FUSE ... For Noobs

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thank you to ea for sponsoring this video download apex legends today on pc ps4 or xbox one has this happened to you you're playing frisbee with your homie and you just missed your throw is throwing things accurately not easy for you then try fuse with the robotic arm you can throw things extremely far with pinpoint accuracy and it goes boom so what are you waiting for try fuse today macro is not responsible for any homies blown up by fuse [Music] fuse is the newest legend in apex his real name is walter fitzroy and he grew up on salvo a brutal planet ruled by warlords bends on mayhem murder and good times few spent most of his life as a mercenary with his childhood friend maggie but while she wanted to be a powerful warlord one day he wanted a fight in the arena and also you know play guitar next to a campfire but mostly the arena part fuse was a big deal in salvo's biggest blood sport the bone cage but he wanted to be on the biggest stage of them all the apex games years later he finally got his chance but maggie would not let him go without a fight oh and fight she did [Music] fuse is a wild australian boom boy with hilarious finishers he's like if mirage actually made his friends laugh and you know he's a cool guy because he refuses to look at explosions get it refused hey guys i'm slimesicle and welcome back to more minecraft did someone just steal my brand with every new legend comes a new season with the brand new battle pass and the biggest map update to king's canyon remember fuse's ship from earlier yeah this one well it blew up and it destroyed this whole area and made the crash site this area from king's canyon that was once not even playable is now open to play on and on top of all that we got a new weapon the 30 30 repeater and besides bringing out my inner wild west sheriff is an incredible mid to long range weapon double tap's gone and amber receivers back we also got gold magazines which essentially reload your gun when you switch it it's pretty cool and now there are these little loot faults throughout the map and the key is blowing it up how to explode this hole that's what i say what are you saying what that's season eight in a nutshell so now that you know a little bit about fuse and everything he brings let's learn how to play him shall we fuse's passive ability is grenadier which allows fuse to stack an extra grenade per inventory slot and fire grenades farther faster and more accurately this means that as fuse you'll want to carry a lot of grenades and i mean a lot maybe not your whole inventory but once you have enough you can chuck them like crazy into enemies this is great for stopping enemies from pushing into a room back up keep backing up they're burning they're burning they're dying bro they're legitimately dying hold up and because of its accuracy landing sticks with arc stars will be beautiful i'm stuck on my stuck on my stucco he's dead just don't stick gibby's arm shield apparently it just like falls off his accuracy from long distance is insane i'm burning one make sure you always have a grenade handy or two or three fuses tactical is his knuckle cluster or as he'd say minako clasta this is a cluster bomb that expels a bunch of mini bombs that can do up to 50 damage this is great for quickly breaking doors and can hurt enemies behind them like an arc star it will stick to surfaces and people making it extra deadly it also gets the bonus accuracy from his passive so you can land six shots or shots from far away because it's your tactical and you spawn with it fuse is scary to fight 1v1 on drop so uh maybe don't land with an enemy fuse oh shoot it's the perfect ability to secure a kill on a weakened enemy [Applause] but it is really loud which means third parties will come swarming to its noise i was trying to climb that door you just broke it in front of my face i know i did i'm a naughty boy gonna do about it you're sorry you're so annoying fuse's ultimate is the mother lode he whips out wally his huge cannon thing and shoots a bombardment into the air to create a ring of fire it's great for trapping enemies from retreating and it can catch people off guard pretty easily burning oh he's probably knocked uh you can zoom in with it to more accurately eat the bomb exactly where you want it to be because sometimes it just goes where it wants to why did it go so far so while it's great offensively for pushing enemies and securing the w pushing them bro my ultimate did so much there at the end it's also great defensively to stop pushes or even mid-fight to just create chaos just be careful the fire hurts even your own it's like an obstacle course to get around sometimes but if you're like me fire doesn't bother you at all no fire for you i walk through fire i don't care you're gonna die i'm gonna die says the guy that's dead i was going to die there that was kind of stupid so in combination with your tactical and passive pew should help create enough space for your team to secure kills and win win win and oh yeah win that was cool there's a ring of fire everywhere i know you might confuse me for a noob but i want to defuse this notion no no stop i'm the pun guy am i being punished number one you can use his ultimate indoors to great effect it causes fire to block entire areas inside which can quickly eliminate enemies and stop pushes from them as well okay i hit the head i hit my head on the roof oh they're coming they're coming in it burns them burnt one of them number two you have a lot more space in your inventory since you can carry stacks of grenades so i recommend having an ultimate accelerant ready so you can use your ultimate more often the power of multiple rings of fire is unreal another one let's go another one though let's go oh my goodness number three as i mentioned before his knuckle cluster is really loud that's not what we're trying to do and they attract enemies from afar but you can use this to your advantage as bait enemy teams will flock to the noise like moths to a flame and you can secure free kills this way you're gonna be breaking so many let's go i'm gonna be calling you samus ganji oh he's detracted and attracted him it attracted him there's a person coming they [ __ ] they [ __ ] like bugs oh you got it with an arc star yeah well it actually worked it actually worked number four we can't talk about fuse without mentioning the wimbo combo i personally like to call it the fart pie the crust is your ring of fire and the feeling is caustic's ultimate enemies are trapped and have to choose which way to die fire or gas it's amazing and works even better with horizons ultimate but that's just overkill they're dead already just stop [Music] fuse is a blast to play and i can see him having a small niche in the meta but how is he for noobs for noobs i would say he has medium difficulty to play his kit does require a bit of skill with aiming and timing but even noobs will get a satisfying cluster kill every now and then but what do you think is he busted and needs nerves is he bad and needs buffs is he easy to play or hard to play let me know in the comments down below once again thank you to ea for sponsoring this video but i'm gonna go play some more frisbee with my homies so uh i'll catch you later [Music] you
Channel: Macro
Views: 2,431,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fuse for noobs, fuse apex legends, how to fuse, fuse guide, apex legends guide, beginners guide, noob guide, new legends, new season, season 8, battle pass, new skins, how to play fuse, fuse abilities, fuse ultimate, fuse tactical, caustic, apex lore, fuse story, titanfall, apex legends new, fuse funny, funny apex, fuse gameplay, multiplayer, fuse apex, kings canyon, crash site, 30 30 repeater, repeater, new weapon, the macro show, arc star, thermite, australian, horizon
Id: ovl8ZmTbVCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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