HORIZON ... For Noobs

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this video is sponsored by ea if you haven't already downloaded apex legends click the link in the description down below to try it out today but now let's start the video hey legends macro here gravity it's always there or is it do we need gravity i want to discuss gravity and answer the most important questions why though why you go up you go down why not just up or just down why why sir isaac newton got hit in the head by an apple well ah so did i so who do you trust isaac newton or me gravity is just gravy tea and that sounds kind of gross imagine all the things we could do without gravity we could go all the way to space to another galaxy or trader joe's the lines are so long so stop using gravity so much use horizon she looks at gravity and says nah fam and so can you say no to gravity gravity get it out of here you can trust me because i'm wearing glasses i said enough start the intro [Music] hold up holds up i don't think you guys understand the gravity of the situation only 30 of you guys are subscribed to me that watch my videos what's that about click the button the little subscribe thing it like takes two seconds i don't understand horizon is the 15th legend in apex legends her real name is dr mary sommers and she is an astrophysicist almost 90 years ago the outlands had an extreme energy crisis and dr sommers was hired to find a solution to this problem with the help of her apprentice dr reed dr sommers discovered branthium an element that could be the key to limitless energy but branthium can only be found in one place a freaking black hole so they went to space to prove her theory right but before she left she promised her son that she would come home safely which uh well didn't happen doctor rood i mean dr reed betrayed her stole the branthium and yiedded dr sommers into the horizon oh i get it that's why she's called that okay here in space i'm the one who dies but she wasn't going to die she modified her robot vacuum companion newt to escape the black hole but because of relativity which i could explain but yao will fall asleep the short time she spent stuck in a black hole was actually 87 years back home so by the time she got back her son was long gone and olympus has become a different place now mary is determined to fund her research to find a way to go back in time so that she can be with her son which is a time paradox right let's not think about that with the new season we also get a brand new map olympus this map is a vibrant city in the sky full of life and culture there's humongous portals skyscrapers floating hangers black holes waterfalls and for some reason the place where loba's parents died oh yeah and there's lots of holes no not against apex also introduced their first vehicle the trident these cars are super fast and are great for rotating and you can attach rampart's ultimate or a caustic trap to it they can't really run over people so it's not an overpowered vehicle at all but it's still a ton of fun season seven also introduces the ability to create clubs like the noob squad where my noobs at noop and now you can finally play apex legends on steam which means whatever your steam name is that could be your name on apex look at that just says macro now that looks so clean and if you log in using steam you get these dope portal and half-life inspired gun charms so uh why not try it the r9 is back on the ground and it's still beautiful the prowler is in the package though so prowler fans i'm sorry so that's season seven in a nutshell and a little bit of backstory for horizon so now that you know who horizon is let's learn how to play her shall we [Music] horizon's first ability is gravity lift where she puts down an anti-gravity pad lifting players and even cars upwards into the air this is great for getting the high ground on an enemy or just getting over walls in a pinch it's a decent escape tool but it's not fast like a jump pad or zipline so it's not great in every situation oh no no no we're pinched hard okay so hard i don't know where to go i have an idea up okay that was not a good idea don't go up boom and it's also good for pushing into enemies since it's quick and quieter than most abilities you don't even have to use the whole lift just a quick jump can be all you really need it goes very high so you can reach areas that are a bit surprising while it does lift up your teammates physically and in spirit it won't revive them look at this quick revive how bad would you feel if i just got sniped out of the air the gravity lift is also really good at distracting enemies or stopping them from chasing you if you throw it behind you it can act almost like a barrier while you run away you can even use it as a means to see far away enemies so that you can shoot them from afar so with enough finesse you can easily get a clean surprise kill for the win horizon's passive is spacewalk not to be mistaken with the moonwalk horizon has increased control of her air movement and she has no impact when landing meaning that you can land then immediately run this works on drop with the balloons and when falling from any height it makes her so good at running away from enemies which will happen a lot because you know you're a noob horizon's ultimate is black hole where she creates a mini black hole which i don't want to go over the scientific logic behind it she's a scientist i'm a youtube dude it probably makes sense mathematically and involves cosine or something like that anyway this black hole sucks people into it if you are caught within its radius making enemies easy targets to melt enemies however can use movement abilities to get out so be aware of this if enemies aren't aware of your presence it makes it a lot easier to land now when they come up here go go go go go go go go get them it works it freaking works in combination with your tactical you can get to a high ground and throw it off buildings to further surprise enemies it can be blocked by your teammates bodies so get out of your horizons way oh no you know if you chuck grenades at it it's a deadly ultimate so stock up on grenades as horizon you can even throw it while you're a passenger on the trident but watch out it can suck up the trident into it shoot him shoot him you're are you okay what just happened wait wait wait wait he's getting away getting the card hey i'm a doctor and while i'm not the one that discovered gravity if it even exists i am wearing glasses so you know for a fact that you can trust me so listen to these pro tips number one you can cobble your ultimate with caustic or gibbey's old to great effect oh it actually worked these in tandem shred through opponents i got i got down the media they're dying they're dying as you speak seriously give it a try i don't know oh it's working twelve number two since people can escape with their tacticals having one of your teammates play as revenant is ideal to ensure the most value out of your ultimate ready guys thousand thousand number three speaking of tacticals your tactical can get you out of enemy black holes so if you ever find yourself stuck in a black hole just use your gravity lift and you'll be fine and don't get stuck in your own black holes yeah noob number four horizon spacewalk is great for getting your dead teammates banners that are on the bottom floor of a building while you're on the top floor of a building wow that's really specific macro hey it happens it happens that's a window you can jump out of also teamwork let's go horizon is one of the best new additions to apex and is a ton of fun to play with the new map the trident and all the new stuff added this season is looking great but i know you're wondering how is horizon for noobs for noobs i would say that she is medium difficulty to play her ultimate will require a little bit of practice and accuracy to get the most value out of it i just eated it up let's go and her tactical is really good in a lot of situations you just have to know what situations they are but what do you think do you think horizon's bad and needs buffs do you think horizon's too good and needs nerves do you think horizon is easy to play or hard to play let me know in the comments down below once again thank you so much to ea for sponsoring this video but uh i gotta go gravity appears to work now and my college is getting rid of my doctorates so uh i'll catch you later ya know [Music] you
Channel: Macro
Views: 2,279,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horizon, Apex Legends, Horizon For Noobs, Horizon guide, horizon beginners guide, how to horizon, horizon abilities, horizon tips, horizon ultimate, horizon story, horizon lore, new apex legends, new map, olympus, season 7, trident, best legend, new apex, new legend, how to play horizon, apex legends guide, pro tips, macro, the macro show, apex noob, worst legend, funny moments, multiplayer, gameplay, black hole, gravity, gravity lift, marvin, titanfall, battle pass, steam
Id: SRn9c7IPntI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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