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Even if you were not excited about a fire emblem character at all I feel the community is being way to overdramatic about this. I mean there are going to be 6 more dlc characters. If tere were going to be no more characters after this I could understand being upset but this is just way to extreme.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/shadow0wolf0 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone Masahiro Sakurai I am excited to show you the next DLC characters in Super Smash Brothers ultimate that surely will not piss a single person on Fire Emblem three houses was one of my favorite games of 2019 but yeah I get it I mean like I'm committed I got a crest of flames tattooed on my leg and yeah yeah I understand it didn't know presented us with the Challenger PAC showcasing all these third-party icons like hero from Dragon Quest Banjo and Kazooie Terry Bogard from fatal fury and King of Fighters and then Joker from persona 5 so naturally you see the pattern here that it's always gonna be third party characters and then they show you pilot which don't get me wrong I am happy about which I think is very important to stress in this that I am actually happy that pilot got in but I completely understand why people are not happy this is by far the most disliked smash video of all time and after thinking about it more I really want to talk about why that is a popular counterpoint is that Nintendo never properly stated that this DLC Challenger pack would be exclusively third party but let's be honest Nintendo doesn't really state anything ever about anything it's like we're used to just assuming things I don't think it's bad to assume things especially when dealing with Nintendo a lot of people want to say that violets should have been the first character of DLC pack 2 but hear me out it might sound scummy but people have already bought DLC pack 1 so it doesn't really matter what the fifth character is if violence was the first fighter on the second challenger pack do you think people would buy as much as they did when it was Joker and that's an honest question because I don't know even though at the time of release persona 5 might have been less popular than Fire Emblem people are definitely much more welcome to a new IP being introduced to smash than your 8th Fire Emblem character persona 5 has grown in popularity exponentially within the smash community since the reveal last year at the game Awards and if we're looking at sales across the fire in limb series eyuth was inevitable because actually played this game but at the same time if violet was in the base game way before three houses came out it would have felt just as chilly as Corrin did and if it was at e3 it would have felt just a promoting even though this does kind of promote the new fire in them DLC I feel like it's still more tolerable and realistically violet was so much easier to get in Smash than the third party because you have to think of licensing and stuff like that with companies who are probably really strict with their IPs cuz I mean Hey look at cloud skins for Christ's sake I think by Lilith is a fine inclusion in Smash because three houses strikes a huge turning point in the Fire Emblem series this game is so different than all the ones before it and all of my friends who don't even like Fire Emblem at least tried three houses so it has this popularity aspect that the other games just failed to have do I think it's a little insane that Fire Emblem awakening alone has three representatives honestly yeah I know that's the most popular game before it bowling three from one game is a lot which that's what the problem is it's not about pilots it's the sheer quantity and Fire Emblem representation and I'll be honest I don't think a lot of it is necessary yes Crom and Lucena are EKKO fighters but having to echo fighters in one series is all a little unnecessary you know I don't want to sound like I'm bashing fire and lemon smash cuz I for one love it but I'm trying to think of how to increase the general reception to Fire Emblem in Smash and I think it would be - honestly cut the roster down by half obviously not now but like maybe just fewer characters should have been included because a lot of unnecessary ones made the cuts honestly violence moveset is fairly unique but the thing is if it was thrown on any other character it would have gotten way less backlash because it's just about the number of firearm local characters in the game cuz as much as I love chrome and Lucena Robin is a much more unique representative in Fire Emblem for smash and then Roy and Corrin were just made to promote their games as they were announced before well their games even came out Roy does feel like a staple to smash since he was released alongside Marth and melee but still you know it's in melee he was just worse Marth so if I had to pick fire inland reps in Smash I think Marth I Robin and then violet and provided Roy wasn't in the game then maybe Crum because he is probably the most liked characters and all of Fire Emblem and then me personally I would Stadlen but hey that's just me but suddenly when you look at this new and improved roster it feels much more bearable this might sound antagonistic or Smash but I do cherish all the fire mom characters but I'm trying to improve the hypothetical community response to it the problem isn't violence but rather the amount of characters from fire mom that have come before my list a lot of people want to recognize the hard work that the smash team goes into making these characters but the thing about that is it doesn't matter if you don't like it or not I think it's important to recognize that hard work goes into these games but realize that that work is irrelevant on how much you enjoy the final product you bought the game because you want to enjoy it if you don't enjoy it that's fine but if you did like it that's equally as fine and I know I know you can just not buy the DLC pack if you don't want every character but I don't really think that's what it's about people aren't upset because they're wasting $5.00 there more so upset about the inclusion in general which is honestly completely valid to have opinions on things you're passionate about the only problem is when you shame people for liking or disliking something or when you threaten Sakurai on Twitter and make some block you but now to play the other side of Fire Emblem why are there so many Fire Emblem characters in smash bros I think the best thing to notice is Fire Emblem is the third most represented series in Smash behind Mario behind Pokemon if you can't plug my trainers three separate characters and just above Zelda the biggest difference for Fire Emblem unlike these other series is that each game has a new roster of characters Zelda is almost similar but they just kind of keep updating link over the years or just add Toon Link and youngly I mean technically we've had three zoella's and three gains throughout smash history but Fire Emblem is a game about characters so they keep adding characters as wrong as it might sound Legend of Zelda is a game about items and using those items to your advantage therefore Legend of Zelda has a ton of item representation in smash and it doesn't feel right if you play the game competitively because you surely don't see that but it's true that's kind of how the game is balanced in terms of representation I don't really know what Mario is a game about I guess but they have the stages but also they have the most characters cuz Mario is Mario I mean Smash Bros wouldn't be smashed without Mario Bros and then Pokemon is a game about well Pokemon and you get 10 Pokemon playable and then you have like 50 plus more on the sidelines as items and pokeballs and master balls because of course no matter how big Fire Emblem is the amount of characters is not proportional to the amount of coffees they've sold a Pokemon Zelda Mario and stuff like that I don't know like I feel like they kind of break it up how they feel like the series needs to be represented a lot of people want to focus on this very competitive scope for smash but you have to realize the game is balanced as a casual game like for example Zelda might be a low tier and competitive smash buy an item she's very strong her character is balanced around reflectors items in her final smash and things like that this game is balanced in such larger ways than competitive scene it's genuinely impressive when you think about it but does this logic justify every fire in ylim edition but that is the game we play with eight fire animal characters and we just kind of got to deal with it if you don't like it or hate your a Fire Emblem fan you're probably wondering huh why didn't we just get an axe user or something right cuz yeah I agree violence moveset is a step away from the typical sword fighter but I feel like it's still lacking somehow it just feels like a little bit of failed execution violence is obviously slow and looking at the move side I feel like the moves don't really complement each other well because they're laggy and ultimately pull from four completely different art types of fighting what I do think could have been more interesting but required a lot more work and I recognize that what if you had something similar to monado arts and you could rotate between the weapons and have different move sets accordingly is that insane for me to ask for four different moves that's yes it honestly is and I recognize that but they have gone ham for these DLC characters since the game came out Joker essentially has to move sets with arson in the back and then hero has what 17 spells on down B banjo is Sam Willie's banjo and the Terry has four moves that the rest of the cast doesn't even have access to and if that is me asking for too much you could tame it down a little bit by I don't know maybe having it to where you only change the specials with the different weapons but I feel like hard locking all of these weapons to one move is super restrictive and it makes the character just feel like it doesn't flow as well because if you want to look at what an axe fighter would be like it'd be pretty similar to what Ike is honestly and you can see the differences of Mars versus Ike and then a lance user would fight even different in Archer I mean look at hit or project game Lynn which god I wish that happen but anyways all these fighting styles are so different in approach so putting them all together it just feels odd if I at least have the option to change modes it might work a little better because then the moves might interact with each other more and it might set up for cool combos by switching between Oh - axe real quick for a kill before like it'd be cool the highest praise I could give smash though is that they made female by lifts looked good cuz they made her eyes less far apart and they made her eyes a little less big honestly I feel like I could make that sentence twice but they also delivered by giving her skins that don't require the laced Heights cuz those were atrocious yet somehow they gave vilest skins that are the exact same skin with slightly different colored hair I mean I get it but I would have much rather preferred having a female pilot skin for Dimitri and Claude and then a male pilot skin for Adel guard and then honestly just get rid of the South the skin because as much as the trailers make it look like so this is not an important part of Fire Emblem after like 12 chat I don't know why it's just she's not that important she's a prologue character in reality and then she's just kind of dips like deuces she's gone so long story short I was excited for violet and I still am but upon reflection I realized that execution just wasn't great I know this video is kind of scattered because I really want to explain all these different points that everyone's feeling because the community feels a little porn after violence was announced Smash fans are upset that there's another Fire Emblem character but more notably that the DLC pack ended with the first party rather than third party which has been exclusively third parties in the character pack and then Fire Emblem fans are honestly a little disappointed that the character moveset just reeks of wasted potential and I know people might want to spin this to sound ungrateful but I think what I'm feeling is completely natural because I'm not doing anything toxic about it I am accepting that this is the character we got and there is nothing wrong with that but I would at least like to give my opinion on where it went wrong in terms of the general reception and where I think violence moves that could have actually been improved either way characters still gonna be hype the uppy move is like the funniest move I've ever seen and I'm gonna make an up or a special video you already know they got my girl Hilda in the background they got my boy gatekeeper in the background they got apex of the world in the game honestly I would have spent $5.00 just south Fire Emblem three houses music in the game so like this is ultimately a victory for us all no matter what I may say about the move set we're just at least lucky that we didn't get divine pulse because imagine which time but worse like smash for which time yeah no you do not want divine polska I think we just lucked out honestly so let my final words on this topic be that it's okay not to like a character and it's okay to like a character but let's just be nice to each other let's be nice to the team let's be nice as Sakurai and all that like express or distaste all you but don't go targeting them don't go threatening them don't go leaving toxicity in their mentions you can just go on Twitter and say god this sucks I hate this or god I love this and let it be that also if I may we are almost at 2 million subscribers which is insane because in the back of my head I still feel like I'm in my room talking to myself well that's actually the truth for no-one's here but I feel like I've like 40 subs still and it's crazy because there's 2 million of you and I can't even visualize or conceptualize that number I can't even visualize a million I can't even conceptualize like a hundred thousand so if you guys just came over a house party my house or no no I cannot fit 2 million people in my house why no that's a horrible analogy anyways please subscribe oh it could hit 2 million and I do it for you guys I wouldn't be here without the people love the people ltp is that it is that a thing now signing every message ltp hell yeah hell yeah that's it now love the people love the people [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,870,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, byleth, fire emblem, three houses, fe3h, feth, dlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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