Billionaire Wives - Documentary 2020

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billionaires they've got it all monumental properties playthings vast piles of disposable income so what could possibly go wrong when you're very wealthy you you have to choose your friends very carefully our people just after your money do they see the genuine person behind the wealth the problem for billionaires though is as old as the hills is it me she likes or is it my bulging wallet all you have to do to make millions overnight is marry a rich man and then divorce him and take his money money can't buy you love but it can help you hire a matchmaker membership fees range from approximately 15,000 up to 300,000 and a lawyer I said do you love her he said yes and I said do you trust her well he said let's just say there will be a prenup they have prenups they have mid nuts they have postmarks they have all it's all it's already all contractually arranged oh yes billionaire love and marriage goes together like divorce and disparage man will marry and they'll be taken to the cleaners and they marry again and be tamed don't even think about getting married - love is definitely possible if you are very very rich but not if you base your relationship on your status as a rich person love is a battlefield even for the mere mortal and the billionaire has so much more to lose London is billionaire central 105 of them called the UK home they can buy anything they want but the one thing they want for free can have a very high price tag that is to love and be loved choosing a partner is the riskiest investment they will ever make because the city streets are paved with gold diggers if you have something that other people want you will create atmosphere of envy and that's what they live with whose we or who isn't it's a nightmare because they can never really trust anybody they're always feeling that they might be exploited by gold diggers or people who don't think they're gold diggers but actually turn up to be gold diggers in the end 89 percent of those with a net worth of over 100 million pounds are men so the odds of success favor female gold diggers most of the overnight millionaires in the UK are women who married rich men and within five years you know walked away with 50 million men being men they are attracted to a good-looking girl for them it's equivalent to a woman having a particular designer luxury handbag you know they're if they're major accessory is what they have on their arm following a few top tips can make becoming a rich man's arm candy a piece of cake you do have to look good but less is more and to look elegant is more important and you just show it or you know have everything on display if you want to now you know a male super-rich man the first thing you do is you have to hook him on sex and when a man is absolutely deliriously you know sexually high he's unlikely to ask for any sort of financial arrangement because it might put you off sex immediately you do need to have a certain amount of intelligence so you do need to read the newspapers or keep up but at the same time don't keep giving your opinion always be a good listener because if you're a good listener and always agree to everything well you get on a lot better with men I find rather than having a two-way dialogue conversation flirting thinking how they can make the other person feel good they're often only able to talk about themselves there's one way the super-rich man can guarantee a beautiful woman will hang on his every word reward her there are plenty of websites designed to help you can have all the money in the world but if you don't have anyone to share it with what's the use you use seeking arrangement for the billionaire's all you've got to do is click a couple of buttons and voila you've got your ideal woman seeking arrangement is one website that offers to bring together 700,000 sugar daddies and 2.6 million sugar babies Oh sugar daddy is usually an older man who works as a CEO executive clearly has additional income to spend on a relationship and a sugar baby is usually a young ambitious woman who is looking for financial assistance or nice gifts from a man to kind of advance herself to afford herself the same lifestyle that he has the guys on these sites are very worldly you know they've traveled I don't think I'm asking for too much a hundred thousand minimum I'm fed up with this ground young men and the layabouts and the guys that were really not ambitious former sugar baby Helen Croydon used seeking arrangement for three years there's a tacit agreement here that it is the girl who's going to slot into the man's busy life they can say things such as you know I only want to see you during the weekends which i think is a very honest way of saying I haven't got the time or the emotional capacity to invest in a full-time conventional sort of relationship lot of the guys will offer you know luxury gifts a perfume or designer handbags could be shopping trips and help help with your rents as well the nicest gift I received and has to be this Cartier diamond ring but presents from super rich men can shift to cold cash I remember there was one man and it always insists on buying me something fabulous and I didn't really need anything more and I'd always go and take it back and then just keep the money I'm having he eventually realized I did this and he said oh god why did we say I'll just give you the money the form of financial assistance usually comes in a monthly allowance and the average monthly allowance is about three thousand pounds one day I did accept cash and you know two years actually of me questioning the morals of that and thinking oh my gosh girls like me don't do this has been quick to judge these relationships and say that oh well all these billionaires are just paying for high-class prostitutes for an escort you pay them to leave for sugar baby you're paying them to stay but our sugar baby is just expensive arm candy or is the more involved in keeping a rich man sweet I think just like anyone else they had a need a little romantic need to spend some intimate time with one person sex is part of that it's not about having sex with somebody and getting paid for it it's about providing a certain relationship and having the chance to share their wealth it was one man who I had dinner with once and he said that the reason he had these sorts of compensation relationships was because it was cheaper than getting wife coming up so nice to meet you how the services of a matchmaker can save the billionaire bacon if you're sitting across the room from a gold-digger trust me they tell you that they want a man with money so it's very easy for us to screen how it gold diggers and just married subject to contract of course for the super-rich it can be incredibly important to have a prenup it's not exactly Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers romance time we're talking serious legal agreements it's the one thing that makes you feel absolutely sure that your being married for love thank you billionaires can buy pretty much anything they want except the big one true love yes gold diggers and sugar babies flocked to date them expecting their gift and hoping to marry them perhaps but real love is elusive it's no wonder that some billionaires are prepared to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on the services of matchmakers to keep ne'er-do-wells at arm's length if you're sitting across the room from a gold-digger trust me they tell you that they want a man with money so it's very easy for us to screen out gold diggers based in San Francisco CEO amber Kelleher and her team helped the super-rich both men and women stay safe while searching for love they can't go online because once you put who you really are you can be searched immediately you can go on to Google you can find out someone's income to not work with a professional matchmaker is is it's it's a no-brainer we have two new holy clients that are on hold together and exploring a relationship so the billion dollar question how much does it cost to keep gold diggers at bay the membership fees range from approximately 15,000 up to three hundred thousand it depends on how many offices you want working for you how many countries you want we have ten thousand on average people apply per year and we work with 200 of them we have a phenomenal woman that's come on board she was referred by one of our most important relationships Amber's small carefully selected client base has equal numbers of men and women but although women make up just 10% of the global super-rich they represent 80% of those applying to be taken on by Amber that could be very shocking maybe for people to hear you think my goodness don't you work for all the wealthy men we would if they were smart enough to call us but this is Carolina and how do you how do you pronounce your last name so that I don't complicated Karolina so Jack what are two things that you can share with us that you're excited about Carolina is a former professional tennis player who started a couple of businesses and then invested very wisely sometimes I'm wondering if the men that I'm dating are more interested in you know what I'm worth or some of the contacts that I may have you know there's always that wonder if they're interested in you for the right reasons it may be deemed socially acceptable for a super rich man to marry a beautiful younger and poor a woman but it's not for a super rich woman to do the same so the Pugh potential partners is significantly reduced is it that we know the gentleman first it appeals to you or just the fact that maybe you're no longer in charge of your dating life and we're taking over Carolina is joining an elite matchmaking Club that's even more exclusive well we have what's called the CEO Club and just ten people per year are able to become part of this elite group and they pay a hundred and fifty thousand to be part of the group and then there's a success fee that matches that 43 year old David Boyer is someone amber is thinking about inviting into the CEO Club he made his millions working for McKinsey and eBay so nice to meet you now with great financial stability he's looking for a long-term laughs well clearly I'm looking for somebody who's fine and funny and attractive and intelligent and who when I talked to them actually they get a sparkle in their eye it's it's the best friend that I'm looking for the wing tip an exclusive social club with a boutique attached is just one place amber takes her top clients well if you're an elite client and you join the CEO club or I personally work with you I'll be at the TED conference I will be at Sundance I will be having private events on Necker Island I am always looking for that special someone that could be a perfect match for my client and the client determines what the level of success is it's not just necessarily about that marriage certificate billionaire means riding off into the sunset with the one the first making sure the paperwork's in place before any peeling of wedding bells all you have to do to make millions overnight is marry a rich man and then divorce him and take his money I think the advice that I would give to somebody who is spectacularly wealthy who's living here is don't even think about getting married vulnerable divorce lawyer Raymond tooth known as jaws fights for the wives of the rich and famous I say this and I hope I don't get any hate mail the fact is that the best career for a woman is to marry the wealthy man without a prenup I mean there was a famous case where a man was worth of about 20 odd million managed last three years no children she came into it with nothing and ended up with five million quid five million quid tax-free billionaires who want to avoid being the get-rich-quick scheme for prospective wife or husband need a prenuptial contract a legal agreement that determines how the wealth will be divided if the marriage goes to popped they're also handy for preventing arguments about which partner gets to keep tricky woo and in one case even dictated the final destination of a taxidermied horse for the super-rich it can be incredibly important to have a prenup because it's the one thing that makes you feel absolutely sure that you're being married for love I serve our dag is a top lawyer known as the diva of divorce in 2010 she won a landmark case that strengthened UK prenups and brought them inline with Europe and the rest of the world so as she marries for the second time she's practicing what she preaches the happy couple have already gifted themselves a prima you both wanted to organize our Affairs through that in the event that we passed it what we had built up beforehand was safeguarded for our children from our previous lives like all blushing brides and grooms their wedding day is a celebration of pure and undeniable love and there's a lawyer's flourish to to be really really sure their prenup is watertight they are signing it posting up in front of all their guests there are lots of things that people didn't want to talk about money they didn't want to talk about problems they want to sweep lots of things under the carpet having gone through and dealt with all of that we felt made our marriage much stronger thank you so that was why we have the year the postnup then and there along with the the cake really to celebrate the fact that our marriage was very much a partnership of equals but when it's not a marriage of equals prenups can have a nasty habit of accelerating divorce if you start analyzing what is going to happen when your marriage breaks down you kind of almost inject into your marriage a kind of death wish I had a client recently he's met a younger woman he's been divorced I said do you love her he said yes and I said do you trust her well he said let's just say there will be a prenup so you have all the lawyers come in already before you've even started the relationship dividing out who would have what and you're only getting this so you know if you do this if you're unfaithful you're not going to get it you know it is all mapped out before and I just think that if they go to romance now the windows in the billionaire world hanging on to your riches often means jettisoning the chance of romance not for American comic Roseanne Barr she was so in love with Tom Arnold before their 1990 wedding that she fired her attorney for suggesting she sign a prenup when the couple divorced four years later Arnold left with 50 million dollars but if love doesn't last forever neither it seems the prenups General Electric CEO Jack Welch's prenup had a sunset clause which meant that after 10 years the prenup was invalid as soon as this clause came into effect his wife Jane took off with 150 million dollars but most of the time with a prenup in hand the billionaire is reasonably safe to put a ring on his fiance's finger without chancing his arm coming up the breathtaking weddings of the super-rich there was a wedding recently where the total dress fit was 16 million pounds few weeks ago we did a wedding where 450 guests the bride wanted 13 wedding cakes and the heart come down as the reality of being married to the hyper wealthy takes hold what I usually see is that nobody is good enough things are not perfect enough and the amount of unfaithfulness not just by men by women is extraordinary if a billionaire believes they finally found a trustworthy mate it's time to show off their success with an extremely extravagant wedding but impressing your billionaire peers can be hard work we have Brides now wanting to get married at the top of a volcano and actually flying their guests up there or getting married on a glacier and actually getting their guests transported by private jet to glass ears there's almost this one upmanship that's going on was pretty much nowhere left where somebody hasn't got married I've ever heard of a bride recently they literally hide the whole nervous I for the weekend the Vatican all the famous museums on top of mountains you know everywhere has been done brian recommends couples put aside a year for their wedding preparations time to safely complete 44 key tasks for the super-rich there is almost no end to the demands one wedding that I heard of recently which I thought was absolutely phenomenal was they actually installed a perspex layer into a lake so all the guests could actually walk on water we might get a request for something slightly different like an entire orchestra for example or a ballet for example which has happened on two or three occasions you have everything from elephants to flamingos to penguins and I've heard of a wedding recently where they literally dressed up a troupe of horses as unicorns sometimes it's about holding people back you know it's not appropriate to arrive on an elephant in the middle of London the biggest show of all is the wedding dress there was a wedding recently where the bride herself and all her bridesmaids all farrowing bespoke and the total dress bill was 16 million pounds as the average price of a London home is half a million pounds these dresses would buy 32 addresses in the capital the super-rich certainly have their cake and eat it I think one of the most incredible cakes I've ever made was an 18 tier cake the cake ended up being about eight foot tall it had about 10,000 sugar flowers on it so and that involved um six people working constantly on that cake for a month the most expensive cake we have ever commissioned cost us nearly 46,000 pounds may need to do with the fact that we flew the cake maker and to another part of the world we've certainly used edible 24 karat gold a number of times on our cakes it really doesn't taste of anything and it's just very decadent I think it's the the sheer opulence of it the fact that you can eat gold so cakes are worth their weight in gold but they're cheap compared to the cost of hiring a platinum selling superstar Enrique Iglesias for example we were asked to get him on a Monday for a wedding on a Friday I heard recently that Michael Buble played at the wedding for a million pounds the demand for these for these performers has gone up their price has gone up so it's now stratospheric money and then when they turn up they're not going to do two outs they're gonna do 20 minutes it's hard work being a guest at a super rich wedding now there are weddings that are lasting HD 7 to 10 days for involving you thousands and thousands of guests several feasting those can be quite challenging because the man's they can be quite tiring for guests because eating fabulous food and gorgeous champagnes and eating lots of seafood and caviar it can get quite weary for people but there are rich pickings to perk up the guests who can expect a little more than sugared almonds there was a groom and bride who wanted to do an amazing gift and they gave each one of them a Rolex watch and so the Rolex watch was incorporated into each of the bouquets were these 500 female guests I think the most opulent or extravagant gift we've ever seen given was a small wedding for a group of Asians 22 of them I think and they were all given the keys to a car 18 thousand pounds is the cost of an average British wedding for billionaires that could be the cost of just one goodie bag I think you could take the Kim Kardashian wedding and actually triple that times it by 10 and I think even still not get anywhere close to what the super-rich are doing right now Kim Kardashian's wedding to Kanye West is estimated to have cost 10 million dollars it would have taken eight of these to add up to the most expensive wedding of all time as far back as 2004 Vanisha Mittal and Armit Bhatia managed to spend 78 million dollars twelve Boeing Jets were hired to fly guests from India to France festivities went on for six days but after less than 10 years together they separated a result that wouldn't surprise the researchers who in a recent survey of three thousand couples found that the more spent on a wedding the greater the chance of divorce money makes life easy being ultra rich I don't really know how easy that is I'd like to see how long those relationships last a dream wedding becomes a nightmare marriage especially fast for the bride who discovers her groom is not the man she thought he was a couple were set up and she went and googled him and basically saw Slough businesses net worths Rich List and I said okay great anyway they were married it was an American you know a couple of weeks anyway turned out that she'd googled the wrong person and that there was another person with exactly the same name who did exactly the same there was a very very common name and time she found out that she'd married the wrong guy she was married here that marries in that's very long problem to a successful fortune hunter may want an early return on their investment in in a relationship of billionaires obviously all the hard work happens before the marriage now in ordinary marriages the relationship that the courting is the fun bit you're in love you're having a great time the work comes in when you're getting married what I think is different amongst the billionaires and the super-rich marriages is that that's when you stop working you've got the bank account if you walk away from the marriage you've got what you wanted if you didn't want the man in the first place why invest any work into the relationship even the wives who married for love do well to live happily ever after sometimes they'll discover their prince has turned into a despot if you have financial wealth you can really get into things having to be a certain way there's that old saying he who has the gold makes the rules they can't understand that's the we might give them about a pound real say you can't do this and what you mean you can't dislike it I do anything I want is the price you know I am massive universe when they're in the office somebody thinks they're wonderful when they go home you know what I think they're just the same as they always were the media crews all the rest of us I've seen such something narcissism amongst very rich men that they do actually believe that they are fascinating and as my husband often says you know the richer the person the more they think their their opinions are valid the men that I've coached they are people who are have everyone say yes to them so I might just want to go hunting and shooting today women have to fall into line they expect you to be like add-ons to their lifestyle so they're there when they want them and they're not there when they don't want them at first wealthy wives are happy to take a back seat if they've got a chauffeur in the front but the joys of luxury living have their limits if you have everything you have housekeepers you have nannies you have dog walkers you have personal trainers and what do you do all day long the women get to know how to amuse themselves with shopping spa treatments surgery holidays girls night outs all the things that women might like to do women are not as happily employed during the day as they think they will be just by having access to these huge resources and houses and and holidays and all the rest of it they're not in themselves the answer to the human beings deepest longings one American survey found that men with an income of over $300,000 would 10% more unfaithful than those earning less than $35,000 so many a wealthy wife will spend her time and his money trying to postpone their sell-by date the women know that their job is to be entertaining and to look fabulous all the time hence the rise in surgery so as you get older you're an aging model so hence you get the kind of wind tunnel effect it's start happening and eventually that runs out and then they get a new model and the amount of unfaithfulness not just by men but by women is extraordinary you have to take a lot if you're the wife of somebody very much powerful because you know he might have mistresses and you have to be very cool about that there's so much sex around you I mean it's it's a completely different world 42% of ultra high-net-worth men will divorce so there's almost a one in two chance of success there isn't that real attempt to be faithful and to try to do the best they have an argument Rhys I get divorce it it's it's a very sad action be honest what I usually see is that nobody is good enough things are not perfect enough and I often feel like wow you know it seems like if you had been assertive and talked about it that it's perhaps something that could have been worked out the fact the matter is that people do not make enough effort to save their marriages if there are no financial consequences to leaving that relationship then you live coming up when marriage breaks down and there's no prenup divorce is the quickest way for the super-rich to lose a fortune people are going to fight a lot harder over a hundred million dollars than they are going to fight over a thousand dollars the long-term consequences of going through these very high conflict divorce is should not be underestimated and one super rich divorcee counts the cost I think our marriage was a mistake and I think we should have realized sooner than later huge money makes it hard for billionaire to find the perfect partner but easy to get rid of an imperfect wife you're really rich is that bang bang bang it says they can divorce like that they have prenups they have mid nuts they have post nuts they have all it's all it's already all contractually arranged they're just when when the rift happens it can be executed quite fast without a legal agreement divorce is very bad news for billionaire bank accounts the wealth itself amplifies the problems I mean people are going to fight a lot harder over a hundred million dollars than they are going to fight over a thousand dollars london's divorce courts used to favor billionaires awards were according to need not about equal division of assets then there was this massive sea change in 2000 when white and white went to the House of Lords which is now the Supreme Court and the judges made it very clear no distinction between homemaker and breadwinner and the starting point for division of assets would be 5050 at the same time as that happened we had a complete explosion in the wealth of London bankers hedge fund managers insurance lawyers accountants and all the canopy that goes with it making huge amounts of money miles miles more than they used to make the wives of the super-rich and their lawyers were the new winners as London became the divorce capital of the world there was a sense that people were just sort of staying married as passengers and they might be lunching out and spending their days having tennis coaches and having their children cared for wall-to-wall by nannies and then they sort of go off with some dashing young lover and take half of the fortune one billionaire loser is Bernie Eccleston CEO of the Formula One group his strong views on the Equality of women became clear in 2005 when he said in relation to IndyCar racer Danica Patrick you know I've got one of those wonderful ideas women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances for years later in 2009 the British courts valued Slavic I his wife of 23 years rather more highly and awarded her 2.4 billion pounds around half of Bernie's estimated fortune such a watering Awards encourage discontented wives the world over to flock to London there are countries where if the case is heard at home they'll get nothing a wife will get nothing the consequences for a wife who gets divorced in in a Muslim country usually is that she gets nothing or virtually nothing so there's a huge stake so far as she's concerned in getting a case heard here to have their divorce case is heard in the UK foreign wives need to prove their British credentials specific instances that I've seen have included you know ladies who don't speak English buying theater tickets to you know English language production sending children under the age of 10 to learn how to ride polo ponies to study a fourteen-year-old with summer flying lessons and sorry you know in order to translate here these children are becoming more English than the English when former Malaysian beauty queen Pauline chai was divorcing the multi-millionaire chairman of Laura Ashley she claimed that keeping more than 1,000 pairs of shoes in her heart for Jura state proof the UK was her permanent home but becoming British does not always mean playing with a straight bat I heard a great story of a friend married to a super-rich Russian mogul and their marriage was coming to an end but she was a bit savvy about the English court system so she went and hired every single divorce lawyer in the UK including Fiona Shackleton and analysis and basically put them on retainer when you put a lawyer on retainer he is not allowed or she is not allowed to act for the other side so by that's kind of fairly dim-witted husband talk about that hiring her lawyer there were none left in England anyway she walked out with one of the best divorce packages I've ever seen and super-rich men have a divorce tactic of their very own most of the super-rich become very unsupervised you will find people who were you know steel industrialists or now they become schoolteachers overnight and you become a schoolteacher for the entire year you're getting divorced and then you go back to being a steel magnate so when you're divorcing you only have ten thousand pounds salary and that's that's the the new trick not hiding your wealth under a bushel results in astonishing divorce payouts the top payout of all time was in 2014 Elena River lovely / wife of Russian fertilizer king Dmitri reaped a bumper harvest of 4.8 billion dollars more than half of his estimated fortune of 8.8 billion but coming up on the inside crack to smash this record is a divorce payout that means oil tycoon Harold Hamm is lining up to be the billionaire with the biggest Ward to lose he's worth 20 point 2 billion and so even if his wife Sue is awarded only a quarter of his fortune she'll become the richest divorcée of all time they become on both sides utterly obsessed with the resultant winning even if they're going to end up with a lot anyway not getting the last few million women may be entitled to half their husband's money but how much is he really worth if somebody is absolutely determined to have assets all over the world in a network of companies and trusts it's gonna be very hard to find them in July 2010 there was a court decision that made this even harder Lisa Cheng s was born in Tehran and arrived in London when she was 13 she has always been surrounded by wealth you know this world is very colorful it's very attractive so it's it's very easy for a beautiful girl to want to be a part of it in 2001 on the super rich party circuit she met Vivian immerman he was a food and drinks magnate known as the man from Del Monte he sold his stake in the fruit giant for three hundred and eighty million pounds in 1999 and two years later he became Lisa's second husband so it was very quick it was very quick we didn't really have time to get to know each other it's a glamorous world it's easy to like it and love it but you're not actually loving the person you're loving the what comes with it after living together in London for seven years the couple separated I think our marriage was a mistake and I think we should have realized sooner than later there's a lot more ties between the father and his ex family so one day I guess he must have woken up and thought I want to go back home I didn't feel like home to him Lisa's marriage finally broke down in 2008 her brothers became her main source of support mr. Behrman shared an office with the Chaney's brothers they took view that they would see whether they could find on his computer evidence that he had more money than he was claiming during the process of the divorce they went about getting access to his computer improperly and downloading everything on it masses of documents it wasn't one little bank account it was everything Lisa changies brothers were alleged by mr. emmer man to have removed between two hundred and fifty thousand and two and a half million pages of documents which they then handed on to lawyers for use in the family proceedings while Lisa sued for 120 million pounds Vivian emam encounter sued for breach of confidence the Court of Appeal were dealing with the most spectacular example of self-help that I think it's possible to ever imagine and they said quite simply and very boldly no not in our courts so it has become far more difficult I think for wives to quietly but properly to have a look at their husband's documents behind their back wives had to be far more careful than they used to be Lisa still had a luxurious lifestyle and so she decided to settle for 15 million pounds it had been a five-year legal fight and now with a new partner she knows what it takes to live happily ever after marry for love not for money that's really really best advice I can give for the super-rich like the rest of us there are no real winners in divorce the long-term consequences of going through these very high conflict divorce --is should not be underestimated and super-rich men rarely learn from past mistakes they're reluctant to let go of the arm Candide the trophy wife concept and we see the super-rich coming to us maybe having been divorced six or seven times and yet again wanting a cloned the previous relationship I always find it quite curious somebody a man will marry and then be taken to the cleaners and then marry again and be taken to the it's just I suppose every time they think this time it will work the ideal partner that you're looking for because of the money that you've got is gonna make it more difficult for you to actually live a normal natural life there are always going to be attractive people making themselves available to you if you're very rich with so many temptations to overcome can the super-rich ever find true love true love is definitely possible if you're very very rich but not if you base your relationship on your status as a rich person
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Views: 2,194,068
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Keywords: stocks, gold, trader, warren buffet, million dollar traders, traders by the millions, market, trading, analysis, stock, technical, investment, futures, options, finance, markets, news, euro, financial, bloomberg, system, stock market, hedge fund, education, dow, business, charts, billionaire wives, happy, music, secrets, millionaire, billionaire, richest, world, top 10, top 50, sugar daddy, crypto, bitcoin, rich list, super rich, life hack, trillionaire, custom, mid term, new, 2020, documentaries, facts, life
Id: 6d-rkoW4COE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2016
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