Photoshop 2022: 9 New Features with Pros & Cons!

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one of the biggest reasons for sure why photoshop exists in the first place is you already guessed it compositing have a look at this composite we have a background we have a subject and here we have created some fantastic shadows now the biggest problem with compositing is matching the subject with that of the background but what if i told you photoshop could do it for you automatically and that brings us to our very first feature of photoshop 2022 and that is harmonization so all you got to do is to have the subject layer selected and then go to filter and then neural filters don't worry this is not a cloud filter that's good news so let's scroll down and turn on harmonization now simply choose what you want to match it to so in this case we want to match it to the background so let's choose the background layer and see it's processing on device not on the cloud and there you go we have gotten so much closer isn't it here's the before here's the after on top of that you can also do some additional adjustments like playing with the colors playing with the saturation and the brightness that's up to you let's go ahead and increase the brightness slightly to match it better and there you go let's take a look at the before and after so here is the before here is the after it is so much closer isn't it it's not perfect but it's a good starting point now the major drawback with this feature is that it is absolutely non-destructive even when the subject layer was a smart object it made a duplicate of that and it rasterized it all so that's that now it's time for us to talk about the rest of the top new features of photoshop 2022. hi there this is sun meish from picks and perfect welcome to this video i'm super excited to share these with you so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back at the magical world of photoshop and let's talk a little more about harmonization before we move on to the other ones so have a look at this example here in this case the subject is already matching so much with that of the background without us doing anything let's say we wanted to do a little more adjustment to match it slightly even so better so let's go ahead and select the subject and go to filter and then neural filters we're going to do the same thing turn on harmonization you want to match it with that of the background of course but in this case it just goes weird so know that harmonization is not always 100 perfect so you can go ahead and try decreasing the strength to about nine or ten percent and see if it does it better but i think it was better off the way it already was so it is not 100 perfect but worth a try but then again it's also destructive let's move on to the next one we all are familiar with the object selection tool that allows you to create a selection around the object that you want to select and photoshop automatically does it for you but this feature takes it to the extreme next level just turn on this new object finder checkbox and just hover over it and it automatically tells you what are the objects it can select pretty much amazing isn't it so let's say you want to select this plant hover over it if it activates just click on it and it creates a selection of it and if you want to select this voice right there just click on it and it does the trick by the way if you want to check out all of the objects that we can select just click on this button and it shows you all of the selectable objects now this feature has a drawback it doesn't do pretty good with hair or fur so let's say i want to select this girl right there so if i click on her have a look it doesn't quite make a pretty good mask of the hair and if we create a mask out of her have a look it's not perfect it's good for hard edged objects but not really perfect for things that deal with hair and fur no matter how you create your gradients in photoshop whether using the gradient tool or using a gradient adjustment layer there are new interpolation settings this time in simple terms photoshop is offering you new ways in which colors are blended in a gradient for example let's say we created a gradient from black to white now at the bottom we have a method section this is new perceptual method is the new method from adobe that adobe says creates a more natural blend now we have another one called linear and we have another one called classic classic is the old way in which gradients were blended now how are they different you might ask to clear confusion let's open up the gradient and decrease the smoothness to zero first of all let's start with classic which mathematically makes the most sense hit okay so if you open the color picker now and you try to sample the colors of each section of the image have a look at the bottom look the brightness should be around zero percent which it is right here it should be about 25 right and it is 25 in the middle it should be 50 and here it should be 75 and at the very top of course 100 now this makes mathematically the most sense however when you have something else selected like perceptual the ratios would follow a kind of curve mathematically now let's take a look at the bottom we have brightness zero now in here it is 14 in here instead of 50 we have about 38 39 at the top it's 68 so it's a different math and similar is true for linear adobe says perceptual is the most natural one but i'll let you be the judge and also in your projects you can try all of these three mats and see what works best for you moving on to one of the most essential features of photoshop 2022 that is very important for any artist out there that does digital work and that is content credentials you can go to window and then open up content credentials and just turn on what it stores so when you export your image even as a jpeg it will have your name on it it will have all of the assets that you use it will have the things you have done to the image so right here can choose to include the edits and activity that has been done on this image and also the name of the producer you can choose or not choose to include that now let's have a look at the preview of how this will look so it'll say signed by adobe when you go ahead to verify this image it will also say which assets you have used here and at the bottom it would have your name let's take a look produced by unmistanda once you have these checked let's test it let's go to file export let's export it as a jpeg now when you scroll down you will have the option to attach the content credentials to the image let's turn this on and click on export let's type test save so here we have a jpeg it's a simple jpeg now how do we verify that we created it and also what are the assets we have used well just open this website click on choose image drag and drop the jpeg and take a look everything comes up right here it has all of the assets used so this is the background this is the subject and it has the exact name of these assets that i licensed from envato elements highly recommend check the links in the description for possible discounts have a look at the right hand side it says which version we have created it in it has all the edits and activity here which might or might not be accurate since this is new and of course at the bottom it has produced by your name now the only drawback is that if you open this jpeg test.jpg and you do some changes to it like i painted some black over it and then when we save it it might erase all the details so i've saved over it now let's try this image drag and drop it here it says no content credentials so although it might be good for verifying that this is your work when you submit it because it shows you the assets and the changes you have made to it it might not be good to track the source of a particular work let's say somebody opened your work made some changes and it's circulated around the internet there is no way somebody could open the modified jpeg and tell that this is created by you one of the more utilitarian features that is extremely helpful for somebody who uses adobe illustrator assets in photoshop this is major take a look at this earlier what used to happen let's say we have adobe illustrator open and i want this object inside photoshop i would select it press ctrl or command c go to photoshop and then paste it by pressing ctrl or command v earlier we did not have the layers option right here we either had smart object pixels path shape layer now if you choose smart object number one you cannot modify the individual parts shapes etc you can also not modify the colors and if you wanted to do so number two you would have to go back to illustrator modify it and then come back it would be a pretty long process if you choose pixels that would be raster and you would lose details if it's path it would be just the path here and if it's shape layer you wouldn't have much so let's make it smaller it's just one single thing it wouldn't be helpful now we have layers instead let's make this document a little bigger if we press ctrl or command v or paste it in any other way if we choose layers hit ok have a look everything will be imported as layers have a look at this group if we open it everything is a shape layer this eyebrow layer if we scroll down we have this particular area if you wanted to change the color just double click on it and change the color to whatever you like and all of this is vector all of these are shapes have a look at the icon right there and if you wanted to modify the shape you know what to do just select the shape you want then press p for the pen tool hold the controller command click on an area just zoom in and you can just modify it the way you want this is the level of flexibility you get by choosing layers this new feature will allow you to share your work for commenting whether you're collaborating or you want some public input this is possible however it is only possible with photoshop cloud documents so here i have a cloud document psdc not psd psdc photoshop document cloud so let's open that so this is the color matching that i had done without using the harmonization filter so here's the before not matching at all here's the after and of course using the manual old but gold curves and hue saturation so all you got to do is to go to window and then comments right here you can share it with people by clicking on share you can share with individual people by typing their email or you can create a public link by clicking on change and choosing anyone with the link can view now besides commenting you can also allow them to save a copy of this document but i'm going to leave it at that and you can copy the link and let's go ahead and visit this link here we will have the photoshop document and you can comment whatever you want let's click on submit so it will be always here on the web once you're in photoshop you will see all the comments here as well you can comment from here as well and tag a particular user also if you're commenting on the web you can point out certain things like i can say that in this area make the shadows darker and submit it and it would be submitted with that annotation the next feature is more ai-ish and this one is for the landscapes this can completely change the time of the day the season if it's a green away scene it can make it absolutely snowy and here's how it works go to filter neural filters yes it's a neural filter turn on a landscape mixer let's say you want to make it snowy just click on this preset image you can also import one of your custom images for reference click on this one for now and take a look it completely changed the scene here's the before here's the effort see it's changing those areas according to this image also let's say you want to make a sunset scene like this one let's click on that let's try this one you can also choose the strength here just wow it's not just changing the colors it's changing the whole thing have a look at the mountains here's the before here's the after it's also changing the water before after just look at it what kind of magic is this if you want to have more sunset and hex sunset is introduced how crazy is that if you wanted to have more spring you can increase it and the way it works just just amazes me if you want to have more winter let's see how this one works out oh my gosh this my friend is just crazy have a look at the snow in the mountains before after there's something fishy about this image have a look at the house right here it's not the same house it's a different thing right there here's the before have a look right here here's the after but the positioning is just so accurate i don't know what magic is going on let's hit okay for now but i don't think this is practically usable because we still have a lot to improve of course in the quality front but of course you can use it as a background as well let's say you have a subject and in the background you want a snowy scene for a different set of mountains you can just bring that in and blur it a little bit create a shadow depth of field and you won't be able to tell this is seriously one of those mind-boggling features in its early stages and i would love to see how this one develops and by the way what's fascinating is it's processing on device not on the cloud and that's why it is way way faster than all of those cloud filters this is a completely different thing here's the before here's the after things have been replaced here let's take a peek at the new feature actually old feature improved that is the improved colorize so let's go to filter again neural filters and this time the colorize filter is much improved you can expect to see better default colors than the previous version also the ui has been rearranged there's a new feature here and features like this we absolutely love because it gives us more manual controls and that is output as a new color layer so if we check that and hit ok have a look this is a color layer the blend mode is color and if you just have this layer visible see it just has the color and turn everything back on and you can be just in this layer and modify the colors in different areas for example let's say i wanted to extend these blues to the arms well no problem just make sure that with the eyedropper tool sample current layer is chosen take the brush and then sample this blue just paint right here there you go so all we are modifying is this color layer so color is separately placed on other layer and nothing else no details no nothing just the color the next feature is color transfer and this also happens to be inside of neural filters so what it does is that it allows you to transfer the color palette of one image to the other image creatively it might not always work the way you want but it's worth a try so let's say i want to import van gogh's starry night and want those colors here so click on browse locate the image and click on use this image and take a look it transfers those colors there have a look at the yellow areas it made light those yellow and the blue areas rest of the things are blue it might not always be perfect it might not always be the way you want but it is the way it is if you want to preserve the luminance you can just check that you can also play with color strength saturation hue and brightness and just hit ok i'm not satisfied with this color being on all of the areas so of course you can create a mask and then take the brush with black as the foreground color just take it away from the skin so on and so forth or the entire subject that's up to you but that's the feature and if you like the color of some image and want to apply it here maybe you can give this a try so that's all for photoshop 2022 what was your favorite feature and which feature do you think needs the most improvement let's talk about it in the comments i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials thank you so much for watching again thank you for your time i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 426,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop 2022, adobe max 2021, photoshop 2022 new features, photoshop 23.0.0, version 23.0.0, latest photoshop, photoshop release, harmonization, landscape mixer, automatic selection, gradient interpolation, content credential, creative cloud, neural filter, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 2icl3QlLzFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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