Leviticus ~ 14:1 to 14:45

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up today Leviticus chapter 14 verse 1 and I want you to think imagine what it would be like for if you went to a doctor and the doctor diagnosed you with the disease that would cause you to have to give up your home it would cause you to not be able to have any contact with your family whatsoever in fact not only your family but mankind in generally no contact no communication allowed and that you'd have to leave the the town that you lived in you couldn't live with other people and basically all you have is what you could carry with you that's what the diagnosis of leprosy did for one who was of Israel and they were seen as being dead The Walking Dead if you will the body of a leper already in the decomposition stages dying if you will and today we're going to be covering the restoration or purification of a leper certainly the majority of the people who contracted leprosy died from the disease and it was a terrible death but from time to time and God I'll remind you once again leprosy is a rough in the Hebrew which means there's the word for leprosy the prime of it though is Zara which means to be stricken down and leprosy when someone got leprosy they were seen as one who had been stricken of the Lord and therefore when someone was rid of the disease and and cured of leprosy it was seen as a the grace of God and really bringing them back to life is what we're going to be talking about today the restoration and purification of a leper now in verses 2 through 8 we're going to first be talking about the restoration of the leper that's been purified or cleansed rid of the leprosy with man and then in verses 9 through 20 we're going to be talking about the restoration of the leper with a a covenant relationship with the Lord consecration much like the priest went through in chapter 8 of Leviticus it was required to restore the the fellowship with the Lord so with that let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day let's go with Leviticus chapter 14 verse 1 and it reads and the Lord spake unto Moses saying and this is addressed to Moses alone Aaron not being addressed in this case Moses of course the law Giver verse 2 this shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing he shall be brought unto the priests and this were brought not a good translation there's absolutely no way that a leper would be brought into the city much less to the priest which the priest most likely would be at the tabernacle the mosaic tent at this point in time so the this word brought check it out in the Hebrew it means to go or come and in the next several verses we're gonna see that the priest actually goes to the leper the leper will see capable of doing nothing on their own at this point in time any time I think about the cleansing of a leper - I can't help but think about second Kings chapter 5 where Naaman was he was a Gentile that came to Eli Eli sha and was told that a lie saccade heal him and you remember eli should told him you go down to the river jordan and you dunk yourself seven times in in the river and you'll be cleansed and it kind of made a man mad he said you know you know the waters of damascus not sufficient that I could have dunked myself seven times in those and but as his counselor said look you know he didn't give you some hard difficult thing for you to do he said go down to the Jordan and dunk yourself in seven times and be cured and he was cured verse three and the priest shall go forth out of the camp here that's better translated the priest goes out of the camp to the leper and the priest shall look and behold if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper and in Matthew chapter eight verses one through four Jesus gives credentials to Moses as the writer of the Book of Leviticus it states there in Matthew 8 for that ate one through four that a leper walked up to Jesus and said you know if you wanted to heal me you could I know you could and jesus said be clean be healed and take your sacrifice as Moses told you to do and of course most he was Jesus was referring to what we're going to be covering here to take your sacrifice to the priest and be cleansed verse 4 then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean and cedar wood and scarlet and hice up more on the cedar wood the scarlet and the high sup in just a moment or two but what we're going to happen here is these are going to be a cleansing of the leper purification of the leper verse five and the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water and this is not translated very well at all the running water living water and as running stream if you will as opposed to a stagnant pond and of course the living water of the New Testament is Jesus Christ John chapter four verse 10 but what being done here is the the blood of the one bird is going to be mixed with the running water verse six as for the living bird he shall take yet and the cedar wood and the scarlet and the high SEP and shall dip them in the living bird and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water cedar wood always known for or symbolic of continuance of life for example an evergreen green even throughout the winter months scarlet known and symbolic of vital energy high s'p known for its purification it's also known as a purification is a good thing all these ingredients you may recall and we'll see when we get to chapter 19 are the ingredients that make up along with the ashes of a red heifer make up the purification for contact with the dead now what's going on here is the the the two birds are both symbolic of something two different things the bird that's killed is symbolic of the leprosy and the leprosy is going to be dead in this one who is purified the live bird is symbolic of the leper and that God although he was dead is now going to be alive because of the grace and mercy of God verse seven and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times in here we see it readmission readmission into the Covenant seven not only spiritual completeness but the stamp of the Covenant and shall pronounce him clean and shall let the living bird loose into the open field and again this bird symbolic of the freedom that's restored to he who had the leprosy the leprosy put the person in Chains as I said at their introduction they weren't allowed to have any contact with other people they had to live away from other people and that that's being in Chains the Freebirds symbolic of the one who is freed from the chains of leprosy verse eight and he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes and shall shave off all his hair and wash himself in water that he may be clean and after that he shall come into the camp and shall tarry abroad out of his tent seven days now there a wide variety of explanations among the scholars and men have difficulty I don't think any of them do a real good job of explaining why he had to stay out of his tent his home if you will for seven days some scholars point out that well if he stayed in his tent his conjugal privileges might cause him to make himself unclean again but we'll see when we get to chapter 15 that that doesn't hold water because if you did exercise conjugal rights then you were only unclean for until evening and then you wash not for the seven days some say it's in preparation he didn't want to interrupt his preparation for readmission to fellowship with the Lord again I don't think anyone explains this verse very well verse nine but it shall be on the seventh day that he shall shave all his hair off his head and his beard and his eyebrows again shaving even all his hair he shall shave off and he shall wash his clothes also he shall wash his flesh in water and he shall be clean clean on the first day now free to enjoy it and the seven days preparing him and leading up to the readmission to the fellowship with God and that's what we're going to be talking about in verse 10 and following verses and on the eighth day eight in biblical numerix new beginnings he shall take two he lambs without blemish always the sacrifices we see that type for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who was crucified without spot without blemish he was perfect and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish and 3/10 deals of fine flour for a meat offering Minka in the hebrew mingled with oil and one log oyel log is a measurement equivalent to approximately two-thirds of a pint of what a measure that we would be familiar with this time now the oil mingled with the offering always symbolic of the holy spirit I think that the the log of oil was ordinary olive oil at this point in time and we're going to see that the oil is utilized in a way that it's set apart consecrated and set apart into anointing oil by the priests verse eleven any of you who use olive oil in anointing you know that you take a small amount of the oil and in prayer you ask God to bless the oil and explaining to him that promising him that you'll only use it in obedience to him and you know it's his power not the power of the oil verse eleven and the priest that maketh him clean shall present the man that is to be made clean and those things before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation the priest shall cause the man to stand and again notice all is done for the leper the leper can do nothing on his own at this point in time until his relationship with man number one is restored and his relationship number two with the Lord is restored in verse twelve and the priest shall take one he lamb and offer him for a trespass offering and the log of oil and waved them for a wave offering before the Lord and this trespass offering in the Hebrew is awesome and it's for sins of omission something that someone did not do and other words in ignorance or negligence and just as the priests who were consecrated into the priesthood through a consecration process in Chapter eight here we see basically the same set up verse thirteen and he this being the priest shall slay the lamb in the place where he shall kill the sin offering this being on the the north side of the altar of burnt offering and the burnt offering in the holy place for as the sin offering is the priest so is the trespass offering it is most holy and this could be easily misinterpreted that the sin offering is for the sins of the priest that's not what's being said here at all the sin offering is to cover the sins of the leper and what this means is that the sin offering is the priest as it stated in chapter 7 verse 7 and the following verses that the priests were to consume the sin offerings of the people in essence getting rid of the sin bear the iniquity of the people as it states in chapter 10 verse 17 verse 14 and the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot the great toe of course what we would refer to as the big toe today now this is all symbolic and as just as we saw in chapter 8 for Aaron and his sons that they took the blood of the consecration Ram and touched it to Aaron and his sons right here their right thumbs and their right big toes and this is symbolic of number-one hearkening or listening to the word of God on the ear on the thumb working to accomplish the the Word of God and then on the big toe walking according to the Word of God and again this was just like the priests consecration but here required to restore the covenant relationship between the leper and God verse 15 and the priest shall take some of the log of oil the two thirds of a pint of the ordinary olive oil and pour it into the palm of his own left hand and the oil always symbolic of the Holy Spirit verse 16 and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand and shall sprinkle of the oil with this finger seven times before the Lord before the altar of burnt-offering and this I think we can end this we can see the the priest consecrating or setting apart this oil for use for anointing much as you would do if you were obtained some new olive oil and were preparing it to be anointing oil consecrating the oil and sanctifying it for further use verse 17 and of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleanse and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot upon the blood of the trespass offering and and this is all symbolic the the blood is what God chose to be the means of atonement for man the wages of sin is death and to at this point in time of this writing the Book of Leviticus that was how you atone for sin was blood of sacrifices the oil symbolic of the holy spirit the the blood being equivalent to the soul of the person if you will together they endowed the person with the power of the Holy Spirit once again verse 18 and the remnant of the oil that is in the priests hands he shall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed thus anointing him and the priest shall make an atonement for him before the Lord and now this individual would be reinstated in two covenant privileges covenant rights in other words they would be free to participate in things such as well making an offering to the Lord a burnt offering got to get rid of the sin first but then also the peace offerings where the person would have the right to participate in a sacrificial meal with God that privilege would be reinstated at this point also participating in Passover someone who's unclean cannot participate in Passover verse 19 and the priest shall offer the sin offering and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness and afterward he shall kill the burnt offering always the sin offering first and then the burnt offering the burnt offering you may recall we covered in Chapter one of Leviticus and that is a total surrender to God it was also seen as an approach offering allowing one to come into the presence of God his holiness verse 20 and the priest shall offer a burnt offering and the meat offering the minka that was mentioned in verse 10 and the meat offering upon the altar and the priests make an atonement for him and he shall be clean now the importance of the details of this law that we've just covered are so important that it's repeated almost word-for-word every point is repeated in verses 21 through 32 and I'm not gonna bore you with reading the same material to you again I will mention there's one small addition to the law in verses 21 through 32 and that is the fact that if someone was not able to afford the larger sacrifices the you sheep and then the RAM then they were allowed to in other words they didn't have the means to buy a RAM for the sacrifice they were allowed to bring two turtledoves or two pigeons which of course were also clean animals but God never showed favoritism as far as how much money someone has how much money they're able to give to the church for example doesn't affect God at all and he's more impressed with people being interested in learning his word and doing his word rather than being hearers of the word but not doers so and we're gonna skip them to verse 33 and we'll pick it up there and what we're gonna be talking about now is leprosy that is seen in in a home in a house and I'll remind you that God is preparing Israel to move into the land of Canaan and God gave the people of Israel the houses the very homes that the Canaanites lived in they didn't have to dig wells God all that was done by the Canaanites the olive yards were planted the vineyards were planted God gave them everything that they needed to produce fruit unfortunately and I as it's written in Isaiah chapter 5 God expected them to produce fruit but what he got was berries which is is what the wild grape should have been translated in Isaiah chapter 5 but the point is there have been some very very unclean people living in these homes and more on that as we work our way through verse 33 and the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying and this pertains a lot to the priest so that's the reason that the Lord is speaking to both Moses and Aaron verse 34 when you become into the land of Canaan the promised land which I give to you for a possession and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession now who put the plague of leprosy in the house God struck that home with leprosy xerath the prime in the Hebrew Zara of a man who are a woman who was or a child who was stricken with leprosy who did it God did it verse 35 and he that oneth the house shall come and tell the priest saying it seemeth to me there is that as it were a plague in the house make a note of Psalm 91 verses 9 and 10 where it states that if you will make the Lord your habitation there will be no plague that comes near thy dwelling verse 36 then the priest shall command that they empty the house before the priests go in in it to see the plague that all that is in the house be not made unclean and afterward the priests shall go in to see the house now this proves to me that that this leprosy as it's called here was not actually infectious what this is saying is that before the priest would go in to declare the house clean or unclean they were to get the contents out of the house completely move all the furniture out of the house and the reason that if the priest pronounced the house unclean it would also mean the contents were unclean so until the priest said it was unclean they could still get the furniture the contents out of the house and therefore at least saved their furniture in the event that the house had to be demolished verse 37 and he shall look on the plague the priests being the he and behold if the plague being the walls of the house with hollow strikes greenish or reddish which is in which insight are lower than the wall in other words it had sunken places that were recessed from the level of the wall indentions in the wall might be a good way to think of it that were greenish or reddish and this is all symbolic just as the leper was seen as someone who was dead and and already D in the decomp decomposition process decomposing process so is the house in this case decomposing from within then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house and shut the house seven days the same as the procedure if a man was suspected or a woman was suspected of having leprosy the same if a garment was suspected of having leprosy the procedure put it away for seven days and what are we looking for we're looking for any signs of change in that seven-day period verse 39 and the priest shall come again the seventh day and shall look and behold if the play just spread in the walls of the house and let me ask you do you think it's spreading is a good sign or a bad sign well it's spreading either in a man or in a garment or in a house was a bad sign again the spreading a sign of inward corruption verse 40 then the priest shall command that they take away the stones in which the plague is and they shall cast them into an unclean place without the city removing the corruption from the camp just as a man who was diagnosed with leprosy had to leave the camp just as a garment who had leprosy that could not be washed or cured was burned effectively removing it from the camp the bricks that were affected in the home or the stones were taken out away from the camp to an unclean place and gotten rid of verse 41 and he shall cause the house to be scraped within a roundabout and they shall pour out the dust that they scrape off without the city in an unclean place and the walls at this time were plastered and it was quite a process not only did they have to take the walls the affected part of the walls the rocks and the bricks out they had to scrape the entire plaster off of the walls and not only removed the plaster but the dust from it outside of the camp into an unclean place oh all symbolic of sin get-get the sin away from the people away from the camp verse 42 and they shall take other stones and put them in the place of those stones they'll patch the hole in the wall and he shall take other mortar and shall plaster the house and hopefully the plague won't return and further cleansing of the house required even if it does not return and if the plague come again and breakout in the house after that he has taken away the stones and after he has scraped the house and after it is plastered the reappearance of the indentions into the walls a bad sign it means that the leprosy has come back verse 44 then the priest shall come and look and behold if the plague be spread in the house it is a fretting leprosy in the house it is unclean and a fretting leprosy meaning its bitter or mad corruption growing from within 45 what happens in that case that it came back and he shall break down the house better and the priest shall cause the house to be broken down the stones of it and the timber thereof and all the mortar of the house the whole house and he shall carry them forth out of the city into an unclean place completely removing the corruption from the camp just as a person who was diagnosed with leprosy was removed from the camp just as a garment that was diagnosed with leprosy that was incurable was removed from the camp by burning we'll come back in our next lecture and complete the the sections of the Leviticus that cover leprosy we'll also get into chapter 15 which is the uncleanness of bodily secretions and once again I'll remind you viewers that chapter 15 in particular is pretty mature subject matter I won't pull any punches as we work our way through chapter 15 but I did want to give you I know many of you study with your children with your grandchildren and I wanted to give you the heads up and make you aware that it is subject a mature subject matter perhaps it would be best for you to record the program review it yourself and then make sure that you're ready to discuss that mature subject matter with your children or your grandchildren I'll leave that determination to you but we're going to teach it line by line precept upon precept and we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to share to be possibly answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask for questions in a written form we just don't have the time or staff to give a written response to everyone or anyone who would like one if we don't have time to do it for everyone we won't do it for one please don't ask questions about a specific denomination organ zatia nor individual by name we teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it if your watch studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in got a prayer request you don't need a telephone number we can do away with that you don't need paper and pencil and a mailing address your heavenly father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to develop your relationship with your heavenly father you might say well how do I develop my relationship with God well talking with him is a good start and you know he developed a way for you to talk with him anywhere anytime anyplace you can talk to your Heavenly Father in prayer and it's a good way to develop your relationship be sure and tell your father that you love him if you do you can't con him don't try and con him because he knows your heart and he knows your mind we do have these prayer requests we come united as one in the name of your son father the name of Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these you know their needs addictions to drugs alcohol father financial difficulties you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we ask that you watch over directing and again we have left always remember our military troops in harm's way father we ask you to protect them in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father alright let's get to some questions and see what's on mine too folks across the country first up today Alicia in California when the silver cord breaks does the flesh die and the spirit no the the the flesh dies most assuredly in silver court Alicia's referring to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 and 7 and what the silver cord breaking is a he BRE Azzam figure of speech in the Hebrew language that means when we die and verse seven goes on to say verse six is where it says when the silver cord parts and then it goes on to say something like in the earthen vessel we broken means when we die and well it states then that the dust meaning the flesh returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God who gave it that's what happens when we die second Corinthians chapter five verses 7 and 8 state that to be absent from the flesh body is to be present with the Lord Dale in Washington do I still have to pay for my sins even though the Lord has forgiven me no you don't pay for sins that you have been that you have repented of and been forgiven acts chapter 3 verse 19 will document that the sins are blotted out that means that they don't exist anymore it's like they never existed in the first place Jonathan and Texas and you know once the sin has been blotted out the most important thing is it's erased next to your name in the books that God keeps in heaven you're not gonna be judged on those sins that are erased that's why a Christian should repent and repent often Jonathan in Texas if we die before Jesus comes are there two paradises that good and the bad while there are there's only one paradise but there are two sides of the Gulf one side of the Gulf is not all that pleasant reading Luke chapter 16 see how the rich men who died at the same time Lazarus did was tormented but on the side of Lazarus who was seen in the bosom of Abraham things are quite different that was where I would call paradise second esdras chapter 7 verse 77 if you happen to have an Apocrypha even gives a better description of the bad side of the Gulf then Luke chapter 16 does then you follow what the second question is there a way to go from the bad side to the good and no that's the thing about the gulf of Luke chapter 16 you cannot cross it it's impossible to cross at this point in time luisa from Texas greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus and greetings to you as well I need help would you please tell me or expound on second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 is this talking about the catching away departure or is it talking about the apostasy and the Antichrist thank you second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 paul says you know i want to talk to you about the return of jesus christ and that return is not going to happen until their first be a great falling away that if you look in the greek that means an apostasy and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition there's only one son of perdition some people trying to say that's judas iscariot it's not judas iscariot it's Satan himself Satan is the only entity individual that has been judged to death by name already and they will read about that in Ezekiel chapter 27 I believe is where he's called the king of Tyrus but he's already been sentenced to to be turned to ashes from within that happens when he goes into the lake of fire that's Ezekiel 27 or 28 and it escapes me at the moment jeanny and Arkansas thank you and the staff for what you do you're welcome I wanted you all to know that the father healed me through the son from hepatitis C my husband and I found you at 2:30 a.m. one morning and we learned we repented and we were healed in a few years without taking new prescriptions medications we've been with your church for at least 20 years I thought this might be good for others who made this who made the same mistakes that we did to here and thanks for witnessing and sharing that witness with us God's Word is so powerful it does change lives and I encourage you if you are having addiction problems or something of that nature or have a disease get into God's Word and God has the power to heal Tommy in Iowa if you don't study your Bible will you go to hell well I would say it's probably more likely that you would end up in the lake of fire if you don't read the letter God wrote to you you don't know how to be pleasing to God you don't know what makes God angry in a nutshell if you don't know God's commandments you can't do His commandments and if you don't follow God's commandments yeah.the the likelihood of you ended up in the lake of fire of Revelation chapter 20 is probably increased Kathy and I don't know where Kathy's from is the world going to end well any place in the Bible that it talks about in time prophecy or the end of the world it's talking about periods of time an age if you will and the Greek the word is ion and it means a period of time and we're living right now in the second earth and heaven age when the first Second Earth and heaven age ends guess what happens the third earth in heaven which is the eternity begins and that period when the one period of time ends the next period of time begins so no the world is not going to be destroyed in some apocalyptic disaster God loves the Judt area of Jerusalem he married that area and that's where his throne will be established in the eternity how do I know because Revelation chapter 21 tells us that that's the way it comes down al in Connecticut where in Scripture does it talk about Easter only appears in the King James Version Bible in one verse Acts chapter 12 verse 4 and that is a poor translation the word in the greek is pasca and that what is paska mean well if you got a Strong's Concordance you can look it up it means Passover and Jesus Christ became our Passover 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 and 7 Easter if you have a Webster's seventh college 7th edition college dictionary you can look up the word Easter and it will tell you that that is a pagan Spring Festival an orgy if you will in the Groves rolling Easter eggs which are symbolic of fertility quick like a rabbit and Easter Bunny known for also for their fertility their reproduction capabilities it originated as as a goddess of the Phoenicians who was the goddess of fertility if you want a full study on the the subject of Easter I would suggest you order us a CD by Pastor Arnold Murray entitled just that Easter it's CD three zero five seven three Edward in South Carolina what was Noah's wife's name and where can I find it in the Bible Noah's wife nor his three daughters-in-law are mentioned by name Robert in in the Bible Robert in South Carolina could you tell me where I can find the verse each after its own kind and death not nature itself teach you that it is so I was taught that way as a young man growing up I have used that as my guide many times and would like to read more about it only one place in the King James Version Bible that it says that nature itself teaches us that's 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 and that subject is if a man has long hair it is a shame unto him now to each his own I think Leviticus chapter 19 verse 19 would get that so such there that thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind meaning a divert a different kind now shall not sow thy field with mingled seed you know God created things just the way he wants them and when you go cross gendering or mixing the seed you're getting away you're getting something a result that's not natural according to God Joseph in Pennsylvania why was Dan Efram omitted from the twelve tribes of israel and joseph referring to revelation chapter 7 and dan and ephraim are omitted from the listing of the 12 tribes of israel there because of their idolatry but and Joseph and Levi are listed in the place of Dan and Ephraim there in Revelation chapter 7 however in Ezekiel 48 which is future from now Dan and Ephraim will be reinstated for the eternity Deborah from Ohio thank you so much for teaching Father's Word the way it needs to be taught in all churches I have a question about the Millennium is it only does the dock that can go out and talk to family members or any spirit body with an immortal soul or both only this is a dock which are the elect of God those who protect of the first resurrection of Revelation chapter 20 verses five and six meaning that the second death the death of the soul has no power over them they have an immortal soul at that time because of the first resurrection of Revelation 20 not all Christians in the millennium are considered the Zadok correct and that is correct and you say thank you and thank you alright who we have Evelyn from Florida I've learned a lot but not enough I still haven't heard my question well you're about to about angels is it wrong to collect images of angels I don't worship them but I believe God uses them to help us and watch over us well there's nothing wrong with images of anything as long as use you said you don't worship them now there's a scripture that talks about what you're talking about that angels watch over certain people Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 the teachings of Jesus he says don't despise one of these little ones and referring to his the election for I saying to you that their angels in heaven do always behold the face of father in other words is the angel watching over God's election and at any time he has the attention of God would be a way to think of that Erika in Texas and thank you for your kind comments where was Jesus from the age of 12 until age 30 and what was he doing while Jesus's ministry began at the age of approximately 30 years old and he kind of disappears in the new testament from the age of 12 to the age of 30 historically you can document that Jesus was traveling back and forth from Judah to the British Isles with his uncle Joseph actually Mary's uncle his grant great uncle Joseph of Arimathea who was a tin man in in other words they mind 10 in Great Britain and he was in an import business to bring the 10 back to Judah so there's a book entitled traditions of Glastonbury where there's a documentary on it that we run occasionally you might catch that on video or DVD or cassette tape excuse me a VHS tape we offer both in our library or you can order book 6 traditions of Glastonbury which gives a pretty good evidence of the fact that Jesus was traveling back and forth as I said with his great uncle joseph of arimathea cadence from Kentucky I want to get baptized but I don't know what I have to do to be baptized I'm only nine years old and my preacher says that I have to take a class in order to be baptized what kind of class do I have to take well you need to ask that preacher that if you want to be baptized in their church you have to follow their rules I can't tell you though that any Christian may baptize another person it doesn't have to be a preacher of a church and I would hate to be in that preacher shoes if he refused to baptize you and then you were god forbid killed in an automobile accident while you were waiting to get through this class I'd sure hate to be in that preachers shoes but we don't require anyone to take a class here at Shepherds chapel that if someone is extremely young and asking to be baptized you're always going to see the pastor verified that the young person knows what they're doing and is old enough to make a responsible cognizant decision that what they're doing is their own will not mommy your daddy's are not doing it because somebody else in Sunday's cool peer pressure is is causing them to be baptized but that they want to be baptized for the right reasons Wendy in Kentucky I'm confused about the mercy seat if it was intended for Christ to absolve us and give mercy from why was Satan one of the angels that covered it there would be no need for mercy if there was no sin before Satan rebelled I'm confused well man does not need Satan to figure out a way to sin man is pretty good at coming up with ways to sin on their own without Satan's help to answer your question Satan earned the right to be one of the cherubs that protects the mercy seat Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 11 and the following verses but and he was doing good Satan was all until he got all puffed up in himself and that is the scripture I had to escape me it is Ezekiel 28 where the king of Tyrus and because he got all puffed up on an ego trip that's when God sent in Satan to death and I'm not talking about the death of the flesh I'm talking about the second death the death of the soul and he'll be turned to ashes from within when he goes into the lake of fire kimberley in Idaho please explain and provide scripture for what is the key of David I'm not completely sure in Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 the key of David is the key that opens doors that no man can shut them and it shuts doors that no man can open them the key of David is the key that unlocks Scripture it opens it to where you understand and you know who the Kenites are which are the of the synagogue of Satan of Revelation chapter 2 3:7 got to know the key of David I'm out of time way out of time I want you to know that I love you a great deal I also want you to know that we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness most important this though beloved you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel Bo box 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,904
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Chapel, Book of Leviticus, Murray, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Book of, Arnold, Leviticus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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