LFL #83 | Photoshop 2022 For Digital Photographers

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all right we're starting soon i'm just getting ready to start i just want to make sure you guys can hear me so let me know if you can hear me i'm waiting for a loud and clear and then we are gonna kick off sounds good all right guys all right here we go we are gonna kick off thank you russ let's get started [Applause] [Music] hi everybody good to see you all welcome to episode number 83 so we're in live from lockdown 83 weeks of photoshop fun and goodness good to see so many regulars here great that you guys could join us and for those first timers if you're new here give us a shout out in the chat and uh it's a very friendly place and everyone will welcome you and uh by the way just um housekeeping out of the way uh friendly moderator is bruce bruce is in the house the bruce is loose get your drink orders in and he will make sure that those arrive to you sometime shortly all right guys so this week is actually kind of exciting um we're going to be doing photoshop 2022 for digital photographers i've got exciting announcements and also i have to let you guys know this is actually going to be our last live stream of the year because next week i'm going to be traveling and the following week is christmas so that's it the year is almost over guys so this is the season finale or whatever final season final whatever they call it of lfl and i guess this would be season two so season three will begin in january stay tuned and i'll let you know the date probably the first thursday um but once again i'll keep you guys posted on that so um thank you first of all for being here with us for these two years that we've been doing this a lot of you regulars have not missed a single episode i know some people watch the replay and the replay crew even though you're not here live i appreciate you guys just as much and thank you for tuning in each week and watching now if you see the live stream you know the the live stream you see the chat right now the chats going and everybody's in there uh that means that we are live if you don't see you might see the chat but if you're not here between 1 p.m pacific time and 2 p.m pacific time on a thursday you're watching the replay and then just drop your comments underneath instead so anyway without too much further ado i just put my glasses on so i can read the chat and it looks like we've got a lot of a lot of people in the house a lot of viewers here it's great glad you guys could join us um do me a favor hit that thumbs up that's the like button all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch through to the screen but one of the announcements i do have to make is it is finally here my photoshop 2022 for digital photographers title is finally here i know you guys have been waiting a long long time it's my flagship training i've been doing it for almost 20 years we'll talk about it in a little bit but what we're going to be doing today too is i'm going to give you a little preview well it's like a preview of the lessons but it's just going to i'm going to be teaching so i'm not going to be pitching and all that stuff we're literally just gonna be learning so let's go over to the screen right now so we'll hit our desktop and um let's let's get started with something so i've got some cool fun stuff if you're working with photos inside of photoshop you guys are going to get a lot of value out of this all right let me just pull up bridge and so one of the things i like to do too is in this case i'm going to be working from bridge to launch these images into photoshop i also work from lightroom a lot of the time when i'm working so just in case you guys were wondering um now you know all right so why don't we start with this image and this is just one of i've got about 90 lessons that i've created for this training and i figured why don't i just share some of what i'm doing with you all right so let me just change that to the default so it's not glaring and this is a tool this is a photo actually i shot of megan uh quite recently actually doing a cyberpunk series um you know whole whole other discussion but one of the things that i haven't really um shared with you guys a lot is um motion blur so there's different ways of creating motion blur inside of photoshop and i've been kind of playing around a little bit with puff blur and why don't we have a look and demystify it a little bit because there really is a lot of cool things that we can do with it that a lot of people are not necessarily welcome tim first time here long time watch it glad to see you glad you could join us from salt lake all right so we're going to grab the quick selection tool and what i want to do is i'm going to put some motion in the top part of this photo so i'm just going to drag with the quick selection i don't have to get a perfect selection just well you know that's not bad actually it's pretty good probably better than i needed for this particular effect we don't have to be perfect so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to copy it to a new layer ctrl j and so if we look we see there's our photo there and here we've got it on a new layer and we want to work inside this layer so what we're going to do is let's choose the filter and under the filters we want to go to the blur gallery now blur gallery we're going to go down to path blur and here we are inside of path blur now this is really a powerful tool and some of the settings i think i maybe even guessed a little bit but i've really figured this out now and i'm going to show you guys how this works because there's a lot of confusion around things like speed and taper and some of these other things and i don't know that i've ever seen it explained well so i'm going to attempt to do that all right so first thing is it's a direction of the blur so if i drag on here we're setting the direction let me hit the reset first because we already had one there so there's the image so we set this direction right and then we can increase the speed the speed will increase the blur right now we get blur on both sides we don't have to do that if we turn the center blur off we can literally blur it in whatever direction we want look at that and if we want to go the other way we just drag the other way see that so if you want to have the blur behind essentially that's how you do it if you want to have the blur in front that's how you do it okay so that's the first thing is the blur and we can change the amount by dragging here so you can just get some cool effects even just like that you know it's kind of i think that's kind of cool so i found that this can be good for doing really nice um realistic blurs you know that we might use in our composites but it can also be used for some create visual effects okay so there's so much more to this than what we're seeing here all right so we've got the blur why don't we just go back to the center blur just for now and i want to show you some of the other features so you might be familiar with taper and maybe you wondered what does taper do what taper does is it really just fades the blur on the edges and starts to concentrate it more towards the middle so if we taper notice what happens as we go all the way up it's only going to blur in the middle and as we go down with the taper see how it spreads but it's faded and then we go to the full taper it's pretty solid all the way across there so that's what that tool does now remember i told you about the center blur there's also another way we can do this if we use the rear sync flash if we do that we get motion that actually simulates what a rear sync flash would do what is the rear sync flash it means you've got motion and in the rear sync pops and then you get the solid picture inside the motion blur so we can uh you know approximate that by using this and you can see you know how that works same thing you know the taper is still going to sort of work on here you know we can fade it off now if you wanted to go the different direction well just drag that around and then we can go that way so we have the ability to change that and if you want to just do it quickly you can just reset and then just drag this way that's another way that you can do it in these settings will stay sticky all right so this is sort of how we're going to work but rather than using the rear we're going to use the basic and we're going to take the take this off and i just want to manually do it because we can let's increase the blur so we click here increase that motion great now there's other things that we can do with this here if we want to bend the blur we can bend it here look at this and see how we can get that motion to kind of bend in and this is one of the nice things about working with this path blur it doesn't have to just be a straight blur that you would do with the motion blur filter all right so we get a little bit of that all right now let's look at the other option that we have the blur shapes if you guys ever wondered what the blur shapes do the blur shapes enable us to have different types of blurs on the beginning and the end watch this i'll drag that down and so we get kind of a circular blur or we could go the other way so see how you could get pretty not so with this if you wanted and you can bend them so this really lets you shape some really neat custom blurs by doing that and why don't we taper that a little bit and increase the speed well not that much let's go down and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to reset this because we got a little crazy let's drag it this way so we've got our blur happening behind us and just tilt it okay so i've kind of shown you how they work there's another option though that's under here if we look under the effects section we have motion effects and we can break this into strobes so if you want to get that strobing effect let's turn the strobe up see how we can start to get those in there and it's it's pretty neat now if we turn it all the way up you can very clearly see what the strobes do so rather than having a blur it breaks it into individual images and we can adjust the amount of flashes so we could just have two if we wanted we can increase them and get this kind of neat effect or you know smoothing it out by turning it up more so these are a lot of the things that we can do inside this blur that i just i don't know if you guys knew all the things you could do with this blur i've really been experimenting with it and just really enjoying uh playing with this now the other option we can do is we can go to high quality where it will do a higher quality render and it takes a little bit longer for it to render when we do that but i've got a fast enough machine so we should be fine and of course you know we can actually create a mask out of that that will be saved to a channel if we want to do it that way and use it with other filters how many of you guys knew all these functions that we could do with this let us know and also if you're getting any value out of this do me a favor and hit that like button right now all right so let's take the strobe strength down just a little bit so we get something a little bit more interesting and let's also taper that a bit more now i'm just going to click ok to apply this because we've got it on a separate layer we can also use masks and now we can target this exactly where we want it to go so go down to the layer mask click on the layer mask and we're going to create a layer mask all right let's grab the brush and we're going to paint with black and we're going to paint on the mask with black for the areas we don't want it so let's make sure the brush is soft so we've got hardness turned all the way down and we want to increase the size of the brush so let's hit the right bracket key and as i paint with the right bracket key see how we can paint it away from certain parts of the image and if we want we could just leave that trail there and that creates a pretty cool kind of an effect um now there's other things that we can do here um you know which would be in one of the other lessons that i'm i'm teaching but i'm gonna just incorporate it here when you get these backgrounds you know seamless backgrounds and stuff like that and sometimes you need to clean them up here's a quick way to do that is if we go under the healing brush we get the patch tool with the patch tool we can set it to source or destination if we set it to source which is what it is now we can make a selection around the area and then just drag it out and that will get rid of that there we could probably crop the top of this if we wanted or we could just go around make the selection and use this let me line that up the patch tool and you might just want to grab these a couple of times and a patch tool is just really really good for getting rid of these kind of distractions so i don't know this is you know shot in my studio aka in my garage and you know sometimes when you're working in the garage and or you know your studio wherever you get light modifiers in it i like to get my lights really close to the subject because it creates a softer light so quite often um you know i get the modifiers in there but we can also use this for other things like cleaning up the seamless see that the seamless there is a little dirty we can just drag this and look at this we can just clean it up quickly just by dragging you know there's many ways of retouching of course and cleaning up but sometimes this tool is just a great tool it's like a giant spot healing tool and look at this we can just get rid of all the foot marks and the smudges and everything like that very very quickly drag them into there and if i wanted to do you know a larger area i don't know what's going to happen with this it's probably too large but i don't know let's see what happens drag it up there and blends it and look at that just cleans it up quick and easy i mean how much time do we spend retouching some of these areas when we can just use that tool there so it's a great little cleanup tool as well as it is for um you know creating those different types of things all right okay guys so i want to you know i want to make the announcement now that um share this with you guys so and i'll just do this quickly and then we're going to jump in so as many as you know our flagship training that i've done you know here at photoshop cafe has been photoshopped for digital photographers it's by far you know the most uh requested title that we do and i've been doing this for 10 versions um so well it's something like in 15 years or whatever i've i've been doing this training and it covers everything so this is the all the things that i've done let me just drag this over here these are all the lessons that i've created on here so generally speaking you know i've had people say hey why haven't you updated because i haven't updated it since 2020 and honestly 2021 there weren't a lot of huge changes so i added some lessons in there but this time around i felt like there was a lot of big changes of object selection and different things like that so i completely re-recorded this title from the ground up so it's over nine hours of training and something like 90 lessons that i've re-recorded completely from the ground up to cover everything um that i think you guys need to know about working with photos inside of photoshop now we're kind of in a soft launch when i say a soft launch i've got it up um for you guys because what i wanted to do is i wanted to launch this um let me go to myself here i wanted to launch this on the live stream so normally i just do the new version i send her a newsletter and say hey guys the new version's live check it out grab it i wanted to launch it live with you guys i've been working like crazy the last couple of months trying to get this ready and um it's sort of ready i didn't want to rush it so i was kind of working late last night putting the finishing touches on i've recorded all the videos so all the videos are done everything's ready to go it's encoded and all i'm doing right now is i'm just reordering and naming the files pretty much at this point so what i did is i set up a page uh where you guys can go in and you can pre-order it bruce would you mind popping that link in there and uh and it's there if you just go to the our page and so i'm trying to find it i've got so many things going on here at once anyway so it's available i wanted you guys to get up first so it's available as a pre-order right now photoshop 2022 for digital photographers and today um by this afternoon this evening at the latest you'll be able to download the final version so what i've done right now is i've put up files up there so so everything is live i've got to write a better description you know it's just like little touches i've got to do finish the table of contents i've got little things like that that i want to finish so um we've got a discount code for you guys is 20 off so check that out so you guys are the first to hear of this like literally i'm making the announcement right now no one knows that this is coming out and people have been waiting for this for a year so so anyway so there's the code go in there pre-order it and then you'll get an email and the email will have the download link and that download link will work um even now the first chapter actually first section is ready for download and you can download the other ones but there's just one video in the other ones and then when i'm finished right after doing this i'm going to clean up the table of contents i'm going to double quality check make sure everything is in the order i want and then upload those and you'll be able to upload i download them you know in a couple of hours and everything will be everything should be hunky-dory anyway guys just wanted to let you know that um so i hope that you take advantage of that and i hope you enjoy it and i'll be sending it out to the rest of the list um you know the email list probably tomorrow making the announcement and and the discount will be live until next friday now i'm going to be traveling next week i'm going to hawaii going to go to um kauai and also the big island literally for shooting so i'm doing a new book um another announcement they've asked me to do a new version of my drone book so i'm going to be doing that so i'm literally heading off next week to start shooting photos and footage from my new book so anyway back to photoshop let's get back here guys and let's do some more tutorials all right let's get into bridge where are you bridgewater atar bridge and the other thing i could do too is if you want i could throw up those lessons and it's probably not a good idea it's probably won't work but you know if i throw up these lessons and you guys see any of these lessons you want to do let me know and you know maybe we can even take a request on those right now but while you guys are thinking about that because it's going to be a little delayed there's a delay there i'm going to jump in and we're going to do another one that i think will be just kind of fun and this is another area where let's go here there it is so one of the things i've done with this new version of the training that i'm doing is i've reimagined the way it works so rather than just trying to show tools in isolation which i will show you every tool on every option i'm doing them together and make sure you guys can see the screen yes you can because i feel my watch and every time i feel my watch i feel bruce saying hey colin make sure you share the screen i'm here i'm on the screen guys all right so so what i'm trying to do is rather than show the tools in isolation i want to show you the tools but how they would be used in the real world um because in the real world you don't necessarily just use individual tools by themselves you use them together with other tools so i don't know if you guys have been to balboa island deads you might if you've ever been there some of you will be familiar with this they you know frozen bananas i know but these are the balboa bars frozen bananas and vented and balboa and it's a thing they take bananas they freeze them dip them in chocolate and that's that's the thing on balboa island now if you guys have not had them they're actually really good all right so i want to make this look more like it's in the past though it looks kind of cool i mean it was a color photo i made it black and white but we've got this sign here which is just really ruining it and we've got this bin here or trash can the trashcan doesn't look too bad but it does take away from the period that we're trying to reproduce so why don't we go ahead and do a retouch on this so i'm going to hit ctrl j to copy the layer so we get a copy of that layer and just so i can show you the before and after really and what i want to do is i'm going to use content aware fill first to clear up this sign so why don't we use the object selection tool which is a newer tool inside of photoshop to get started so the object selection is going to enable me to select this object you know so often we use the lasso tool to do that and we'll turn the object finder off we don't need that right now and you know we don't necessarily need to use the lasso tool to do that when we've got other tools now that are faster so one of my goals in you know just redoing the training is to do more efficient ways take advantage of the new workflows and the new tools because so often we do things the old way and it just takes longer than it should okay so let's use the selection and we want to modify expand the selection and i don't know what we're going to get here but maybe i'll give it 10 pixels might be too much yeah that's good and i just want to give a little bit so by expanding it a little bit we're not going to be doubling up our outline let's fill this with content aware fill shift delete we get fill content away fill click ok and not bad this is a good start yes we've got problems here and we are going to have problems but we're going to come back and fix those problems later but sometimes we can just start with the tools we have so we're going to do this we're going to select modify as you know what i'm just going to apply content aware directly onto this atm machine because the atm doesn't really work very well for the period of time we're going for it all right so we got rid of that so see what i'm doing is i'm just doing the big moves first and then we're going to use a clone stamp and come back in and clean it so often we've used a clone stamp you know from the very beginning and and it's just not an efficient way of working let's take this trash can now what i'm going to do this time is i'm just going to use a rectangle selection because it's not really saying well you hang on a sec hang on a sec i want to get that lid though i'm going to hold the shift key and select that lid because see that old-fashioned i want to protect the type there things like that are going to be difficult to clone or heal but things like the bricks and stuff like that repeating things are very very easy so i'm going to grab the marquee tool and i'm going to hold the shift key and i'm just going to add to that and we're just going to create basically just a selection that goes all the way around with that and i'm going to expand this select modify and let's just expand it by a smaller amount because i want to protect that type let's do two pixels great and now shift delete and that would be shift backspace on windows and we're going to use content aware fill and boom you know what that's pretty darn good i don't know if you guys have noticed but the content aware phil has been getting really good lately you know so often we sit there and you know we're doing this with the clone stamp tool or we're doing with other tools and look at this we just removed that trash can only using content aware fill it's it's got a lot better all right so now we've got some more work we want to do though we need to clean up with the clone stamp so let's create a new layer and one of the things about the clone stamp is you can use it on a new layer and i really recommend you do that if i have a tip or a takeaway with the clone stamp it's that all right let's go down and grab our clone stamp tool here it is and there's a tool that works with this and that's called the clone source so if we go up under window and we choose clone source this enables us to do a little bit more with the clone stamp than we can just with the clone stamp alone all right let's start with the stamp and i just want to set that to zero don't worry worry about that it's just had an angle setting there that i don't want anything out of the unusual so these are the default settings that you're gonna get and we need to clean this up a little bit so why don't we start i'm going to zoom in and i want to start on this area here so holding down the alt or the option key you'll see a little target and click and this will load your clone see how we can move it into the position that you want and then we just draw over and it repeats now i'm going that way because i wanted to keep that pipe in there so we've still got that pipe in there great let's grab the top here clean that out if you don't want that scene just re-sample auto option will re-sample and then just see how you're positioning it positioning it right really is the key to this let's grab here going over the top grabbing that let's fix the roof and you'll be surprised sometimes you can get away with a lot okay so we're obviously missing part of a light here we're missing part of the pipe here now what you've got to do when you're cloning a lot of people don't you know they think it's just you know it's magic well sometimes the content with phil acts like it is magic but when you are cloning you need something you need to take it from somewhere so sometimes you know if you can't find it within the image you have to use another image and if you do that just bring that in and you can drop it on a new layer and you can climb from it but in this case we don't need to because we've got some mirroring going on notice these lights are on the other side now i could just remove remove these lights and it would actually be quite easy i could just do that with the clone stamp but um or just even content aware phil would probably do a good job but i want to keep these lights just because i want to show you how this works so if we flip up in the clone source we can mirror that vertically or horizontally so now if i hit the alt or the option key and i start on the light and i move over to the other side here and i paint look at this it mirrors it and i can just paint that in and see how we can just even clone in there now if i wanted to get this pipe in there which i think i will that's where the electrics are let's select here and you know we could paint that in just paint it along actually let's start from here and see how we've got that flipped let me flip it back again and this is going to give me a little bit of kind of bending kind of an effect going on there start there continue grab it there and see if we're sampling from different areas and by doing this we're literally creating a new pipe that doesn't look like it's cloned or copied now i want to get that little corner there that's selected let's mirror it and we know that starting on there go back there and we can just clone it in like that and see how easy it is to work with this clone stamp now do me a favor guys if you're getting any value out of this or enjoying it right now hit that like button that's the thumbs up what it does is it helps us with the youtube algorithm and helps uh you know just let people know that we're streaming all right let's go back to the clone source again this time we're going to turn the mirroring off and let's clean up a little bit over here great now you don't have to be perfect with this see like there is not absolutely perfect i mean we could make it better but one of the things is remember when people are looking at this image they're not looking at the original image they're not looking and saying oh how good a job did he do of that electrical pipe they're just gonna assume that that pipe was bendy and wavy like that and they're not going to assume it's a mirror copy of the other one because see how the other one is straight and this one's a little bit bent so they're just going to assume it's part of the photograph so when you're retouching just remember that people are not looking at the original people are looking at the new image and um and that's all they're seeing so coming to that all right there's an elephant in the room and the elephant is a really chill elephant in fact it's a zen elephant see if you guys can guess what i'm getting at yeah you got it we got frozen zozaro yogurt here it's supposed to say frozen yogurt so what do we do well just so it happens we have frozen banana on the other side so we have the word frozen we don't want to grab the whole frozen or look like we're copying but we can definitely crab the z e and the z is fine we just need the e n all right so make sure mirror is turned off and let's grab the corner of the z in fact i'm going to zoom in a little bit just so we can see where we are make it really clear here and we are going to grab out or option let's grab the corner of the z sorry about that there was a client calling if you're my client calling this is why i'm not answering we're live right now all right so one of the things i'm looking at this this looks a little bit smaller than the other one so you can actually go in here and you can scale these as well so why don't we do this 105 percent notice they both change because that little icon is turned on so you can actually scale as well and let's start on the z painting over it e in and there we go now i could go and clean up some of this if i wanted i probably want a smaller brush because i don't want to mess that up and also let me reset the size here first because i i just hit the reset there that resets everything because we don't want to change the scale a bit and then you know i think you guys get the idea i can go in there paint that across gone a little far sometimes you need to re-sample because it will pick up wherever you were same thing in the bottom grab that grab it there resample resample great and is it perfect no it's not um let me just sample here make it a little better we could make this perfect you could spend a lot of time going in here trying to get this absolutely perfect but once again the viewer never saw the original image so what the viewer sees is this and if you were to just look at this you wouldn't see anything wrong with it right nothing at all all right so there's one other area that is just bothering me a little bit where this atm machine used to be this is looking a little weird so here's a little tip when you're doing this sometimes you can just duplicate an area so i'm selecting the layer with our image on there obviously not the one with the atm machine but we're selecting the layer here with that pattern and why don't we just copy that pattern out looks like it's a little weird though from where the sign was i want to fix that first okay clone stamp to the rescue and we're just going to select on there zoom in alt option and then see where they meet you don't want to start painting until you get it lined up otherwise it gets wobbly and there we go now we can go in and paint that pattern just follow it all the way down great go across up and do that last little bit oops i should have one of the okay so here's a little tip which i didn't follow my own workflow that i normally do when you're doing this and you get something that's looking good release and then that way if i want to redo it i don't redo it from the ground up okay so it's going to be a little bit but i don't mind this being a little bent it's kind of cool okay so there we go got that line it up go across go up there we go and you can see that last bit i didn't want so as long as you release often you don't have to redo all your work over and over again okay so that looks good enough and i actually like it in perfect a little wavy and what we're going to do is we're going to copy this and then just hit ctrl j that will copy that to a new layer grab the v which is a move tool and we can drag it down and just pop it on the bottom there so that's on a new layer all right let's go back to our cloning again grab the clone stamp now once again oh actually i don't think i said this when you're working with the clone stamp and you want to clone all the layers make sure you turn all layers on because current layer will um only work on a current layer so nothing will happen if there's nothing there so if i choose all layers and i hit the alt or the option key sample go down here i can start to add more in here and just start to kind of blend those together like they kind of won now if you're wondering about you know why we have the current and below current below is interesting so maybe we've applied some kind of an adjustment let me show you something here like maybe we've got a curve going on and we're applying adjustment layers i'm just going to brighten this up really bright just so you can see so if i'm sitting on here and i'm cloning and i'm using all layers see how it's coming out brighter and we're going to get a problem because it's looking at all the layers including the adjustment sometimes you use adjustments as helper layers so you can really see what's going on so it can open it up and you can get a better clone obviously this is too bright but now we can see the pattern better and it might be easier for us to get a better uh clone but we don't want to include that layer so when you use current and below and now we select in here and we paint why actually select from here why not do it that way and now we're painting here notice that it's not over brightening it or changing it we are literally able to do that and it's going to ignore that adjustment layer and it's still gonna fit see that and then when we take the adjustment layer away it's like okay so there we go we've been kind of working with that i don't know if you guys knew that or you used that option before but it's a very very cool option to have it can save you a ton of time all right let me just have a look here guys let's see what we did there we are before and we can see we've got an atm machine we've got a sign we've got a trash can and there we are after able to clean those out and now it looks like maybe it belongs at a different period of time and it's not necessarily um you know modern day anymore all right so that's essentially you know that's using the clone stamp so rather than just using the clone stamp on its own it works really nicely in tandem with some of these other tools such as content aware fill that can save you guys a lot of time all right do me a favor guys if you're liking this or getting any value out of this hit that like button it helps us with the youtube algorithm oh i've you know i'm going to show you this this is i discovered something really interesting with this here i was just kind of playing around and uh you guys might be familiar with the neural filters colorize and all that kind of stuff right you probably are so here's a photo here that lacks a little bit of color i mean this is how it is but i want to kind of put a little bit more color into it so what i'm going to do is just go under the filter and we're going to use some of the neural filter and these neural filters by the way are new inside of photoshop we've had some of them for a little while but there's just more and more coming and adobe keeps adding more functionality to these and they're becoming more and more useful to me so um right now i'm gonna see if i can remember which one i want to use that's the fun about doing it live sometimes i forget which ones we are using it's not going to be the colorize the color transfer is going to be colorized yep so we turn on colorize and look see how it gives it a little bit of color but what i want to do is i want to give it a little bit of the green from the moss so i can actually select in here and just give it a little touch of green and we can apply that and see how it kind of changes that now i want to move that down there and we can change that area to a green see how it just kind of picks that up kind of an interesting you know just kind of a fun thing that we can do there and the other thing is under the colorize which is not just for black and white but it also gives us colors here we can click up into this area and i want to see how we want to add the green and i'm going to click in there we're going to add the green click in there and see how now we can start to add it and if it's too much green we just go in here reduce that saturation click ok and we can start to pick up some of those colors out of different parts now the other thing that's interesting here too i don't know if you guys knew but there's profiles in here so we can choose these profiles and and those can be kind of interesting as well so let's colorize the other one we can use is our color transfer you know we can turn this on and choose a custom image now i would want to select the same image so i'm selecting image from the computer and let's grab the same image that we're working with here so we're using this image and i want to just get the green from here so let's make a selection around there and you know we could target it just to a certain area now let's change this to rgb mode and okay this is looking pretty bad right so let's take the hue and the saturation down and i'm just going to make this crop a little bit bigger hang on there we go and i'm going to go back to our lab mode okay so what is this going to do the lab mode gives us some adjustments here that we can change the luminance which is our brightness we can change our color strength we can add the saturation the hue all right so we're getting this color let's increase the brightness a little bit but it doesn't look very good so here's what we can do we can output it to a new layer click ok and there we are before and all i want is the color so i'm going to grab normal and i'm going to go down and choose color here and now we can just grab that color from that adjustment and and you can see we can get another like just totally different result this one's kind of a little bit more retro but there's you know just kind of like different ways of working with that i just wanted to show you just quickly a couple of things there and a neural filter let's go back here and i want to show you one other thing we're working with this colorize because these i've just been playing around with these neural filters and i find them just useful to just kind of experiment and find some things so here's a black and white photo i actually shot this with film in sweden i believe a number of years ago and if we go under the filter and then we go to the neural filters we grab colorize and colorize is going to start colorizing this photo but we can choose certain areas like the blue is probably not very good so let's click and select the color that we want maybe more kind of a brownish kind of a tone click ok and see how that changes the cobblestones now you can change the size of this and it will spread that see how it spreads and if we want to add more we just simply click and you can see how we can do that if we want to add that to the building just click to the other building click and see how we can start to just kind of grab those colors now here's an interesting thing though when we are working with this we can change this um actually scroll down because i've had a lot of people saying hey you know i like it but you know sometimes the colors is not right like his face is definitely wrong so what we can do here is we can choose to output as a new color layer and i see a questionnaire from photomaker can we add profiles to the colorized neural filter uh prepackaged ones are all retro no i don't believe we can at the moment but i'll dig into that a little bit and see if it's possible um if it is you would look under the filters and you would look under the profiles but i don't believe that we can create our own at the moment and i say at the moment because i'm not aware of anything coming but if you guys know adobe you know when they come out they've been just adding new features to these more and more of these features and if you want to see something go to the adobe forums and request it and adobe does look at those okay so we're going to output this to a new layer and what it does is see how it looks just like it did but if we turn it off there's a layer underneath it put the color into color blending mode so that's the color layer there but in color blending mode what it does is it just changes the color and preserves the luminosity and the nice thing about working in there is that we can grab a brush and we can sample colors let me make the brush smaller hitting the left bracket key and i'm going to grab it there his face is probably a little oversaturated you know this guy behind but let's have a look we're going to hit the alter the option key sample the color now i want to here's another just a quick tip before we continue with that when you're sampling sometimes it seems like oh i'm just sampling a single pixel sometimes you're sampling more you can adjust how it samples but you're not going to get different brush to what you do is use the sample eyedropper tool if the sample size sits a point sample it will sample individual pixels i want to go smaller here maybe a five by five so when i go back to the brush tool and i hit the outward option it's using that five by five sampling now so whatever you set in that eyedropper is what's going to be used at the other eyedroppers in photoshop and then we can paint over this face maybe it's a little much let's click on it and if we want we can just change the saturation so see the percentage of saturation there here's a little trick if you want to change the saturation and i want it to work as a scrubby slider like click and drag instead of having to type it in hold down the ctrl key on the command key and it will force any one of these fields to be a scrubby slider meaning that all that's changing now is the saturation so i'm not changing the hue which is the color tone or the brightness all i'm changing is the saturation let's bring it down by simply dragging holding down that control or command click okay we've got a new color in lower saturation and we can apply it it's a little low let's do that again increase the saturation and maybe let's tweak that hue a little bit so see how i'm dragging that and it's changing it click ok and then you can paint so that's how you could change the hue and saturation but one of the things i've found when i'm using this colorized filter and we use it as a separate layer just drop the opacity when you're done a little bit and we're going to get much more realistic results and rod shelley's saying the 5x5 sampling seems to be the best of both worlds all right so in a moment guys we're going to jump in and we're going to look at some of your images that you've submitted but before we do i'm just going to let you guys know one more time about the photoshop digital for photographers if you've just joined us by the way the replay will be live right after this but what i want to do is let you guys know about that so let me just go i'm going to pop open my um let's just grab these really quickly grab those notes and i should have the links in here so bruce if you don't mind dropping that link in there what we're doing is we're celebrating the launch of the flagship training i've done a lot of training but the one that i'm most proud about is the flagship training which is photoshop 2222 for digital photographers so this is it here i haven't changed the price on this for many years right now this is just a temporary landing page i mean it works but i've still got to update the instructions like what's in here and everything like that but you can go ahead and order here and this will get you a pre-order or the download use the code lfl let me post it up on here right now this will get you 20 off and this will be good for one week let me just show you here and uh yes i'm very proud of that i'm very proud of this training just let you know and since this is our last live stream of the year i want to leave you guys with something you know to keep you going over the holidays so lfl 202022 will get you 20 off that and only till next friday so you can just go through there and if you order it will give you the download links now i say as a pre-sale because i will be updating this right after the stream i'm jumping on the lessons are done they're finished the videos are all ready to go i'm just finishing final touches on a table of contents which comes with it you know which shows you the numbers i've broken it into different sections to make it easy for you to find it and i'm just fine-tuning like naming of files and different things like that so i'll be finished this afternoon and it'll be uploaded so you know when you've done your pre-order you'll just click on the download links they will work and you'll be able to download the final version you know just try it this afternoon or even order this afternoon if you want it's up to you but you'll see that that page will look a little bit different right now it's just kind of a um it's a what do we call a placeholder for now so when this when you see this header here has changed and this cover is changed as soon as you see that you will know that the new files are ready for download so i just wanted to get it set up so i could launch this with you guys and essentially what it is is you know we do go through different sections of photoshop um so what i'm doing with this is i've completely re-recorded it from the ground up to make it up to date but also so you know i've been i just want to learn from everything i've been doing for the last 20 years and make this better so each time i've done this i want to make it better and better so i'm using the latest tools latest workflow nothing is old everything is incorporating the new tools together even the new camera raw tools or whatever so that you guys have got the latest workflows and um yeah so that's just kind of what i'm trying to do and every lesson file is included so for every lesson i've got there i'm including the same photo that you can follow along the step by step there's a short workbook because i've got some stuff in there like luminosity masking where there's a lot of steps and you guys are really going to love what we're doing luminosity masking it's it's crazy um but there's a lot of steps here so i've got those steps included in the workbook which will show you how to do that i'll show you how to do frequency separation and high pass sharpening so those are techniques of a few steps that you know you would have to write down so the pdf workbook will show you those it's just a small workbook it's not covering every lesson just complicated things like that plus i believe i've got actions in there i have the actions for frequency separation and some of those things so you can run those but all those lessons will be there for you guys check it out and that's the last i'm going to mention of that now we're going to move in here and we're going to look at some of your guys questions do i include your amazing tips in the video of course uh laurie and thank you for saying that that the video is packed with tips there's just tips absolutely everywhere so even if you are in you know and that's the other thing too if you're an experienced user in photoshop or you're an intermediate user i've got enough tips in here and new ways of doing things that's going to keep you busy if you're a new user some of the things i've done a little differently in here too is i've added a few lessons for the new users so even a beginner can follow along because it's simple step by step but i've added a couple of videos like how to get images into photoshop another one on just the beginners you know just a short video on how do layers work um you know there's not beginners videos inside of every single thing so don't worry if you're intermediate everything's not beginner but i've dropped a couple of those beginners lessons and so beginners can follow along without getting left behind and so i don't also have to you know for like a better term dumb down some of the lessons i can include those beginners lessons where people go okay here's the fundamentals of how to use layers so then when we are using layers later on i'm not explaining it over and over again so intermediate and advanced users are getting bored with you know fundamentals over and over again so you will be able to follow along step by step um yeah so that's essentially answers that question and if anybody's got any questions you know regarding photoshop we're going to go in there and i'll take a couple of questions i hear it's raining outside but first of all let's have a look and see what you guys have submitted this week on photoshop cafe and our facebook group bruce i don't know if you have the link there to drop it in but if you guys do want to go into our facebook group it's just on facebook it's photoshop tips and challenges or something like that photoshop cafe just look for it i'll accept you in here it looks like i've got another question here from daniela i'm editing a lot of photos from my grandparents which i scanned but not all of them are black and white so my question is how to add better colorization to a to a color photo um well the black and white neural filter that i just showed you is definitely a good place to start when we're colorizing black and white photos and also we can brush it if you're taking color photos and making them black and white i've actually got three or four different techniques in my training there that shows you different ways of going from color to black and white you can do it in camera raw you can use channel mixer you can use the black and white adjustment so let me just quickly show you [Music] just to show you quickly here while i've got you on photoshop before we go in here a quick way to do it is to use the black and white black and white works well it looks kind of cool with the color blur over the top but the nice thing about the black and white is it enables you to target different colors see like the you know the reds that are in her shirt we can make sure it light or dark and and that's kind of one of the nice things here about working with the black and white is you can you know target those specific tones and customize your black and white conversion so it's you know however you want and i'm going to throw that color back in there because i kind of like that all right um question is there a way to ask about uh dallas val oh the course yes of course 100 money back guarantee um if you're not happy with it just let me know money back no question we've always been that way i want people to be delighted and i know you will be delighted we get very very few returns here at photoshop cafe but for any reason if you double ordered it or you ordered it again you thought you didn't have it you already do you didn't like it it's the wrong course for you no problem i'll refund you that's not even a question that's just how we always roll around here people don't abuse it we don't abuse it that's just how it is like you guys are a community and i'm here to take care of you it's not about shaking you upside down and seeing how much money i can shake out of your pockets if that was the case i wouldn't be doing free tutorials every single week in free live streams and honestly we are promoting something here but normally in our live streams we never promote or sell anything so i believe in what we're doing here so yeah of course let's answer that question all right moving on let's look at what we've got submitted from you guys this week from the community uh my sin added this masen i like what you've done here this is cool i like the concept nice little bridge and doorway looking into the sky dana dana carr i guess you're probably here because you're one of our regulars um i'm not really really one you know like so crazy about oh let me make sure the desktop is showing is that what bruce is telling me i'm going to guess let's go back in here make sure we can see the screen sorry guys um my apologies about that and i guess it wasn't there we'll go back to that black and white thing i'll show you that in a second apologies guys so we will finish the black and white that i was answering before okay so the wanderer uh from madison this is from our group nice job dana i like the texture in here i'm not like myself like a huge abstract fan um i know some people really love abstract and others don't i've always been more of a renaissance um versus you know like the monet i've always kind of liked you know da vinci and michelangelo is more you know botticelli is more kind of like even going back that far but i do appreciate it but this one i really like the colors going on here and i like the textures you've got going on here i really like it good job dana hannah this is kind of cool this is interesting diamonds are forever we've got the ring um you know there's definitely a story in here we could be seeing it as you know she's young and she's growing up or it could be her mother or or we could even go a creepy way with this you know it depends on how you want to interpret it but i like this it's kind of cool um anita i don't know if you're here but i like i like this i like the dripping on the moon it's kind of a cool thing sorry the image is small sorry guys um the image is small of the screen is the screen not full size oh the other one i'm sorry that was what we had there guys that was what i screen captured so i can't make it bigger um andrew nichols this is kind of a cool here um it's done a little magic with photoshop got the winter going there some stock photos nice job on your composite there john william bell i like this um i'm generally speaking you know i don't like share nudes but i mean it doesn't really show anything so it's fine but um we don't get too heavy into nudes in our group but i really wanted to share this just because i like the textures and the overlays and stuff going on here i think it's the coloring i really like what's happening good job all right and nick simplicity and indeed it is and sometimes there's beauty and simplicity and i love the beauty of the simplicity in this piece nice job um and warren so rod was uh someone was saying they like the font uh john was saying he liked the font and i believe that would be the other one with the texture i really like that and it kind of has that feel of if you guys ever seen you know where you're mixing inks and watercolors together it kind of has that kind of feel it's nice maybe i should do a tutorial on that at some point um and you know maybe i will all right so war wren thank you for sharing this this is nice warren i guess warren good good job and if you guys are here and i show you a piece please let me know and we can give you a shout out here and it's a beautiful piece here by um unfortunately i can't pronounce your name um but this is just absolutely gorgeous uh ivana pavla pebbler ivanova avanova pavel pavlova a vonal over okay expression i'm not doing a good job but i love what you've done here just the photograph itself is gorgeous the colors and nice you know we've got the colors matching here i know that's not an accident retouching is done very nicely we've got the harp here um maybe you could have kind of just gone in there a little bit and cut that out um would have looked a little bit better but uh but overall i love this i love the story that was showing me murraying and once again you know it could be an age progression it could be her mother when she was younger it could be um you know a fairy it could be a lot of different things nice job with that and then so martin's one yeah i didn't i guess we can zoom to make it bigger there we go all right so we're going to show the black and white and then we're going to end with that because i did want to show that what we were talking about here uh someone was asking about the black and white so i definitely messed that up so quick way to do black and white guys and then we'll be i'll do a couple of shout outs and then we will be um [Music] you know wrapping it up for the year i'll still be doing weekly tutorials alright so let's go here so i'm going to hide the top layer and a quick way to do a black and white is to go under the adjustment layer even though there's many ways to do it and i'll show you about four different ways in my training but this way when we convert to black and white using the black and white adjustments the advantage of this is if we look we can see we've got reds we've got blues we've got different colors underneath there and by the way this is a geiger guitar hr geiger i do like this guitar and anyway just wanted to mention not just bruce is not just the keeper of guitars i have some guitars too maybe one of these days i'll play for you guys i don't know all right so here we are i want to change the colors so if we go under the reds notice the red in the shirt we can make that darker more mysterious or we can open it up brighter bring out the details so this is the nice thing about using the black and white filter which channel mixer does this as well but we can go in and we can make our adjustment specific to showing detail into certain tones or darkening certain tones different things like that if you get these artifacts in here um you know you just got to be careful so i find that this channel mixer or the black and white works well in about the third region once you start to go too far you can start to see blockiness and artifacts so just be aware of that so don't make you know huge moves in there just watch those artifacts and you can see we can go in and do that now because we did the blur and color on top this is the effect we get from that blur if you remember that i put it in between it just i don't know just kind of looks cool and looks fun all right guys i'm going to bring the chat into the main window here and so do me a favor hit that like button it helps us with the youtube algorithm guys and also if you um have not subscribed to our channel hit that subscribe button here on youtube and you won't miss any videos because we do a brand new tutorial and i will even throughout the holidays every tuesday i'm still going to drop the new tutorials um they're just the short tutorials on tuesdays and i will drop a couple of maybe a review or two in there so i will be uploading content but as i said next thursday i'll be traveling the following christmas so this is going to be the last live stream or scheduled thursday live from lockdown of the year and we will be continuing next year so go to photoshopcafe.com and if you guys want to know um this one i did send out to a main list but generally speaking um let me just show you something quickly i'm just waiting for this to go here's our main site here photoshopcafe.com and if you go under the free tutorials you'll see different ones the live streams are archived under the live streams they're also of course on youtube now one of the big differences between youtube and the photoshop cafe we drop the tutorials on here usually that same day or the next day i will do the written steps on here so you will find those under the free tutorials but the reason i'm showing you this is if you click on any of the free tutorials here and uh scroll down you'll see a little sign up here this is just for live streams this is not for our main mail mailing list so even if you're on our main mailing list and you're not on the live stream because maybe every week you don't know put in your email address here i don't send anything else to this email address except to inform you when the live stream is going live so when you want to know if you want to know when we're going again next year join that list even if you're on our main list and then um we'll let you know so anyway guys it was seven likes to go from 200 likes do as a favor guys hit that like let's get us to 200 would appreciate it and um so this is our uh regulars and be irregular guys if not enjoy the replays but i'm gonna do a quick shout out here it's good to see you guys thank you for joining us and most of the people here i recognize you know have been with us almost every week and joining us every week john oswell good to see you again warren good to see you donald haynes stuart bravely kia ora from new zealand good to see you john schultz like rod shelley once again you know all regulars rod shelley's here every week andrew nichols as well bertie good to see you laurie photo maker another you know weekly same with laurie andrew nichols john schultz photo maker hannah donald um you know roger i said right already michael stein good to see you hannah good to see you regulars you know russ is here every week yvonne's here every week most of people here are here every week i'm glad you could join us jeffrey odd gear good to see you again rick donald haynes this is the mickey mouse club uh part you know when we call out all the names that's why i think somebody said there was a russ that said that or someone did uh john good to see you um donald haynes good to see you let let let i guess there's a conversation by the way conversations go on here and i jump in halfway but even if i don't see it live guys just to let you know i do read all of these comments afterwards so um i do see them all and then sometimes i get the jokes i just see a thing out of the corner of my eye or a question and then i see it afterwards when i read the the replay and i'm like and and i do laugh when i see those jokes so and also i want to thank you all for joining us this year let me just go to the screen here photo 911 stan b tom good to see you real good to see you um but thanks guys it's been a fantastic year i've really enjoyed spending these weekly uh live streams with you guys every single thursday at 1 p.m pacific time thank you for joining us and replay crew i read your comments in the comments thank you guys for the support and the family and the community that we've had for this last year the whole goal of this lfl i thought it was just going to be a few weeks when they started all the lockdowns um you know live from lockdown and it was just kind of to find a place where we could come together because i was alone a lot of you were alone we couldn't go out we couldn't um you know of course a lot of that's changed in some places other places not so much but i just wanted to find a place where we could come together get away from all the madness and have a little bit of community once a week and you know the chat is a community in itself that check just goes non-stop you know you guys have made friends here and um i'm so thankful that you guys have joined us and been able to have this you know community where we get together here we are two years later and now it feels like a family that i i know everybody everybody knows everyone thanks guys really appreciate it and in the support that you've given to photoshop cafe really you've made all of this worthwhile um you know it's not always easy to come up with topics to do every week and it's not always easy to come up with tutorials but you know you guys make it worthwhile so thanks guys and uh happy holidays to everybody and uh yeah i'll see you see you all next week so uh till next time
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 7,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, tutorial, photoshop tutorial, learn photoshop, how to, photography, colin smith, photoshopcafe, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe tutorial, adobe photoshop, live stream, live, fix photo, make photo better, photoshop tips, photoshop hacks, photoshop tricks, masks, how to use, photoshop for photographers, coliin smith photoshop, live from lockdown, sharpen, color grading, aerial, photoshop 2022, new features
Id: 01AuRrY7bfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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