[WR] Lies of P Any% Speedrun in 49:47

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ah there you are I've been looking all over for you I see my name jimy please escort him to the hotel let's get you out of there find something that might help but it'll be Hotel cour welcome to station everyone here's dis [Music] human we and you cannot see the dark switch me on and gently light away there we go I was like I was thinking like when am I going to get a good gold here doing the YOLO and that's what it is gotcha that does save a lot of time over just quitting out and losing 5 Seconds by default I think your line matters too like for how much time you have on those guys cuz obviously they can just turbo you and kit you anyway but your line probably matters in like you know AG gring them correctly usually in these games when you AGG gr an enemy you can outrun them if you have like a lot of stamina so I'll do my line like this to like full stem and then just run past all like the dogs and the puppet behind me you want to make sure you're just like charging up your stamina and doing a one really long line to get past all of like the trash mobs here a powerful parade puppet is blocking the entrance and that's the only way in hello there didn't you ought to out here alone wow that's way faster 426 wow that's a really fast braid Master one more thing I should mention the hotel security excludes like you so you'll have to lie to get inside [Music] Blom welcome [Music] yeah I'm doing okay today I'm happy that spicy is back to this category so it's actually like competition now it's like glitchless you know having competition in glitchless was nice but I don't really like that c but I like this category a lot so having a category that I enjoy and having competition is like a win-win like maybe I'll go back and update my glist time later but I don't really feel like using the wrench baton right now hey let's be more careful the black rabbit Brotherhood I hate these guys but don't be alarmed my name is gimy we'll talk later when we're safe elisian Boulevard was a regular rich people row you wanted fancy boutiques and shops it's no place better but that was long ago before the puppet Frenzy I must eat my Planet needs me why know okay iy is it time for us to part ways for the night oh you can actually that there hope we have a good EP time come out chedo you got a lot to answer for you know what's your you're the you can't sneak past me die are you a dream or a nightmare stop showing up already no I broke his weapon it's actually like slower or nightmare no true it's I but in order have a good night eggy thank you for watching tonight maybe we're just sleep walking he you're yeah that was okay that was a decent Watchman the only problem is I used all my fable I don't have Fable for rabbits but not a big deal I guess what my possible time save looks like possible lime save what the [ __ ] why does it look like possible lime save Bring It On You Ain't Seen Nothing like my brother it's cuz like the the font is is like scuffed I I have a font that I use for my splits but it it like for some reason whenever I restart my computer it like bugs I don't know I have to like redownload the font it's really annoying right actually just like quite a bit of time but not having Fable on this fight I didn't really even do anything wrong there the skip was fast you know the menuing was fast you just lose a bunch time if you don't have any Fable I might just like not use a fable slam on Watchman then you lose that much time on rabbits cuz you really want that lighting buff right off the bat or else it's not really you're not going to save much time but the Fable slam was more so cuz I had to like he kind of forced My Hand by doing that like lightning attack I was going to get electric shocked anyway sure of course that was a pretty good fight dude not too bad I think I'd be happy with like one finish run tonight with um you know no deaths or whatever always speaking my friend remember be careful beware why not go I always you can get from City Hall I'm just happy running this category this category makes me much happier than GL [Music] do did brb2 in your third casual playr today and they're the worst yeah I think like with the right weapon combo they can work like pretty well um there's a couple of fun weapons that you can use like living puppet plus dancer handle seems really fun to use um you know like explosive pickaxe handle seems really good it's like a like like an acid spear thing that seems ENT District you might call it extravagant oper operettas Street concerts all running 247 Adelina cord the singer in the red dress oh she was the most famous of them all the legendary primadana well I'm not sure if she's still alive so all the past make sense yeah it's getting a little depressing no hit run yet I've have tried one for this game I've tried routing one it just doesn't seem very doable right now I don't know if you fought the um I mean I'm sure you have but the second black rabbit fight is like it looks pretty [ __ ] impossible to do no hit cuz all all three of them can throw things at you um and like I don't know their aggro is so weird like it doesn't seem like consistent enough for a no hit run at least not yet but obviously some German dude is going to find a strat and everyone's going to start doing it and then it's going to be consistent that's just kind of how these things go um but yeah for now it seems kind kind of like not like doable yeah yeah I'm kind of surprised that team hitless allows summons actually for this game I mean I guess they are a mechanic in the game so it'd be kind of weird to like not allow it but like I feel like it goes against eh I guess it's not really a good argument because you could use the same argument of like oh it's not really you know it's it's kind of going around the point of hit lless right but you could say the same thing about using magic builds or like hidden body you know like so I don't know I don't really have a horse in that race so to speak I don't really care enough to discuss itless rules or anything but I'm just surprised they allowed summons in this game thank you [Applause] pizza could definitely go that by more I like how consistent I am at the railing jump there though ah go for the old way is this even faster than like like dropping down and doing it again I don't even know wow okay I just lost like 40 seconds doing this but hopefully it's worth it maybe dropping down and trying again was the play cuz you lose like like 30 seconds by doing this pathing and I also missed the zip twice so I lost like 40 seconds doing this pathing for FPS yeah this is really slow to do it like this for [Music] all right we survived the early game of Hell well I guess not yet this is like the last check of the early game hell oh no oh no he there's something horrible in front of the hotel it might be worse than what we saw at the Cathedral all right tighten up your Springs and let's go hey that was step one step one of uh getting a good run definitely on our way even the first one I thought was good enough I don't know why that one didn't work the first time but home and I'm fine with it make me lose control Banger the hotel is under attack attack we are all in danger everyone's in danger really are you guys in danger head to the hotel cuz I can just do this you won't be in danger anymore are you sure about about that look everything seems fine here I don't know what you guys talking about oh no the hotel it's attacked a no the hotel what happened while I was gone I was gone for like 20 seconds oh give me a sec I'm sorry child chapeto has been kidnapped welcome my name is that hotel welcome this I shall open welcome this I shall open welcome I'm sorry I play this you're here when you came I picked up why don't the puppet it's funny because she gives you this dialogue like oh you're going to say venini and he's right here like oh you're going to go to get venini nice I heard I know my way hope I have enough money looks like I should have just enough all right time for the new skip hopefully it works for look at that [ __ ] dude oh my God that's so fast easy 20 second time save that was pretty pretty good fight dude not too bad listen pal nice landing but uh let's not make it a habit hey Pepe what the well that one only saves 20 seconds but yeah sub 50 is a lot more possible every day now there's a new skip that saves like a minute that I'm not doing there's one that I don't feel comfortable doing on runs yet it's I call it the impossible skip but it's just going to take time to get down I might just practice it tonight or something like you know just watch a stream and just practice it all night while why don't we play with a new friend I don't want to do it on stream I think it's like like super boring to watch hi call me lamp he didn't don't say let's start talking about this oh she's here grab her please so annoying gery get rid of them I'm off oh that actually makes a lot more sense okay going to the hotel to refill your Fable actually makes sense here because you're refilling it for LAX instead of refilling it for door Guardian don't even use Fable and door Guardian almost t a got two redit attacks there so I lost a little bit of time oh I almost walked off the edge there holy [ __ ] that was scary ah ah [ __ ] oh that was rough oh [ __ ] that was not the time stop ah [ __ ] dude [ __ ] headache oh my God I got to rest up for a second dude oh that was hurting really bad oh I don't care if this invalidates my run dude holy [ __ ] I don't know if you guys ever get that but like I got like like a a really bad like pain like right here while I was trying to do that I lost 7 Seconds holy [ __ ] how fast was my cat skip in my PB I lost 7 seconds on a first try cat and a first try Mega or zip up to the top I guess because I had to quit out I didn't quit out in my PB that's pretty pretty damn fast though so we're not going to do the new skip um I don't feel very confident in doing it right now in a run I'll lab it more later obviously this run isn't perfect anyway so it's not even like I'm throwing time or whatever just doing my old Route plus a couple new skips one minute at a time yes been a lot of that in this category I wonder what would happen if you like quit out at the very end of the animation there like when the lever is fully pulled I wonder if that would um if that would skip the cut scene and not that it matters anymore because we have the new skip that skips this part but it'd be you know it'd be interesting to see because that that would mean you can also quit out for other cutscene based skips or cut scene based animations like um what's another one that I could think of there's the uh the badge the badge procs on uh glitchless runs in this way we're going to save quite a bit of time as well by not grabbing these Stones that'll be nice time saves yeah elevators do that it once it starts moving you can you can quit out and it skips the animation of it going up and down that is true how am I almost 2 minutes ahead right now like it's grabbing stones that much slower well I guess not 2 minutes I'm going to end up being like 1 minute you know like 20 something seconds but it's grabbing Stones like that slow that's crazy and also yeah 20 second time save and also um we're skipping plus 10 cuz we're we're just going to go fight LAX now once we change our arm to puppet string where it's going to go fight lack so like that's insane time save holy [ __ ] all I need armor for no h oh yeah keep let's Sophia I think she's gone pal can't I'm going to grab the Stargazer here I don't want to it's a 8sec Time loss but I haven't done I haven't killed the guy up here in a couple of days so I'm kind of scared I know it's a peach and I and like everything in my willpower is telling me to not grab the Stargazer but I haven't bought this guy in like 3 days St kind of slow but I'll take it with the Stargazer I didn't really lose that much time plus like maybe like 5 seconds I don't I speak I see remember 5 Seconds even with the Stargazer is pretty insane I can use two resins on first if I want to I realiz I have one extra [Music] resin there's also a zip here that saves like 15 seconds that I'm not doing be kind of nice to do you feel that it's like someone walked across my grave I sense air Go Everywhere I mean this place is saturated with it like what you'd expect from a mountain of dead puppets I don't know if I got put up there or not we'll see nice show me everything you show me everything show me everything you have po up jaano oh no power is overflowing it's all my to ground if you power you f God like power your time is let's go dude sub 50 let's go world's first sub 50 so I know your pure de ins my God more watch out forun on please give me this 750 please it should be it should be oh it's going to be close no no it's going to be close no come on come on come on come on on get up get up get up go go go go come on no I'm not going to make it give me yes I we can't you let's go let's go dude sub 50 Pac-Man let's go we did it chat we broke another 10minute barrier let's go oh that feels good man we broke another 10-minute barrier dude hell yeah they said it couldn't be done but the blanket man comes through yet again let's go ah man and there's still one more skip I can do as well that's not even like as low as the Run goes there's still like one more Skip and you know minor optimizations to do that's pretty sweet though I'm going to put this run on YouTube so those of you that are uh here in twitch right now everyone everyone get your high YouTube in cuz this one is definitely going up there it's not even his final form yeah that was that was a cool run yeah that was that was pretty sweet oh man this finally feels by family thank you thank you thank you for all the ggs guys thank you all where is the challenge is this what's good YouTube it's your boy Argo speech time you guys want a speech for YouTube all right listen I'm going to give you guys the rundown I'm going to give you guys the the classic blank speech listen I don't care if you guys are on your last pull cell I don't care if you're if you're on your last acid abrasive you have no more shot puts if you got no more gas in the tank you can do it you can persevere you can overcome any obstacle chat okay I believe in you guys don't give up on the one yard [Music] line damn dude that just it just feels nice to like break all these 10-minute barriers man we were first sub 2 hours first sub 130 first first sub 120 first sub hour no I don't think I wasn't first sub hour but first sub like 55 and now we're first Sub sub 50 so just feels nice feels nice to be like a front runner in this uh in this game it feels really good sub 40 possible not yet sub 40 would take a skip that saves like8 minutes you know maybe like a full Arch Abby skip like that skips that you just if you could just zip from from the bottom to the top then maybe Sub sub 50 be sub 40 would be possible yeah tremble I think I will submit this run to speedrun.com yeah so um for those of you on YouTube [Music] um I want to thank you all for being here and sharing your time with me um I guess we can get a little more personal for the YouTube folks my God I'm a mess um if you guys want to see these runs live then you should come check me out on Twitch we got lots of uh lots of fun people down there lots of fun people here um come join us sometime it's cool it's cool time yeah you also get a free glorp emote if you follow my channel look at that you get a free glorp dude just come just just come follow me okay you don't have to watch just come follow me for your free glorp it's a good deal it's it come on it's a good deal you have to come follow me just for [Music] that stop by and drop a glorp yeah come say hi to o yeah um I I don't really do outros to my videos but to you on YouTube um thank you all for watching my run tonight as uh I'll go back to the main screen current record in Li of any percent is 4947 so that's pretty cool um come watch me live I do speeduns of every category in this game um also other Souls games and stuff like that so if you're into that kind of thing come drop by and thank you all that's all later YouTube everyone say bye everyone drop your final glorp for YouTube bye oh also drop a rat [Music] Dance full glurp chat you love to see it all right hey show later YouTube folks appreciate y'all later
Channel: BlanxzYT
Views: 107,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yI9UyYFMiN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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