5 Things you DIDN’T know about delivering for Amazon 📦

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foreign [Music] Amazon driver video and today I'm gonna go over the five excuse me today I'm gonna go over the five things you may not know about being an Amazon driver I'm on a nursery Route today which is a small route I've got seven bags 194 parcels I'm in a quiet area so let's begin [Music] so the problem today with this van is it's usually movement sensitive but you have to have a door or something open for the lights to come on which isn't great when you're using your shelf to keep the parcels as I've only got seven bags a day I put them in no particular order and my first bag is this one at the end this green one here thank you [Applause] okay take it so the first thing you may not know about being an Amazon driver which isn't really as relevant today is it's more demanding than you may think so you see an Amazon driver and you may think to yourself that looks like a pretty easy job all you do is drop off Parcels or houses oh I wholeheartedly believe if one oh come on now I wholeheartedly believe if your average member of the public does a tough Amazon shift as a driver they will be absolutely gobsmacked at how physically demanding it can be the guy with this parcel has got the same name as my dad foreign four different houses for this stuff all right [Music] now the reason I'm on an air free route today if you didn't know is I recently started driving for Amazon again and I'm classed officially as a new starter so today I have 120 something stops and most people have about 180. it's gonna be a while before I lead up to them longer shifts because I think you have eight Nursery routes and I'm on my third so far which is great lots of stuff inside this van today there we are [Music] now the heavywear cloud leads us on to our second thing you may not know about being an Amazon driver get a thumbnail there it's a good job if you want to lose weight this isn't actually the parcel I'm using right now I just thought it'd be a good thumbnail foreign people throughout my time in Amazon lose a hell a lot of weight I can think of five just off the top of my head myself included I've started again I'm a little chubby you'll probably see me in a few weeks a lot Slimmer now I wish I had one of these watches I'd be able to track how many miles I do a day at Amazon how many calories are burnt but I don't have one of those watches right are you okay awesome take care right guys I'm gonna crack on for a little bit now I'll see you [Music] foreign [Music] Amazon driver you might be complaining about how physically demanding it is but at the same time people are sat there in an office cubicle worried about their lack of exercise worried about how much weight they're pulling on but being on Amazon you kind of forced into abandoned calories throughout the day while still work and you got to see that in a positive way as well we're 50 stops in guys the time is 2 43 and uh yeah today's pretty easy it's a nice little Bridge around here it was last week if anyone remember just completed fixing this fence pretty proud of it I'd have to say foreign thing you may not know about being an Amazon driver and this one isn't constantly it's not every day but you will come across it hello hi it's Amazon right I'll let you in sure so the third thing you may not know about being an Amazon driver is occasionally you will receive abuse from the general public oh no this gate shooting no no no all right and so we're trapped hi sorry I'll let you out sure thank you you know you could be crossing paths with thousands of people a week at some point in that week you're gonna cross paths with somebody who's gone through hard times and has a lot of pent-up frustration that they're gonna take out on you it's random could be the randomest things I've received abuse for over delivery companies this was Matalan not delivering someone else's parcel I've received abuse for that I was once in like a farmhouse and I knocked at the wrong door even though they're both kind of at the front in fact the one I knocked out was was right at the entrance you realize that some people are just unnecessarily angry and bitter at the world I remember one particular woman she always came out when I delivered to a road and tried to find something to have a got me for if you're not the type of person who could deal with that then maybe this isn't the right job for you but you also come across a lot of great people who are friendly and ask you how your day was ask about you and um yeah it can be quite good socially as well because you're having like little I wouldn't say as an Amazon driver you have plenty of Chit Chats but you know you just become more comfortable face to face with people and that's great sure um yeah I'll leave it here thank you Ray we've got a one-time password delivery here verify password at this stop before you hand the package to the recipient ask them to read the customers one-time password and use the app to verify it don't deliver if there's no one to receive the package I understood that I must follow the steps above for this delivery foreign my next one's just next door yeah yes thank you put that in there all right guys see you at 100 stops foreign [Music] delivery is done the time is five o'clock I don't actually know how many deliveries I've got today let me have a little look 124 24 more left not so bad I don't know guys you're thinking are they like designer trainers no these are from Sheen they're from basically China I think um and very much and everybody pretty much everybody I've spoke to is asked me whether they were designer shoes they were 20 something pounds I think 23. so the next thing you may not know about Amazon is working as an Amazon delivery driver is a very flexible position foreign driver YouTuber I was attempting to be a travel Vlog YouTuber and I've spent about six months over the past two years even more actually outside the country mainly in Mexico trying to establish myself as like a bold and bankrupt kind of travel vlogger out there and as I'm self-employed on Amazon I was working six days a week but I just told my DSP I'm gone guys I'm going to Mexico I'll let you know if I come back and then that's I'm at a young age that's a level of Freedom you kind of want it's a perfect thing to do in between jobs because you can work as much as you want and then and then as soon as you don't need need it anymore you can kind of wipe your hands with it if you don't feel like it's for you um or you could have a break whenever you like whenever you need you don't need to apply for holidays you're essentially free to not work now a lot of dsps won't admit that you're free not awake but you genuinely are and you don't need to work weekends whenever you want that's like law you know um a lot of people feel kind of Trapped in their job and they can never take a break and um you know that has a negative impact on a lot of people I know that has a negative impact on a lot of people so working at Amazon you have that flexibility man there's so many spiders around today like every I've never swore before great free on this I'll drop thank you hey well guys a lady was right um it is extremely hot out here so I I'm gonna see you at the last couple stops and then I will give you the fifth thing you may not know about being and I was enjoyable [Applause] [Music] no no [Music] foreign we have delivered every single parcel you know what that means we don't need to go back to the depot to hunt anything back in that's just a bonus for you guys it's the fifth thing you may not know about being an Amazon driver seeing that Amazon driver it's a lot being an Amazon driver is a hell of a lot easier in summer because right now in Winter because at this time in Winter it would already be it would already be dark that makes the job harder because you're searching for dollar numbers you can't see them it's a more enjoyable experience out in summer you get investment D which is good for your mental physical health I am I highly recommend if you are considering becoming an Amazon driver do start in the soon or do you start in the summer or definitely not Christmas time foreign and that was that my friend's lovely little day out inform me today thank you for coming along with me I hope you enjoyed the video I'm glad to be back at Amazon and guys on Wednesday if you want to watch a day in the life of a Domino's driver video don't forget to subscribe and on Fridays we have reselling videos you don't want to miss any of them guys so please hit that subscribe button I'll see you later take care bye
Channel: Zac Jones
Views: 19,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tIdZO4AsEu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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