Photoshop Tutorial for Complete Beginners | 🔴 LIVE Replay

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- citizen Maish and today we're gonna be talking about photoshop basics and this is strictly for beginners so without any further ado let's get started so the first thing that we're gonna learn is how to open a file okay pretty basic stuff but very important thing if you are doing Photoshop for the first time this is really important how to open a file pretty basic so what do you do just let's go ahead and close this photo when the menu open Photoshop for the first time all you have to do you have to go to file open or use the shortcut controller command oh now let me give you a tip and the tip is this if you want to remember if you want a no shortcut to anything all you have to do you just look at the right inside and you can see what the shortcut okay and one of the keys of mastering Photoshop or any other software if you really want to be professional in that remember the shortcuts okay so go to file open now once you go to file open you can locate the image that you want just select an image that you want this is these are just my gallery one of the images that I clicked last year and and just start working on it it's already open now how to close it just click on the close button and it gets closed down make sure you save it before you close but do I open images this way no I don't i personally here's what i do i go to the folder that i want that I want locate the image that I want I can because I can even make it larger or smaller do what I want just drag it and drop it into Photoshop that's what I do isn't that easier okay you guys have any questions in between just make sure you ask that okay so if you're using Lightroom there's a different step involved okay most of you guys I usually did a class with one of you and she knew Lightroom very well but she was not aware of Photoshop she didn't know a thing about Photoshop so if you're using Lightroom here's what you need to do so Lightroom we already in Lightroom with a photo by the way this photo was taken by Jim Smith from James for photography thank you Jim for this photo so only have to do you have to right-click if your mouse has a right-click button right click on it and go to edit in and choose Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 or you can also go to photo edit in Adobe Photoshop CC 17 just click on that and it will open it up open itself in Photoshop okay now you need to shift to Lightroom when you want to do something that doesn't exists in Lightroom so there are a lot of things 95% of the time I'm done with my images in Lightroom but that 5% when you want to fix something then we move to photoshop for example in this photo there's nothing to fix but but again I'll show you for example her jaw was sticking out for example I'm just saying amanda is beautiful amanda don't take it to your heart okay here's what you need to do go to filter liquify and we'll get to that don't worry about it this is some advanced stuff but there's a difference so once you're in liquify suppose you want to bring the jaw a little bit to the inside this looks awful but okay so you want to take everything a little inside just like that maybe make the hair a little expanded just like that take this in whatever you want to do you do take the nose in or whatever click OK once you're satisfied and then once you're fine with the photo once you have done the necessary changes all you have to do if you have opened your file from Lightroom all you have to do you have to go file save not save as save and once you click save let's do something dramatic so that it's it becomes visible so for example I was applying say color lookup something like this ok this effect kodak this effect or maybe late sunset okay something like this this is not something i would apply to this photo but then again in case you want to apply this let's apply something else i'm just not satisfied with this fall colors foggy night okay for example we applying this thing and then only have to do you have to go to file save not save as save and when you click save and it's finished saving you'll just notice that when you open lightroom and it gets automatically loaded up in lightroom have a look it's loading it's loading that photo see with all the change did in photoshop it just comes back to Lightroom so that was about light but if you're not using Lightroom if you're directly opening something into Photoshop let's go ahead and close it skip this time let's go ahead and close that if you're not using Lightroom let me just go ahead and close this okay if you're doing something to this photo all you have to do you have to go to file save as okay save as now once you click on save as you have a couple of bunch of options here which might confuse you so this is the file name that you want to keep your image in for example I have kept at time one let's say time one and this is type jpg PNG what format do you want to save it as if you want to retain the transparency you might want to save it as a PNG but if you if your image doesn't have any kind of transparency then JPEG is the key also if you want to for example if you're working on a project okay and you want to save that and you want to start the project and start from that exact moment where you left off and you want to make some changes so you want to save the whole project that time you want to save it as a PSD now PSD is a file which will only be opened by Photoshop software okay all right so um okay so PSD is the Photoshop file which can only be opened by Photoshop it will keep all your adjustments that you did intact JPEG you know what JPEG is you can directly share it into Facebook so get it printed and social media do all that stuff PNG can also be shared but it is great for retaining transparency now what do I mean by transparency let's just go ahead and go ahead and understand that for example I go ahead create a logo let's let's create a new document so create a new file file new we'll learn how to create a new document so let me go ahead and create any new file doesn't really matter and if I just create a logo really quickly just like thank you okay so for example this is my logo and the by the way this white checkered box means nothing it means that the thing is transparent thing is transparent so this is your logo okay this is thank you and let's just color it something because otherwise you won't be able to understand what it is let's just color it say red okay now I'm gonna save this go to file let's just save this go to file save as I'm gonna save this as a PNG so I'm gonna choose PNG there we go and in the desktop I'm gonna save it as T cue let's save it okay click OK and then I'm gonna save the same file as a JPEG let me let me show you the difference file save as JPEG in the desktop name TQ j let's just save TQ j that's pretty fine save it at that okay now we have two files TQ + TQ jpg 1 as a PNG 1 as a jpg let me just close that now if I go to my desktop okay let me just go to my desktop if I just go to my desktop and open up the jpg file and open it up above this image it opens it up with the white background which means that JPEG does not support what transparency but if I go ahead and open this one up where that did that go or I mean I think I saved it right here yeah there we go so if I open this one the PNG 1 watch what happens it is transparent let me just turn it is transparent it doesn't come with a white background so that's the difference between PNG and JPEG I just wanted you to know okay so if you want to save a file that's the way also there's another way which is more intuitive more better so oh why you are saving a file let me just show you okay so go to file export export as that's another way of saving a file it also gives you a bunch of options which are very important for social media okay if you go to export as you get a bunch of options and these are available only in the later versions of Photoshop so in export as your image gets loaded here you can change the dimensions of the photo suppose you're uploading it to Facebook now Facebook's right now the best dimensions for Facebook is it should have a width of two zero four eight pixels okay so I'm gonna just type two zero four eight that's best for Facebook you got to find out what's best for your social media and just type it in also one essential thing which others don't do is that make sure you convert this image into sRGB color space everything which is on the screen as RGB is the colour space for it if you go for prophoto RGB color space colors will change you might have noticed when you open your photos to Facebook or Instagram the colors change totally change even if you're watching on the same screen the colors change why do they change because you are using another color space so this export as option gives export as dialog box gives you the option of converting this to srgb while you are saving this so make sure anything on the web anything on the screen anything which is going for the screen make sure you convert that into srgb make sure this is checked dial in the dimensions and then click export all now once you click export all it will ask you the file name and stuff and you can save it you know how to do the rest okay so it really helps you because sometimes I do create my YouTube thumbnails and YouTube says that you should upload thumbnails in 720p so I know the dimensions of 720p that is 1280 into 720 so if you know the dimensions this is the way to save your file also to reduce your size also this gives a very nice thing if I save it as two zero four eight one two one three six five it gives me an estimated file size 2.7 M be also it allows you to control the quality if you decrease the quality the file size will decrease right so for social media 80 percent is more than enough okay so if you have if a website has a submission requirement that I required this this dimension the file should be less than 2 MB then you can play with the quality and you can also play with the dimensions ok try to play with the quality don't go beyond 60 I would say don't go below than 60 or 70 be above 60 and 70 and then play with this if you decrease the quality see it just drastically decreased the file size keep that in mind so that's another way now next we're gonna learn how to create a file but before that let's go ahead and take some questions guys please make sure the questions are related to today's session ok today's session guys questions please relate it to today's session please do not ask questions outside of that I have special time for its special livestream for it I will definitely definitely answer your question this is just for beginners please guys these just ask questions based on what we are learning right now for beginners ok guys any questions no Heidi buck great to see you ok close that now we're gonna learn how to create a fire that is a sensor go to file simple let's go ahead and close it now when do you need to create a file suppose you are creating a design or not even a design maybe even a thumbnail maybe even your Facebook banner or cover then we need to create a file ok why does my blur does not work I use CC 2017 it must work or there must be a glitch in it you should contact Adobe help and by the way Adobe customer care answers very they're very responsive just go to Twitter just tag them and they will answer in a minute or two they just answer really quickly I've got a lot of my problem solved go to file ok and then new if you're using Photoshop older versions you might not see this dialog box but if you are using newer versions like CC 25 20 17 you will see this now it already has a lot of templates to choose from for example if your photo it has landscape portrait whatever it has art an illustration so thousand pixel grid it's a thousand by thousand pixels it has where a lot of things there but suppose you are creating your Facebook cover so facebook cover has a dimension of 851 by three one five so you're gonna dial it there 851 width by three one five one five and these are pixels measured in pixels you can also measure in inches you can measure in centimeter and millimeter whatever you want and then resolution okay here's a controversial thing which I'm gonna tell you if you are putting the width and the height in inches or anything which can be measured in real life see pixels cannot be measured in real life it's a digital measurement inches centimeters millimeters they are what they are real-life measurements so if you put it in inches then resolution matters which means how many pixels per inch okay so if the resolution is 300 and the width is 8.5 so the total number of pixels we have along the width is what 300 x 8.5 whatever that number is I'm weak at maths but you get the idea and the height would be 11 x 300 so what is 3,300 so it would be 30 300 pixels in height they will be individual 3,300 pixels just one top one above the other so that's what it means but if it's in pick sauce the resolution doesn't really matter if the resolution is even one and you open the image it would be of same quality as the resolution is of like if you put thousand here doesn't really matter if it's in pixels because resolution is what pixels per inch and there is no inch there is no thing which just measures something in real life so if it's in pixels resolution doesn't really matter but if it's in inches it does because what is resolution it's the number of pixels per a particular distance okay which can be measured in real life so if it's an inch if it's an inch which means that whatever the resolution is multiply it with the width and that many pixels you have and the width of the photo and multiply it with the height that many pixels you have in the height of the photo that's all there is so I usually work with pixels and never go into inches and if I ever have to create something like a four size the template is already already there so I would go to pixels and for Facebook it is 851 for Facebook cover by three one five resolution doesn't really matter at this point choose RGB color okay so if you're doing anything for the screen choose RGB anything for the screen RGB eight eight bit is fine sixteen but it is a bit heavy has more colour information you can go for it if your machine can handle that but here's the thing 16-bit does not allow some filters so for just fast thing and just if you want to apply every filter then 8-bit is the one that you want to use I mostly use eight but never go to sixteen but never felt the use of it background so what do you want your background to be consisted of do you want it to be why do you want it to be transparent so what do you want it to be or do you want it to have the background color that you chose previously or you can even choose a color here just to watch color you want it background to be okay let's leave it at white now this is very important if you are doing anything for the screen I'm saying it again if you're doing anything from the screen a lot of people message me that I when I upload that into my social media the colors just change it changes because you're working on the wrong color profile Facebook does not support prophoto RGB neither does any other neither does instagramers other stuff they just convert that so make sure you're working in working RGB s RGB srgb is for screen choose srgb square pixels and that's fine create karen says hello from belgian great tutorials thank you very much thank you so much Karen for this really means a lot to me okay so he got that Jen says why I spend my money on super chat this what I didn't want to say that word I did do please guys do not use curse words on here do not please do not okay do not okay there we go so here we are in this and you have right now the dimensions of facebook cover right so there we go duh guys I'm gonna block you if you use curse words I don't I'm totally against it okay all right so for example and let me just open an image let me just drag and drop in one of the photos above this okay so I'm gonna go ahead and hey Rick morning good morning okay so there we go for example I wanna have this as my cover just gonna drag and drop it over the canvas there we go so you can just make it bigger dragging to your hold the shift to make it bigger in proportions so just like that and you want to have this as a cover face book cover just to write some texture and just go to file save as or export you know what to do now I talked about opening a file by dragging and dropping it okay I did talk about that but if you already have a canvas and you want to separately open the file here's what you need to do so suppose I want to work on this image but not on this canvas so I would go I would drag it in I would not drop it here because if I drop it here what will happen is this image will drop as a layer in the same canvas in the same dimensions I want it to be separate if you want it to be separate you gonna drop here and here's the tip when the cursor says copy or move then you drop because when the cursor gives that plus sign which means that it will open it up in the same document so make sure when the cursor says plus copy or plus move then you release the mouse and then it will open up as a separate document I hope it makes sense to you let's just go ahead and close that all right so we did talk about everything we did talk about how to open a file on how to open a file from lightroom we did talk about how to save a file when you're working in lightroom then how to save a file then you click file save we did talk about export as dialog box we did talk about how to export for social media and stuff I hope it made sense to you now I think I left a thing no nothing is left guys if you have any questions meanwhile let me just check I've left anything and left any topic let me just check while if you have any questions make sure you ask that right so we did the export thing we did creating a final opening a file saving a file everything seems to be done now let's talk about the interface so the Photoshop interface your interface it's a little bit intimidating when you open it up in the first time now have a look let us just go through the interface now let us open a photo to understand this better rick says how do you remember everything your Excel thank you so much Rick Rick I've been doing it for ten years so it's kind of and I love doing it and the most important thing about it if you love something you just remember it you just don't forget somebody you love do you anyway so let's just close that and let's just open any image doesn't really matter these are some of my photos over the last year and maybe this year some photos so let us open any image I'm a bit picky here but sorry about that and let's open the wrong image because I want to show you something which I really a lot of people have been asking me about now why did I open this photo this beautiful photo loved this photo but there's a problem with this photo and if you look at this photo this photo is fine but look at the man he's blurred right he's totally blurred everything is in focus everything is working fine everything is looking great in the image but the subject is blurred it's just not working out but if you look for him far it's looking fine but here's the thing just yesterday our day before yesterday one of my friends sent me an image of his face really great picture really great moment he sent me that photo he told me he and mich can you unblurred this and I was like it's not it's just not possible man why is it not possible because up until now in the history of mankind or a womankind because that's what you gotta say now nowadays there is no software or machine ever built in the history of mankind that can fix focus focus is a thing which if missed by a DSLR camera if miss really badly cannot be fixed in software exposure can be fixed to a large extent okay very large extent color can be fixed white balance can be fixed a lot of things can be fixed but focus is the only thing and motion blur of course it's part of that which cannot be fixed in post-processing keep that in mind why why we cannot fix it because once you blur something you lose the details and there's no way getting the details back come on your machines are not God's that they will invent the leaves out of blurred out trees no they cannot they're not God so you cannot just invent details it's just not possible okay now let's talk about the interface so Deon says do you also do photography yes these are some of my photos that I'm using right now I'm using the wrong photos though yes I do photography okay ELISA Sue's do you change your workspace profile and the preference menu what are the recommended settings Lizette very great questions I usually make it just customize it to the things that I use for example I never use let me just show you the adjustments bar I just never use that so I ever have to create an adjustment that would just click here and just choose that judgment that I want I don't use it I close it so I always try to minimize the things so if you're a designer you might want to swatch us because I'm but I don't want swatches usually when you open Photoshop with the essentials workspace it comes with swatches but if you don't need swatches just close it okay keep Oh keep it as minimum as you want here are only the things which I required I require the histogram it is there I require the pixels photoshop plugin it is there I require the history sometimes it is there these are the text ones I require this one sometimes device preview it is there okay you might not require this but sometimes do for my personal work so I require the Navigator for my face to show up so it is there I require the layers the channels and parts okay I don't even require parts I'll just close it down okay so keep only the things which you require make it as minimum as possible so that you can work faster better and earn better income because you work faster and save time because time is money okay how to add moon to a photo scene that's a very advanced question please ask question that's a really good question but quite advanced make sure you ask questions we're dedicated to this video or you can add let me just answer that open a moon photo just change the blend mode to screen you'll be able to add the moon there okay do some masking and stuff you'll be able to do the light rhodium camera is interesting in that you can change the focus yes it does I talked I really did a story on that last year I did a story and it's interesting actually it does focus after the clicking the picture but it's a different approach to that it gets everything in focus and the focus that depth of field that it does the shallow depth of field that is artificial I'm saying that if you have captured something it's already captured and the subject is not in focus you cannot get that back in post in the fact that there was another camera I don't remember the name of the camera it has 36 cameras in one camera that could focus after the fact but here's the problem with that the problem with that is it adds shallow depth of field later later okay it has a clean photo takes the depth information adds blurs the background later but what if it's already blurred out you cannot fix that right can you I get your point really amazing and that's a really good machine but I don't know why that field what's your favorite way to zoom in on an image which colors phase used for printing so okay let's just answer that quickly so zoom in to zoom in all you have to do press ctrl-a command + okay ctrl a command + + ctrl a command + - and if you have zoomed in hold the spacebar change the cursor changes and then drag to the area that you want to work and leave the spacebar or another way of zooming in if you're zoomed in hold the H key I don't know how to play H h h4 hat you get the idea so hold the H H people say I cannot pronounce a H but you get the idea H for hat just hold that key and just click and it will become changed to a bird's eye view any area that you want to zoom in just just focus on that area just release it it zooms back in snaps back into that area now let's talk about a workspace a little bit okay what's the shortcut for going backwards for going backwards the shortcut is ctrl alt Z command option Z if you're using Mac Z as it's pronounced in the US okay if you want to go back all right we'll discuss that let's talk about the interface okay so once you have this photo open there is this complex thing written here which nobody talks about now what is this let's talk about that for a second so this is the name of the file after the dot it's the type of the file and it gives you the percentage now what is the percentage it's the percentage that you have zoomed into the photo okay right now it's 12.5% zoomed in if i zoom in its 16.7% zoomed in now it's if I keep on zooming in it's hundred percent zoom in it's not pixelating if you go beyond hundred if you go to go beyond just two hundred percent your pixels our stuff will start to show up hundred percent is the true size of the image which means that this is the maximum size in which you can print this photo without it getting pixelated provided that you are printing it in a 300 or a 70 to 300 PPI okay not more than that all right so that's fine about that so this is that and very important thing which I wanted to discuss is this time and again you'll see something here okay if I go ahead take a brush create a new layer and maybe start just removing stuff here maybe I'll talk about it in the next video also maybe I have a tutorial on that patch to suppose I created something just just remove that and did some stuff you'll see a star there now I will say this be ver of the star what does the star mean hope you write this in your notebook what does the star mean star means that you have made changes which are unsaved which means that you have made changes and not saved it unless you save it the star will still be there there therefore you should always keep your eye on this thing because this shows you whether the thing has been saved or not the changes that you have made whether they are say whether they are saved or not because if there's a star which you can see it only means that then you need to save your work okay so that's about the star meanwhile if you have any questions make sure you ask that I have to take a break I have to turn off some stuff because the water will start overflowing I have to turn off my tap okay so let me just take a break I'll be back in one minute [Music] so here we are back sorry for that I just needed to turn off my tap because it was the water time and my tank was getting full so it was overflowing kind of boring you don't want to know that anyway so let's get back to this yeah beware of the star to just keep that in mind now what is this layer one this shows you the layer that you're currently selected so if I select the background that shows you the background if I select Lehrman shows you layer one now RGB 8 what does that mean it's using RGB not see him like a RGB and mode RGB see it's RGB it's showing RGB red green blue what is 8 it's using RGB 8-bit not 16-bit not 32-bit 8-bit ok I hope that is clear to you now ok let's talk about another thing so once you have your canvas open let's open another photo let's open up some interesting photo like let's open up this photo ok so this is a small school down in the village right now so for example you're working on a black and white photo and your image you're just having a difficult time concentrating on the photo and you might want a different colored background so here's what you need to do you need to right-click in here and choose the color that you want black because when you choose black I often go for black and white black or white when you choose black this image just pops out and you can easily work on it ok also I'm gonna give you an interesting tip and which is very important so for example if you're working on a photo like this this is my sister let me just open up this photo of my sister ok so for example you want to post this into Facebook or you want to make this your YouTube thumbnail right but what is the background of the website determine whenever you're working on something determine the background of the web that you would be working on that you would be uploading the photo to if your website has a black background work on this image with a black canvas background if your website has a white background work on it with the white background because here's the thing if the image is too bright okay and the background is also bright it just kind of matches up and the image doesn't pop up because of lack of contrast so when I'm uploading something to Facebook when I'm creating something for YouTube thumbnail because they have the white background are you always right click and go to select custom color make sure that is white I've already said it click OK and then always go ahead and select custom and then start working in it if it is lacking some contrast see this area this is matching with the white so I would go ahead and add some vignette to it add some edge just contrast to it if you want to know how to add a vignette I do have a video just go ahead and search for how to add vignette in Photoshop in my channel and you'll find that video okay next thing about the canvas so this is what is the canvas this is the canvas the thing which your image stays in and that's the canvas so let's choose black this is the canvas the document thing just just what what are you doing a canvas you paint in a canvas canvas is just a material that you work on you and work with your image on now on the left hand side you'll see the tools these tools are the tools which you will be shaping up your image in the canvas so this is the canvas these are the tools just like an artist has artist has a canvas he has his brushes he has his pencils he has his I don't know those knives and stuff which they paint with those chisels and stuff to apply the colors Bob Ross okay so these are the tools that you want to shape your image with now there are a couple of tools many tools out there that we will talk about later but this is far beyond the scope of the scope of this video but if you really want to know what each tutorial tool does I do have a dedicated videos on some of them make sure to go ahead and check that out after tools we have some panels now what are these these are all panels layers panel channels panel these are all panels okay they're just like balanced so these are the tools in which you work on just think of it like this artist has a canvas he has some tools he has some why he has some panels he had some palettes on which he mixes up colors on which he maintains the thing okay so these are think of them like that well he can do more than just palettes but think of them like that these are the different you can just set them the way you want okay and set them any way you want it's totally upon you okay all right so we have a ton of palette if there's a particular palette which you cannot see if there's something let me just go ahead and check whether everything is right yes if there's something you cannot see are not able to see right now you can always go to this you can go to Windows and then open up the palette that you want there's a channels palette character palette everything you just need to go and depth and to capitalize something and stuff okay okay now let's talk about the toolbar okay every tool has a bar where he hangs out with his friends just kidding every - - every - we have assigned a particular set of options okay hello inmates from Norway Hudson says hello hasn't great to have you here the elephant in the room pallet knife yes pallet knife you're right okay so every tool has a set of options right there at the top so for the move tool we have these alignment options these selection of these movement options in which way do you want to move if you're working in 3d that's next-level stuff okay for selection tools you have these options for you know for a patch - you have these options so every - has a particular set of options we're in the - bar now there's a very important info at the bottom which most of us ignore okay and this shows you a lot of other important stuff there we go so if you click on this arrow there's so much more you can see here save progress if it's saved or not okay say for if you save a file this just just fills it up in and just shows you how much of it is saved now there's a ton of things to document size okay there's document dimensions so I usually keep it at document dimensions to see the dimension of the document it's five seven six nine wide three eight four six in height pixels and then you have the timing the scratch size is how much of a scratch size is using okay so it's using just 219 7.7 megabytes then the save you make sure you don't have too much of a scratch size then measurements kion's a lot of other stuff layer count okay just one layer this image has just one let this is very important information for leave it at document dimensions it's very important or sometimes if your photoshop is getting lag if you get laggy too much leave it at scratch sizes don't but make sure the scratch sizes do not exceed one gigabytes or even if it does make sure your machine machine is strong enough to handle that okay smart objects and sub missingno smart objects okay you get the idea this is very important information also another very important thing is document profile so why are you saving something or value creating something for social media make sure that is srgb it's not prophoto RGB if you open a photo directly from your camera it's a raw photo then it will open up as prophoto RGB and prophoto RGB if you upload that to social media that will change the color so make sure it is s RGB this is very important this is 8 B PC which means 8 bits per channel make sense don't ask questions ok so sometimes my tool gets a bar yes it does so uh how would you remove the yellow vehicle I just got on you as you were going on the break yellow vehicle which yellow eco coloring the black and white how thank you so much my sister is indeed cute how do you edit losing multiple adjustment layers without merging the layers below you don't have to merge the layer just go ahead and just add keep on adding the adjustment layers now beginner stuff let's go back to the beginner stuff and by the way if you're into compositing and stuff make sure you download this pixels photoshop plugin this is an awesome plugin to search for free stock photos from inside of Photoshop okay now let's talk about a very important thing called tools we didn't talk about that in depth now if you look at tools every two has a group okay photoshop adobe has intelligently grouped similar tools together so that to save space for example you wanted to remove something for example this is a kind of distracting thing you want to remove it so all the removal tools are right there I click on it the Spot Healing Brush tool Healing Brush to patch to content-aware fill okay the clone stamp tool is another removing tool but that works on a completely different it doesn't have any intelligence of its own by the way if you want to check out how those work I have dedicated tutorials on that so every tool has been these are the selection tools shape selection tools rectangular marquee - elliptical marquee - okay single row marquee tool you'll never use these - you'll never use this - because these these just select one pixel in a row or a column never use it you will never be using it so they have grouped things all the selection tools lasso tool polygonal - these are all selection tools see automatic selection tools are together cropping tools are together perspective crop okay so they have just grouped similar tools together for ease of work now let's talk about some basic tools right now we will talk about selections later in the fourth segment currently we are in the third segment I guess no end of second segment but we will talk about these but these are the things that we can talk about right now so this is the crop tool okay and as you select the crop tool you get a lot of options here at the top and this is what the toolbar the crop to select any other tool it's different for every tool for the crop tool this is it you here you select the aspect ratio for example if you are uploading this if you just want to crop it for a video the aspect ratio for a video is 16 is to 9 for a regular standard 1080p HD video Full HD 16 is to 9 so this is the aspect ratio that you want a crop on if you want to bring in the original one you gotta choose the front image it will bring you the original one also there are a lot of things that you can even define your own so I would say 16 is 2 9 21 is 2 9 I will choose this this is the standard widescreen cinema aspect ratio 21 is to 9 and there are a lot of aspect ratios that you can choose from also let's go back to the original one and then if your image is tilted for example if this was still let's still this just for fun let's tilt this rotate this just drag it from the right you know what to do just same as Lightroom okay we tilted that image hit enter or return if you are using a Mac if you want to get image straight here's what you need to do so for every tool there's a shortcut for this the shortcut is see how to see the shortcut just open up the tool on the right hand side of it you'll be able to see the shortcuts so hit C and then you'll see that now next if you want to straighten this up there's a two so as I said every tool has a tool bar so select the straight into and just choose anything that should have been straight straight in real life so this should have been straight so all I have all I will do just click and drag to this and Photoshop will automatically analyze that and make it straight for me so hit enter if you're satisfied there are a lot of other things that you can do with it there's delete crop content of F is a really good thing but that's for another tutorial so let's go back to very very there we go so this these are the healing tools and these these this is the clone stamp tool it's just if you want to remove something if you want to sample some area like that just sample that and remove it so hold alt and click on it to take this as a sample remove it we'll talk about this later and by the way you want to learn this please watch my dedicated video on the clone stamp tool do not get confused right now so these are the tools and one of the basic tools that you might use is the brush tool okay one general brush tool take the brush and just paint whatever color you want just paint over here which brings us to another important thing foreground and background color this is very important that we understand that okay let's go ahead how do you change the profile from Profoto to srgb so there are two ways while you're just saving the file you can just go to file export export as and then you can just check check that convert to srgb or you can go to edit convert to profile and it's right now srgb if it if it was Pro photo it would show Pro photo and then you would choose working RGB srgb click OK do it in the beginning because it tends to flatten up the layers so do it in the beginning if you want to hello from France great to see you Jose there thanks a lot for your time and your tips by the way did I pronounce your name right I'm so sorry if it's wrong okay so let's talk about the background and the foreground colors so this is the full this is the background color which is in the background and this is the foreground color which is in the foreground okay pretty self-explanatory right the swatch which is at the top it's the foreground color the swatch which is at the bottom it's the background color so why do we have to you could have had one why do we need to come to here's why here's why we need to when you apply a filter there are some filters which use both the background and the foreground color to apply the filter apart from that fact a very basic reason why we have this so that we can toggle between both those colors okay and there are a lot of other stuff background layers and stuff but the main thing which I have found out very useful for having two swatches is the possibility the ability to toggle between those two for example you have working on a shade and you are shading some stuff and you working on with two shades of the same color so you would set your foreground color just click on that to set the color you want to say light red and set the background color to say dark red and then just paint with it for example your painting here simply and you want to switch to dark red just press X to toggle between the foreground and the background then you this then you again press X then you back to that color back to that color but basically we use this for masking for removing stuff let me just quickly show you what that means for example if I was just having this girl in a different background so I'll just quickly show you what that means if I create a mask and I create a solid color say white and if I select the mask in mask you just paint with black and white so for example I've just bring back this girl right here and I just painted a little extra I need to paint that area with black I would press X to toggle between foreground and just remove that area carefully and then press X to bring back some areas so on and so forth hope that makes sense to you okay so that was about the background and the foreground color so this is the foreground color anything which is in the foreground color the brush paints with that color again I'm gonna say this anything which is in the foreground color the brush beams with that color if you want to paint a certain color with a brush make sure the foreground has foreground color has that color okay so when you paint with the brush it won't paint with the background color it will only paint with the foreground color okay all right now one more important thing if you want to reset your foreground and the background swatches all you have to do you have to press the shortcut key D D for donkey D for dog D for dodgeball D for I don't know press the D and you'll get it reset okay there are some keys there are some buttons here which you can which probably does the same if you want to reset it just you can press this button right here and to toggle between you can press X which I told you or you can just press this but makes sense all right now before we move on to less let's take a couple of question color the photo coloring the photo that's for another tutorial this is just the basics arts angelica says thank you for the request i will definitely do a tutorial on coloring photos okay you deserve more subs Julian says I cannot agree more thank you so much Julian do your contribution by subscribing to the channel thank you so much for the support great you teach very good I like thank you so much all right we have pretty much answered the questions now let's go ahead and talk about layers what are layers layers are layers I've already made a video but let me just go through it again layers are just stack of material one above the other onions have layers humans have layers we all have layers right we have the bone we have the flesh we have the skin one layer above the other and that's a similar way that Photoshop works in so let me just illustrate so this is the layers panel if you cannot see it go to windows and then choose layers then you'll be able to see layers i clicked on layers and it just went off if you're seeing it just don't click on it but to click again to get it back ok there we go so by the way these are the layers here you can just get the thumbnail bit by right-clicking on it and choose medium or large thumbnails whatever you are comfortable with okay I usually go with large now for example you want to add a text above it so you could create a new layer how to create a new layer click on this button it creates a new layer also what you can do you can go to layer new layer this is the old method and then you can name the layer right here and then click OK ok to name the layer after words just double click on the text and name it ok so Nancy let's name anything let's test I just wanted to type text there we go and suppose in this layer you just wanted to add some or maybe add some text right there educate let's try type education okay just paint it up with white just double click on it just to select whole of the text and click on this to select the color okay now to make anything bigger in Photoshop press ctrl or command D T for tennis' both T for dyed T for Tesla okay so press ctrl or command T it shows you these just bars which you can drag in to make it bigger these transformation bars so just drag it and make it bigger but it's not in proportion right to make it in proportion all you have to do you have to hold the shift it makes sure it just makes it's sure that it's just you're making the larger and smaller in proportion hit enter once you're done with it now you can rotate it by pressing ctrl or command T again and then just rotate that just like that but how do you know it's exactly 90 degrees again hold shift it will move 15 degrees at a time if you'll make sure that it's the perfect degree that you're looking for there we go just like that hit enter now there is one layer layer is just materials one above the other now layer can be transparent translucent or opaque it's totally up on you so this is a layer just this is a layer this is the base layer or the background layer and above that we have the text layer you can turn this off turn this on do whatever you want with it if you wanted to make transparent there's a tool here called the opacity okay if you decrease the opacity as the name suggests more the opacity the more opaque the images less the opacity the lesser the opacity or less of the opaque images whatever the grammar is you get the idea so if the opacity is zero the thing the layer becomes transparent okay if the opacity is it becomes completely OPIC if the opacity is 50% it becomes see-through right have a look at this see true you basically have the idea of what that does now you might have observed one thing now let's understand layers a little bit more and then we'll get into it do you recommend that we always convert layer to smart object yes if possible try to just keep everything in smart object okay unless your computer is getting too heavy with the file or sluggish trying to have everything converted into smart objects unless of course it requires you to convert that into raster stuff suppose you want to just effect an area of the photo suppose you just want to do something with it with just smart objects do not support then you have to convert it into raster for example you just want to apply the clone stamp tool err stuff like that the patch dude in that cases it just doesn't work smart objects do not work so for that cases do convert that into raster for any other cases which does not require you to convert that into smart objects please make sure that things are in smart objects it's the most non-destructive thing ok all right so let's open another photo because if I keep this photo open everybody asked me to just just convert that into color so let's open this photo there we go okay we talked about that now let's talk about locked layers this is an important thing which I really wanted to talk to you about as you open a photo there's a layer which is locked now why is it locked it's not for the same reason while during we went to write our exams we used to carry something called the exam board I don't know if you carried that or not but I used to carry that now what it does it's a clam board which helped me to just clamp up my answer paper so that they don't fly away have you ever used it or just think of it like a paperweight why do we have paper weights so that the papers don't fly away right they just hold the paper the clamps just hold the paper to the board and that's the same reason why background layers are locked because you want the base to be stable you don't want to have a canvas without easels and even if you have your canvas in the easel you want something Stern to hold it to the easel right if it's not you just paint the canvas canvas will move on and will just fall down so you need it to be stable you need it to be locked if this was not locked even we would have just messed up okay so that's the reason why we get away without locking it but it's recommended that we can't be lock it because we can always go ahead and unlock it if we want to now let's think of it this way if I was to create something like a text or maybe a design here if I was to just it's not a design but just for an example say if you're just designing something right here and and just just pretty bad design whatever that is okay we got that now suppose I want to move this this is moving fine this is working fine why because this is on its own layer we created a new layer we created the design on it but if we unlock this by the way how to unlock this just click on the lock and that will unlock you don't have to do a thing just click on the lock and that will unlock okay and by the way I really need to see but is the internet working fine is everything working fine can you see me okay great seems like you can see me all right there we go so now it's unlocked now if you try to move it this thing moves even if you select this layer if Auto Select is checked and you will move this and by mistake you move this you don't want you know what you don't want this to happen right you want the canvas to be locked you want the canvas to be Stern and that's why we lock it by the way in order to go back in Photoshop okay you press ctrl alt Z command option Z if you are using a Mac press that again to go back again go back again go back again go back again and by the way a couple of days ago I was teaching a class teaching Photoshop just one individual and and she was again pressing ctrl alt Z ctrl alt Z I understand that I used to do that in the beginning here's what you need to do if you're applying ctrl alt Z you don't have to press ctrl alt Z again and again all you have to do you have to hold ctrl and alt and press Z or Z repeated repeatedly repeatedly okay so Z repeatedly just I'm pressing just the Z ctrl and alt is held already you don't have to again press ctrl alt C no ctrl alt is held press Z again and again there we are back okay so we talked about locklear so layers are what one thing above the other we can control whether they are transparent translucent or opaque and to create a new layer click on this new layer icon and lets us understand what layers are so this is a black brush I create create a new layer thing and create a new layer just select red and let's understand the order of layers so right now red is at the top but we can rearrange the orders we can just bring it down below it and red is now in the middle as you can have a look and if I move red it's now in the middle and by the way what is auto select if the auto select is checked you can just hover over and click and drag on a layer that automatically selects the layer for example I just select the black this automatically selects the black layer ok select the red click on the red it automatically selected the red layer click on the white automatically still the white thing if auto select is unchecked this will only move whatever there is in the current layer if you want to move the red it just won't move you have to select the red layer and then move this is advantageous to have it unchecked sometimes and to have it checked also has its own pros and cons because when you have it unchecked then you are sure that anything else will not move by accident but if you have this checked you might have this unlocked and you might just move it accidentally okay so that's why I usually keep it unchecked unless of course I really need to work fast or a special location where there's a lot of objects at different places so that's about the order of layers the black is at the bottom you can just bring it at the top right that's about the order so yeah how to delete a layer simple press the Delete key and it just gets deleted another way of deleting the layer is that just a dragon drag it and drop it into the trash can okay drag it and drop it into the trash can drag it and drop it into the trash can or the garbage can then let's talk about another thing called smart object now smart objects are as the name suggests they are smart okay very smart think of it like this let me just create a smart object for you so let me just if I just go ahead create a new layer 85 people watching now so grateful to have you guys domed Patras says she shows me this eyeglasses I wish I could give you the emoticon back I think the idea is that you don't work directly on the background photo no we don't work directly on the background further background photos directly Stern we don't work on the director we should not work on the background photo okay so if you want to create something do not create on the same layer for example if you're on this layer and if you're just painted red or does a lot of stuff you cannot get that back and suppose you worked on it this was favorable it's just to work the thousand layers above it you just did this and you did that it did a lot of stuff but you loved what you did in layer 2 you loved what you did in layer 2 but you hate what you do in didn't layer 0 with the final image you didn't want to do it so if you want to go back Facebook had a Photoshop has a limit of going back some amount of steps by default it's 50 you can increase that mm but even if you want to go back let's just go back if we go back we lose on the things that we did on layer 2 so that's why for each and everything try to have it on its own layer okay because if I did anything if I didn't like this if this was on its own layer I will just delete it or erase that particular area are deleted that layer with the eraser I wouldn't just erase that I wouldn't have to just go back again right okay vikon says he rocket bro thank you why Khan smart objects are not as good in cs6 then in CC I had to find a workaround for a few options what workarounds I would really like to know please get CC guys you're missing out on a lot of stuff now let's talk about Smart Objects Smart Objects are smart now this is a raster layer okay or a pixel layer to be precise what am i do to this layer it will be burned down to the pixels okay now if you zoom in too much to Photoshop you'll be able to see the pixels just keep on zooming zooming in and this is what these are the single pixel grid now this image is made up of 24 point 1 million pixels or mega pixels mega pixels just mean million pixels 24 point 1 million pixel so this image has these squares how many squares 24 point 1 million each square has it has its own color now everything burned down to the pixel this canvas has a number of pixel this canvas has 24 point 1 million pixel now if I press controller command td4 tennis racket then I make it small to make it small hold the shift just make it small in proportions also hold the alt or option together along with shift if you hold shift and all together you make it smaller or bigger from the center this is very important which I learned very late this is important tip guys note it down in the notebook okay you made it really small hit Enter ok everything is burned down to the pixel now you make it again more smaller just like that hit Enter now if you try to make it bigger controller come on T and again if you try to make it bigger look what has happened the detail is all lost everything is lost why because everything was burned down to the pixel here's the thing but if it's a smart object let us get back if it's a smart object this won't happen right-click on it can work to smart object okay right click on the layer choose convert to smart object this converts this layer into a smart object now no matter how see the cross it shows cross for the smart object now you make it small no matter how much you want just make it small like that hit enter make it big again it just doesn't lose the details why because this is a smart object but also smart objects have a particular limitation to them that for example you want to paint in something with the brush now the size of the brush is determined by what pixels right okay they're determined by pixels to make the brush bigger see every tool has its own what toolbar so in the toolbar if you click on that drop-down you can control the size and the hardness of the brush by the way the shortcut to increase or decrease the size is bracket keys right bracket key to make it bigger a left bracket key to make it smaller another shortcut hold the alt or option right mouse button drag it to the right to make it bigger drag it to the left to make it smaller drag it up to make it soft drag it down to make it hard so suppose you were in this layer and this is a smart object let's delete that and you want to paint over it this just won't paint this will show the smart object must be rasterized raster is a smart object it asks you ok it will change it back again into a pixel layer why does it ask that because have a look at the brush the size of the brush is determined by pixels now smart objects don't understand pixels because they are they use variable pixels think of smart objects like this suppose an image has 100 pixels and it's not a smart object it's so a store photo if you make it smaller to down to 20 pixel it will just throw away all the other 80 pixels okay it will just simply throw away the 80 pixels again when you make it bigger it still has just 20 pixels the other 80 pixel details it has lost it but smart objects they're kind of variable if a hundred pixel image is a smart object if you make it smaller it keeps the 80 in its pocket if you make it big again it just puts the 80 back from its pocket into the image BAM the details so they don't understand how many pixels just they don't they just don't work with it they're not straightforward okay now any questions you have make sure you ask that any questions love your videos flex printing related tutorial please ask questions related to right now what we are doing in because this is just dedicated to all the people who requested me to do a beginner tutorial please okay this is my request your rocket bro thank you for amazing tutorial okay now let's move on to another thing guys if you're not if you have any questions regarding this the beginners thing whatever I've discussed till right now just make sure you ask that okay let's say I hire something so that let me know you guys are listening to it okay now let's talk about adjustment layers now adjustment layers are special kind of layers they're not layers by itself they don't contain an image but they contain an adjustment okay created me says so grateful to you I always learn valuable techniques thank you so much here in Mission currently watching this my topper to portrait retouching tips live replay thank you so much for watching that okay I'm sorry I cannot answer other questions right now because this is just focused on beginners all right you can also hold shift and use the bracket keys to adjust brush hardness yes we can do that thank you for that information guys note that alright let's talk about adjustment layers let me just show you what that does just click on this button this is the adjustment layer icon just click on this button there are tons of adjustment layers that you can choose from if you want to increase the brightness choose the brightness/contrast adjustment layer you want to work with curves choose the curves if you want to increase the hue/saturation you wanna just handle that handle that if you want to change it to black and white select black and white tons of stuff let me just open a basic one say brightness contrast so this opens up the properties of the brightness contrast if you don't see the properties just double click on that icon of that adjustment layer every adjustment layer has an icon specific to that located in the layer thumbnail double click on that will open the properties so this increase the brightness this increase the contrast now again this is what this is a layer have a look this is a layer you can just turn it off turn it on increase the opacity but it doesn't have any image it just has the adjustment anything that comes under this layer gets affected okay but say you have something else for example you have this image of my sister let me just open the image of this kid right there okay there we go just above this okay and everything I do for example have a look at this photo of the kid just make it I'll just make it smaller don't ask me how I did it that's some advanced stuff okay alright so there's a picture of this kid both are on it separate layers these aren't on a separate layer so suppose I increase the contrast the contrast in both the images increase but I say I just want to affect this photo just decrease the contrast maybe decrease the brightness just want to affect this photo nothing else what to do well you can create a thing called clipping mask so if you click on this button you'll see an arrow just shows up which means that this layer is just applying to this layer now whatever you do this just applies to this image okay so that was a concept of clipping mask if you want to break the clipping clipping mask you can hold the alter option click on this line between these two layers this breaks the clipping mask you can again create a clipping mask another way is hold the Alt key just click on this line between these two okay sudden that the says please keep this video don't delete it I'll think about it I don't think about it I really want you guys to get serious about it note down word is important and pay attention because this is really important we usually pro correct procrastinate stuff I used to do that and I don't want you guys to do it okay we talked about smart objects now let's talked about adjustment layers now let's talk about masks and then talk about okay interesting stuff really interesting if you have any questions ask that hi it's not really for beginners but I'm able to catch your live video scanning please explain the difference between opacity flow for brushes okay all right I've already explained I guess but I will explain that again no problem at all asked meme as many times as you want maybe I'm not in this live stream so uh if I create a new layer if I take the black color click OK and this is this is indeed a basic question thanks for bringing that up edge neutral neutral guy thanks for bringing that up if say the flow is hundred percent opacity 100 percent it's totally black if it's totally opaque it's not transparent at all okay now if I decrease the flow to ten percent now it only means that I need to just hold the mouse or the Wacom tablet whatever you are using paint ten times right here just brush over ten times to get it completely opaque because 10 times 10 is 100 percent if the flow is just 20 percent I have to paint in 5 times 1 2 3 4 5 to get this area completely opaque if the flow is 50 percent guess what I have to paint 2 times 1/2 to get this area opaque but opacity is a little different if I go ahead and increase the flow to 100% if the opacity is 10 times a 10 percent if I paint 10 times at the same place if I click and drag and just painting it's still transparent it's just not it's not getting opaque here's the thing but if you click in 10 times then it might 1 click in second time 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 maybe a little more so you have the idea but in flow it doesn't really matter if the opacity is 100 of flow is 2 n 11 you doesn't matter how much you click in or do and just paint over it and forget okay flow is the amount of flow coming out of the brush opacity is a totally once you click and do it it won't just increase itself did you understand it if not please ask again we understood opacity now let's look at another thing called masks no masks is a very important thing to learn in Photoshop and very essential especially if you are creating composites so for an example there's this kids photo and let me just open a photo maybe let's just see okay this one this is one of the photos that I clicked from a boat so you want to make this sly just the bird here so what do you do you want to make a selection of the bird so with the quick selection tool just let's mean let me make a very rough selection whatever let me just show you what it actually does so yeah whatever so you click on the mask so now just this bird is visible okay now you can get parts of him back by taking the brush and painting back in the areas with white did it make sense no let me explain it won't make sense right now okay if there's this image let's say this there's this image above this layer let's make it bigger let's try to understand that okay now let's create a mask for this okay to create a mask of any layer just click on this button the rectangle button with circle and inside of it just click on that button that that creates a mask have a look at the mask mask just controls the area of the layer which is visible and which areas are going to be invisible and that's what a mask does any area this is important note it down any area which is white appears any area which is black does not appear does not show up and goes invisible any area which is white that is where the wall any area which is black is invisible and that's what a mask is no matter what kind of lair it is whether it's an adjustment layer whether it's a regular image layer whether that's a smart object whatever that is any area that is white shows up any area that is black does not show up so right now if I go ahead select the mask this is the mask one on the right hand side of the layer thumbnail this is the mask if you take the brush if you paint an area with the white doesn't make it doesn't make any difference because this is already white but if you paint it with black again what I told you to toggle between foreground on the background press what X and then if you paint an area with black if I just increase the flow just increase the softness of this see the background image becomes visible why because this area becomes invisible if I just turn this off you can see it transparent right there but here's the advantage of the mask you can get it back you can just paint white in here again how to paint white in here just toggle between the foreground and the background press X there we go we got that back we got that back okay we got that back make sense all right so any area which is black does not show up any area which is white shows up so that's that about mas you can do this with adjustment layer I can do this with anything you want and by the way I have a complete video I think it's a one thirty forty minutes video just on layer masking you want to go really in depth into it go ahead and watch that for example you create an adjustment layer and say it it's a curves adjustment layer really did some nice adjustments right here to his face and just want to apply to this this area of the photo all you had to do select the mask and he can turn it completely black by pressing ctrl a command I control and I I means in word control I now you can take the brush make sure the foreground color is white because you want to bring in bring back in the layer in that area and just paint over that area okay and then you can adjust the opacity of this and so on and so forth so before after you can just bring in the details right there and you can just get and make it clear and you get the idea okay so that's that about masking now there's a very funny thing very interesting thing called blend modes so if you go ahead and just introduce some texture here okay so by the time let's go ahead and see some can you please explain photo manipulation and color correction for photos look real background change nine digits films I do have many many several tutorials on that just search photo manipulation just search color correction I have tons of videos on color correction just make sure you search that have color grading I have got a correction if anything goes wrong just make sure to go ahead and check that out okay and background change me check the videos on hair selection they're great for background change which color to choose how to match also check out the video on how to match composite that is an important video if you want to change the backgrounds not sure if this is basic but arts and jelica says that but how do you do gradient maps arts angelica gradient maps i have a tutorial on gradient map i have a complete tutorial on gradient map make sure you watch that it's on how to take full control of light in photoshop it's on my channel just go ahead search how to take full control apply to just type gradient map you'll find that tutorial goes really in-depth into gradient map apex remember me from last stream i asked about a shout out yes i I did remember I do remember Varun shout-out to Varun okay if you are working with smart filters do the mask look a little different than the layer stack I didn't quite understand the question let's just read that again the elephant in the room ask if you are working with smart filters okay I get it do the mask look a little different in the layer stack well for the filters there's a separate must so for example if you're applying a filter for example if you are saved applying something like whatever that is noise or something distort let's try blur gallery or even stylize sure and there are tons of things that we can do but let's say we were just planning Gaussian blur and just increase it just like that when you do that to a smart object here's another advantage of a smart object once you have applied Gaussian blur you can just always go ahead and change the values right you can just double click on the Gaussian blur and you can just change the values to the one that you want any filter that you that can be applied to a smart object of course you can always go ahead and change the values if this was a regular layer let me just show you this if this was a regular raster life you want to change it back to raster right click on it choose raster go to file blur got to Gaussian blur and if you just did that there's no way to change back the values again that's why Lizette I asked you to have everything in Smart Objects okay let's get back let's just answer that question if you go to filter blur Gaussian blur okay for filters - for Smart Filters do we have another mask right here but this is just for Smart Filters this mind you this is just for Smart Filters so this will only control where the filters apply okay so if I click on that mask if I don't want the blur to be applied on his face I will just paint in with black like that and everything else is blurred out his face is not so that's that about it okay that's what's important here now this has a different mask but if I create a mask about this layer this doesn't make anything invisible from the layer the smart filters mask does not make anything invisible from the let this just control the visibility of the filters if I go ahead and click on this button and then this is another mask for the layer if I just paint in with black hair this becomes invisible by painting and vibrant this becomes visible again okay so both are separate things okay so there we go and now let's move on to blend modes now blend modes are very interesting stuff in Photoshop really if you want to get started with blend modes I have a complete playlist on blend modes go to my channel click on playlist and just type and blend mode so you'll find a lot of tutorials there but what do blend modes basically do let me just make you understand blend modes allow you to choose which areas depending upon particular crikey of course that you choose depending upon particular set of settings and algorithms which areas of the layer go invisible and which areas stay visible that's what blend mode does okay so if you import say a texture there so for example this texture and you can try in different blend modes for specific effects okay what was the problem that he was having so let's go ahead and make it a little bigger and if we try to change the blend mode of normal this is the normal which shows you straight away the image darken this is the dark and have a look before after this this just see these areas just to end invisible from this layer what the darken blend mode does that anything which is darker in the below pixels than this those areas become invisible from the current layer overlay increases the cost off light increases the contrast a little bit overlay increases the contrast too much have a look before after this texture it adds now multiply darken stuff screen brighten stuff okay so if you really want to go in depth into blend mode I talked about what each blend mode does check out that playlist it has really in-depth tutorials on that we are one and a half hours fast and just last thing that we want to check out is selection so now what is selections in Photoshop that is really essential for you guys to know what are the okay each neutral guy says sorry for a follow-up question what are the applications using opacity versus flow for brushes I'm referring to when you explain the difference between opacity and fill and for layers and showed as an example I did talk about opacity and flow for the brushes didn't I what are the applications using opacity versus flow for brushes applications well I most of go with flow sometimes because I'm gonna paint and when I'm doing dodging and burning I'd want to paint in more in some areas I want to paint in less in some areas but if you're in opacity if you want to do something uniform then you choose opacity but if you don't want to do something uniform all throughout the photo then you choose flow okay for example if apps if I'm sculpting the face making an area Brides I'm making an area darker I want to paint it more and make it more brighter just just keep on painting them with a brush then at those times I might use flow the little flow oh pass 300 but opacity goes say 10% when I want to do something uniform suppose there's a logo in it there's something else in it which I want to make a little transparent but I usually want to keep it at the level of transparency okay I want to create drawing something I want to keep it at a level keep it uniform then I use opacity but I personally never use opacity in a retouching but here's how you can use opacity along with flow too to really limit down the effect okay I personally don't use opacity so much to be really honest when it comes to brushes when I work on Photoshop sometimes it shows that your memory RAM is not enough what do I do good question you can go to edit purge or this will delete every step that you did every history that you did it will make your scratch disk clean and this is your last resort when things get slowed down okay edit purge all just click on that and you'll be fine also what you can do you can go to edit then go to preferences and then in the memories I'll just open up the general preferences and then we'll move to memories in this where did that go interface let me just find that out really quickly there's a memory where you can really assign there it is performance so you can assign more RAM to Photoshop if you want Photoshop to work faster if you want other apps you want to take away the RAM and just assign all of it to Photoshop how much of a ram do are you assigning to Photoshop so that just you can control from here I can just increase it and click OK this has a total of 8 gigs of RAM and click OK but if you do increase it if you're using some other applications in the background that those speed of that apply might slow down so keep that in mind and make sure use graphics processor is checked if you have a dedicated graphics processor graphics card in your laptop or your computer system it ok and you will be fine now let's talk about selections and then we are through then we'll take up the question that you might have regarding this live stream ok so let's take on some questions and the questions are let's take on some selection let's work on some selection now selection along with layers are the heart of Photoshop what are selections selection is something which we cannot do in Lightroom and you want to work on really selection so what our selection selection is just selections you select a particular area do anything you want with it so these are the three select selection tools of which polygonal lasso tool and the lasso tool are the ones which we use the most also here is the quick selection tool which allows you to automatically select it automatically detects the edges and the color and determines which areas to select which areas to not again magic wand tool is also one of the selection tool you can play with it the way you want ok so let's quickly talk about selection tool and their applications and we will be true for example you want to apply a particular effect to a particular area of the layer what you would do you would simply you can do this let's just raster is this layer and let's make a copy of it to make a copy of any layer always make copies of layer press ctrl or command J ok so if you just wanted to do something to a particular area we just go ahead select the area just like that and you would apply any filter to it or do anything else to it suppose you want this selection to be on its own layer press ctrl or command J after the selection it's on its own layer so that is all about selections you can do selection is the heart of Photoshop suppose you want to remove this flying from there use the patch tool to select this fly this is also selection removing the selection to this and it goes away press ctrl or command D to deselect that so whenever you make a selection you aren't locking into that area that for example you just selected this area suppose this a new layer doesn't think that have to be you I made a selection just like that I take a brush and I start painting the paint just won't go out of the selection I have made the selection I have locked the area and once you're done you can always press ctrl or command D D for chunky or dubious Dumbledore controller command D okay to take away the marching hands so that's pretty much it I think we covered a lot for today if you guys have any question regarding today's session make sure you ask that right now also if you guys have any ideas leave that down in the comments below not here in the live chat but in the comments when I leave so that I can read that later I cannot read live chat later but I can always read comments later so make sure you leave that down in the comments and also if you have any questions I am there for 3-4 minutes make sure you ask and that right now John lens says if you add a new layer say curves and reduce the opacity to 50% then you add another layer on top of that say color how can you make the next the new color layer have 100% opacity actually say you said if you added a new layer let's go through you if you add a new layer say curves let's add a new layer say curves and let me just do something to it just decrease it and just I would just increase it and just increase the contrast let me just give it a little film faded effect just like that and we did something to it just like that and now what did you say and reduce the opacity to 50% this decreases the effect and the intensity by 50% okay we did that and then you add another layer on top of that say color okay let's add another layer say whatever colors a hue saturation color how can you make the next the new color layer have a hundred percent opacity it already has 100 percent opacity my friend it already has a hundred percent opacity this has 50 percent opacity this layer has nothing else has 50 percent opacity just this one this one has a hundred percent opacity okay lizard says thank you image thank you so much lizard for joining in life in your opinion which is better patch two or clone two good question and the answer is you decide yes neutral guy you decide it totally depends if you wanna clone tool is something which is the dumb daddy but it's also intelligent but that want that want to just off having a dumb tool is that you can use it the way you want you can just shape it the way you want you can do whatever you want with it okay just check out the video on the clone stamp tool and you'll find out what the hell you can do with that tool the rotation they kind of how it is painting the blend modes and stuff tons of things you can even apply to that clone stamp tool different blend modes which you cannot do to the patch - ok check that video out on the clone stamp tool also check the video out on path too if you want to remove big things fast - is the - for you ok I'm in Australia so there's a bit of a delay between the stream and the chat sorry if confused do that's okay I even know it's just Facebook YouTube has a delay YouTube actually has a delay of 11 to 20 seconds so that's not my fault YouTube does it everybody's chat if you see you'll notice that so that's pretty much it for this video cakey says do you tutor no I don't toot it personally because I have a lot of things to manage on I go to college I do it I work for gigs and stuff I do YouTube for you I write articles so I seldom have time for all this of a for tutoring in person but I would love to if I get an opportunity okay I'll see you guys my next life dream till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating thanks a lot for joining in guys have a great day do not hurt each other lead a happy life and keep creating your images are beautiful love the candid expressions thank you so much miss thang you created me for joining in thank you everybody good night good morning good evening whatever time zone you're in take care
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 544,966
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorials for beginners, adobe photoshop for beginners, photoshop basics for beginners, easy photoshop tutorials, beginners guide to photoshop, introduction to photoshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 43sec (5503 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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