Best Adobe Max 2022 Updates: XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro & After Effects

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okay today is the day uh adobe 2022 features have just dropped uh i'm heading off to the global design center of excellence uh the gdce you probably know it as a designer and we're going to cover all the new features behind the scenes and they've let us film which is pretty crazy [Music] and when we get there we'll cover all of the features specific to you and me the graphic designer that does it all uh one day it's ux the next is graphic web motion video it will cover all of those features and it's pretty far away we're gonna have to do some sort of travel montage and you know how secretive the gcder so can't tell you exactly where but anyway let's get going [Music] [Music] all right uh enough of all of that and if you do want to jump along to different specific bits of software okay there will be time stamps in the timeline and in the description so you can jump along uh there'll be xd photoshop illustrator indesign after effects premiere pro okay so you can jump to those uh but for now would you just get started dan okey dokey uh we'll start with adobe xd all right let's jump in first new feature for xd is bringing in lottie files if you haven't used lodi files before go to it's a good place to get educated but the simple version is is that it is animation for websites and while you've been able to do it on websites for a while only now you can actually bring these animations and see them create triggers inside of xd so you download them from i'll show you how to import one it's very easy you go to file import okay so whatever you've downloaded it's generally a dot json file okay so i'm going to bring in my full autumn okay i'm going to stick it there i'm going to resize it and i'm going to preview it okay and there it goes animation okay in this case it plays once and stops you can change it by clicking on them and saying actually my friend uh let's loop these guys all right and loop forever okay so that's a simple use case let's look at something else okay so that one was just looping forever this particular one here what i'm going to do is instead of being in design view i'm going to go to prototype and i'm going to say actually i would like the trigger to be a tap okay so it's only going to play this animation once i've clicked on it okay let's preview it where's my little button you ready oh look at that the animation makes it okay uh so quickly if you've never used lottie before or don't know how to make it you've got lots of questions like i had again check out lottie files that describe what they're made for how do you make them okay you can actually edit these within here that's what i did say black text i went inside of it and you can go and say i would like to edit the layers you can start messing around with that particular edit okay uh in here that's what i did i changed my colors okay so i had a white outline for my cart okay but if you want to make these from scratch rather than just editing them you need to switch to adobe after effects okay adobe after effects has a free plugin okay or extension called body moving okay and you can use that to create these files okay and depending if you use pixels or vector they can be super scalable and work on websites without kind of uh plugins for browsers so super fancy all right lottie files in adobe xd new fancy good all right the next new feature for adobe xd is you can now import videos and they play okay so i'm going to bring in an mp4 okay it's a bit big uh but i'm going to preview it and ready if i click it oh look at that videos playing inside of xd all right so by default you've got to click them you can change that easily over here you've got a bunch of options a bunch you've got some okay you can go to play on tap will just play automatically okay or in this case there's some this little icon here has some good stuff you can change the poster image okay to something else uh you can preview it in here okay you can do some trimming you can decide i don't need all of that i just need like this section here okay i can also decide whether it's muted or not okay you can decide if it loops you get the idea regular video stuff but it all works inside of adobe xd now i want mine as a little pop-up i made a little artboard over here that's kind of the right size not quite the right size that'll do i made a little triangle in here i'm going to say you under prototype mode i would like you to on tap i would like you to go to an overlay of that artboard that i made called popup that has a video on it okay and that's it i've already said to this video be um where is he under design i've already said play automatically so hopefully apart from some weird edges let's go let's click on this one let's preview it and where's my little guy there he is there video playing overlaid oh so good couple of things you'll run into as soon as you go and try this on your own is that probably the biggest one is that the file size can't be over 15 megabytes for that video uh so my little video here i had to go into adobe media encoder and get it smaller it can be any size up to 4k so nothing bigger and the other restriction is at the moment you can only have 20 videos for you know per xd file oh and another thing it has to be an mp4 or at least an h.264 which is really common so if you don't know anything about video you're probably gonna be fine all right that is it for video inside of xd i love it thanks xd all right the last feature for adobe xd this year is that now when i share okay i can go to share i can create a public link okay and this option here now i'm going to update it so design review anybody link i've got now got behance i can go straight to my behance account and share it with my account let's do that here it is it's uploading and there you go uh i've got a mock-up that i can use and actually it's interactive and it's part of my account without having to kind of upload it and connect with it with files and links works straight in behalf beautiful while you are here uh come follow me daniel walter scott follow me if you want to keep up with what i'm up to and if you are like hey you know what i should really learn adobe xd uh the video that you're kind of seeing here playing over the top is the stuff that we cover in my xd essentials course so there'll be a link in the top corner at the moment or there's a link in the description go check out my adobe xd essentials course if you're keen so that is it adobe xd lottie files video files and publishing to behance directly all right next bit of software alright next up is the updates for adobe photoshop 2022 hooray all right the first new feature i want to show you is the object selection tool this one here it's been here a little while it's amazing if you haven't used it but they've kind of supercharged it if i click on it okay and can you see these little arrows moving around that'll happen automatically and watch what happens look it's kind of isolating it you had to kind of click and drag randomly and now though it gives you a little preview so i can click once okay and it made a selection i can add a mask okay some reason we don't need to turn that into rename the background layer to unlock it that doesn't need to happen anymore i'm not even sure when that happened but regardless we can make a sweet mask and undo deselect let's click on this one if i need to add to the selection i can hold down my shift key on my keyboard and just click the second one here you're like there you go for those two now i'm going to add a mask okay i'm going to undo deselect let's say that i want this this one here is not highlighting but i can still hold down my shift key to add and just drag a box around the thing like there you go cool so almost got it it's got this little tab there that i want to get rid of so to remove from the selection shift is add hold down the option key on a mac or alt key on a pc to remove from the selection just drag a box around the thing you don't want you can be pretty vague it's pretty amazing there you go that is the upgrade to the object selection tool if you haven't used the object selection tool already that's even more exciting all right next feature alright so the next feature is called illustrator interop that's what they're calling it anyway it's the way of working between illustrator and photoshop so let's switch to illustrator and we're going to use this polygon tool okay it illustrates what this function pretty well so i'm going to click hold and drag out a shape now before you let go okay you can use your up and down arrows to add or remove sides to a polygon that's not the shortcut it's just a handy trick so i'm going to get down to triangle i'm going to let go i'm going to copy it and i'm going to paste it into photoshop all right and up until now if you've done any of my classes you'll be like oh i know smart object is the correct answer not anymore layers is often better at the moment okay so layers is going to give us this little bit of extra stuff let me show you because there's nothing wrong with smart objects but if you use them before you have to kind of jump back to illustrator to adjust them and then back into indesign that is going to be solved by layers so i brought it in where is it there it is i'm going to bring it to the top okay and the difference now is it's still vector which is one of the perks of the smart objects but if i go to properties panel can you see all of the goodness has come through look how many sides rip how many sides do i go okay i can still adjust the fill okay or the stroke i can remove okay so it's giving me all that control that i used to have kind of back and forth between illustrator now we can do it straight in photoshop let me make mine this right height 300 by 300 and look we can change the starting set as well oh look at that fancy actually go to there how many sides do i want 50 starburst okay i can switch my libraries pick one of my colors man easy okay so that is interop with illustrator i am going to put it in a position so just cause now it works great for these simple shapes i'll show you one other simple shape and let's say that i draw a rectangle and that i play with the you know the rounded corners okay or just click on one of them and adjust one of them okay if i copy and paste this ugly shape into photoshop okay the rounded corners come as long as i use that layers option okay and i can start going you uh this are ugly okay but let's have a look under properties all those rounded corners i'm hoping under appearance look at that all still here i can adjust them all together i can unlink them there we go okay so some of those kind of primitive shapes have all the controls what i've been using this for is i want to show you so actually there's no connection between these now so i can delete them i don't need them it's kind of a one-way street so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to grab my pen tool i'm going to have a stroke no fill i'm just going to draw like a little squiggle that i want to use there we go i'm going to use my width tool just to kind of get it to there you go some sort of squiggly thing okay now i'm going to outline this i'm going to go to object go to go to path and i'm going to outline the stroke because what i want to do is i'm going to copy it and bring it over into photoshop actually what i might do before i do it is can you see when it outlined it it's got lots of curves okay or anchor points these are fine okay i really love this tool in illustrator this is not new for this came out like last year the upgrade of this but if you go to simplify look what happens oh look at that it's only only a couple of parts you can decide on how simple you want it okay let me give it automatic kind of smooths it all out and gives you just just enough handles to control this like quite a large shape okay anyway i'm going to copy and paste it into photoshop okay make sure it is that new layers okay and the good thing about this is all my i'm going to switch to my direct selection tool this one here or the a key can you see all the anchor points come along for the ride okay again i can still color it i can go to my libraries i can pick any of the colors from in here i'm just going to kind of jam it into the bottom here you wait there okay so i've got it in i kind of got it where i want it okay but you can still see it's poking out there but remember because i've kind of brought it through is this illustrator interrupt all that layers okay i can select on it here grab my direct selection tool or the a key and watch this i can click on this endpoint and look fully editable oh beautiful all right so that is illustrator interop with photoshop alright the next feature is an upgrade to gradients you're like how do you upgrade a gradient well it's when it starts off looking like that okay green at one side red at the other terrible gradients i know but look at there's a mud in the middle up until uh a few hours ago okay when the release went that's what you had to do and if you're like me and you've got gradients that you need to fix you end up adding noise and blurring and all sorts of fun stuff but okay they've done it uh that's the kind of like scientific way of doing a gradient but you end up with this non-uh beautiful stuff in the middle what they've done is when you're using the rectangle tool okay i'm going to make a new layer here so rectangle tool the gradient tool you can go up here and the method now you can use perpetual or linear i don't know they are some sort of algorithmic creation thing for gradients either of them seem to work beautifully okay but watch this ready same gradient look in the middle there it's not mud brown it is beautiful orange green i use this green and red one because it's the most obvious one but if you've ever done gradients in photoshop and had some undesirable results when they mix okay just go and pick different methods either linear or perceptual and if you're working on a company that uses green and red as its colors well that's a real shame but now you get to do better gradients not good gradients better gradients all right next feature actually quickly before we go on if you're enjoying the video i feel like you've got a taste of it now if you're enjoying it give it a like if you like me or the kind of stuff i do subscribe to the channel i'd appreciate that all right now next feature all right the next feature is called harmonization okay i want to combine two images okay i'm gonna grab bits of this disk and put it into this table here and the coloring is so different so let's grab something from here using our sweet new object selection tool okay and i want you i'm holding shift remember grabbing a couple of those and drag around all of these sometimes easier just to drag a box around a bunch of stuff let's get going all right it's not a pretty good job i'm going to mask it and then i'm going to it's missing a bit okay back here hold shift grab that chunk too all right get in there all right add a mask okay and i'm going to bring it to this other document here dump it on okay and yeah it's the wrong size so i'm gonna shrink it down don't hold shift okay getting it i don't know proportionately okay you'll be able to see what i'm doing uh so there you go it is on the desk but it's the wrong colors you can tell it's just this like blue tinge here and it's got this kind of warm khaki kind of thing going on over here so what you can do is with your object selected not the mask okay the thing you want colorized you need to have another layer that you're trying to match to and then you go to filter and it's under these sweet new neural filters they come out in the last version and there's a bunch of cool stuff in here so the next few features are upgrades to this so it's this one here called harmonization you might have to click on it and you might have to click download okay but once it's downloaded you can turn it on and to get it going you need to say you the layer that i've got selected i would like to match the background for me give it a second wait for it wait for it wait for it look at that it started pulling colors from all in here and matching it up look at that okay and you can turn it on and off okay you can decide on the strength okay you can make adjustments here as well do you want the saturation up down left right a little bit up it's just a really great way of trying to match background with foreground click okay and that is harmonization it's given me a separate layer here i can turn on and off a little hole in my mouse that i need to fix and the shadows really need fixing as well let me quickly do that all right and then my friends is how to overuse the burn tool if you haven't done burn tools uh use the burn tool for shadows it's generally the most believable way if you take your time and not rush through it but there you go before color after color okay it's called harmonization and it's one of the new neurofilters all right another new but similar neural filter is being able to switch color from one to the other because i've got these two images and i'm going to use them in a series and they're just two distinctly different color okay so i want to get them to match before we do anything i'm going to go to window arrange and just kind of set them up two up vertically just if you haven't done that it's just handy two separate documents open they don't have to be in the same layers stack okay so i'm going to be working on this image here i've got it selected go back to our same neural filters okay filter neural filters you'll have to turn it on it is called color transfer turn the little button on and uh there's some presets here you can see i want to make it look like this one and it's pretty cool and it does a good job matching it but what i want to use my own custom one because i want these to be clearly together so i can say u and i can pick from this other image that happens to be open okay and give it a sec and be ready for greatness ready the colors are there the brightness is a bit weird so i'm going to say preserve the luminance okay or the light of the original one and ready it's even better oh so good look at preview on preview off you can see how now i could use this in a consistent series of images oh color transfer all right next feature all right before we go on you might be stuck with two windows up and you're like help it's too open uh go back to window arrange and let's go to consolidate all tabs okay so we're gonna be working on this one here okay and i'm gonna show you this other last neurofilter upgrade okay so filter neuro filters you don't need anything open or you can okay but in this case i want to go to where is it landscape mixer okay you might have to download it okay takes a little while to download but then you can turn it on and then you can just change the season watch this oh my goodness it's winter time watch this on off wow it is crazy good uh let's look through a few of them oh my goodness before after it's fantastic i can't believe it all right so i'm just gonna switch to custom and instead of selecting an image like we did before let's uh make it more wintery before after it is wintry full-blown winter wow on off let's do one more it's now spring summer spring spring with a sunset one more last one it is too good all right i love it that's landscape mixer let's get on to something else like it's been far too long in here okay this next feature is probably it's is it the best it's not the sexiest of updates but it's probably the best for me as a like a practical professional designer what you're looking at here is the web version of my photoshop document okay i'm pretending to be the client the client can add a pin and say you know what uh dan here's some useful feedback they can submit it it's pinned to the document which is nice but for me as the designer look what i get oh my goodness it's in here and it's marked up in the right place with some great feedback all right adobe's calling it share for commenting which makes sense and i don't know it's amazing let me show you how it works okay so to make it work you need to the important part it needs to be a cloud document the psdc okay so if you've been avoiding using cloud documents now might be a good chance to move over okay so let's say you have got just a normal kind of photoshop document on your hard drive you need to go save as and you need to save it as a cloud document if you've already said hey i don't want to do that save your computer okay what you can do is you can see this little option here you can click save cloud documents and it will kind of get it going again so it needs to be saved in the cloud i've already done mine okay and then up the top here you can go to this option that says share document okay and you can decide in here okay so when i'm sharing it i can invite people using the email address or i can just create a link and copy the link just make sure when you are creating the link in this case i want commenting because that's the exciting thing that i like about this okay you can either copy it or email it to them okay or send it via socials or slack using the link either way and this is where that link goes okay so this is what your client or stakeholder sees and they can comment in here so they'll need to sign in with an adobe id they can use like gmail or facebook whatever they don't need a paid account okay but i can grab a pin i'm pretending to be my own boss okay and i can go in here and say something really useful there we go i can pick my pin color because it's super important i could submit and now back in photoshop back being dan the designer you're like well where did it appear watch this go to window and go to comments so this is new okay so click on that and give it a second and there it is making more swooshy stuff okay and i can do the regular commenting stuff where i can say actually i've resolved this or maybe i can reply and say no problem no problem uh more solution is coming up okay and yeah we can resolve it to get rid of them there's some more filtering down here okay we can hide the annotations on the document so we can just read them and over here under filter comments we can decide who from at what time the different statuses oh very exciting i don't know maybe it's just me but you probably i don't know hopefully there'll be a bunch of you out there as well they worked in larger teams that were like this is brilliant okay instead of trying to like put i don't know i used to put a b cs in the corner you're like okay i like the top one and you've sent a bunch of attachments and you don't know which one's top this one is a lot more direct and i don't know clearer for me as the designer and both the other person so let's make this little change and the cool thing about it is let's make it more squishy wait there is that more sushi anyway i've done it and i can save this and because it's saved in the cloud okay what will happen and the link version there you go the little uh comment has been resolved and look more swooshy it's got a bit blobby but you get the idea you're not working from these like uh string of emails where people are like hey you haven't done it and you're like have you tricked your updates let me check the latest email that i sent you with the cryptic uh subject line okay we've all done that we're just working from kind of one source of truth let's call it okay because your photoshop document is saved in the cloud this thing updates and now we've got commenting and it's in illustrator as well works the exact same way window comments and we have the same interaction all right so those are the updates for photoshop uh if you are a little bit self-taught in photoshop uh you might check out my photoshop essentials course uh and if you are reasonably good already and you want to go to the next level check out photoshop advanced that's all the things flashing on the screen here now all right but before you race off and sign up i want to go through adobe illustrator you know it's adobe illustrator time because because of that a little light i thought was a clever match of the software you get it let's just get into the features then all right okay so illustrator got the same update for commenting okay the share for commenting that we just did in photoshop so i won't cover it again but same way you can share over here and then open up the commenting tab to see where your stakeholders have put the pins uh the next feature and probably the biggest upgrade for illustrator this year is 3d so this is the sexy 3d goodness the big things are there are shadows hairy and it just works faster there's loads of materials oh it is super good let me jump in and show you how to make it okay to make some sweet 3d wood goodness i got some type here go to effects and 3d this so this has been here for a little while the classic version was just really basic and not very optimized for the system it was very slow okay so this new version i'm going to start with extruded bevel it is super fast and super nice there's some nice ui controls that are actually on the desktop now okay if that's not for you you can under object under extrude which we've started with can you see down here you can kind of be a bit more precise right there okay so we're using extrude but you can use the simple plane revolve will spin it around and do a bit of a crazy thing that's a 360 revolution of my name and inflate is as you imagine now what's really amazing the first thing i did and rushed off to do was like extrude give me the lighting and turn on shadows where is it down the bottom here okay so i just i don't know this is the big thing i was faking it basically i just leave illustrator to go to something else for my 3d goodness but now got shadows okay and you got some really great control over them all let me jiggle this around okay so we've got our shadows and the one kind of magic trick uh if you are not working with this is that it's doing a really low resolution preview is to turn on ray tracing to get a high quality one it takes a while to render but it'll give that beautiful kind of look oh that's where the magic happens okay it will slow down trying to render it okay but oh look at that shadow but while you're working though let's turn off ray tracing and it's all still editable and i want to show you kind of like the last upgrade and it is all the materials and this is all dragged in from adobe's acquisition of some new 3d software it's kind of been re-released recently called uh it's called adobe substance it's their kind of 3d suite now and the cool thing about it is we get to borrow all the materials without leaving illustrator there's a good one oh god i need some wood and the cool thing about it is look at the different parameters you get to change with so the word color uh wood variation the vein contrast amount of knots i want more knots in my wood said no carpenter ever okay the different kinds how many fibers look how much options you have the varnish what kind of varnish roughness you have all built into illustrator and just remember to get the sweet looking version make it smaller move it there and just turn on ray tracing again kick back relax let the magic happen oh fancy fancy wood all right so big upgrade um another thing that'll catch you out if you are teaching yourself uh if the quality is very bad okay it's nothing to do with this 3d panel when you are setting up a new document you need to change the raster settings so if you've got a document already it's probably by default under file where is it effects there it is document raster effect settings you are probably set to 72 okay crank it up to 150 300 dpi or ppi if you want up to you and the higher everything gets the slower the render is going to take but the better quality or finish quality is going to be look at that i love me some 3d especially with all the extra knots all right okay the next feature is an update to select same okay in the previous version which is this okay if i'm like yeah comic sans oh can it get better i don't know i'd like to select all the comic sans in this document and change it to something even nicer you go all right i'm gonna go select same you're like i'm gonna check oh there's no way of picking a font aha that is what the new feature is so in the new version of illustrator okay i can decide that yep i need to change this font okay i can go to select same you can see i've got all these extra options i can say pick everything that is the same font family you can see if i zoom out there's quite a lot okay that is used in this document using that font and you can say all right let's do it papyrus papyrus is bad but you know what's worse papyrus condensed who thought they'd make a condensed version so you're not allowed to use papyrus unless of course you are making a map for kids yes you are come on over here this is a kid why aren't you a school kid because i'm sick and an ear to annoy daddy because he has a stomach bug and you don't send him to school so he's got to hang out with daddy while he's trying to record uh update video guess who's going to have a stomach bug in about 24 hours all right we've got to move on to the next uh illustrator feature say goodbye everyone [Music] he's been here for a couple of days he's been hiding go next feature all right so he's got his phones on now and i'm parenting him with an ipad next feature is looking at connecting photoshop in illustrator so i'll show you so we're going to file place a document and what you can do now is you can actually import a photoshop document from the cloud okay so i've switched to the cloud options i'm going to bring in this i'm going to place it okay and the nice thing about this is that i can bring it in there we go send it to the back i'm going to make that with a mask okay so i've got my photoshop document linked from the cloud which is handy and what's really nice about it is if i've got to open in photoshop so open this cloud document i want to make the background a bit darker if i save it here in photoshop or a colleague does doesn't have to be me somebody else is working on this what happens in illustrator because it's a linked file i can go to my links okay so window links you can see in there it says uh there's an update available so i'm going to click on it and give it to me nice so you could always do it with regular old psds but now you can do it with cloud documents which you can see works across bigger distances between you or potentially other people working on separate files fancy all right next feature all right next small upgrade is illustrator and these two file formats so h-e-i-f okay heaph no one calls it that uh and webp okay so apple's kind of image file format and google's web image file formats kind of replacements for jpegs and they're gaining popularity more and more and the old version of illustrator you went in you tried to import them and it said no not available but now in the new version we can actually start working with them natively rather than trying to uh i don't know find some way of converting them there you go a heap in a web p uh heave that's not gonna catch on high efficiency image file format who names these things webp marginally better anyway new file formats newish now work inside of illustrator and like nearly all of the adobe products you can do my essentials and advanced courses if you want to link in the description this is what the kind of stuff we make here that's whizzing across the screen illustrator is fun essentials and advanced all right next can you tell by the color which is next you've got three seconds indesign is there the color let me look what they color or that color oh hard to know anyway indesign let's jump in all right the big upgrade for indesign this year is the integration more uh better name of the capture functionality if you've used the adobe app called adobe capture then you would have seen some of this tech but it's cool now that it's built into indesign uh what i mean by this is this image here okay i can right click it and say actually can you extract from this image a bunch of different things let's do color themes okay and look it's pool colors straight from the image i've picked quite the colorful image that we made earlier but look at this awesome and what you can do is you can save it to your cc library whichever one you've got open over here it's given us the colorful options but we can pick bright ones and we can pick muted ones and you can see it's just pick five color swatches that work in kind of a great combination deep colors yeah um you can also decide that actually i like this but i need to move it around okay you can decide where it is there you can copy them straight out of here okay copy the um the hexadecimal code and use that okay or add them to your library once i've got it from the library i can use it look oh it's beautiful i had better plans for that but hey you can pull colors from images which is awesome you can also pull shapes from images so the same thing again right click extract from image shapes and it's made kind of a black and white version of it it's going to make a vector graphic and use the eraser tool to kind of tidy it up a little bit how much detail i want i want less you can see how this would be potentially better for like a hand drawn or kind of some sort of graphic that you're drawing with your hands let's save it to the library and see what we get okay i'm gonna close it down and look at this i've got a vector shape okay that i can start using look at that cool huh let's have a look oh illustrator victory goodness without having to leave indesign it's actually using the power of that capture app if you haven't used the app um iphone android look for adobe capture it does a lot of this stuff as well and you're on mobile so you can be taking photos and stuff oh fancy all right um one of the probably more useful options other than pulling colors from it is i'm going to show you a different method of getting to that capture panel so instead of right clicking an image and going into here you can actually have nothing selected go to your cc libraries go to the little plus button and there he is there he's new he's been added to that and we get to the same sort of place okay and i can drag my image that we use straight in here okay so we can throw in our image directly and i can say i don't want the colors i want the type tell me what it is mr font picker okay and i'm going to pick this shape i'm going to say find similar fonts it's either going to pick similar or exact but you know what that font is you've used it before cooper there's a couple other recommendations in here they're all pretty close but that one's exactly i'm gonna save it to my library it's handy for not just photographs of um you know fonts but even work that you've maybe outlined so you don't have the font or it's a logo from somebody else and you don't have all the kind of workings of it but you can see in here now it's our character style so i could say bam bump it up oh lovely alright so that is the main big integration upgrade for indesign let's look at a couple more all right the next is more of a change and it's worth noting because in the past okay if you're an indesign user you'll know these guys are master pages okay but from now on they are going to be called parent pages so you will find the word master replaced with parent everywhere when referring to what you know as master pages it's adobe's effort to use more inclusive terminology and the note i've got from adobe is that they're an inclusive company and they won't use words that make people feel unwelcome and hurt so that's why it's changed you'll see it change through indesign and anywhere else in the adobe products for me premiere pro has a lot of master effects and master tracks they'll all get changed you might have already noticed in premiere pro it is now source track instead of master track so if you do notice any of those around and it used to be called master that is why inclusive terminology all right next feature the last small update for indesign is on a mac go to preferences so indesign preferences and go down to user interface scaling on a pc it's under edit uh preferences user interface scaling now it's kind of a small one kind of a big one depending on what different technology you're using or a hardware you're using you can change can you see the interface from small to large icons okay and this is yeah hey if you're if you need them to be bigger or smaller you can do it in here what used to be the problem is if you plugged in a monitor and while you were working it would kind of just automatically guess the ui size now you can go and manually pick it because often it would be the wrong one or not often sometimes okay so that is it for indesign upgrades uh like before if you are new to indesign you might want to check out my indesign essentials course and if you are already a user you might want to check out my indesign advanced links in the description all right on to the next bit of software all right next software is adobe premiere pro uh let's jump into the new features all right the first new feature for premiere pro is taking a messy old sequence like this things are locked there's muted there's empty tracks everything's kind of scattered a little bit ready three two one tidiness okay it's called simplify sequence let me show you how to do it and just as an aside this is a little video from my youtube channel this one here is where i go through how to design a logo so click the card in the top right hand corner now and you can check that out it is it's a very popular one of my youtube channel did really well me drawing showing my process of designing a logo from start to finish and yes that happens at some stage anyway let's look at the feature so i've got a sequence down here it's a regular old sequence nothing too hardcore okay but there is tracks where no no got away from me this is up here the only thing holding this track open is this one uh and see down here often i will have like music tracks when i'm trying to pick the music and i don't want that one so it's muted there's an empty track there there's all sorts of junk going on there's markers here that i don't need anymore so simplify sequence is have your sequence selected go to sequence and then simplify sequence and you can turn a bunch of stuff on basically what it's going to do is going to create a new sequence that's important called hyphen simplified and you can decide do i want to close the vertical gaps which is basically these tracks here uh do you want to get rid of empty tracks why not let's turn off clips that have disabled anything that's offline any labels okay so any particular labels here that you've given it i don't want that remove sequence markers that's my little guys there there's a bunch of different options you can work out what works for you but let's click ok look at that so before after it's just a way of tidying it up for yourself okay but often it's great just when you're sending it to someone else to work on and you're like here's my super professional sequence that i want you to work on you can see here here's my super magic project file nothing's in bins don't tell anyone but at least i can quickly and easily uh simplify my sequence tidy it up get ready for sharing with other collaborators you can get to it as well as you can just right click and the sequence that you want right click and go to simplify sequence is in here somewhere where is it there okay just gotta remember it's not turning up the original it's still there okay it's created this other one called simplified i've got two because i've already practiced this video and forgot to delete the old one anyway a nice little upgrade for premiere pro right the next upgrade is more of a back end kind of improvements type upgrade but uh the actual tool itself okay uh the kind of speech to text and came out in an update recently and it kind of just flew under the radar of most people so i bet you don't even know this exists and it's worth showing because a it's got better in this version but b it is a fantastic uh upgrade to premiere pro uh so it is transcribing and captioning so basically i've got this bit of speech here creating your very first logo can be okay i don't want it transcribed and i want to transcribe well okay so i'm going to select on this and hit the x key just to kind of set some in and out points because i don't want to do the whole thing you can do the entire thing it's it's a little bit long okay so i'm going to say with it selected i'm going to actually go to my window workspaces and turn on i'm going to switch to the captioning workspace okay and first of all you can click transcribe it okay so it's going to turn it into text which is i don't know fantastic on its own okay so i can say transcribe in and out points only just so it doesn't do the entire thing you can mess with different settings but let's have a little look all right it is done let's have a little look okay now creating your very first logo can be pretty overwhelming i remember it well uh when i got started the kind of uh vastness of the internet oh it is good man like i've only used that a little bit in the last few months but it is good especially like i am not using like i am not american which is can be some you know initially some of these things are designed for the american market first i've got lots of um's and r's and my accent is easy enough to follow but it's not perfect man it is good every time i try it um so if you've ever experienced auto generated um captioning uh transcribing before it can be really bad okay but this has been really good as you can see i didn't pick this in particular it just works let's pick one randomly and that took probably is less than a minute i sped it up in this video but i actually transcribed this whole 29 minute clip and it took about 12 minutes for it to process which is pretty sweet um it gets better right so you can get this automatic transcribing done which you can export do what you want with but i want to use it to generate captions right so you can just click on the generate captions i'm not going to go through it all here but you can let's just click it see what it does it's created a captioning track for me and let's have a little look i haven't changed anything so look now creating your very first logo can be pretty captioning i'll turn my audio but look captioning automatically done really good you can add subtitles all the other good if you're thinking oh can it do that it probably can it does everything that i need to do anyway so that's been upgraded in the 2022 uh feature the back end is just it's become better okay the back end stuff but if you haven't seen the front end stuff that is a pretty cool feature that came out a few months ago thank you premiere pro all right another small but tasty upgrade is this is the old version of premiere pro and if you are using uh scopes okay this vectorscope in particular to do color grading or like in this case you can see my little color card here so it is a little small and white so what they've done is they've done this they've made it colorful look at that so you can kind of see the hints of the colors that are being kind of shown especially when i've got my color card up where is it there okay so you can see i'm moving around and also you can double click it look at that and it zooms in real close okay which you couldn't do in the last version so if you've got all the scopes up like i have okay you can kind of zoom in on that that's the key area right there right the skin line and all those kind of color dots all right so yuv vectorscope has got a couple of little upgrades in premiere pro and if premiere pro is not your thing currently and you're thinking yeah i want to get into that check out my premiere pro essentials course and if you are kind of a i don't know a hacker you're going to use premiere pro a bit you know you know enough to get by and you might want to check out my premiere pro advanced course where you'll actually work out what that vector scope was what we did earlier on and plus all the sweet features that might have escaped you if you you know did your training a long time ago like those transcription automatic stuff there's lots of that sort of stuff in there all right that is it for premiere pro updates let's move on to the next one all right next up is the upgrades for after effects 2022. uh let me jump in and show you them right so the first feature is something called multi-frame rendering basically a way of speeding up rendering plus some other stuff i'll explain but it's different from like the old render multiple frames simultaneously that is that's a different technology this one here super fast i've done some tests and for my computer my computer is being about 32 percent faster so that that's my basic testing uh definitely not scientific but a huge jump in the render times between this version and the last version now probably by the time this comes out uh it will be on by default if it's not just double check go to after effects preferences and go down to memory and performance if you're on a pc go to edit preferences memory performance and just turn on enable multi-frame rendering okay so basically what happens is yeah when you add it to your render queue and you hit render it goes faster like this particular one here i did two tests so in the old version it took a minute 55 seconds to render and in this newer version it took uh one minute 27 so a huge jump and this is only a really short like little intro thing okay there's not a lot of going on a bit of 3d a bit of motion blur okay but over larger jobs man this is going to be life-changing like not uh not a creative tool it's not a new effect or preset okay but it does allow for a lot more creativity when i don't know things render whole lot faster and you're not worried about like oh do i really want to do that because i don't have time for that to render that rendering upgrade works both whether you're rendering in the queue here in after effects or a media encoder so it doesn't matter another cool upgrade for after effects is this option notify me when the queue completes so let's give it a go let's render it all right and let me show you on the big camera well there you go i got a notification on my phone uh you need to have the creative cloud app installed on your phone if you don't have it it's free you just sign in with your adobe id and password and amongst other things it does look i got a little notification saying that my render queue is done how cool is that uh for those big long renders or were you going for a walk and you're like i'll come back when it's finished uh or that freedom that sense of um achievement when you wake up in the morning and your renders have all all gone through and completed nicely without any errors thank you notifications and thank you for the new upgrade adobe all right the last but not least update for after effects is something called speculative preview let's open up an indent okay make sure it's unfolds have a little look at it so we all know that little green box there there's our little uh kind of cached preview okay and if i had space bar it's gonna chug its way through it all okay and we all know that like when we're going for a break you know go into the toilet get a cup of tea okay we we really want to remember to hit spacebar or our like little preview just that when we come back we've got a full beautiful preview but now speculative preview will do it automatically so you don't have to remember or get annoyed that you forgot okay so what you can do watch this i'm going to move it there where there's no renders being or no previews made and let's just wait do nothing it's the do nothing upgrade watch it watch it look at it go it does it without asking speculative preview makes sense now okay so basically yeah whenever you just leave premiere pro alone yeah go and do something forget about it go check your emails it's going to go and start caching all these previews for you so that when you come back it'll start playing super smoothly okay so to make sure it's on or at least turn it off if you don't want it kind of using the system resources okay you can go to composition and under preview there it is there cache frames when idle this name might change i know they're calling it speculative preview at the moment but hey that's it there you can turn it on and off you can get a bit fancier with it if you go to your after effects preferences and go to preview there it is there on a pc member it's under edit preferences preview you can see it down here cache frames when idle you can decide how long it takes okay and yeah what frames it caches and the work whether it's the whole uh duration just the work area up to you but i love it like look at that i was doing nothing and it was caching in the background uh yeah all right so that is the last of the uh features for after effects and that's it last sales pitch if you want to do after effects check out my infographics course or my motion graphics in after effects course these are the stuff we make here that is a pretty exciting course but for now let's jump out to the camera all right your job right now is to think back over all the new updates okay and you got to pick just one just one that is either blown your mind or you know you're gonna love and use and let me know that one in the comments okay and i'll add up all the tallies uh maybe a week after this um course and post it on social media uh to see which is the best amongst you my friend the designers speaking of social media these are the things you can follow me on you can't really hear me over there but there all of these are my social medias uh join me and follow me that's what you do on youtube videos follow me on social media the other thing you do is like and subscribe so if you enjoyed the work that went into this video a lot of prep but um if you enjoyed it uh give it a like subscribe to the channel for lots of other stuff like this also if you want to go a bit further with your knowledge of adobe software check out my courses uh this video was sponsored by myself and my courses probably a few too many sales pictures in this one but it's done now but if yeah if you do my enjoy my style of training and want to go either get started in a bit of software or go a bit further check out my essential and advanced courses on up here or links okay there'll be a in the description for those and lastly i'd like to thank kahul for his uh help with the drone footage at the beginning okay of uh the intro there okay so that was kind of fun to shoot thank you kahul and we're going to have to probably have a little moment of silence for the drone ready [Music] pretty long enough uh poor little drone now i think is swimming with the fishes in the atlantic somewhere i think a strong headwind got him so rest in peace little drone and to everybody watching uh that is it 2022 updates uh for adobe are done for another year subscribe we'll do it again next year amongst lots of other things on the channel and i'll see you in one of those soon and you know how secretive the gdcp are the gd g d g c g c d e what a bad acronym [Music] you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 99,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop 2021, photoshop 2021 new features, latest photoshop, photoshop release, piximperfect, adobe 2022, adobe xd 2022, adobe 2022 updates, adobe 2022 new features, adobe photoshop 2022, adobe illustrator 2022, adobe indesign 2022, adobe after effects 2022, photoshop 2022 new features, illustrator 2022 new features, adobe xd 2022 new features, after effects 2022 new features, photoshop tutorial, illustrator tutorial, xd tutorial, indesign tutorial, after effects tutorial
Id: gw-HonQI2gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 16sec (3256 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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