Life Messages Interview // The Generals // Pastors Brenda & Tommy Todd

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[Applause] well hello hello transformation church yes yes yes we are so glad we are so glad we are so glad that you are here today that you took time to join us on wednesday night we're here and i am here with the generals tonight [Applause] pastor tommy todd aka man of god aka the captain is here with us and pastor brenda todd the amazing pastor brenda todd we are so glad that you're here tonight this is going to be a fun night yes it is it's going to be so good if you're just joining us uh my name is charles and we are so excited for tonight we're so excited because we have an opportunity to live out the word of god and anytime we get to do that it's such an honor and so powerful to not do things that are our ideas but that are literally the word of god and the bible says that one generation will declare the mighty acts of god to another generation yes and pastor michael he knew as we were talking about the beginning of this year in the sermon series he was like charles we have to take time to do a series where we learn from the lives of people that aren't still trying to figure this thing out that aren't still trying to prove like maybe this concept works but there are things that by the grace of god he has developed in them and they can stand on the word of god knowing that god is real that he still does miracles that he moves and uh pastor tommy brenda we're so glad and i'm so honored just to sit down and talk to you and learn from you today and uh if you're just joining us we want to welcome you today um at transformation church our vision why we exist is to represent god to the lost and found for one reason and that's transformation in christ it's our prayer today is that your life will be transformed as we take time to sit down and have a conversation around uh really life messages for you guys things that god has developed in you and so um i want to jump right in are you guys ready yeah all right so um you both earlier so we're gonna have a conversation but you guys actually both preached sermons that were amazing by the way they were both so amazing pastor tommy you talked about three eternal anchors it only makes sense that the captain would talk about the anchors you'll say our word of the year is anchored three eternal anchors and pastor brenda your sermon was called i can't give up now when we started talking about this idea of really passing on lessons from your legacy i would love to hear from both of you why did you choose the topics that you chose what we're about there was you could have preached on anything anything that you say i want to if there's anything i want to give to somebody this would be it what was it about those specific topics that made you say this is what i want to talk about well from the very beginning when you asked um you know when you gave us the idea and what we were to talk about i never wavered on the fact that i wanted to talk about being persistent in and not giving up because that's been my life story having six men around me and and standing with churches and people and and all of that what has made the difference in my life and in the life of others is to not stop yep i can't give up come on it doesn't matter how many years it's been how many months it's been in order to win especially if you know what god word has to say about something when you know that yeah and you have not seen it yet you don't stop until you realize that that's what god said ma'am yes ma'am he's going pastor tommy what was it about the three eternal anchors for you that made you choose that topic well the first thing i want to say is that they're eternal so they're going to last long after we've gone that's good and the thing that we want to leave with people things that are going to have longevity and those three things will help you throughout your life and for me the reason i chose faith hope and love is because they're so vitally important to the way i live my life and faith especially because that's been my message from the womb because the doctor gave my mother a report that you have twins but one of them is not going to make it wow and it's probably going to be the smaller one and my sister was larger than i was so he was talking about me but my mother said no if we're going to risk our life then all of us are going to die wow or all of us are going to live wow and so the reason that i talk about faith is because she had faith enough to say i'm not going to choose one or the other we're all going to come so it was a walk of faith from the womb so the seed of faith has been in me from come on well that's what i love in in even pastor tim last week he talks about the fact that god's a generational god yes and those are things that i think is so important even from my generation that sometimes can think we just got here by ourselves or we're the first ones to ever do anything but god says no the things i've done years before you can learn those lessons and you don't have to lift i heard somebody say there are two ways to learn you can live through it or you can learn from someone who's lived through it and uh going through it is the is the not the good way like you'd rather learn from someone else and so i just think uh today is so important and even no matter where you are where you're watching from i really want to challenge you to lean into this moment and take notes and and and really uh see what is it specifically that i need for where i am we're sitting here with people that have lived they've seen god move they've had victories they've had defeats they're not talking from a place if our life has been perfect they're not talking from we our life has been easy but they've seen god be faithful in their lives and so this is opportunity for all of us to lean into these and so uh i want to jump right in i want to jump right in pastor thomas you talked about three eternal anchors faith hope and love and the first one you talked about was faith and uh you talked about this concept of god has given each one of us a measure of faith i want to play this clip real quick and then we're going to have a conversation about it check this out you know jesus said if you have faith as a greater mustard seed you can say to this mountain be thy removed so whether faith moves mountains or you have faith to give a person a glass of water we have to know that you have to act upon it you can't just say i have faith faith without acts is dead so how much faith do i have well it really isn't an issue about how much faith you have if you exercise the faith that you have god has given all of us a measure of faith you have to use that measure so what is the measure that he's given you he has given you the measure that he felt that you needed to accomplish the things that he's called you to do come on that is so good that is so good that is i think that's so important because sometimes i know even my own life i can look at certain people even as pastor michael think wow they have so much faith and if i had more faith then i could do something but you said it's just important to use the faith that you have right how do people and how have you in your life learn to not um compare your faith to other people but realize this is the measure god has given me and i'm going to use the measure that i have how have you learned to do that in your life well one of the key things that you have to do is not compare yourself to other people you know the bible says god has given each of us a measure of faith and he has given us gifts as the holy spirit saw fit the holy spirit knows what you're going to do in your life wow he knows what you need to accomplish in your life the things that are your purpose or your destiny so what we have to always remember is whatever god gave you is enough that's good whatever he gives you if it comes from him yeah he knows it's enough it's just like a baby when you're feeding a baby he may not want to stop eating but you know when he's had enough wow so you stop giving him that's the food it's good to him but you don't want him to get sick and you don't want something to happen to him so you just give him what he needs for the time frame that he's in right now so when you grow older yeah you don't eat the same amount as when you were a baby yeah you require more so as you grow in your faith you require more that is so good i just i love pasta because that's how you're just talking and dropping bombs like you know i'm saying it's like so we just so when i try to bubbles i gotta talk louder you're just like yeah these are all good so with with the measure of faith one of the things you said is you you can't just say you have faith but you have to use your faith what do you feel like maybe keeps people or even maybe a story you that has um kept you from being able to move in that faith what do you feel like are some things that you've seen stop people in their walk of faith of not using what they had right in front of them well the the number one thing is fear fear of failure i see the thing that you have to always realize it with god it's not a failure or a loss it's a lesson that you're going to learn when you do something and it doesn't give you the expected outcome you don't say well i failed at that no it's you go back to the drawing board how many times did thomas edison try to perfect the light bulb well yeah he kept going back and back how many times did abraham lincoln tried to run for political office he kept going back and back and back so each time you do something each time you use your faith you're accomplishing something because every time you use it you're getting stronger that's good you're getting stronger you're exercising your faith so you have to continue to use your faith and not let fear stop you because you think that it won't happen yeah that's so good that's so good i don't know some of you that that is the portion that you need to understand is is again from pastor tommy is being able to use what you have in front of me and take action on the things that god have put in front of you and you mentioned it pastor tommy and this is just a perfect subway into your message pastor brenda your message title was i can't give up now i cannot give up now and you you told a story of chris paul who is if you don't know he's in the nba right now and he's in the finals and share a little bit of what you just shared on the story and the journey of chris paul that you found out um and kind of how it sparked your your sermon title well you know i found that he had been playing of course in nba for years and um as a matter of fact i think it was 17 you can look up the fancy i know y'all be looking stuff and um and for 17 and on the very day that he was being traded um and in which everybody thought for the last time wow yeah was the day yeah that he heard mary mary sing this song i just can't give up now come on come on here and when he heard it it sparked faith in him my i've been here for 17 years yes i believe to get in the playoff it hadn't happened yet and that's what you have to have on the inside of you hadn't happened yet because i haven't gotten married yet i haven't got healed yet i don't have my house yet yeah he had to have a yet come on not uh it's over everybody else may try to pronounce to you that it's over but you got to know within yourself lord i don't know why i can't just talk it out but you got to know within yourself that it hadn't happened yet but oh i'm not dead yet and as long as i got breath in my body there is still opportunity come on and within him he said oh there's still opportunity that i can get in the playoffs and sure enough he's there come on glory listen i want you to check out this clip right now for pastor brenda i can't give up now check this out somebody say life somebody say abundant life because that's what god wants he wants us to live life and life abundantly but the one thing that i am aware of is that there is always a real devil and if you know me you know i don't like him first off because you don't like me and then i don't like him because he's always trying to hurt somebody he's always trying to get people to give up he's always trying to get people to throw in the towel but once again baby if you've thrown in the towel today i want you to act like come on you're reaching in and you pulling the towel out oh you need to say i'm not giving up i'm not throwing in the towel i'm not going to quit uh my god if you're sitting on your couch right now you're by your husband your children say we can't quit we can't quit we can't give up now i can't give up now one of the things you said you said if there's anybody watching who feels like you've thrown into town no doubt there are people right now who are watching where whether in their marriage whether in their finances maybe their health maybe on their children they might have thrown in the towel yes pastor brenda what how do you get the energy the faith too because there are some people that maybe they throw in town because they've just felt tired they've been waiting a long time or they feel like i thought it was gonna go differently or i shouldn't i should be here by now but maybe they find themselves in a place where they feel like they've thrown in the towel and you you're again you're passing on the message of persistence and not giving up what would you say to that person on how do they pick that towel back up one of the things that let me tell you what i do because there are times i feel like throwing in the towel come on and the bible says and tell me in his message talks about faith faith comes by hearing what god has said and so what you have to do is is feed your faith that's good sometimes our faith is real hungry because at that time that we've thrown in the towel that means that we have not fed ourselves concerning what it is that we're believing for if it's for healing feed your feed yourself some healing scriptures if if his finances is funny come on here you have to believe that god said i'll supply all of your needs according to how rich i am so for very very um straight to the point i begin to feed my faith again that's the number one thing that you need to do because then what it does is it causes that muscle that pastor tommy talked about earlier to get a little stronger yeah and after a while you keep on feeding day by day you go to sleep on the word come on come on here and after a while you will find out wait just a minute death come on i am not gonna i'm not gonna give up on my child oh come on i'm not gonna give up on what god said to me even though it may have been 20 years ago wow i'm still here yeah don't read to god so you have to feed your faith that is so that's so good um one of the things that i think is so important if i've experienced and even through pastor michael and pastor brie and the team here is the importance of community when you're feeding your faith like talk to me a little bit i'd love to hear from both of you about the importance of having people around you that when you feel like i'm too tired to feed myself like there have been moments where i feel like i just don't know if i can and they're like they're feeding me they're feeding me their own fat like talk to me about the importance of having people around you that can help feed you okay that is very good in terms of when you have people around you that um and you need to have friends that you know go to god because sometimes you know the bible says here it is very clearly when one is in a ditch yeah another one can reach down and pick them up yeah but sometimes it's the other one that's in the ditch you may be in the ditch and you can pick somebody up so having community is vitally important and even when i and and then for those that say well i may not have community um it's something that is called social media or you go on youtube and there's a big community right there where you can punch in i need some faith i'm about to give up yeah and i'm saying i'm telling you i don't just feed on one person i feed on people that that specialize in in various areas you understand what i'm saying because all the time you don't have people at your house yeah at 2 a.m in the morning come on now but you can pick up somebody that said i'll stir you up and so you find those people in advance that stir your faith and so that's another way also so good what about for you pastor tommy well i mean for me it's about relationship with people you got to have the right relationships in your life because you can have people around you but they can say that they're with you but they're not with you and you have to develop relationships just quiet husbands and wives it's so important that they talk to one another and they build their relationship because when brenda is weak you may not know it but i know it when i'm weak others may not know it but she knows it so we've been intimate with each other long enough to know by just looking at one another when we need to stand in the gap for the other person so you got to make sure you know relationship you know i was thinking about this god could have just been a one being but he had the father the son and the holy spirit because each one of them had different responsibilities in his overall plan for humanity so you need to have people in your sphere that can address different areas in your life not just only marriage relationships but business relationships not only business relationships but family extended family relationships so people can help you and they care about you when you're in a situation that you need their help so you've got to always have solid relationships in your life that's so good that is so good one of the things pastor tommy you talked about uh and i had never heard this before you talked about the difference between two words in the dictionary a believer and a beliar and uh this this one got me is i wasn't ready for this one i want you to check out this clip right now on belief and belie check this out i have a question for you if you look up belief in the bible write before believe is the word be lie b b-e-l-i-e and i have a question today for you are you a believer or are you a liar [Music] [Applause] now you have to understand that they that come to god as i said must first believe so either you believe or you don't believe so what the word bella means is to show something to be false [Music] you know jesus said don't let your hearts be troubled believe in god believe also in me trust in god trust also in me believe and belie believe and belie one of the definitions that said on the end of that is that to misrepresent to misrepresent to misrepresent you know we hear reaper anything we're like what is that like and you talked to me about you kind of started tying that into the vision of our church and and how your belief or belie play into our ability to do that right uh in all of our lives we have a choice to be totally committed to what we believe in and to represent that every day of our life no matter what we do you know uh the bible says that character is not what you do when people are looking at you but what you do when people aren't looking at you and so many people they are one way and they want you to believe that but in actuality they don't really feel that way so they are being um i call a false witness you know you can be you can be a false witness we think false witness is a one thing yeah but you can be a false witness just by saying i i'm a transformation nation person but you don't follow the culture code wow you don't follow the uh dictates or the vision that we have you can be a false witness so actually you are lying to all those that are watching your lifestyle wow but god wants us to believe him and to represent him so everything that you do you have to put in motion those things that are the character of christ and the essence of who god is in your life the devil wants you to the bible says that he is the father of lies and when i looked up that word belief and i saw up above it be lie and it means uh to be uh not representative of what you st of the standards or the faith that you believe in a lot of us walk around and we say one thing but we aren't believers we actually be liars because we aren't letting our life speak the bible says you are a living epistle read of men wow so people are watching what you say or they're listening to what you say but more importantly they're watching how you live because your life speaks louder than the words that come out of your mind that is so good that is so good i think it's it's so important because uh you know even in in being in faith and following god some people think like if i'm gonna live for god or reach all these people for god i got to be able to talk and preach and do it's like your life is preaching every single day your life is preaching to your kids to those you go to work with um and i love that because it's something anybody can do like you don't have like your life you can be consistent and preaching those things and um you know pastor brenda as you continued in your sermon you talked about the story of hannah and uh hannah in bible she could not have kids she couldn't um have a child but she desired it so badly and again you're talking about i can't give up now and even tying into pastor tommy of some people losing hope or losing the ability to believe again and uh really in this next sleep you talk about the importance of not settling the importance of not stopping shore so i want you to check out this next clip from pastor brenda it's time for you to draw your eyes [Applause] you have cried long enough come on up in here why do you say that sister brenda because one day come on here hannah was crying and whining and everything and baby girl said somebody say hold up here she knew about god she knew her husband loved her elkanah said to her am i not as good as ten sons and hannah say bro you good everything's cool with you but you're not what i'm believing for oh y'all just got coal on me but it's all right you know what happens to a lot of us we don't need to settle for what is almost good but we are shocked the problem with so many of us if we settle with the half answer we've set up with the almost made it oh but it's some time it's time for us to get the full answer [Music] [Applause] somebody put in the chat i want the full answer i don't want the almost i want the full answer you better stop you didn't stop playing you just that thing jumped up out of you that is so good though it's so good because so many times in life we're tempted to settle for almost yes tempted to think this is close enough to what god said right tasha brenda how have you seen that play out in your life in the life of people around you it's almost settling for almost when you haven't got the full answer yet wow yeah in so many different areas but you have to be again aware you have to be aware of the fact that wait god said this this looks good and what happens people will start they'll get the beginning of the breakthrough and then because they see the beginning of it then they'll just kind of settle back oh no no no no no that's not all of it i like all of it yeah and i'd love to come on now and i love to give the story because this was part of um our breakthrough here at the church yeah i told it on the on the film but it's worth telling it again um when when our our church and you were there charles i think that was the time when you were even um volunteering and we were coming in and everything and and we used to have church literally in our staff meetings and the lord prophetically had said through me that because we would believe in god y'all for at least 25 000 a week you know and some folk was about to be laid off and all of that and god said prophetically in february he spoke the word come on now yeah and then he said it's gonna happen in march wow now god was very specific with the word of the lord yeah and so then that that i was like okay god and there were others of you that probably grabbed it by faith that we would have a 100 000 sunday wow in march and then it would go he did like this up up up wow i was like okay cool lord several weeks went by i'm gonna try to say it as quickly as i can several weeks went by and then march came and i remember i was in my closet glory to god and i was just looking for what i was going to wear and the lord you know you know god's voice he says my sheep know my voice and a stranger they won't listen to and i heard god say this is the first sunday in march i said it is in the lord he said you remember the word that i told you yeah i i said yes that we were going to have a hundred thousand dollar sunday he said i did say that he said get on the floor and birth it wow wow wow wow what am i saying pastor charles god can give you a word wow and many times many of us have had word from the lord concerning your life concerning your ministry concerning your children concerning what god wants you to do yeah come on here but you know the part we leave out we think it's gonna happen by osmosis come on but there is a birthing process yeah god i have you pregnant come on here a woman can be pregnant and say it's gonna take nine months for it to come forth but in order for that baby to come forth come on here you have to do what you have to do that morning i had to get on the floor and begin to rebecca and on that come on glory to god hallelujah that's speaking in tongues for some of else that don't know and then so that morning i began to pray wow now listen let me tell you what happened by that tuesday because they used to give us a report all the time on that tuesday that tuesday they announced that and everybody was so excited from coming from almost 25 000 to 83 000 yeah yeah yeah somebody say a big jump a big jump somebody say a real blessing a real blessing but was it a hundred thousand come on that's i'm talking about we settled yeah come on here we could have as a church yeah we could have settled that we had gone up sixty thousand dollars are y'all in the house come on a 60 000 raise right now would be real good glory to god i'm talking about you individually and god speak a word to you about your money about your marriage about various things but i'm telling you it wasn't it was 83 we danced and hallelujah but god said to me it ain't a hundred come on so you know what we did on that monday come on we said to intercessors we rejoiced we gave god glory hallelujah but god said a hundred so what did we do the whole intercessory prayer we said from the north the south the east the west hundred thousand dollars you got to come on up in come on that next tuesday yeah come on pastor michael called me and he said mama i said yes you see you know you be a prophet don't you don't you that's it yeah cause i didn't know what michael was gonna say y'all know pastor michael he said mama we didn't just get a hundred thousand we got a hundred and three thousand come on come on i don't know where y'all at come on god had said see if we had settled for the 83 and then you know not pressed in on that monday for the 100 it could have still been there but and then god said this last part he said it's going to go up up up now if the word of the lord is true it's going to do just that yeah the next sunday it was 118 000 the next sunday it was 128 000. and it went up up up what am i saying to you what have you settled for wow wow wow come on god told you the business come on he told you where it was going to be come on he told you the church he told you the marriage he told you that you were going to get married he used to god but it's been a long time come on up in here did he tell it to you did you hear him you wouldn't just eating pizza come on come on [Applause] don't almost settle get it all the way come on get all of it glory to god [Music] hallelujah don't stop don't stop don't don't stop that is you just can't give up wow yeah paul uh what's the boy name chris paul i almost gave up wow but he heard a song i just can't give up now oh you need to let that roll in your spirit yeah so well that's the thing i think the question is for people is how many blessings have we left on the table that's it you know what i'm saying like things that were not god didn't stop god didn't say no he didn't say not anymore we i think of the story where the prophet he says strike your arrows on the ground and he stopped he hit he's like i'll do it one time i'll do it two times i'll do it three times he stops he said well why did you stop and that's the thing i think that's so important about god's instruction and he leaves it up to us sometimes right jesus would always he would walk up to a blind be like what do you want jesus i'm blind what you mean what but he was saying i will meet you at the point that you will let me meet you like i will and that is so important for people to not give up you can't um pastor tommy you know a part of not giving up and not um not throwing in the towel is being able to stay um anchored in faith we talk about it the three eternal anchors and faith is that first one um and uh you talked about really a formula for faith and this was so good and i want to take a moment i want you to look at this clip at the faith formula check this out you have to always understand that faith is the key to everything that we that we do in our life we got to have faith now i came up with a little formula for my life and it says this faith equals fear plus action plus intercession plus truth and it yields hope now you say fear yeah faith is not the absence of fear it's just that you don't give in to the fear you move it's like this example right here you're sitting at your house watching and fear comes and knocks at the door of your heart or at the windows of your mind and you get started to get get upset but faith says settle down just sit down i'll get the door so faith goes to the door and when he gets to the door fear sees faith and disappears [Music] come on faith answering the door faith answers the door that's so good well what i love is we have a culture code of being hot humble open and transparent and one of the most important things in that um is i think you were so open with that that having faith doesn't mean the fear is gone it doesn't mean that there's no like and i think a lot of people they think oh if i'm gonna be a general one day or if i'm gonna be great in my faith or if i'm gonna follow god i'll never be afraid or i'll never be like but you were saying and i would love to hear more about that even how it's played in your life that fear is still there but you have faith answer the door would you like to share a little bit more about that one of the things that people tend to focus on [Music] the fear more than faith i see people wear these t-shirts all the time it says faith over fear but you know faith over fear that's a mathematical equation you better it's a symbol for division you got this thing up here you got this thing down here so whatever amount of faith you have when you divide fear into that it's going to always be more faith than fear wow because if the fear is larger than what's on top it's impossible to divide it into it it's a negative yeah it comes out so in the spirit realm when you walk in faith you have to know that fear has no ability to overcome the faith that's why jesus said when i come back will i find faith in the earth yeah he never said will fear be there no fear wasn't even in on the spectrum yeah but we know that the enemy wants to bring fear into your life in order to cause faith not to manifest in your life that's his tactic and when we use fear we're saying that we are like i said earlier we're a false witness wow yeah because you have to understand that when you give in to fear you're saying that god isn't able to overcome this thing yeah and god the bible says all things are possible to them that believe and belief is a part of fear so if all things are possible that means that no matter what happens in your life that brings that fear and it's going to come yeah because jesus said well one he was healing uh somebody or telling somebody i can't remember exactly but he said i i believe but help thou my unbelief that's so good yeah so unbelief and fear are like brothers they're gonna always roll together yeah but faith and belief are powerful when you come into a situation and you need faith all you got to use is the measure that god has given you because that measure can outweigh any amount of fear that you have that is so good that is so good the the thing pastor taught me that i love again you're talking about three eternal anchors this is lessons from your legacy it was faith um and the second one we talked about was hope and one of the things you said to me um you said the goal is we want to keep the faith and give people hope so how do we practically and how you are somebody that i've seen like you're just it just feels you're full of joy you're always positive you got more one-liners than anybody i know just when i think like or whether it's like how you doing past times you're better than i look brother it's like what is better than you or i don't know what it is but all those different things and you really do give others hope how has god developed that ability in you and maybe even share with people today maybe they find themselves in a place where they want to step into okay i'm keeping the faith but i want to step into a moment to try to give others hope how do you give others hope um in a world that's dark in situations that aren't perfect but you can still give hope to other people it's part of that thing you said i'm always positive you know being positive gives people hope and exercising faith gives people hope too faith yields hope in that form that i gave i said fear is there and you have intercession fear is there you have intercession there and you have it all works together to yield hope in a person's life so we have to understand that hope is an anchor that god has given us jesus said when i leave i'm going to send the holy spirit and he's going to teach you all things and he's going to guide you and direct you there's nothing worse than having someone leading you that don't that don't know where to go but tell you how to get there yeah because then you feel like you're lost and when you're feeling lost then you're feeling hopeless but the holy spirit is the thing that i lead on i lean on for hope in my life because the word of god is another thing you have to believe what god's word said yeah hope is an eternal ankle that has god given us he said these three remain faith hope and love and if hope wasn't something that you needed he wouldn't have gave it to you wow yeah yeah but he knew that we would all need hope in our life and faith yields hope the more you exercise your faith the more hope other people have because how many people have hope just because of what we do here at transformation church that's right that's so good yeah that's so good all the acts of faith all the acts of charity all the acts of service that we do give other people hope yeah and that's what god wants us to do that's so good that is so good um pastor brenda as you um we're working through this again i i can't give up now i can't throw in the towel not yet it's i gotta be persistent um you shared a very personal story that you just recently walked through you and pastor tommy and um how god spoke to you in that moment to keep going to keep pressing through and so i want you guys to lean in and check out this video as pastor brenda shares a story her and pastor tom tommy just recently navigated back in october when pastor tummy got the coveted folk were getting covered everywhere but i didn't know that it would last for two and a half months and we had all kind of prayers going forth people started 2 p.m prayer 2 a.m prayer 5 30 a.m and i baby these were folk were crying out for pastor tommy of course i was right there in the midst of all of that but i guess about a month and a half going into we're talking about persistence i mean folk that gave their lives what is it that has not come forth yet but you knew it was god it may have been 20 years ago may have been five days ago don't play up in here i never saw him dead but he was so sick hospital nine days at first and then another day ten days and all and god kept telling him tommy that's why you talk so on faith all you gotta do is believe i didn't know god was telling him that one morning cause god speaks to me right when i get out of bed so often i was getting ready to hop out of bed and i heard holy ghost say turn your face towards the wall immediately i knew that was from first kings where hezekiah was a very a prophet had come to him and said hezekiah you're getting ready to die boy [Music] the bible says hezekiah turned his face towards the wall you literally have to change your focus y'all better hear me up in here when you know that it's not just something far off but it's now you have to change your focus i knew god was talking about two things he was talking about my husband that was laying over in that bed and i slept with him didn't get it anything that's gone and i knew he was talking about this nation when god spoke to me on that tuesday starting november 11th i told the prayer line because i have a prayer line i said you we are to fast and pray every wednesday until the holy ghost says stop and every wednesday since november 11th we fast and pray my husband hallelujah he's alive and well he's alive and well just drove over 3 000 miles when he turned 66 he drove route 66 and so many other places he's alive and well but i knew that even though all that prayer had gone on that god wanted brenda todd to go to another level and there are those of you that are in this audience and that's looking at me right now you need to put in the check i gotta go to another level [Music] you can't give up now wow that is so so good and pastor brenda just thank you for your vulnerability and openness and uh even i remember as we were talking through that you were sharing in a staff and giving updates on pastor tommy you know for many people some people they heard about kovid it was like oh what's going to happen some people may have gotten it but to have something so close to you the person you loved the most um hit with this um no doubt even in all your faith and all your belief and all the things you've still seen of god do there was still something in you that had to decide okay but this is god this is you know it's one thing when when um issues and hard things touch everybody else but when it gets close to you you know it feels a little different it hits a little different and you say god told you something he said turn your face towards the wall and what you expanded on in that is that regardless of what everybody else was doing regardless of even what god had asked you to do before right this was different and there was something different that needed to happen um talk to me a little bit more about that and even sharing with people about how maybe they're in a place where they've been praying or they've been trying to obey or they've been persisting but it may be time to go to the next level there is always another place and it wasn't until god drew my attention to it because i thought with all this prayer from around the world literally i am not exaggerating people were praying from everywhere and so for me to hop out of bed and hear god say to me turn your face it's like he got in my face and was telling me you've been doing all right but there is another place that you need to turn your face whether it was me getting in the word even in a different way or a praying if a focused prayer but that it was that serious yeah and many times when we are in very serious situations we keep doing the same old same old wow yeah that's so good and you can't get the level of what god wants to do in and through you if you keep doing the same old same old wow yeah there are times when you may one day um a month of fasting was okay but then if he asked for three with just water are you willing to do it come on come on another left yeah absolutely because when you are in a in in that mode there's another level of sensitivity yeah that comes you hear differently um god shows you there is just another place and too many of us we get satisfied and think that okay this worked the last time wow a little but it doesn't always work that way we got to hear the instructions for this time that's so good that's exactly what um what kept moses from the promised land first time god spoke to him hit the rock he hits the rock water comes out second time god says speak to the rock because he was frustrated because the the the people were complaining he just hits the rock and the crazy thing i thought was the miracle still happened like water came up out of the rock but after that moment is when god said hey you're not going into the promised land because you you did the new thing the old way you did what i said but that's not when i said to do that that's not when and i think we're talking about not giving up we can't go to new problems with old obedience like well last time god said to you know what i'm saying like and that's what you were saying in this moment is i every time something happened i call the prayer line i do you did all the normal things but there was another level that god was saying that was in you may i say absolutely just real quick new wine into our old wine skins and god prophetically in this season i hear holy ghost saying there is new wine new word new ways that he is going to have you to do various things i'm talking to all of us here he's going to give a new way but you can't keep it in the old wine skin in the way that it was because the bible says that when you put new wine into into old wine skins it will stretch it and burst it and the goodness that's in the new wine will just spill out wow so even these days in doing what god is asking us to do in persevering and getting what it is not almost but always to the finish you got to be open to the new one that is so and let him do a new thing on the inside of you sometimes the new thing is like i said preparing your body differently preparing your ears differently he says the seeing eye and the hearing ear they both come from me wow yeah but you got to see if you seeing or hearing yeah so there's a new thing that god wants to do so good that is so good um as we're coming to the the end of our time pastor tommy i think there's no better subject uh to end on three eternal anchors faith hope and the last one was love and this is one i've heard pastor michael say over and over again i've experienced but you um exemplify being love in the earth loving people right where they are no matter what they're going through no matter what they've been through um and how have you i've even heard you share stories you know last year um we had a moment where you uh we took time to talk about the things that were going on our world and you shared stories of how you experienced so much hate growing up and you were one of the first students to integrate in schools in uh in alabama in a small town in the hate that you would experience you said i had to fight every day for a year like you've experienced hate and hardship but still god has protected your heart to love people um talk about the value of that specific anchor um love corinthians it says all these are great faith over love but the greatest of these is love um could you talk and just share a little bit as we close on love well um the greatest is love because god is love god wants us to be loved in the earth he wants us to be him manifested in the earth to his children the bible says all souls belong to me so it doesn't matter whether you live a alternate lifestyle it doesn't matter whether you're crackhead it doesn't matter whether you rob banks it doesn't matter whether you're the president of the united states god loves everybody and he expects us to be vessels that he can flow through to other people that's what unconditional love comes in the bible says that while we were yet sinners god sent jesus ascent himself in the manifestation of christ to die for us to reconcile us back to him he he loved us so much that he didn't want us to remain the same way yeah so he made it where we could be brought back into right standing with him and you know love i had that acronym love is loyal god is loyal to his promises to himself he cannot lie yeah yeah if he the bible says if he said it will he not do it would he not bring it to pass love is also objective and that's where god looks at all of us in our sin and says i'm not going to hold that against them wow i'm going to be objective in this i'm going to forgive them through their sins as far as the east is from the west and then he's going to go one step further and i will remember it no more wow yeah so unconditional love that's what helps me love whoever i meet because i know that they are a child of god and i'm an instrument of god's love in the earth to whoever i meet and then love is vigilant you have to stay vigilant to what you believe your faith you can't be wavering in your faith the bible says a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways so if god said it i mean i'm going to believe it if he said it in his word then i'm not going to doubt that he's going to do what he says whether it's good or bad deuteronomy we always talk about the blessings that come from obeying god and he's given us the ability to create wealth and do all of this but it also says the curses that come on you too if you don't do things so he's a true he's true to his word and then the last one is empathy you know the bible says we don't have a high priest that is not yeah empathetic has not gone through what we've gone through jesus went through every temptation every emotion everything that we have faith or will face in our life and the bible says yet without sin wow he did not miss the mark yeah of what god sent him to do if he had done one of those things and missed the mark he couldn't have been to them wow yeah sacrifice for our sins yeah but the bible says he was fully god but he's also fully man but he was vigilant to what god had told him or sent him to do and that's what we have to do we have to be law we have to be objective we have to be vigilant and we have to be empathetic with people care about people that's so good enough to go out of the way to the bible says no greater love has this than a man lay down his life for a friend but what about those that are not your friend the bible says love your enemies and do good to those that mistreat you or do things to you that are not right so i mean love is so important because god is love he's the man of love is the manifestation of god in the earth wow wow that is so good that is so good as we come to a close um past time you talked about love and if there's anything else i'd love for you to share but pastor brenda what what would be kind of your last charge to people and you talked about i can't give up now you've got to be persistent um what would you say to people maybe that find themselves in a place of maybe i've been trying to be persistent i've been trying to give my best and i haven't seen it yet how do they find faith to pray again to continue to raise those kids to continue to be generous where what would you say to encourage them to keep going i would say don't be so hard on yourself um it is so vitally important you know as many times uh pastor charles says as christians we we feel like we have to be quote this particular way but the one thing that we have learned here is that we are not perfect no way by no means are we and even in persisting you know again i have those sad moments i have various things that happen along the way but but the the thing that awakes on the inside of me uh is um not giving up uh because things aren't happening the way that i think they should i'll take a moment sometimes you just have to take a moment that is good it's important that you do yeah and then allow uh god to just love on you and just for you to just just recollect yourself you're not always just on you're not always that warrior or whatever the case might be allow yourself at the moment that you're in but the one thing that you have to have down on me and shy come on i made this declaration almost 30 something years ago i said devil you will never ever have 24 of my hours wow wow that's my mantra wow you have to leave this is what i said and i promise you and i've lived by it i see if you're trying to get 24 hours i'ma use two hours and 10 minutes to worship god yeah yeah and god will inhabit my praise and my worship and you know when he comes in you got to get out come on come on that is so good i'm not a depressed person yeah never have been do i have sad moments i do and i know you didn't ask all of this but i'm just saying though make a determination the devil he doesn't have the right come on to have 24 yeah of your hours and if you make that determination yeah within yourself like i said if you have to put somebody else on to worship and you get with them for that two cuz that's a tenth of your time he came to have two hours and 40 minutes thank you pastor i said two hours but it's two hours and 40 minutes come on after a while something's gonna break come on that is so good well the the thing i think i've i've learned and seen from both of you um and and continuing to learn in my journey of faith is faith and prayer and and walking in faith is a muscle it's a muscle that you that you exercise and one of the things about playing sports um in basketball and trying to get good at golf right now not very good but we're working on it but they talk about muscle memory and how you reach a certain point where you if you take enough free throws the reason really good nba players when they get to the free throw line they're not thinking about the pressure of the moment they're not trying to figure out how do i hold the ball and how do i do like because they've done it enough times their body knows when you walk up to this line when you dribble that ball twice your body just takes over and says this is what we do this is how we make the shot and i think so many times we can create when we're not in the dark season we can create habits that are muscle male i always pray i always talk to god i always submit my emotions to the world so that when you're in the dark moment when you don't have the energy when you don't have the effort your body says oh i know what to do right here like i know to worship god when it gets hard i know to keep believing even when i don't see anything happening and that's the thing that i think is so beautiful from both of you is you have built up the stamina in your faith yeah you've built up absolutely yes ma'am i'm sorry finish your statement okay well you've just you've built up the stamina to go through highs and lows and the perseverance it comes out of you those things that that were in different seasons they always show up in those tough times i remember when um the only time i've ever been in a hospital is when i've had my five sons you know and i thank god for that had to have them all cesarean and all of that but there was one time when i had an accident where my nose was torn open and and all of that i didn't have to stay in the hospital at night but i remember in the pain that i was in and my encouragement is to get something that you stick to in your heart and in your life and i was in that pain and i was tears was just rolling down my face and in my mind i was saying to the devil i'ma get you yeah yeah y'all may not understand what i'm saying come on you got to know and have it within you you may hit me right now yeah but then i'm not staying down number one yeah number two yeah when i get back up come on and everything's all right come on i'll get you yep yep absolutely come on that's something you got to get something in your heart where you are not so defeated but you in the midst of your pain in the midst of what the enemy is trying to do you let him know you may have it for a minute but you ain't keeping it come on come on come on well listen uh i don't know where you're watching from um as we close today i'm gonna ask um pastor tommy if you would um pray a prayer of blessing over the people that are watching this there have been so many um different moments and things that you guys have shared lessons from your legacy of faith hope and love and perseverance and the power of prayer and continuing to go and i'm believing wherever you are watching right now um that this can be a significant moment for you that this can be a moment no matter where you find yourself whether it's good or bad or you feel like your life is perfect or this just added to or maybe it was something you really needed it and it's the anchor that you needed in this moment i believe this is so much more than just a talk but this can be something that god does spiritually that he transfers these anchors these these lessons that these generals have learned that this can be something that the power of perseverance lands in your heart tonight like wherever you are like faith hope and love can be sparked in your relationships and so i'm going to ask in this moment pastor tommy wherever you're watching from um if you're watching right now would you just put your hands in a posture to receive and uh pastor tommy would you just pray a prayer of blessing over everyone who's watching right now father god we just thank you and we honor you we glorify you lord god we give you praise for who you are and we thank you lord god for this opportunity to speak into the lives of your children thank you lord god for what they've heard and we pray right now that they have ears to hear what the spirit of the lord has said tonight or today or whenever they're watching it lord god and we pray lord god that you would cause them to have a heart to obey you and what your word says and i just pray lord god that as they seek a deeper life a deeper relationship with you a love relationship with you that they would read first corinthians 13 and meditated on on a daily basis lord god and then whatever they go through in their life that they will filter that through love through your love lord god and we just thank you that lives will be changed that families will be brought back together that bodies will be healed lord god that things that people have longed for for years and have waited for lord god that they will be persistent yes god and look forward to what you have for them that their hope will be renewed what god is they will exercise their faith on god we just thank you for it and we give you the glory and the praise for it for you are loved yes jesus and you are god and we are your children yes thank you for using us thank you for allowing us the privilege to establish your kingdom here on this earth in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen um listen wherever you're watching from right now um before we close out i want to give you an opportunity if you never accepted jesus into your life yes you may be watching this you hear people talking in generals and think what is this or how have they been able to do this or you sent something even when they were talking there seems like there's something else on the inside that is the power of the living god and uh we don't ever want to do anything without giving you a space to accept jesus and so right where you are just not out of religion or anything but just add a moment to focus would you just close your head close close your eyes and bow your heads with me real quick um you may be here and you're watching and uh you may not know that there is a god who loves you so much he's so in love with the fact the bible says that god so loved the world that he sent his son to die on the cross for you and for me the gospel is that jesus died he was a perfect sacrifice you're asking charles why did he have to die where there's something called sin sin is missing the mark it's just when we make a mistake it's when we get off a line and that sin separates us from god but in this moment you can accept jesus into your life and you can come into right relationship with god you don't have to stop doing a bunch of bad things you don't have to try to clean your life up by yourself if you accept jesus he can help you do all of those things so right where you're if you want to accept jesus into your life i'm going to pray a prayer i'm going to ask that right where you are you would just repeat that prayer out loud after me i believe when you confess out of your mouth what you're feeling right now in your heart that's you you're feeling you're like what is that it that is god he's drawing he says i'll draw all men unto me as you pray this prayer you are securing your eternity with god would you repeat this prayer after me say dear god dear god thank you for loving me thank you for loving me dear jesus dear jesus thank you thank you for laying down your life laying down your life to save mine to save my i admit i admit i've made mistakes i've made mistakes but right now right now i give you my life i give you my life save me save me change me change transform me in jesus name i pray in jesus name amen transformation church can we celebrate that listen if you just made that decision that's the best decision you could ever make that your future is secure in god you have the god of the universe on your side and we're so excited for you as your church family we'd love to support you if you text the number the word saved to the number 828282 we'll send you some resources to help you on this journey of walking with god listen i don't know about you but i loved our time together with the generals today you both so much for your wisdom for the lessons today i know it changed my life i enjoyed it and no doubt it changed the lives of so many people yeah listen we still got one more week of the generals make sure you join us back until then let's say it together go out and live a transformed life we'll see you guys [Applause] [Music] hey so we just finished up that conversation that was so so powerful so impactful i know it helped you in so many ways but in the middle of the recording we had to pause uh because we were fixing some things and uh we actually kept talking and the team hit record real quick and uh i want to show you the uncut conversation that happened with the generals check this out stay tuned in and locked in as we learn lessons from their legacy check this out while we're just sitting here talking to tell random stories about my kids um arlo so arlo two days ago i walked in he's we're trying to explain to him so we're about to have our third baby and we're trying to explain to him like she's gonna be born on this day and when and all this stuff and so we're talking about but luna she's about to have her birthday so we say well luna's gonna be born and then it'll be your mommy's birthday and then it'll be your baby sister's birthday and then well that dad's birthday somewhere in there august that like so we're going through talking through birthdays and like man it's arlo's birthday so we're talking through birthdays and literally two days ago i walk into his room first i was like good morning buddy and he goes it's my birthday [Applause] oh i literally i was like wait what i was like no baby it's not he's like no mama birthday and he literally said daddy birthday a luna birthday baby birthday arlo birthday like and i was he was like convinced it was his birthday today and so it's like you're very smart and it was like i that i guess it's two-year-old you don't understand that like there are specific dates that he was just like yeah i woke up today and today is my birthday so that's hilarious wow he's so smart though ooh funny kid stories first time you ain't got no funny stories not that i want to tell you i don't want to tell you you don't expose them you know what expose them i've been trying to think how to get in uh this was a true thing that that happened um in terms of being persistent it was actually grayson that had a dream about me and um he said that i was on my knees praying and when they get ready to just tell me yeah i was on my knees praying and um he said the devil took a knife and oh my goodness hit me in my step in my back oh my god he said but i kept praying so he got a larger knife oh my goodness and i kept praying and he got even a larger one and i kept praying and then he just left frustrated wow and and this was when he was much younger it was prophetic it was a prophetic dream wow and everything and um and he and not too long ago we talked about he said mom when i had that dream he said i it scared me you know because i thought something was about to happen to you but what it did was he showed him that irregardless wow of what the devil tries to come on that you persist in prayer and you can frustrate come on the enemy mind he believes you and he'll leave you alone that's that is was you recording that because that was the uh i was just i've been trying to think yeah okay i mean because that is that's persistence yeah absolutely yeah i can tie that into this last last portion well that's the thing like and this is i don't know if y'all are recording but the thing i think that's so important from pastor brenda that i've genuinely learned from you and a lot of y'all don't know this story so arlo um when he was born uh like in the middle of birth abby's pushing pushing doctors are slowly getting more quiet and long story short his heart rate was dropping to like 40 and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice and one more push and he would have like that because it was getting tighter as abby as he kept going down the birth canal and so it's like a feels like a year of silence just dead silent and abby's like what's going on and blah blah and abby starts to get she's like i can't do it anymore i can't do it like she starts kind of crying and like kind of look and the doctor's like you hit her with that you can't give up now she literally slapped the table she's like abby you need to push so abby push one time arlo was born he came out and it was dead silent like and you just think like oh yeah he comes out supposed to be crying and it's just quiet and it's quiet and it feels like forever and then they unwrap the cord and hit him on his butt and then he starts coughing he spits up all the stuff and so anyways he's boring he's healthy everything pastor brenda one day we after he's born when we get back into offices she's like how's arlo doing and i'm like oh he's good and then we're like she was she you asked you were like how was his birth and i was like abby was like well like actually blah blah blah she tells the whole story and pastor brenda she said when you announced that you were pregnant god told me that the enemy was going to try to attack his life and i didn't say anything i did i just prayed i interceded and persisted and that just hit me right there like and that was such a there was so much spiritual maturity in that to understand that god can tell you something and you don't need to tell everybody you just need to persist and push that thing through yeah and that is um that's just a personal thing for me that like just personal persistence of like no like i don't need because we've had other people come say stuff and they're like i feel like god told me this a couple minutes ago and i want to tell you and it's like well could you like pray that through and just make sure before you you know saying but you steward or that stewarded that word with such um just grace and humility and power and a little i think about that all the time like wow like she knew that but just decided like i'm gonna be persistent on behalf of somebody like you said you said it in your sermon it may not be my problem but it needs my prayers like it may not be like and god may tell you something about somebody else and instead of that's one thing that we do often so many times we god will show you something it's like oh gosh well i hope nothing happens or i hope they're okay but god many times will tell you that so that you can pray that's right and uh yeah that was just that was personally like yeah that was crazy and during that time i remember so often i would get i didn't you didn't know anything but i would i would so encourage mm-hmm yeah uh yeah just pray for her and just but i was not to say yeah nothing wow absolutely nothing yeah just talk to god about it that's so powerful yeah and we got him just finished his interview with his arrow and because he got all this good stuff we said how eta on the air any minute now that's a that's a great time a lot of times each minute the 59th minute yeah any minute now a lot of times when it's our stuff you know when it's us we will um we will press through we will pray for it and it's fine yeah when it's our stuff but what god wants us to be able to do like we did today destiny called everybody together so that we could pray for you know for shane and for for sammy you know because it was not hers but it was on behalf of and and one time the lord spoke to me about the woman who um needed the healing and she was pressing through until she was persistent yeah because he had given her a word if i could just touch the hem of his garment yeah i will be made whole yeah and i said i gave a picture to the prayer the the line the prayer line and i said when we pray for others this morning and we had a prayer list i said i want you to press to the point that you are touching the hem of god's uh robe on behalf of somebody else in other words that wasn't a small thing yeah because you're going to get stepped on wow you're going to get you're you're wondering you're wanting to just give up because you got everything pressing in on you but if you can press to the point for somebody else yeah that person is going to get that answer that's so good well that's what i think of the um there's a story where paul's in prison and paul is in prison and the gates bust all this different stuff is happening he gets out walks out of prison and he gets to the house of the church come on and he knocks on the door and it says the church was praying for paul yes they were and it's so crazy because the there's this imagery in the scripture that he comes up to this gate and the gate just opens up on its own accord and it's crazy to think about that the exact moment that they were in a room somewhere else praying god's opening up doors in this space and gates are falling off and things are starting like and then paul the thing that they were praying for shows up to the door and they shut the door back they like paul's like hey it's me it's who you've been praying for they're like oh god they get so scared but i think that picture is that scripture is such a beautiful picture of you may not be able to see with your eyes what your prayers are doing but you have to trust that somewhere gates are opening up somewhere oh that stuff is falling off of people somewhere like this is impacting people in a powerful way and um yeah because it gets hard when you can't see it you know it's like if i could pray and then see that like oh it was perfect but um you got to be consistent yeah yeah so stephen what we're gonna do is when this air comes back on we'll finish this part but when we post this to youtube all that we just talked is gonna be uncut and we just need to add it to the end of the video so like when it like ends like when we do the salvation or like when the sermon ends then it needs to be like like and i can record something after this it says hey so like we had a technical difficulty but we kept the conversation going and i want to show you the uncut and then just cut it and then pick up with me saying you know pastor brenda one thing that really and then just play the rest of this hallelujah we're almost done guys maybe yeah you better go ahead you can i'll give you this lavelle lapel what does this might call it lapay one of the questions that people ask you don't ask and we think that they should do we have a fight oh wow oh honey and you think they should ask yeah they should ask they should ask they should ask you know the one thing about the two of us is we're just so in love no no no no no no we're so hot it does not matter what subject and and there are so many subjects that there are so many subjects that we can deal with if it's dealing with um your children we can talk on it if you're talking about marriage we can talk about it 42 years if you're talking if you're speaking of college days and singleness we can talk about that too so there are so many subjects so many things after living this life if you want to if you want to talk about how um at one time pride and ego would try to knock on your door we could talk about that so almost any subject that you can uh bring up you know things that make you that have made you know tommy could have his things but things that sometimes as a mother in terms of how my heart feels when it comes to my my children and how how much um sometimes i i would want them to understand my heart on why i may answer or ask them certain things that's not a mama trying to press in to uh be nosy or anything like that the amount of time i spend praying for them so and and you know all kinds of things that that you could name it we could talk about how then tommy and i deal with conflict our hot um conversations do we have hot ones we do but yet how do you let me ask you how do y'all because like it's easy for people to get a picture of somebody i mean you are the captain and the prophet and the like you're very esteemed people respect you both and it would be easy to think like yeah they're always good they always agree they always get along and so how have you um [Laughter] there's both of their faces at that moment yeah how how yeah talk to me about that no um the thing is this the bible gives you answers for everything you go through it says be angry but sin not so we get angry with one another yeah but we choose not to sin we choose not to let the sun go down on our wrath i mean we can be okay can i ask you a real question on that some people some people say like you actually do you actually not go to sleep until you because this is thing that got me messed up when i we first got married i was like don't let the sun go down your anger and so like the first argument me and abby got it i was like it's 2 am i'm like we going to work through this cause the sun ain't going down on my ain't like so how do you navigate no maybe that's just me i don't know for me okay the thing is when we have a disagreement or an argument the thing is i have to make sure that my heart changes toward her before i go to bed that's really good yeah you know we may not talk about the issue until the next day but there's no more wrath in my heart there's no more anger towards her or anything like that so i just make sure that my heart has been put in a state of forgiveness and a state of humility where i say that's my wife that's my partner yeah how can i be angry with her because if i'm angry with her i'm angry with me because you're one come on and you know what i love tommy's the way he thinks his heart and all of that sometimes for me um i have to work things through um and you know if i get anger with him it's not always that it's it's like he just explained but the thing what i mean that's his story but for but no i mean i'm not gonna be honest about it yeah and so the thing that you know i have to do really god is really my my go-to on a lot of things and and i have to be like look god you know because i'll talk to god the one thing we should never be afraid of is being booked naked honest with god that's good yeah god i want to and i'll say yeah i want to do what i'm thinking about things and then i'll say to him i said god you're going to have to help me with this right now yeah because right now i just don't this this doesn't feel real good yeah and so i'll talk it out yeah until i can get the perspective you know or got to say hold on hold your piece brenda right now because because for me sometimes the the quickness of what i want to say yeah you know not that it'll bother him because you know but anyway yeah i have to know that i don't just let words come out of my mouth because i am angry at that time or i want to deal with you years have taught me now that wasn't always the case yeah years have taught me yeah don't just save what you're feeling right now hold on to it deal with it then be able to go back and say what you're saying but again with what he said with a different heart yeah that's so well that's what the scripture is so good the scripture says um i think it's in the message version it says words breathe life words can kill you decide and that when i read that i was like oh you decide like realizing the power of the words we had so shout out to the uncut version we're back baby
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 20,609
Rating: 4.9717646 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv
Id: _C3Uxkev1ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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