BLOODHOUND ... For Noobs

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Trust in the Allfather Something died here recently *lifeline noises* Can you not do that, please (without super thick German accent) Please ._. Sorry what's going on? Something died here I'm going to *unintelligible* out that way *looks at trash in German* This one killed itself, it has no loot. Let's just get out of here `\('w')/` WHO LET THE DOGS OUT Bloodhound is one of the eight legends in apex legends. Wow, that's kind of redundant That's like if Overwatch called their game Overwatch Heroes Anyway :D People know Bloodhound as the technological tracker since they're one of the greatest big game hunters in all of the Outlands and the Outlands is basically that Planet that I believe this whole game takes place. I don't think it's earth and that's about all anyone knows about bloodhound seriously That's literally what says about them Yes. Them. Respawn really had to make it clear that Bloodhound prefers they as their pronoun and I mean it makes sense You can hear multiple of them when they're talking Welcome to Apex cgs nuerfgermdfyckegfemxr okmjuntvrertgyhuhytrdsedhugytfrdesihuygtfdrsedhgfduijhnuhjnbhrdxcewesdx See? Clearly "they". Clearly they but in all seriousness I give kudos to Respawn for doing this initially instead of coming out with this news three years trash The one other thing that we do know about Bloodhound is that they appeared to praise a godlike figure the Allfather. *Sekai Ichiiiiii* I mean we are on another planet. So that's probably some alien religion that worships these dinosaurs (Moyai) or something. I don't know Bloodhound Like I said, Bloodhound is an unknown character that definitely loves one thing and that's hunting. Also. I think they have breathing problems I'm just saying but now that you know a little bit about bloodhound, let's learn how to bloodhound. Shall we? WHO LET THE DOGS OUT As Bloodhound your passive ability is tracker which allows for you to see tracks that nearby enemies left indicating exactly what happened like Someone was wounded here not long ago Basically what this allows you to do is follow your enemy's footsteps until you end up right in front of their face Omae o wa moe shindeiru NANI!!!!! PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEW And then get them with an easy surprise kill You can even ping the enemy's movements to let your team know what the Tracking's that you see Someone traveled Because by the way only you can see it the tracking even tells you how recently the events occurred which can help you do some Quick calculations, okay So if they were wounded 30 seconds ago and they were here and they probably healed up around here and that means that they went here and then when another kill You know that you're very close when a flock of crows shows up, which is a universal sign That bread is nearby get it cuz cuz birds like bread. No, okay, but seriously though Ravens tell the future WHO LET THE DOGS OUT His main ability is Eye of the Allfather Aka Dino-Jesus and then he used them to scope out the area right in front of you Not a radius right in front of you. I know it looks like a radius but it's not it looks like this Okay, you can see when people are camping in a room Just look at the screen When people are reviving teammates through the wall see them through the ceiling or if they're below you Or if they're trying to flank you guys If you hear the tiniest little sound the tiniest little footsteps Just go ahead and use it just in case even if nobody's there just know that this move is very loud I'm talking every time you use it. It just lets everybody know that you're nearby So if your approach is to be stealthy this may not be the play Also, if you're already in the middle of a fight it can be very disorienting if you just use it right in front of you Well, you guys already know that I'm the best player in the world so this doesn't even apply to me I haven't gotten this far in the song without blowing my brains out Your ultimate makes you go fast Killer Keemstar's third bomb, Bites the News For thirty five seconds your speed is increased Everything goes grayscale and enemies are lit up in red making them easier to see well it's a little confusing with the red pings But overall they are way easier to see you can see anyways through smoke Or you can get on the high ground to scope out targets. I Personally like using the redeploy when I'm looking for the last couple of people using my ultimate you can kind of scope them out and Then just you know dive on them. It's pretty awesome. Since you're stupid FAST. You can travel across the entire map with ease Miles and miles. Well, I would run 500 miles and I would run 500 more just to be the man who ran 1,000 miles to kill the bangalore Having your ultimate makes it much easier to pick up your teammates tags and recover them. Don't worry student loans. I'll come get you Wait, what as blood hound the shotgun is your best friend you're going to want to have a shotgun equipped to get the most value out of your ultimate since you can run really fast and Get into people's faces even faster. Just please watch out. Well, I know it feels like you're unstoppable. You're really not Okay, so don't just go in and 1v3 the entire team. Okay Stupid Wow this song was overrated Since I'm probably the best Bloodhound player in existence. It is my civic duty to give you guys pro tips #1 combo Bloodhound with Bangalore and or Caustic since their abilities combo well you can have your teammate that's playing Bangalore throwing their smoke grenade and then you can use your Ultimate at the same time and Boom the enemy can't see you, but you can see them guaranteeing you some free kills neat Tip 2, both your abilities are noisy, so don't use them if you're trying to be sneaky, especially your Ultimate You're literally making this *Breathes in German* I'm sorry about that. You're literally making that the entire time and it's pretty loud within a hundred meter radius So just be aware of that when you're using it. Tip 3, these are my two favourite compositions that you could use using Bloodhound It would be Bloodhound Bangalore and any type of offensive character like Wraith Mirage or Lifeline for healing and this is what I consider a hyper offensive team Or you can play a little bit more on the campy side, using bloodhound Caustic and Lifeline this is more using Caustic's smoke and your ability to see through it to just camp an area out and win. Tip #4, if you aren't directly looking in the direction of an enemy that includes up and down that enemy may not even be spotted when you use your Eye of the Allfather even if they're right on top of you. I mean this game Where are they where what? It's so frustrating sometimes and my final tip don't play with Slimecicle or Carson because they will try to kill you while you're afk Song Bloodhound is good and basically any team composition offensive defensive and he's really fun and simple to use so people with basic skills and first-person shooter games will enjoy them so I would probably say that Bloodhound is easy to play and gets My certified for noobs stamped saying that they're easy to play for any new bout there But what do you think do you think Bloodhound needs buffs? Do you think Bloodhound needs nerfs or is just perfectly balanced the way they are let me know in the comments below tell me What else you want me to make in the future write whatever you want for noobs in the comments down below and I will pick The ones that are the most popular and whatnot and you know yadda yadda. Okay. I'll catch you later, ya noo- Mmm, Wow, my throat is just dying today ya noo-
Channel: Macro
Views: 4,253,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodhound for noobs, Bloodhound guide, bloodhound beginners guide, bloodhound pro, bloodhound best, bloodhound apex legends, apex legends guide, apex legends funny, bloodhound tips tricks, bloodhound, best legend, worst legend, bloodhound lgbt, how to bloodhound, get good at bloodhound, apex legends gameplay, bloodhound gameplay, new legend, bloodhound combo, bloodhound win, bloodhound ultimate, bloodhound actor, lifeline, bangalore, play bloodhound, correctly
Id: 201cnfq-bCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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