The Apex Legends ULTIMATES Tier List

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today we are going to be ranking every single Apex Legend ultimate not their abilities it's their ultimate in a vacuum meaning that regardless of what your Tactical or your passive is let's assume that all these characters are just dummies you know like the dummies from dummies big day imagine you're just a dummy and the only thing he had was you know the Apex movement and an ultimate which character with just their ultimate by themselves would be S tier which character with just their ultimate by themselves would be F tier let's start okay we're starting with Bangalore her ultimate is all about creating space so if I was just like a dummy look at these stupid dummies hey stupid dummy if I was just a dummy with Bang's ultimate I think that it's pretty damn good regardless cuz it covers a ton of space and allows for you to escape and her ultimate can do a ton of damage it's not usually going to net kills yeah it's like easy to avoid and stuff but it's all about creating space so it does its job pretty successfully for Bangalore honestly it's a solid Aid here ultimate it does exactly what you wanted to do it's not an ultimate that's there to kill it's there to create space and it creates space very very well it's sucks that most of the time the ult will affect your team more than the enemy yeah that's the annoying part about the ultman is that if you're stuck in it thankfully you don't take damage but you still get like the the stun effect where you're like oh my God I'm getting stunned and uh that does suck but beyond that it's still pretty damn good and I think solidly a tier ultimate fuses ultimate is also another ultimate that doesn't really require the passive or tactical to work the biggest downside that I have with the ultimate the fact that the fire still hurts you is a little bit annoying but it does have a scan ability and it does come out pretty decently fast and it's also just another space Creator is it as good as Bangalore though at creating space yes and no it's better because it's a little bit more precise but it's worse because it's a lot smaller in space and scope so it's actually pretty damn good indoors unlike Bangalore you can actually use it indoors his ultimate in a vacuum would actually be pretty solid and the cool part is it has a scan ability so check this out we're going to so like here so it scans and it hurts the enemy walking into see does like burning damage which is great the burning damage is relevant like it can you can use it as a way to like block enemies from pushing you and it also scans enemies which is really huge so you see this enemy right here is being scanned so your teammates can kill him and stuff so yeah I do think that fuse's ultimate by itself if if the dummy only had fuse's ultimate would actually be pretty decent a bit of an underrated ultimate on its own honestly even though it's still similarly a spacing tool like Bangalore the fact that you can use it indoors is a big plus honestly also a tier I would say like right below Bangalore and a tier I do think it's a genuinely good ultimate moving on on to the next one so Ash her ultimate's interesting it has a really good range and it has a slight verticality to it but being able to teleport your team is huge what Ash has that wraith doesn't have is the ability to go through gaps and the ability to go up or down so the fact that like look if I was wraith I couldn't get up here but as Ash I could get up there that's a huge deal one other big aspect is you can go through Windows as well so check this out going right through Windows no no care in the world I would say that the only thing I would wish it had is has a little bit more distance and a little bit more verticality cuz sometimes it's a little glitchy it won't even let us go like the highest place that you want to go but in general everybody knows Ash's ultimate is easily the best part of your kit I think Ash's ultimate is not an a tier ultimate but like a solid B tier ultimate like if I was a dummy with this ultimate I'd be pretty happy still I wouldn't be disappointed like some of the later ones that are coming up speaking of which next up we have ballistic and ballistics ultimate obviously requires his passive to work so let's just assume that if you have only Le six ultimate you also can have a third weapon just like by default so having a third weapon is useful in the sense that you have a third option that you don't have to carry ammo for having the unlimited ammo and the slight speed boost is kind of the bigger deal and I think something that makes him kind of an underrated Legend however compared to movement or spacing tools this is one of the weaker ultimates that doesn't see highlevel competitive success because it doesn't really do much besides just rely on you and your teammates to land some shots yes it's nice that you have a third gun that is fully gold like a golden Havoc which is like that's disgusting right and unlimited ammo and the and the movement speed and the faster reload all dope and it's really amazing that you and your teammates all have it but like I think I would still rather have a different ultimate you know I don't think it's as strong as other ultimates that exist it does last a PR a pretty decent amount of time but yeah it does require a little bit more coordination from your team and a little bit more accuracy from your team that's the part that really sucks ultimates that require you to just be like fundamentally good are always going to be a little bit worse than ultimates that just help you regardless of how good you are at aiming I don't think it's like completely useless but I do think it is a c tier ultimate by itself it does give C energy the next up we got oh I skipped mad Maggie did I just skip mad Maggie guys am I a jerk I just fully skip mad Maggie I'm an actual jerk uh mad Maggie's ultimate oh my God I like if break doors and he gives you a little speed and like does a little bit of damage jeez it goes far now yeah your whole team can like use it as a way to like push in really aggressively and that's the reason why mad Maggie has seen some competitive success she's used a little bit more as an anti meta pick because the ultimate's really good but I'm going to have to agree with my chat here Kiron over here telling me it's not really good at any specific thing I'm inclined to agree it's not the best for movement it's not the best for infiltrating I think there's a couple pretty strong ultimates that are better for like aggressive pushes also not even that consistent at what it does like you can't accurately use it like that well look at that didn't even break the door what what sometimes it doesn't even break doors this is great just broke the game it's a little unpredictable it's a little bit inconsistent the inconsistency about it is really what holds it back every single time I think mad Maggie is our first old ultimate that I genuinely can't put any higher than D tier there's some utility to it but it's just fully outclassed by so many others the Pathfinder so Pathfinder has a zipline F on zipline and the zipline by itself is freaking amazing it's a fast zip line you get that really nice speed you get extreme Mobility I think the zip line is one of the best abilities in the game by itself in a vacuum this ultimate is really good having just that clean Mobility is a huge deal I think that Pathfinder's ultimate's kind of slept on they really buffed its range look how far you can go now it's a crazy amount of range it's probably the most insane amount of mobility and yes while you can get shot off the zip line you can go back and forth with it you know you can change up your movement slightly as well and it just has so much utility and practicality I do think Pathfinders ultimate is an AER ultimate just below bangalor it's one of the best movement ultimates and is super solid in general so wraith has an incredible ultimate wraith has the ability to make a portaling a portal that can go really far now look at this I'm only at 80% but look at this do you see how far that is it lets you go back and forth through this portal it's one of the best and safest ultimates for rotating your team out of a position you can't get killed while you're in the portal and that's a huge deal and it lasts a pretty damn long time it's still okay it just ended but it was up for that entire time that I was speaking so wraith's ultimate is very very good I think wraith is going to be our first Legend ultimate that in a vacuum is an S tier ultimate it's pretty great next we got octane we got the oct train oh yeah what a rush octane's best part of his kit has always kind of been his stem but we're not talking about the stem we're not here about the stem we're here about the jump pad baby so the jump pad it's a very fun movement mechanic it has a lot of utility because it gives you that free instant Mobility into an area but I don't necessarily think it is that great of a movement ability compared to the other ones that we've talked about like Pathfinder zipline even Ash's ultimate and rates portal yes it's super fun and it's like a hell of a good time to have but in general I just think it's a pretty mid movement ability compared to the other ultimates on this tier list octane's ultimate a pretty C tier ultimate a little bit better than ballistics but seats here nonetheless here's a spicy one so blood Hon's ultimate got a change where the ultimate timer gets longer for every knock they get and has nothing to do with the Tactical which is great because like I said we're trying to talk about this in a vacuum not specifically with how it plays into their whole kit this ultimate is honestly kind of tight because you have the ability to see enemies as these red dots which is really cool you go stupid fast blowns ultimate is pretty fun however very importantly it's a very selfish ultimate it doesn't really do anything for the team it only helps the blood hound and I think that's what holds it back ultimately I would say that blood hounds ultimate is like also in D here probably below mad Maggie yes it has its utility cuz the speed is nice and the fact that you can see enemies through smokes through clutter as red things it's cool I just don't think that it's that good by itself and it's not one of the stronger ultimates now we got revant rant's ultimate is kind of like blood Hound's ultimate but like better let me explain rant's ultimate gives you this extra shielding right that recharges itself you see how like I'm I'm taking damage now every time I get a knock I get my armor I mean okay I guess it doesn't work against dummies so it defeats the rose okay it doesn't work against dummies but every time you get a knock you gets your stuff back I'm going I'm going to die to these guys give me a second just the shielding alone and the fact that you have this a crazy amount of shielding that comes back over and over and over again it's just extra Health it's kind of nuts kind of similarly to how I feel about blood hound it is a little bit selfish in that it doesn't really do much for your team but it does make you a big Target that forces the enemy team to have to deal with you first which is kind of important in a team- based game I would put Revenant reborn's ultimate probably like low B tier like below Ash I think it's really good I just don't think it's necessarily the greatest dude Horizon's ultimate is crazy dog this ultimate is is nuts let me get some grenades just to show you just the ultimate by itself let's talk about it one it breaks doors breaking doors is a huge deal in this game it's a more accurate mad Maggie ultimate and its offensive capabilities just it breaks doors it sucks everybody in so you can just so you can throw hella nades I know that the nades will destroy it we don't care that it destroys it we just want the people inside it to die and it works like a charm it's incredible one of the best offensive ultimates in this game it's so annoying it's such a busted ultimate by itself and easily one of the greatest if not the best Ultimate for pushing people indoors even Outdoors it can be amazing I think that Horizon's ultimate just just the ultimate s tier I genuinely think it's an S tier ultimate it's so damn good dude dude I feel so bad for Valk they did Valk dirty valkyrie's ultimate would normally be an S tier ultimate but they replaced her ultimate with a survival item it's like so unfair besides that in a vacuum by itself it's still amazing it's such an amazing rotation tool they made it startup take a lot longer like this part here so you can get shot out of the sky pretty easily so making the startup a lot longer has made it a lot less safe so I would probably say I'd probably put it like midc tier obviously crypto it's so hard to rank it in a vacuum because you can't because is his ultimate is tied into his tactical which is tied to his passive say that the only thing we had was just just the ability to like launch the Drone and then EMP EMP protocol initiated that would still be really busted that would still be like one of the best ultimates in the game but this ultimate my God it just does so much I do think the existence of an EMP is so strong I think it would have to be like ridiculous not to put crypto somewhere in a tier uh maybe a little yeah like right there right here I think right there's fair is this guy just teabagging me what's going on here what are you doing hey stop it what are you doing hey don't be don't don't be disrespecting me dummy oh yeah to can play this game D idiot as I was saying so if you guys don't recall seir was the most broken character in the game this thing is crazy strong but the thing that I think in a vacuum is probably one of if not the greatest ultimate ever made pre Nerf was Sear's ultimate post Nerf it's barely useful why would you even have it out f-tier our first f-tier probably our only F tier ultimate that is crazy so vantage's ultimate is cool vage ultimate is is a sniper it's a sniper with six shots now they just buffed it and let's be honest the sniper is very forgiving and it feels great having essentially a weapon with unlimited ammo on repeat would be amazing on any other Legend in general it's just a sniper I do think her ultimate is underrated however I don't think it's that strong so I'd say like very CER jalter Gibby might have been the first Legend to ever have too much good going on for them the bubble the arm Shield all great but this old ultimate my God this ultimate is the scariest ultimate when you see this happen to you you want to cry it's like World War II just came down dude the biggest problem that it has though is that one it takes forever to come like it takes like an hour for you to get your ultimate two it's actually not that strong you saw there like I landed it directly on this dude it only hit him like twice so it doesn't actually do that much damage but it's the amount of space that you can create that is amazing it's insanely strong in the final ring and what makes it even greater is obviously in combination with Gibby's bubble that lets you just basically chill in your bubble while the enemy team has to either die or come in the bubble I just think that benger's ultimate's a little bit better for creating space but I would probably put it above fuse in a tier I think that's fair game right I think that's fair that's got to be fair that's got to be fair Lifeline oh my God this ultimate sucks why does this ultimate exist who asked for this ultimate dude oh look I got batteries so cool you know what my least favorite part about this ultimate is Lifeline never dropped anything less than purple armor but for some reason if I have white armor on it's going to drop me blue armor every time why why not just drop purple that would at least make a good early game it's like lowkey a huge nerve lifelines care package is one of the most outdated ultimates of all time it needs to be reworked just this ultimate alone is such a terrible ultimate it just tells everybody hey guys I'm here yes it has some utility in the fact that you can get heals and you can get a little bit of like more smart loot up upgrades but I would rather use Loa I would rather just kill people and get their loot than have to rely on the RNG of lifeline's ultimate and that's why even though Lifeline is like one of my favorite characters of all time and I love playing her all the time F tier just a little bit better than Sears though it has more utility than Sears for sure but it's F tier I genuinely think marj's timate is the best part of his kit this is crazy in midf fight this does so much you can res your teammate right after too it's like amazing people get so confused they see this they freak out they don't know who's the real one so much chaos happening it's an incredible ultimate it comes on an extremely short cooldown I do think the ultimate isn't necessarily the greatest ultimate I don't think it's necessarily even the best for a team based game but if there was like a solo mode mirage's ultimate is the best cuz that is like so hard to 1 V one compared to the other ultimat let's be honest it's still Mirage like you know me I I I love Mirage but compared to the ultimate it's not as good probably C tier at least C tier loba's ultimate loba's ultimate is the best part of Kit let's be honest being able to just steal anything and it's on a pretty decently short cool down is so huge get that gold helmet get that red armor boom getting all the ammo is a big deal this ultimate is amazing the black market gets you so much loot this ultimate allows for you to hold a power position and not have to move to loot cuz that can be like the reason why you lose you can lose games because you're out of ammo you can lose games cuz you're out of heals you can lose games because of that and Loba allows for you to win these games that are normally losable because of the black Market I think it's an a tier ultimate Newcastle baby Newcastle ultimate is really good it gives you both a combination of mobility and defense you can land on your teammates and it gives you a full defensive wall a wall that mind you also does damage to the enemy team with these shocking traps which is crazy in some end games this is so important to survive any teammate that has way more Mobility can be protected pretty easily with this Newcastle ultimate which is something I really enjoy about it I like new Castle's ultimate a ton I think it's one of the better ultimates that has been introduced produced in more recent memory I do think Newcastle ultimate's really good is it in the a tier register no probably not like i' I'd rather have a lot of these other ultimates a little more offensive a little more Mobility oriented however I do think itd probably be a little bit above Ash in the top of B tier so conduit I actually have grown a little bit more of appreciation for her ultimate I still hold by like my statement that I think that her ultimate doesn't make any sense in her kit however in a vacuum I think it's one of the better ultimates especially in the end when there's barely any space to walk on having what is essentially the floor is lava with a ton of health because yes you can shoot it but it's like really hard to shoot cuz it's like 200 Health it's kind of nuts it's kind of nuts look at that like the floor is lava dude and it slows them down makes them like the easiest Target to kill you've ever seen it covers so much mass it's even better indoors and it doesn't go away okay well eventually it does does go away but you know what I mean in the end game if you launch that out you're creating essentially like a wall that your opponents cannot cross through which is a big deal it's just pure chaos in a vacuum by itself probably put it here it's like it's like a little bit worse Bangalore ultimate but it's still very good if it damag people more instantaneously it'd be like the best it'd be so strong catalyst's ultimate is only really good because it paired really well with sear for a while but people are realizing more and more how strong this ultimate is for just creating free space if I want to get from this point to this point like safely I can do this thing where like I know people if people are up there I can create a barrier that allows for me to safely just get through without being shot because nobody can see me and then boom I'm in we're safe we got into the new area for for free you know what I mean or vice versa like getting to this side it is such incredibly good cover it's like a better smoke so yeah this ultimate is is a little busted a little nuts it might be one of the better cover tools ever made I think that a lot of these ultimates are really good so A's here putting it here I like the ultimates okay it's hard to it's hard to put them any lower we got Sheila Sheila's great Sheila is what Vantage wishes they could do cuz you get this gun the king of the world that is really strong and I think more and more and more people at the highest level are realizing that Rampart is kind of busted you can break doors for free and then when you're done getting all this damage and doing all this chaos you can place it down and then you can use it forever this is kind of a nuts ultimate you get a everyone gets a bullet feel like it's one of the best ultimates in the game right now to pretend that Sheila isn't the greatest Deployable thing you could use is crazy it is strong however let's be honest here it's only as good as you are it's one of those ultimates that requires you to be good at aiming it's also kind of like loud and obvious and makes you a little bit like slower so it does have like downsides to it right but I don't care this is my tier list I think Sheila is an S tier ultimate it's just so nuts Watson's ultimate is crazy good it is a trophy system that heals your Shields blocking nades and blocking other enemy ultimates is a big deal people don't realize that it's a big deal a lot of these controller characters have just really broken ultimates man s tier probably one of the best defensive ultimates in the game it's too good let's be honest like having one on your team is like never a downside we're on to our final Legend costic ultimate I'm going to be real with you guys after using it in the Halloween event I realized more and more how broken it is to essentially have a grenade for free normally you have to use some of your inventory slots for a grenade and grenades are really good but this ultimate imagine just having it all the damn time obviously it has a very long cooldown for a reason but my God this ultimate is probably the best Ultimate in the game you have have the ability to throw gas on people people that if they're not costic will at minimum do like a couple ticks of damage and slow them down and at maximum they can't escape and they're dead Brea it in they can't see anything you can see everything and it's just crazy especially indoors where CTIC traps are good they can be destroyed and that actually makes them kind of weak however you can't break the ultimate this gas isn't going anywhere if I'm throwing gas on you you're leaving that building that building is death and the longer you stay in the building the more damage it does eight 8 nine 9 10 10 11 dead it just keeps racking up damage do you hear that do you guys hear the angels [Music] S I think that ultimate is crazy strong thank you so much for watching my Apex Legends ultimates tier list I got a lot of controversial takes on here got a lot of a tiers as well I know for a fact people are going to be pissed I know for a fact that people are going to be upset I know for a fact that some people may not care because it's not that deep if you do care and you want to let me know why I'm so wrong let me know in the comments down below thank you so much for watching thank you so much for vibing and if this becomes a video play the outro now [Music] o
Channel: Macro LIVE
Views: 132,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends tier list, apex tier list, apex legends ultimates tier list, ultimates tier list, legends tier list, tier list, apex legends, apex, macro, the macro show, for noobs, best ultimate, worst ultimate, ultimates ranked, apex legends ranked, funny moments, best legend, worst legend, season 19, conduit, ignite, new season, new apex legends, discussion, multiplayer, battle royale, new map, new mode, makes no sense, portal, zipline, wraith, pathfinder, octane, lifeline, revenant
Id: doA8jV5lO-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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