Carolina Revival | September 25th 2021 | Saturday PM | Hope Chapel Batesburg, SC

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[Music] and hearts are burning for the man of grace and truth nothing can stop him there are no limits to what our god can do kingdom coming down on earth right here right now [Music] the broken hearted healed and mended sons and daughters are restored we are the image of the father a ray of light breaking forth the broken hearted healed demanded sons and daughters are restored [Music] we are the image of the father a ray of light breaking for [Music] on earth right here right now [Music] our god is moving my god is moving [Music] your light overtakes the darkness your love is breaking through kings and the kingdoms all bow down to you zion's gates are open new jerusalem city of our god is finally coming down your light overtakes the darkness your love is breaking through kings and the kingdoms all bow down to you the science gates are open new jerusalem city of our god is finally coming down your light overtakes the darkness your love is breaking through the kings and the kingdoms [Music] finally coming down these things turning around and i see the kingdom coming down [Music] i is his movie [Music] nations are turning and hearts are burning for the man of grace and truth nothing can't stop him there are no limits to what our god can do nations are turning and hearts are burning for the man of grace and truth nothing can stop him there are no limits to what our god can do around and i see the kingdom coming down on earth right here right now our god is moving [Music] the broken hearted healed demented sons and daughters are restored we are the image of the father a ray of light breaking forth the broken hearted healed and mended sons and daughters are restored [Music] we are the image of the father a ray of light breaking forth [Music] the kingdom coming down on earth right here [Music] on earth right here right now our god is moving my god is moving [Music] your light overtakes the darkness your love is breaking through kings and the kingdoms all bow down to you zion's gates are open new jerusalem city of our god is finally coming down your light overtakes the darkness your love is breaking through kings and the kingdoms all bow down to you science gates are open new jerusalem city of our god is finally coming down your light overtakes the darkness your love is breaking [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] and is [Music] is [Music] is foreign [Music] is [Music] you are um [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] i first deepest deeper still [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] it's who are [Music] who i am is who i am it's who i am foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] i am [Music] me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh love revealed my name [Music] and i couldn't find jesus [Music] restore my name oh [Music] this lovely restore my name when i lost [Music] when i lost my soul when i couldn't find my name love it i love it [Music] my soul cries up father [Music] my soul cries my soul cries our father my soul cries our father yes [Music] my soul [Music] cries my soul rise up [Music] my soul cries [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] we've been adopted [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul cries i'm [Music] my soul cries [Music] my soul [Music] hey [Music] yeah we cry out to you it's a sound of beloved identity calling out on the inside of me [Music] the very source of life you're the very source of life yeah yeah oh father you were a father in the beginning you'll always be you will always be as who you are [Music] i really feel something deep on that don't you guys this is an invitation tonight to let your soul cry religion has fed us so much junk about our soul being bad but when he's talking from that place he's talking about every part of your being i feel something leaping in my belly tonight way down here way down here around my soul crying so so i want to give you permission tonight let your mind cry out let your mind cry abba father let your heart cry out abba father i want to speak to your heart i want to speak to your mind i want to speak to your emotions it's okay to get emotional it's okay to let that get down inside of you i feel that that frequency has the potential tonight to do some healing in your soul and your soul if you're feeling a little heavy tonight a little disconnected tonight a little left out a little pinched whatever it might be come on just i want to i want to just invite you right now to step into that i really feel an operator i'm going to go there i'm just going to go i want you to go with me but i'm going to go somewhere i feel it i feel it i want you to go back to that let my soul cry we give your permission tonight to let your soul every part of your inner meaning what you're wired for it's what you paid [Music] my soul cries my soul [Music] my soul cries [Music] my [Music] my soul cries [Music] our [Music] boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey man hey man i feel something i'm gonna ask you to do something that will require some real transparency okay and i want you just to be real honest with yourself let me ask you a question do you trust me okay i want you to trust me what i'm about to ask of you i want you to go inside just for a moment around this question [Music] can every part of my interior being [Music] cry abba father i want you to just take a moment take a quick moment to go inside and be honest with yourself and if you feel or sense a part of your inner being heart mind memory issue [Music] if there's anything in there that's just stepping back just a little bit i want to give you an invitation to be transparent about it okay and there may be one person that may be 30 but i want you to get in on this and i just know when we get together like this there's an opportunity to get in the middle of something there really is and i almost to the point of tears a while ago as i was feeling the heart cry of abba to say i want every part of every person in this room in on this dance in on this soul cry so if you can be honest with me and and and say uh i i feel i feel a little tension around that i feel i feel a little bit of a pullback i feel a little bit of something inside of me that doesn't quite feel fully alive [Music] i need you to be transparent i want you just to kind of make your way to the front okay it's okay just make your way to the front just come on up here we're going to get you closer to this frequency i want you when you come up that's awesome guys this is this is where the lord meets us is when we can be real honest because i don't want anybody to go home tonight you know it's been a difficult 18 months amen and so it's easy to lose some of your abba confidence but but i feel the cry of abba tonight to want to posture every person in this room to be able to say all of me all of me all of my interior being can sign on and sign up and say abba father that there's not a let me even put it this way if there's even a vestige of a question mark inside of you i want you to know this is a safe place to be real honest but we've got a long history here in carolina revival of inviting people just to be real so if you sense just a vestige of a question mark you can tell tonight you're not alone so just come on and step into this come on and get up close get close to these voices there you go i just felt that i felt like this just and at any point at any point that that comes up while we're in this flow i want you just to come on in we may be here while we may not be on this floor so just those of you who who already in your heart you feel a high level of abba father i want you in your in your mind's eye just pick out somebody up here and start directing directing what you are confident and strong so just know right now guys up front you're being prayed for if there's some emotion around this that's okay let it come up because he wants your soul to cry i want to see your soul cry everybody you saw everybody you're in are being i don't want five percent left out so we're just going to go after that man just keep singing that into us [Music] my soul cries my soul cries my soul [Music] cries up [Music] soul cries out father my soul cries my soul cries my soul [Music] my soul my [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] spring up away [Music] [Music] it's going to flow freely [Music] is [Music] up away [Music] deep constitute [Music] my read that verse just keep it stay in this vlog stay running this flow that's good when you find it come get me [Music] to read this verse over you guys just listen to this verse as john 7 37 and 38 in the last day that great day of the feast jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirsts let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water and we are in the midst of the feast of tabernacles which that was the great feast he was talking about i just see this as a moment for you guys that responded this i see rivers of living water flowing out of your belly right now matt even spoke to that i want to say this is done this is done [Music] this is done just trust that i see it i see a complete flow you responded you became transparent receive that let it come in and rearrange some things [Music] for once for all once for all so when you go back to your chair you choose you stay right here all night if you want to i want you to receive the grace that some soul work has been done to bring about a wholeness in a place where there was question a place where there seemed to be a tear to see a place where there's been a little stepping back and that's not circumstantial [Music] i want you guys out here to keep praying keep praying for these guys just send send that frequency of perfect love that will allow a connection to flow out of the [Music] belly i suspect there are some tonight watching that live stream where in the privacy of your home there's some real stuffs stirring up this is just one of those moments right now where a high level of surrender can usher you into a new place a high level of transparency just saying here i am here i am [Music] my soul [Music] up [Music] soreness [Music] i'm a father [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] um restoring innocence and wonder he's restoring innocence he's restoring innocence and wonder he's restoring innocence he's restoring innocence and wonder you can be like a child again he's restoring innocence and wonders he's restoring innocence and wonder he's restoring innocence religion took away everything disappointment took away everything hopelessness took away he's restoring he's restored he's even recreating it better than it was before better than it was before better than it was before [Music] a tender heart a tender heart oh he's giving you a tender heart i don't know who who that is uh for tonight but i believe that somebody in this pavilion he's given you a tender heart again you've hardened your heart you've resisted his love you've become cynical but he's in the room he's right here right now and he's restoring innocence he's restoring wonder oh i could see the tears flowing again i can see the tears flowing again i can see it right now i can see it right now you've not cried in a long time but tonight he's coming he's tenderizing your heart again he's tenderizing your heart again yeah yeah and i can see those tears flowing come and do that tonight abba we surrender we surrender we surrender come on that's what you've got to do tonight we surrender we surrender to be free you've got to let go you've got to let go you feel like you're letting go of your freedom and you feel like you're letting go of the choice that you've already made in your mind concerning who he is but you got to let it go you got to let it go come on i want us just to open our hands tonight come on out in front of you like johnson always teaches us to do open up your hands and say i let go come on some of you need to say that with your mouth you need to say i let go i want you to see that situation that you're facing i want you to see that struggle that you're going through in your hand and i want you to look at it and i want you to say i let go of you i release you come on you've tried to control this thing for too long you've tried to figure it out for too long i let go i surrender i surrender come on let's do it all over the room come on yeah yeah yeah yeah we let go we let go yeah we let go we're gonna stay right here just keep letting go that's a process there's a real invitation to let go matt go back and identify those hopelessness disappointment the tender heart that is restoring the tender heart and that some of you been hurt i'm gonna tell you what i feel and what i see and i really want you to act on this because this may somewhat this may save some [Music] this invitation this moment we're in may save some of you some heartache and some delay this is big i'm gonna send you home with this to go home and say lord keep pulling up in me what needs to be addressed to break me to bring me into a higher state of tenderness if you think you're done you're not okay we're in a lifelong process of getting our hearts restored i remember the word you gave last week three memories and you said jesus just kind of came in and scraped them out of your inner being that's going on right now that's going on right now some of you have held on to a particular thought too long and it's cost you and it's costing you and it will cost you unless you enter in tonight to this plea there's an opportunity to get something reconfigured right now [Music] and i'm telling you i feel this because it happened to me this morning playing around at the breakfast table in sarcasm i let some rejection words come out of my mouth and within 20 seconds i felt negative dark energy being drawn to that sarcastic thought trying to take shape and trying to take form inside of me some of you've already done it and it's going to take a little work but that frequency in here tonight can shift it i'm telling you this is real if you struggle with rejection get in on this right now if you do this open hand thing that's enough that's enough but but even now enter into this i feel this hear me i've never had that level of discernment where all of a sudden i i started saying some sarcastic things about myself and rejection and i could feel demonic and i don't i don't traffic in this realm but i could feel dark demonic energy trying to take form around a sarcastic thought i see it getting undone right now some of you it's it's taken shape it's taken form but we're in a form-breaking moment we're in a form breaking my snapchat just takes me looking at you and saying it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken you hear me come on some of you are not going to realize this until tomorrow and all of a sudden you're going to start getting a revelation of some of some frames that you've been living inside of for far too long but the good news is he's coming for this he's coming forward i feel that rejection thing in this room i feel it and i feel like there are some voices that you've been listening to that are not your own and it's time to stop and i stop it and i break it right now that's not your voice you hear me that's not your voice and that's not abba's voice enough enough i'm not fussing at you i'm breaking this thing i'm tired of rejection i'm tired of it getting shaped and formed and costing you days and weeks and months and years it's stopping right now come on you guys get with me it's stopping right now it's stopping we're not coming out of this pandemic carrying rejection around we're not going to do it i feel that come on get in agreement with me say i'm going to stop entertaining this stuff it's alive it's alive you are beloved you are beloved that's the message over and over and over i feel that tonight you are beloved come on let it out let that negative stuff out let it go let it go you need to go walk around the park and just go ah get it out get it out get it out come on you guys get up around this let's get up the ground next let's go for somebody else get active get active [Music] my soul cries [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] soul cries up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] i'm reaching out just like a child i'm reaching out you won't let me die oh i'm reaching out just like a child i'm reaching out you won't let me down i'm reaching out just like a child i'm reaching out you won't let me just like a child i'm reaching out just like a child i'm reaching out you won't let me down oh i'm reaching out just [Music] won't let me down you won't let me down [Music] reaching out just like a child i'm reaching out [Music] me [Music] preaching [Music] out [Music] reaching so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] i feel the energy of his love tonight as you've reached out and that's all that's been required it's just to open up and say here i am but i feel the energy in this room tonight to dissolve some [Music] frequencies that maybe you've been trafficking it in that you felt like i can't get out of this i feel the energy in here tonight that's that's dissolving [Music] i feel it don't you yeah it's already started got a whole different countenance whole different countenance you just came alive [Music] you you look there was a place in you that looked dead 30 minutes ago i don't see it now come on that's why i signed up for this i see some frequencies changing that's why we come out here we don't come out here just to do a religious thing my god yeah just reach out he's not going to let you down he can't let you down [Music] because he never withdraws it's when we abide in certain frequencies that cause our hearts to harden like disappointment it creates the illusion of distance and it is an illusion [Music] how can it be that somebody's having a life-changing encounter over here and somebody else isn't feeling a anything it's it's the atmosphere we create by way of our thoughts [Music] agnes sanford one of my heroes has a splendid child-like teaching [Music] on the danger of abiding in certain thoughts the good news is you get in a moment like this you can choose to not abide to kind of step out of that thing yeah you got a different look too you do yeah receive that's okay i want you to receive the confidence to walk in this place let it push out that that last look come on liz that's why you're here let it go let it go you got a good cheering section behind you okay let it wash it on out it's being dissolved you see it yeah there you go it's not gonna doesn't have to come back there you go yeah yeah let it come on through i don't want you to go home worrying about that heaviness coming back am i talking to anybody it doesn't have to [Music] you can step out let's take one step forward step out of that cloud there you go she took two yes yes come on i want you to get in on this i feel it changing i do i feel my belly i want to sing and y'all will go home then real quickly i can thin a crowd out real quickly i'll start singing come on don't don't abide in that anger that bitterness that disappointment that discouragement that depression and i know depression can feel like something like a hole you can't get out of but i'm here to tell you tonight you can in this frequency because he wraps himself around you and can pull you out of that i'm seeing it happen he's dissolving some frequencies tonight some familiar things that you that have become so much a part of you you feel like you know it's it's just reality no it's not it's your reality i feel that i feel that i feel that [Music] because he's abba and once that gets grafted in to my soul then my spirit can freely express that through an integrated soul no part left out it's being done it's being done i declare in this room nobody has to be left out or left behind if that happens that's on you you decided that that's the way it's going to be not him if you're hearing that i'm telling you that's a lie [Music] we started out tonight with you declaring something that i wrote down he is perfect in all his ways let me let me say that then because i think some of you are struggling because you have come into agreement with a way that's not his way [Music] i'm here to declare to you his ways are perfect in the middle of an incredibly imperfect world so be careful as you're working out being made perfect in one which is the purpose of all of our lives that i don't assign to him a path a revelation a thought that's not his way [Music] because his way is perfect right in the middle of imperfection he can reveal a way to bring you out just to step you out he's perfect in all his ways [Music] i feel as more confident of that tonight than i did 18 months ago when we got sent home into a pandemic we're still trying to get out of hear me i feel that tonight as confidently as i've ever felt it he's perfect and he's not going to let you down [Music] you are more held than you can imagine and i know there's a lot of incongruence i know there's a lot of stuff going on that can create a sense of ambivalence i'm not going to deny that but in the middle of that i want to speak perfection and the confidence of his love holding us and this all together the world's not going to hell in a hand basket not as long as you guys are here right not on our watch right it's not going to hell in the handbasket we're not getting raptured out of here next week i don't want to get raptured out of here next week it's not done i'm not done we're not done i want to live a long life [Music] amen amen when you guys walk back to your seat i want you to walk back differently okay you can walk back but walk back differently [Music] just walk back differently [Music] y'all can y'all y'all done a great job tonight so we will turn you elise tyler get ready i'm gonna let you i'm gonna turn you this here that other handheld mics right there on that first chair i just want to say a word or two he's got a a word tonight that we were debating i'd talk to ben and i felt like ben might share ben i think we're gonna hold off on that because because of what this flow we're in is is about abba goodness and and that is the message of the message of the message of this house it is it is the reality that birthed beloved identity and and and those two core revelations are the core of what damon has preached for the last seven years we started carolina revival on august the 2nd 2014 and we started singing about his goodness and his love never fails and never gives up never runs out on me and i feel that tonight i i just want to i if you can't come into agreement tonight with that with me i want to slap the devil out of you somebody used to do that some of those old pentagons pentecostal guys i feel uh anger tonight not in you but at the spirit of rejection and the subtlety of how that energetic frequency can wrap itself around you i want you to become impervious to rejection how many how many kids do we have in here that are in school i want to see a group of young people be raised up that are impervious to rejection from your friends that it simply gets to the place where you're so secure inside of you that you just get where you don't care what they think amen i feel that tonight i feel that tonight it's good to see i feel like this is the first time we've had a substantial group back in quite a while there are a lot of you i don't know who you are but i don't know where you came from but i'm glad you got here you know it's it's been a while since we've been able to gather and we're going to continue to try to do this and when we feel confident that it's okay to go inside we'll do that too we got beautiful weather ahead of us so this is uh our favorite time of the year and we just love being out here and it's good being with you i just while we're in this fame before tyler comes up i just want to encourage those of you online and in the room to continue to give we we don't put a lot of hype on offerings it's been amazing all the way through this pandemic the faithfulness of all of you guys to continue to give you don't have to be browbeat you don't have to be guilted you don't have to be ashamed because you're not going to be anywhere we don't operate in that way but i just want to say thank you for your faithfulness to do that and to continue to do that it's just incredibly awesome so you can if you're online tonight you can do that following the tabs and the links and the rest of you guys here you know better how to do that than i do so thank you for that um tyler where are you um we one of the things here's kind of what i feel while damon's away and he's doing good you guys i talked to him yesterday he's he's doing good uh many of you have seen him at football games and that kind of stuff he's out and about and continue to pray for him continue to pray that this will be the most transformative season of his life okay and and if you hear some stupid rumor that well i heard he's real sick and he's not you know he's not he's not you know just know that so continue to pray for him this is going to be an energizing uh time for him uh i've been i've been seeing him face to face uh a lot and um and so i'm just i just want you to continue to pray and and and hold him up in the light and uh it's just it's going to be good on the on the other side of this time so but in in this time where he's away uh what we've committed to do and i want you guys to if you can't if you haven't figured that out yet you will is that we're going to get in here and we're going to flow we're going to flow uh probably what you're going to share in in some way is a reaffirmation of the apostolic teaching and and we've got some guys in here that can can carry the mail and so part of what i want to do is help steward that you're go you may see mark casto one saturday night you may see bobby lemley oh one saturday night maybe you may see bryn waddell some of these guys who live close we're gonna be bringing them in as they feel like they've got a word for the family and uh but just just lean in with me in this prophet i'm i'm having the most fun stewarding this prophetic flow because it invariably it goes in directions we never anticipate um i always have something prepared to teach and when i've got five different directions i'm going tonight and i'm not going in any of those because i really felt like based on what you told me that that you got a piece tonight that's important in light of the flow of worship tyler you and whitney and the family have been here how long now eight years so he he's been here as long as anybody uh a lot of you may not know tyler some of you knew seven years that's eight seven they all start running together um you've been here a long time i remember you guys before you moved here you know and you already felt like family then and uh this this guy has been processed as much as anybody i know and uh lyndon where are you i know you're around here somewhere he didn't leave did he oh there he's out there in the shadows um lyndon has been a primary voice in tyler's life and it's been neat to watch how the lord has used him to process you and grow you and mature you and i just i just want to say thank you for your yes and for your willingness to continue to go through the process and you've shared enough with me at times where it's been very painful to be able to to have to deal with whatever you have to deal with but it's gotten you in a real sweet spot so come on up man and just share as you feel led this is your family and we love you [Applause] i have a friend out there because i heard somebody start the slow clap you know i heard one uh so i literally don't have anything written except for i when i realized you were definitely going that way i typed a few things out i didn't want to forget but uh i have been in a and it's interesting because i watch my children not do this but i have been in deconstruction mode uh for most of the seven years that i've been here and the years prior i remember sitting with uh pastor johnson and ms sharon at migs probably eight and a half years ago and like you know back then i was still the man you all know what i mean because i know all y'all came like you were the preacher or the youth pastor or something at your church you were the guy so i still thought i was the man and i remember him looking at me and saying now tyler when you get here your process will begin and i remember thinking this guy yeah and little did i know uh not only has it begun it has never stopped so uh before i go into the mode i hope you have a real big mop but before i go into what i want to talk about i want to say this the only two things that i definitively definitively know about abba right now are these two things one he is better than i thought he was okay and number two is that he is better than i currently think he is and that's the only thing that i know all right but those two things have really caused me to to go into a place of like i really want to know how good he is like i don't i want to sing about it and i don't want i mean i do want to sing about it but you you catch my drift i don't want to just sing about it i want to just talk about it i really want to experience the fullness of how good he is and the the other part of that is like i really want to experience the fullness of how real he is because we come out of this this um you know like the god's good all the time and you know oh god's real like like you never never ask any questions and although i definitively know those two things i want to experience the fullness of that i don't believe that we are meant we you know we we deal with this like oh it's just life and life throws you this curveball i don't believe that i i mean it throws them but there should be such a degree of his goodness on display inside of me that those curveballs have no effect so yeah there's just life but what do we do with that and i was thinking about that even all of you that had come up and trying to deal with you know those those circumstances or situations of those things that are going on and like trying to see him good in the middle of that can be a challenge like and we ignore or i was taught to ignore that you know just just commit to the fact that that's who he is and don't ever ask a question even though you're in the middle of something that goes against everything you think about him and so 2021 for me has been a really problematic because i have grown to hate religion worse than i ever have in my life and then saw religion inside of me and that'll get you somewhere bad quick right if you hate something real bad and then realize that that's a part of who you are you got you got some stuff to deal with but so i'll be honest with y'all i started on a vendetta in 2021 to prove how wrong religion was and those of you who know me know know what i mean by that but the it's led me to i want to prove how good he is and in the middle of trying to figure out how good he is it's still proving to me how wrong religion is the problem is is now i'm having to point back at myself and say the religion that is in me is what is wrong and if i'm going to experience the fullness of who he is i've got to change completely so i referenced the beginning about meeting with johnson uh in migs in saluda and him saying that to me and at that time uh still thinking that my life goal was that i would be a preacher which seems silly to me now but that had to get dealt with and die and i thought that that was super challenging but now that i'm having to deconstruct everything that i thought that i knew about him i i wish i could go do that again like not go be the preacher like go kill that guy again because he he died a lot easier than this guy uh but how good can he be so i've been in this discussion with somebody that's close to me that i've been trying to help that was really struggling with god and his punishment like and so he kept coming to me like he'd be doing good and we'd talk through it and he'd bring me some scripture and he'd be like well what about this and like he's not trying to prove me wrong he really wants to know like you've got to help me what what do i do with this scripture and i would read it the first this is how i found out that i still had a lot of religion in me because i'd read it the first time and i'd be like well yeah i guess you are screwed you know that's that's bad yeah this ain't good boys you know this is bad and then it's like abba would just kind of come and wipe that religious lens off of my eyes and i would read it again i was like oh my god it doesn't say that but i was so trained to read everything in scripture with a lens of he wants to punish you and he is good man whitney had this conversation yesterday he is good pending i'm good as long as my behavior is in line and my thinking is in line and i do what's right and i make all the right decisions and i never mess up then my god he's so good like that's what i was taught and out of the in the same sermon be but by god if you messed up he hates you i mean that that's what they they didn't use the word hate but that's that's what it was and if you want to ever get him to quit hating you you're gonna have to clean up all this and that's why we deal with so much disappointment and hopelessness and all this because we can't get our act together right and the same side of that is we can't get our act together because i don't think or i'll speak for myself i don't yet understand how good he is right like he's way better i know that he's better than i ever thought he was but but i'm venturing into finding out how much better he is than that so so here here's here's where i'll jump into deconstruct mode so when trees fall in my yard and you drive by many of you that know where i live and you see them know that i'm about to get processed if there's a fallen tree or you know somebody threw a couch i mean you know whatever's going on if i'm having to do yard work know that something bad's gonna happen so jude is helping me cut the tree he got paid 20 bucks and then that's probably like child labor but he's he's helping me cut this tree up and he said these two you're gonna you're gonna feel yourself cringe when i say this because you have an answer but then i want you to stop and think about what your answer would be to a child and he looked at me and said why did god create covenant so i kind of you know i've skirted around that one he's like and why did god create ants so i had a good answer for that i was like you know stuff was dead and they clean it up but that way he's like okay well what about wasp i was like okay i don't know you win okay could you say bees so i talked about pollination i'm sure if you googled what or was good for some preacher has created this long list of things but like they just sting you and it hurts and they don't really have a purpose right so like i'm trying to process this stuff in my head like i'm trying to defend god to my son and i just feel able to speak to him so the only god that needs to defend it is the one that you all have created like i don't need you to defend me because all the stuff that y'all think about me that would make you think that i need to be defended is not who i am anyway and so and and if you think about that i'm sure you've all been in some of those summers where you're trying to defend god to people that don't believe in him or somebody who had a something bad happen with their child or has something bad happen in their own life and we're trying to defend god so that god doesn't look bad and he's not capable of looking bad and if somebody thinks something bad about him it's not gonna hurt his feelings like he's not fragile and so he asked me these questions and dealing with that and then dealing with the person that you know is having these issues thinking that god's a punisher and i'm trying to process all this stuff and it's brought me into a place of knowing that if he's good like i'm not going to read scripture and form what i believe about him based on a lens that is other than anything anything other than him being good so when you read when i read it and i i and it's real interesting you know people don't hear this kind of stuff but you can read that and think about god being a punisher and let's say one thing and you can turn around three minutes later and read it think about god being good and it'll say something completely different and that can be really problematic to us as believers because we want everything to be so concrete but perception is reality right so what you perceive about him and what you perceive about yourself and then you turn around and you make it say what you want it to say and that's where i have really found myself in trouble with religion is because i'm not good with let's just make it say what we want it to right so that so that we can be manipulated i feel like religion always wanted to say something so it could manipulate us into acting good you know do right because it didn't really believe that god was good enough to cause us to do right and so i'm gonna read you a little scripture here i'm gonna put some proof to the to the pudding i say all that to say that all right this you might you might have to clean this we we don't believe like if i asked you is any human completely other than jesus completely and utterly perfect and right all the time no of course not is the bible infallible yes i believe that it is but did the people that put it on paper have their own perceptions about abba that were incorrect well yeah if you don't believe that the people that wrote the old testament had misconstrued opinions about abba then he didn't need to send jesus because people could have got it right without him right now i'm not saying i don't believe he didn't tell people i but i i kind of under the belief that it was more like this hey write about that that you experienced and they right but perception it can be right without the perception of the person that writing it being completely correct and so i'm gonna read you this and then hopefully i'll get to where i'm trying to go first samuel chapter 16 verse 14. all right i'm gonna read you one verse i'm gonna do that real bad thing you're not supposed to read one verse right but you'll you'll know the story and i probably shouldn't have to put a lot of context to it but the spirit of the lord departed from saul and a distressing spirit from the lord troubled him the king james says that well let me just read the king james i don't want to make it sound better than what it says someone read it exactly like it is that's what it says but the spirit of the lord departed from saul and an evil spirit from the lord troubled him okay all right that an an evil spirit from yahweh troubled saul all right i have a little problem with that because i didn't know that yahweh had an evil spirit that he could send to people right and so new king james probably was like yeah we gotta we gotta switch that up a little bit so they change it to distressing but if you look it up it's it's evil that's the word it's it's an evil spirit from the lord sent saul and so i'm having some conversations with some people about this and uh saul is sitting there he's god's anointing he's in his palace and there's his spirit there that's tormenting him okay fair enough samuel is watching this happen all right cause he's always with saul so he's he's always kicking soul in the rear end so he's there with saul and he's watching this take place all right david who just before this has been anointed to be the new king would come with his heart you know he'd do that little thing they do with that heart and because david was so powerful i hope the live stream don't cut in the middle of me saying this because david was so powerful the evil spirit god sent would leave because david was so like there's some issues with that right but maybe and i said maybe if we look at that god does not have anything bad to send if he's good that didn't change when jesus came jesus came to fix the perspective of the entire planet of every human the perspective of the father that they had the perspective that would say man that spirit god sense evil yeah man saul's all kinds of screwed up yeah so if you are so far outside of who you really are and i won't make you do the raise your hand but you can raise it in your heart have you ever been so far away from who abba really created you to be and his spirit will not leave you alone and it is tormenting to you right and if you weren't scared to go into hell you would be like god leave me alone right like we've all been there and here's saul who's anointed king and the spirit of the lord is here and it is aggravating him because all god wants from anybody is just to be who you are and saul couldn't do it i mean there's no debate that saul was god's anointed right who else knew that david remember when he didn't kill saul and he said who am i to touch god's anointing so samuel sees saul getting tormented and he writes you know there's this tormenting spirit but when david shows up does that spirit leave or does a man who shows up that's in beloved identity make that thing not tormenting because when you know who you are the spirit of the lord doesn't torment you on any level it's the most pleasant thing that you can experience and so in that room now you have an agreement okay you have saul who thinks it's a tormenting spirit saul's the only person in the room now that doesn't know who he is david's there and the holy spirit are there and both of those people know that saul is god's anointed and that agreement of beloved identity causes the torment to leave saul just because that agreement's in the room so does god send him an evil spirit or does saul who's about to lose his mind think it's evil because it won't leave him alone and so what led me down that journey is i got to call and said man what was why god sent evil spirit to saul he's going to send evil spirit to me you know well probably not yeah so when we are faced with issues and circumstances even when we're faced with feeling like man well god did this or god did that because because of our ideas of sovereignty and how we think that god operates we can never look outside of the lens that he is good and i don't mean you can't ask him questions i mean it's ultimately knowing he is a god of goodness and it will always unfold in such a way where at the end of the story he's good right so when we think like so go back to jude asking me the questions and what i do with well because religion told me that my religious brother god didn't create that and then i stepped back for a second and i was like oh i thought god created everything so i don't have an answer and that's okay but i know that he's good and i'm wanting to deep d dig deeper into that than i ever have and for you uh i feel like the piece that i want to bring tonight is is do not stop at him being just good enough because there's a whole nother level of his goodness that i believe we as a family are getting ready to experience that is the real environment changing goodness yeah we experience a measure we have services where i mean it's you we've had in that little white building where you feel like the roof was going to come off because his goodness was so filling the place but then a lot of you can relate to leaving in that next week you know you start to face issues and circumstances all this stuff starts going on and it's harder for that goodness to become a real thing in the environment and in our how in our workplaces and everywhere that we're going but the god that changes everything is a god that is good all of the time like there's not a moment in your life where abba ever thought anything about you other than love there's not a moment in your life where there's ever anything that you've done or anything that's ever happened to you that he didn't think man my thoughts towards them are good i want them to become everything that i create them to be like you cannot screw it up like there's nothing that you can do and so i i and i this person doesn't watch and they're not here so i can assure you this so so once we had gotten to a point with them where they're like okay god's not going to punish me they came back to me go but wait wait wait wait i've got to tell you what i used to do and i already knew i know them very well very closely but i already knew this stuff that god had rescued them from but i did this and i did this and i did this but i guess if if paul did some of that stuff then maybe i was like you can't com like god does not there is no measure of evil or sin or whatever you want to call it that love cannot come and rescue and i don't want to stop with i don't even want to stop with being rescued from you know i definitely don't want to stop with i want to start with being rescued from sin and hell but like every other thing in our life he wants to bring us into goodness and love and he wants the circumstances and the situations and whatever's going on to call to have no effect on us because we really are gripped by the fact that he's so good and a couple of weeks ago as in this image has been in my mind for probably a month when i think about the veil ripping and god reaching back so that he could see humanity you have to imagine this this one going to the right or you won't be able to hear me but as he spread his arms out he it we say all these things all our sins are from the east to the west and god you know he ripped all these things but when he put his self he put himself in the position to embrace us back into perfect identity of who he is that is him fixing our issue with seeing who he is and the goodness that comes from him and like so so i'm watching this show that i used to watch because they it's about the bible but like every word's not in the bible and son i would have crucified that thing i'm told about let's burn it down like that's not okay because they ate a piece of fish and the bible didn't say that you know like that stupid stuff but like we get through one episode and i was screwed up for a week because in the show jesus grabs mary magdalene who's als also you know i know i just said we won't compare how bad we were but she's all sorts of messed up and in the show he just walks up to her and he grabs her and he puts his hands on her face and like whoever whoever did the show did a really good job because you knew instantly that she was completely changed and transformed that the mind had been changed and like i want and for days like i'm like i'm like man i'm an idiot i'm running around my truck thinking about this show thinking about jesus i'm like i know that wasn't really jesus but like i don't really know that one jesus because you know somebody went back with a video camera or something because i'm like i was really messed up like like why could he walk up and grab somebody like that and then be transformed in a minute and we still struggle so deeply after we have encountered him it brought me to my next dilemma if i still struggle with me how am i ever going to walk up to somebody and put my hands on them like that and watch them be transformed in a minute because that's what's supposed to happen we should all be walking up two people like that all the time and putting our hands on them and watching them be completely set free if not it's all a charade like if the end goal is to invite people into a building to hope that they'll have some behavioral modification and say that they believe what we believe then we've really we're it's a charade and i don't believe that it's a charade i believe that he has brought us all here like i uh pastor johnson said that he didn't i don't know a lot of you either because people are still moving here while we're not having services in a building and people from all over the place have moved here i've moved here and people continue to move here and i believe that there's a commonality and that we are unwilling to stop with enough being enough like let's really investigate how good he is like let's really figure out how real he is and i don't mean like oh is god real y'all know i don't mean that like like how real is he is he real like i feel him when somebody prays for me or i feel him in devotion or is he real like he's right here with me and wherever i go i don't do anything except what he's saying to do like how real is how good is he like so i don't build your goodness theology is that a thing we can make it a thing all right don't build your goodness theology about anything that doesn't involve jesus so like people want to go and be like well you take that story i just read or take job or you take all these things like well what about this what about when god did this go at jesus came to fix the messed up perception of him so go ask anybody that he encountered if he's go ask mary magdalene if he's good go ask john the beloved how good he is but job no don't don't ask joe don't ask joe when abba saw job abba knew that he needed to send jesus to come fix job's perception of who he was then he sent perfect goodness and perfect love in the form of jesus to come so that people could see and if you ask any of those people how good he is or how real he is there's no questions and that thing slipped through the years it's really interesting as i was watching like like i feel like that he came and destroyed religion and made himself known for he is and then we slowly fell back into the exact same rat race of trying to do it by by works we just added him to that and i feel such a draw right now in the middle of you talking about this pandemic thing middle of all this it's just a lot when you look at the world things look chaotic i always tell myself like go back to you know the early church living with rome they probably thought it was more chaotic than we do now but but but for us in our reality right now there's a lot of chaotic mess going on in the world and when i look at that all it makes me want to do is go figure out how good he is right and so that's my really my only encouragement to unite is like don't let an old mindset or anything when pokemon will come out letting go that's what i was thinking about anything that's there don't don't don't get in the mindset of like well i'm not religious anymore i let that die because i played that card and it didn't turn out too well because then i found out again that i was right so let it go completely and when you read or when whatever you do with the lord go in with an open mind i feel like i've learned that from this place more than anything is like like you've got to open yourself up to who he really is because if he was who he who you thought he was before then everything would already be fixed like if we were right previously then we wouldn't be dealing with the same stuff all the time there is a level of goodness that is available that will come to change everything deal with all your disappointment deal with all the hopelessness deal with all the circumstances all the situations all the mess that we still feel i still believe that his hands are good enough to touch us one time and change it like i don't want to i i'm only willing to spend the rest of my life deconstructing because i don't believe our children will have to because honestly i don't i don't think me spending my rest of my life deconstructing was god's plan i just i don't believe you having to deconstruct all that was god's plan i think it is an inevitable circumstance that has arisen out of us all growing up around a god that was not as good as the real one a god that we thought we had to defend because he was one we had created and at the end of that when we get through deconstructing all this our kids have no paradigm where they don't think he's good right jude jude told us when he was little that he should have created we told him those were called fire ants he got in one of those he told us god should have created friend dance instead of fire ants i was like that's a good point maybe he did yeah i don't know but my encouragement to you tonight is to dive fully into like when john when pastor johnson's told them about go all the way in and really open yourself up and go all the way he's not just talking preacher jargon i'm not sure he has any preacher jargon it's it's it's real deep go all the way in if you really want to know how good he is and you really want to know how really is and you want to get to a place and i'm not telling you this because i'm there because right now most of this is just here and i'm i'm on the journey we talked about this where i'm on the journey of trying to get it to here it started here i told you before service started in my heart it didn't uh as we were it started in my emotions it started by a comment somebody made to me about religion or a religious comment somebody made to me earlier in the year and it started out of my emotions and it moved into my head and in my mind i started deconstructing that thing and then as i deconstructed it and the fingers started to point back into me a lot more deconstruction started to take place and i still don't have it from here into here the way that i want to but i'm going to and that's tonight for you well if i tell you maybe you're probably y'all probably all so far down that road you don't need to hear that but like go all the way let him get every bit of it you move you sold your house and quit your job and moved all the way across the country don't sit here and be unhappy let him go all the way in and deal with all that stuff you've made such a geographical move don't stop short of finding out how good he actually is and it's not that doesn't mean that it won't be painful or you might feel lonely because you don't feel like you have somebody to hang out like none of my family well all my family lives here but none of my family lives here like it's not like to make a move towards really deconstructing who you thought god was like that was never going to be easy and it was me and putman talked a little bit it was easy when i pointed at them because that's what i did as a as a preacher like religion sucks and y'all are wrong and you're all going to hell you know that that thing like you pointed at them that was easy but when that thing that's not easy but that's the only thing that works and so don't stop short don't let discouragement or disappointment or hopelessness stop you from really going on we're on the verge like like i i don't say that as as religious speak like i feel like we're on the verge as individuals like i'm not speaking for hope chapel i feel like we're on the verge as individuals into walking into the real light for the first time in a really long time in history and i don't think the answer is in bigger buildings and bigger churches and bigger ministries than than you know whatever i don't i don't think any of the answers are found in any of that because that's been going on for a long time and it's not where i think the answer is in each one of us really discovering how good he is and that'll change the world we've wanted to change the world without fully changing who we are and and it's just backwards there's such a level of his love that is available to embrace us that i believe the moment we can receive it we'll be able to embrace people with a type of love and goodness that changes them instantly no more striving for it or trying to work a formula figure out how to make god move like like there none of that works there's one answer and it's him being good and if it's not if he's not in abba that that is that good and is that real then we're wasting our time anyway you get a good self-help help book if he's not that real and that and not that good but the reality is if he is and i do believe he is that good and if he's better than how good i think he is i want to discover that and so i just invite y'all to jump into that mode with me and and with the forewarning that it has been very interesting for me but but but jump in find out how good he is and if you already know way more than me then come tell me some of it because i want to know like like really like i want to know how good he is and so that's that's really it i just want to invite you into that and i shared the story about saul to say like you know don't don't just take everything at face value if he's good then it has to apply to everything right so now the journey for me is applying that to the parts of my life that i don't think he's good in all right and so you're going if you decide to jump into that you're going to deal with some of that because they're they're if we're all honest there are parts of our lives probably right now we're like i'm not sure that's not good and then we kind of graduate to god did that then that ain't good like we don't want to say it at first that it's but but if we really get down to it we do not believe in this circumstance or in this situation that god is good and we have to deconstruct that and when we do you find out things about yourself that you do not like but it leads you back into the i want to know how good if i know here that i don't think he is but up here i really believe that he's good no matter what then i've got to get to that i've got to get to a real understanding of how he's good when i pray for somebody and they die anyway right what was god's sovereign no no no no no no when it doesn't turn out the way that i thought it should there's there's got to be an answer for that and i believe the answer is diving into the fullness of abba and to the fullness of his goodness into the fullness of his love and letting that embrace you to the point that it gives you the power to go and embrace others with that same level of love and goodness amen amen wow i'm going to resist the temptation to try to go let's re-emphasize re-emphasizing himself thank you i think i'm spot on um jesus i'm going to sound a little bit like damon thompson jesus is our hermeneutic he becomes the lens by which we have to interpret everything he is my hermeneutic for the bible and if he's not you're hermeneutic for the bible i take the bible seriously enough that you're gonna have a problem but if he's your hermeneutic for the bible you're gonna be fine and then he's gonna help you see all that and put all that together you've said so much i want to i want to send you home into some stuff number one is he's got to be your hermeneutic he's got to be your lens because as we see him we see the father he becomes the lens by which we declare he is the foundation that i stand on tonight and declare his goodness and that i have to trust that to work its way into every circumstance i know many of you well enough to know that you bring a collage of of life circumstances into this pavilion tonight some of you have experienced some horrific personal tragedy horrific um and so we're not going to pretend that's what you said we can't pretend that that's has not happened and we're not going to try to create a cliche answer i'm i i mean as i've walked people through horrific stuff i'll send you into it because i've had to walk through my own stuff however i can say to us tonight there is a frequency inside of me i felt it in you tyler there is a frequency inside of me that trust him in the midst of difficulty with the person you prayed for that didn't get well you know i am beyond well i'm done with you god you see when we can't stop there we can't give up there we have to bring it back to jesus and realize and here's one of the most important things he said tonight we are in the middle of a process of deconstruction the word i played with earlier tonight was reconfiguration same thing he is reconfiguring everything we kept wanting to get back to normal get back get back get back we thought we were back on track at a year into the pandemic you know and now here we're 18 months into it the pandemic's here damon's not in this building tonight there's a and some of you moved here and you're like why did i move here for this i moved here to uh they moved here for you you see you got to embrace that you're gonna have to deal with that because at least for a few more weeks you're gonna have to deal with me or us and and i say that tongue-in-cheek because we are family and and i i trust where we are but but you're gonna have to process your circumstances you're going to have to i love paul when he said work out your own salvation your wholeness with fear and trembling at the end of the day this process of deconstruction will raise up a group of people a family who will be able to say to the world even in the midst of horrific stuff there is a frequency in me that manifests goodness and then that will be felt it will be delivered it will be transformative in nature and it's already starting i'm seeing signs that this frequency set works i've had some supernatural answer to prayers in the last few weeks by simply operating out of a higher degree of confidence and simply being able to see some circumstances change first inside of me so i just want to encourage us in the midst of some stuff that you're going to have to process just don't get lost on it don't give up on it don't let it slide by you have a good have a good network around you that somebody can say to you this is something you're gonna need to to process that's vital and that's part of the reason you i love the i love the fact that you remember when when you when i said to you eight years ago when you move here your process will begin i am been here longer than 99 out of 100 people under this pavilion i moved here in 2008 there's a few that haven't i'm looking at two of them right there on the first row they've been here all their lives but i moved here in 2008 so i'm 13 years into a process that has done taken me unbelievable places when 13 years ago i could have never seen this at all i didn't see this but but but you've got to continue to walk this process for those of you who just moved here and you know you're wondering why you're in a pavilion when you're why you're not in the you know meeting why just just surrender that as you said just keep serenading that i just want to send you home in that we i am committed to processing this moment of time we're in and i will not i will not process it with and i want to help you process your journey i just looked at somebody out here i'm not going to tell you who it was but when i looked at them i could feel the holy spirit said you knew this you need to you need to use that what you know about that person and and say it to everybody in the room what you're working on right now is vital the issue and issues that you are trying to get worked out under an umbrella of goodness it's essential that you work through that that you work that out because on the other side of it is going to be a frequency set in you being released that's vital to cosmic restoration we will not see cosmic restoration outside of a heart theology that's congruent with the mind that says he is good the sunday school answer will not work it does not work what they taught me in sunday school has not issued forth in cosmic transformation because i i finally have come to the conclusion that the religious institutions in the culture that i grew up in you know how we thought we were going to transform the culture come on go back go back to your your your church gig and i didn't grow up steeped in church but once i got saved then i then i went to school and i was in church and was on leadership from from then on and you know what i thought i thought getting you the right information would do it get you the formula give you the fact i wanted to write the book just let me give you my book and work my book and it'll bring cosmic restoration because it's full of good information that will not work it does not work and so we are embarked on a process that i'm more interested now in this space right here yes this is important but about five percent of your brain is your conscious mind you are engaging with me right now with five percent of your brain listening to me thought listening to tyler talk so it's got to go as you said tyler it's got to go deeper so i want to send you home to be awakened to be stirred to be disturbed to to further the process of deconstruction i don't care if he has to tear your inner self completely down to the foundation that'll be a good thing some of you have already you've already gone through that and some of that religious grid's got to be deconstructed not it's got to be deconstructed here but more so here i want you to be impervious tomorrow morning to the lie of rejection it will hit you at the breakfast table like it tried to to me with me making a simple sarcastic joke about rejection all of a sudden i realized it wasn't here it was trying to get in here thank you man thank you thank you for jumping in thank you guys for jumping in it's really good to see you guys keep up with how we're going to flow by just like you then that way of social media and email that kind of thing typically this time of year we have good weather so we'll we'll be out here we'll watch watching the progress of of corona as it's a lot of you have come through it thank goodness we've we've got folks who've gotten sick but are getting well and all of that's good and you know yep we do i know we've got folks in your extended family still having to process that so we're trying to be wise as we as we do that okay um anything else chris cover everything all right guys we love you and um i just want to i want to send you in to your process okay stewart it well steward it well it matters love you good night we'll see you next week
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 2,513
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FpWuiMpWW6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 58sec (8218 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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