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so we are at Heathrow Airport terminal 3 and today only one of us is actually going anywhere and Amy and seat spy have run a really brilliant website that lets you check for reward availability with BA and virgin and they very kindly found some where water space today for range to head off to the States and have a look around and yeah leaving me behind to look after the kids for a change so I've set some things for her to do over there which she doesn't know about yet we'll find out so we're Heathrow with a minute and Rachel was about to say her flight over to we got in Seattle with a virtue that lancia yep so anyway first stop today was to take me to the assistants desk and hand her over so where to be packing all of our liquids at interrogation right once she's off of a trip enjoy and see you're gonna right I'll see you later well I say she's gone mom being as no got in the car and headed home I was whisked onto the plane for my flight to Seattle meanwhile f king Knoll was tracking my flight as he stopped off his daily intake of fast food as I stopped off the fuel on the way home and Rangers just taken off the flight and near Milton Keynes and she's about to fly over time I think see if we can see about the fight enjoying the comfy ride in Premium Economy I was being served my own lunch although this didn't go to plan I was hoping for the stir-fried pork but they'd run out and I was left with either chicken curry or vegan cottage pie earth after a flight of around nine hours we started our descent II to Seattle hi everyone I wanted to welcome you to Seattle a lot of places have been closed down so I'm gonna go and try and explore and see what Seattle is like with everything closed I've just found out this morning that Lee Space Needle is closed I'm hopeful of getting down to Prai Place Market I'm going to have a look there so it is a half of three on a Friday and there is literally moving around [Applause] the weather's pretty shocking as you can say oh god ugh I don't ever wear order so yeah it's not going great maybe I should give NOLA ring and see what he wants to do hello right I've seen you post you don't look very happy so shall we see about getting you somewhere else then what am I you know what I'm gonna be really mean and I'm gonna put it to the viewers on Instagram and get them to decide this is payback for several Pacific darling payback for several Pacific and we will try and find you somewhere this not rain in and not short that sound good criteria there let's hope we can find somewhere in the States that is and also of course because I'm a Titan or than this somewhere that's relatively cheap that a book in the day before she flies um so let's have a look flat price a little leaving tomorrow I'm in back Sunday oh it's not a flat price right down I'm not paying that much I'm a tight northern air say 200 quid return Oh Vegas Phoenix Denver too soon okay where were those places that's a little Vegas Phoenix to san dimas' obviously up here I think the weather is gonna be nicer in Arizona or potentially in Vegas and there's more to do in Vegas than there is elsewhere but let's put this to a par I'm gonna pick two places for me let's say Vegas and I say too soon I think Phoenix is a big city let's give it to extremes a big flashy city in Vegas or to sim so I'm going to pop it on an insta Pole and you guys get to choose where HS to next as I mentioned at the beginning a big thanks to see spike for arranging this trip for H seats pi is one of those websites are find myself using all the time it makes it super easy to find availability on a range of Airlines at the moment they work with BAE ferjeen KLM Annette France with more Airlines on the way soon you simply search for your flight on the website and it brings you up a handy calendar to find the water fail ability it's so much easier than spending hours trolling the airline websites for availability you just tell seats by where you want to go and it shows you a simple calendar showing you not only how many seats are available but also crucially how many miles they'll cost and what the taxes are they also have this handy feature that shows you what availability the airlines have for award seats on any given day so you can pick and choose your flight it's based on waking 30 miles the premium tiers are really reasonably priced - and for scheduled availability alerts they can be sent directly phone via text message with what's up coming soon to C Spire off in their premium tiers but is $1.99 a month for premium or $2.99 for first-class until the end of May click on the link in the description to sign up for seats buy it really does make finding reward space easy meanwhile back to the poll of whether the Senate rage and you guys voted in your thousands and within a few hours we had our result right so you guys have spoken and undeniably there is a massive lead for me to send rate to Las Vegas so that relaxing quiet spa break that reach was gonna get in to some Arizona is now party break in Las Vegas for one sorry reach but payback time for city Pacific so look Alaska Airlines pretty cheap hundred and forty pounds round trip to Vegas from Seattle zones gonna get this booked and then find a hotel for it and then let I know that she's off to Seattle no she's not to Seattle and then letter that she's off to Vegas baby well the people have spoken and you're going to Vegas baby so you'll be able to lose that soon as that mommy yeah she's like why you in the phone Daffy Duck so yeah you have to Vegas have a sausage your hotel are by the way yeah so as yet you might be sleeping in the airport but only the following morning I grabbed a neighbor to the airport and waited right down to Vegas Nolan booked me on a non-stop flight with Alaska Airlines I spotted this really pretty playing out of the window look how cute it is trust you Tony be interested in a plane because it's a pink rage [Music] [Music] [Music] we'd a pretty bumpy flight down to Vegas and I saw some stunning scenery as we came in to lunch at Las Vegas Airport [Music] favorite artist chubachi p.m. to keep your seatbelt on trouble trouble confronted I was a little nervous but it was time to call and find out where it'd be staying [Music] how's it going no where are ya you in Vegas sweet I was a flight all right yeah makes it more fun though so you won't know where you stayin don't you so I have booked for you the most perfect amazing youth hostel in the whole of Las Vegas for you so you're actually stay in a little hotel is a little bed-and-breakfast place and they've got like a pond in front of it it's called the Bellagio I'm as far as I can work out it's like some little B&B thing yeah why would it not be serious why would I not be serious I don't know didn't look to you buy them any guns it got a good rating on booking.com anyway so no worries stay safe and I speak to when you get there bye I grabbed an uber Knowles pretty little B&B he'd booked so I arrived in Vegas to find that ice cream pot in the Bellagio an incredibly beautiful gorgeous hotel and I have the most amazing view this is the view from my window and I think you'll agree it's pretty spectacular The Fountains at the Bellagio were amazing and being able to stand and watch from the front of the hotel was spectacular [Music] as rate went to sleep some breaking news happened for many breaking developments in the worldwide coronavirus emergency president trump extending the travel ban with Europe now including the UK and Ireland the world reach was inundated with panic messages through social media Rach picked up these messages with no context what so everyone was sued panicking about what was going on and whether she'd ever be able to return to the UK in Vegas pretty quiet for Sunday morning but the plane was wonderful I was glad to be starting my journey home [Music] [Music] [Music] the scenery on the fly up to Seattle was spectacular usually I don't get the window see so this was all a novelty for me [Music] [Music] unsubtle and is in Seattle Accord Noll to tell him her glam did and was given a pleasant surprise hello how's it going what in Seattle why you were the gay you've got business class check the board impact on your phone look at it when you come off you in but nearing upper class superclass because on you've got a flatbed and everything and because unlike some people I don't make my other half fly on Serbia Pacific economy cluster flip in 11 hours so you so you have got to Virgin Atlantic upper class so if you have a look at your boarding pass there's lounge somewhere that'll be a del took place or somewhere you can go very well hope you enjoy it for the moment there's three people in upper-class on your flight say yeah you'll be fine you are more than welcome I hope you enjoy it so I'm here so here in the dr. Lou I'm here - I'm up here because I'm grade of one ticket to fly huh I'm nothing but maths so I get a life like that yes it's gonna be amazing so I can get some sleep the flight way Jimmy is desperately needed so thank you know the lounge was deserted but it was a great place to sit for a couple of hours before my flight the staff were brilliant and kept my wine glass top top soon I boarded the plane to take me home and we took off into a beautiful silver [Music] [Music] the food in upper-class was really really nice I had seared duck which tasted exquisite [Music] humans we do believe Loxley is my team no no I at my evening meal supplying so I'm gonna try get some rest I'm sure does meet you again racing after a reasonable night's sleep on the flatbed I woke up to a lovely bacon body with orange juice and a much-needed coffee I got some good views as we descended across England into Heathrow I [Music] just want to say a big thanks to my patrons for your ongoing support patrons not only get early access to all of my videos but also a range of other perks including life's crew supports our group weekly live chats where we all just sit and have a chat with a drink and a ton of other perks including some fantastic merch you can join them at the link on your screen now [Music] how was he tricked it was interesting what did you think - verging more importantly don't get me wrong CEO class cabin is nice bought the life lumber was ok but there's just no storage anywhere douchey stuff everywhere courses nowit's Bullard yeah I think I had the same when I flew in the window is in a really awful place entailment virgin yeah actually saw from the the footage when the camera flopped down I couldn't do anything about it but yeah it's a really a trip to the States and did you enjoy your mystery tour in Vegas even though everybody started panicking you and before you came home I did I loved it and he's proved to you to you to me to everyone that I can actually do it so as a disabled single female traveler it's possible to do and let us know down in the comments guys where you thought to this video and we filter Rachel's made an effort in the comments below and in the meantime as always thank you so much for watching take care and we'll see you next time and my videos there
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 91,499
Rating: 4.7816281 out of 5
Keywords: noel philips, inflight video
Id: VCdPh972cWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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