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well hello everybody and I'm here at the moment in a tiny little town called Penzance if you're not familiar with the UK geography is kind of the most southwesterly tip of the UK any further than this that way and it's the Atlantic Ocean across to the USA it's kind of as far away from home for me as you can get in England this miles from anywhere I've been working down here for a few days now and I don't know whether you've heard there's been a bit of a book going around at the moment Oh couple of TV stations have picked up on it and ran with it but effectively it's placed the whole world into blocked out his transport is absolutely chaos right now flights are canceled trains are canceled planes are canceled and rickshaws are council that I know you named a mode of transport and it's off right now why am I telling you all this well we've just been told that the next development in this book is that essentially the UK is now entering a period of lockdown instruction you must stay at home that means they want everybody to go home and stay home which ordinarily for me is not a problem I can just stay home and be away from everybody I don't mind but I've got to get there first I'm here in Penzance miles for anyway with all these cancellations and delays is going to be an absolute nightmare I think in home my direct train out of Penzance said I usually get is cancelled so I need to figure out a way that I'm going to get from here in Penzance to home in the North Midlands and I am going to do it we're gonna head to the station now we're going to see what the trains are lying and figure out how on earth I can make a seven-hour journey back home in these times of such a massive disruption that we have right now but come with me and we'll find out it's okay checks out of the hotel now over to the station my original plan to get home was to get a flight all the way up to Scotland and then take another flight to get me back home but that was cancelled along with most other forms of transport right so my train has been cancelled great starts the journey we're supposed to be on a train over to Birmingham New Street or something from here that's been cancelled trains are in Lyon as far as Plymouth for me so I think I'm gonna head to Plymouth and see from there how I get back from Plymouth it's a little bit closer to home at least one of these [Music] which ones go for let's try this one D [Music] it's empty [Music] now considering this is the half past 8 service from Penzance all the way along the south coast usually this will be probably run by imagine it's deserted just me fools like me and so I'm gonna head over to Plymouth and to see I think there's more trees reply mirth back home than there is from Penzance so make sense we do shift along to there and see if I can get back from Plymouth fairly soon the train pulled out of the station and I commenced on my mammoth eight hour journey back home you see any loads of people have been like saying that while all the trains still ready unwanted while the planes still running but ultimately people still need to get into work and people still wanting to get home that doesn't stop obviously there's a lot less demand because a few people are working from home there as people still there's still jobs that people do that they home where from how you might have to get the train from [Music] now as you can imagine rebooking all this trouble last seconds to actually find a way of gain I always been a bigger than nightmare and I want to say thanks to this video sponsored dashlane they've been really good and the software has been really useful to get access to all of my passwords my bank cards my passport details for all these last-minute flights and things that I've had to book and cancel inevitably but - Lien's really for really easy actually makes it super easy to securely store all of your passwords cards and important documents and access them on the go it allows you to quickly generate a unique highly secure password for each website you visits and autofills them on your devices so you never have to remember a password again it's far more secure than reusing that same password with different numbers at the end over and over again it also makes it really easy to fill in your card details whenever you make an online purchase which is really handy for me as I can just click and fill in my card details without having to go rooting through my wallet aside from cards it stores things like your passport so wherever I am in the world I can just open the app and pull down my passport details wait when I'm trying to check-in online or apply for v's is when they want to know every last tiny detail of your life before I was lucky enough to do this is a full-time job I worked in IT security for years as web managers like - Lina regarded by experts to be the safest most secure way to generate and protect your online credentials even if dashlane were to get hacked it'll be like breaking into a bank but not being able to open any of the vaults only you have the key T vault here master password which dashlane don't have and you have to enter it on your laptop or phone to get access to your passwords so try the exclusive offer of getting - Layton for free on your first device at - Layne comm / Noll and then when you want to upgrade to premium which you will use my code Noll to get 25% off we continued across the countryside of Devon before arriving in the bright lights of Plymouth City Limits [Music] - liveth see where the bring you anywhere from here I think there's a little shop here I'm gonna trying out battery because I mean it's ago right so a deserted Plymouth and there is a train that's going to take me home that's leaving in about half an hour's time just to book it stick it on that one so fingers crossed that one goes and gets me at least a little bit closer to home so let's go and see if we can get on board [Music] at times I at least I think you can bend the rules a little bit [Music] ha [Music] so when in Cornwall Devon dev wall whether it's man places and pasties are an essential of course very essential food item in these really tough times that we're living in so sorry cuz it's just essential I'm just doing my bit you know next he's good certainly beats McDonald's it's a good alternative to McDonald's in microwave matt has been shot right now the next leg on my journey would be this cross-country train that was heading all the way up to Edinburgh in Scotland right time to go try on the string see if it's gonna go all the way along there's been a lot of trains that have not been stopping at certain stations this is supposed to take me to Chesterfield but until I get the Chesterfield of course there's no way of knowing sure [Music] very humbled there is people on this train as well so thankfully which makes me think very much to be going some way [Music] well we have new hatred on board due to this book going round it's all about the planning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] exorcist indictments [Music] now I have to say I'm supposed to be heading up to Scotland today to do the next leg of this trip but obviously the flight and all they ended up getting canceled but he would have been a lovely day to fly in today look at that with a clear blue skies elect the country is amazing at the moment thankfully we've all got a bit of time at home just chilling that my gardener enjoy this really nice weather not for a few ears of course the hot weather did mean the train was absolutely sweltering inside so I was actually glad when we arrived at Bristol Temple Meads so Bristol Temple Meads figured I'd come and get a little bit of fresh air because we're kind of four hours into our seven and a half hour journey home I get away from the smell of these petite islets for a little bit on this train Bristol a slightly better we didn't stop for long and before long we were on our way again and one of the questions a lot of people have had with all these disruptions everything that's been going on is what happens if your travel provider councils your flight or train or whatever where do you use stand will flights are quite straightforward if it's cancelled you get a refund whether the airline's tell you that or not your jewelry fund some airlines have been making it really difficult people to claim refunds I know I had a fly box with Swiss for example who turn around said yeah we can cancel your flight now but we're not gonna give you a refund for another three months no that's not right and if it happens you just go to your bank and raising a chargeback and then we fund it all for you similar with trains as well they're all relaxing their conditions right now even advanced fares more flexible fares right now so there's no point paying for a flexible fare on anything at the moment because Kim is ordered to go for the advanced one it's still flexible and they'll still give you a refund if you're unable to travel there is other alternatives out there but of course it does like this journey mean a lot more planning than usual so it's interesting times for sure so just found out that the trains being divert did some reason apparently right now coming via Kidderminster not sure what the reason is presumably books on the line or something no idea and that we've been diverted fire she didn't mean the stuff you know out of our fan out of her me [Music] [Music] pretty soon we're approaching the bright lights of Birmingham albeit from a completely different direction that I was planning to it's so Birmingham New Street of it about half an hour later than planned due to the dye efficient enough North End board about seven hours into the journey so far another hour left to go suggest a field if we don't get any more delays and diversions on the way one thing that has been frustrating here there'll be is over the last few days we've seen loads of photos going viral of packed trains and packs to platforms and back tube trains and things like that everyone's trying to shame everybody for still trying to get on the train than everything but to be honest I could kind of see the point board they've reduced all the services so much due to the staffing issues around this outbreak that of course the tubes are going to be packed you still have to go to work you know of any aside from the army of NHS workers construction workers and shops and things like that they all need to stay at home so people still need to get the trains or one there all reduced they're going to be packed so it's a little bit frustrating to me that people are kind of trying to shame people just for gain the train to work who trying to do the best [Music] dami when he got into the train [Music] so Darby penultimate stop thank goodness one more stop on my home [Music] fresh air and home so back in and Chesterfield and about half an hour now for me to get home from here but I'm pretty much back now so here we good I mean you've enjoyed this video I hope it's been useful to see what it's like traveling in the time of massive disruption at the moment let me know what you thought this video down in the comments below now of course it goes without saying that trouble at the moment needs to be for essential people only and for me obviously I had to get home but now on home I'm staying home I'm gonna have a few weeks off enjoying there's a lovely beautiful weather some of you out there can't do that I know you're essential key workers and thank you so much to you guys for everything you're doing in the moment to keep this country going in this time the very at the moment to appreciate and I hope that you were able to have your time off very soon as well in the meantime as always thanks very much for watching take care and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 127,785
Rating: 4.7255826 out of 5
Id: SfiL2tK1jXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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