Let's Play: Job Simulator

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We watch GMM daily here in our house, and I couldn't find the Good Mythical More for today, so thanks! This should be awesome! :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
you're so surprised right surprise [Music] welcome to go more because what we did earlier wasn't enough uh Alex bring in rats prize congratulations right there it is that's for you live pick it up smell it oh gosh oh gosh hey guys guess we know that's not the guy at the ball it's a guess well it's just like a fireball you can't make a fireball yeah we made some fireballs it's good and you through them and things well you're going to have to wait until Saturday morning for good mythical crew to find out the good thanks guys this is so thoughtful Mike and Alex became super villains in real life and it involves throwing fireballs literally physically throwing fireballs it is pretty fun that when you get there just wake up about it when you definitely get a tennis ball and gasoline is going around okay let's bring mine around amend it so let's bring in the VR headset you have it over here alright so it's a job simulator one of our mine and I play look it let's rock paper scissors it because I would like to play it well let's just what what each do it a little bit okay you first throw it on there and I'm gonna watch this and I'll help you out a little bit okay so here's your hold out your hands here here's your things what are these hand things call these are like the new oculus touch guys we got this and it lets you know where your hands are which okay so I just try to get this down your body entirely so I see ya for that computer so close to me I gotta stand up okay so what I needed to get a little bit clearer I'm doing this but it's when I go to the distance between lenses all the way to the right it's still kind of blurry okay yeah that'd help all right nothing so I can see these hands in framing yeah there you go yeah does he need to stand upright go ahead and stand back there I'm gonna push your chair out of the way oh - oh gosh pull lever - job okay hi this is your job Oh Oh your hint whoa the top good job you did a job oh nothing happened now hologram 3000 give us a look around the room okay I got my buddy computer here this is job bot I there's a directory over there right there's a bunch of people over there you know look up a little bit more not that hot whoa look at that oh my goodness - this skylight job - meditation humans only on the human and then there are self-portrait a job bot over there it's interesting whenever you you're you're referencing stuff that we can't see on the screen like take that card why don't you grab one of the junker job bot museum curator he said all right okay he said grab one of the job cartridges I want to be an office worker gourmet chef store clerk or auto mechanic listy law office worker match right there in front oh nice I'll put it in there Oh in my ear all right over here there's look it there's a this thing a pull lever - job hold on there you didn't know how to get back here you don't want to get lost in a virtual reality it just let me come back hit the Y button to come back that's on your left hand Y button why they need to hit the a button hit the a button on your right hand okay time to jump all right whoa my goodness look at it you're in a cubicle zones going to attack your simulation home obvious worker can you hear that guy talking like say now get this bully for instructions okay you talking to me take the paper get to work workers we're traditionally steward their day with an addictive blue estudio liquid stimulus that's coffee okay empty okay where's the coffee there we go done your left right right right there you go over there's no cuz there's no there's nobody under there push the button push there you go like that now put some creamer you let you take creamer oh don't turn it over well I mean I usually don't okay oh I drop the call went through all that I drop the cream on the floor now what I was saying is I usually don't get in this porn in there look at that whoa don't knock it but yeah leave that down there and drink it you need two hands to drink that coffee later okay frogs this sugar type is what they called it oh you just ate the heck out of that dead weight man you're jobbing man that's great steak paper when ready now you're religious start with me okay here's consular user it's time for computer all right computer it okay go to zero I don't want computer in solution plugs after the deal it's not plugged in ones and seen being a closed and this is riveting stuff ooh I'm watching rep plug in a computer in virtual reality no signal check computer tower well you got to plug in yeah you got it plugged into did man I don't work your pewter login please type your password you will I've only got a couple of options here I'm going to go zero zero zero zero zero login it's not a touchscreen you got to hit the mouth man remember how a computer used to work phone ringing hello hello zero need to hell with my password okay login it's not a touchscreen login there you go you're hugging you're a good worker Rhett I want to quick we're gonna click okay you're not you got to move the mouse to be over where I was login now click it good enough okay all right okay email mine to the mid-1990s okay they tell me what email is joining to go check email okay oh oh connecting to the internet oh gosh what why did no one else working in this facility select address because it's horrible this is a horrible place to work no one wants a job here I'm trying to select I think you selected another view my friend no you're behind yourself now there you go office worker job that's me now hiring free mug sample printing oh he is printed a mug where is it to the left of the phone it's a blue mug to the right oh there it is I just pre I just printed that okay so that over there free okay you keep the screen alright now hiring I got it okay okay I've done this and now I'm going to go out of it photos let's present photos what kind of job is this like we're in the past which you got a three year answer Oh cute that's going right okay and now no oh god a touchscreen oh there's me at the beach well there's me where I got wild bread that up oh you're printing personal pictures at work that's gonna get you fired okay all right take note I'm done with this crap you're bored with the job you want to quit I'm done with this crap email whoa gosh you have a lot of messages yeah delete all yes success so now a no paper a new paper assignment came over on your left here oh into work budweiser super glue oh there's a supervisor coming into this a quiz II paradigm shift those optimization advancing I'm thinking about giving you a promotion in the promotion I'm getting up our ball juggling it doesn't goes wrong in the next ten seconds that the job is mine okay I'm just gonna stand here you want a doughnut tree that's what I like a monkey maybe always think outside the box take this the promotion cos I got the promotion congratulations look thinking outside of the box assistant to the supervisor put it right here on top of my computer good work you got another pay for assignment now was lucky cuz more work for you there's a boss hello human hi oh yes thank you can't hear you I don't think you can see your hands though look through my resumes and find some BOTS to hire down in the lower left there's a filing cabinet that says resumes make sure you guys are going to unlock this thing it's got to like use your thumb I think use your thumb to pull on the side of the on the left side of the handle boy I've have a trouble by job you can't even open a filing cabinet I think I'm I think I'm there's nothing in the way like there we go oh you got it bandit boy okay oh he's got potential skills being sketchy cooking books acquiring cheese oh I like this guy how do you who else we got you gonna look for another candidate that all this okay I got Hickey work page wrapping up he okay hipster boy what yes there we go and you call me boy you calling me hipster boy is that in the house I'm gonna hire hipster boy okay so what I'll do throw it on the floor yeah I think I put it right here and then I go hired oh here he comes what oh that was him that was hipster boy okay team rambling hi everybody why not I mean okay oh gosh oh gosh I've created a problem oh you're gonna get fired now hired bandit boy where is he stealing sighs complete there you say men yeah you're welcome congratulations bandit boy is the happiest day of his life is what he told me close that that's my chair okay take paper one ready man this is easier than a real job that's not saying much here we go you can see the wheels yeah saw on their badges good Lulu feels fresh you program van de belen hipster boy are messing up oh okay I gotta load this into the to the drive okay got it check this this in there okay well if you ever time traveled back to the early 90s you'll be totally right look at that expense report is not good you're in the red $329,000 all right what I need to do is that he took up sales you bought a lot of stables sales need to be a lot higher all right we got 11 million in sales now all right now let's I think that's a hundred and eleven million expenses or zero one one dollar of hot sauce and then how many staples did you buy one dollar oh yeah but we are in business yeah if you can only click on submit okay there you go look at her whoo whoo good good work right look at that how you feel about that boss man thanks for sticking around for good mythical more if you want to watch more well we don't have good mythical more more but we do have a lot more videos here's two of them also click the circular channel icon to subscribe
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,542,973
Rating: 4.8752837 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 11, vlog rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, Let's Play: Job Simulator, Let's Play: Job Simulator good mythical more, goo mythical more Let's Play: Job Simulator, Let's Play: Job Simulator rhett and link, rhett and link Let's Play: Job Simulator, Let's Play: Job Simulator gmm, gmm Let's Play: Job Simulator, job simulator, vr game, let's play, game play, gameplay, VR
Id: K8dPpx3Ikkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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