Leviticus ~ 21:16 to 22:33

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today Leviticus chapter 21 verse 16 chapter 21 laws and statutes given directly to Aaron and his sons meaning the priesthood and as we left off in our last lecture we learned that the regular priests the sons of Aaron who were not the high priests weren't allowed to go to the dead be in the presence of the dead even going to a building where a dead corpse was unless it was for their immediate family mother father brother sister who had not married and but only then and the high priest not even allowed to go when his immediate family passed away as we learned in verse 12 because he had the crown of the anointing oil of his god on him and considered that when someone came in the presence of the dead they were unclean and it was quite a lengthy process we learned that process in numbers chapter 19 the water of separation which is the water that had you know the ashes of the red heifer the hiset the cedar wood and the crimson in it and there was a lengthy process minimum of seven days and for the high priest to be unclean in other words he couldn't come into the vicinity even of the sanctuary in an unclean State so another reason possibly that he was prohibited from attending to even immediate family who had passed away and the the remainder of chapter 21 the beginning of chapter 22 is addressed specifically to the priests as well so let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up Leviticus chapter 21 verse 16 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying and we're going to be talking about the prohibition of physical defects for anyone who was a priest which that happened in any family is going to have some physical defects and they were prohibited from approaching the altar of God if they were in any way defect and deviant and defect more on that in a moment verse 17 speaking to Aaron in other words the high priest saying whosoever he be of thy seed the the sons of Aaron in their generations their their children their posterity that hath any blemish let him not approach to offer the bread of his God in other words to offer sacrifice the the bread put for all food sacrifice is seen as a food a spiritual food if you will now we're talking about a physical blemish that the priests have and you might say well that doesn't seem fair you know some of them were probably born with that blemish and it doesn't seem fair that that God would prohibit that from doing the responsibilities of the other priests but when you consider that the priest well first of all let me say the sacrifice itself it had to be you without spot without blemish you didn't offer the runt of your herd or one that might have more members than what is normal more legs than what is normal or less legs than what is normal but in certain circumstances you could do that and we may get to that today in our lecture but the priest representing or a type if you will for the mediator to come that being of course Jesus Christ he was certainly offered without blemish without spot and I think that's part of the reason that the priests weren't completely cut off from the privileges that the priest had but they were not to approach the altar to make offerings on the altar of burnt-offering verse 18 for whatsoever man and and again we're not talking about any member of Israel we're talking about the priesthood the sons of Aaron he be that hath a blemish he shall not approach the altar of burnt-offering is what this is talking about a blind man or a lame or he that hath a flat nose or anything superfluous superfluous meaning anything that's out of the ordinary out of normal deformity for example or over the the normal number or under the normal number of fingers for example now flat nose doesn't mean someone who has like a snub nose this is check it out in your Strong's Concordance at someone who has deformed or mutilated face it doesn't have to be just the nose it could be the mouth the eyes anything in the face that's deformed verse 19 or a man that is broken footed or broken handed and this would apply to someone who of course they didn't have hospitals back then and if someone were in an accident when they were a child and broke their foot or their hand it wasn't always set by an orthopedic surgeon so as a result when it healed it might be deformed and that's what this is talking about or disfigured verse 20 or crook'd backed this is humpbacked such as the hump back of Notre Dame or a dwarf or that hath a blemish in his eye or be scurvy or scabbed or half his stones broken and let's take this one step at a time a dwarf check that out in your Strong's Concordance it means someone who is abnormally thin or withered as far as their entire body or a member of the body the hand for example being withered now blemish in the eye such as a cataract would be what we're talking about and stones broken some scholars of course stones we're talking about the testicles and having broken stones some scholars try and say that that means that the male had been castrated that's utterly ridiculous because the Israelites were prohibited from even having castrated animals in their land much less a human being to be castrated was just unheard of you they respected God's creation you reverenced God's creation and didn't alter or change it in any way this is talking the stones being broken would be the event that a man had ruptured himself 21 no man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire he hath a blemish he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God and again the priests were a type for Jesus Christ and he was without blemish without spot the Greeks and Romans also had practiced this prohibition of their priests being prohibited to partake of the normal duties of a priest verse 22 he shall eat the bread of his god both the most holy and the holy and there are seven holy things three are holy for our most holy and of course the peace offerings the way breast and the heave shoulder would fall under the category of the the holy things under the most holy things you would have the sin and trespass offering you would have the minka the meal offering and and so on but this applies to the most holy and the holy they were not allowed to perform the priestly duties at the altar but they were allowed to eat of the holy and most holy things anything that was dedicated to God was that didn't go on totally on the altar of burnt-offering was the priests for their sustenance verse 23 only or surely he shall not go in unto the veil in that of course that means they into the Holy of Holies only the high priest was allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies and that but once a year during the day of atonement which we covered in chapter 16 nor come nigh and the altar because he have to blemish that he profaned not my sanctuaries for I the LORD do sanctify them to sanctify meaning to make clean and for one of these who had a blemish would make his sanctuary unclean to be profane in other words 24 and modes Moses told it unto Aaron and to his sons and unto all the children of Israel and chapter 22 continues with the additional instructions specifically directed to the priests and verses 2 through 9 we're going to see that the priests were not to touch or eat anything that was holy when they had their uncleanness upon them and then in verses 10 through 16 we're gonna be talking about no one but the priests and their households in some cases were allowed to eat the holy things chapter 22 verse 1 let's go with it and the Lord spake unto Moses saying first to speak unto Aaron and to his sons that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel and that they profane not my Holy Name in those things which they hallow this means to dedicate unto me I am the Lord the sacred name repeated to add emphasis I am the Lord now of course the priests were only to separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel when the following conditions were in place verse 3 saying to them whosoever he be of all your seed again addressed to the the arenites the the family of Aaron the priest among your generations that goeth unto the holy things which the children of Israel hallow unto the Lord having his uncleanness upon him that soul shall be cut off from my presence I am the Lord now this is the only place in the King James Version Bible that this phrase appears to be cut off from my presence the Lord speaking normally the phrase is cut off from the people and the rest of the nation of Israel this word cut off in the Hebrew is Carras and it means to be destroyed or consumed death in other words verse 4 what man so ever of the seed of Aaron is a leper or hath a-runnin issues such as we covered in chapter 15 he shall not eat of the holy things and this includes the most holy things until he be cleaned and whoso toucheth anything that is unclean by the dead or a man whose seed goeth from him and thus in chapter 15 verses 16 and 18 and we talked a little bit about how easily it was for an Israelite to defile themselves and not even know it you take someone who had an issue as we were talking about in chapter 12 and 13 and if he touched something or or even sat on a chair and then got up and left if a priest or anyone else for that matter came up and sat down in the same chair they had defiled themselves they were they were unclean until they washed out even but the priests were even more to guard against defiling themselves than the normal people verse 5 or whosoever toucheth any creeping thing these are the swarmers of chapter 11 whereby he may be made unclean or a man of whom he may take uncleanness whatsoever uncleanness he hath power however he becomes unclean in contact with the person or something that the person has touched verse 6 the soul which have touched any such shall be unclean until even and shall not eat of the holy things unless he wash his flesh with water until even and then would be clean now and consider to that it's we're just a few weeks at the most since neh dab and Abbie who the sons of Aaron were stricken dead by the Lord because they offered strange fire before the Lord I can imagine that the the rest of the priests the ones who survived the nade AB and Abby who event are probably paying very close attention and taking very good notes as far as what these instructions say because a lot of the times the conditions were you either do this on the risk of death as we'll see in the next several verses so God had their attention I'm sure verse 7 and when the Sun is down he shall be clean and shall afterward eat of the holy things because it is his food and this would be referring to the heave shoulder and the way breast of the thank offering also known as a peace-offering verse 8 that which diet of itself or is torn with beasts he shall not eat to defile himself therewith I am the Lord in here this is repeated from previous law given in earlier chapters but with reference to specifically to the priests verse 9 they shall therefore keep mine ordinance my charge and the day of course is the priest lest they bear sin for it and die therefore if they profane it by breaking the law I the LORD do sanctify them and again the threat of death if they don't follow God's instructions I'm sure they're listening very closely verse 10 there shall no stranger eat of the holy things a sojourner of the priests or in hired servants shall not eat of the holy thing now this word stranger in the Hebrew is xuer and it means not of the priesthood we're gonna see this word again and in just a few verses but it's a different Hebrew word than what we have here what this is saying is that someone who is visiting the priest or a day laborer someone who's hired just for the day are not allowed to eat of the holy things the peace offerings for example but anyone who was on some of the offerings the peace offerings in particular the entire household including the the females were allowed to partake if they lived under the roof of the priest he was responsible for providing for them and God filling their hand consecrating them to be the priest and also providing sustenance for them but this is a stating a prohibition that unless you are living under the roof of the priest you're not allowed to partake of the holy things verse 11 but if the priest by any soul with his money we're talking about a slave he the slave shall eat of it and he that is born in his house they shall eat of his meat servants were treated as part of the family if they lived under the priests roof they were allowed to partake of his bread his food in general verse 12 if the priests daughter also be married unto a stranger she may not eat of an offering of the holy things now I hear this word stranger is his different word than xuer which we saw in earlier verse here it is each which as most of you know is simply man and what this means though is that if the priests daughter chooses to marry outside of the priesthood and the Levites for example she became a member of that tribe in other words if one of the daughters of a priest married a man of Judah then and they established that their family and they became she became a member of the tribe of Judah as a result of that what this is saying is that once a daughter leaves the the the nest and marries another she's no longer part of the Levitical family in that case and therefore not allowed to eat the holy things verse 13 now and of course in the case of a male Levite erinite particularly they were not allowed to marry outside of the tribe we covered that in an earlier chapter verse 13 but if the priests daughter be a widow or divorced and have no child and has returned unto her father's house as in her youth she shall eat of her father's meat but there shall no stranger eat thereof now this is assuming that she had not married a priest in other words that we used the example that she married him and of Judah this is assuming that and this is saying if she is divorced put away by her husband or becomes a widow that he dies in war or an accident then she if she returns to her father's house if she has no children she is allowed to protect of the holy things she's once again a member of the priests family in other words verse 14 and if a man eat of the holy thing unwittingly or unawares then he shall put the fifth part thereof unto it and shall give it unto the priests with the holy thing and this is saying is that for example if a wave breast which had been given to the Lord was given to the priests and they left it on a table in a public place and someone came along and unaware that it was the priest and / took of it they were responsible for replacing not only the way breast but also a fifth part plus 20% in other words this has to do with trespass offerings in this case this would be a trespass against the Lord as in chapter 5 verse 16 unfaithfulness and sanctified relationships verse 15 which means taking something that belongs to God or failing to give something that belongs to him or should belong to him such as tithes verse 15 and they the priest shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel which they offer unto the Lord and in numbers chapter 18 verse 32 this is stated the same thing but on the condition lest ye die and that's how serious this was you know the different Levites even had different responsibilities the one major family of the Levites the Khoa thights their job was to carry the items of the tabernacle the the golden candlestick the altar of incense the very ark of the covenant but they were not to approach those items until the sons of Aaron the priest had prepared them properly what was the penalty if they did death that's just the way it was verse 16 or suffer them to bear the iniquity of trespass when they eat their holy things for I the LORD do sanctify them and the next few verses we're going to be talking about acceptable and unacceptable sacrifices and the Lord spake unto Moses saying switch gears now this applies to all the children of Israel not just the priests speak unto Aaron and to his sons and into all the children of Israel through the elders in the heads of the Prince trip the tribe princes etc and saying to them whatsoever he be of the house of Israel or of the strangers in Israel those are foreigners living among the Israelites they will offer his oblation for all his vows this word is Nader in the Hebrew and it's something promised to God and for all his free will offerings this is Ned a BA and it's a spontaneous gift which they will offer unto the Lord for a burnt offering and we covered the burnt offerings the Ola in the Hebrew in chapter 1 verse 19 he shall offer at your own will your own delight a male without blemish of the beeves of the sheep or of the goats and the burnt offering seen as a total surrender to God and the animal that was to be a male because of their vigor their energy and their strength is what the scholars think I personally the other than physical strength women are much stronger than men verse 20 but whatsoever hath a blemish that shall you not offer for it shall not be acceptable for you Christ was presented completely innocent without spot and so were the offerings of the Israelites which were types for Jesus Christ 21 and whosoever offer if they sacrifice of peace offering shall em in the hebrew under the lord to accomplish his vow or a free will offering in Beavs or sheep or goats of the flock is what this means it shall be perfect to be accepted there shall no blemish be therein and had to be to be accepted mean to be favorable or pleasurable to God blind or broken or maimed or having a win this is a an old English word that means running sores I think probably an abscess or scurvy or scabbed he shall not offer these unto the Lord nor macand offering by fire of them unto upon the altar unto the Lord sacrifices were a gift to God and giving anything less than your best was unacceptable I can help but think this morning when I was preparing for the program today of Jesus Christ when he braided that cat of nine tails and went into the sanctuary and dumped over the money changers tables and threw out those who were selling might infested doves you say it wasn't acceptable to pick up something at the gettin go on the way to the sanctuary to sacrifice to God it had to be your own and it had to be the very best that you had to offer the best of the herd the best of the flock you know that was the reason that came offering all the way back to the beginning in Genesis was unacceptable to the Lord he chose to give less than the best verse 23 either a bullock or a lamb that hath anything superfluous or lacking in his parts that may s now offer for a free will offering a voluntary peace offering but for a vow it shall not be accepted and here we see a little tweaking of the law anything was superfluous or lacking parts means that had excess members or lacking parts that you could offer for a voluntary peace offering but not to fulfill a vow verse 24 you shall not offer unto the Lord that which is bruised or crushed or broken or cut neither shall you make any offering thereof in your land now this has to do with castrated animals as I said earlier than the the broken the cut the crushed that's all means of castrating an animal and this is saying you don't do that in the land of Israel I don't even want you to take castrated animals from foreign nations and have them in the land you revere God's creation don't mutilate God's creation 25 neither from a stranger's hand shall ye offer the bread or food of your God of any of these blemished animals because their corruption is in them and blemishes be in them they shall not be accepted for you and accept it as rot saw in the Hebrew to satisfy a debt in the case of a vow it had to be without blemish without spot verse 26 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying and here we're gonna see more restrictions on the sacrifices when a bullock or a sheep or a is brought forth in other words when one of these is born then it shall be seven days under the dam seven days with its mother under it meaning in a nursing position and from the eighth day and thence forth it shall be accepted for an offering made by fire unto the Lord in this period of time sanctified in the number of creation how many days did it take God to create the universe in in Genesis chapter one seven days and seven days there was the number of days that an honor of creation that the animal was to be left under its mom under the sacrifices there was no maximum age established here we see a minimum age established many of the sacrifice were specific in requiring the sacrifice be one year of age verse twenty-eight and whether it be a cow or you she goat in other words or sheep you shall not kill it and her young both in one day and I think this relates to Exodus 23:19 where out of respect to the animal you don't boil the mother's calf and its mother's milk also in Deuteronomy 22 verses 6 & 7 if an israelite came upon a nest of a bird with eggs that weren't to take both the bird and the eggs one or the other verse 29 and when you will offer a sacrifice of Thanksgiving as being one type of peace offering unto the Lord offer it at your own will of your own delight and you know all too many television ministries these days browbeat their congregation to send money hurry up and send more money or else we're not going to be on the and you know what it will do you absolutely no good to give to a church unless it is of your own free will God loves a cheerful Giver don't allow anyone to browbeat you into sending your your tithes and offerings verse 30 on the same day it shall be eaten up this is talking about the Thanksgiving offering which is a type of peace offering you shall leave none of it until tomorrow I am the Lord this period of time was even shortened to midnight when the Temple of Solomon was built for a voluntary peace offering you could eat of it as we covered in Chapter 7 verse 16 the first and second day but after that it was to be burned on the Dacian pile where the ashes in a clean place outside the camp we're gonna go ahead and finish the chapter and then we'll stop 31 therefore shall you keep my Commandments this is Shammar to hedge about or guard or protect as something valuable you guard my Commandments and do them I am the Lord James chapter 1 verse 22 B hears and doers of the word if you're just a here and you don't do the word you're deceiving yourself 32 neither shall you profane my Holy Name by not following these laws given but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel I am the lord which hallow you verse 33 to complete the chapter that brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God I am the Lord God preparing his children to move into the promised land he's telling them telling us how he wants to be worshipped for that matter of course the sacrifices don't apply today but in our next lecture he's already told them how to worship Him in our next chapter we're gonna learn when they should worship and we should worship Him and the feast days of the Lord it's very important to study I hope you don't miss it we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the book of Deuteronomy the law was given as our schoolmaster have you been to school on God's Word certainly one way to go there is to study the book of Deuteronomy probably the most the most exciting thing that Deuteronomy has to offer for you is that great song of Moses that those that overcome the false messiah in the in generation will be singing the law itself being the schoolmaster that keeps us out of trouble in these flesh bodies again an education in taming that part of you that off times needs taming through the old schoolmaster that great book Deuteronomy the law and it's set ways of keeping you from harm's way even in this generation you're gonna enjoy welcome back to the Shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four or five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please keep your questions of a biblical sense don't ask for written responses to your questions or the only format for answering questions is right here on the air we simply don't have time to provide written response to everyone who would like one if we don't have it time to do it for all we we're fair we don't do it for one please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three and we've got if you got a prayer request we can do away with the 800 number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 you know you should make time each day to talk with your Heavenly Father you can go to him anytime day or night you don't have to go through some fancy rigmarole of getting down on your knees by your bed and clasping your hands and closing your eyes you can talk to him 24/7 no matter what you're doing wherever you are children in school you know they say you can't pray in school guess what nobody knows when you're talking to your Heavenly Father if you're just talking to him to yourself so it's okay to pray in school and ask for help on that test now we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs addictions to drugs alcoholism father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we ask you to lift up we lift up our military troops were in harm's way around the world we also ask you to watch after our law enforcement officers father in these terrible times and we ought to ask these and things in the name of Jesus Christ were watch over touch direct guide heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and we ended our last lecture with Josie in Kentucky and ran out of time so Josie has promised your first up today in abran chapter 22 Abraham God tested Abraham and you're talking about Genesis 22 what Abraham have gone through with sacrificing his son Isaac had the angel of the Lord not stopped him yes I think he would have Abraham was a man of faith the faith chapter in the New Testament Hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 in the following verses to speak of Abraham's is it possible he would not have actually completed the sacrifice even if the angel of the Lord had not stopped Abraham what you had there Josey was a type Jesus the Son of God would be sacrificed God gave His only begotten Son and he didn't require that Isaac the son of Abraham that Abraham would give his only son Isaac you see Abraham had already been promised that his seed was going to his children we're going to be as numerous as the stars of heaven and the sands of the seashore and Isaac was his only son at the time and here God said go sacrifice him well Abraham as I said was a man of faith he followed God's instructions and he knew that if he sacrificed his son Isaac that God had already promised and God would keep his promise that his seed would become as numerous as the stars of heaven the main lesson there in Genesis chapter 22 14 - chapter 22 I think is in verse 14 where it states you have a URI and you see God didn't require Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac you have a URI the Lord will provide is what you could translate that and the Lord certainly provided the ram in the bush and not a item of chance the very location where Abraham was to offer up his son is the exact same location where our Heavenly Father sacrificed his only son we're talking Mount Moriah where Christ was crucified Cynthia from Nebraska tried to correct this society when it is wrong seems impossible doesn't it notice how when you say come Lord Jesus how he arrives in yourself I sure notice sense of humor and bona fide anger we women are excellent cheerleaders people are idiopathic most of the time actually quite stupid most of the time don't you agree I love the two-edged sword of Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 my question Hebrews 9:28 what does this first mean to you and it states there and to them that look for him he shall appear and that's talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ unfortunately many are going to be deceived into believing he is already here when the Antichrist appears I don't I hope you're Cynthia not among that group I know you won't be you love studying the word and thanks for your kind comments there Bobby and Arkansas when you die do you have any memory of your spiritual body yes I think so God you know is fair and he's not gonna judge someone on something that they can't remember you know if if you did something and you couldn't if your memory was in erased would it be fair for God to call you up before the white throne judgment and and judge you for it certainly not you would be cognizant of what he is pointing out that you did and then you would know you were guilty or innocent as the case may be that's you know the reason you want to repent and repent often Donna from Texas how can you tell for sure if you're a kin aight I believe I am a kin i but want to know for sure if I really AM aconite and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in my heart and truly have repented am I still a kin I well aconite Don it doesn't sound like you understand what it is aconite is a race of people it's a descendant of Cain that's what the very word Kenai means is sons our daughters of Cain accepting Jesus Christ doesn't change the blood that flows through your veins but spiritually when you believe on Jesus Christ even if you are aconite you are a child of the Living God Andrea from Idaho who was the woman that cast a piece of mill stone on a beam elected and broke his skull wide open judges chapter 9 verse 53 she cracked his head open like an egg now her name is not written but you know Abimelech immediately after she popped him on the head with that rock the millstone which is a large rock he ordered his servant his armor-bearer to take a sword and run him through because he didn't want his legacy to be that he had been killed by a woman his armor-bearer obliged oh who do we have here Danny from Ohio and thank you for your kind comments glad you're enjoying the Book of Leviticus I do have a question proverbs chapter 20 verse 21 and inheritance maybe gotten hastily at the beginning but the end thereof shall not be blessed and what hastily hears means such as trickery in other words if you trick someone out of their part of an inheritance so you can have it that's not going to be blessed the person who tricks someone else our steals part of an inheritance for themselves is going to lose it soon because it's not blessed you went on to explain the family situation you have nothing to be concerned about what that verse in Proverbs 2021 is talking about is if someone is crooked in obtaining a inheritance Stephen Minnesota what does the brass plaque say that is on the pulpit I don't have a clue what you're talking about there is no why are there's no plaque on our pulpit at our local church I think you must be talking about the Passover messages which we don't have the facilities here locally and grab it to have the number of people that we have attend the Passover meetings here locally so we go to a number of large facilities that can accommodate our number of folks who come in from all over the country all over the world for that matter but what you probably saw was and that's the only time we use someone else's pulpit so that we don't have to carry our pulpit and risk damaging it or to take a truck to do it we use the pulpit or lectern which is provided by the hotel it probably had their promo on it Loretta in Michigan may God always bless you and your wonderful staff thank you for remembering our staff is it wrong to ask our Father in Heaven for a large financial blessing I live on a fixed income really need helping hand I was admitted to the hospital and now I have more bills and debt than money nothing wrong with praying for a financial blessing and is it wrong to pray the prayer of just some jay-bez first chronicles 4:10 god heard and answered the prayers of jay-bez where he asked God for a blessing I think that was probably an example for us nothing wrong with asking for God's blessings and of course the main thing there Loretta is to live a life that he can bless you know he's not going to bless someone and I'm not saying Loretta that you aren't living your life that way but understand he blesses those who love and serve Him you earn blessings and how do you earn blessings by studying his word and knowing and doing how to be pleasing to him just as important to do it as to know it Sharon in New York what does the word acrostic mean good question usually across states have to do with the Hebrew alphabet and first of all you need to know that the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters rather than English which has 26 letters and bollinger the gentleman who did the scholarly notes for the companion Bible that we offer was excellent with acrostics in recognizing acrostics and anytime that for example if you had a chapter of the Bible let's take Psalm 37 which is an acrostic psalm and Bollinger noticed that each of the Hebrew letters is represented in one instance and as you work your way through the Hebrew alphabet then the next line begins with the next Hebrew alphabet every one of the sets of letters in Psalm 37 has four lines in the Hebrew language except for three and those are equal to our verses 720 and 34 in our Bibles which are the delete' cough and KO in the Hebrew alphabet psalm 119 is another acrostic psalm and you will find the Hebrew letters in most King James Version Bibles a lot of people don't know what they mean or what they are but if you go to psalm 119 you'll find that you work your way through the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet another important thing that acrostics do is if you're willing to put the time in to study and understand them God hides little secret messages in his word in the Hebrew I'm talking about now you find his sacred name YHVH Yahweh four times hidden in the book of Esther and one time in the Book of Psalms that's what acrostics are Bullinger was very very good at acrostics if you have a companion Bible you've got appendices on the various acrostic chapters Mona in South Dakota what determines what side of the Gulf we go is that if we have sins that we haven't repented of and asked for forgiveness or is it that a person doesn't believe in God or what often you and your father would say those who didn't quite make the cut in reference to that what does that mean okay well if you behave like the rich man of Luke chapter 16 you're definitely going on the wrong side of the Gulf so we have you know a type of judgment that happens when we die and we are judged to one side of the gulf or the other one side is very pleasant the other not so much and the gulf is a medical term Luke was a physician the writer of the book Luke 16 and the Gulf is a in it's not across abble it's a non crossable divide you cannot cross it during this dispensation of time if you have an Apocrypha make a note of second Esdras chapter 7 verse 77 in the following verses and it gives a real good description there of how unpleasant it is on the wrong side of the Gulf Jeffrey in Canada does the unpardonable sin mean God can't forgive you if you don't ask for forgiveness know the unforgivable sin means that if you commit it and then you ask for forgiveness God won't forgive it that's why they call it the unforgivable sin what is the unforgivable sin Luke chapter 12 verse 10 in the following verses at this point in time it's impossible that anyone has committed the unforgivable sin because what the unforgivable sin is is for one of God's elect to refuse the Holy Spirit to speak that cloven tongue that everyone will understand when they're delivered up before the Antichrist to refuse the Holy Spirit is unforgivable and God's message to his election don't do it and he means it Phyllis don't premeditate what you're gonna say it's not you who speak it's the Holy Spirit fill us in Florida what is the definition of an epistle it's good it means a letter for example if you turn to your Bible and you go to first Corinthians in the title you'll find the first epistle which means letter of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians the church in Corinth in other words what does unnatural affection mean 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 3 it means without natural affection it means being hard-hearted toward your own family even Cheryl in Louisiana I had read over first Corinthians 16:22 somehow and it puts a question it says if any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema maranatha I have not seen those words anywhere else in the Bible could you please explain I'll be happy to and if you've got a strong skin accordance you could have figured this out yourself anathema and the Greek means band or excommunicated in other words cursed in other words of Jesus says if any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema it means excommunicated banned or cursed maranatha means it's our Arabic origin and it means Lord come you've heard me say come Lord Jesus often Paul also was anxious for the second Advent and let's see Janelle and I'm from North Carolina I'm 13 years old and me and my grandmother enjoy listening to the word from you every day while we're glad you enjoy it I have two questions for you my first question is where in the bible does it say that Jesus was born on September 26th or 29th you need to understand the course of abaya I'd suggest that you order Pastor Arnold Murray CD Christmas is it a sin to not go to church but you can teach yourself the Word of God Matthew 18 verse 20 wherever two or three are gathered in his name I am there in the midst of he's in the midst of us right now as we study his word I'm out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying his word we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and reach out to others of our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness most important this though beloved you stay in his word you know every day and your father's word is a good day even when things aren't going well in there's trouble you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,698
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Leviticus, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Leviticus, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold, Pastor, Shepherds, Book of, Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel
Id: 4bPqbXZfig0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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