steal a stack not just one This is great when there are just too many dead bodies around And not enough time to loot them all in the middle of a fight It's great to grab health or even armor swaps. This can also help a fallen teammate get good Loot quickly after they've been revived (bada bing bada loot) My new Lobo catchphrase like it? Only to kill themself again It has a hitbox so it can be used as cover but like Watson's ult, it can be destroyed. Enemies can use your shop and likewise you can use theirs. Bro there's 1300 light ammo right here. Uh what? oh, In the area. You get all this loot dude, just like just scroll through the menu. Oh, yeah Oh my god, you can see everything! talk about a store So it's smart to collapse your ultimate after your team uses it Before you go in and third-party a team you can steal their loot and then fight them which is Pretty toxic and kind of hilarious. Yeah, baby put this here. You see that I'm gonna see if they have loot on the dead body Oh Golden Eva. Il take the backpack And I take this, I'll take this Barrel stabilizer This is so Scuffed! Growing up I was just like loba. Small and helpless my parents didn't get killed by a murderous robot, BUT we both grew up and now look at us both THICC AF, so You know, I understand loba at a fundamental level. So listen to these 'pro' tips. Number one: Loba's bracelet is small enough to fit through windows Meaning you can pull off some cheeky plays or just use it as a way to escape a bad situation Make sure that when you do teleport through windows, that you know it's safe or you'll regret that decision immediately, but it done right It's so busted! Did you see that, dough? That is insane! Number two: when playing you'll notice that your tactical may not work around Watson's ultimate And it's true. The ultimate will just eat it up like a nade But you'll get your tactical right back! Couple other characters can cancel your jump drive like revenant silence or wraith's portal. So just keep that in mind when playing loba. Number three: while Loba's play style may seem like it would be similar to pathfinders since she can get to most places people can't. she is a Support so I would say that she fits well into two types of compositions Very aggressive comps and a little more campy comps paired with path Wraith or even octane She can get into really good positions and pull off some amazing plays or if you're playing with Watson, Gibbie, lifeline or caustic, you can basically set up in a room and even get free loot with her ultimate It really is up to your play style. number four: You cannot steal from bins that aren't opened yet.(Macro ya noob, you can steal from bins, they will just open if you steal something from them. ya noob) Same with care packages(thats true trough) But you can steal from the drop ships before they even land. It's the perfect heist! You can steal from the drop ship without even setting foot on the drop ship! Take that George Clooney Ocean's eleven? no, we just needed three! Loba's kit is pretty great. But is she going to break the meta? I'm unsure, but I do think that some parts of her kit could be better It would be cool to see med kits and batteries through walls as well in fact... I think Loba should have a menu in like the settings that allow for you to choose which items you can and can't see through walls Just because something is purple It doesn't mean it's the bee's knees, you know. And lastly her teleporter is good and fun But you have to walk while using it and this is so jarring for a game That is so fast-paced, allowing for her to run while using the bracelet would make her a lot better with these changes in mind I think we'd have a very strong Legend but in her current state, she's good and may affect the meta But I don't think that's likely. But for noobs I would say that she is actually not that easy to play but not that hard to play She's somewhere in the medium range The only really complicated part of her kit is her bracelet, but once you get used to that, it's not that bad But what do you guys think? Do you think loba is easy to play? Do you think Loba hard to play? Do you think she needs buffs like I suggested or do you think she needs nerfs? Let me know in the comments down below Okay, guys, I got to go back to the place that I just robbed. I walked out with the TV but no remote I'll catch you later. YA NOOOOOOOB
Channel: Macro
Views: 5,139,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loba for noobs, loba guide, apex legends loba, new legend, how to loba, how to play loba, loba gameplay, loba abilities, loba ultimate, apex legends guide, beginners guide, revenant, mirage, mirage buff, mirage rework, loba teleporter, apex legends lore, loba story, kings canyon, season 5, skull town, multiplayer, apex funny, loba apex, loba sombra, loba good, loba bad, loba exe, loba tips, loba tricks, new season, apex guide, pathfinder, gold armor
Id: 4eN9D8tpzFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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