The Ness Amiibo Drinking Game

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today's mission is to go online with mine s amiibo and see how the people do against it Joe and I are sitting on discord bidding absolutely tank because for every three stock the nest deals we will take one shot Oh God the secret about this nests amiibo is he just camps he just floats around I just think it's to bleep off but it's also our sing cuz that does like 50 damage juggling him upwards it's kind of the secret track because he always just wants to fall like I'm so glad we put the drinking stipulation on this because making a hype amiibo video over a nest not possible yeah especially Matt's at camps this much than that uh everybody to the man but you go just be tamed yeah I would like a slow start cuz I know what can happen yeah what if he does three stops like five people in a row that would not be good for my liver if I die cause of liver poisoning it's cuz of you guys I think your has been folds who once said what's good for the heart isn't always good for the content are you taking any shots yet no okay good how about we take a shot if they win or they get three stock so both sides of the spectrum do we really think anyone's gonna win miss Ike isn't the best match of Furness usually I mean big sword right has also beat hard DK let it be known all right Andy Hardy yeah no I know video but just on with random stream he happened to do it so this guy is no stranger choosing out of Evo so far it's not looking great how do you beat this nest you hit up upwards and that's where I Kuznetsov's into 18 of their kill moves oh god yes one person was Ryan Ali 30 you got not a good one yeah he's at zero now that's all that matters actually no he's back in third I'm like my blood alcohol concentration right it back now I like oh he didn't even throw out an attack there he's just asserting himself what what is he doing out there just he's just camping him oh oh he never does anything but it's so terrifying how do you think he just might oh well it sounds so funny because people think Gannon so bad but I really do think Wi-Fi can is like the hardest character to three stock because sometimes you just get hit by one of those yeah I think Wi-Fi can is actually like so much better than just laying in and at least ten spots on the cue list he's kind of figured it out let's go go drinky I feel like this Gannett has understood the game plan but it's too far too late for him to really run this through yeah it's it's over wait oh nice tone at the beginning that yeah it's like I appreciate it it doesn't make me more confident you know yeah the way I look at it as you're giving Usain Bolt the head start I don't realize this no we started this reporting session this is the first time I've been cheering for the fans during the vivo recording session yeah I know we definitely wanted like I'm okay with a few of them losing cuz that's better content but please please don't ruin my life today fans I need I need something to look forward to and if I die I will have nothing they've never seen so many back airs oh my god I had to shot that's right cheers brother hit the mic with your glass Amari is a top items player and I'm feel pretty confident about this I feel like if anyone can take a singular stock it can be him and Plus also hero is a pretty good amiibo slayer because there's so many gimmicks I like that uh-huh I've never cheered for a whack before it all right there I did a lot of heroes kills all horizontal and with drinkie always coming from the top I don't know how often he's actually gonna hit it with the spell you see he's actually just still throwing spells out it's fighting him not even being on the same plane oh all right I don't think he's getting three stock though so that's all I'm really worried about Rock evinced I'm not convinced you still look at me just float back Oh he's gonna down there oh my god okay maybe there's a my drink this box yeah I would just finish everything I had that shine was insane oh come on hero I got a drink at hand and depression in the other don't do this to me brother oh good grace let me put down my alcohol and get some water I wanted it as a good idea I like all the sword fighters are adapting and just camping under platforms and just throwing their swords and then they abandoned the idea and then they died yeah just like true remains you come up with a new idea of a white stick with it do you see how high he goes our jump from ledge that sheet is on punishable falling down after burning all your resources is just his best option oh this looks like a drinky to me every match is just felt like the player is just drowning and Ness continues to suffocate them underwater and they can't do anything about it yeah they're just constantly begging for air oh let's go max I never doubted you for a second oh no we absolutely believe no I know that the shots out I can start shooting for the Vino again I have solved this dilemma as long as they take one stock everything's right in the world I want this would be a series of two scoffs this guy be seeing ghosts he is swinging that cast for non-stop it doesn't matter of neces around or not you gotta fight your demons before you can fight Ness what if my demons are des oh you're in one hell of a lull brother dad why would you risk your life like that he's living on the edge I think my favorite thing is that it looks right now the chrome is on pace to not get three stocks but you really never know yeah this is even the best thing this is an online Crumpler thing and he does that life is good I like how he did approaching air dodge to crumb off stage it's like des is constantly aggressively camping you know what I mean up see it in the F smash alright now just don't get hit my back hair and you'll be fine I'm not trying down my full drink I'm not trying to do more shots yeah that's good cause let's go drink completely not loyal where's this series of events I'm just trying to drink as little as possible because I know it's gonna be a lot regardless Oh what do you think about this my tea bags ain't restock pretty in your truck I feel like it's my G bag he's kind of fighting for some honor you know you don't want to lose the ditto even though you have more brain cells in the amiibo being at least one he still deals 40 more percent per kid I'd much rather have a high damage output than a high EQ this guy's going random I like his energy yeah he's gonna approach baby okay we're drinking like this nest never wants to push a bandage of amides he can camp on platforms oh he could kill him just once sure you oh just do it again just do it again sure you're my dude oh thank you she'll break not DG vide I am the guy Oh and okay Cheers I got buck at my eye who the hell is Daniel thinking he's just gonna chill in the stands he's just spamming up smash and you know what that's a promising strategy for a snake me yeah are you like the great thing about how stretches it goes off but that's what Matt is it gonna go hey it looks like he's been studying his vod's despite that ness hasn't been hit once that was so - people complain about falling out of multi heads necesito play with the game not against it wait Joe don't count him out yet Nessa's at 80 percent he could make something happen for a second wait wait that's an Akita that's an acute Oh slant come on Diddy you got a stage where this dude's gonna go on Twitter blame the stage so hard oh no I'm taking a drink anyways they could have been something cool all right do you wanna play take a shot of its sands eyes guess a sands or Vincent you get Vincent I don't think I've ever been more wrong in my life I'm very horrified what the hell is this [ __ ] I think I'm gonna take a shot anyway just proactive for when this thing gets three stock yeah overall I don't think that it's going to get above 90% that's why I absolutely I think ho mu is going to get one more hand maybe to you I see three I see three hits three hits alright yes cuz they're all gonna be upbeat oh god that's a back through let's go let's go let's go drinky sit back through no no I okay well down the hatch she goes Solano Fox and honest character thank God my energy move that body salami if you lose this game I'm not even gonna be able to feel my body I lost my money a long time ago Freddy it's honestly intimidating watching him short hop across the entire stage oh my god yeah that's a short hop isn't it I don't believe in the you saw me I'm taking the shuttle wait no no I believe that this Fox can get one stock that's all we need if Fox gets the stock I'll take your shot alright alright respect slaw me I hate you alright fine I'll take two so Jacob I don't know what's going on anymore my life I mean for like the last two minutes yeah but all I know is I am currently are you back on my [ __ ] post thread from the last time I got drunk Avicii nice I'm about it so what do you think about Ridley I really really only focus is playing them since creep is not a voyage I don't like this ridley well you're my cheering for I don't know yeah I would like somebody to win I'm Jade free Sam dude I'm just saying this Ridley could be the first beer person for Dragon for intergalactic space sexual theme deviant to a beat mess and I think he has a lot going for and I feel like we're gonna have to take two shots for three words oh [ __ ] wait I forgot that's a rule why don't we make that rule or stupid it was funny you're like six shots ago but I agree that it's still funny maybe I'm a little drunk but I think this really could make top 80 Devo oh that's it that oh no I I do like the saucy got though it just ain't enough it's like this dude thought he had kane sauce but in reality owes every sauce that every fast food company has for some reason I heard argue sauce to just ketchup and mayonnaise why he ran a trade on him are we allowed to say that cuz it's like I can't recall a sexual for for someone like this yeah no sexual kids really is not sexual oh okay well you have not searched cruel on Twitter I think Oh ever up tilted me bracket I would just ask somebody just take this talk yeah I just want that's like the only way to to get the cutscene it's kinda like being Robin it saves you 50 seconds that's a what the Falcon probably actually kill me no cuz the Falcons probably down Oh Lincoln three stopped at least huh oh he's offstage oh my gosh no guys somehow these guys actually say like broken sink I say that the D stands on a platform it up builds so Jacob a wall I I thought this was three shots to one I don't even know how to shoutings gone I hate numbers real talk do we both agree that nines I could trash to your number wait why does he do that why did he SD like that let's head it okay that I know yeah I know he's on the beam oh yeah but doesn't really sink yeah such a sick I honestly have got to take a step back cuz I view the amiibo as sentient beings like they have these stories behind them Ness really doesn't cause he's a camping little [ __ ] but he still has something going for him like that I suppose he hasn't lost this game just sayin oh oh my god poor Falco okay let's go next we're gonna take two shots of palca wins we are now cheering for the nest where do you what I don't know Oh Jacob I can't count to you right now how did he get hit oh my god what is he going for I've just I do feel bad for now that you came from such humble beginnings where you do so weird by player dude I think joke is really good because if you are a rebels guard you just get our sin for free or die tragically okay Jacob EU Telecom just be two weeks I'm German I don't think you're I think you're a nice guy I really feel like any time I see em Joker player online I assume they're bad the game I'm always scared of arson I'm not scaring the flagger that's true with like any top tier yeah that's me it's like when in Smash 4 I saw Bayonetta online I was like whatever up the machine why are you trying to kill Joker after 50 percent you should be trying to edge guards Joker like 20 just give Joe Pete just every time people complain about Joker be like just don't hit him broke yeah I'm pouring right he's not even approaching him he's just camping about stage he hasn't approached in like three days okay I'll take a finger though no oh he trip that was almost a hundred percent combo right there thank you is there any people getting stronger I feel like it's doing more damage he is only learning more and more about the elites Mastro's and Seagal he doesn't have much going for him we're taking a shot aren't we Joe I would be damn surprised if we don't why he didn't even want to play on that starting this shot Siegel he disappoint me why how Syria are getting his last stop what was that dangers in this game playing games is so last year I prepare my games to play themselves example amiibo dude this is this is peak content creation yeah we're just sitting on our ass with a drink in hand in our $30 koi which let me speed honest one hell of an investment to get a whole contents worth little boy a bomb from Toys R Us I think guys in a three-star it feels like it though for that what we will for this I think villager will do a good cuz Ness goes off stage he goes back well I'm just saying this villager got no [ __ ] no no like like the player behind it just this villager I mean like no [ __ ] villager has no [ __ ] in general exactly I think I'm gonna tweet it I think I'm gonna do it megalovania has been tweeted my signature draw I spelled ammonia my first verified megalovania [ __ ] when was the last time you drink water Chico right now three stocks so we get to not be thrown this stage is yellow what the [ __ ] is yellow that this is just red of blue so I don't really know what's happened but a lot of this has been a blur to me holy parkour tee hee [ __ ] where is the best in the world ok I agree with you entirely actually take up I really don't think that you should lose with Joker who do you got a big bad dad Joker's dad pretty much you like okay so funny he's gonna pull out the belt do vs Joker's dead after you said hey dad I've been bullied at school for the last few days my dad can beat up your dad but what if your dad's are a sin is he let's get 3 star kono just put our sin back here wait wait counter the nests upbeat counter the way genre counter yeah that move is broke call that [ __ ] the virus cuz it's it's bad I didn't order a drink for god damn it well you ever think about heracross that dude's coolest [ __ ] hair crossbucks I wish Eric Ross is my dad so here we have Nessarose Megaman and wow what a mess oh dude I like the mess isn't positioning right now he's really pushing his advantage take yeah great down throat does until it's confirms though oh I just realized these people are probably sobered I have not given any alcohol to mine s amiibo so these probably please yeah I mean your NASA TV goes out of a tree right two more years I've had him for twenty one year so I beg to differ he hasn't aged exactly what is he 21 now is he 31 if you have an age you're still 21 that's a stupid-ass art okay you told me weed system since not 12 anymore yes she's probably 35 but still in third grade ain't nothing wrong with that I had a repeat high school five times okay people [ __ ] on high school but it was the best five years of my life that's a powerful way to start the game off with a PK flash because then you just kind of assert yourself you're a certain insight keep posing but not me me and actually actually no it's just maybe is bet you do assert yourself but not in a super cringy where it's kind of cranky no no playing ness yeah be okay like fighting that's a super fringy but I get it can't we talk about when we popped off on someone for infant inning them on stream in the whole crowd cheer to smear cheer us dude we don't deserve rights after that one I can't believe we use our platform for that and people cheered I love our lives but I would hate it if I was anybody else we're not only two content creators that could have ever pulled it off to you what what if we just tell people not to watch the video and lets their drum cue yeah you have to take a shot with her see I think that's quality content which this is a split up over an hour and a half that would be people would watch us in the span of 20 minutes get tanked I am filling my cup up through the drift tree and after that I'm out of drink so this should be enough to sedate most of Manhattan so I think I'll be fine the match started Joe it's a Rob on screen isn't that crazy oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm just as surprised as you are that I'm you know alive so I'm just here to say I don't remember anything that goes on after this point so let that be known because the video just derails incredibly so so we made the best we could do with the remainder of the video so I hope you enjoy it I don't remember and I'm sorry for anything I said made you Otto would what is up big hello hi I think Joe is in transit right now Joe is insurance what does that mean oh I sure told them this is what other call wait what joint other call what what are the calls how are you I miss you guys very much marina [Music] isn't it cool yes is it marina yes are you gonna show us care yeah we're gonna sleep for too long because she's sleeping good so Adriana we have been watching my 13 dollar toy play against all these people in the world the loving fans the people who make lives happen and they have not been doing well but we are here to cheer them on regardless let's blast Kamath reset holy [ __ ] a game started oh no that's what that's what I figured when you tweeted what was it to spell it right wait actually going back to the match for a second I don't think this Paulo Tina is gonna get completely three star three star double shot bad double shot bad double shot that doesn't stop that I agree the two sake take two shots yeah - sorry two shots yo yeah 60% that's enough of a lab they can run it back will they ever done [ __ ] this entire game but you might say they've done 60 per se they spam to counter they don't know what you could do a lot two minutes okay let's be honest yeah I may be doing anything with that two minutes Joe that's a shot they got three stock that's a shot yeah I said I ran three Stockholm that's two shots for you yeah I think two shots shots for betting your liver failure it's okay I'm surprised it failed me the only reason I use Twitter now is so I can get more followers so I can flex on the [ __ ] that was high school alcohol tastes like water to me right now you know I'm just gonna finish this drink so I have an excuse to not complain about it anymore [ __ ] it I'm gonna drink everything I have in my house right now which is this cup right here Oh No goodbye Jacob that works you can do that it's you're so good that's necessary me this nice is better than me guys I'm sorry oh my god why do that take away I live in a dry house now and my liver is gonna kill me Jacob what have you tried to start a rock-paper-scissors game with yours right now right now I'm on the camera wait wait a second I will be all of you rock paper scissors and then ask them to go first yeah but but there's a way cool I have never cheered against scissors in my life if they lose the stuff we're gonna have to drink again I might have more out I'll be right back I'm gonna find a more drink I hate your honor you will the port down all right go do that I'm gonna make content later on god bless you okay all right what is happening right now on the screen is there are two young children in the air fighting what are they fighting about who can say really friendships are complicated they could really be upset with each other about anything or they could be trying to settle something you know what I mean you don't necessarily have to be upset each other it could be just like friendly sparring but like I do want to know though I want to know why they're fighting I don't think that violence is the answer I think they could be talking it up Wow amazing this is this town ain't so dry for the both of us I forgot I had a whole cabinet full of alcohol this is supposed to be a video with commentary about the match and boy to be not the liver on that one okay we baited it with the first half where we talked about the matches but then this is the second half or were drunk and you know what the first half of this videos gay week was a three stalks we get drunk if you don't like the if you don't like this content be better at the game yeah we wouldn't be drunk right now if it wasn't for the fans we will guilt you into losing or witted life has brought me here whatever that means wait hold up I'm gonna try and drink this very tequila heavy margarita because like the previous margaritas are pretty margarita but this margarita I made is more tequila than margarita you don't know I I know what you're I'm picking up what you're putting down my pit bull on microphone it sounds like it smells like childhood you know we didn't meet in person it's okay I'm like terrible about okay I'll say you're good I have goldfish brain my brain like the food Joe and I put an amiibo in a room and said every time they three suck some a little take a drink and boy did we send a very bright I can I said it better myself shake them walking them play the game so if you see nest three stock stolen you take a big old drink in dot will be real to you we don't watch the game for at least ten minutes but might have been like an hour you see that like if the fans were better be when Z drunk so it's really yes to go so Adriana meet dawn Don is a good friend of ours he said he lives in Oklahoma nice to meet you do you like my mustache hello hey mate are you from post mates yeah I'm here oh can you put the food down and walk away and pretend you saw nothing thank you pretty soon again cuz we're still watching anime with the patrons we're just watching a good anomie now they're watching here doggy we watched do you love your mom and her to hit multi-target attacks what I'm about to kill you will shock you Oh late on it okay buzz be late on me Jacob still hasn't visited my animal crossing my god I believe this server join it right now holy God we have made your duck into my room major wait Oh AJ come I'll turn you onto this you I know it'll echo these you talked to Michael is your long-term friend Jacob oh that's a third three stop this drink now I almost drank today for our patreon stream major I saw your chicken nuggets and like I found them dude hog yeah so he's just finished watching uh do you love your mama tur to hit multi target attack will do you know I don't wait I don't know who this [ __ ] isn't the amiibo but that wasn't part of the rules I'm gonna kick him how does how does this video and that's such a good question and wait are you coming to my Island this is where I wanna go yeah cavatappi after the noodle it's named after the noodle I can't remember if I'm so excited to join this visit this island and not be guilted for not joining it ever since dude yeah you're coming I see it I see it starting to sense [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,175,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: JyCqp40yrOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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