The Devil Made Me Do It // Was It The Devil? // The Paradox of Purpose // Charles Metcalf

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hey listen i want to welcome you if we haven't had the chance to meet my name is charles i had to get served as one of the pastors here and uh welcome to week three of our series we're calling the paradox of purpose the paradox of purpose and uh listen we've been really uh leaning in to god's purpose for our life uh scripture says in proverbs 19 21 many are the plans many other plans of a man's heart many are the plans of our heart but god's purpose prevails and we've been talking about that purpose today and really about this idea that purpose is a paradox it's not either or it is both and jesus was a paradox he was fully god and fully man and he came in that paradox and really set a path and a trajectory for us to look at so we could walk in the fullness of who he's called us to be and today y'all i'm ready i'm like i'm so ready i'm more ready than being ready so we're gonna go straight to the bible if you got your bibles if you got a real bible shout out to you if your bible needs charging it's okay just hope it doesn't die in the middle of when you need it in your darkest moment all right um just kidding hahaha it's a joke genesis 24 is where we're going to be genesis 24. we'll start in uh verse 27. if you're at home you can uh look on the screen if you've got a bible you can look at it but we're going to be reading the scripture before we jump into the scripture i got to give you a little context of where we're jumping into so how many of you remember abraham raise your hand in the room in a chat if you remember abraham okay abraham remember when god asked him to kill his son remember that anybody tracking remember he tried to kill his son okay so he doesn't kill his son the rams in the bush his son gets older has to probably go to a little bit of counseling because your dad tried to kill you at a young age mess with anybody right anyways uh that son's name was isaac isaac grows up he gets married to a lady named rachel now rachel um her womb is barren she cannot have children but isaac begins to pray and uh one thing you need to know about our church is we believe that prayer changes things come on does anybody know that prayer changes things he begins to pray and her womb opens up and she gets pregnant with twins double for her trouble not she went from no kids to double twins so um we're gonna pick up in scripture right here and she has two boys and this is what the scripture says in verse 27. as the boys grew up esau became a skillful hunter he was an outdoorsman he shopped at bass pro and things like that but jacob had a quiet temperament preferred to stay and preferring to stay at home shout out to jacob he sounds like me prefer to say you know look quiet tip not quiet i'm a little loud but jake i just had it since jacob had great style you know he's just in the house chilling he don't feel the need to prove himself out there chasing wild animals anyways verse 28 isaac loved esau because he enjoyed eating the wild game esau brought home but rebecca loved jacob so he got esau and jacob these are isaac's two children it says one day when jacob was cooking some stew esau arrived home from the wilderness exhausted and hungry esau said to jacob i'm starved give me some of that red stew maybe little campbell's chicken noodle soup y'all remember lil campbell's chicken noodle that's probably what he's making uh verse 31 all right jacob said but trade me your rights as the firstborn son look i am darving aside i am dying of starvation esau said what good is my birthright to me now but jacob said first you must swear that your birthright is mine so esau swore an oath thereby selling all his rights as the first born to his brother jacob then jacob gave esau some red bread and lentil stew he saw eighth emil then he got up and left he showed contempt for his right as the first born this is um a powerful portion of scripture that we're going to go over today before we do um i just want to take a moment and pray and ask that god would join us lord this is your word it was pinned by humans but you wrote it and so right now lord jesus i thank you that your original intention and the heart that you saw in the scriptures was come alive today allow us to see you um lord i decree so that you may increase it's in the beautiful name of jesus we pray and everybody said amen now today um i i have a specific assignment i have to um address a portion of purpose that has been um perverted twisted that has been misused it has been um this idea has been cultivated by culture and even furthered by people of faith i have to talk about a concept really quickly and i want to give you the framework before we really get into the scripture today i want to talk to you and introduce the concept of deferred responsibility deferred responsibility everybody say deferred responsibility now some of you like charles what are you talking about deferred responsibility um is something that is happening all over our country and in our society right now deferred responsibility is making everybody else the problem with your life deferred responsibility is blaming everyone else for the things you're going through now let me give you a definition to help you deferred responsibility is this the act of placing the ownership of one's attitude circumstance or life on another person or party deferred responsibility some of you like charles what are you talking about you remember when you were younger and you had to go somewhere maybe you just started driving or maybe you got your first job for me i had my first job at dairy queen shout out to dq and the blizzards boom no it didn't fall out it's still there hallelujah um i never got to do that because i got fired after two weeks but we don't talk about that um anyways uh but at my first job i remember one time i i had these early shifts and i would sometimes oversleep and i remember one time i overslept and i woke up i was supposed to be there like seven and it's like i didn't just like little over sleep it was like noon like it wasn't like oh man it's 705 i'm late it was like oh yeah you know bother going in now i'm about done with my shift by the time i get there um that's probably why i got fired anyways but i remember i woke up and i was like dad why didn't you wake me up and he was like you you got an alarm you're a girl you you 17 you got a job you can like and that was a small example but take that and perpetuate it over your life and you start looking at everyone else for things you had control over start this is what deferred responsibility sounds like well if they would have told me nobody nobody said anything to me oh well it's really if they would have let me know then i could have all of deferred responsibility sentences start if they if if i well somebody well it wasn't me it definitely wasn't me deferred responsibility invites other people into the driver's seat of their life and then blames people for not taking the turns they wanted to take this is the society we live in looking at everyone else projecting on everyone else but yeah well those people made me feel that type of way so i get to say whatever i want to because of what they said oh they cut me off so man my day is ruined and i can't you just gave them the power of your day this is pushing the responsibility on everyone else and you want to know the crazy thing the craziest thing to happen for someone who who deals with deferred responsibility is for them to get saved now i know this sounds crazy and some of y'all know title my sermon so y'all tripping right now but don't let nobody get saved and have the ultimate person to blame everything on oh you don't know this y'all ever heard of the devil oh believers we love to talk about how the devil's doing stuff and how how it was his fault and oh come on and now listen now listen today i'm going to walk through this story today but listen this is something that has happened in church growing up in church we some churches talk about the devil more than they talk about jesus they are more it's the devil and he's now listen okay let me let me stop before i get ahead of myself because i do have to acknowledge something very real you do have an enemy the devil is not some idea it's not this just like oh yeah it's just bad energy you have a real enemy who does not want you to walk in purpose he doesn't want you listening to the sermon there is he the bible says he comes to steal kill and destroy there is a real enemy and he's really active and this is a real thing i do not want to downplay that look at ephesians ephesians 6 12. for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies we are not fighting but against evil rulers authorities of the unseen world against mighty powers in this dark world against evil spirits in heavenly places the enemy is real i want to acknowledge that and please hear me say that he is trying to do anything to get you off from from walking in god's purpose for your life he doesn't want you to admit that you really do have issues he doesn't want you to acknowledge that god is the only one that can be your soul he is working against you this is why scripture says we have to put on the full armor of god the enemy is real but today i am asking for the next few moments please do not give that man any more credit than he deserves i am tired of the church coming to every issue that is really your responsibility that was really something you did and you blame the devil the devil made me do that and the devil made me that this is have you ever seen somebody they make a mistake and then they say the title of my sermon the babe the devil made me do it it was the devil like the devil you know the devil was working and i just i just slept with that girl it was the devil's fault i didn't know what to do the devil is coming after my credit the devil the devil the devil the devil he is real but what we live in is a time of deferred responsibility a time where it's easier to admit that he was doing something than to acknowledge what you have going on to ever come to the realization that maybe the devil hasn't had to talk to you for a long time because you've been stuck in your own cycles it has nothing to do with him today i am coming to speak against deferred responsibility and blaming the devil for everything he he is real there are moments in your life where you are under very real spiritual attack and you need to be able to pray and pray in the spirit like we talked about in the upgrade and build yourself up these are real things but today i want to look at a scripture because in the story of esau um if i'm esau i'm thinking oh yeah the devil was all up in this like my first born birthright like that you know that esau gave up the god of abraham isaac and esau have you ever it was both the god of abraham isaac and esau that was that's the firstborn right that's that's how but it's the god of abraham isaac and jacob so the devil had to be if i if if the plan got off the devil had but but the devil's not anywhere in this story he's not the devil's not anywhere in this store and today now some of you i know because you're just feeling some type of way i'm not going to we're not going to come to your life i'm not going to say the devil's not going to stuff it yet but i just want to look at the story of esau and see what's really going on because here's the thing we we say things um like the devil made me do it and we blame him for what's going on and then we get into a space where we start well the devil he's the one tempting me and he's the one that made me sin and he's the one that's getting me off purpose specifically when it comes to purpose we start blaming the devil for everything but the bible does not say that the devil is the one making you sin the bible doesn't say the devil is the one tempting you some of you are like i do not believe this it's quiet in here but let me just bring you to the bible this is in charles james 1 14 temptation comes from your own desires it's not the devil which entices us and drag us away these desires give birth to sinful actions and when sin is allowed to grow it gives birth to death this is i'm just saying the devil is very real but please do not blame him for stuff that was not him and here's the reason this is important because when you start giving him more credit you he starts in your mind racking up all these things that he stopped you from doing and then you think he's more powerful than he really is so the reason i'm coming to stop this today is because well the devil did this and the devil did that now you've lived been following god for 20 years and you've blamed the devil for all this stuff that wasn't him and then you try to step out and walk in your purpose and you think i can't i can't do that the devil's going to get me like he did last time the devil's going to like and then we live in this place where we're crippled as christians and don't understand that the same spirit that raised christ out of the grave lives on the inside of me so i don't have to be afraid of the enemy i don't have to live in defeat i don't have to be worried if he god said if god before you if the same god who went down to death hell in the grave and snatched it if he's on your side you do not have to be afraid of the devil i am tired of weak christians who feel like they got a pity patter all through life and be worried i know it's the devil over here it don't matter where he's at if god is on my side if god i am telling you i came to serve nervous notice on every person who has been living beneath your understanding that god is on your side and you don't have to fear any enemy that comes against you i am telling you i am so tired of us walking in fear and worry and we will not and we're worried about trying to reach purpose and we're blaming the enemy that he's the one not allowing you to reach purpose today let's take some responsibility today let's take some ownership of our life today let's realize that god has empowered you he's given you the ability to make decisions he's given you the ability he says you will do greater things than i will do god has given you all the power you need to do exactly what he's called you to do i gotta calm down okay i'm gonna sit in my chair let's just look at esau's life um verse 29 this is what it says one day when jacob was cooking some stew now this this uh this isn't satan this is stew and i know we like to blame satan but this this is stew now now this this had to be good stew like just i mean just i'm just saying this had to be the greatest soup you have ever had in your i mean it has to be for him to give up his birthright but but here's the thing i realized um in this scripture it wasn't the devil esau was just distracted the devil is not the it says the devil came up and was like hey you want to give up your butt no it just says there was he was he was hungry and he smelled stew like this is what happens we walk into a space we're walking in god's purpose for our life and there there are just distractions things that aren't necessarily bad the stew wasn't saying like it was laced with a spell that was going to cause him to give up his no because that's what we do is believe yeah with the stew you know it probably had something no this is just regular stew but he got distracted he he walked in and he and he smelled something now now i want to say this it wasn't probably the stew it was what the stew represented which was instant gratification i mean cup this this is what happens when you're walking in purpose you you get distracted by what you could get now come on this is why we this is why we eat fast food it's not because it's better for us it's because we can get it right now one of the greatest distractions when god wants to do something new is what you can get right now when god is trying to do something new in your life when he's trying to birth purpose in you when he's trying to show you that there is more on the inside of you when he's trying to do something new beware of right now beware of what you could get right now beware of the relationship you could get right now beware of the money you can make right now beware of the platform you could get right now oh there's a lot of right now believers there's a lot of people that are choosing now over what god wants to do this is they don't call it um just wait a second food it's not all we'll get it to you as quick as fast food and we have taken fast food culture and applied it to our purpose we think i could just you know drive through and get a little bit of calling get a little bit of jesus get a little bit of purpose you know what i'm saying i'll just cruise right on through no esau was distracted by instant gratification distractions they distract you because you can get it right now it's it's it's the thing that gets you off focus is the thing that's why scripture says write the vision down and make it plain this isn't just for if you're trying to get the spirit bank event center this is for your life this is for purpose this is this is for everything because the enemy knows and really god knows that if you the enemy doesn't have to touch you if he can just see that you're distracted in your own ability the enemy the enemy it was not in the story it literally is a moment where he comes in and something that he could get right now started distracting him what is it in your life that you're tempted to get right now because you know here's the here's the issue um purpose is a process in anybody who can cook kind of cook or has ever ate any good cooking knows it's a process it takes time you have to wait you have to prepare you have to let stuff roast overnight you got to let it soak you gotta there's all types of things but for some reason we could do that on thanksgiving but then when we're trying to get in our purpose we're like god where are you at like i was trying to microwave this influence and i thought if i just served in the kids ministry for three weeks or if i just apologize one time okay i've apologized to my spouse twice god like so are you gonna go ahead and like but here's the thing instant gratification is one of the greatest distractions to your purpose beware of what you can get right now that's all i want to say because esau is in a moment where he is making one of the worst trades ever not for something better but something he could get right now something he could just get in the moment he could just i could just go up to it and i could just get it and and here's the the real tension that i see i've seen in my own life i've seen um in li in the in the life of my friends and so many different people is many times we'll get in a moment like this and we'll start to blame the enemy is he sent all this stuff to try to no we were just distracted because instant gratification seems easier this is you know the many other plans of a man all those plans are quicker than god's purpose usually that's why they're your plans that's why that's why we get stuck in trying to take charge and do it ourselves and let me just go ahead and do it let me just put the project out or let me just go ahead and start doing things and let me just start the business and start all those are things we can do in our own ability but if you're going to walk in the purpose of god don't get in a situation and start it was the devil maybe we were just distracted maybe there was something that seemed a little more promising maybe there was something that seemed like i could just get it it'd just be easier that way if i just kind of stepped to the side and went around my character and kind of did something under the table or if i just went over to their house no one would knew it's just it's quicker that way oh this is the temptation of your singleness it's easier to look at pornography you can get it like it's easier to dm that person and just but it's harder to wait and trust that god has someone that he's saving for you and god will bless what he says to do this is the instant gratification it's the distraction to our purpose now as we as we continue in the story um esau says this in verse 30 he says esau said to jacob i'm starved give me some of that red stew jacob goes on to say all right but you just hold you got to trade me your first rights he says look i am dying of starvation now i have to pause for a moment because um do you have any dramatic friends do you have somebody said that it's so loud um i have i have a couple of dramatic friends in my life a couple of them are sitting right here to my left as a matter who's over here um and you know when they tend to get hungry it gets a little intense i'm not gonna lie it gets it gets a little one of them is pregnant it's my wife okay that's a real thing um esau he says i am starving and at this i just got to be like esau are you though like starving like you're rich you ever said like i'm starving out here i'm about to die like you ever been so hungry you can feel like yeah this is the moment i'm about to die right here esau was hungry but his emotions told him he was starving i have to i have to come and talk about this sometimes it's not the devil sometimes it's just your emotions sometimes it's just it's just you getting a little worked up and you're like i'm about to die and it's like no you're you're not about to die esau actually because you ate yesterday and the very fact that you ate yesterday is insurance that you're not gonna die right now so but here's the thing that happens when we're walking in purpose sometimes we we look again to blame the enemy when really it's just our emotions now i have to stop and say this because the church has um butchered talking about emotions they have because the answer to the churches and the holy answer is don't talk about them they're not real they're bad they're the devil your emotions are the devil they're the enemy i speak against your emotions hold up why would god give you something if it was the devil why would jesus have them if it's the devil we got it some of y'all think it's more holy to not talk about your emotions but jesus was about to heal lazarus and raise him from the dead and knowing he was about to do that he weeped what we have we have to stop telling people it's more holy and you're stronger and you get a badge of honor in heaven for not talking about your emotions because that's the very thing that gets people messed up you ain't gone to counseling and now you're older and you don't know how to deal with any of these things and it's not the devil it's your emotions here's the thing god gave you your emotions i have to say this because if you because it's so twisted and it's the devil no no god gave you your emotions jesus had emotions god has emotions these are real things here's it here's the here's the tension point of it though god gave your emotions but your emotions aren't god god gave you your emotions but your emotions are not god they they someone said it to me like this one time they say charles they need to be in the car they just can't drive the car they need to be in there please do not sign up for this false narrative that you need to ignore your emotions and that's not real and just tough it up and act like nothing's wrong and if you cry that's it's weakness you don't have faith no that is not having emotions is not a lack of faith can we please stop that's you're crippling people when you say that because you have emotions you just haven't dealt with them in a long time so but those are going to come up somewhere that secret addiction that nobody knows about that's emotions that's not the devil that's just emotions that's just you never dealt with the childhood trauma and it made you feel insecure and so now you overcompensate and you boss everybody around that's not the devil that's just emotions your emotions are given to you by god they're just not god and we have a responsibility to be aware of our emotions where where if where can i acknowledge okay i'm just i just need to calm down i'm just a little worked up like that's just that's just me that's not that's not the devil trying to attack me with with a mentality no you're just a human and you felt a little insecure in that moment and you were scrolling through instagram and you thought this is the day i start my business i'm doing god spoke to me through that other person's instagram no no no no that that that was just your emotions and here's the issue you're i want to say this and i want to validate some people because um even growing up in church and someone who is emotional has a lot of feelings and all these different things i i got under this idea that i was like oh these are just bad and i can't listen to them and it's bad when i have emotions no your emotions are real they are your emotions are real but they may not be reality you're they are real so you need to acknowledge them you need to deal with them you need to have people you can talk they are real but they may not be reality esau really did feel like he was starving that's a real thing you you feel very hungry and the thing you've never been starving so the thing you would equate it to is being starving i get it he saw man i've been there before i get it it was real it just wasn't reality but the problem is when you're living subject to your emotions and they're not submitted to god you will make decisions off of things that are gone in just a moment you you will make a momentary or a quick decision or or an impulsive decision or decision to sleep with that person or decision to do it under the table or a decision to ignore that little voice that told you don't move there or you'll make all the based off an emotion that was real but it wasn't the reality of the moment and as believers we have a responsibility to be listen to this crazy word to say from a prophet pulpit self-aware you you you here's the beautiful thing about the holy spirit he the holy spirit is one of the greatest self-awareness tools you don't need to take the enneagram test if you just listen to the holy spirit like he will tell you yeah when you get in that situation you get a little worked up so let's just cool it this is why you need community to be able to say you're you're just you're what it's like the snickers commercial you know it's like you not you when you hungry boy like chill out you're just emotional it wasn't the devil esau just got a little emotional um now here's the thing about um your emotions and your feelings esau like i said he felt hungry and here's the thing being hungry is real like that's a real thing it is a real thing that like oh gosh he was very hungry but here is um the issue when you're hungry you're not in the greatest state of making decisions this is this is um this is shown have you ever been grocery shopping when you're hungry you ever been hungry it's like we need to go to the store right now like i have to eat and i'm going to the grocery store you be grabbing chips then you grab a little bread then you grab some soy sauce and then you grab a little uh ham like you're just grabbing stuff you don't even know what you want you're just grabbing things because you're hungry being hungry is we is very very real but again you can't make decisions when you're hungry why because when you're hungry you're vulnerable esau comes into a place he steps into this moment with his brother he's distracted he's emotional and what he did not have the self-awareness to realize is when he was hungry he was vulnerable you have to be able to realize that okay in this moment i am vulnerable i am exposed i cannot be trusted in this situation you in the same way that you don't go to the grocery store when you're hungry please do not start looking for a spouse when you're hungry please do not start a business when you're hungry for attention please do when you're hungry for attention when you're hungry to get validated when you're hungry when you're when you're filled up with a desire to have something do not start making moves on your purpose when you're hungry i'm telling there are so many people that made decisions when they were hungry and it wasn't in line with who they really were there are people that i know there are people that i've seen that when you hear about the thing that happened and what's going on or you see or you say hey did you see what and it's like what they would never they would never do that that's not them but somewhere maybe not even here but here or might be here some of you wives you're you're hungry for attention and i want to acknowledge that that your husband should be giving you the proper attention and love and i apologize and i'm sorry but do not step outside of god's purpose to fulfill that hunger some of you you are hungry for affirmation from someone in the elder generation you're you're you're hungry for affirmation from someone for somebody to say you can't do it you are called you you are but don't don't go to the wrong source here's the here's the thing about the story the problem really wasn't the desire of being hungry it was the decision he made it what it's not it's not the the problem is not the desire it's okay to let me say it's okay to be hungry it's okay to want somebody to affirm you it's okay to let me like it's okay some of you you have desires and sexual energy like what is this is god if god let me he wouldn't have given you those things no but you just just it's not the the problem is not the desire it's just the decision you make with the desire and this is why the holy spirit is so necessary this is why he is not an add-on this is why he's not just someone who is active back then this is not what something to be afraid of the holy spirit is the one that can show you hey i know you have that desire but let me help you with the decision i know you really want to step out and do that but right now you're making that decision out of a place of being vulnerable you see at your last job you were hurt and so you decided i will never get hurt again and you're putting up walls and these people are trying to be your friend but right now you're vulnerable and you're making decisions of nobody will ever be my friend again and i can't trust anybody past a certain point and i can't allow this boss to speak into me because my last boss i opened up and he hurt me and so now i'm closed up baby you are vulnerable wow you're just you're just a little exposed you're just and i'll acknowledge you you might be hungry it may feel real but i'm coming to say you're just a little vulnerable and please don't don't don't step into this moment without acknowledging i'm not okay right now some of you one of the most spiritual acts you could do right now is to sit down with someone and say hey i'm i'm uh i know i've been posting a lot on instagram and it looks like i'm doing okay but i'm just i'm a little vulnerable right now i just i feel a little um overlooked i've actually always felt overlooked and um i'm i'm kind of like doing some stuff and my instagram has actually got i've gotten more active on instagram just because i'm trying to fill a void that is a real void but i'm just i'm doing it the wrong way could you just help like could you just cover me in this moment this is this is why you gotta have people that you can be real with this is why purpose is not a solo gig this is why it's because you need people and here's the better part that people that can come up and say hey you're not okay you know how many times i've went to go do something and it was like oh yeah you not you're not this week i was up in my office working just working and i was tired and brie came up to me was like hey you need to chill like you look tired you need to rest it was it was hey and here's the thing it's not this is the moment where you have to acknowledge because somebody's like what you was just tired you need to no no because just like being hungry when you're tired you don't make good decisions when you when this is why the hustle culture does not transfer to the kingdom of god it's not a hustle not grime for the lord no that's not how it works his burden is easy and his yoke is light jesus walked everywhere he wasn't hustling everywhere he was out here hey garyvee what should i be doing with my purpose no garyvee you're awesome bro but there is a pace of grace that i have assigned to and it's not pressured by performance it's not pressured by tick tock or instagram or what the dude on on uh almost my goodness i got so distracted almost caught somebody out anyways i did i had to stop myself thank you holy spirit do not get distracted like i almost did right there hallelujah i'm going to move along um when i look at the story of esau it's it feels like it's just ridiculous honestly like when you think about it i mean it really like you have if you okay let me give you some perspective um during this time day in culture um being the firstborn even though you had no control of it was like the greatest thing that could ever happen to you because it would completely change the trajectory of your life you got all the inheritance you you got this you got notarized as the one that really the lineage would would live through and acknowledged and you were the rights as the firstborn so for esau to give this up for some campbell soup is insane it's like what bro like really soup but i will get you some soup just chill like i like we can send you so much soup right now it's not even funny but here's the thing in this moment i realized esau was just being irresponsible and i want to talk about being irresponsible because um this is an area that we sometimes blame the devil and really it was just you being irresponsible like you you like some people you apply for a job and you don't get the job and it's like that was the devil that i didn't get that no no no no like you didn't put your name on your on your you didn't list like you misspelled your entire your entire resume like you did you didn't that was just irresponsible that wasn't the devil that was like that was just a moment where you didn't recognize the value and in moments of our life it is so important that sometimes we stop and look at the value nobody who um has a moment of infidelity in their marriage got married with the idea of this is what i was going to do it was just in a moment they didn't understand the value of what they had it was it was an issue of i just i don't understand i'm not able to see beyond this moment one of the biggest issues that we have in culture today is making massive decisions in being very short-sighted if if i made every decision just based off what i could see right now and this is the place many of us we're just making decisions based off what i can see right now so right now i don't see how this connects to that so i'm gonna have to insert my will insert my ability insert what i think should happen because based off what i have and the information i have in front of me this is how i'm going to reach god's purpose but god does not move based off what you see right now he is looking from a completely different perspective in this moment esau is in a place where he was not able because he was hungry because he was distracted because in this moment he's just being irresponsible because he doesn't know what he has and i would say to many of you please do not trade what you have right now for soup how many how many answers to problems in the earth right now were traded for soup what was the next great leader that we needed to really bring unity in our world and in the united stoop how many times have i traded god's purpose just for a moment of well yeah right now and it's easier this way and i really don't have to think about it or this is what i know oh you know that your comfort can be soup right you you know that what you you're the way your family did it can be soup right like you you can trade what god's trying to do the new thing he's trying to do in your life for this is just how we've always done it and and i i can't really see how god's gonna break the generational curse so i'll just do it how we've always done it that was a trade that was irresponsible it was just i didn't in the moment i didn't know if i would have knew if i if i and and in these moments it's important that we acknowledge where is it not the devil but am i just being irresponsible i just i don't realize the importance of this season that i'm in i'm not realizing the importance of the job i have right now how this job is preparing me for what i know i'm going to do i know i'm going to do that but please do not be irresponsible with this because the problem is god is looking at how you handle this that will qualify you for that and when it comes to purpose this is the thing god uses your calling the current assignment he has you in to continue to reveal purpose in many of us we feel like there's these great things we want to do there's huge things on the inside of us but we're irresponsible with right now and when you don't steward now when you don't do it this little bit when you don't stew it when nobody sees you when you don't practice when no one's watching when you don't write the music when no one's singing it when you don't write the book when no one's reading it when you don't lead when noah's looking at you to lead when you don't serve your children when no one's looking to serve your children when you don't sow when you don't do it right now it can't qualify you for what's next and i'm telling you please when it comes to purpose do not sacrifice what god has next for what you could be doing right now right now right now right here and right now some of you need to realize that you have value right here and right now not when you get somewhere not when you have a spouse now when you have a certain right now you have value right now you have purpose right now god has a call on your life right now you have the same power that got christ out of the grave living on the inside of you right now somebody shout right now come on somebody's realizing that right now god has assigned me right now the spirit of the living god is on the inside of me right now and i'm not going to be irresponsible trying to get to my next i'm not going to be irresponsible trying to look at what i could do when god has graced me to do something right now i'm not going to be irresponsible right now i'm not i'm not going to play this off like it's not a big deal and i don't have to worry about that and yeah one day when i get here's one of the areas of my life i was so irresponsible growing up around 14 or 15 i started struggling with pornography and as i got older i always said by the time i'm married i won't deal with that like when i get married it'll be fine and it won't be like by the time i get here it'll be okay that was being irresponsible with now hoping that magically when i got somewhere it would go away can i tell you it didn't i in the first two three years of our i had to sit there and deal with and talk to my wife about and hurt her and hurt dealing with something that i didn't deal with back when i could have dealt with it i was irresponsible then so now i'm having to learn how to be responsible in a season where i should have already dealt with it please do not push off your responsibility for right now hoping that when you arrive there it'll all be better well i'll just i'll know who i am by the time i get there so i don't need to worry about it now i don't need to cultivate anything with me right now i don't know by the time i'm a ceo of the company i'll be able to do things right and so i don't need to deal with my emotions no right now right now because now always shows up later it it always shows up later and these are the things that maybe you didn't learn in school this is the things your parents didn't talk about but the insecurity now always shows up later you don't just get to ignore it and then all of a sudden you're confident one day no you have to deal with it now i'm telling you please please please do not be irresponsible with now the um final portion of this scripture it says that esau he um it says then jacob gave esau some bread and lentil stew he saw aiden then he got up and left the last thought i had when i was reading the scripture was um could esau not make soup like he must have not known how to make soup but it's just it was just lentils it was bean soup the last area that sometimes we blame on the devil is it's not the devil sometimes we're just lazy like i gotta cut like the holy spirit doesn't override your laziness like you just you just didn't wake up on time like you just didn't you just didn't want to you didn't get up to go work out the devil's not attacking your health your laziness is attacking your health like the devil's not attacking attacking your purity you're just too lazy to to set up some real guards and like really like we gotta talk because some there's this like ah god's gonna supersede my ability no if you don't wake up on time you won't get the job like if you don't prepare you're not like these are things that like in culture we just think oh yeah god gave it to me here's one of the oh my biggest pet peeves i just hit me right here um when god gives us something when he gives us a gift maybe the gift to communicate maybe the gift to lead people there is a responsibility we have to develop that gift i don't know where this idea came from that it's good to multiply something on the stock market but if god gives you something it's good to just stay how it is because god gave it to you that doesn't translate when we come to the story of the talents the person that was given one and gave back one god said you wicked an evil servant there is a level and i'm specifically going to talk to it because uh this is the space that i get to lead it there is a laziness in creatives in the world right now i'm going to talk to a couple creatives if you're not creative one i think everybody's created because god created you and because his dna is in you there's no way you can't be creative because there are certain things arlo god regardless of what he chose just because of who i am like you just you know i'm saying like that's it but anyways specifically you have a responsibility to develop the thing that god has put on the inside of you there are certain things that god will not release to you yet because you don't even have the ability to interpret that idea let me make it plain there are songs god wants to be sung in the earth but because you haven't practiced your instrument enough you can't even string together the notes that would change and transform lives so god has to hold an idea and here's the sad part some ideas and songs that are in culture were actually supposed to be in the church but because people wouldn't develop their gift and they were just waiting on the anointing but they actually didn't practice then god had to release them into the earth because he can use anything he used the donkey he can speak through anybody what i'm telling you is please do not be lazy with the gift god has given you do not be lazy with god with what god has trusted you with don't be lazy with the wife that god has given you men i am coming today there is a responsibility to create a safe place to develop and cultivate and allow god to encourage your spouse do not be lazy with the gift god has given you do not be late here practically go on date night get your wife flowers tell her you love just because you said i love you 20 years ago at the altar doesn't mean she knows it right now you can't just say it once and hope it applies for 35 years that's not how it works say it again don't be lazy wives don't be lazy with the husband god gave you the scripture says your prayers can change an entire household what you speak changes things you literally are something that creates and grows life you can grow life in your husband even if you don't see it right now you can change things don't be lazy with what god has given you don't be lazy with the ideas even though god's not releasing you to put them out right now keep getting the ideas writing them down keep practicing don't be lazy with what god has given you it was uh was it the devil or or was i just distracted was it devil or was i just emotional was it the devil or was i just vulnerable was it the devil or was i just irresponsible was it the devil or was i lazy what what what it wasn't it wasn't the devil [Applause] it wasn't the devil it was just it was just your own it was you there's a responsibility that we have to understand that sometimes the devil knows that these things are going to keep you in cycles and he's not omnipresent like god is so he can't be running around to you and me and them and they and so so what happens is is he just hopes that if you can just stay distracted he doesn't have to worry about your purpose if you can just stay emotional like just all spun up and whatever you feel is real and you make life decisions based off your emotions if he can just know that every emotion you have will direct your life and you'll never submit it from god he don't have to do nothing if he knows that like when you're bleeding and hurt you won't admit it so you'll just make irrational decisions and keep hurting yourself he don't have to worry about it he if he knows that you'll just you won't consult god and you won't consult your friends and you'll just downplay whatever is in front of you and just be irresponsible he doesn't he doesn't have to if he knows you're not going to wake up on time if he knows you're not going to develop the things that are inside of you he doesn't have to worry about you he's not worried about your purpose because you're too distracted by your potential by by what other people are doing by your friend group in high school that god had a completely different plan for their life or they're not even listening to god but because they got married before you you're trying to date somebody you're not supposed to be married right now that's distracted that's not the devil you're just distracted that's just and the reason here's the thing because some of you are like charles why did you preach a whole message with the devil that's not good let me i'm gonna bring it together um i said this earlier but when we give the devil more credit we live in a space of being defeated and the truth is there are things um and this is this is gonna this is gonna be crazy and just hear me say the statement there are things that um you don't necessarily need to be praying about against the devil but there's this word i want to uh maybe introduce you to today is you just need to be disciplined and i'm saying this because sometimes again the tagline for the series is it's not as deep as you think and there are some things when it comes to purpose that we have made so much deeper and ethereal and that's just way off and i'll maybe i'll reach purpose maybe i will part of reaching and walking in purpose is discipline is the ability to submit all of these things your natural submit whatever it is that's natural submit the emotions submit the distractions submit the places where and you just have to say i have to be disciplined something that god challenged me with so clearly he said charles you cannot be a disciple without being disciplined in fact disciples have to be disciplined and this is the beauty of it as well it works the other way when you're disciplined that's a part of you becoming a disciple we have to take responsibility for what god has placed in front of us and i would be remiss to pump you up about your purpose and not tell you you're going to have to be disciplined there are certain things thank you holy spirit um over at the end of 2020 um i went through a very very difficult season at the end of that year um i was so um honestly a combination of things tired and emotional and all these different things that were going on and i hadn't been dealing with these things um in the most healthy way and uh and not doing anything crazy but just hadn't been being aware of where i was and towards the end of the year september october november december i started having very intense panic attacks and um these things it was getting super intense and some of it happened while i was communicating or something would trigger me and this was a really big thing that was going on in my life my friends and pastor michael and pastor natalie and my friends bri and aaron and all these people are praying and helping us walk through this and um but one of the things that i had to recognize was one of the patterns that was in that and my idea was there was a lack of discipline in my life and lack of so i'm saying these things because sometimes um we make like arriving to a place this very big spiritual thing one of the disciplines that has literally kept me from having panic attacks is waking up on time and working out and i want i want to i want to release to you some practical stuff that you need to pray like people my friends were over at my house at midnight praying over me so we didn't forsake the prayer but there were practical things and today when it comes to your purpose i please pray please pray that god will give you wisdom pray that he would show you give you direction but also there are some practical things there are some boundaries that you this point of the reason i woke up and came and worked out here is because that was a mental note for me working out is not physical for me it's mental it's to say if i could do something that i thought i didn't want to do or couldn't do then there's nothing else the rest of the day that i won't be able to step into with god's power on my side this but this is a practical thing it's just practically when i get up when i work out when i get okay it lets me know like no i can do this i'm sharp i'm thinking well i get home before the kids are up i get to read my bible i'm disciplined to read my word i'm like and these are things that practically prepare me to walk in purpose and i just i i have to come and say it this plane because sometimes we make it so spiritual and so and it is spiritual but it's also practical that is another paradox of purpose it is spiritual and it's practical it's both at the same time you need to pray and you need to be disciplined to read your word if you need a bible plan if you need to set a reminder on your phone you need to you need to do all you need to fast but you also need to work out because like there are practical things there are practical things that you can do and when i look at this story and and i'm closing out we're about to finish but i think if i could have just inserted myself in the story like i wish i just could have talked to esau like i wish i just could have came to him and was like just please just wait like just i get it i get it you are hungry but just please j i okay i understand there's a lot i understand that you feel overwhelmed i understand your emotion i ge but please just wait this is what the holy spirit does when you're in that moment of pressure and you feel i want to make this decision i want to just the holy spirit says just just ju i ge i get it i know you're tired i know you feel overlooked i know you're overworked i know you're insecure but if you would please just wait i mean in this moment i'm thinking esau this is the biggest decision of your life this is the biggest moment please do not trade your birthright for stu i understand you're hungry but it's not worth it and i'm coming to tell somebody today i know it looks promising i know you feel like if i go that way i know you feel like i just need to feel loved and i just need to be in this relationship you do need to feel love but just wait that's not what you're looking for that's not it i know it's promising i know if you start that business everybody would applaud but just wait just wait just wait just wait just wait that is the word just what i get it i know you've been waiting for a long time i know you you're the product of waiting abraham waited 25 years for his son and then he almost killed him and he thought i've seen what happened like just wait if you could just wait for a moment scripture talks about it says those that wait on the lord god can make you stronger while you wait and you've been thinking you've been getting weaker while you're waiting you think you're missing you think that if i don't go now i'm missing out and i'm getting weaker and i'm not going to nobody's going to want to marry me or no i'm not going to have time to read the write the book i'm not going to have time to start the business you're not getting weaker when you're waiting you're actually getting stronger those that wait on the lord he will renew their strength he is renewing your strength while you're waiting i get it but please just wait please just wait i know you're hungry i know you're tired i know you feel insecure i know nobody understands what you're going through i i understand i may not understand but just let me value that okay i hear you [Music] just wait because when you take you take ownership and the beautiful thing is when you invite the holy spirit you say holy spirit i need your help i need i can't i'm a little distracted right now i'm emotional right now i feel a little vulnerable i feel hurt i feel i feel pain i feel god i'm about to make this decision and it feels like it might be irresponsible but honestly i'm too tired i don't care or god i'm just late with you you can ask the holy spirit and the beautiful thing is he empowers you scripture says he gives you the power and the desire to do what pleases him today i want to take a moment to pray over you wherever you are would you bow your heads and close your eyes not out of a religious moment but just to focus on where you are with god there are some of you that um maybe you've said that before it was the devil that made me do it it was it was the enemy it was him and maybe again i don't want to not acknowledge there is a real enemy but today maybe you're just able to own up maybe i've just been distracted i've been distracted by opportunity been distracted by potential i've been distracted by people pleasing maybe you've just been distracted or maybe you're you're emotional again your emotions aren't bad your emotions were given to you by god they're just not god maybe you need the holy spirit's power you need to submit your emotions to god today maybe some of you are vulnerable you maybe you don't even realize it maybe just now in this moment maybe through this sermon you've realized man maybe i am hurt every time that comes up something happens or maybe every time i see that person there's something on there maybe you're vulnerable maybe you've been irresponsible maybe you're struggling with just being lazy wherever you are god can meet you right there i'm gonna take a moment right now if that's you know say i'm struggling with one of these five things there's an area i'm distracted maybe it's all five of them would you just put your hands like this just in a posture to receive i want to pray for you holy spirit [Music] i thank you lord jesus that in this moment you're allowing us to become aware become aware of areas that maybe we've we've pushed off on the enemy maybe we've said oh it's him or he he's doing that or he made me do it but god maybe it was just our own distractions our own emotions our own vulnerabilities we were irresponsible maybe we were just lazy in some areas god thank you right now scripture says that your mercies are new every single morning god i pray new mercy over your children right now new mercy jesus in areas that they've been distracted new mercy in areas that they've been emotional i'll pray for new mercy right now in areas that they're vulnerable may your nurse mercy be new right now lord god in areas of irresponsibility or laziness i thank you for new mercy holy spirit i thank you that you've never called us to do anything that you didn't empower us for [Music] god i pray right now that you will empower your children in the practical i pray right now holy spirit that you would just show them you'll show us the grand things you'll show us where we'll be 20 years from now but you also show us what needs to change like i show people what in their marriage practically they need to start going on date night lord just to cultivate love lord jesus show people that they need to be more disciplined in a certain area lord god just show us right now we want to be disciplined disciples of you god as you continue to pray head bow i close there are some of you right now and uh i say that the devil made me do it and need to know there is a real enemy you don't have to be afraid of him but um in the beginning his goal was to separate you from your creator you weren't uh just happen to be formed you're not here on accident you're not happenstance you're not just a microcosm of different cells that exploded at a random moment you were designed intentionally with intention by god and he loves you so much despite what you've heard despite what you've seen he's gracious despite what you've seen he's loving he loves you right where you are he doesn't expect you to change and do things before you can approach him he accepts you just as you are right where you are no matter what you're going through you may be struggling with an addiction you may be struggling with um thoughts that you don't understand how to reconcile you may be struggling with insecurities wherever you are his loving arms are surrounding you right now he's so proud of you he just wants to be in relationship with you wherever you are right now i'm going to pray a prayer and if you want to accept jesus into your life if you want to give him everything if you just want to surrender we sing a song at the beginning that said yes lord if you just want to say the ultimate yes to god i'm going to pray and as i pray i want you to repeat this prayer after me scripture says that when you believe in your heart confess with your mouth that jesus is lord you shall be saved would you repeat this prayer after me say dear god thank you for loving me dear jesus i admit i've made mistakes save me change me transform me i trust you with my life in jesus name i pray amen amen amen listen if you just made that decision we are so so proud of you we're so proud of you more than me being proud of you god is proud of you then he looks down on you with such joy i heard somebody say one time that you are god's dream come true and that truth is true over you today listen if you're in this moment you want um help uh on walking on this journey i want you to text the number that's on the screen text the word saved number 828282 and as a church we would just love to encourage you support you there's no perfect person on this journey with jesus but we're all progressing and we're doing that together with the empowerment of god and our team would love to send you some resources just to help you on your journey and again we love you so much hey i'm praying over you this week that this will be the most purpose-filled week of your life and uh when i say that i don't mean you're doing more i don't mean you're you're uh starting all the stuff maybe god does ask you to step out but i'm praying that this week you would be aware of god's presence be aware that he's with you may his peace be with you may as grace be with you and uh we love you so much here at transformation church we're praying for you you need to know that um even though our doors are closed right now we pray of you every single day we pray over your families i pray over your children and even in closing right now i want to pray a blessing over you lord i pray right now for every single person lord god i think that this week your favor would go in front of him lord jesus lord i pray that you would make ways out of no ways lord god lord i pray that lord jesus you would begin to open doors lord jesus that no man could shut lord god i thank you lord god for every person connected to this vision and every person or the sound of my voice so god bless their families bless their businesses lord jesus bless their children i thank you lord god that you are moving in their life lord jesus and when you do what only you can do lord god we won't take the credit we won't take the glory but we'll give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor it is in the beautiful name of jesus we pray and everybody said go out and live a transformed life we love you
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 123,560
Rating: 4.9653354 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, the devil made me do it, purpose of life, Purpose, the paradox of purpose, the paradox of purpose transformation church, blaming God, Blaming the devil, Personal Responsibility, Am I distracted, Distracted, Emotional IQ, Vulnerability, Emotionally Unavailable, Emotional Intelligence
Id: bt2qtAh3RUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 20sec (3980 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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