Distractions In The Deep // Are You Distracted? // Anchored // Michael Todd

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[Music] good morning transformation church i said good morning transformation church hey listen i am so grateful that you are here with us and i believe that god has something really special for us today um this has been a week um if you're not from the midwest if you're not from tulsa if you're not from um the south um the storm of the devil came through the south this week and um most of us have uh been inside and there's a lot of people that have lost power and there's a lot of people um our friends in texas that have been going through so many different things and transformation church number one um i just want to say thank you for being a generous church because of you we've been able to meet needs and help the homeless here in our city and send money to different organizations like convoy of hope and different people to actually be boots on the ground in all of these places so i want to thank you the other thing that i want to do is i want to remind you that 2021 just started and we've already seen a bunch of storms now that's not encouraging for everybody but for people who are anchored it don't matter because when the storm comes we have a anchor and and i don't know i feel encouraged like the trials that keep coming i'm just like oh okay is this it like is this what you had for me this week because when you're anchored to something that doesn't move and his name is jesus our anchor has a name um it makes you go through life and what i'm praying for you is as we're about to end this series i got a word for you today that i i'm so ready to share with you i just want you to open your heart and realize how important it is how divine it is how intentional it is that you decide everybody say decide nobody can make you be anchored nobody can make you do the things that are going to keep you focused but somebody say decide today i believe some people are going to decide i need somebody to help me open up your hearts and so i this is something that's cool that happened um y'all know in transformation nation i i see and our team sees and watches everything y'all post and all of the songs you make and all the remixes of sustain that you've done and all of the stuff we see everything and there's so much love coming and there are oftentimes that people's creativity just inspire everything and i saw a young lady do a poem entitled anchored and somebody sent it to me um over instagram and i was like who is this get her here she needs to be able to do this on the last week of our series and so today to open up your hearts will you give it up transformation nation for one of your own transformation nation will you give it up for candy as she comes to the platform let's face it life can be tough lots of pain and uncertainty we often turn to people and things just looking for some stability sometimes we know a storm is coming and other times we trip and fall and then who do you run to who do you call you need an anchor like a baby latches onto his mother's breast moments after birth being placed on her chest familiarizes itself with the person whose womb carried and nurtured its life to bloom i'm anchored with a secure attachment orientation stemming from the one who determined the body's formation knit me together before and behind social relationships can pattern after this kind of security i'm angered a false sense of safety exists in the shallow if deep calls to deep this ship cannot be hollow no surface level of intimacy can accomplish the purpose that god has for me so i'm anchored and each act of obedience sets my life a sail when the metal grips the rock the waves cannot prevail maybe visibly shaken by the storms that see but my soul finds rest like my captain did in galilee i'm anchored they say the race is not for the swift but requires endurance disciplines gift the four by one of a relay race legs one through three may run a steady pace but the fourth leg runner with a stallion stride can close the gap and anchor the prize for the team you are an anchor a mentor a teacher a gap filler a preacher a leader generational curse breaker whatever you're locked whatever your role we all need an anchor for our souls because christ's love is the remedy for the broken fragile heart running on empty we have an anchor firmly planted roots run deep vines bear fruit victory tastes sweet abiding becomes easy if wherever we roam his presence lingers like an eternal home we have an anchor when it's the winter or a summer trend protective styles become a naturals best friend the first or last braid on a woman's head slays the look or prevents the breakage be dreadlocked in says your crown is anchored see when you interwoven yourself in community like braided hair styles promote strength and unity like both parties connect when the anchors link it becomes impossible to capsize or sink so together we be the anchor and then and then as the pedal sustains the notes of a cord a sound resounds from heaven's keyboard the musical progression begins on the one so let your soul find its anchor in the sun i'm anchored from the securely latched baby to the vine fruitfully abiding from the strongest relay runner to the braided protective styling from the musical cord to the floating ship and anchor supports it's an anti-drift get anchored oh transformation nation can we give it up for candy how powerful thank you so much y'all oh y'all can do better than that come on candy thank you so much you encapsulated seven weeks of this vision series into a three-minute four-minute just poem that captured us and i don't want you to ever forget with this where are you from i felt that anchor i felt something in there but she comes from a place where there's boats a place that you've seen you grew up on the sea you saw what it takes to be anchored and i just want to confirm and affirm the gift that god's placed on your life you just helped all of us see something in four minutes that it took me seven weeks to do so thank you so much for y'all give it up one more time for candy glory to god and now let's give it up to the god who makes us anchored come on let's give god a shot of praise that he is worthy of hallelujah why are y'all ready i said are you all ready in the chat i need you to let me know if you're ready right now i need you to let me know say i'm ready pastor mike now this is the last week i've been sitting on this word all week long and it's time for us to go to a whole nother level so this is what i'm gonna ask you to do okay if it is your desire to actually be anchored what i'm going to ask you to do right now is i want you to lift your hands i want to pray for you okay like like what she spoke over you was in faith has it actually played out in our life yet in many areas it hasn't but today prophetically we're speaking that you're going to be anchored all this year it and then it's going to anchor your families it's going to anchor your children it's going to anchor your business somebody say i'm anchored father we have come to you today not to hear from a woman or a man we've come to hear from you so holy spirit i'm asking that you would do what only you do stand outside of time and invade every one of our situations right at the point that we need it father there are people right now who are about to break under pressure there are other people father god that are about to succeed in an area they didn't think they were qualified for father no matter if we're on the mountaintop or in the valley low we still need an anchor and so today father we ask you we invite you into our situation somebody say god you're invited here come on no no no right there and say god you're invited here and be specific you're invited into my marriage you're invited into this dating relationship you're invited into my loneliness you're invited into this depression you're invited into this discrimination come on wherever it's at invite him right now god oh i feel the presence of god right now god i'm inviting you here because if you're there everything has to change when you're there the seas and the winds have to calm down if you're there i know that i'm gonna make it father help us to not drift we declare this is a season of no drift and we'll give you the glory honor and praise father and we're not gonna wait until the storm comes to praise you we're gonna praise you right now in the middle of it that was your cue you missed it in your home on the track in this room that's your cue i dare you to give god praise right now in the midst of the storm you're worthy god we worship you god hallelujah hallelujah oh my goodness this can't be the last week of the series the crazy thing about it is even though it's the last week of this series it is the word that god has given us for the whole year so you're going to hear anchored in every sermon this will not be something that we do for a little bit and then move on you are are going gonna see the results if you're a part of transformation nation and transformation church you're gonna see the results of a group of people who have dropped their anchor and decided no drift and today i'm grateful because i believe this word is going to impact you for the rest of your life so if you're ready i need you to go with me today we are starting week seven of a series we're calling help me hey say it one more time with your chest hey if this is your first time joining us i want to say where you being no i'm just playing we we are in um week seven and we are grateful for what god is saying if you haven't um watched all of the messages that go along with this series i would strongly encourage you to go back and watch those messages it starts from mark my words and it goes all the way to today's message which i'm gonna tell you the title in a minute and let me just tell you how good god is in the midst of this one of the things that god always asks us to do is just be ready and available and obedient to what he wants to do and so earlier this year god gave us an opportunity to expand and go outside of our normal audience and take the message to the world and um um as of i think last week transformation church has a weekly daily television show on tbn and the hillsong channel oh y'all not shouting with me but this gets to go to countries that none of us can go to right now you missed it when there's a blockage god says i'll take the message where i want it to go and every night tell your grandma tell your auntie tell your uncle some of your family members some of your mom and my mom they'd be having on tbn in the background it's like background music right now i want you to tell them every weekday at 6 00 p.m central transformation is on and guess what i thought it was a setback i honestly did that that all of our archive sermons weren't able to be used because of something technical and when bree told me that i was like ah this is trash do you know how many great sermons we have like relationship goals and marked and graced like a flood and the people are gonna miss what god is saying and i was going all of this deep stuff and the first series that we could err in the quality that was needed was anchored [Applause] and this past week my mother-in-law was texting me and she was like michael you're on tv i was like mommy you see me every day but she was excited and then some friends started calling people started doing and they said the one that hit me is i came outside my house um right after slipping on the ice to to take the trash out and my neighbor walked outside and he said oh pastor mike tyson mike can i can i holler at you for one second and he was over there and i was over here and i just failed and so i was kind of like text me but because i didn't want to fall again but anyway um he said at four o'clock this morning your voice woke me up and i said well i went at your house bro i don't know i don't know what happened but he said he said i i fell asleep on tbn and he said there was a couple of things that i had in the work before the pandemic hit and they all dried up and i've been so discouraged but out of my sleep i heard you saying if god gives you a vision get god's view mark my word i don't talk to my neighbor like that about it but something we did here found him in the wee hours of the morning and i'm just excited about the transformation that's going to happen as we go to the world and i i don't think it's an accident that god would shut down what i thought would have been the content that needed it he said i'm gonna shut all this down so that people can hear the word i need them to hear this year what's the word of the year hey and so today i'm gonna just invite you to another level of understanding in the deep we decided that we're not gonna drift somebody shot at me no drift and the crazy thing about it is this week you had an opportunity to and tomorrow you'll have an opportunity to forget tomorrow after the service up right now somebody's texting you you need to label them in your phone the drift yeah valentine's day some of y'all drifted to make yourself feel better because of what didn't happen on valentine's day some of you drifted and what god is saying is you need to label places people and things the drift because you know there's certain spots that you get into and you go into that once you get there there is a drift up ahead but we have decided as a church somebody say to me no drift i believe the power of god is coming to help us sustain we're not just singing that song in a worshipful uses dane it's you sustain it doesn't matter what happens i'm not gonna drift but there's one thing that i thought it would be irresponsible to not give you um warning or um um understanding of before we go there and um because some of y'all are already in the deep if you're already in the deep right now raise your hand if you in your family and your situation finance is business you're already in the deep and some of us are going to go into the deep some of us have been in the shallow and some of us are pushing off from the shore i don't care where you are i believe this year we're going to the deep because we need to be anchored and i heard this story before i tell you what i'm about to preach on that really messed with me um i heard the story about a guy who wanted to go deep sea fishing and so he put in the coordinates to where he was supposed to be and once he started out on this journey in the boat he was by himself which is problem number one going to the deep by yourself is never a smart idea that's why you just heard pastor amber lee and pastor bree talk about community and and being in belong groups and and us being ones to to lead belong groups going to the deep is never smart alone i can't even move off of it jesus decided not to go to the deep by himself now if the son of god who could do anything decided to choose 11 i'll say 12 but one of them fell off but but 12 regular regular people do you know how insulting some of the conversations jesus probably had to endure with the disciples because he is god in man form and they talk about who the greatest often here none of y'all is great but like but he decided to steal no matter his status to do life with people and this man that went on this journey he decided to go to the deep by himself he gets out there it gets late it started when it was sunny but then the sun started to set he's in the middle of an ocean where he could see animals coming up that were bigger than the boat night falls storm comes he literally stays out to see this is true story for four days runs out of water runs out of food at the point where he was about to give up and die he sees somebody and they come and rescue him he goes back to the gentleman who gave him the instructions and the coordinates and he said i can't i can't figure out what happened almost lost my life out here in the deep trying to go do this thing and he said let me see the directions he said oh you put in the coordinates one degree off and he said one degree what what does one degree have to do with me being in a place that i was supposed to be at and this is the point i want you to write down because i thought it made sense for where we are and where we're going when you are in the deep one degree makes the difference [Music] it was just a little lie but when you're going to the deep one degree makes the difference it was just a little manipulation to make sure that i didn't use one of my pto days [Applause] i did have the sniffles but i wasn't really sick but i didn't want to use one of my days because i'm planning to go on spring break and so it was just one degree off from the truth it was just one degree off of the right number i should be paid for the hours i worked it was just one degree i was only on the instagram watching them twerk for 30 seconds it was it was a challenge everybody was doing it was my second cousin and i thought she was going to do a poem and and other than that she took it low [Music] and instead of going and clicking off immediately i just wanted to see what she was wearing and just to to stay one degree away from purity and and the reason i'm bringing this up is because in this vision series we've decided we're not going to drift and and a lot of you were like past i'm like that doesn't matter that doesn't matter that you drift one degree and i would agree with you if you're going to stay in the shallow one degree from here to there i can step over into what i'm supposed to be in but write this point down the drift doesn't matter if you're not going the distance and some of you if you don't realign and stop drifting the one degree that you are off right now from here to the end of next year it's not going to matter from here to next month it's not going to matter at the job you're working at right now it's not going to matter but when you become a business owner that one degree is not doing it here if you're going to go the distance this man was 15 miles out of the spot he was supposed to be in because he went to the deep he went the distance but he was one degree off and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but i feel a strong rebuke coming to the church that if you don't get back on what i've called you to do on winning people to jesus not caring about platforms but caring about people if you don't get back see the church is one degree off and you think it's about making sure your gram is popping and god's trying to make sure that people's souls aren't popping in hell he wants you to be about his business and i'm telling you right now that's why our church won't drift you don't have to like it and you don't have to be here but when i stand here before you and i get in my prayer closet if we are one degree off we are saying search me o lord if there's anything in me that's not like you take it out father god expose me start praying real players in the deep see y'all want to pray them shallow prayers but you want to start praying some real prayers pray this prayer expose me god be careful with that one because that'll turn the one degree into right on path and you might lose some friends over that one and you might get a demotion because of that one when god starts exposing you and you accidentally send the email to the person you was talking about expose me god oh because he knows you're not humble enough to get it from just instruction and so to be able to redirect you he has to expose you yeah but the thing is exposing us is still god's grace because he would rather expose us here than us get to the deep and be 15 miles off of the purpose he called us to it would be irresponsible of me to come to this last week of anchored and not tell you to make sure your coordinates is right make sure you're tapping in i'm married by 34 and i'm living in la and you you've got the coordinates that you've set up make sure that wasn't just you punching in numbers make sure that when you looking at other people's instagram and say i want to land there want to tell you because it's the essence of what i want to talk to you about because i feel like just by faith there's so many people being deployed this series i don't see people have anchored tattoos everybody's seeing anchors everywhere your draws got anchors on them some people they got cups with anchors on them their dishes got anchors on them and i believe god's doing this he picked such a sign that's been around us all the time to remind us of something but the reason that he's doing that is because in the deep there is distractions and today i want to title the message distractions in the deep because i don't want to deploy you and you think that once you get in the deep it's just easy i want to let you know that there will be distractions in the deep write that down right now somebody say distractions in the deep see we talk about god does the dynamic in the deep but there also are distractions in the deep and i thought that it would be um um most helpful to you because it was helpful to me when god showed me this is gonna be a distraction this is gonna be a distraction hey there there's some things that come when you get successful that could be a distraction you might stop praying because now you have finances you might stop thinking start thinking you're better than people because now you can hire people here's some distractions in the deep sea none of y'all deal with this but you're just praying so much to get to a certain place and then god says but i need to sustain you in that place and so i want to talk to the people who are actually going to the deep and are going to go the distance somebody by faith say i'm going to go the distance somebody needs to say that one more time i'm going to go the distance i want to take for our our topic of study a very familiar passage of scripture but i don't want you to think about it from the normal standpoint i want you to think about it from distraction okay this story is in matthew chapter 14 verse 22 and it says immediately after this jesus insisted that the disciples get back in the boat and cross to the other side of the lake it says while he sent the people home after sending them home he went up into the hills by himself to pray night fell while he was there alone meanwhile so at the same time the disciples were in trouble far away from land they were in the deep for a strong wind had risen and they were fighting heavy waves about three o'clock in the morning jesus came strolling towards them walking on water when the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified in their fear they cried out it's a gauss now we've all heard the story about peter walking on water but i want to show and highlight the distractions that come in this story to keep them from getting to their intended destination write this point down did you see the first distraction because it took me three times reading it to actually see it but right there in verse 26 it said when the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified in their fear they cried out ah it's a ghost write this down because somebody needs to hear this emotional distractions debilitate your discernment these disciples were so emotionally distracted they were terrified so in fear they labeled god a ghost what has you spooked is the question they just walked with jesus a few hours ago they've ate with them some do miracles they're just coming from the feeding of five thousand they were close enough to him to be able to know what he smelled like but then they got emotionally distracted and lost all discernment and i came to ask somebody right now as you're praying to go to the deep and as god is taking you to another level are you so emotionally distracted that your discernment has gone down you're picking wrong relationships you're picking wrong vacation times you're picking wrong conversations because you're emotionally distracted well i'm hurt i'm frustrated i'm angry they don't see me and god is saying to you right now you need to bring your emotions to me so that you can see right the devil doesn't even have to come if your emotions have control the devil doesn't have to come if your emotions have control the devil ain't messed with some of y'all in a decade you keep blaming him but it actually is your own insecurities it actually is your own undeal with trauma let me stop the number one distraction in the deep is your own emotions well they don't see me they don't value me god already said you were called he said he chose you he told you to go to the deep but you want them to say something they didn't even know about you i'm calling the church to sacrifice your emotions on the altar this is something i have to do daily because if i get in my emotions all of us can make up a soap opera about our own story oh y'all gonna play come on don't play me like that you can make up you can be at the top of the mountain be in the season you prayed for and still make up uh uh what do they call it in spanish the new novella a new what is it novella nobody loves me marco like you literally will make up a whole soap opera about your situation and god said dang it the devil didn't even have to sift them their emotions were their detriment and the thing about it is it's not just a bad thing that your emotions are there god gave us our emotions emotions are are like indicators like if you ever in a car and the brake light comes on or the things it's indicators we're supposed to do something with those emotions and jesus tells us hey cast all your burdens bring all your cares they didn't talk to you bring it to me you still dealing with mama trauma come on bring it to me but instead we would rather continue to carry that as if it's going to help us and it's honestly weighing us down but the problem is it has a result it takes away our discernment your emotional distractions i'm really trying to move but some of y'all have been debilitated and you have no more discernment why are you in the house you're in right now because you are emotionally distracted by what happened in your brother and your sister's life so you said i want to feel better about me and i want this and so i'm going to go and get in debt that i don't need oh i got to talk honestly to you right now because nobody else is going to say this because they're scared that you'll walk away from them you can leave me but the truth will be the same i'm telling you right now your discernment is off you could look at your bank account and discern you didn't need that but your emotions were in control ah some of you right now are in a relationship texting bae that is all an emotional dysfunction that has now come out in a real relationship and you lost discernment you would have never let nobody talk to you like that 10 years ago and now you're making excuses for his or her dysfunction just cause you want to be in an instagram picture with somebody [Applause] [Music] all i'm saying to you is you know you're not a pastor you're supposed to be helping somebody else do this thing but you want to have a ministry so bad and be doctor so and so and first lady so and so and you've lost discernment in the deep and now you're taking other people with you to dummy veal distractions in the deep and the devil doesn't have to come for this one it's your own emotions jesus why are you saying this pastor mike because if you're gonna last and you're gonna go to the deep there's one tool that god has given through his holy spirit and it's called discernment write this point down you need discernment in the deep you can't go to the deep on knowledge you can't go to the deep on intellect you can't go on into the deep because you've watched all five seasons of iana fix my knife you can't go to the deep without the holy spirit and that thing that says don't turn that way that thing that says don't call them back right now you're emotionally unstable [Applause] that thing on the inside of you that says go apologize now two more hours there'll be something else the enemy has given them in their mind and you're gonna be working through that that's discernment [Applause] this for me is when the bible says don't quench the holy spirit this is what the holy spirit does he lets you know of the truth that is to come and you don't have knowledge or foresight or forethought about it but he speaks to you and you say stupid stuff like this something told me no that was the holy spirit he was trying to enlarge your discernment but you've become numb because you've been emotionally distracted these disciples loud allowed terror and fear to name god a ghost there are some situations that are god for you that you've been saying uh that's spooky that's scary that's not god oh because you thought only god moves in upward movements you thought glory to glory gross to grace sometimes his highest calling for you is lower you're going to go the distance i'm just saying like you could have the title for the next year and then ruin your family for the next 20 but god is so good that he said i can't take them there even though their skills have that but their character doesn't so let me demote them for a season and see if they still serve like they served when everybody saw and see if they steal love like they loved when they could instagram what they were doing during the week and see if they still give even though they have half their salary and see if they still try y'all don't hear what i'm saying and here i'm only talking to people who are gonna dwell in the deep if you're gonna dwell in the deep somebody give god a shout of praise right now that's the only encouragement you're getting today because i'm gonna tell you about yourself and the distractions that keep you in the same place all i'm saying to you is these disciples knew jesus oh [Music] so that means i'm not talking to new believers i'm talking to all crusty religious people oh you thought because your bible has wrinkles in it and and and you have it highlighted that you've arrived in the deep but god is saying to you today your emotion of pride your emotion that pharisee spirit has you labeling yet those young people that god brought into your life you are supposed to mentor them not prove to them they didn't know anything so the problem with the situation is is because of your pride and i'm grown and i was doing this before you were born that crap got you in your emotions and that way now you will you are relevant you were relevant the last 10 years but you'll be mute the next 20 because god was trying to bring you into a situation where your emotions weren't in control but your character in christ was and now you've lost discernment you used to walk into a room and could tell where god is now he's sitting on you and you don't even know it [Music] the church has to have discernment how do i walk into the business room with sharks and know which business opportunity to take i don't have it here i don't have it here i don't have it here but i got it cause i got the holy spirit [Applause] do you know how many times i've walked into rooms bri can tell you with older white men i'm going to tell the real story and i'm dressed like this and i'm sitting there will you know and i'm sitting there with bankers and ceos and movie producers and all this other stuff and god whispers to me you're in charge in this room god um really don't know what i'm doing he said but you trust that i do and obey and they'll start talking some talk that i never heard of and then the debilitating depreciating amount of this and that and then the foreclosure of this and that and all the other and the holy spirit will say to me he says say stop stop anything after that i just i just kind of stopped the whole meeting didn't know what to do and they'll say say i want it for 50 off god i don't is that respectful do but since i don't have anybody else in the room advocating for me did you know one of the names for the holy spirit is the advocate the one that the one that steps in and says no this is mine and i'm gonna represent him and the advocate will begin to tell me stuff and i'll just say it and somebody said well when we look at the numbers and all this other stuff and like we've never done this before do you know how many times i've heard we've never done this before i might get that tattooed on my back they've never done this before because when you walk with the holy spirit you have discernment the reason you can be in places where they've never done it before because the holy spirit stands outside of time and he's looking in 2025 and he's looking back to 1918 and he's saying i've designed this exact moment for my kingdom to come through my son or my daughter so i'm going to whisper the things that are going to create legacy for their children's children because i'm a good god and i leave inheritances and so now i need you to speak what i say but you can't if you're emotionally distracted i am i gotta move verse 26 when the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified in their fear they cried out it's a ghost but look at our gracious god verse 27 but jesus spoke god's so good that he will let you label him something and then reaffirm that that ain't it it's actually me he says he spoke to them at once don't be afraid take courage i am here say that with me don't be afraid take courage why i am here say it one more time don't be afraid take courage why i am just one more time don't be afraid this is speaking faith into somebody take courage why because i write this point down what god says in the deep is more important than what you see in the deep they still saw a ghost but they heard what he said their emotions hadn't calmed down to the point where they could accurately decipher through the winds and the waves in the smoke that this was god but god's so good that he'll still speak to you and i'm just trying to encourage you what he says is more important than what you see see the distraction of of of our lives come to do these three things they come to pray on our emotions our insecurity and who's in control but look at what jesus says their emotions what if you tell them don't be afraid i got your emotions then he speaks to their insecurity like we don't know if we're gonna make it we don't know who's gonna take courage let me encourage you take courage why who has the authority to say that i am he literally said i am here now this doesn't mean as much to you if you don't understand the old testament passage when moses was commissioned to go out into the deep and tell pharaoh hey let my people go and he said i'm slow of speech i don't know how to do all of this stuff you call me to do and god says i will be your advocate and i'll tell you what to say i'll give you everything you're supposed to do you just need to walk out into the deep and not be distracted he goes and he says who should i say sent me and the response of god to moses is the same response jesus gives to these disciples i am i am that i am you need peace i am you need support i am do you need financial provision i am god says i'll be whatever you need whenever you need it the problem is they were looking for something natural to be their super but god says i step into your natural and i make your natural super natural and i don't know who needed to hear this but everything you're looking for i am has responded i am it's here oh you're lonely i am it's here i'll be your comforter i'll i'll teach you not just how to be okay i'll teach you how to love yourself i'll teach you how to make it hard for a negro to get up in your situation because hold on you're not coming in here messing up all the joy and the peace that god has given me you can't interrupt this river that i found you got to come and add to this but you cannot come and subtract for this not for a little bit of oh what god says in the deepest more important than what you see in the deep and some of you have been seeing the wrong things and god says it doesn't look like it but i still said it one of the beautiful things about having a daughter and being a pastor and having children and being a pastor is now i understand the bible so much more clearly when it talks about being father god and having children and all that other stuff um because one of the things that is interesting with my children is i tell them hey we're going to go get you a prize today and for some reason all throughout the day they keep asking me are we going to get it are we going to the store daddy where are you going they have this anxiousness about how they maneuver because what they're seeing doesn't line up with what i said what they don't know is i've already transferred money from a different account into the account in preparation for us going to the store what they don't know is i've already put gas in the car in preparation for us going to the store what they don't already know is i've talked to their mother about the budget that we're going to give them to spend what they don't know is that we're already planning not just for the prize we're giving them right now but mom sent me in to get something that's going to be out of stock in two weeks so i can get the next prize that they need i've already made provisions for them but what i have said is stronger than what they see and it reminds me of us that when we get to the deep we keep asking god are you sure you chose me you asked me to be at this church you asked me to start this business god i don't see you he said but i said it and i just want you to know in the deep you have to anchor on what god said there's a couple that's in the room right now that every doctor told them they would not be able to have children but god said to them i'm gonna make you prosperous and your womb is gonna be blessed and they literally have walked through a stormy season where the professionals oh i like this because professionals are not the final say the professionals told them there's no way but you don't know i am because what god told them they didn't see but he said i'm staying on this because somebody is about to give up on what god said just because they don't see it but i'm here to shake you in the faith today that god is a man that he should not lie if he said it he's going to complete it he's going to do just what he said if you've ever seen god come through i dare you to take three seconds and give god a shout of pray [Applause] oh i feel this thing coming right now he said it that means i'm gonna see it he said it that means i'm gonna see it it doesn't matter that i didn't get no sleep last night because my son has insomnia i think that's why i'm a little on edge today i slept two hours last night because a side effect of autism is insomnia while pastor nat's not here right now it's cause she pregnant we were up every hour on the hour with mj last night and i don't see it yet but he said it he told me when nobody was around there's a date i have marked down that the holy spirit gave me i feel this thing that every time it gets worse and every time there's a regression and every time it doesn't look like something and every time he's not eating and every time he's doing i said i don't see it but he said it and i dare you somewhere in your mind to get anchored right now i don't see it but he said it they gonna ask you why do you keep driving down this neighborhood i don't see it but he said it they're gonna ask you why do you keep believing that your whole family is gonna be saved i don't see it buddy they gonna keep asking you why do you plant the church in the middle of a pandemic i don't see it but he said get distracted in the deep by what you see some of y'all gonna go to a job tomorrow that looks worse than it did a week ago there's so many people that my heart goes out to in houston in dallas in texas and louisiana who you're you're literally going back to homes that have been ruined by by mildew and water and busted pipes but god told you you were going to be blessed to be a blessing and he told you that you were going to be the lender and not the borrower and he spoke specifically that this was going to be the year of breakthrough for your family and right now as you look in the rubble and you look in everything i'm encouraging you to get anchored on what god has said you may not see it but he said but y'all know these disciples discernment was off because they were emotionally entangled so they called god a ghost and jesus said it's me we was just together you just came off of 21 days of prayer and fasting you just had a worship experience with me in the car you just asked me to meet your needs to meet last week's bills and i did it you forgot who i was you said that if i get you out of this situation you would never do that again and i did that and you don't remember you don't and so they couldn't see it verse 28 then peter called to him lord i know you said it and take courage and all that other stuff but if it's really you ain't that how we be in our walk god is so good but if it's um i know you brought me the the job of my dreams um but this if this is really you tell me to come to you and walk on the water this is always very interesting to me in this thing because he says lord that means that somewhere in him either what he saw or what was said made him identify that this can't just be jerome walking on the water like that's not my cousin rome like this has to be jesus but he wasn't sure enough to put his weight on it he wasn't sure enough to drop his anchor on it so so so sometimes this tells me and this is encouragement for me because i'm human and sometimes my doubt gets in the way of the destiny and sometimes i don't know exactly i know it's god but i'm not sure it's god his language declared what his heart doubted lord if it's you we worship you but this is a different situation god i trust you but are you really going to make a way this is why we need god this is why we go back to the word because sometimes our language declares what our heart actually doubts and jesus is so gracious he says yes come now i got to stop here for one second and i'm not going to preach this preach this but i got to let you know that there were 12 disciples in the boat peter literally says if it's really you tell me to come walking on the water jesus doesn't say peter come or you come he just literally says yes come that was an invitation to everybody else that was in the boat that you have an opportunity to do something nobody has ever done but they did not have the faith to trust what jesus just said the saddest part of this story is that we could be talking about this story of 12 men a community of people a small group walking on water together i don't know about you but i need friends who can walk on water with me i need people that you own that block i own this block they on that block i need people that can say where are we going on vacation by the whole island and we're going to bless people i need people who can do the unthinkable with me that i'm not out here just trailblazing and representing i need a squad with me that we can walk into a depressed area of town and fix that house that house that house that house and next year we're gonna do that house that housed it part of the problem with this scripture is there were scared saints on the boat you already in the deep you already out here i need some saints to get that 2000. i ain't never scared like i ain't never scared i ain't nervous i i ain't i need people in my community that's like the spirit big event center let's go i ain't never scared buying a whole complex outside of here for 21 million dollars i ain't never scared let's go [Applause] i can't even tell you what we're gonna do next but i bet you i got a bunch of riders in the room with me and a bunch of writers online right now who say i ain't never scared [Applause] jesus said come and only one got up why is it important that you start leading a small group because peter could have very easily stepped out of the boat and said y'all come on no that he could have used their relational equity y'all know we seen jesus do stuff like this before don't miss out on this opportunity no i know your marriage is at the brink but i've seen god restore marriages before i know your children are out there but i've seen god do it before come and because there were scared saints in the deep they missed the miracle what miracle will you miss because you stay on the boat he says yes come so peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water towards jesus can we stop and give peter a hand clap no y'all if peter gets a bad rap y'all always skip to when he starts sinking but peter actually walked under me you ain't never done nothing great at least give him us come on let's people be hating on people when they fall they at least did some you on the boat scared but you know he sank but he walked on the water [Applause] such haters he tried he went over the side of the boat i just all i'm saying to you right now in this in this society of critics critics sit on the sideline and and they judge something they've never played it's way easier to be a commentator than to actually be in the nba [Applause] you can't jump from here to there but but you have something to say on the way that they dribble and the way that they shoot in the way they in the nba you have something to say about their marriage they're married yeah they might need counseling yeah they went through a heart but we gotta stop highlighting people's worst moments [Applause] as summing up who they are they might be there because they took a step of faith you were scared to i deal with different problems today because i stepped over the boat see you dealing with shallow situations cause you never stepped out into the deep but some of the issues i face right now i would never face it if i didn't walk by faith church all i'm saying is our criticisms have to go down especially if we've never been in that level of water [Music] [Applause] you in the kiddie pool talking about people who carry more weight and they swim trunks than you do all year guys we gotta make sure that our words are edifying are encouraging let no corrupt communication proceed out of the mouth only that which is edifying to the hero could we be a church some of the people we think are supposed to be cheering for us are actually the distractions in the deep because you've never stepped out of the boat so today i just i want to give out a peter award i've never heard a pastor give a peter award the bible says so peter went over the side of the boat and he walked on the find me one other person in history who defied the laws of gravity and buoyancy and actually walked on the water all i'm saying is maybe his failure was not the point that we should highlight some of you need to go back to your friends your family members i know it's hard because it takes humility to do this and they might be in a season right now that looks really bad and you could blow up and and blow them out and expose them but what god is saying to you is maybe you should remind them that they actually walked on water what would have happened if the disciples like no bro you did it though you can do it again keep looking at jesus there's more for you you i saw you take three steps i know you're seeking now but you can make it what if the disciples see this is the thing that i i found out of this and this is revelation do y'all want me to stop can can i have a few more okay i just i gotta this the last week let me get it out okay peter walked on water towards jesus and this made me really start contemplating the steps of faith that i've had to make over the boat and literally all i can say is we out here we oh my gosh what's gonna happen next sunday i don't know we out here how you gonna follow up going on the water i have no clue we're out here like like i'm like ain't no backup plans and ain't no no like we are out here that's why we need our discernment but what i've found as i've stepped over the boat i found like peter that you are most vulnerable when you did it but it's not done okay the most vulnerable part of distraction is when you did it i walked on water but i'm not done making it to jesus so so so this is where distraction really comes in because many of us have done the thing and got to the place we prayed to get at so we did it but it's not done and this is where distraction comes in at its finest peter walks on the water just like many of you have done things that nobody thought you would be able to do this is a progression or like what i like to call is purpose uh in process peter did it like he might have been like ah but jesus still over there so he did what nobody did but it's still not done the same way you got the money but you haven't learned how to manage it so you did it but it's not done you got the marriage but now you have to cultivate the marriage you did it i'm married we can have sex with no no guilt no condemnation let me clean it up but now i want you to see you did it but it's not done for it to get done you need focus write that word down it's a cuss word for many of you i know focus you lead the team now you got the title of director of but now you get it but now you have to grow them into leaders it's not done now you can post on your instagram you wrote a book but you did it now you have to sell the book you're not done and i just came to tell somebody who's shouting over getting on the water that wasn't the goal the goal wasn't to stand on water the goal was to make it to jesus the goal is not to have the best church in the world we we have done everything that i've ever put on paper as we've stepped over the boat in six years and god said michael guess what six years what a time to be alive that wasn't the goal you are in the deep and now you're gonna need focus to make it to me but when peter verse 30 but when he saw the strong winds and the waves and the haters and the people in his family that didn't support and the other instagram post and somebody else's life that looked more content he was terrified and he began to sink save me lord he shouted now this one messes me up because this is the same peter that's been with jesus write this point down because this is for you don't be so distracted you draw a blank he's been a deliverer he's been a deliverer peter steps out of the boat starts walking towards jesus and then sees distractions and forgets who told him to get out of the boat did you forget who called you to lead that team you know you're not qualified right did you forget who called you to be in that relationship do you forget he's been a deliverer see this is why i love the bible we're in matthew chapter 1 14. do y'all remember that in chapter eight six chapters ago the disciples were in a different storm and jesus would sleep on the boat and they woke him up and said yo why y'all tripping peace be still jesus i never saw it to now peter's tripping but jesus had already got them through the same exact type of storm and in the moment he lost focus he forgot and drew a blank and forgot he was standing with his deliverer my question to you is have you had christian amnesia and forgot all the times that god has brought you through before he's been a deliverer the reason i put that little he's been a deliverer is because i feel like god sometimes gets a little like y'all put some respect on my name he has a little birdman moment where he say you better put some respect i've been a deliverer you're how old do you know that the enemy had his arrows towards you at 10 years old and i've kept you and sustained you and you wouldn't even got into that college if i wouldn't allow that person to come and tell you about that scholarship that was me put some respect on my name you thought that it was you that saved you from that car accident but that was warring and ministering angels that stood up and moved people out the way because there was a destiny that i had on your life put some respect on my name you thought you're in the city and in the place you're in right now by accident i moved heaven and earth to get you to where i wanted you to be you thought it was an accident you watching today this was my favor and grace on your life i've been a deliverer somebody say he's been a deliverer say it like you mean it second samuel 22 says and he said the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer the god of my rock in him will i trust he is my shield and the horn of my salvation my high tower and my refuge my savior that will always save me from violence psalms 18 2 said the lord is my rock in my fortress i'm just saying this because somebody needs to know that he's been a deliverer and he is my deliverer my god my strength and whom i will trust my buckler and my horn if god is your buckler you know what i'm saying you better know buckle up he's the seat belt he said i'm your salvation and your hightower psalms 27. some trust in chariots and some trust in horses but i will remember and trust in the name of our god can i say it differently some trust in teslas and some trust in beamer benzer bentley but i will trust in the name of the lord he was saying people trust in the transportation to get them to a destination do y'all see back in the day it was horses and chariots you trust in the vehicle and some of y'all have been trusting in your jobs trusting in your relationships trusting in the stock market trusting in the s p 500 trusting in bitcoin trusting in some people like bitcoin what is that is that a pokemon thing just stay with me some of y'all have been trusting in in pop culture and you've been trusting in and different things that you can do with your hands and god says some trust in all that but the thing i'm asking you to trust in is the one who's been a deliverer somebody just say it one more time god's been a deliverer he did it for him in verse and chapter eight and now we're in chapter 14 and he loses his cool he saw the strong winds and the waves he was terrified and began to seek save me lord he shouted can i um i wasn't gonna put this point in here but i just feel like somebody needs to hear this and this is for you know our church is built to cater to the lost and found so my lost people you're not gonna think nothing about this but there's some found people that have been blaming this certain person in their life and he is bad but everything's not his fault distractions in the deep aren't always the devil i i know i know that was the devil that i missed disappointment no you woke up late that wasn't the day of devil you're lazy it's the devil i didn't get that promotion no your presentation was trash [Music] you spent more time on instagram trying to get 32 likes than working on the presentation that will actually change your bank account it wasn't the devil you were distracted the devil is not mentioned anywhere in this scripture go back and look it didn't say and the devil brought wind jesus is the one who sent them to the lake and he sent them to the lake while he went to pray for them i need you to hear me say this jesus knew the storm you were going into so he made intercession for you they were out on the sea and jesus went to pray by himself because he knew they would need him he gets in a supernatural state and begins to defy the law of buoyancy walks on water to meet them at the point of their need and the reason he meets them there is because he set it up what if the thing you've been saying is the devil was a setup some of the worst things in my life were not the devil they were set up by god to get something in me and get something out of me that could come out no other way i've told y'all several times about my horrible story with the contractor trying to build a home and trying to do all of these different things and he left me and my wife in our brand new baby in a home in a winter like we just had with no heat took our money had to pay him extra had to lean on our house for four years but when i look back at that situation now god has orchestrated me to in the five years after that to be the person at the table negotiating over 40 million dollars worth of real estate on behalf of transfer that was a hundred and fifty thousand dollar fail so that i could learn a 50 million dollar future [Applause] it was a setup i had to make sure i knew how to read through contracts and ask questions and god knew that he was going to be my anchor through that whole thing and so he said he can take this one because i set it up for him and i've been praying for him and i'm not gonna leave him out there by himself and i'm gonna come and speak to him the the day before the week before i became the lead pastor of transformation church the week before god resolved that situation because my parents came into a little money and they were able to give me the money to be able to settle that lane and god didn't allow me to walk into pastoring with that scar but he said you needed the experience it wasn't the devil it was from my development and the truth of the matter is when god's trying to develop us many of us are distracted in the deep i don't know what your distraction is today it could be other people it could be your own self-talk it could be not focusing on the word of god but there's distractions that aren't the devil and this is what happened to peter write this down distractions drown you when vision drifts the reason why this is our vision series and i spent seven weeks talking on it well pastor mike talk about this talk about that talk about this it don't matter what we talk about if we are off of course if we're one degree by the time we get to the end of 2022 do you know what could happen in the world we're only two months into the to the thing we got capital riots we got gorilla glue girl we got all kinds of stuff yeah y'all do y'all know what could happen but it doesn't matter if we are angry that's how some of y'all gonna look at the end of this year i'm gonna need surgery if you get to but do y'all know that whole thing i don't mean to preach this at all it's a very sad thing but the reason that that happened she had the right thing there and ran out of it and she didn't focus on what she was picking up to use her vision she drowned she hurt herself she was one who actually experienced very bad consequences not because she was a bad person it's because she thought oh this is something that helps she didn't focus on what it was and what it said and what it actually was used for and she drowned because her vision drift what are you saying pastor mike fix your focus hebrews 12 1. that's all i'm asking you to do how do we stay anchored we fix our focus therefore since we've been surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off every thing that hinders us that's every distraction i want you to hear me say this we're not even talking about sin yet sin comes it says literally throw off every thing or every distraction that hinders us and the sin so you can drift or drown because of a distraction not even a sin is this sin no it's not sin for you to eat 50 oreos before you go to sleep let me stop but you are distracted and then you will be praying for a miracle five years from now and the miracle never had to be a miracle if you had developed fixed focus in this season of being anchored it says don't be thrown off by everything that hinders you and the sin that easily entangles us and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us the course god has set us and we can't go off one degree if you go off one degree even in the relay race as the last runner is the anchor as my sister put it in her poem the last person is the anchor and they can run and they can run but what happens if they're one degree off they get in somebody else's lane and what are they disqualified fixing our eyes on jesus not pastor mike i'm so glad that y'all listen to me every morning but if this is your substitute for the word of god and devotion and actually making time for him i am a poor substitute baby i am capri sun and you need v8 do you understand what i'm saying you need something that can sustain you all i'm doing is pointing you to the natural resource i'm only pointing you to him but i'm telling you fix your eyes on jesus the pioneer and perfector of our faith you always move in the direction of your focus you always do can i say it like this your favorable future or your ferocious failure are in the direction of your focus you decide your favorable future the thing that god has for you that thing where everything is working out as well as your ferocious failure that thing that you feel like you can never come back from are in the direction of your focus keep the camera right here i'm looking uh-uh don't follow me you go back to where you're supposed to go see because the problem is i'm looking at a camera i'm directly focused on the wrong thing and some of you right now you you come here right over here yeah yeah come on now now plan to her show them what i'm looking at the whole time i'm looking directly at a camera and now i'm looking at this camera and now i'm looking at this camera and it feels like i'm in purpose because i'm looking at cameras they can see me but i'm looking at the wrong camera it doesn't matter if you're focused if you're focused on the wrong thing and i along with transformation church have made a decision to drop our anchor and fix our focus on jesus if you're gonna fix your focus on jesus why don't you give him a shout of praise in the place [Applause] jesus immediately reached verse 31 out and grabbed peter peter pete p diddy p money you have such little faith why do you doubt me i did it with feeding the five thousand i did it for you in verse eight i've been a deliverer bro put some respect on my name bro why did you but god in his grace he's so good to us that when we don't deserve it he still does it what i'm trying to tell somebody who feels like they're drowning right now is peter was a disciple and drowned you're okay i know i know i know you've never been in this place before and you never thought you would be begging for this and you never thought you would have to start over like this and it feels like everything around you is caving in on you and you're drowning but if somebody who jesus chose to walk with him drowned at one point in their life and god saved them you're gonna be okay i just want to be the the face of faith for you because some people that are on the other side of this screen right now your discernment has been off for a long time and you've drifted not just one degree but maybe 10 15 20 degrees off and you feel like it's hopeless and you're literally drowning and god sent me to tell you you've just been distracted in deep but if you would allow me i'll reach out and i'll grab your hands and i'll take you to safety write this last point down with god the doubt won't drown you he literally says why do you have so much little doubt the doubt didn't leave when god saved them there's still areas of our life that we want to have crazy faith in but sometimes it takes us drowning and god saving us for us to realize oh he still loves me even with the questions even with the fear even with the failure with god the doubt won't drown you when they climbed back into the boat the wind stopped then disciples worshiped you really are the son of god they exclaimed i want you to realize no matter what you're facing when jesus is with you every element in your atmosphere has to change in chapter eight jesus spoke to the winds in the waves did y'all see it right here when he climbed back into the boat the wind just stopped as god walks in the authority that he has been given in your life your only response is to do what the disciples did worship i'm just going to worship god i'm going to worship him because he saved me i'm going to worship him because he stopped the wind this is the thing i think about the disciples were still in the storm even though they weren't on the water and when jesus steps on the boat the storm stops [Music] what i'm saying is if you're walking on water or you're just in the deep god's saying i'll i'll take care of the storm i'll take care of the wind you take care of the worship [Music] i'll take care of the wind you take care of the worship that's a song y'all you take care of the wind that's my new confession now the storms are coming god you take care of the wind but i'll take care of the worship father you won't have to pump and prime me to give you glory to give you praise because you've sustained me you take care of the wind god and i'll take care of the worship and today at the end of this series how we're going to be anchored how we're going to be sustained is knowing our anchor is still jesus [Music] it's still him i feel i feel i feel a a worship coming over everybody hands lifted everywhere come on if you're somewhere you can stand up why don't you stand up right now i feel like this we're deciding that we're gonna drop our anchor god you take care of the wind i'll take care of the worship right now i want you to lift your voice and i want you to praise god i want you to give him thanks i want you to sing unto him a new song i want you to begin to call him who he is he's a provider he's good i know some of y'all this may seem weird but when we worship god we use our lives our words our hands to express our love to him god thank you for being good thank you for sustaining us thank you for being committed to us when we weren't committed to you thank you for not letting us drown thank you father that you would continue to pick us up father god right now you take care of the wind but we're going to take care of the worship come on lift it up right now somebody say you sustain come on lift it up lift your worship up god i trust you in the middle of the storm god i trust you god i got to worship i got to worship god you're going to take care of the marriage you're gonna take care of the finances i got to worship you sustain me through everything father god we will be anchored on you god come on in your home in your house lift your hands teach your kids how to worship through the storm come on come on let's declare it your promises always come true say your promise is always good you're a good god you save us when we [Music] give him worship we're trusting you god we're angry [Music] [Music] strong power god you take care of the wind and i'll take care of the worst he said i will so i will say i will trust you that's the statement of being anchored somebody just say i will trust you say i will hey you got the win you got the marriage you got the problems i got to worship somebody safe you got this church you got my son you got my wife come on tell god i got to worship all the discrimination i've been feeling all the social unrest i'ma worship you through it right now somebody say oh i feel the presence of god somebody's getting their worship back you can't control the wind but the anchor can so i want you to worship [Music] some of y'all needed this moment all week somebody just began to praise him right now something's shifting something's changing it's changing in your home it's changing in your mind it's changing in your emotions let's lift this thing up one time come on somebody declaring faith i will trust you safe woo somebody's dropping their anchor on the word of god somebody declare no matter who comes and who goes god i'm saying i'll trust you safe all over the world lift your hands say you sustain god [Music] just one more time just sing that we got the worship god we got it god here we are [Music] no matter what's going on no matter how i'm feeling in the morning excuse me no matter if my jaw turns around no matter if the water is the ground [Music] you've had me since i was born so right now god in the middle of everything i'm trusting you [Music] your promises always come true [Music] just sing that one more time y'all it's ministering to me [Music] so you're a good good father it's who you are [Music] this is the thing you needed i can't control the winds in the waves but i can control my focus and i'm focusing on jesus [Music] [Applause] god you gonna take care of it i got to worship say you're a good good [Music] he's reaching out right now [Music] he's reaching out right now [Music] so listen um the only thing that i can offer you now it's not a good sermon not a good illustration i only can offer you the anchor his name is jesus that's how we gonna make it through every storm y'all i'm not promising you a stormless 2021 i'm promising you an anchor in jesus and how do we sustain we fix our eyes on him we get in good community we keep showing up for church we serve people we give we love we become more like him but you can't do that without him there's so many people trying to manifest things that god freely gives why are you manifesting something that comes with salvation all you have to do is acknowledge you're no longer in control that jesus has already won the victory for you and today i want to give you that opportunity it's the greatest decision i ever made it's the thing that took me from being a liar a manipulator addicted to pornography somebody who had so much darkness in their heart so many images so emotionally distracted so not a perfect man i'm not a perfect man but i'm a progressing man a man that hears from god that allows his discernment to override his desires today i want to offer that to you all you have to do is not what religious people tell you to do stop smoking stop drinking stop doing this like like if you could have done it you would have already stopped doing it you knew it was bad when you started it you know lying and all that other stuff you know it our our nature knows it the problem is we don't have in our nature the ability to do this without god and so today i'm offering you a free gift it's the gift of grace you can't earn it you don't deserve it it's unmerited it's not because of how much money you have or who your family is and if you know the pastor or the leader or it's none of that it's because god cares so much that 2 000 years ago he went to the cross and he decided my children in 2021 are gonna need me and they're gonna deny me and they're gonna act like they can do it without me but they're gonna come to the end of the rope and they're gonna feel like they're drowning and then i'm gonna be their anchor and today along with hundreds if not thousands of other people today i want to lead you in a prayer that changes everything according to romans 10 9 it says all you have to do is not confess everything you've done yet that's not what you do you don't go to the hospital and fix yourself you come there because you need help and jesus says today i'll help you if you give your life to me i'll help you fix your habits and today on the count of three we're about to pray but if you want to be added into that prayer are you saying pastor today i want to give my life to jesus i want to confess that he lived and he died just for me and today i'm giving control over tim if you want to do that i'm telling you hundreds if not thousands of other people are doing it right now and then there are going to be hundreds every day that this message goes out on rebroadcast that are going to do the same thing the holy spirit stands out outside of time it's as real at this moment as it is in that moment right there that you're standing in if you're saying pastor include me in that prayer on the count of three i just want you to slip your hand up wherever you are forget about who's with you forget about who's around if you're in a public coffee shop it don't matter they won't stand with you before god this will be a decision between you and god and this decision causes you not to drift one you're making the greatest decision of your life two i'm so proud of you but that don't even matter because your name is gonna be written in the lamb's book of life three shoot your hand up all over the world come on somebody shoot your hand up their hands going up all over the world right now will you say this prayer with me and transformation nation because church imagination you know we don't pray alone we're praying together for the benefit of those coming to christ everybody say lord thank you for being my anchor today i know i'm here because you sustained me so today i'm giving you my life i believe you lived you died and you rose again just for me so change me renew me transform me i'm yours i'm anchored in jesus name amen transformation nation can we give god praise all over the world oh come on y'all y'all got to help me give god praise for the people who have given their life to christ [Music] your mercies are new every day so i will that's what just happened his mercies his mercies are new every day his mercies his mercies that's what you just experienced his grace his grace is new everything so i will okay so let me tell you something if you just prayed that prayer number one i'm so proud of you number two your eternity is secure number three you got a family and we love you and what we want you to do is we want to know who you are we want to get to know you want to give you some resources will you please text the number on the screen we're not going to harass you we're going to help you and we want you to start on this journey of progression with us okay i don't preach for an hour and 40 minutes y'all i am dead tired but i gave you everything that i had for this message and i believe honestly this whole series wasn't for right now this series was taught for a different season go ahead and save subscribe um download this whole series because there will be a moment you need it and it will be like we're speaking to the exact situation at that moment the one thing that i want you to know is that peter walked on the water alone and you don't have to walk through anything alone today i'm not talking to everybody because everybody's not ready for this step but there's some people that have gone to the deep and i think there's probably 25 to 30 000 people that are part of our church core right now and hundreds of thousands that'll watch during the week i'm talking to our church corps i need about 5 000 of y'all who are deciding i'm going to be anchored and i'm going to lead other people to the deep i'm going to help other people not drown i'm going to speak life when people get off the boat and start walking on water i'm gonna be there encouraging them when they get married and when they have deaths and when they're going through hard situation i'm gonna be there as an anchor for them if that's you i'm talking to leaders right now i want you to sign up for our b groups beta this next season we're going to be taking only leaders through small groups because honestly y'all if we opened up b groups for everybody right now we wouldn't have enough people to lead and and if you don't have leaders you're going to end up drifting and we're not doing that this is the year of no drift so we're going to spend this first few months building leaders and some of you need to answer that call today you've been saying god what am i supposed to do how am i supposed to serve here you are you need to text the number on the screen text beta to 828282 and when you do that you'll have responses and it's a process you don't just get to go through it like we're going to vet everybody because we only want people leading groups that are able to reproduce and help point people to jesus help fix their eyes on them and one day all of us are going to be there because we've been called to disciple people but if that's you answer the call today today not tomorrow not tuesday so i need confirmation this is your confirmation right here here i am i'm black and i'm wearing a white hoodie that says no drift this is your confirmation text that number and by the fall i believe transformation church we're going to be stronger and more anchored than we've ever been in our life today i pray over you a blessing a blessing that literally surpasses you that it moves to your children's children god i declare that the things we've decided to be anchored on today we will not drift god show us the distractions that have been keeping us in delusion while we've been in the deep and i thank you for clear vision this is our vision series and you have said you're giving us vision for the future so today father god we trust you thank you that you sustain in the middle of it all you remain the same through the rain you still reign you sustain i thank you that this will be our church's best week ever that father god you go before us you stand around us and you're behind us father that you are our deliverer that anything we come into father god you've already been there so we do not have to fear today we stand anchored in your word that we will not drift have your way in our lives and we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise in jesus name somebody say i am anchored can you give god a shout of praise wherever you are go out and live a transformed life i love you
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 747,559
Rating: 4.9370017 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, anchored, distractions, in the deep, are you distracted
Id: G9tqwqNxKls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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