Let's Play: Goat Simulator

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please you for being your mythical best I said please you said thank you at the same time there should be a word thank you please okay season plank you I have really wanted to play the goat simulator as you called it goat simulator gonna play it later but I've always known a plane now that it was just the life of a goat which is always seem boring to me oh I bet you dissin I've never played this here we go let's go - goat feel brother evil goat select a mutator no don't should we not select one at all I think any say before our first one we shouldn't be have a mutator I have to select one jetpack Oh yep I'm already messing up okay we've accepted it and now we start play go down one hit play I can't go down okay now you're add multiple to cancel how do i do i don't know how to cancel what's the kids hey bee bee bee bees not working hey not working yep there we go okay now go all the way down no keep going and gonna keep going got a man it's tough for me to go okay I can't even get into the gays that is something else come on give on no I want that if you get it I want it and then I click accept no move down to the accept yeah keep going all the way down see how I'm going down man where are you good less players how do I get out oh there we go yay good gosh sorry woo time to goat simulator was more difficult than oh gosh now we have jetpacks on and how do you make them go you just fainted with a jetpack on how do you how do you make a jetpack go why does buddy gee oh man I just hit a wall Eddie you know why whoa goodness gracious oh oh you did it you're doing it I'm trying to get fed by Ali G over here I mean me Ali G there you go you had your chance and in more heaven I'm under something very hot Olivia chicken egg I got kind of I got her head of you that's my head hey is this a got it you just mess with ya lickin tunnelers there's a there's a road out there I've never seen it go to jet back it's not very realistic that's much hey and you know what the goat the jet packs don't even work look at that I'm Jeb packing with a guy me and eggs okay he is jet fat he wants to go for a jet pack right on the line Pole whoo ally ally Jesus good okay why am I in the country why am I on fire what is up there's a water park if I get to that water park I'm going to enter oh here we go I got a whole crowd oh I got a Leo he's called on me too okay what does this guy I'm gonna do a show y'all step right up watch me watch me perform oh they're fighting that dude oh no pointy food I don't agree with that oh gosh oh come on I'm dragging this protester I'm gonna take him to the police here we go yeah right here on the bus oh oh oh okay hey guys how do I let go of it there we go big boy got got knocked over I like him in the face totally disoriented their lights travel what you're in the dark over there huh I got a lighter that would it be oh whoa where's it where's it where's the outside how did this tunnel get so dark where's the freaking I'm stuck man I'm panicking now okay I'm out I'll tell you it's tough being a goat in this in this world people protesting goats getting scared here we go here we go got this truck now let's see what egg that's over there okay I'm bringing it you want a bench I got a bench Rhett where are you I'm the I'm the goat with the bench where where where where are you though are you on the road yeah I'm on the road Here I am on the go they just went over the road oh look here's a car I'm not going on the roof here I come I got lots of power this thing okay I don't want to go in that dark hole aka I jumped over the lamppost and got points for that where are you I'm getting some gas with this woman I just yell my girlfriend is caught this car me and my girlfriend getting some gas hey girl you want some gas let me come help you where were you stay with me woman come on don't leave me girl and they lick your ankle and take you where I want you to go it's how we date that's how we I'm gonna get her run over I see you oh I just got a little hit by Ray I miss you I can catch you I'm gonna get that rig oh don't worry you he's not getting away with that here we go oh let me lick you oh there you are I'm being submissive oh hell I got you I got you come on now brother come on what yet you gotta give it a little bit you gotta give a little to get a little there we go all right here we go how do i how do i use button to play this game here we go okay here we go come on now I gotcha just just follow me huh all right let's just do something together if we're not going guys I was trying to follow you but you can't drag another goat oh I thought I was gonna win that one but I didn't whoa I just happened was that you I don't and I saw the fourth I hey I don't know what's going on whoa how did I get back in the dark please get out of that my goat wants to go to the dark place I want to play some soccer but there's no one here to play it with where are you I'm taking a nap here in this grass where are you behind what how old is your trampoline come over here to trampoline with me good oh there's a water oh yeah there's oh how do I get there's a whole water park oh my goodness you think I get hooked man I wish I knew how to control this thing look I'm here we go here we go I was trying to get on that right now man look at me look at me look at me you see what I did wait and go ahead hurry up here here we go really look look look at me look at me woah look at me look at me slide you know how much fun I'm having I gotta get over there oh my god carefully I gotta get it on we're still going I got to get to that water pot oh man you got to do that oh there's a high dive men's freakin I see you over there flying through the air I mean why is he so bad it nicely so bad at the hope now I got a box hey I'm going to deliver this box to the protesters you know I'm gonna take this box on the slide with me oh yeah here we go look what I found I found your little slide here it go where I'm trying to lick myself all right I'm gonna tell like all good goats do I'm gonna take this box all the way for a ride Here I am - you know I was here okay come come with me grab onto me lick me find a date all together yeah let's go for you took my box I missed it you know what that happens in real life - it's nothing to be ashamed of mixed it somehow I am underneath let me see if I can fly this well I look at like I'm gonna go on a dive like look at me I'm gonna go on a dive get you let me come up - I cut him yeah look at my jet packs our culture have caused me a problem oh wait for me go buddy no no no wait for me here we go going all the way up hey goat man I'm go by let's hang out what here we go here we go oh oh good how did you eat I took the shortcut how do I get oh this is so it's gotta be so frustrating to watch I'm frustrated and I'm doing it are you gonna take a hike you think with a jetpack I didn't get out of the pool all right I'm going for the trampoline come down here loin yes I did it I'm up here now I'm on a construction site stop it no it won't hit why again yes yes he may not have control I'm gonna take a look man over here look at me I have I have embezzled myself into a construction site look at me they're gonna submit me into this place if I don't find my way out oh there's a bomb nope what I just want a wall I'm a jet pack where are you I'm in looking for I'm very deep in the bowels of this thing I'm in the underbelly of this construction site maybe no all right I'm bringing the man here I got a man I got a construction man I know you like them thank you them where are you but I guess when I got hold of this construction man in a tracksuit all right I mean I'm gonna sell me this table for are you in the construction I think he wants to be that table well not anymore what is it I've never seen a goat drag a person around with a tongue like this it happens alright I'm gonna give myself over to the goat gods here yeah you having trouble all right good let's call it a day can explain my rockets who out stuff let's take a nap me and my brother here oh there we go oops you're not a great place here laughs silient go I'm okay thanks for sticking around for good mythical more if you want to watch more well we don't have good mythical more more but we do have a lot more videos here's two of them also click the circular channel icon to subscribe
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 965,509
Rating: 4.9198036 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, vlog rhett and link, season 10, Let's Play Goat Simulator, Let's Play Goat Simulator good mythical more, good mythical more Let's Play Goat Simulator, Let's Play Goat Simulator rhett and link, rhett and link Let's Play Goat Simulator, Let's Play Goat Simulator gmm, gmm Let's Play Goat Simulator, goat simulator, goat simulator gameplay, let's play, gameplay, goat, simulator, play
Id: TYIh3i9oxDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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