Let’s Play: WWE2K

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it's just certainly noise I wanted you to still make words as if it's obvious I wasn't making words right but when you do the the Klug you can hear it yeah yeah I'm just good at because I'm trying to do the best I can knowing that that's gonna be pretty bad welcome to bring that it was really nice yeah we're gonna we're gonna wrestle each other since we're not getting bad lip reading alright so WWE 2k I'm gonna be using my my GMM cup as my controller thank you use your control okay all right so pick your I mean first of all your man man I know I'm getting Ultimate Warrior right there I'm tempted to take the Undertaker how do I fight oh girl i'ma go with Ultimate Warrior how are thee I was always a big fan may he rest in peace I always thought the Ultimate Warrior was like if if Daniel day-lewis was a wrestler yeah it would be Ultimate Warrior he's actually playing him in an upcoming biopic yes biopic biopic who's Justin Gabriel that's like a doing with a high school with you know which is why you shouldn't you've ever had to stone cold man Oh Sheamus stone cold yes I've been enjoying the show that you introduced me to stone cold on his ranch yeah you watch that women in mud and stone cold yelling Adam there's women in mud i watch the men version mmm well you watch Tyrone mercy you want to rock ball version all right here we go you nail New York love it shout out to Uniondale ultimate warrior slash Daniel day-lewis getting his Lincoln on a little face paint goes a long way they're very excited about you coming out link and I'm gonna skip comin out I just want to fight man I wanted I mean don't get me don't coach gonna have this moment man look he's like a rattlesnake oh my God he's got we're good the belt won't even fit around his waist look at that dragon Agger man look at his swagger look at those thighs does he have knee braces yeah when you got a frame like that you got to have braces to hold it up man yeah he's like I unknown fist why why are you gonna skip it man just for that get into the action just don't just for that I'm gonna I'm gonna eat your lunch alright now I've never played this before oh hey go go come on hey quit quit quit it no hey no you're not being nice my stone-cold look I don't know I just slam you stone I call you stone cuz we're friends outside of the Ring oh oh oh yeah yeah you hit me in the stone cold yeah yeah that's not okay hold on is there a way to can you sprint in this game oh I gotta get away from this I can't get up I'm just stop I don't know what to do okay would it gotcha yeah we're in but tighty-whities what I got no moves boom you're going cold I don't get it yeah how about that punk yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh no oh yes oh yeah I'm doing all consciousness you're doing nothing I just trip you oh man oh let me do that some more your mask is not offering much its face paint you jerk it's anonymous no hey hey you're going to meet a bear hug Oh at some point on my back rope I'm back yo yo back shirt I'm getting I'm trying to get out of the ring I want to get a ladder because the whole point is oh you figured it out huh I'll get this ladder coming here I'm giving it out even have that hey boy come over to that ladder come on I'll take yours ladder and I'll put it right I'll put this ladder right back up in there look at me gosh throw that freaking ladder in there you want some of that ladder squatting I cannot do anything what oh no 100 mil down hey I'm glad you showered come on take a trip go ahead don't do that again cool yeah on the back oh we're playing chicken for a second yeah get the ladder man focus let's work together as a team what I can only not come on where me and you love me man I'm having a heart attack over here I can't yep oh gosh not down there again I got I got that move up on deck right up a little bit yeah I'm getting paid on my hands man get a little you gonna take you to the ring I'm gonna take you to the ranch man I want to see some originality to your moves Oh see that right there that's nice no no don't hit me with a ladder man I'm setting up the ladder let me see if I can get on it why you keep shoving me down there I like it I like that move man my back Malalai getting friendly with the ultimate war signature he's dead man this is his ghost turn you over turn you back you let go oh you slammed my hand on the ground that's like a stupidest rest of the food what nowhere I'm just spinning you around like a top what No oh that corner doesn't hurt everybody too late come on I'm have any energy left man yeah oh I did it I got up on the ladder did you see it oh you got to phase me and then get that ladder going right you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna lay here and let you try to get the ladder up stop rolling me over leave me alone go for the ladder I'm doing the old wrist the wrist bang I love this move I can't get enough of that alright let give me some space here give me some space come on I'm so bored of this let's work with let's do some ladder whoa oh oh hurt that knee oh dang it Rhett stop it alright you want me to actually start oh that's so inappropriate oh that are so bad I mean give me some more dad hey oh no come in here boy come on it oh oh okay all right okay let's look what we can do oh now that I'm doing the moves I did to move on you know what we can do is not do the more we both have doesn't mean we have low energy or high energy let's get out of the Rings let's both grab a lot take a bigger bed right all right I'm gonna step out of the ring now before I ruin your knee yeah Steph I bring get a ladder you get a ladder come on man you can't get the briefcase at least if the lad I can carry you just want to make sure that I can see that you're not gonna be responsive gate okay I'm going out now signature I'll show you signature I can't resist that was so great so so now I've got full you have full power and I have no power all right set up that ladder let me hit you with a little bit set up to Latimer I'll get my own ladder I'm up this ladder I'm gonna jump and get that briefcase how do I go with a letter nope set it back up how do I jump Oh and nowhere near how do you go out the letter no I don't want you back in I just want to go no I don't want to shake all come upon guys you know how to do the ladder you know how to do the liner it hit l1 to go up the ladder he got a ladder he figured out a way to make a violin try it I'm just guessing it buttons here to like grab this ladder there we go well I got a ladder up here you can have this one I almost look you guys have any idea how you go at the letter look I told you Brett hit the l1 right there and push up the ladder let's watch it if you go to the ladder and you hit l1 you'll start going up so you mean look at me out here on this ladder huh oh I got to get in there well I got it I'm frozen yes why what huh I've ruined my back oh gosh I picked up my only way into the ring okay I can't stand apparently what do I do when I get up there like all you gotta do is coming through the ring of the ladder I know I can't let go of this all you gotta do is come in Oakley come down here I got my own ladder it's called steps if I could get back in that ring brother I would totally decimated it okay I don't know what to do now please be careful Rhett how do you come down all right I'm trying I'm trying my best to get in there okay look look what it Steve look what it's don't call do it I guess I just jump off of it okay what are you doing over there I'm lost man I've lost all meaning in this world here we go I just said that in perfect position for you huh oh if we don't get this ladder of this 'never is about a little taste a little bite let's work his teammates to get up this ladder one of us needs to win one of us needs to get this briefcase I want to know what's in it all right you try first then I'll try see sometimes wrestlers when they're enemies they become friends but I don't create this right behind you stone cold turn around guys we get to go down one step and now you go Oh pull now and then do what pull it down you're not pulling it hard enough let me try okay you can have a shot Ultimate Warrior go down the one step go down with it it's such a such a slippery ladder go down one step hop you could resist you like you looked at me I think I didn't say anything all right all right seriously them let me get it come on this is we got it in this man just go seriously let me go up the ladder it's my turn to try you just tried I went out the wrong side you so did you I'm so bad at using controllers oh oh now you're sliding out the ladder how do you do it to the other side you doing you're out there we're so mad at you guys cuz you can't do this for us okay here I go heads up all right now you're on the right side nope no come on it's not that hard Steve is it the ladder that needs to move a couple of wrestlers just trying to go up a ladder cigrip I that hurt man no hit there you go there you go set it up man so I'm gonna let you set it up and then I'm gonna go up it let me go up first how high does it go up your dad going on it oh you got it no you're gonna get it you're gonna get it you're getting pull pull pull pull hold with what this is some frustrating who knew wrestling was this real this is getting so real they don't ever do it they don't ever do this they don't ever go for a briefcase and yeah they do this is a special type of match boat taking a nap now we both fell off a ladder this is so honor in this this is come on one of us has got to get the briefcase come on you got it you can do it now now you can do it go that side because it moves it moves yeah I'm gonna get you you got it you got it I'm gonna let you do it pulling up pull down that briefcase is really locked in tell me about it okay now I'm in such a slippery briefcase yes you can do it now it's moved yes well what you just won after all that work that was it we don't even get to open the briefcase what's in it just look at the replay he grabbed the briefcase there's money in it but we don't even get to see the money it's like pulp fiction it's like I want to see what's in the briefcase or do you or do Oh
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 910,942
Rating: 4.8889842 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmmore, good mythical more, mythical more, mythical mail, rhettandlink3, rhettandlink 3, WWE2K, good mythical more WWE2K, WWE2K good mythical more, rhett and link WWE2K, WWE2K rhett and link, gmm WWE2K, WWE2K gmm
Id: K40Q-oabiNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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