The Apex Legends TACTICALS Tier List

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today we're going to be making an apex Legends tactical tier list you guys really liked my Apex Legends ultimate tier list some people hated it some people were like you're stupid macro and you should go jump off a cliff but the people that did like it thank you so much for that just like the ultimate tier list we ranking these tacticals in a vacuum what that means is Imagine each of these Legends were dummies meaning they had no other abilities except the Tactical whose tactical is the best tactical whose tactical is the worst does that make sense no whatever we're still going to start so right at the bat let's start with Bangalore Bangalore has one of the best tacticals in the game she has smokes and yes I know they Nerf the smokes slightly the smokes are still really good they're insane for cover they're great for rotations they come on a very short cooldown and for some reason she gets two of them this tactical is really good by itself but having two on a pretty decently short cool down is kind of nuts and especially when you pair it with a Digi threat where you can see through the smoke with your sight like that's crazy to me they can't see you but you can see them do I think like the Tactical itself is Super G breaking and like really strong actually yes I do right off the bat we're starting very strong Bangalore is tactical s tier I don't even think there's a debate smokes are good so as you guys know smoking is good for you no wait that no wait wait pause pause moving on our next victim none other than fuse fuse has essentially unlimited grenades on a cool down these grenades are honestly pretty forgiving you could miss pretty badly like look I've missed and you're still going to get some decent damage see that kind of broken dude if you think like oh I'm safe and I'm going to hide behind this door nope I say no to doors that door's gone so fuse is easily the greatest person for destroying doors so if I was a dummy and I only had fuses tactical which by the way you have two of because for some reason you know one's just not enough I would be pretty happy with it because this tactical does some work especially when you stick it on an enemy I do think there are slightly better tacticals that do a little bit more for the team and yes while it's nice to have unlimited grenades on coold down you can also just carry grenades is it annoying as hell to deal with yes is it it God tier broken I don't really think so but I do think it's a lot better than people give it credit for so I'd probably put it in the top of B tier I think that's like honestly pretty fair who's next next we have Ash guys we got to talk about this I think Ash's tactical is one of the most underwhelming tacticals in the game you probably already forgot what it does look check this out oh you get trapped you get wow it does 20 damage and they're and they're trapped for like a couple seconds if you're shooting it at a dummy it seems pretty good cuz you're like oh my God we just trapped them but 99% of the time you're not going to land it on them because they're going to be a moving Target or they're going to be like in cover so won't it won't even matter if you do land it it's like kind of nuts because you can land it and now they can't move and they're like an easy kill in reality Landing it is going to be pretty difficult unless you're literally already in close range with them anyway and and that and at that point you're going to be fighting regardless right one of my biggest gripes that I have with this tactical is that it takes so long to get across the map like if I'm trying to like hit this guy it's just so slow oh and I think it should be faster if Bangalore can have two smokes and if fuse can have two knuckle clusters and if all these other Legends can have multiple of their tacticals I don't understand why ash only has one mediocre tactical I can't do anything but put it in D tier that's me there's just so many better options including a knuckle cluster which is already there so I'm saying I think it's one of the worst ones without a doubt not even going to debate it up next we got mad Maggie mad Maggie's drill is pretty damn sick because someone's trying to hide behind cover or behind a door they're going to take a ton of damage and then you can come in and just destroy them and I think that's a big deal I think mad Maggie is already a pretty solid breacher but if you just had the drill by itself no other abilities I do think it's a little bit underwhelming but the fact that it can go through walls is a huge deal it's like one of the only things that can do that you see that that's kind of cool so it has different utilities and different moments where it has a ton of value so while I do think at times in some specific situations it's very good I would say most of the time you'd rather just have like a grenade or just another Tactical so I think mad Maggie's tactical it's not terrible I think it's a c tier one a little bit overrated now we have ballistic ballistics tactical could be better I thought it would be more overpowered because it's basically a lock on smart pistol like you see how it's like locking on so I don't even have to look and it hits it is at minimum a guaranteed 20 damage I do think that it's a lot better than people give it credit for but at the same time it's still kind of a mid tactical let's be honest here probably right below mad Maggie in C tier I think that's a fair spot to put ballistic Pathfinder oh man Pathfinder dude I think Pathfinder has one of the coolest tacticals in the game and if I was a dummy with just a grapple I would be extremely happy extremely satisfied the one thing that does suck about the grapple is that if you do it correctly you have an insanely long cooldown the fact that I'm still talking right now and I haven't really stopped talking and we're still on cooldown is crazy we're still on cool down beyond that though I think it's one of if not the best best movement ability this gives you movement not just on the vertical side but on the horizontal and you can just do some crazy Shenanigans with it even though the cool down is crazy long I genuinely think Pathfinder tactical is an a tier tactical it's just solid in the right hands it's disgusting you can use it in every single way in every direction there's no other tactical that can do that that effectively the cool down sucks that's why it's not s tier but damn it's a great movement option next we have wraith wraith is one of the few characters in the game that has a get out of jail free card so if you're getting shot at like you're in a fight and you want to escape it is the safest Escape tool in the game because you just get away you don't want to worry about getting shot you can get into cover you can heal you can do whatever you need to do and I think that's really solid I think it's really cool to have like a reset button in a very aggressive very intense game the thing that does suck is that it doesn't really provide her any mobility in terms of verticality what it does provider is survivability and survivability really matters in a battle royale game where would that put her though I would say like low a tier is fair for rates tactical that's where I'm at with it you know next up we got none other than the ox Trin oh yeah see that's a good impression let's be honest here guys I actually personally think that octane stem go f the the risk reward is just too much the amount of Health that you chunk off yourself is just way too high I don't like how much health it costs I mean I love the fact that the cool down is super low but like I just hate how much health it takes and it's like super lame cuz it shouldn't it's not even that much of a speed boost he's the only character that has a downside to his tactical until they do something about his stim taking too much of his health I do think it's a good movement option it's not one of the best and I think it's top of C tier I'm going to be real oh we got Revenant reborn I keep talking about how there are better movement options Revenant reborn is one of those better movement options you have the ability to either do a quick burst of movement a little quick burst like I just clicked it once look at that quick burst on a pretty okay cool down it's not that long and then you also have the ability to do an insane aain burst of movement you can charge it w and you can do that midf fight you can do that whenever you need to it's honestly such a great burst of movement and it's the reason why Revenant feels so fun to play right now and feels so good where does that put him though I would say that Revenant movement is just like a slightly worse version of Pathfinders movement so I do think it is eight here but just like right below Pathfinder I think that's a very safe spot to put Revenant reborns tactical next up we have horizon horizon busted tactical this tactical is better than some ultimates you have the ability to go pretty much like the highest in the game dude and the best part this is a team based game so not only does it help you go high up but your team can go high up it's insanely good it is probably one of if not the best tactical in the game so let's be honest here guys like you can heal on it you can shoot on it that's another thing too you get movement while being able to so shoot you get to like the highest point on almost every map it's crazy I think Horizon's ultimate could it be there's no way it's so early are you sure do you hear the angels do you hear them S Plus just like absurdly good tactical it's too good next up we have Valkyrie valkyrie's tactical is a bit underwhelming yes it has crazy range you can like do some Shenanigans with it like you can really land it and the Damage it's it's like it's fine it's like a worse grenade you know it's good in the end game though like it has its moments and it does create a little bit of space and I do love how much range it has but it's worse than close range I'd probably put valkyrie's tactical I think highy above octane it's not bad I just think that there's just better damaging tacticals and better spacing tacticals as well we're on to the Recon Legends our first Recon Legend Blood Hound everybody let's be honest scanning is cool scanning is busted scanning is useful for the whole team scanning is nuts it can help you through smokes it can help you through just chaos and clutter the scan is just so helpful for you and your whole team there's never a scenario where the scan is bad like it's just useful information and information is the key to success knowledge is power blood hounds tactical I'd put it above Bangalore in s tier we'd love to see it next up we have crypto man crypto's entire kit revolves on the drones so it's kind of hard to discuss it but basically his tattoo allows for him to throw the Drone and then you can hold down the Tactical to control the Drone so controlling a drone if I was a dummy and all I had was a drone that I can control no EMP or nothing it's definitely the second best scan in the game for crypto get value with the Drone you're going to either have to aim like the the Drone throw in a pretty good angle and it gets destroyed really easily or you have to control it like this and now you're not in the fight so there's just a lot of downsides to using the Drone probably just solid beads here I think that's a fair place to put crypto next up we have Sear they did Sear dirty Sear's tactical no longer stops revives which was like the main thing that made sear better than blood hound for a long time it does come out a little bit faster and it also technically has like a Sombra effect where it turns off their abilities this scan is just significantly worse than blood hounds because you have to aim it accurately where Blood Hound you can just Spam the scan and you'll get instant value for the team Sear's entire tactical requires a ton of aim if you just miss it you're just embarrassed you're just like H can't do anything about it you know you could straight up walk out of it pretty easily it's super avoidable that's the part that kind of sucks I'd say bottom Deeds here not completely F like I think if you can land it it has some parts of it that are decent but it's just so outclassed by every other scan I can't justifiably put it any higher than bottom of D on the next one Vantage Vantage is tactical get it it would be so much better if there wasn't this goofy windup like just let her jump it relies on you like calling like Echo first you're already kind of like behind you have to wait for this stupid bird to come in so if you want to go this way like I can't just go there immediately I have to wait for the echo to get there and then I have to wait for this cool down to to jump it's just the worst Revenant tactical Revenant can do that but instantaneously without having to wait so the fact that she has to wait for like Ekko to follow around is honestly like pretty disappointing about it Vantage probably like top of beat Tier it's still good movement but it's just 100% outclass by Revenant movement it just does the same thing you know next up we have have jalter AKA Gibby Gibby's tactical we know what this does it's a freaking bubble this bubble protects you from everything you can bubble dance you know the bubble dance where you like fight in and out of the bubble it's extremely versatile it's one of the best free covers in the game it's good for rotating it's good for being aggressive it has so much utility non-stop the bubble is pretty dope all my homies were bubble boys okay we're a bunch of bubble boys jalter honestly bottom of s tier I think bottom of s tier is fair that would be a nuts tactical to have next up we have Lifeline lifeline's tactical is the healing drone and the healing drone heals your health pretty damn fast I think it's really good because it allows for you to not have to carry a bunch of meds all the time I think the one thing that holds it back drastically is the fact that it's very immobile normally if I have to pop a battery or have to pop like anything I can still move a bit around normally you're not just standing still healing all the time sometimes you need to move and heal on the go so normally I'm able to like pop This Bat and keep going but look the moment I get a little bit too far from the Drone I can't heal so I I'm kind of forced to just kind of stick in in an area and most of the time this is a very mobile game this is a very fast-paced game anything that forces you to stay put is not a great tactical in the long run the lack of Mobility really does put it back a little bit so I'd probably put it like like a solid be tier Legend tactical I think that's fair next up we have Mirage you have a clone the clone's on a very short cooldown and you know you can control it you can just choose to shoot it out but in the year of our Lord and savior 2023 ain't nobody body falling for Mirage decoys man I mean like yes you'll fall for it but like the moment you shoot at it you're like moving on you're not like oh God like it's where's he at like you can you can usually keep track of the Mirage it's not that hard I mean let's be honest guys this the Clone has always been very underwhelming one of the cool Parts about it is that you can make it do funny stuff but it's one of the worst tacticals man and unlike Bangalore smokes or fuse tactical or Catalyst or costic or every other Legend you only get one at a time he would be significantly better if you can spam out like two different clones like boom boom boom I think you could straight up give him three clones and he wouldn't even be that good still they refuse to buff my boy Mirage cuz they hate him Mirage you're better than sear better than Ash D tier that's all I'm going to say Loba loba's bracelet I just feel like she should be able to throw it further look I can't even get to the top that sucks so it doesn't have any verticality really it has like a decent amount of verticality not that much thank God I can get up I couldn't even get up there I personally think Loba is very overrated a lot of people really like her I I could care less I think her tactical is so mid it has one of the biggest problems that no other tactical in this game really have you don't maintain your momentum I'm like sliding I'm on a run you look at that I'm like I was forced to like slow down there it sucks if you kept your momentum going into loba's tactical use it'd be so much better and so much more useful for different type of pushes and scenarios and on top of that you can't like shoot or anything too like other Legends can like shoot and stuff while moving like not Loba Loa has to wait Loa has to wait for that to come out where my I can't put my gun out I have to wait awful like B minus like low B Newcastle Newcastle has like a slightly worse Gibby bubble but also a slightly better one because you have the ability to control it then again it can also be destroyed but I think the fact that you can control it makes it super versatile unlock giy bubble in different scenarios this is what Lifeline drone wishes it could do dude why is Newcastle just better than lifeline and everything and it's on a pretty short cool down the moment it's over you only have to wait like 11 seconds and you can just whip it back out so if I was like a dummy and all I had was this like this protective shield I'd be pretty happy with it not as good as Gibby probably put it like high B tier like top of B tier it's better than lifelines up next our newest Legend conduit like midf fight I'm like running away I do this for like 2 seconds it's like I basically popped a battery while moving it's like Bunny Hop healing now I'm coming back and you thought like I thought I cracked you no you didn't I have full health again like that's that's nuts dude it's nuts and it heals not just you it's not selfish at all it heals you and it heals your teammates you could use it selfishly but eventually it will heal your teammates as long as it's like on its cool down thing which is like pretty sick it's a free Shield battery midf fight yes it eventually goes away but who cares you already won the fight conduit hot take s tier I think it's an S tier tactical I think it's so so damn good if I was a dummy with that it would be a good day now we're on to the controller Legends and the first one is costic costic traps they're good they're they're a little bit weaker now like they get destroyed a little bit easier than they used to but let's be honest guys I can block a door I can wait for you to come in and then pop in then you're going to die I can basically control the entirety of the inside of this building for free you you can put up to six Costa traps on the map which is a lot so you literally just can be like I'm never leaving this room gas gas gas I'm never leaving this room don't make you can't make me leave it's a little bit easy to deal with and it's only really good indoors like when you're in the open it's not as strong I would be remiss to put it anywhere below a tier so I'd probably put it like between Pathfinder Revenant and a tier pretty fair spot to put cosics traps cuz that tactical is nuts up next we have Watson Watson's fences are good traps but you know You' You' seem better I love that you can go pretty far with them now but they're so easy to destroy they're so easy to deal with and on top of that the coold down is like weirdly long for them I wanted to spam traps all the time that would make her a lot more versatile so just the traps by themselves they're pretty easy to avoid they're easy to destroy you're not really going to see people dying to traps no one's walking inocent going like oh I'm dying oh jeez no the traps like no one's ever doing that throughout this tier list we've seen significantly better tacticals and Watson's is a tad bit under underwhelming I'd probably put Watson high C tier like C+ please don't kill me Watson Mains please don't throw Nessie at me Watson Mains I'm sorry I'm sorry we're on to our last two legends first one is rampart Rampart has one of the coolest tacticals in the game free walls baby free walls these walls are so good not only do they provide cover and a one-way shooting Direction but this also amps up your damage like this is 14 that was 14 12 see look at that you can also put down a ton they're on an extremely short cool down I'm playing fortnite dude how do you stop this you can't it's my little Fortress you can't come in it it's mine I genuinely think that this is a very solid tactical below Pathfinder a tier Fair spot for Rampart our final Legend in this tier list we have Catalyst catalyst is pretty interesting trap it's not the strongest trap and it's pretty easy to destroy and avoid in some scenarios it can cover the right amount of space like if I was just like like chilling in here and say this is the only entry way if this was the only Entry Way like right here I could like fully heal they'd have to come in like shoot this first and then like try to kill me it requires the players to play a lot differently than they normally would you can only have two at a time but two is all you need man two is more than enough it does make it a little bit more versatile at holding down an area especially when you hold it indoors because when you hold it indoors you can do that or you can do it at an angle like this so if they're behind the door right now like ow ow ouchy ouchy they'll get damage so it's like really versatile in that way where does catalyst's tactical lie I genuinely think it's between costic and Watson and if Watson's in C tier and kic's an a tier I'd probably put Catalyst close to the top of B tier that is the Apex Legends tactical tier list I've done the ultimates I've done the tacticals now let me know in the comments down below if you want me to rank all the Legends passives let me know in the comments down below if you agree with my list or if you disagree with my list let me know which Legend you think I over ated or underrated I'm very interested to see what you have to say thank you so much for watching thank you so much for vibing and if this becomes a video play the outro [Music] now
Channel: Macro LIVE
Views: 114,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends tacticals tier list, tacticals tier list, best tactical, worst tactical, apex, apex legends, apex legends tier list, apex tier list, macro, the macro show, for noobs, makes no sense, apex legends funny moments, best legend, worst legend, ltm, revenant, wraith, pathfinder, octane, stim, conduit, season 19, new season, new legend, battle royale, multiplayer, funny moments, gameplay, bangalore, f tier, angels, ballistic, ash, titanfall, titanfall 2, tf2, titanfall 3, s tier
Id: Ja4ORW6AG9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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