LFL #79 | Photoshop 2022, New Features for Photographers

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okay everybody i have got it fixed let me know when you can hear me and then when you do we are going to kick off sir about the delay guys loud and clear all right awesome all right let's go [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome to live from lockdown episode number 79 i'm sorry about the little delay there we had a little glitch with the screen it was showing like really really tiny and i wanted to make sure that it was full screen because you don't want to be looking at a little thumbnail in the corner so anyway glad you could all join us it's an exciting episode this week it's going to be new features inside of photoshop 2022 and if you were not under a rock you know last week adobe dropped a new release a lot of you've been watching my new release videos and a lot of you have been attending adobe max so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be examining these features in a little bit more depth first of all quick shout out to everybody thank you for the regulars that are here it's so good to see you guys um we had a week off last week it's good to see you again and if you're new and you're joining us for the first time welcome uh don't forget to drop something into the chat there is a friendly group of people so everybody is going to be very welcoming if you're watching the replay then just drop a comment underneath and if you're watching the replay you wouldn't have even noticed uh the delay in getting things started because it didn't so um of course this replay will be live right after uh it's playing and oh we have a sponsor this week envato elements were very kind um to give me access to their library so we're going to be using photos from there and we'll talk about that in a little bit so uh bruce is loose he's in the house get your drink orders in that's bruce bucknell he is our moderator he'll be taking care of things on that end of things and on this end of things i'm going to be taking care of things on the screen so let's do it right now without further ado even though i've been told i'm not supposed to say that because apparently people say that too much but anyway you can see my desktop good to see you all rigs there guys um all right uh what happened to the benq contest remind me later we'll talk about that it was drawn i guess and the winner was announced um all right so here we are inside of brand new photoshop 2022 now for those who don't know how to update and this is good to know in the future uh go to your creative cloud you're basically going to select it using the icon at the top it'll be in the bottom on windows and then what you want to do is go under updates but you also want to choose check for updates and then once you click that what it's going to do is it's going to check for updates and then the update will show in there and then you can just choose to update it so i'll just move that off to the side there so i shall just close it we don't need it but i always get that question from people why don't i get the update it's there you've just got to refresh it and so i'm sure you've updated now if not it's good to know one other tip before we jump into everything when it comes to updating this um make sure when you get that option it says to replace your version of photoshop or not don't replace it actually these are really important tips i think i'm going to go back to these just for a second one of the things uh yeah it gives you the option to replace it or it gives you the option to keep your other one i would keep your other one because you have the ability to run more than one version of photoshop at a time so i actually keep photoshop 2020 running and there's some features on there that were discontinued or don't work properly in the newer version so i keep that old version on there all the time and then i can run different types of features that that don't work on a new version and also if you have any issues that will kind of help you resolve those issues so so yeah do that and then another thing that you have the option of having turned on here is up into updates is auto update i do not enable auto update um the reason for that is because i have other applications if you turn it on it's going to update everything not just the version or whatever application you're working on so it won't just update photoshop it'll update premiere pro and indesign as well and if you're designing in your middle of a project you don't want indesign to update same with premiere pro because it has a habit of um yeah sometimes having weird things going on so i want to update those after projects not in the middle so i like to keep control over all of that so just a little tip there um on updating i think that's definitely worth worth covering all right so let's go here we're going to open some images and let's look at some of the new features right now and of course if you guys have questions drop the question there into the chat and we can go through those so why don't we just start with a tutorial i just dropped today um on youtube and landscape mixer this is an incredible tool used for changing the season terraforming uh there's uh positives and negatives about it but we'll we'll look into it right now so this is an image and once again these images i'm using right now i got from envato elements and for those of you i know a lot of you guys are already familiar but let me just quickly mention them here and so basically what you get from avatar elements and we have a link i didn't give bruce the link either i'm so good at this aren't i uh let me give you guys a link right now i don't believe i get a commission but i do want to make sure that you guys use this link so they know that it's effective and they keep sponsoring us so anyway so that's a link there to envato elements and what that will do is let's go here takes you in there and i use this a lot actually for my videos and stuff like this because this has everything from stock videos a whole ton of them video templates music sound effects graphics templates like like decent ones like nice ones that you can use um photos and they have like a ton of millions of photos here well that many yeah three and a half million photos so all of this is just one fee it's what 15 bucks a month 16 bucks a month something like that let's go here where is it 16.50 a month so i find it useful for doing stuff like that figured i'd let you guys know about it that's the link there check it out and so these photos are from there all right so what i'm going to do is let's change this from a desert scene to something else so let's go under filter and we're going to choose the neural filters this is where all the incredibly powerful ai driven filters are living inside of photoshop and so it's not just you know the uh what we're about to use now but there's a ton of filters let me just shrink that down to size so if it's a little bit better okay here we go here's our neural filters and i'm just gonna pop that into the screen and let's go here let me just get this interface working right what i did and this is what caused those problems let me just reset my workspace reset neural filters there we go beautiful all right now we can see everything nicely and so what we're using here is the landscape mixer so i'm going to turn on the landscape mixer and what this enables me to do is change the photo so i'm going to zoom out so you can see the whole photo so if we want to make this a wintry scene it comes with presets let's click on the wintry scene right now and the neural filter is going to do its thing and it's literally going to remap this photo so let's just give it a second it's going to take a moment to think about this and that actually works really well look at that that's pretty amazing if you ask me let's try a grassy scene so all we do is we just click on the other photo what it does is it looks at our photo then it looks at the photo that we're using and then it takes the properties from that photo and adds it over using uh an artificial intelligence or ai let's try this other one i don't know if you guys have seen this before but it's pretty amazing um look at that so we've literally gone from a desert to terraforming uh into something else so this is great and i can see where let's go back to the winter scene i could see this would be really good for compositors or you know people wanting to you know do some things oh the um envato elements link isn't working let me just see what i did wrong with that let's go here try that again maybe i did the wrong link just cut and paste it into your browser um and see how that works all right and i'll also put a link afterwards for that so sorry about that guys just make sure you select the whole thing and uh let me go in there see if that works if not i'll give you a long link sorry about that guys okay that's working okay the link is working all right cool all right so this we can go further with this so let's add some winter so i'm gonna increase the winter here and watch what happens to the snow look at that now it starts to add more snow and you can see you know it's just it's just kind of crazy so we're going to go full-on winter take a little moment there we go updating you know we'll go back to this grassy one we'll actually use this a different grassy it's a sun city grassy one and one of the things that's interesting about that even though it's a sun city grassy one look at this we've still got winter because we can adjust these seasons so we can put those in there if we want as well and we'll just give that a second there we go updates and if i want to do more of a sunset we can do this give it a second boom look at that we've got a sunset it's pretty amazing now preserved subject that means if you have an object or something in there and you turn that on for example you have a person or something and you don't want the person have grass growing all over them preserved subject will extract them and we also have the ability to paint some of these things in and out so let's look at some of these options so we're going to hit the minus key now and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to paint this away and you're just going to see a mask and i can turn the mask overlay off if you want and i can just paint it like this and so you can see what's happening or you can turn it on but we also have the other selection tools in here which is really neat so we could do things like select the sky so we're going to click here and it's going to select the sky so now we've got the original sky with that ground or we could invert it so like see there we go so there's our change sky with our original ground or we can invert it and now we've got our original sky if there was a subject in here we could click there there's clear so we have the ability to just do all of that which i think is pretty cool let me just make this brush bigger and i'm just painting it away and saying you know what i don't want the grass on these hills i want to keep them original look at that so you can just go in there and paint this and decide you know hey where do i want this do i just want the grassy valley i think that would be nice painting it away here i'm doing this super fast and yeah pretty much like all things when i'm demoing these i'm just doing them really fast just to kind of show you guys essentially just how these things would work and you know in the real world yeah i'll take more time now one of the things i would also suggest about doing this is maybe just drop it as a new layer and you could mask this yourself in photoshop because the brushes are better inside of photoshop than they are inside this window but this gives you the ability as you can see you can determine where you want to apply this you know let's do these hills so if you just want to have a grassy valley notice i'm just painting away the grass here look at that there we go look at that all right so now we've just got that grass kind of happening in a valley and once again we can invert and then we can have a grassy up here so as you see we have the ability to go in and paint this way we want it um right shelly seeing middle earth uh photo maker has a question where's photo maker do can we add our own seasonal reference images for this landscape mixer to use yes of course we're going to do that right now let's use our own images we're going to choose custom and then once we hit custom we're going to select an image and i don't know we've got this landscape picture here why don't we grab this and see what happens so it shows there's the image that we're using and watch this this is going to apply it it's going to take a moment of course and then there's some actually an other additional functionality in here that i'll show you once this is applied okay so there we go we've got some of our grassy kind of stuff happening here now what we can do with this is oh by the way you can turn the strength down so there's the original photo and you'll you'll probably notice it more happening in the distance let's turn the strength all the way up give it a second again oh you know what i need to clear the mask duh clear that mask because that mask will stay with it there we go all right better so don't forget when you mask this this mask is going to stay even when you change the image all right so that's applying that new image so if you want you can go in here and you can select just a section so i'm dragging here just on this grassy area and so now it's going to ignore everything else and it's just going to apply this to the image all right so that's pretty weird but that's what we're getting sometimes the results are weird or we could say hey you know what let's grab the over here um so drew dave drew landscape i'm not sure why you're getting that error message um one of the things you might want to do well actually you can't undo the native canvas because this won't work um it sounds like there's some kind of a bug or something going on there that maybe you want to you know contact adobe about that so let's try a different image here so why don't we try this image and notice your previous images are going to show in there i don't know what's going to happen here because it's kind of a city scene so sometimes it's just random okay that's interesting um let me grab a different image of my own maybe this one well it's not mine this is another one from envato and let's have a look here see what happens all right so different different kind of result i'm not sure what would happen if i just selected the water i feel like just dragging a small area like this is not really going to yield a very good result no not really let's reset that and let's find a different image let me grab some of my images here just give me a second and i'm gonna find a nice image that's gonna work well for this all right let's grab these photos all right i've got some more photos here i'm not sure how this is gonna end up but let's try this flower field i have a feeling it might be interesting so as you can see sometimes it works really well with some images and sometimes it doesn't so it's a little bit hit and miss i'm curious what's going to happen here oh wow that's trippy all right so you can see it's kind of interesting kind of fun um one of the things i have noticed about this too is that sometimes when you select images the resolution is really important so this is one of the kind of the downfalls of this particular one is that if you're applying it to extremely high resolution image sometimes and you're particularly using these presets the resolution can be quite low um and let's zoom in and see how this one looks it's not bad not bad at all yeah but sometimes the resolution can be low so you've got to watch that and one of the things i tested on one of the videos that i used um actually i was using this particular one and i was using one of my grassy shots that i used from my drone from a panorama and it actually works quite well so you can actually bring in very large images um under the custom field if you want all right let's move on let's do something else here let's look at a kind of an interesting one that i'm sure let's get to our people all right so here's something that's interesting we know we've always had object selection but now with the object finder turned on you'll see this little wheel is spinning and then what happens is it's looking for the objects in the picture once that wheel has stopped spinning it's found all the different objects in here and then so if we roll over they can appear in blue and it says hey look we see a person and oh look we see a different person previously we could select this and we could choose select subject and see what it does is it just selects the entire subject whereas the object select will determine each individual person so if i hit the alt or the option key and tapped on her it would unselect her see that so you have the ability now to do uh different objects now there's a few different things that this can do but first of all why don't we just bring this i'm going to show you this picture you know and i use this in my tutorial but i just want to show you this for a reason so if we go to the object select and you see the object find is going so i can go over and notice it will detect every object in that picture independently to select it just click ctrl d will turn it off now this is not necessarily always the way you want to be working because sometimes this can be distracting so what you can do is go under the options here and we've got a lot of different options so one of the options to choose is to never show the overlay in this way just as you're working see this it's not going to be distracting but if you click on these objects they're still going to be selected because it determines they're still there but it's just not showing that overlay now there's other options that we can do we can always show the overlay or auto show if we turn always they just turn on all the time now i don't think you necessarily need this option i like to use auto because let me show if you want always all you need to do is just hit this option here all it's doing is toggling this on and off which is to show all the objects in a photo now when they're all on we can change the way that they look now objects subtract what that does is it just grabs the areas say like you know you've got an arm you know not your loop you've got your arms like this and there's a little hole in there when you turn that on that will select that hole and it will look for those holes whereas when it's off it won't now auto refresher manual refresh is useful too because if you've got an auto refresh it's constantly looking so that means you know if you're painting on your image and you know you create a new and you something that would be determined as a new object you know at some point it would be looking at that and you know it's looking and it's going to maybe find it maybe not let's see see it's looking again so it's constantly spinning up all the time and then when it finds it i didn't see that as an object which is unusual but my point is you know you're working in here you're doing some kind of compositing work and if you change that from auto to manual refresh that means it's not going to keep looking it's just going to stop and then when you're ready to manually look then you can click that button and it will do that that might also be useful you know when you're opening new images and you don't want to deal with that if you turn it into manual refresh you can manually update all right so let's let's turn that back off there's other options here let's go back to always show just so we can see them we can change the way this looks so the color doesn't necessarily have to be blue we can change it to anything we want as you can see there or we can go here where it just dims it now we can also add an outline so if we go here we add the outline we can change the opacity of that outline and that will show it there and of course we can use these colors so if you find that you know hey when it does the whole image you just want the outline to just indicate hey this can be selected you can do it this way so there's a lot of different options and ways we can work with this all right so let's go on and continue using it what i'm going to do is i'm just going to use select subject hey everybody good to see you there is a question after we get to the individual objects that can we get each of them on their own layer automatically yes of course i'm glad you asked that question let me show you this so by the way if you want to add to the selection let me just continue with this we're going to go back to auto refresh and why don't we just put this back to blue notice you saw that little indicator there when i went in there it wasn't looking it had that little indicator because i had it set to manual so that means it wasn't going to be doing that for me let's just go back to default everything there we go so yeah if you have these selected you can click on them let me just show you and if you hold the shift key you can add to that selection so you can select more than one see that or you can automatically have these knocked out to layers and this is useful i'll show you how to do that is we go under the i believe it's the layer and it's either the layer of the select it could be the select layer uh where are we color range select a mask i think it's under the layer i'm staring right at it i know i am my school objects there we go so if we do this what it's going to do is it's going to create an empty layer group for each one of the objects now this is useful at first it might seem like well why is it creating these inlets turn that off why is it creating these layers how can that be useful well say i want to adjust this boat so i select the layer that has the mask in that boat you're not going to see anything because it's just an empty mask but if i apply an adjustment layer such as curves or actually do hue saturation and so i go in here and i'm i don't know why i hit the vibrance i'm going to hit hue saturation let's do that again hue saturation there we go so we're in hue saturation and now i can change the color notice it's only affecting that boat because we are working inside that selection mask so this is really really useful you know so i can hit colorize if i wanted and make this one you know black and white for example or just one color see how you can just easily quickly do that or maybe this is dark i want to brighten or darken it so select the layer that has that mask in there and then we can grab curves or levels let's go into curves let me just pull the properties out a little bit and notice now i can affect that i can just darken that down see that and if i don't like what i'm doing with the boat there well that's easy just hide it turn it off it goes back to the original boat and see how we're just affecting that with lightning or darkening in certain areas we can be changing the color we can be applying filters it just saves you um you know making a ton of selections now this is one of the areas i really think this is going to shine not necessarily so much for cutting out objects you know people always say oh yeah it's going to be great for cutting out objects yeah but it's also going to be good for dodging and burning it's going to be good for making adjustments to your photographs it's going to save you making those selections and i know often you're working there you know you're painting you know you might be doing things you know like lightening and darkening certain parts of the photo and sometimes we just get lazy when we're doing that and we don't make the selections and we try to get the brush and you get a smudgy edge this is just going to save you a lot of time for that kind of stuff and i like what uh george jorgen jorgen is saying sumo will be redundant as photoshop does everything for us and that's a good question you know let's just think about this this is a very very good question a moral question when it comes to ai is this ai stuff gonna make us redundant what do you guys think i'd like to know drop your comments there in the chat there or in the comments section personally i like the fact that it can do the stuff for me like selections and things like that which those are boring repetitive tasks now these selections aren't perfect you're going to have to go in and you know clean them up but eventually the selections will be perfect and personally i don't want to spend all day doing selections i'd rather be creative in doing things so to me it's actually just allowing me to be more productive and quick with my work and focus on the creative stuff and the stuff i want to do and just taking the mechanical work out of it um you know a lot of people outsource these you know the clipping path companies now they're the ones that really are going to be hurting um and you know i had you know some jobs where i've been fortunate you know to have um you know someone doing the extractions for me literally hiring someone saying okay you do all the extractions and then i can come and be creative so it's kind of like you're a chef and someone else is preparing the food and getting the food ready where you can come in and be the master chef and do everything so you know that's it's interesting you know the way we just kind of look at that all right so carrying on let's go here with our selection here now these selections are not perfect far from perfect um i'm not gonna i really don't want to spend the time trying to make these perfect uh but let's just go and select mask quickly and just make this a little bit better and then i'm gonna show you some interesting things okay so let's send the opacity up it's not bad they've actually improved these selections a little bit and they are better than they were so what i'm doing here is i'm just finding the areas that got missed and this tool on the left there will enable you to do that now if you want to do the edges grab the hair and if you remember a tutorial i did recently for you guys on using this the key to this working well is and is probably not working well on this one is to make sure that most of your selection is on the outside and then you usually get better results with this than if you do it on the inside so see how my brush is on the outside it's okay it's not great now let's see if we can get some of that hair in there i'm just going to go in there just paint it is that going to be better it's going to be good enough for what i want to show you guys all right so there's other adjustments of course we can do in here let's just set that radius to 1. that's definitely going to help and other things but let's just i'll put this as a new layer with a layer mask and click ok all right so this is good enough so what i want to do is i want to combine this so maybe you're traveling and you're going somewhere and let's see here i want to let's just go into window here and i'm going to arrange so we can see everything there we go so right now i'm working on a slightly different kind of a resolution than i normally would work on so it makes it a little bit hard to see everything on the screen at once as you can see here so let's go to our image here and i just want to drag this into the eiffel tower so we're going to click and drag into that image and let's just go consolidate all to here we'll bring this back in control t and let's make this smaller now you don't have to do the windows like i did you can actually just drag and drop let me just quickly show you a way to combine them is just drag up into the one you want to go into don't release yet until your mouse is in the middle then release and you can drop those uh you can combine it that way now i wanted to do it the way i did because i wanted to be able to see all the different images all right so i'm just holding dragging this down we're going to resize this okay so here's our tourist shot at the eiffel tower now the challenge with this of course when we're doing compositing is matching the colors because if you look at this it's more of a sunset scene see how things are much warmer than they are on our photo here because this is different lighting situation so um what we're going to do and the lighting direction someone's going to bring that up so i'll flip that around just because someone's going to bring it up they always do and that's fine it's fair all right so here we go so we've got our couple here by the eiffel tower but obviously the lighting is not matching now in the past we did stuff like um yes you're right stephen that's exactly what i'm going to use in the past we use match color and match color is actually still a very useful tool but there's another tool that we have in here and that is the filter let me just drag a couple more images in here before i do this just so we can do some comparisons i'm just going to drag this in nice shot from india here beautiful location there any of you from india say hello in the chat and if you know that spot let us know i'm also going to drag that in here just for fun and we are going to just test this on a few of the different images hopefully i didn't just close my one that i'm working on okay this gets confusing when i've got all of these going let me close some of these ah this is one of the things i hate about dropping the resolution okay so here we are we're in the eiffel tower and i also want to grab let's close that there we go let's grab this image and we're going to drag that in there too alright so i just want to drag a few different images in just for fun and we're going to see how it works on the different images so let's get rid of those we're going to stop the eiffel tower so we're going to choose the filter now we're going to go under the neural filters now under the neural filters we have harmonization so turn that on and what it does is it looks at the image that we tell it to look at and then it's going to change the image that's selected because we're on this layer with a couple here this is what's going to change if you wanted to change a different layer start with that layer selected now what we want to change it to is we're going to select a layer and you can see there's all the different layers in the image and the background one with the eiffel tower is the one we're going to use so we're going to select this and notice that that changes the image to match the color now it's a little bit dark i think it's a little strong so we can adjust things we can brighten it up a little bit so we can you know change that brightness so brighten it more as you can see we can just adjust it until we get what we want now if it's too saturated we can also just reduce the saturation see that we can also play around with the strength so if we feel like hey that's just too strong we can go there let's bring the saturation back and sometimes it can be a balancing act between strength here saturation brightness but look at this just move it down and now we've got this that matches and if we look at this you can see before there's our before image there's our after image and it's definitely matching a lot better okay so i'm going to hit cancel and let's see what it how it works in other situations maybe this scene here how's it going to work in this scene i don't know i haven't tested it before let's find out filter we're going to go under the neural filters and we are going to go in here harmonization turn it on see how well it works and just give it a second here to update oh we need to select a layer first let's do that and let's choose this layer and as you can see you don't necessarily even have to choose the layer from you know that you're working with in the background you could use any layer and once again i think the strength is a little strong let's pull it back just a little bit there we go pulling our strength back and it's matching so this is a really good way of doing these um kind of matching and yes guys do me a favor as bruce is saying there let's hit the like button if you guys are getting any value out of this at all i would appreciate that uh thanks for that guys um there's just a thumbs up button there for ralph nelson and oh by the way if you haven't subscribed hit that little subscribe button too you'll see that on the bottom and then you won't miss any of my live streams all right so we also have the ability to change these and probably the one we're going to change the most is going to be the yellow to blue so if you need to warm it up a little bit more push it more towards the yellow and that will update it or if it's too warm you want to cool it down push it more towards the blue see how that how we can adjust that and that's a good way of fine-tuning it then also magenta green could be useful if we're working in you know when we've got things like fluorescent lighting and we're getting some interesting kind of color casts happening from those those will work cyan and red probably is the one you're going to use the least but we have the ability to go in there and change all of those which is really great um so let's hit the cancel button and so this is something i think compositors are gonna find super useful um it's definitely gonna help a ton all right so let's look at another one that um there's actually quite a few that we have in here um you know let's try i'm gonna show you something really interesting so let's take this scene here and i'm going to show you first of all how it's intended and then i had this really kind of clever idea um color transfer so this one enables us to transfer color from one photograph or one image to another now you can use this in a fake way or you know kind of like paintings you know doing these kind of things um you know we're grabbing the black and white from that or there's a painting here let's see we can grab the color and we can get some very interesting results you know we can also take it from you know landscape shots you know some different ones here you know from the greens now of course you know sometimes it's going to look a little weird for these kind of situations we can preserve that luminance so what that's going to do is it's going to stop it lightening or darkening and it's just going to grab the color now what you could do is you know take the color strength down a little bit and just start to play around with that i don't really see that doing much of a difference there yeah a little bit and that's because of course the preserved luminance is on we take that off you know let's see how do we look here yeah you know i'm not seeing a huge change when it comes to that but i'm about to show you something really interesting so we go here we can grab these colors and if you output this is a new layer this is where it will actually get useful so on a new layer why don't we just change this to color blend mode now we're just grabbing the color from that and i'm going to take the opacity down and just blend it in so rather than just trying to do that whole filter all on its own now we can take the influence of this and get something that's definitely more usable so this is where i kind of got me thinking like well what else can we do with this so check this out so we're going to go under our gradients and what i want to do is i'm going to use our photographic tone ingredients now you may not see those if you don't see them just go under the menu and then choose legacy gradients and that will load these legacy gradients in and they are inside of photoshop but they're just not loaded by default so once again open your gradients panel go under legacy gradients this will load in all the legacy gradient groups and then under the legacy gradients because when you start these won't show go down choose photographic toning now watch this i'm going to create a screen character and i bet you no one's done this before well no one's shown this in any tutorials that that i know of and because this is just kind of something i just got an idea and i was like well what happens if i try something just kind of weird and random like that watch this so now we're going to go under filters and we're going to go under the neural filters and then we're going to go back to color transfer we're going to turn this on now instead of using presets we're going to use custom and i'm going to select an image these are the previous images i'm not using those i'm grabbing this file browser so i can browse to my desktop which i'm going to do right now and what i'm doing is i'm going to my desktop for the screen capture so i've selected that screen capture there it is and there's a reference image now obviously we're going to get some kind of a result because you know it's grabbing the combination of all of these gradients so my thought was what if i go in and i just make a selection around one of these gradients look at this it's grabbing the color toning now i've shown you guys how to use these before haven't i when i've been doing the gradient maps but this is a whole different world in gradient maps now i've made the selection i can move it around and i can grab different parts of this gradient look at this and so this is giving us an entirely new way of color correcting or adding the color to an image we're literally taking the gradient and you can just draw and letting the ai go now if you guys think that is cool do me a favor hit that like button come on smash it guys let's get to i don't know more more likes i'm not even sure how many we have right now 130 138 likes come on we've got more than twice that amount of people on there come on guys all right so i'm going to draw here um and i'm going to draw a selection around i'm kind of joking about i mean it's nice the likes actually help us with the algorithm on youtube but i'm not i'm just kind of joking as well i'm not begging for likes um all right so we're gonna you can adjust any of these other properties or you can do new layer like we did before apply that layer let's switch this to color blend mode and then we can take the opacity and just dial it in a little bit we can get these nice blends another way of working with this which i find kind of interesting is we go to the cube mode some of those are a little ugly for sure let's go down and we can just put a little bit in here and you're probably not going to get those weird colors yeah so see what it's doing there is we're applying that so it's changing just the hues personally i think the color definitely worked much better so that's just a one creative way of doing this another way that is really kind of nice is let's open this shot here maybe we've got a shot like this and i'm just going to choose save as in case i can't use the open image i'm just going to drop it onto the desktop here dark forest gloomy whatever it's called alright so we've got that image that we're using here and why don't we take this image and we're going to apply it so we're going to choose the filter let's go down to the neural filters once again and i love these for color correction color correction is fun so color transfer at first seemed like it wouldn't be an exciting preset but it actually has some great uses if you're creative with it so let's choose custom and select an image is that one that i selected is that there no let's select it i saved it so we'll grab it there it is that dark gloomy forest let's use this so now we're going to get this weird kind of cool wow that's awesome so see what we did is we took the color grade from that particular image and now we've applied it to our image now another way that i like to do this and here's here's a little tip um check out there i'm on youtube here on our youtube channel i have a video i did just a couple of days ago using this color transfer i use a scene from the martian so what you can do is literally find a trailer from a movie you love um just go on youtube look up whatever movie it is i use the martian for my example check it out after this and then just pause it do a screen capture and then bring that screen capture in as a reference image and you can take the color grade from your favorite movie boom and apply it here or you know your favorite instagrammer wherever you want so let's click ok now we've applied it and we can change this you know just keep it as it is you know there's a couple of options here if you like it like that that's great adjust the opacity and you can just kind of blend it that looks nice you can mask it you can do different things or just take the color you know if you only want the color take the opacity down and just grab a little bit mix it with the original see what i'm doing is i'm adjusting that or just go off the original the full one here is another way of doing it so this is going to change both the tone and the color and just dial in and look at these really rich looking grades that we can get that look like professional color grades and we're doing this right here inside of photoshop and we're sort of in a way kind of cheating are we cheating i don't know that's i'll leave that for you to decide alright so let's do another thing here let's grab this particular image and i just want to move quickly so this isn't camera raw and it's also in lightroom it's a massive change here we're going to go under the filter we're going to get a camera raw filter so camera raw 14 here we are let me go full screen alright so here we have it so we're full screen in here and some of you are familiar or some of you are not familiar with this change and this is masking so we have masking in lightroom and it's also in camera raw so if we choose the masking panel here we have the ability to create a new mask before i do let's just go back for a second remember we used to have gradient we used to have the brush and we used to have the oval they're still there you just click here and now this is where we there they are brush linear there's the gradient and the radial gradient so those are selected so instead of being individual tools those tools are right there and we would choose them here just like we always did but we also have ai options where we can select subject or select the sky so let's select this guy so we're choosing select sky and look at this it's created a mask for us now this also creates a new panel this is the new panel and this can be floating panel and you can also just drag it in here to dark which is what it's doing now this is the masking panel turn it off turn it on we've created a mask and this mask has got the sky you can see as the sky even shows the icon so this is just showing the overlay just means it's masked so that means if i want to adjust just the sky i can go and take the exposure bring it down look at this and i can just change the color temperature or the or whatever of the sky let's get a color temperature we can warm it up we can cool it down look at that just with the sky let's warm it up a little bit now if you turn the overlay off it's just going to show this so now we can select just like that now what if we want to do the foreground and not the sky or we can create a new mask and let's do the same thing let's select the sky just like we did sky selected right mask 2 by the way we get mask 1 select that mask 1 and it shows the options mask 2 selects those options and i can click on here and choose to invert so now it's going to select everything but let's turn the mask overlay off and we can change the exposure let's brighten up the foreground contrast shadow so it gives us the ability to make those adjustments independently now what if i wanted to exclude something from there so we've done this in fact let me just go just super like too much just just just to kind of help you see what's going on so what if i don't want the mountains and stuff in here i want to kind of take those out well what i can do is choose subtract and then when i choose subtract i can grab my brush and now where i paint with this brush gets subtracted look at that from that selection so this is a nice way to help us work this is in camera raw and it's in lightroom and obviously i'm going to go much more in depth with this with more in-depth um tutorials with this um that this is just a just a good way to just kind of show you how this works [Music] and i don't know about you but i'm super excited about this let me show you some other things we can do with this so if we have the masks there and we don't want those masks we can just click in here we can delete all the masks and maybe i just want to do something like a gradient so let me show you something interesting here so by the way your color range and everything's there but let's do a linear gradient i'm going to darken this down so let's turn the mask overlay off turn exposure down right so it's darkening it down but it's also getting the mountains i don't want the mountains to be affected i only want that top there to be affected let's make it you know just very much like that so if i wanted to exclude this i could use the range masking and stuff like that in the past but here's an interesting thing that we have the ability to do we can choose this mask and if we click on it we have the ability to intersect that mask with something else so that means if i choose select sky watch what happens see how it takes it away from there and now it is only affecting the sky and not the mountain so intersect how intersect works is only where they overlap will that apply so you can use that very quickly to just adjust your skies independently you can select subjects inside of photos and there's a lot of different options that are available here inside of this now i just want to let you guys know what i've been busy doing right now um creating this i actually i've actually been recording so i'm updating you you'll be glad to know um that i'm updating photoshop for digital photographers it's been a couple of years so it's 2020. i'm completely re-recording that um so in the next few weeks i'll be ready to make an announcement about that so i'm going to have my complete training on that you know it's going to be the 10 12 hours of what 14 whatever hours so i'm re-recording that from the ground up and trying to make it even more practical than before if there's anything you want to learn in there do me a favor and add that into the comments what would you like to see and that comprehensive training um you know obviously i'm going to be doing all the you know the obvious features i'll be covering all of those but let me know specifically so i can make sure that this kind of training that you guys are looking for all right so we've got other things here let's go back to the screen here back to the desktop more likes more likes all right guys yeah ad ed likes um cancel this and dismiss camera raw sure let's get out of there and let me show you something really quick that i did this um in my adobe max session but i want to show you something this will probably be the last thing i'm going to be showing you guys so we'll be finishing on time because i need to get back to recording um but i'm going to show you something that's been kind of just updated so if we choose the filter and we're going back to these neural filters again now they're automatic they use ai we're going to use def blur and what it's going to do is it's going to look on here detect the subject to take the background and look at that it says hey this is the subject area the background is now blurred but it even saw the trees and said hey this is part of the foreground and this is part of the foreground so why don't we just blur the areas that shouldn't be blurred now the thing is if i click on the back here i'm going to say hey no no no i want the back to be in focus so we're clicking there now the back's in focus the foreground is blurry oh interesting so if i wanted to change it to the front let's tap on the front and it's changing it now notice this is really good except in this gap here look at this it's sharp in between it didn't quite get it so what do you do well we can manually adjust this one of the options that i've been looking for for quite a while and is on here is output depth map only if i click what it's going to do is it's going to create a diff map so this means it's going to separate distance this is what you get with the phone you know when you use these these mobile phones and you shoot them in portrait mode they literally create the death map which says hey it missed this area see in here should be white and then that would be on the same focal plane because imagine white is here and black is back here so the different shades of gray give it the depth now when you flip it around you know when i change the focal range from one to the other then the black becomes sharp and the white becomes blurry then you flip it around and you get the opposite right so i'm going to output this just as a depth map only we're going to output it to a new layer and so what that's going to do is it's not going to change our photo it's just going to create the diff map now with this depth map i can go in and i can modify this so what i want to do is i want to make those areas white now i'm just just for the sake of time i'm not going to get this perfect i just want to show you how it works so i'm just going to you know go in here and i'm just going to select these with just i'm just going to grab this it's probably you know i could do a much better job but i just want to quickly show you because we're just about out of time so the goal here is not to give perfect selections the goal here is just to show you how this works all right so let's grab a brush and i could probably use the object selection but anyway out or option i'm sampling that color and i'm just going to paint into these areas here ctrl d turn it off right so you know those edges are a little sharp they should be softer whatever forgive me okay guys all right so what i want to do is i'm going to go into the channels and i want to create a channel out of this because it's black and white the red green and blue channels are identical so i'm just going to drag any of them into the new channel icon and we go to blue and we can call it thing so it doesn't matter what it's called i'm calling it things so you know it doesn't matter and we're going to hit rgb so we've essentially just created we've duplicated a channel and named it that's an alpha channel now so we go back to layers we can delete it we don't need it anymore because it's saved as that channel right and it's not good to us as a layer all right so i'm just going to duplicate this just for the sake of preserving the background and now we're going to apply the blur using that depth map but the modified depth map so hopefully we can get in these little gaps so filter grabbing the filter we're going to go down to blur lens blur is awesome that's what we're using right now now it's going to load that see that source is called thing it automatically selects it and look at this there now it's blurry and there i guess i didn't go far enough up in there but once again that wasn't the point look at see how it's blurry there because i modified that depth map and it was able to read that now interesting thing i can change the different field even here just make sure set focal point and then i select on the back that's sharp this is blurry i want this to be sharp i select it it's almost like this going into the trees it's almost like i'm refocusing this camera after the fact i don't know about you but i think this is pretty amazing um and then of course you know the radius will determine how much blur you get turn the radius down there's no blur set it up just a little bit give it just a little bit of blur so you can go for something more realistic let's set the blue focal distance on the front you can just drag that slider by the way to do the same thing and and we're good so if you want to give it some specular highlights so we'll just turn the brightness up a little bit and then watch when we change the threshold see up here into the trees so these specular these sparkly areas are catching the light now and it's creating beautiful lens bokeh click ok and we can do that and we're going to get a very very interesting result um thanks bruce for it's just okay all right so guys i hope you found this useful um so this is kind of digging into these new features inside of photoshop 2022 don't forget photoshopcafe.com i've got a tutorial written tutorial and a video tutorial on each one of these also don't forget that envato elements um bruce if you don't mind reposting that link or i can post it in there but it's in there i'll put it on the thing uh check that out and also guys um you know check us out each uh each week for these live streams that we do now go to photoshopcafe.com on the homepage of photoshopcafe you'll see a drop down menu that says free tutorials click on free tutorials there's hundreds of free tutorials but there's one that says live streams we archive all the live streams there you'll see a little sign up box this week i sent out the email to everybody but generally speaking i only sent it to the people that signed up specifically in that box for the live streams so most weeks you won't know i'm doing the live streams because i only email that box this week i i kind of did it to everybody but if you want to get those notifications when we go live just fill that out and we use that for the live stream for nothing else but just the live stream all right guys so i'm so glad that you were able to join us this week i hope you enjoyed yourself we're going to be back next thursday at 1 p.m for life from lockdown thanks again for all the regulars for joining us and thanks for the new people that joined us once again hit the like button it helps with the youtube algorithm if you haven't subscribed hit the subscribe button and until next time i'll see you at the cafe so tuesdays that'll be the short tutorials i do every tuesday and every thursday 1 p.m pacific time live streams also mac pro and by the way we'll do all this stuff next week we'll look at your guys work and stuff like that but the mac pro macbook pro the new one i've done a review on that so you can check that out at photoshopcafe.com or also there on our youtube channel and and see what i think about it spoiler alert it's amazing all right guys see ya
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 13,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, tutorial, photoshop tutorial, learn photoshop, how to, photography, colin smith, photoshopcafe, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe tutorial, adobe photoshop, live stream, live, fix photo, make photo better, photoshop tips, photoshop hacks, photoshop tricks, masks, how to use, photoshop for photographers, coliin smith photoshop, live from lockdown, sharpen, color grading, aerial, photoshop 2022, new features
Id: Z5YZwxfhbgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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