Let's model a COTTAGE in 10 MINUTES - Blender 2.83 - Ep. 26

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raucous and welcome back to another Thursday it's at least so 26 of the 10 minute modelling challenge and I'm gonna do more low poly stuff today I'm gonna make a little red Swedish cottage there are some regions around here especially outside in the countryside you'll have loads of little red cottages everywhere and I think there's a bunt painted anything else but red so I'm gonna make it red just to make sure it fits in hope you've had a good week so far and I hope you've been doing a lot of modeling I know the Sun is coming out it's a bit of a noise because it gives glares and stuff built myself like a bunker here I've got one window and that one I'm covered up so I couldn't make it look like night at any time it's quite nice no reflections no bad conscious that you should be outside in the sunshine let's put the phone over here let's get cranking let's go cottaging go when we're off carbon turret mode a select everything's step it up with control scale and shift said we only want to go to scale it like that proportional off here geez at and then select these two vertices or edges right click and subdivide I'm gonna make a roof here so bring that up select these two shifty to duplicate it s the scale it's bring it down to maybe they're all the extra long face normals and like this and then we'll do right click subdivide again this time maybe eight cuts to create tiles I to inset twice to make these tiles and then all T to extrude them along their normals and then now I'm gonna do mesh OOP mesh and then transform and randomize these if it's but that's too much 0.03 now let's colorize them so G on the left there see two circles select a few lease and we make them a bit darker proceed to deselect a few with the middle mouse put them here Mike and darker and see again gonna make some really dark eyes okay now let's select this one again actually we have select all of them get that into a different brown now I can select these you've got to make some planks that cover the edges of the tiles here so all to e to extrude long face normals and then we'll do ctrl + once and I have to manually deselect this cut loop select here because I've broken their geometry a little to sort all t extra long face that's it and then now I have to say he's again because I want to call it these bikes I think ctrl+ and then white ok let's move to the base make that a red cottage and then I have to link these vertices together with J because otherwise I can't loop cuts after J and then ctrl R let's do some white corners here house ok that want to have to cut them manually that way because I've broken the geometry there as well so ok for the knife cut here once so these corners are going to be white in Sweden that's common it's called the tax new tile in Swedish white knots for some reason no maybe someone knows why it's called I have no idea but white corners anyway all t extra-long face normals control pause and make them white that's it and here we can make a door so let's select that face shift D scale scale X and bring it down to there eat extra Don I I have to do both Lisa try to insert that let's bring this out note e to extrude out lt's like linked make it white as well like the corners but a brown door shifty to make a door handle here notes X eats extrude that one it's a big door handle G black ok and the whole door needs to go in wait too far out okay here let's make two windows that one first shift D doesn't matter if they're not the same size it's perfectly fine to be honest it's actually better if they're not because it looks a bit wonky can I try to stylize this house a lot so ll make those whites select these faces this one has to come out a little bit more I think we've got something to work with I to inset all T to extrude one face normals and then make us blue okay 6:36 let's make some planks here so ctrl R to loot cut actually let's select select a few these planks every other and do all T to extrude longface now almost again and we can just do mesh transform randomize those with it as well now we're going to stylize this even more so over proportional and G to move it I'm gonna make these corners swing in and out a lot here I think that looks a bit cartoony so let's just do that I've seen better days this cottage when I build stuff I try it out I go over done on there all the details with a millimeters this one was built a lot faster than okay G let's actually get the tiles monkey as well it's falling apart it's got some damp issues here I think sometime I think we have to have some surveyor looking at this g-gee okay let's stylize this door as well the one care the better okay 515 or something 517 now we can make some colorization here as well we've got time I think K for the knife to add some okay you probably don't want to do this if you want or actually you could do this but you should make a separate level detail version elodie version with with less purchases and stuff if you want to use it as a shadow caster maybe and save some performance or if you wanna use it as a Collider you should probably not have all these vertices and if you want subdivide it but why would you want to subdivide it a cottage I wouldn't okay so now we've got those we can actually three face select and select a few this I'm gonna make these darker red so just shift select all of these and 423 okay there and now we go G and then alt eat extra long face normals again and that's it now we can make this basic scale that on e to extrude it I've got an extra geometry here no L let's make it like a rock base for this house control or tool it cut it once and twice and three times four times and L to select everything we can scale it down a bit again a scale on the x-axis and now I'll just move these off actually like as if it's some sort of a corner stone here we can maybe bring let's do all T on these as well stick out a little bit as well shift select a bunch of these Balti extra long edges we can reduce this whole slice of ability okay and a bit of wonkiness to this as well we don't want it to be too perfect we should really have a chimney as well so oh three minutes let's make a chimney so let's pick one of the tiles here maybe that one the sort of bugs shift D altered if he's like proportional G should make a great chimney all t to extrude long face normals eats extrude s to scale each extreme o doing spit then probably sorry about that I can't even fix it in post because I'm not editing this section where I model stuff edit any of this out so I have to keep everything in that just happened that's it there's a chimney wonky as well two minutes let's make a little days for this to stand on maybe shift D to duplicate it s to scale that one out maybe like this G to move it to gray well why did I make it greener because I wanted it clean Oh proportional off a texture that one down ctrl or maybe eight Lucas and control Oregon eight lip cuts and let's bring this down a bit selectively here the corner ones here and how am i doing 1:58 G Oh proportionally and although the only work link I don't the house dissing G said okay geez that got some issues here with that no that's okay am I getting tricked let's do this manually then lower few the corners here it's gonna be a little bit like a floating island isn't it all set 113 is a waste of time also that's it we can do the base a little bit control seven to see at the bottom and we've got some geometry poking through everything to me yep to rescue you and rescue you that's it control seven how many links four to six seconds see two circle select a few of these just make you brown eg to move it down e to extrude on s to scale it of ctrl + it's making everything brown here how am i doing 26 seconds gee tune in the hunt that's a I'll move the handling that's it four seconds to go that's it that's our little house on the island again okey-dokey [Music] all right folks so we've got a little traditional Swedish cottage here with a little chimney and a wonky door it's gonna be I wanted to have a really cartoony wonky look to it hopefully that came through yeah it looks pretty all right I think and it's standing on a little green pasture so should we disable maybe specular alright folks so there we have it we've got a little Swedish cottage here seen better days I think we need to have like I said some some sort of an inspector looking at this because there we've got some issues with the roof here we've got some dump issues going we've got some wonky corners I'm dread to look what it's inside it's probably bare enough to just to be a dust which is the Swedish word for an outhouse where it stinks pretty much for this video let's see did I do anything different so I've done pretty much all the stuff I did one tip is if you wanted to randomize some stuff that you've got selected so when you have a bunch of randomized or when you have a bunch of faces selected like this this one is called I think I used it in the last one mesh transform randomize that just offsets everything a little bit and you can change how much and you can also change some other parameters there I've just recently started to use that one and sometimes you have to be careful because when you warp it too much it'll intersect itself and you don't ever want to have like a vertex here for example you don't want that to be proportional on G you don't want that to be poking through the geometry like that that's bad and if you go too hard on this randomize that can happen it doesn't have any protection against that as far as I know it also works if you have vertices selected for example you can go to mesh again transform and randomize those as well so edges faces and vertices you can randomize like that that was a lot of proportional editing again and some K for the knife cuts to create these little features to get the colorization there and just a lot of proportional editing here too too wonky Phi it that's a new term one key fight so instead of doing a lot of tips like that let's just keep modeling a little bit shall we Oh and a few minutes of modeling so if we were to continue with this one what we want to do maybe wanted to add some plumbing so we could do here for example on the side which side should we pick that's this right side here so obviously this is not part of my 10-minute modelling challenge now this is the result that I'll be using as a thumbnail and this is what I managed to do in ten minutes but let's just be a little bit casual now maybe today let's have a casual Thursday episode 26 so if I grab this one and move this down let's move a few of this time as well what should we do here for some reason I want to have some sort of sewage coming out here so let's move this out so imagine that the house have got some plumbing in it that we wanted to see here so if I just move a few of these I've still got proportional editing also I have to be careful with the proportional if you do alt oh then it toggles here between connected and not because you have to be careful here if you've got not connected only there and you put G to move that one be aware that you drag the whole house down with you maybe that's what you want to do sometimes to make it follow the ground but if you only want to modify the this separate and this is actually part of the same object here we this is still a default cube remember that we've modified a tiny bit so this green part here the grass it's actually part of this cube object but if I press L here you can see that it's all the vertices are connected to only each other not to the house so if I were to move if I take proportional off and move it this is actually just in the same object but a lot of geometry that's not connected that was just so much work to try to say and I still didn't manage to get the message across but I think you've got it by note because I've said it quite a few times so let's see here we let's bring this down a little bit further even more key Oh again for proportional this may be there and here maybe we'd do this brown a little slumped here so not that once G move out to brown here you can see as well that this is one face now and it's got some struggles here to render it and so what we should do here is I should select that on and that one and press J to link these together that'll force it to cut the triangle the way we want it because I want to colorize these brown hairs so now we've got a little slope here maybe I'll do take proportional off shift D to duplicate it subdivide it right-click subdivide and then I'll only select these faces here what am i doing now actually I don't want to do that on a scale it down and then f3 and then I'll type in circle and that'll make it circle and for that to work you should have this if you go to edit here preferences you have an ad on here called loop tools and it comes with a unique unit it doesn't come with unity believe me it comes with blender by default but you have to enable it and if you type in f3 and type in circle you can actually make it turn any geometry and try to make it into a circle and then we can rotate it on the y-axis to flip it up and then e to extrude it L to select everything here again s to scale of town and plumbing I guess we should make it like some sort of a teal pile teal eye clay color orange no actually I want to make it it could be disappointing concrete or metal metal plumbing select that one again let's make it a bit brighter no and now I select these faces each extruder on s to scale it's e to extrude it make your pipe entrance here and again sometimes for a stylized scene like this you probably don't want it to be this perfect all the time perfect as if it was perfect but yeah back with proportional auto to make sure it's connected only and then G to move on and let's just make this pipe a little bit wonky too because if you suddenly have perfect geometry I can't it's not perfect what am I going on about anyway you get the point so maybe like that and then Oh proportional off you move it into there ctrl + and just simulate that it's shaded in there so I'll move it's a dark corner and now let's make some water pouring out - if this is an outward I can't say that if this is an outdoor toilet then you probably wouldn't want windows on it and let's extrude that one I just did shift D to duplicate that one now in there and then I make this blue pull that on now we're gonna make some water point out here we can do all zet to see through press the 3 on the keypad no we press 1 on the keypad to see it from the side here now we can do that other extrusion method let's just check actually which one I want to follow I'll follow this path here so I'll do one again here I think it's this one that's the slanting here so we'll just do some control right clicking here as if the water is pouring out here I'll try to follow roughly where I think it was here and then it just pours off here so I'm just right clicking and I should do it hold side again to see through okay we did it - too deep but that's ok we can fix it we can go press o for proportional again and then do G and then zev to move it up and then we can do the same here all set actually first let's select a few these but not this one ok let's redo that it's funny it picks exactly the face I don't wanna pick all set and scare we can scale this to old said it's kind of placed here Paul said proportional so we don't have to be picky at all this so that's the beautiful that's the beauty part but we'll select a few these okay down there scale y-axis rotate it's okay that didn't work that's okay rotate this one just go a little bit slower now so I can speak a little bit better about everything that I do rotate on the x-axis just rotate the roughly into place there will give me a few know a few of these faces up and we have to bring it down as welcome you can scale this whole thing a bit thicker so let's just select this proportional is on scale said okay then I can't select ease making it a lot more complicated information that I need to know every time I try to slow down and explain what I'm doing I'm doing a worse job at modeling and I'm doing a worse job in explaining don't know odd-eyes so small its scale said okay I'm scaling the hole in there that's by scale is that bringing these up with it awfully proportional again mm-hmm now that I'm seeing it I'm actually surprised so much water is pouring out from this little cottage makes me a bit scared to know what's going on in there I think they've left this sink running where's the pipe coming there okay so that's one thing we could have done a little pipe there maybe we bring these edges down to make or in together here make it like so should it be maybe a little bridge that crosses over here should it be a bridge crossing over shift D duplicate that I often work like this I do shift I pick a face and then I do shift D to duplicate it because then it's detached then I can use this whole trickery with the L key to select linked and everything like that and I just reshape that one and then I do e to extrude it to make it thick and then Estes killer on and now this is the nice thing L to select it and then G on the left here to move that one and then we'll do just to shift D Y minus one minus zero point zero point seven and then shift are a few times make those planks across and now they all look the same so we can't really have it like that obviously so we can just pick one to do do vertical xo2 get proportional and then we can just what we could do actually let's try to do them let's press L on all of these planks now and then we did what their tip was shift l if you're a deselect the whole linked package like that mesh transform randomize and now we can actually slide it up a bit more make it more I don't have to be so worried the objects are quite big so I don't have to be too worried about that they are intersecting too badly so scale may be on y-axis got one no that's okay I thought that one what could have been in the danger zone a bit but it wasn't danger zone makes me think of Top Gun that was a good movie 1984 the Swedish number of people that applied to become a fighter pilot after that one aired in the cinema was I don't even know the number but it was a lot of people that applied and wanted to become fighter pilots however we got off the top gun I don't know oh yeah danger zone that's it so we've got like a lot of planks here maybe we should have some posts as well so I can just do another face we'll pick a random one that on the loop off with proportional scale it down keep to move it there get to move it down get to move it there make it brown eat extrude it l2 select the links and again this is the nice thing you just like back in the day which would have been like four weeks ago or something I would have not really made stuff so wonky but then what I was modeling the part island I realized that the wonky it is probably the better it looks when it comes to like a low poly look so don't be afraid don't try to make everything perfect and aligned and stuff like that if you've got any sort of OCD similar to what I've got which is like I mentioned it in a previous video as well it's like symmetry and pixel perfect alignment that's usually my motto so it feels quite liberating no I'm not gonna use that word it's been contaminated it's quite nice to be able to just to do stuff like this okay so that's a maybe we should do some sort of a rail here as well so we don't want to fall down into the sewage water which it might not even be sewage water you never know what it is actually so shift D duplicate that face as you can see you can pretty much take any face here that might seem suitable put it there I don't eat to extrude it I'm just gonna make a really simple plank here but I'll rescale it on a bit G to move it and again we don't have to be picky that's the nice thing have I said the wonky or the better I think I did but we could actually make it not go through so much show but I guess they they could have chopped it through now we'll do L to select those links and then here I can just move that onto that and now maybe we wanted it to be that could be a bit thicker like that maybe you want to cut it like this as well actually control our loop cut a few those control or we've got a few those and now with proportional oh I'll just pick a few these and we'll even make the railings here a bit won't you because who would have cut perfect plank like that if you build a house like this in a place like this with a builder like this I doubt that they'd be using straight planks and here we could do the same trick as well we'll do K to do a knife cut here let's add some of that geometry luckily enough the number of polygons compared to like non low poly arch this is so few polygons anyway that I wouldn't even flinch to use this on especially on a PC it's not a problem to have these vertices rendering I mean you have objects in some cases where the characters alone are like hundreds of thousands of polygons and where I'll check now actually what counter we out node you can go brighter as well you know right let's do Kate let's make this brighter so G and step it up a bit there I works too actually in fact it looks even better so let's make that one brighter so we've got little bridge these are hanging in the air I guess I could fix that too let's make some beams here so I'll just hop into edit mode select that face shifty you know the drill I delete that you know fantastic shift the bring it down scale scale on the y-axis bring it down e to extrude on sometimes like now you can see that I've extrude it in the wrong direction so we made it to all the back faces facing out they use this way to fix that it's just to extrude it in the other direction is tough so that's the easiest way you could also flip the normals and stuff that's a bit of a pain okay there's one beam let's do shift the rotate rotate rotate on which axis white key to me whatever no no no that's okay no I've got something stupid L to select our own bar to rotate okay I don't know what key I press there but controls that will save you a lot of the time so we've got a lot British go in there should we make it we've already made a tree so I won't really do that but we could make some grass things growing here so I'll pick this face deep you know the drill scale it bring it to that scale it down even more and now change it to brighter green move it down and then here we do the right click to extrude s to scale right click extrude scale right click to extrude s to scale right click to extrude s to scale control our for loop cut there pick that one right click scale actually we'll press over proportional here and then just right click and you can scale them all together there control our look at our scale its control right-click scale it's for like minutes so maybe this could be like some sort of adjusts grass thing growing there or something what else could we have we could have a barrel here maybe they need a barrel not that they need any more water but let's make apparel I'll just tick the same place here I'll pick this face shift D to duplicate it that's the scale move it up control I right-click it and subdivide it once then we've got our trusted F 3 and circle a circle going G move it to brown scale it down get off proportional now we'll just extrude the first up a bit for the base ring e to extrude again as to scale E to extrude that's the scale let's make a ring here e to extrude this is a big barrel I have to shrink it that's the scale e to extrude s to scale that's our old motto back isn't it I've said it so much lately I'm right clicking to extrude all sorts of weird stuff that's no good is it so that's it and then we'll in I to insert like that need to extrude this could be let's just fill it with water as well shall we it's plenty of it alt to loop select that one shift and alt to add loop select on shift also like to shift all select faulty to extrude on face normals ctrl + + G great when they were got some sort of a barrel strange-looking barrel okay I'm a bit down today what else should we do a little puffy this could be very simple just cheap move it that's it passed on just a different color smokes down here though you'll fall down okay we can link this path together without you randomized this moment of it I'm here let's see I want to pick this vertex old Zed then let's try to hunt this vertex now mission impossible but it wasn't impossible I just did it so maybe that one that one should we do it so yeah let's make this whole thing you can walk around the house nope oh yeah got another mission impossible there we're gonna hunt for the another vertex there a trick here is if it's difficult if you just looked at this picture it make no sense but if you rotate a little bit you can start picking out where the vertex is that you want and it's probably that one that we want yes and there's another one your hunt it they wrote tracking lock-on got it all set done and now this one's not fitting there is it so let's actually have some grass right there cuz I like that that it grows right on the corner for some reason the grass always grows at the corner it's difficult to cut there here let's make this look like the grass is sticking up a little bit so I'll select these and then e to extrude it but let's extrude it down this one we have to fix I'm not too worried about the edge here because that's okay I say that and then I break it so I need to fix that we can't have this face coming like that can we no we can just delete that face select it delete face and then we figure out what to do here we can do switch on vertex nothing you and then do ctrl key and snap it to place there that's one way to fix it m2 merge by distance it removed five vertices here that were double that's okay then I'll just select that one press f2 cap it and then dr. green as well so that's it I just wanted to go out there too and we can change these little bits so they're different thicknesses and not so uniformed just some manual shifting there okay this to be honest there's no right and wrong way of doing it as long as you do right no you just pick whatever method works at the moment and if it works better for you to do it won't wait do it that way if it doesn't do it the other way okay well I've already done a tree in the other one so I'm not gonna bother to make it tree no maybe we can just make like a Ledge here so control has to say that on let's bring this up as if it's like an old corner here so maybe like this and then let's just go eat extrude that one and here we can do let's do mesh transform randomized but let's do it a lot more like this and then e to extrude again and let's randomize it again mesh transform randomize and slide it that's it and each extrude that one scale is that now if you want to flatten it again and then we'll do that I'll just do grass up here no scale or all to eat extra long face normals and bring it down like that grab a few of these as well scale and a bit differently how am i doing for a battery battery is nearly dead on my camera so I'm thinking that I've recorded probably enough bogus modeling now if you're still here on the premiere thanks I didn't expect it to be this long but you're free to leave anytime it's makeup but I'm actually gonna finish off any moment though so I want to have it should I just do brown g2 move on let's do some more randomness here Manuel randomness it's the worst time to randomness humans are not really good at trying to do stuff random it's all these song patterns that you're looking to do or something I'm not happy about that but that's okay you don't have to be happy with everything it's a bit difficult to see the house not maybe so let's move that one that vertex is really annoying me that one in particular in fact it annoys me so much that I might delete it and recreate this because it annoyed me that much and then I can show you that you don't have to be too worried about something breaks you can always repair it so if you wanted to repair this one you could select these press f2 no you don't want to do that let's just do this you could eat extrude this up let your vertex there's many ways to fix it press F fix that colorization there and then that's it and then you can link these together so like he's f2 link those and then you just wanted to show you that you don't have to be too afraid if something it's like weird like that if you managed to break the mesh you could just revert to your save file that's probably the best way but if you forgot to save some shift selecting those pressing F but then it does stretch this UV so you have to fix the UV like this but that's not the end of the world and then there we go you have to pick the right edges as well f2 lot on mark that vertex and now I've successfully just deleted that vertex not annoying me and put it back again just to show you that you can actually fix the topology if you manage to cut a hole don't panic use the different F to cap the holes and try to find the edges that should be connected and you'd be alright I think that's gonna be it for this week a lot of extra bonus material they're probably a bit more than I should have added but hopefully gave you some extra insight to do some modelling tips without the stress of doing it within the ten minutes but anyway please consider subscribing if you haven't done that already and hit like if you liked the video and I'll see you next week for another ten minute build alright bye for now have a good week squeak - check I've just hit the four percent barrier of female Watchers as well so thumbs up on that one and if insya was a woman she'd look like this okay that's it am I even in focus [Music]
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 33,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low poly, blender, blender 2.83, cottage, house, stylized house, low poly house, roof, roof tiles, how to model a house, wood, imphenzia, 10 minute modeling challenge
Id: QytUfbviUXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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