Leviticus ~ 20:17 to 21:15

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today Leviticus chapter 20 verse 17 we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you'd care to we're getting ready to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel God preparing his children to move into the promised land a land that was filled with Canaanites the Canaanites once again had mixed with the Nephilim the fallen angels and we're an extremely bad lot of people we're gonna learn today that the land of Canaan spewed the Canaanites out because of what they were doing and God of course had a lot to do with that he's giving Israel the land that the Canaanites owned but he's preparing them and saying you know the Canaanites committed homosexuality the Canaanites were into bestiality the Canaanites were into a lot of things that God considers unclean and unholy and he's preparing the people of Israel and saying I brought you out of Egypt where they were doing some of these abominable acts and I'm giving you the promised land where they're definitely doing these abominable acts but I don't want you to continue in their abominable acts and in chapter 20 we see the punishments for violation of the law of incest given in chapters 18 and 19 and that's where we pick it up today let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up Leviticus chapter 20 or 17 and it reads and if a man shall take his sister his father's daughter or his mother's daughter and see her nakedness that means to have sexual intercourse and she see his nakedness it is a wicked thing and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people this is a special penalty many have been cut off for various violations but in the sight of their people is something we haven't seen before he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness he shall bear his iniquity in other words he'll bear his own perverseness and when it states that someone will bear their iniquity it kind of leaves the judgment open to God it might be that the punishment be an illness that God struck the individual with it could be that they would perhaps remain childless throughout life or it could be death extermination from the people this his sister his father's daughter or his mother's daughter of course at this time and for many centuries after it was legal for a man to have more than one wife so this would apply not only to a full-blooded sister but a half blooded sister as well and when a man had multiple wives a man would probably have more half sisters than he would have full-blooded sisters verse 18 and if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness this is her her monthly period menstruation is what we're talking about and shall uncover her nakedness he hath discovered or a naked in the Hebrew her fountain and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood and both of them shall be cut off from among their people on this means extermination was the penalty the blood of course is mcore in the Hebrew and it's the issue in 12-7 chapter 12 7 which we have already uncovered a meaning menstruation now there was an exception to this law and that is if the menstruation started while they were in having intercourse then the penalty was only that they would be unclean for seven days but if they knew beforehand that she was in her sickness then it was being cut off from the people of a big difference verse 19 and thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister nor of thy father's sister for he uncover with his near kin they shall bear their iniquity and again bearing iniquity God reserves the right to punish as he sees fit again perhaps that would be striking the person with an illness possibly to die childless but it's left up to God verse 20 and if a man shall lie with his uncle's wife he hath uncovered his uncle's nakedness they shall bear their sin they shall die childless and here God says what the penalty would be now back in chapter 18 verse 15 we learned that there is a it was a violation of the law the incest laws for a man to lie with an uncle on the paternal his father's side of the family but there was no prohibition stated in chapter 18 as far as a man uncovering his uncle on his mother's side in other words his mother's brother's wife would not be covered under the incest laws why I don't know but that's the way God said it that's the way it is verse 21 and if a man shall take his brother's wife and his sister-in-law in other words it is an unclean thing he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness they shall be childless and there's an exception to this law as well Deuteronomy chapter 25 verse 5 states that if a man die before he raises up seed before he has children with a woman then one of the man who passed away his brothers was required to take the the sister-in-law to wife and to raise up seed to her so that the seed line of his brother would not be cut off verse 22 he shall therefore keep all my statutes and all my judgments and do them that the land whether I bring you to dwell therein spew you not out and as it states in chapter 18 verse 25 the land was spewing in the prime of this word in the Hebrew is to vomit and here we see the land personified what happens when a person eats something that disagrees with them or that is bad well they throw it up they vomit it up and so the land is seen here personified in other words that this means as a person when the Canaanites were doing what they were doing the abominable acts and practices that they were doing then the land vomited them out and God warning the people of Israel if you do the same thing that the Canaanites were doing the land is going to vomit you out as well verse 23 and you shall not walk in the manners of the nation this means the you don't do things the way the Canaanites were doing the heathens which I cast out before you for they committed all these things and therefore I abhorred them and this word to a boar means to it's in in the Hebrew tongue it's coats and it means to to loathe if you will I think it's probably a good word in the English or to sever and it could mean like to sever off but you know God gave the land of the Canaanites to Israel and basically they didn't have to do anything they inherited the houses that the Canaanites lived in the vineyards and the olive yards were already planted the wells were already digged and it was pretty much set up already for them and it was a land that flowed with milk and honey this last few verses of this chapter kind of a summary of the previous three chapters verse 24 and I have said unto you you shall inherit their land and their houses and their vineyards and olive yards and I the Lord speaking will give it unto you to possess it a land that floweth with milk and honey I am the Lord your God which have separated you from other people I've separated you from other people I want you to separate yourself from their abominable practices and you know God promised the people of Israel when he brought them out of Egypt that he was taking them to a land that flowed with milk and honey and it was that it was every bit that when what happened well that generation that came out of Egypt rebelled against God they didn't trust him they didn't have any confidence in God and they tempted him some 10 times with the the golden calves on two occasions the quail the manna over and over and over and God got fed up with it and he said okay he promised you the land that flows with milk and honey this generation though is not going to see it perhaps your children will get to know the land and to appreciate the land but only to adults out of every one that came out of Egypt Caleb and Joshua would be allowed to enter the promised land because of their obstinate behavior 25 you shall therefore put difference or separation as in verse 24 between clean beasts and unclean and between unclean fowls and clean and you shall not make your souls abominable this is Schock ox in the Hebrew it means filthy and that's what God considers those who eat unclean food filthy by beasts or by fowl or by any manner of living thing that creepeth this is the swarmers that we talked about back in chapter 11 on the ground which I have separated from you as unclean reminding them that he expects the people of Israel to obey the health laws the food laws this is what's clean to eat this is what's unclean this behavior is holy this behavior is unholy verse 26 and you shall be holy unto me for I the LORD am holy and have severed you from other people that you should be mine and that's what God wanted and you know some folks say well you know that sound God's kind of racist he he chose one people the Hebrews to be his chosen people and that's correct he did and if you doubt that you know you're ignorant of God's Word because it's very plain that he did choose this nation but he's telling them you know I want you to be mine but if you commit these abominable acts and and keep the ways of the heathens then you're not going to be mine I don't want you to be mine if that's the case there's 27 to close the chapter a man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit or that is a wizard shall surely be put to death they shall stone them with stones their blood shall be upon them and of course so on with familiar spirits there's someone that has an evil spirit that is speaking through them or someone who pretends to have the ability to speak for the dead it's evil it's wicked stay away from it then of course the Wizards were those who had knowledge of the occult both were thought and seen by the people of ways of finding out what the future holds and gods saying here you don't do that you don't determine the future based on what evil spirits or wizards say if someone's it has an evil spirit a familiar spirit or is claims to be or is a wizard they're to be put to death God wanted the people of Israel to look to him for guidance this is what the future holds for Israel and to learn to depend and have confidence in him not on familiar spirits or wizards chapter 21 and most of chapter 22 we're going to be talking about the priests and the subject matter turns to the priests it's a call to them as the intermediaries between man and God the mediators between man and God that they're to remain clean and holy in or I'll either that or stay away from the tabernacle don't approach the tabernacle in an unclean State prohibitions and restrictions on the priesthood let's go with chapter 21 verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses speak unto the priest the sons of Aaron and saying to them there shall none be defiled for the dead among his people now you know that in our society it's quite different when someone dies the first person they call is the the preacher or the attorney or vice versa but and God didn't want the priest to defile themselves by coming in contact with the dead and you know our Father is a God of the living not a god of the dead so we're going to see that the priests who were not the high priests or were not allowed to defile themselves by coming in contact with a dead person and that included even entering a the same building where a dead corpse was but they were allowed to do so for their immediate family only in the case of the high priest we're going to see that he was not allowed to defile himself with the dead even in the case of immediate family verse 2 but for his kin are except for his kin that is near and to him that is for his mother and for his father and for his son and for his daughter and for his brother and again the priest to remain maintain responsibility for the household in the case of if it was an immediate family member he would be allowed to do so again though that's only the other than the high priest verse three and four his sister a virgin that is nigh unto Him this means a sister that has not married and still lives under the same roof which happened had no husband for her may he be defiled this probably sounds should sound familiar to many of you Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 25 you remember that these a dock the God's election and the Millennium they have the privilege of reigning with Christ for the thousand years in the Millennial temple they will have the right to go forth from the Millennial temple to help a father mother brother sister who hasn't married if they didn't take part in the first resurrection in other words to help them they're spiritually dead is the point but they were allowed to go to only those who were immediate family here we're talking about physically dead there in in Ezekiel chapter 44 we're talking about the spiritually dead and of course the Zadok there was a penalty to pay they were considered unclean for seven days and before they were allowed to re-enter into the Millennial temple in the presence of Christ verse 4 but he the priest shall not defile himself being a chief man among his people to profane himself and check out this chief man it means a husband or the head of household some scholars try and say well that means that they weren't allowed to defile themselves even for their wife I disagree with that you know when a man and a woman are married they become one flesh you don't get any closer relationship than being the same flesh so I think the priests were allowed to defile themselves in the case of their wife I think this relates this verse relates to verse 7 where it states a man and wife are one flesh there is no family member closer in other words but those that say in verse 4 relates to verse 7 is what I'm trying to get to verse 5 they shall not make baldness upon their head this is about the priest again and when one of their loved ones passed away neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard nor make any cuttings in their flesh all of these are signs of mourning and the priests weren't allowed to show any signs of mourning the baldness of their head it's to pluck out the hair to shave off the corner of the beard the Hebrews were not allowed to shave off their beards men were to wear a full beard it was considered something that was very shameful for men to have their beards shaved off Genesis chapter 41 verse 14 2nd Samuel chapter 10 verses 4 & 5 you may recall David sent embassadors to a young king of a foreign land who had just lost his father and the advisors counselors to the young king said David send these men here is spies and he's planning to take over when you're weak and because you've just taken over for your father and what they do they shaved off half the beer of David's men and cut off their skirts close to their buttocks meaning their cheeks were showing and sent them on their way David felt so sorry for him he told them you remain at such in such a city don't have to come back into Jerusalem until your beards be full-grown verse six they shall be holy or set apart unto their God and not profane the name of their God for the offerings of the Lord made by fire and the bread of their God they do offer therefore they shall be holy God of the living not a God of the Dead and what it's saying here the priests are they come in a closer contact with God than anyone else they were the ones who offered the sacrifices which were considered some of them holy some of them most holy but God saying you don't profane yourself by coming in contact with the dead and then approach to the sanctuary verse 7 they shall not take a wife that is a or profane neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband for he is holy unto his God and this is and this put away is greeted you can read about it in Deuteronomy 24 verses one through four and that's someone who is divorced but the priests again were to maintain a higher level they came in closer contact with God they were required to maintain a higher level of holiness than what the laypeople were required to do not to take a wife that's a or profane verse 8 now this is referring to Israel shall sanctify him therefore referring to the priests for he author a offer at the read of thy God the sacrifices of your God he shall be holy unto thee for I the LORD which sanctify you wholly in Baia Cara in the Hebrew language the title of this book Leviticus the first three words and he called by Akira in the Hebrew God did call Israel to be clean he called them to be holy because he is holy verse nine still continuing about the priest and I don't the daughter of any priest if she profaned herself by playing the she profane it her father she shall be burnt with fire and of course this means she would not be burned alive at the stake she would be stoned to death first and then burned and this being burned to add I'm sure to the thoughts of the people who this could happen to but this would be a further punishment than even being killed as in Joshua chapter 7 verse 25 when the man took the accursed thing he and his family were stoned and then burned y'all often heard that it's harder to be the daughter or son of a preacher and I guess this first kind of bears that out but even the family is held to a higher account of the priest held to a higher accountability than the laypeople verse 10 and he that is the high priest among his brethren upon whose head the anointing oil was poured and that is consecrated to put on the garments shall not uncover his head nor rend his clothes now this is applying to the first high priest Aaron and those who followed as the high priest of Israel to uncover his head means to have the hair in disarray flying around the sign of mourning such as God warned Aaron and Eleazar and Ithamar when they dab and Abby who were struck dead by the Lord in chapter 10 verse 1 in the following verses they weren't to have uncovered their heads means it not only means to remove the turban that's the priest or the cap that the priests were required to wear it means to have the hair in total disarray which was a sign of mourning verse 11 neither shall he go into any dead body including his immediate family nor defile himself for his father or for his mother not even for those who were his immediate family members he he wasn't even allowed to go into the tent or the building where the corpse of an immediate family was located verse 12 neither shall he go out of the sanctuary now this means that he not to stay in the sanctuary permanently it just means that he's going to continue to be responsible for his duties in in and around the sanctuary nor profaned the sanctuary of his God by defiling himself with the dead for the crown of the anointing oil of his god is upon him I am the Lord now this word crown in the Hebrew check it out is nazar and it means something set apart or consecrated and the high priest was anointed with what with the oil of our people the olive oil which is symbolic of what and symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with death the Holy Spirit has everything to do with life so it's saying the high priest is not allowed to be come in contact with even immediate family members why because he was anointed with the holy spirit verse 13 and he shall take a wife in her virginity and that to be a Levite and this goes back to all priests not just the high priest you see the the seed line of the priesthood was to remain among the sons of Aaron and more on that in a moment verse 14 a widow or a divorced woman or profane or an harlot these shall he not take but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife and some people think this own people means of Israel check out the word people here it's arm and an arm means a tribe and I think that the Levites were only allowed to take wives of the tribe of Levi that's the only way that you could keep the seed line of the priestly Order Luke chapter 1 verse 5 you have there Zacharias the father of John the Baptist and Elizabeth who was the mother of John the Baptist and it states there in Luke chapter 1 verse 5 that Elizabeth was of the daughters of Aaron how could they know she was of the daughters of Aaron unless they were prohibited from taking why the priests were allowed to take wives from outside of the priesthood you couldn't she could have been mixed from any tribe but she was of the daughters of Aaron as it's written in Luke chapter 1 verse 5 verse 15 neither shall he profane his seed among his people for I the LORD do sanctify him and this profane his seed means to to dissolve or dilute his seed in other words don't mix with Israelites of other tribes I want the tribe of Levi to remain of that seed line and and why did God choose the Levites to serve in and around the sanctuary and of course originally he didn't he he claimed the firstborn to serve around the sanctuary but when Moses was up on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments he came down and he found Aaron had molten a graven calf a golden calf and the people partying and dancing and worshiping the golden calf Moses was so furious that he said who will span with me for God and the Levites buckled up their swords and fell in behind Moses and that is when God said I like these Levites there they're zealous for me and that's when God chose the Levites and more specifically the sons of Aaron to serve in and around the tabernacle well we'll come back in our next lecture and finish this chapter 21 and get into chapter 22 we're moving right along through this Book of Leviticus I want you to know I'm proud of you for sticking with it there's a lot of tough plowing in the Book of Leviticus but you're doing fine we're working through it chapter by chapter verse by verse and we're gonna learn from it I promise you I've got a short message we ask you to listen a moment why don't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be to see Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 grab in Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Porto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word did the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request where you don't need a telephone number we can do away with that you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to develop your relationship with him and you know your relationship with him doesn't depend on him he's the same yesterday he is the same today he will be the same tomorrow your relationship with your heavenly father depends on you and by developing your relationship I mean talk to him you know in prayer you go to your father you tell him that you love him when you have major decisions in life ask his counsel there is no better counsel he's there for you 24/7 we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs illnesses father financial difficulties you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we also lift up our military troops who are in harm's way around the world in our law-enforcement Father we ask you to watch over a guide direct touch heal and Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Maria in Georgia when Christ was resurrected was that also considered his second coming thank you for your time no the second Advent doesn't unconcern until Jesus arrives at the Saffir the seventh trumpet sounds and how do we know when that is well we won't be in flesh bodies anymore first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 52 in the following verses Jesus was certainly glorified when he rose from the reservoir when he was resurrected and he was glorified to the right hand of God but that is not the second Advent the second Advent is still future to this point in time Patricia from Alabama oh let's see here God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse my question is why so many men think a woman can't teach the Lord's word because of that one verse in the Bible when people try to tell me that I shouldn't be teaching God's Word please help me when my family tells me this well point out to friends and family that Miriam the sister to Moses and Aaron was a profit test Deborah was not only a judge but she was also a prophetess Hulda was a prophetess and you want New Testament okay Phillip had four virgin daughters and all of them did prophesy Acts chapter 2 verse 17 as in the future and it says there that in the end times God will pour out his spirit on your sons and daughters and they will prophesy and of course that is quoting from Joel chapter 3 so God uses women and he uses women mightily Barbara in Illinois I'm not sure I heard you right did you say the Holy Spirit is not the evidence of speaking in tongues please explain well most places that you have the word tongues in the New Testament if you translate it properly it would be languages and in Acts chapter 2 which I just quoted a minute ago and the following verses the disciples spoke a cloven language or tongue which there were people there from all around the world in other words they spoke different languages and the thing about that there in Acts is everyone understood even down to the county of their birth in other words even the dialect of the language they understood it and you know that's the same that's evidence of the Holy Spirit and that's the same language that God's elect will speak when they're delivered up before the Antichrist and that way the whole world can understand what the Holy Spirit is speaking through them Michael in Virginia what does it mean you must be born of water and of the Spirit well the water means you must be one of the flesh what happens when a child is born well the water breaks the mother's water breaks and then the child comes forth and then the spirit we also have a spiritual body residing in us Paul taught on numerous places that we have two bodies one terrestrial meaning of the flesh one celestial meaning of the Spirit the where you're quoting from Michael is John chapter three verse five which is probably one of the most mister sustains there that you must be born of water most people teach incorrectly that that means you must be baptized nowhere in God's Word does it say you must be baptized to enter the kingdom of God and what it's talking about there is there were some who refused to be born of water they're called the fallen angels the Nephilim they left their habitation in heaven Jude chapter 1 verse 6 and are now reserved in Chains of Darkness unto judgment ROI in Mississippi will I see my mother again when I die and leave this world yes you will you know no one is dead we our God our Father is a father of the living he's not a father of the Dead Abraham Isaac and Jacob are still alive but they're with God Satan is alive at this point in time no one is dead until after the great white throne judgment in Revelation chapter 20 and then there's a judgment you either go into the kingdom of God the Eternity or you follow Satan and his into the lake of fire Matthew in California I am a recent new viewer and was wondering how long you have been on the air well Shepherd's chapel began on television in the 80s approximately 1985 the Shepherd's chapel purchased in C n the National Christian Network which was located in the state of Florida and relocated the operations to grab at Arkansas that is when the uplink our satellite uplink which is how most of you probably in one form or another receive this signal and that's kind of the story but we started on the National Christian network but a few hours a month we are now probably the largest independent Christian Church in the world and we're on 24/7 on DISH Network and available on the internet 24/7 and reach out to millions and millions of households we thank God for the platform he has given us surely in Maryland is the old testament for learning and the new testament for living well not totally Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 states that you should honor thy father and thy mother that's still very much part of living that's how we are to live Exodus 26 states that thou shalt not steal that's still very much a part of how we are supposed to live parts of the Old Testament are very much teaching us how we should live today you must understand the difference between law statutes and ordinances though that's what's been done away with from the Old Testament for the most part are the ordinances specifically the blood ordinances circumcision for example animal sacrifice to atone for sins once Jesus paid the price on the cross those ordinances were nailed to the cross his cross Vinny and I don't know where Vinny is from Vinny asked was God ever married if God is considered as a man was there a woman at that time well God has married and he has divorced eggsy kiyul chapter 16 verse 8 it states there that God spread his skirt over what was then called Jebus which became Jerusalem and he married her to the spreading of the skirt is a figure of speech when a man spreads his skirt over a woman their man and wife Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 we learned that God divorced Israel and he will take her back eventually when she is restored to him but that divorce still in effect Sharon in Texas do lambs ever grow horns if not how can the Antichrist have horns like the lamb and you're thinking of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 the second beast of Revelation chapter 13 the first is the political beast the second is the Antichrist but the second beast had two horns like the lamb like the Jesus Christ in other words but he spake as a dragon Satan yes some sheep have horns Ruben in Arizona in the Old Testament who would go out and pick up the dead since the people weren't allowed to do this while you're mistaken people were allowed to bury the dead you're thinking the scripture we covered today in Leviticus chapter 21 where the priests all priests were prohibited from defiling themselves by every lay people the priests other than the high priest as we learned today could go to their immediate family members but only immediate family the high priest not allowed to even to defile himself for the dead even his immediate family David in Oklahoma I feel that I'm being called to go to Bible School but I also have bills to be paid and a family to provide for should I have faith and ask God to provide for us why I am while I guess I am in school or should I look at other options such as work in school even though I feel I'm being stretched thin your guidance please well first of all you have a responsibility to care for your family first now there's nothing wrong with working and going to college at the same time I was among that group that worked my way through college so that is something that should be an option you know ask for God's guidance in your decisions you know some people when they look up in the sky and they see a big GP they think it means go preach but it actually means go plough so make sure your calling is of the Lord but you also have responsibilities you you brought children into the world you didn't say children but you said family I suppose you have children but you're responsible for caring for them and that requires work sometimes so if you really fed let it feel led to go to school work your way through you might check and see if there are some grants but I'll tell you what some of these folks that borrow money to go to college they graduate with a college degree but they not only get a degree they get a monthly payment for years and years and years to come so again if possible work your way through pay it pay as you go Sarah in Virginia I know you're not allowed to tell us who to vote for but could you maybe tell us certain attributes that we should and shouldn't look for in a leader to help us distinguish who we should vote for I appreciate you well and thank you for enjoying the program Jesus taught us in John chapter 21 verse 6 he said there fish out of the right side of the vote the boat as opposed to the left side in other words conservative is much preferred to liberal Beatrice in California where is it to be where in the Bible can I find it to be absent from the body as present with the Lord please explain what that means it's 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 through 8 when I begin with verse 1 because Paul does a real good job there of explaining that we have two bodies we have a flesh body and we have a spirit body and he makes it clear in verses 7 and 8 when we leave the flesh body it's to be present with the Lord that's the same as Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 which states when the silver cord parts and I mean that's a Hebrew ism a figure of speech that means when we die then our flesh returns to the earth from whence it came and our spirit returns to our father from whence it came nobody's dead nobody's out here in a hole in the ground the flesh body goes in the hole in the ground but once you're through with the flesh body you'll never need it again thank goodness we have something much better to look forward to Paul in Illinois please explain Daniel chapter 8 verse 9 are there other scriptures in the Bible containing this verse while they're in Daniel chapter 8 verse 9 it's talking about little horn and a little horn is one of the names for Antichrist Daniel chapter 8 verse 9 states that he will become great he will exalt himself and all that is called God in that is worshipped so that he had then this is in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 excuse me yeah 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God that's what he wants he wants people to worship Him he's gonna be very convincing I hope you know he comes first I hope you are spiritually and mentally prepared Cecil in Louisiana I was told that the Greek number 666 is WWE is this true if it is what does it mean well I don't know what you're talking about the Greek WW 666 is you find in revelation chapter 13 verse 18 is the number of the Antichrist and he comes in the sixth trump he comes in the sixth seal and the sixth vial six-six-six the number of the beast Mike from Georgia Saint Peter said eight souls were saved by water in Noah's Flood which was Noah's family you're right his wife his three sons and his three sons wife but you say there were other people on the ark beside them which were people of other races my question is did Peter not consider them Souls if not then why not Peter was speaking specifically of Adamic Souls Noah was instructed in Genesis chapter 6 to take two of every flesh and you would have to have had that or we wouldn't have races in the world today you don't take one man Noah and his family and his wife is Adamic and of course his three sons were Adamic their wives were Adamic and then have multiple races down the road there had to be people of ethnicity somewhere on earth or on the ark one of the two it is possible that not the entire earth was flooded what was God's purpose of the flood it was to destroy the descendents of the Nephilim the giver and if they were only in a certain part of the world then it would only be necessary to flood that part of the world Jane in Michigan am i understanding Ezekiel 44 25 correctly on how we will be able to help our close relatives in the Millennium if they didn't overcome they did not attend the spiritual wedding with Antichrist Revelation chapter 20 verses five and six those who take part in the first resurrection the second death the death of the soul hath no power over them and you continue zekiel 44:25 and they shall come at know spiritually dead person to defile themselves you added the word spiritually but that's okay that's what it means but for a father or for mother or for a son or for daughter for brother or for sisters that hath no husband and you put Christ I don't see that that's talking about your specific immediate family they may defile themselves have I simplified it too much thank you and the staff of the chapel for all you do no I don't think you've simplified it but I wouldn't apply the sister there in Ezekiel 44 25 to be Christ my question Robert who is the Queen of Heaven and where else is she talked about in the Bible does she have other names yes she's called and you're thinking of Jeremiah chapter 7 verse 18 Jeremiah 44 17 and the following verses four times there she is Ishtar the Phoenician goddess of fertility and anytime you you have the Queen of Heaven it's talking about Ishtar Josie in Kentucky we love your Bible study have learned a tremendous amount and then you say Abraham and chapter 22 you mean Jenna I'll tell you what I'm out of time and this is a lengthy question rather than trying to rush the answer Josie I promise you'll be first up when we come back in our next lecture I do love you all why because you enjoy studying the letter that God wrote to you the Bible you know what when God looks down and he sees you reading that letter it makes his day blessings always follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others of our brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important beloved it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,577
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Leviticus, Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Book of Leviticus, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Chapel, Pastor, Arnold Murray, Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of
Id: qud6pfWbdYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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