Rich Wilkerson Jr. with Mike Todd & Chad Veach — VOUS Conference 2019: Scared But Prepared

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I was I was gonna say can you help me welcome to the stage Mike Todd and Chad Veatch but you already did hey we we have a little bit different session good to see you fellas happy that you're here man glad to be here are you enjoying yourself this is foo Conference 2019 Chad how you feeling I feel like the Mexican cousin I'm glad to be here she has been coming to conference for a long time and mike has actually been preaching at vous quite a bit this past year but this is this is your first time actually at blue comp which both you guys are coming back for 2020 which is pretty awesome how do you like it so far man there is something electric in this building when people come with expectation and they actually invested to be somewhere it's one of the most amazing things because God never ever fails to show up when we make a meeting with him it's many times when when he makes a meeting with us we don't show up but I think there's about 5,000 people in the building that expected God to show up and he's not gonna disappoint let's go well today we're gonna attempt to do something that we've never done before and food conference I'm excited about it if you got a Bible I want you to turn with us for the quick to Matthew chapter 26 we have attempted to write prepare talk about pray about a sermon together and in this session we want to preach from the three of us really to devote conference and I believe this is a word the Lord has given us but we're gonna start at Matthew chapter 26 in Chad why don't we go ahead you want to read verses 36 through maybe 41 or so go to 41 Matthew 26 verse 36 every with me say yeah alright says then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane and he said to them sit here while I go over there and pray and he took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him and he began to be saw full in troubled and then he said to them my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death stay here and keep watch with me going a little further he fell with his face to the ground and he prayed my father if it is possible make this Cup be taken from me yet not as I will but as you will then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping couldn't you man keep watch with me for one hour he asked Peter watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak I want you to write down the title of the message that we're gonna preach together today write down this title is called scared but prepared hashtag bars hashtag scared I'm prepared let's pray and let's believe the Holy Spirit's going to speak to us slowly thank you so much for who conference 2019 Kelly thank you for your word which is a firm foundation today we stand upon your word today Lord we pray that as we read this word this word would read us that we would lead this session better than how we walked in here we give you praise we give you glory and Jesus mighty and matchless name everybody if you believe it everybody said oh come on food conference one more time make some noise in this house so we want to talk to you today from the standpoint of leadership and I think sometimes at vu conference if we're not careful we can kind of just categorize because there's so many church planners and church leaders we can just talk church leadership but the truth the matter is if you're in this room right now we believe that each and every one of you are called to leadership leadership is simply influence so wherever you find yourself in life you are called to make a difference in that place and you're called to influence yet one of the things I think that people fail to realize when they step out into leadership is that leadership is scary like all the time it's like it's really really scary and right here in Matthew chapter 26 we see this moment where Jesus is about to go and fulfill his greatest mission on the earth which is to die on the cross and as he does he's in this garden and he's praying to the Father and as he's praying he's actually expressing that he's scared he's saying father if it's at all possible let this cup pass from me but I love what he says he says but not my will your will see every leader that's called by God is not called to live according to your will but according to his will and what he says though at the end it says the flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing I think in life what's going to take place whether you're exactly where you want to be today in leadership you're in this place right now where the future can be scary but maybe there's a lot of in this room you're not in the place that you want to be and you're going am I ever gonna get out of this rut that's scary and sometimes we can't actually define or we can't actually change the thing that we're afraid of but what we can do in that season is we can be making sure that we are getting prepared I think leadership is about being scared bahama get prepared and I just thought for a moment as we're kind of kicking off into this this message both of you guys are leading at such a high level such a high capacity really you're all over the world preaching the gospel you guys are both involved in other spaces outside the church I'm just curious if we can get kind of real for a moment maybe just talk about a couple moments that you have been scared in leadership that's what I'm really really after you got any like good moments of just being afraid Chad yeah I'll never forget the first time I was I became a youth pastor when I was 19 and so this local high school invited me to come emcee the high school talent show and so I was excited it's a you know I want to get into the school and be used on this campus so I got there and what I did know was that the talent show was all in Spanish so every act was in Spanish I was the only thing in English I've never been more scared like I tried to use my six Spanish words I'm like ustedes como estas bienvenidos welcome Ricardo like this I'm so scared the whole time but is this I feel like so much of being used by God and leadership is just being okay with being scared not knowing all the answers and not you know knowing everything to do so I think it's good that sometimes we live with that tension of like I'm not an expert right now I'm learning as I go and gotta give me the wisdom if give me the the favor and the relationships and the strength to to walk in spaces that seems scary I could play oceans right now I think one of the coolest things about walking with God it is a walk of dependence so if you're not if you're completely dependent on yourself at any moment you may be doing it by yourself like God may not be with you and so I think he always calls us to be at this place of vulnerability where we do not have everything together and so I think about tons of times like in my story like I have no formal education in ministry I've never spoken a message um in front of people until seven years ago I've never done anything like that before so every day I get up I'm scared I'm sick I'm dead serious because I Know Who I am without God and and and it's almost that thing that keeps me completely dependent and I almost like it because if I really was comfortable in all my skill I would get up and do things thinking that it was me but every time that I get up before people the way that I love my wife the way that I'm a father to my kids I'm a leader and I don't know what I'm doing and so what that does is it says father I need you to be the strength in the middle of my weakness everything that I'm not you are you called me with my flaws at all Thank You Beyonce and so I think there's there's it's a daily thing for me to get up and acknowledge that I don't have what it takes to do this but God you do and so me and you together it's the majority I think for me on the journey like one of the things as we've stepped out in faith like so often I think what we think is gonna happen is that everything's gonna get easier but what you learned is it doesn't get easier you just get stronger every we first launched vous Church like I thought like day one it was like yeah hip hooray like everyone shows up and then day two like the attacks began I think over and over again what I'm trying to tell my spirit on the journey of leadership is I'm thinking about stories like this of Jesus in the garden yeah we're here he is and this is where we actually see that Christ yes he's all God but he's also all man it's a beautiful beautiful theological picture that we have he that we discovered that this is this is the son of man that Daniel prophesied about this is Jesus and here he is in the garden and he's sweating drops of blood because what's a front of him he is afraid of and I think the quicker that we can actually just get open about that get vulnerable about that talk about that you know both of you guys happen to be two guys that I text quite a bit and I find myself texting you after some of the tough days I found myself texting you after went really really bad but what I've learned is that soon as I just get open about what I'm afraid of and I allow somebody else to speak into it how quickly courage comes into my situation for you guys when it comes to this idea of fear is there any moment that you can think of that you're going you know what man on this journey like I don't know if I've got what it takes right here in this moment again every day no I think of a specific moment is when I became the lead pastor of transformation church it was a church that had been going oh I love y'all transformation nation what up okay so it had been going for 15 years and I took it over after it had a 15 year run so everybody that was there knew what it was for 15 years and then I'm supposed to come in and not change anything keep everything the same and keep it running and the first day God told me he said I want to change the fabric of this church and you're gonna honor the whole way so what does that mean he said I want you to stand up and I want you to declare what is not here now in front of everybody this that's all dumb can I just write that in a journal and then when it happens then you know what I'm saying but he said no the first thing I did I stood up I said um God told me that this is gonna be if my voice on the I went back to puberty again yeah God told me that this church would be multi-ethnic multi-generational multi-campus multiply and that's what the audience did they laughed at me and um but it was at that moment that God said I needed you to be a leader and step towards the obstacle not away from it and when I looked at the life of David that was the thing that separated him from the entire children of Israel is that when Goliath their obstacle was shouting at them the entire trained army took a step back when David said who is this uncircumcised philistine that was cuss words back then like that was worthless trash talk like yeah and he said I'm gonna step towards it and I think that was a moment where in the midst of my fear I had to go ahead and declare and say something that was contrary to everything that I was seeing and God told me in that moment he said you just made the step that will allow the giant to fall and I mean just encouraging some people in here that that don't you're scared with your knees shaking and your voice trembling and you not even sure if it can happen you need to stand and declare what God has placed on your heart and your act of faith will be the reasons why Giants fall I think the most unprepared I've ever felt was we launched our church I think three weeks before you guys and we launched our church in in LA and in West Hollywood and we started in the club you know meet me at the church it's going down it's going down okay started from the club this could be very dangerous the two of you on this stage together we could rap right now we can go like that guy what we starting a club and it was amazing you you were there and and you know we had we're on Sunset Boulevard at 1oak which at the time in LA was like the number one club and I loved clubs you know like that guy but um why'd you start in a club I love them they just anyways so we started in this club and then I was unbelievable the security said this this is this is not my words but the security told our team we've never seen more people here and this like the hottest club in LA and they did turn people away and there was lines down Sunset Boulevard and it was this epic night and it was for my wife and I was like the best night we've had like this is unbelievable for as a ministry standpoint and so I remember telling the whole crowd that was there that night I'll see you back next Sunday 11 a.m. 6 p.m. right here this thing's official will we we launched a church and the next morning we got an email from the owner said you could never have Church here ever again you had too big of a crowd and your crowd is a liability I'm like my crowd is sober how could it be liability like we're on coffee in like club soda like this is not bad but I'll never forget that whole week we just like we're in a panic trying to find a venue we didn't find a venue till Friday so here we go launched this church it would tell everybody was see back next week we didn't have a place to meet until Friday and we ended up at the El Rey Theatre where we meet still today but it was this moment where I'm like I'm not ready for this like I'm used to being a youth pastor with a 10 dollar budget annually and I can do that like I can do that all the youth pastors said amen I wasn't prepared for that it's amazing because you don't really know what you're prepared for until you step into it I'm telling you over and over again leadership is this feeling I'm scared but I'm trusting that I'm prepared I'm scared but I'm trusting that I'm prepared in Jesus he says something here in this text that's really kind of amazing to me because here he is going father not my will but your will let this cup pass me I don't really want to do this I don't really feel like doing this this is scary this is a big deal going to the cross but here he goes is what he says he says the flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing now I think today what we want to try to attempt to answer a little bit is what does it look like to prepare a ready spirit what does it look like to have a spirit that is prepared and available for when God says it's time to step out and go that although you are afraid you will remind yourself of God's Word that it's not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God can I get a witness in this afternoon session if you know what I'm talking about you might be scared but I got a feeling God wants to prepare you this is a season right now that I don't know what it is that you are waiting for God to do but what I know about leaders is that we're always waiting for the next but I want you to write this down today you should be living like God is doing what you're waiting for so whatever whatever it is that you're waiting for right now like your actions shouldn't change in that next season you should already be living and behaving like that thing is occurring so if we're gonna get our spirit prepared if we're gonna get ourselves to a place that we're available to God I think the first thought that we have to consider is this word patience everyone say patience like that's not a fun word to talk about but that's actually I think what God's call in our generation to understand that if you want to be a person who's preparing right now for what he has next for you it's gonna require patience and here's the truth patience does not mean waiting because like one way or another you won't wait patience is the attitude that you maintain while you were so can you actually be patient can you take on the right attitude while you wait for God to do the thing that you're believing for and here's the annoying thing about patience right because some of you you're about to pray one of the boldest prayers you've ever prayed in a moment as we get ready to close the session you're and say God make me patient and guess what he's gonna answer that request it's called traffic on Monday it's called slow internet on Tuesday because the only way God can make you patient is he has to put a trial or a test in front of you that will make you wait and he wants to see the attitude that you take on while you wait see if you're really going to live the dream and if you're really going to sell out and say I'm in with you Jesus I'm telling you you can trust God that his timing is better than your timing yeah I'm telling you the only thing worse than not waiting on God is wishing that you had we want to be a generation that we actually trust God in his timing you know we didn't just start a church out of nowhere it's funny how like Instagram and how things can just pop up and it can be kind of confusing a lot of people come to Matt yellow man it seems like Vuh churches grew so quick and we've had some incredible growth but you're gonna you understand that vous Church in September it'll be a four year official story but it's not really a four year official story like there's a whole lot to the story and if you really want to go back to the beginning of food church it started when I was 17 years of age in Adelaide Australia sit on the second row of a conference like this I can't member who was preaching a cantor what the session was about all I remember is answering the call of God saying God whatever you ask of me I will go and it was in that session that I started getting visions and I started getting ideas and I started believing that God had a big future for me I started seeing myself doing things that I wasn't presently doing at that moment we're talking about like 18 years ago and many of the things that God showed me when I was 17 are just now coming to pass but can I just be honest with you when God started giving me opportunities God started using me I never wanted to ever ever take advantage or I never wanted to get familiar with the opportunities mmm when I was in Bible College we started this like little prayer meeting and about 30 people ended up showing for this prayer me I thought that was like revival at my Christian College you know I'd be preaching IV shouting I thought get in it's like 30 people I'm like let's go you know and I remember that summer I'd started this little group and it was called broken that was we had a worship team and I was the preacher how cool is that name broken god only works with broken stuff and my dad purchased us a minivan and a trailer and he booked us all up and down the East Coast preaching at different little youth ministries I wrote at one time in particular I've told the story before but I showed up in the state of Georgia to a youth pinion there was five people in the youth mini I still used a microphone why because I didn't see five people I believe that one day if we would just stay faithful God could give us arenas full of people and I wanted to practice and live like God was already doing what I was waiting for see the challenge with God is that when God knocks on your door and opportunity knocks you can't say you'll come back later some of us we don't understand it but like opportunity is already knocking but you're complaining about the noise you thought your opportunity was there gonna be easy no no no no no God opportunities are presented to you full of obstacles full of challenges today how did we get here it's taken us 10 years to even get into a space like this 10 years of just grinding and being faithful and saying God we're gonna be patient we're gonna trust Lord that when you actually knock on the door we're gonna be ready to go I remember a couple months ago some of our friends I was getting ready to go preach at at a church and some of my friends were coming to pick me up that morning but the call time was like 5:45 a.m. how many know that Jesus is not even awake at 5:45 a.m. and literally I'll never forget it because like somehow I'm up my buddies they were able to like break into the house and like they're knocking on my bedroom door like rich you got to wake up and I wake up kind of like what what do we mean and I think you have to fly today I was like oh my my bags aren't packed like I wasn't ready and I just wonder how many of us in this place were so dreaming about the future we're so excited about the next season but we're missing our opportunity to patiently pursue the things of God and let him prepare in us the things that he has for us so the day that he does knock on our door the bags are packed we're ready to go I've already seen myself doing this I'm being patient waiting on God yes I am scared but I am not wasting one moment not getting prepared and if you're gonna prepare your spirit because there's gonna come these moments where truly you're gonna be saying let this cup pass from me this is too scary for me I'm scared but Lauren I've got a willing spirit because I've been preparing myself it's gonna require patience I believe Chad but what else I think I think is gonna require patience but I think the second P 2 it is perseverance because you're gonna you're gonna have moments you're gonna have moments when you you do feel like quitting I think I think the great part about the Garden of Gethsemane is Jesus has never been more relatable than he is in this moment like Jesus wants to quit he wants to throw in the towel have you ever been there before Jesus like no I do not want to do this this does not sound fun let's stop here and stop now it's amazing that he is in the Garden of Gethsemane Gethsemane literally translated is oil press I don't know if you've ever been anointed by oil but in Scripture oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit so if you ever come to a prayer meeting and we anoint you with oil it's because we're anoint you with the Holy Spirit but if you want oil you got to go through some crushing you got to crush something to bring out the oil the anointed one is in the garden of we oppress because he's about to get anointed an another level I wonder how many of us have quit right before a greater Authority a greater anointing and a greater breakthrough was just about to happen but we said nah I gotta get out of here this is too much so if you've ever felt like quitting good news so did Jesus so you're not bad if you felt like quitting you're not an awful leader if you Jesus himself felt like quitting is just the fact that he didn't quit he just kept on going he kept going to the next level for the joy that was set before him I have felt like quitting before the first time I felt like quitting was when we lost the club one oak the second time I felt like quitting was our first conference so we have a conference in Los Angeles and we got ready to do our first conference we host ours in the summertime in LA and we got ready to go and right as we were getting ready to launch our first conference ever my wife texted me and said you're never gonna believe what has happened to our kids that we already have our oldest is special needs something in what else could have happened you ever get a text when you know it something's really wrong like I knew it was really wrong so she sends me a photo of our boys go and put up on the screen this is a photo of my Mavi right here he has broken out in the craziest reaction to God knows what I think it's attack of Satan somebody say Amen my wife is freaking out and she's like are you kidding me we're having our first conference and look what's happened to our kids and throughout our conference our kids had this outbreak but all of our kids had this outbreak all over their skin and we saw it as an attack on our home we saw it as an attack that I was trying to bring a miracle to our city trying to have another level of breakthrough and anytime you get ready to step out there's always going to be some resistance just a heads up if you feel like you're under attack it's probably a sign that you're going in the right direction doing the right thing it's probably a sign that maybe God's trying to use you at another level and Satan's not just gonna roll over to that so we got through it and the kids got healed and we're fine and we go to the next conference last summer our second conference and we get ready to go and the week of our second conference I got another text from my wife again and she says this time it is our oldest my daughter Georgia and I just had to call 911 ambulance come pick her up she can't stop having seizures so um this is a Sunday morning and I'm preaching and Julia goes to the hospital in the ambulance with my daughter let me show you a photo of my daughter Georgia this is my daughter Georgia right before our second conference and I gotta be honest I can deal with the club and I can deal with some skin reaction but this for me was the time that I was like god I don't want my kids to suffer god I don't want to keep leading if it's gonna affect my family and this was the first time for me in 19 20 years of ministry that I was like I don't know if I want to keep going have you ever been there before have you ever been in the spot were you like I don't know what is this going to cost me and I had to make a decision in the point of quitting am I gonna roll roll over and give in to this attack or am I gonna keep going I love Jesus he's feeling pressed he's in the garden he's like I don't want to do this nevertheless not my will but your will be done I'm just here to tell you today if you keep on going there's a breakthrough on another side come on if you keep on pressing there's another anointing on the other side come on is there anybody at blue conference 2019 that's willing to keep running your race and seeing what God has in store just love the Bible because it says don't grow weary in doing good for in due season you're gonna see a harvest so many of us were just like I feel bad I feel rejected I feel alone I feel like things are against me we don't go off our feelings we go off faith feelings come and feelings go if you're a leader and you are driven and led by your emotions you are not going to last a long time we don't go off feelings we go off facts and the facts are god is good god is awesome he is seated on the throne he is for us who can be against us come on is there anybody here that believes that if God before me who can be against me come on the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength and the stronghold of my life I'm not gonna be afraid of some attack you're gonna keep going you're gonna keep pressing if you don't quit you're gonna win but you can't win if you keep quitting quitting is easy anybody could quit Church is a collection of looking at somebody a church and going hey what happened to so-and-so you are you say songs up nah man you know I died clearly I don't if you don't quit you in the only way you can win is if you don't quit we don't go by our feelings we go by faith maybe you could lose position status just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you are a mistake you're not defined by what you've done you are defined by what he's done and I love the Bible because it says though a righteous man falls seven times he still rises just a heads up you are going to make mistakes welcome to the club but the only winners are the ones that don't quit don't quit on your marriage don't quit on your business please don't quit on your church don't quit on your calling don't quit on your children don't quit on your future God has a plan and the only way you're gonna tap into it is if you don't quit she's in the garden he's like I don't want to do this he's vulnerable he's off he's authentic he's honest I'm okay with you wanting to quit I'm not okay with you executing the quit you can want to do it you just I feel like quitting every Monday all the pastors said amen but you got to keep going I'll never forget the first time my wife ran the New York City Marathon my wife shoutout to my wife she ran the New York City Marathon 26 miles and my wife I'll never forget she's like babe I want to run the New York City Marathon I was like all right cool you mean you not we right say yeah for sure I was like let's go so we flew over to New York we got our all signed up and we made a plan that we're gonna meet up throughout the marathon meet up at different mile markers so I'll never forget the day that my wife friend the New York City Marathon on every every time we met up she had a different emotion first time we met up mile seven she's like oh my gosh this is awesome this is so great I feel so good next time we met up my 14 she's like I hate you you're lazy why aren't you out here why my by myself you're gonna pay for this when we get home but I will never forget when my wife finished the New York City Marathon un in Central Park thousands of runners she went through the finish line and I'm trying to find her she's trying to find me and they put this the blanket bib over every one that finishes so everybody looks the same so she's on her phone and I'm on my phone and we're trying to line up Street so I can finally you know meet up with her and and finally I see her in a distance on the phone and I hang up I start running towards her I'm just she didn't run towards me she was done running for the day she's done I said now you'll come to me so I got to her and I I picked her up and I'm I'm hugging her and I'm crying and she I almost said we did it but I didn't say that I didn't I didn't I promise I didn't say that but I'm crying I'm holding on like you did it I'm just telling you right now I want to hear those words when I finished my life well done my good and faithful servant you fought the good fight you finished the race come on somebody make some noise today if you're willing to persevere and endure don't you quit there's a greater call there's a greater future come on give God praise I'm not going by my feelings I'm living according to my faith if you don't quit you win so it does take patience and it does take perseverance and Mike what else does it take I think it takes having the right pace now they only gave me about 15 minutes but when I think about the journey of Jesus he went at a pace that was not popular and in Western culture right now the pace that everybody's supposed to be on is hustle crying make it happen wake up and eat it's like it's it's like this whole thing is I'm going to do it cuz I don't trust God will so I got a network when I come to vous conference and I'm not listening to the message but I'm trying to find out who I need to position myself next to cuz maybe if I get close enough to the right people I can get in the room that allows them to hear that I have a gift and a calling on my life and maybe if they hear if I have a gift in a calling on my life maybe I'll get on a platform that one day the person that really needs to see me will see me and God says you did all of that and Jeremiah 29:11 says I have a plan for you a plan to prosper you and not harm you a plan to give you a hope and a future and and I found this being one of the biggest dilemmas of my life it's that I had bought into Western cultures idea of success and not God's plan for my life and so when it came to finding out a pace I only knew one pace pedal-to-the-metal everything that I could do I was gonna make it happen for myself if you give me an inch i'ma rip a door down if you give me somebody's number I'm a call until they recognize Who I am and this whole thing has allowed a generation to raise up of people who will position themselves before they allow God to position them and I know this is not popular but either we believe the word or we don't that promotion actually comes from the Lord and so when I look at Jesus though rich he's in the worst moment of his life the only way he got to the worst moment that would become the best moment for all of us when he takes the cross and he pays the final payment it's that he had to go at a pace that he was graced for and what I had to come to the conclusion of is that Michael you can no longer go at the pace of your skill the pace of your personality you have to go at the pace of grace see a lot of people are striving to get to a place that God said is if you would just allow me to do it and do your part in the meantime I'll take you to places nobody could ever fathom you would be I'll use you in ways that nobody thought you could ever be used and I know some of y'all sitting here like that's good for you to say Pastor Mike you're on the platform right now in a light purple jacket the same color as Rich's pants and the stage is glowing but what you don't know is that 24 months ago I said in conferences like this all over the world in that section up there all the people in the balcony make some noise everybody in the balcony the first shall be last no I used to sit in places like that and I didn't know nobody I said in conferences that Chad was that that rich was that that Carl was that that Judah was that that Don Cherie was that I said and I jumped when social club was was was going ham oh you can't say that in church huh okay you see I'm not finished yet I'm not done but I'm willing I'm willing to go out of pace well I didn't elevate myself but God elevated me and I remember having to make a decision because Jesus had to make decisions to not do what everybody wanted him to do because he could but go at the pace that God called him to go at do you remember he was 12 years old and he was filling himself and there was something in him like yo I'm the son of God on earth and I'm 12 and I'm about to hit puberty and this is about to be amazing and he goes to the synagogues and he's schooling everybody at 12 saying like yo this is what this means and this is what nah y'all got that wrong I know what this mean and he's doing this but he forgot one thing he didn't tell his mama Mary and I have to imagine Mary was a black mother because she was cleaning up the house and I don't know this may be my only experience because my mama's a black mother and she was like Jesus Jesus and she starts looking for him and she finds him there he is and she probably had a superpower like my mama had she could say a full sentence without even breaking her teeth she said Jesus and it was like ma what are you talking about hold on y'all give me one second Mary she said what did you call me hey you got to realize that I was just in here doing my father's business and I was out here and watch what happens we do not hear from Jesus for another 18 years no you missed it we don't hear from him ever again until he's 30 now now I want you to think not now okay it's funny but think about it I think that God allowed that to happen to slow Jesus's pace down because there were some things he needed to develop in the dark room that could not be shown and seen in front of everybody now I know a lot of people don't know anything about this but before your cameras had smartphones and and before you have pictures that had great pixels there had these things called instant cameras that you would take a picture there was 24 of them and then you had to do this little click click click click click thing and then you would take another picture and then I know a lot of y'all don't know anything about this but you had to take the film out of the camera and drop it off with the professional and you had to leave it there for some time because that film had to be say this cuss word with me processed and until we embrace the process and allow God to develop our negatives in a darkroom we become overexposed and the vision or the picture of what God wanted to be seen will never ever be able to be seen that's why I'm encouraging you right now no matter if you feel like you're behind or if you're too late God says you're right in the pace of grace I have a place for you it's not gonna be rushed that's not going to be something that'll be what everybody else does but it's gonna be the pace I've graced you for so Jesus for 18 years it's not seen by anybody even though he probably could perform miracles even though he probably could write a song that would be sung on the platform even though you probably could start a YouTube channel that the world would watch God says not yet he says because if you get out of my pace anything you make up outside of me you have to sustain outside of me how does this practically work in my life I know none of these guys and the Holy Spirit told me when I took over transformation Church four years ago four and a half years ago he said your days of neck working are officially over I said what do you mean he says I don't want you to meet anybody or try to position anything in your life he said I'll bring everybody into your life when you need them and I will make everybody exit your life when you need them wow that sounds great that's hard it culminated in this moment where my friend Paul Doherty he has a church in Tulsa called victory and he invited I'm Steven Furtick to come preach at his church and for me when I was in my darkroom Pastor Steven Judah and Chad and TD jakes all I would just I would listen to all of these people and I was just trying to just have faith to be patient to persevere and to find my pace so I wanted to thank Pastor Steven I was like yo Paul hey bro I know I'm nobody but I'm coming to this conference bro can you hook me up he's like bro don't even worry about it right in the front with Stephen don't even worry that I walked into the building and as I walked in the Holy Spirit said don't you meet Steven Furtick tonight I rebuke you Satan like what and I heard it again this is nothing Knight you're supposed to meet him I walk into the building because it was about about 5,000 people and it was like yeah I don't gotta meet Steven Furtick there's five thousand people they probably gonna sit me way away from him don't even worry about they sent me right behind them and then Paul says why don't you turn around and greet your neighbor and this was the moment I got to decide would I obey God and follow the pace that he was setting in this situation oh when I try to make away from myself and so I turned around and I met a woman named Susan when I made Susan all I was thinking was you know I just wanted to tell him in my mind it was just an innocent I just thought it would be a cool and I said you don't see the future but I do I walked out and Holy Spirit said thank you for obeying the pace that I set for you two months later I get a call while I'm studying from a young lady who works at Elevation Church she was like I thought we connected at the conference that we were in but I just need to get your information cuz Pastor Stevens trying to get in contact with you I said they must have some other Stevens at that church but I know it can't be pastor Stephen fired him five minutes later I get a minute and 41 seconds oh that's still on my phone today and it's pastor Stephen he say hey man I don't know who you are he said but I was looking for my message that I taught on capacity and yours was the next one because I had stole his message and I appreciate it at my church Oh y'all want to be real in the building huh see you got to realize when you're scared how you're preparing sometimes you got a lien on other people and and and and and and take things and put your own DNA on it and so I went out here trying to impress nobody I was just trying to make it through the Sunday with the 400 people at my church that God called me to lead so I boosted his sermon and gave him credit for it in the beginning of the message I said this message impacted me so much that I had to just give it to y'all but who would have known that that message I preached a year earlier he would be on YouTube looking for that message and the next one would be mine and something in him stopped in his busy schedule and watched the entire thing and he said I don't know who you are man but I just wanted to find you and tell you that you're called that you're anointed that God's hand is on your life and he and he went off for a minute and 41 seconds I was nobody to him but I was somebody to God and until you believe that God's plan for your life is better than your plans for your life you will do things outside of the pace of time the only reason I stand on this stage today it's because I followed the pace that God set for me and there are things that he still shown me that I know may be years away but I've made a decision that the right thing at the wrong time is a curse no no something y'all praying oh my god I just want my husband I just wanted to be sick fix and save I just want him to put it down but then like brace God - and all I'm telling you is you might want to spend this time preparing who God's created you to be that's the right thing at the wrong time is a curse well that's the rich if he would just see what's in me he would make me one of the speaking pastors at vous Church he's blinded him on purpose because there's things that if it was put on this platform the character that's inside of you would actually come out and gods giving you an opportunity to have a character that can be able to sustain what he's called you to but without those three things without being patient without persevering when it gets hard and without following the pace that God sets you'll never fully be able to embrace your purpose and this is one of the thoughts I want to end with if it's okay Jesus never reached his potential now I know this is missed with a lot of people theology because since I've been young everybody was like Mike you need to reach your potential everything that God said in input ins inside of you it needs to happen but when I study the Scriptures he never reached his potential when he died up on the cross he said three words he said it is finished what was finished not his potential because he had the potential to overthrow Caesar he the potential to be a Roman guard he had the potential to do all kinds of stuff the thing that was finished was his purpose and if you do if you don't follow the pace of God if you don't have perseverance and hard times if you don't get patient you spend your life trying to fulfill your potential and you'll die never reaching your purpose the only way we get well done good and faithful servant it's not if we did everything we could do it's if we did the thing that God called us to do so today at the afternoon session of food conference I want to know if there's about 5,000 people that'll say you know what I might be scared of what's in front of me but I'm not gonna waste this time I'm gonna prepare if you're in this room I feel the presence of God in here because there's there's things that are gonna awaken in you to allow you to know that you didn't miss your moment like like I think that's the that fun little thing is real like the fear of missing out and and when you're in Christ I really do believe that he wants all things together and so today if there's been any area of your life where you have not been preparing I just want to make it that broad like if you know you've not been doing what you were supposed to do I ain't gonna call you up here and ask you tell us all the books you didn't read like I'm not gonna do that to you but if there's some areas of your life I don't care if you're a senior pastor if you're a CEO I don't care if you're a classroom teacher if you're an artist I don't care where but if you know there's some areas that you have not been preparing because there's been a seed of fear in you like I don't know if I can I don't know if anybody will support me or if I don't know how it's gonna happen but you're saying you know what pastor might pass rich pastor Chad I'm not going to wait for it to happen i'ma use this moment do you all know there is no wasted weight your weight will never be wasted if you're in this room and you need to make a fresh commitment to God to prepare in this season for whatever the next season holes I want you to just lift your hand up in the air I don't care who you are there's people all over this building right now and this is what I'm gonna ask you to do I don't feel the presence of God I'm gonna ask you in this moment right now I want you to tell God not me not your neighbor I want you to tell God and give him a fresh commitment of your life and I'm gonna ask the worship team to just lift it up for a second because I feel like a lot of times in these conferences we try to make it about this unified moment that we make happen but a lot of times when we change is in the moment where we make a commitment to God for ourselves and and so we're gonna ask them to worship just a little bit but I don't want you to look at me I don't want you because I got to make my own fresh commitment today like this ain't for y'all this is for me and I want you to tell God we're where you've been scared but now where you're gonna start preparing like I want you out loud everybody say out loud you just did it right there I want you to say it out loud father I've been afraid to actually ask for help because it would it would make me look deficient in this area but today I'm laying down my pride well where people would think about me in this certain way and father I'm committing to prepare by getting under other people and learning I don't know what it is for you but I want you to make this very personal and I want us to take the next minute and a half and I want you to confess to God where you've been scared and where you're gonna allow him to prepare you come on all over this building let this be a moment with you and God lift it up in this place right now [Music]
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 236,730
Rating: 4.9545894 out of 5
Id: B9UuHeIGbdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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