Lords of the Fallen - All Endings Explained

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in true soulslike fashion Lords of the Fallen takes place in a dark fantasy world brimming with magic gods and demons in more instead the fires of the Demon Lord adier battle against the radiant light of the judge cleric and orius all while the hungering umbrell stalks everyone from behind the scenes for each of these factions the game offers a different conclusion there are three endings radiant infernal and umbrell and in this video I'm going to explain each one if you like this type of content feel free to subscribe to the channel since I do a lot of it here and most of you watching probably aren't subbed with that I'm mad Luigi and I hope you enjoy the show the first ending most players will get is the standard light or radiant ending this requires that you do as you are told and cleanse the five beacons the other endings require more NPC quests and additional steps and lots of the NPCs are really easy to miss in this game yeah the SS like all right so chances are radiant is most players first ending this ending follows the game's most straightforward path of beating the corrupted Sentinels guarding each Beacon of light these are the main bosses and then cleansing the beacons these pillars are meant to safeguard against a deer's return a deer is a dark lord responsible for the rogar all the fire enemies and demons we fight throughout the game at one point a deer ruled the world but he was overthrown and cast into another realm this all happened at least a millennial ago and humankind has been governing itself somewhat autonomously ever since as the opening cinematic shows the beacons have been corrupted and a deer is poised to make a return in response we are charged with stopping this from happening and that's exactly what we do in the radiant Ending by cleansing the five beacons we act in direct opposition to the forces of a deer this leads us to battle his rogar army in addition to his followers such as Damar Rose The Marked who becomes a boss fight in this route we must also fight the five corrupted Sentinels who stand seemingly to protect the beacons you would think they would be happy to have us show up to do some cleansing but since they are corrupted either by umbrell happenings a deer's influence some other zombification or a mix of all the above they all choose to fight us and speaking of a deer's influence it seems that the recent surge in rogar and the corruption taking place throughout the world is thanks to the Rune of a deer if we follow the quest of the iron wayf farer he reveals that he had the Rune of a deer before handing it over to the judge cleric to deal with he wasn't a man of faith and felt that if anyone was qualified to deal with the Rune it was the judge seems like he also didn't want it to be his problem anymore but he laments that this doomed morstead for generations and led to the state we see it in now the judge was either unable or unwilling to destroy or properly seal the Rune and it corrupted her in the whole Kingdom the item itself comes into play again in the other endings but this ending doesn't make use of it beyond having it be the Catalyst of the current apocalypse so we continue through the game as normal until we come to face a deer at its end we find an imprint of melor that shows us he was used by the rogar to serve as some kind of vessel or conduit for a deer who we can talk to a deer offers us a choice freedom and what he calls the truth he points out the hypocrisy of the radiant followers who decry the umbrell but also make use of its power and employ you as their Champion someone who makes use of umbrell through our lamp but this is the radiant ending so we enter the rogar realm to deal with the deer once and for all the boss fight is Stark in design but unfortunately it's a bit boring since you just hunt down zombie mobs marked by a deer eventually taking out the whole level honestly the focused room and Hell setting made it kind of feel like a doom level to me and I can imagine having some waves of enemies would have been fun where you can use the terrain to separate and deal with them so it's not just like a spam manfest but we unfortunately did not get that just zombies so that we can focus on a deer speech which is a warranted design Choice having a mechanically simple level so you can focus on the narrative aspect of a deer the spectacle the speech but I do think it could have been a better experience if there was some mechanical payoff in addition to the narrative payoff so in this speech adir reveals a lot about himself and the lore of the world he claims to have created and ruled over mankind as a benevolent Shepherd leading with wisdom and love and for that he was repaid with betrayal the judges launched a crusade against him despite his creation of the rogar armies he was beat unable to be killed by them the judges exiled ad deer to this prison Dimension where he has remained ever since he mocks how the judges soon themselves became revered as demigods and how Humanity fell into hatred suffering chaos Adar thinks this proves Humanity needs his guidance and he points out how the other Godlike beings of the world orius the leader of Radiance and the creature of the umbrell both Hide Away whereas he is open and in front with us and we can see him as he nears his death he gets more controlling claiming his godhood and Creator status deem him worthy of leading that we have no right to go against him and destroy him in this way in the end the umbrell lamp is able to vaporize and absorb a deer as the end title notes it knows no satiation this also confirms that a deer is in fact a God so he was being truthful on that account they go on to say how we or's champion and wibr are rewarded for our actions we are annihilated possibly from the explosion from a deer or from orus viewing us as heresy tainted from our use of the um lamp that would confirm some hypocrisy from the radiant Camp after that orius unleashes his Radiance on Axiom with new power purifying any who transgress his will in light they fall and we see this in action in the credit scene it basically looks like morstead is just getting glassed by tactical nukes of Radiance light there are a lot of beams and basically everyone has transgressed upon some part of radiant law at this point the judge cleric herself looks like this after all so I don't know if anyone will be left after all this cleansing and we never see orus directly unlike a deer and the umbrell entity known as the putur mother who we see in the umbrell en but this end card and the magic of Radiance seem to confirm him as a real entity but he is too holy to actually show himself in the events of the game like a deer says and we aren't around to see him afterwards since we get atomized too in judging this ending we should remember that oris's followers turned out to be pretty bad leaders of mankind engaging in torture and butchering the people of morstead feta is pretty cool after being reborn and she vouched for the average Joe in life but she was told to can by the judge cleric's abses and maybe we can say a lot of that was corruption from the ruin of a deer but even without that it seems that there was a lot of deification of the judge cleric and the religious order that could have easily led to similar corruption or abuse of power so with all that and orus going pretty Ham on the planet right now the new world is probably in for a rough time of religious persecution and domination once again this ending is the most normal in the sense that it retains some humankind centered order but Ora seems pretty deceptively dangerous or he just really lets his followers get swayed by evil influences maybe that's okay now that a deer is no more but the umbrell is still around between that and all the cleansing this ending is definitely an uneasy one at Best But now let's look at the others to see how this One Compares on the flip side of the radiant is a deer's ending you can achieve this one relatively simply as well but it does allow for a few extra steps first we can do Damar Rose's quest line in this ending since she is a follower of a deer our interests align this time around that's thanks to the fact that in game we aren't going to be cleansing any of the beacons instead we just beat each boss and then leave the beacon alone they have been corrupted by a deer already so they're working to bring him back to this realm we don't want to get in the way of that for his ending so we play through beat the bosses grab the Rune and make it to a deer once more but this time we are on his side so instead of lecturing us he takes his Rune and empowers it and he tells us what to do next use the Rune to Snuff out each Beacon and confront the traitor which is elel the original name of the judge cleric at each Beacon there is now a new contingent of enemies guarding them but we beat the Sentinels so some fodder bosses aren't going to stop us especially when we can just run past them and interact with the beacon we snuff out each one and then bring the Rune to the defeated judge cleric for context the remembrance of the judge cleric the radiant Sentinel reveals her back story it tells us that she was once a warrior Priestess of a deer named Isel one day she decided she had been living a lie and turned against a deer swearing to end his rule or die obviously she was successful in this as a deer Was Defeated and imprisoned since then she has lived as the judge cleric leading Humanity maybe a time before this recent corruption wasn't so bad with her in charge before she was corrupted by the Rune and became an incarnate of that very same thing she once rose up against it's possible that before the run's influence the world was decent some of the in-game characters do seem to Fancy the past a bit unfortunately we can't be certain or confirm this so we take the Rune to Iselle and enter her mind with it we are transported to a lush Mountaintop aelle is calm calls us over and offers Little Resistance I don't think a deer is influencing her here maybe she just knows she has no way of resisting but who knows this imagined world is much more peaceful than the real world of darkness and fire that actually exists outside around the judge perhaps she can't bear to see what she has become and uses this to cope kind of like the facade we see crumble away after her first phase in the boss fight we hold the Rune up to her and she seems to gladly accept it maybe this is actually some part of a deer that has been trapped within Iselle all this time the room glow and we eventually wake up in the real world a deer has taken the body or form of zel and tells us to rise as his Rogue our Lord we are kneeling and service to our new king and God the end notes tell that the Exile ader is back in the form of Isel the one who imprisoned him because of the treachery of aelle his second Reign is informed by a rage of betrayal to me this clearly reads like he is going to be doing some glassing and cleansing of his own with all his Hellfire the cards also call us his infernal Champion but that we are only the first of his new rogar Lords this could be setting up some DLC bosses as a set of rogar Lords would be a pretty sensible choice for a gamut of new bosses but in world this signals more a deer destruction and control the rogar are pretty liberal with attacking and killing and a deer is angry so he's going to be letting them run loose on all those who stand against him and anyone even distantly related it's hard to trust a deer when he talks about how peaceful and loving he was as a ruler after all the theme of crimson and possibly fire was present in his past age as was the existence of War priests as confirmed by the judge cleric remembrance so there was some Waring and fighting happening and his warriors were to some degree associated with his religion and worship that's a lot of connection to what he currently looks like I would assume this demon Fire Lord was always pretty close to his current self and his appetite for Revenge now that he's back in control spells a bad time for anyone still remaining in morstead or probably the rest of the world so it's hard to say that the first ending was good but this one almost definitely is not with that we have seen the endings of orius and a deer now let's look at the final primordial being the putrid mother and its ending of umbrell the umbrell ending is the most involved and distinct among the three it consists in many steps unrelated to the beacons dealing with NPCs new items and new areas and it all starts in the very bottom of the map beneath the mines we come across hero or dervla and the putur child Peta gives us some information about this kid noting that it's regrettable to have to lock up a kid but it must be done to maintain stability against umbrell without such a bull workk the umbrell dimension might be able to encroach on Axiom beginning its consumption or invasion of the Overworld Tia notes that there can be value in suffering which is true but it's a small justification for the lifetime imprisonment of a child after finding this area we can purchase the scouring Clump from Mulo this lets us enter the mother's LOL in the arena once we access the umbrell dimension here we can properly start the end's Quest this mainly consists in getting seed pods from umbrell for specific people going to those NPCs and then using the seed pod to absorb their soul or Essence these seed pods note that umbrell is inherently inimical or hostile to the very nature of anyone who steps inside this gives us a small insight into the blue Dimension that it is by nature opposed to or parasitic to every living thing in Axiom or in general so next up we seed pod ginda and Damar Ro removing them from the world then we kill the light Reaper to reveal an umbral parasite that Malu feels like a failure for having lost control over it's unclear how the umbrell got infested into the rogar that a deer specially made but it makes some sense since it was the one rogar in charge of hunting down lamp bearers Those Who Bore an umbra lamp so there is a connection there and and mohu also gives hints towards the ending saying how umbrell will soon Blom upon this base reality after the light Reaper we turn to umbrell and fully commit to the path the Rune of a deer turns withered it now reveals what anyone with umbrell knowledge apparently knows that the puted mother is always watching like some kind of love crafty and horror then we have another Gauntlet of seed pods to use first we confront a deer who is using Mel's body as a conduit he says he feels sorry for us that we were LED astray by a monster who will consume us as a last ditch Temptation he offers us the world in classic fashion of a mephistophelian devil but here we are followers of the mother so we suck him up too next on the list is Harkin also known as the iron wayfairer Harkin is the name of the protagonist of the first Lords of the Fallen from 2014 in the original he was covered in runes and when we see the Wayfair his face we can see he also has the same runes plus he is likely who is referenced in Sparky's dialogue here another like you Rome's mste traveler a man I encountered long ago one already burden then a burden which has only increased enormously in the years since and taken a heavy toe and his is a bleak ruinous road with that and knowing that this game technically takes place in the same universe as the first game just thousands of years in the future it's safe to say that these are the same person Parkins parasite describes how he has done great good and appalling evil and the dark actions he took seem to have finally consumed him in his quest line we see him give in to despair wanting to burn morstead and all the people in it but we obviously aren't going along with that so we defeat him in combat and here at the end beaten and defeated he accepts his story's conclusion at our hands through the withered Rune of a deer finally we find the last parasite in our very own Peta we learn that mhu tried many times to imbue a mother and her baby with the umbrell obviously killing all the failed attempts he succeeded in Peta and killed her mother since she was of no more use for him this lines up with how we see Peta eventually ending up in the orphanage so we Soul Peta and fight alanne the starved after killing The umbrell Entity her remembrance reveals that Peta acted against the parasites influence when she acted in service of some bigger purpose like her religion and when she gave life to others I think this reveals that the true nature of umbrell is malignant and parasitic it is a negative life sapping force with this final parasite we can achieve the ending returning to the umbrell dimension we can directly interact with the PED mother she offers no words she just sucks us up but for umbrell Fanatics this seems to be be the goal Malu desperately desired to be reunited with the mother and the ending title card characterizes our absorption as something positive we enter her maternal Embrace after proving our devotion to her we learn that what Peta feared takes place the barrier against umbrell breaks down and the blue mukbang dimension encroaches on all other creation nothing will be spared all will be consumed the mother seems to be almost a force of nature something which must feed on anything and everything it possibly can all creation will now be consumed by this umbrell matriarch our path rejected the radiance of orius and the fires of a deer choosing instead to absorb the latter to serve the prime umbrell entity in this end we help this force of nature achieve its desire in doing so we doomed the world to be consumed by her it sounds to me like everything becomes one in the fured mother that's the only logical conclusion to her feeding on everything this is kind of like Elden Ring's frenzied flame ending where all is burned to become a singular one great everything in morstead and Axiom and every other land is absorbed into the mother here it all becomes one in her in judgment I would say an end to all existence via the puted mother's plate seems like a pretty hopeless conclusion which is about power for the course when we see the effect umbrell has on those who are exposed to it other than us I guess tangle of wet meat is undone by her Majestic Beauty with the three achievement earning endings of Lords of the Fallen explained we should now have a clearer picture about what each one entails honestly none of them seem to be very good the only one our character even survives is one where we become a lieutenant to the devil in contrast Elden Ring's endings seem positively hope which is really saying something given how overall depressing those endings really are so those are the conclusions to the story of Lords of the Fallen I hope you've enjoyed watching this video if you have feel free to subscribe to the channel or support me on patreon thanks to my patrons who do support and thank you for watching I'm mad Luigi and I'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: MadLuigi
Views: 75,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, souls like, souls-like, lotf, soulslike, hexworks, CI games
Id: 28HoOwyUBwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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