Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial: Getting Started

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hello guys and welcome to the unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial in this video i will show you guys how to download and install unreal engine 5 how to navigate through the ui how to import meshes create materials landscapes and more we will create this little island scene using quiksil megascan's assets and also the default water tools available in unreal engine we will finally dive into some blueprint and explain how to use it in your games if you are new to unreal engine this video will walk you through everything and you don't need any prior experience so with that being said let's go ahead and get right into the video all right so the first thing that you need to do is go ahead and head over to epicgames.com and download the epic games launcher if you don't have it already i'll leave a link in the description below once you go ahead and install the epic games launcher you're going to head over to the unreal engine tab here on the side then we're going to head over to the ue5 tab so here you'll click on this blue button download early access for unreal engine 5 and i've already done that so i'll have my version appear right here on the library tab 5.0 so a quick overview for the epic games launcher if you're not super familiar this is where you have your engine versions uh so i have unreal engine 4.25 two four two six and then on the legend five over here are your projects that you create and below that are your marketplace content packs so if you're not aware of the marketplace there is a marketplace tab where you can buy 3d models assets animations for your games okay so we'll go back to the library tab once you're finished downloading unreal engine 5 you can click this launch button okay and here is the project browser slash creator we have our recent projects here and we have the games film architecture and automotive product design manufacturing so we're going to be focusing on obviously the games part in this tutorial over here on the right we can see all of the different templates that we can create so we have a blank template a first person game puzzle third person top down virtual reality and advanced vehicle what we're going to be creating is a simple third person project here we can choose either to have blueprint or c plus plus we're just going to stick with blueprint we can have our target platform we're going to stick to desktop maximum quality we're going to enable starter content so make sure you have that check box marked and in our project name we can name this ue 5 tutorial click create all right once we finish loading in here if this is either your first time in unreal engine 5 or if this is your first time using unreal engine in general let me explain the layout here for you so first of all we have the main viewport area this is where you can navigate and move around in your game so to do that you can hold down the right mouse button to move your camera around and then you can use the w asd to move around so with those controls you can move freely around your game now there are a couple other controls you can use the left mouse button to pan forward on the x-axis and then you can use the middle mouse button to pan up and down on the z-axis right off the bat for movement you can adjust here this camera speed you can either go really fast or you can scale this down to go a little bit more slower okay so we'll start out here with the top left and just go over to the right so first we have our file options so file new level save all is a very important button new project open project or recent projects we have edit editor preferences project settings and plugins these are all pretty important things and then of course source control so if you're working either on a team you want to be able to work on the same project the same time or you just want a way you can back up your project and revert changes that might have messed up your game then we have window here and we have all the different windows which i will explain we have tools such as our merge actors tool then we have build so for building lighting and things like that and then we have help which takes us to some links to the documentation okay and then here we have our our little save button right here then we have our create tab so originally this create tab was on the left side but basically we can create lights shapes cinematics visual effects volumes and then we have the all classes here okay and we have course basic which is like empty pawn and collision boxes over here we have our content so here's our content browser and then we have quicksilver bridge right here which i will talk about in a minute then we have our blueprints tab we can open our level blueprint and then our cinematics for sequences okay and then over here on the left we have our viewport options so we can show our fps here we also have our field of view all that good stuff then we have our viewport camera settings so we can go into top mode if we were like say designing our level and we need a top-down view of where to move our assets then we have bottom left right front and back and then we have back to perspective over here we have our different modes so we have lit unlit wireframe detail lighting collision and so on then we have the show tab so we can show various things like the grid our landscape we can show and hide various things also very helpful over here at the top we have our different modes which some of you might be familiar with we have the active selecting mode so this means i can select objects then we have the landscape mode where we can sculpt and manage our landscape we have the foliage mode where we can paint grass trees and stuff onto our landscape we have mesh paint so we can paint textures onto some of the meshes we have fracture editing this is for chaos destruction and destructible meshes then we have active brush editing which is for blocking out simple geometry over here from the right we have the play tab if you hit play you can see we can control our character wasd to move spacebar to jump and you press escape to exit out if you hit this play menu options you can see we have a couple of different options for hitting play we can do it in the selected viewport we can do it in a new editor window we can also do a standalone game this would mean the game would run as if you were starting it up as an exe file then we have simulate so we can simulate the current level without actually playing so we can move around and then we have the number of players so this is for say multiplayer if i wanted to do two players i can change my net mode here to client play here as two new editor windows you can see here we have multiplayer okay i'm going to change this net mode back to standalone so standalone is like single player listen server is a server and a client player as client is if you were playing as a dedicated server okay over here we have our select objects translate rotate and scale so these tools you can see q w e and r so right here we can do w to move e to rotate or to transform so you just need to tap w e or r to filter through those controls okay this little button right here is local versus world so i can change this object to local click e to rotate rotate this object then go back to global and you can see that we rotated this object locally and we can still move it according to the global grid so this uh definitely comes in handy when you're editing your meshes then we have our grid snapping so if we take this snapping size and do say 100 you can see this cube snaps to a grid so this controls snapping size so we can have a smoother snapping or we could have a more accurate snapping you can also enable or disable snapping by hitting that little grid right there and you can see we can move it freely you can re-enable it by hitting that little button and it turns blue same thing for rotate we can change the the degrees in which it rotates so rotates 30 degrees and of course we can always disable it so we get a smooth rotation same thing for scaling we can adjust how precisely it scales and of course we can turn it off so we get a smooth scaling okay and again we have the camera speed so we know just how fast we move around our level and then we have the quad view of our level so we get the left right front and top as well as our perspective then we can click that again to minimize that over on the right here we have our world outliner so this contains all of the different meshes here in our level and also contains our lights players everything that you see in the level here is in our world outliner down below we have the details panel so if we select a certain object you're gonna see the transform location rotation scale the mesh the material physics collision and more so you might not have this world settings tab i usually hit my window and click world settings but in your world settings tab a few things to note here is the game mode the gamemode is the blueprint class and where you store all the rules of your game it has an assigned character class and a couple other classes that i'll talk about here in a bit okay and lastly our content browser so if you hit this content drawer you'll see your content browser or if you hit control space it'll pull up the content browser so the content browser is where you have all your different assets in your game so for example this cube right click it and click browse to asset you're going to see in our content folder geometry meshes we have this cube so our content browser holds all the different hosts all the different meshes audio files all of our maps and everything for our game to either hide your content browser you can hit control space to hide it or you can just click into the level and it will hide automatically sometimes you might want your content browser to stay open to do that you click this dock and layout button and that will have it permanently open all right so first of all let's talk about static meshes so like i said this scene is made out of static meshes and what a static mesh is is if we right click click browse to asset it'll show it here in our content browser we can double click that and it'll pull up the static mesh viewer here so we can dock this tab here at the top and you're going to see here here is part of the level so a static mesh is a mesh that is completely static it doesn't do anything it just stays the exact same throughout the entire duration of your game it's a completely static item it doesn't do anything but sit there so for example rocks maybe like a park bench buildings these all can be static meshes static meshes commonly have materials applied to them and a material is what allows it to have a certain texture so if we click on this ramp material we can see here the material editor so again we can take this tab and dock it here at the top so for our material we have the preview right here as you can see this is just a basic plain solid color material it's not really anything to it but you can see all that is is this constant vector 3 which controls the color of this material so if we double click that we can change it to whatever we want we could change it to a red color hit ok save that if we go back to our third person example map you can see here we change the material color for all these meshes okay so we can go ahead and undo that by control z to undo click save and close this all right so what we're going to do is we're going to set up our own material and import a mesh so to do that we'll first create a new folder we're going to call this tutorial project in here we'll add a new folder called meshes and we'll add another new folder called materials so in our meshes folder we can go ahead and import the static mesh so if you guys haven't already download the ue5 project files link in the description i'm going to drag in the palm tree fbx file into the meshes folder so right off the bat you'll see this fbx import options so if you've never imported a fbx model essentially this is a 3d model we have our options here for skeletal mesh we're not going to do a skeletal mesh because this is a static mesh we have various information here such as we can modify this scale the rotation we're going to leave this as is and click import okay so in our content browser here we now have a palm static mesh if we double click that you can see this nice little palm tree go ahead and close that and then we have this m palm tree instance we can go ahead and just delete that then back into our tutorial project materials we're going to import these textures right into the materials folder then we can go ahead and do right click and as you can see here there is a lot of different options we have the new folder which we've made for these couple new folders we have a blueprint class i'll talk about this in a bit our level material and then down here we have a lot more options animations blueprints foliage gameplay miscellaneous sounds all that stuff so we're going to create a material here you can just click on that i'm going to name this palm tree underscore m double click it and dock this at the top so to create a material it's very simple we drag in texture nodes and we connect them up to our material node so go back to your content browser click on a texture and shift click to select all three of them left click and drag them into your material editor and drop them like that so we can arrange these like so so normally your material will have usually three different maps you'll have a base color roughness specular metallic and then a normal map this particular mesh this palm tree is transparent on the leaves part so it has a extra map called a mask so the first thing that we need to do to change this material to allow this mask now this again is very specific to this material is we need to select the material node and change the blend mode to mask now we can hook up our textures to our material so left click on this rgb to the base color for this mask we're going to hook this up into the opacity mask and for our normal map we'll hook that up into our normal and as you can see here on the left we have our material we can left click and move our camera around and we can see the material in action so the base color here is just a 2d texture color of our mesh then our opacity mask is telling the material where to mask out information that way we can have these nice little leaves for our palm tree then the normal map is telling the engine where the light should reflect so that we can get these nice little lines here that makes it look like the mesh has all these little details so this little material preview we can also switch it to a cylinder we can also do it as a plane we can do it as a cube and then the final option here is preview it on a mesh so if we wanted to go back to our meshes here and select our palm tree we can click on that and preview the material on a mesh okay so we can go ahead and close out of this open up our palm tree and over here in the material slots we can assign that palm tree underscore m material okay so you can see we have this nice palm tree mesh that we made go ahead and close this and then drag our palm tree into the level so there's our palm tree right there we can move it around or to scale this down another neat thing is that you can click alt and drag off of one of these to duplicate also another useful tip is if you ever get far away from your mesh here you can select it here in the world outliner and click f to focus instantly on that mesh so if you ever get lost say down here and just select on your mesh click f to focus there and of course you can adjust your camera speed accordingly alright so we just created our first mesh here with a material let's talk about quixote bridge which is a helpful tool for getting other meshes and materials into our game so to access quixote bridge we're going to go to content quick so bridge and this will pop open the bridge window so i can go ahead and make this full screen by double clicking if this is your first time opening up quicksilbridge is going to ask you to log in you want to log in with your epic games account and it will allow you to access all of the free assets here there's over 15 000 free assets that you can use for your commercial game so once you're logged in you can see we have 3d assets which are meshes static meshes so we have a variety of different things such as furniture rocks parts of the building fruit all sorts of things and these are all high quality photo realistic photo scan meshes so for example this rock here is actually photo scanned we can get it at to low medium and high quality so i'll go ahead and put this into high quality okay and once you're signed in you can hit this little download button and it will cue up the download here once it's downloaded you can see it added to your local so if you hit your local these are all the assets that you've downloaded and are stored locally on your computer so we can click this add button here and that will go ahead and import it into our project right into the content browser and so you can actually either navigate it to the content browser right here or you can drag it actually directly from your bridge into your project so we'll come over here and take our rock and drag it right into the game like that so we can take a look at this mesh here you can see it's very high quality and essentially these are all photo scanned assets so the team at quixot goes out with like an 8k camera and they take high quality pictures of these rocks and photo scan them into game assets so the quiksil bridge is a very helpful tool not only for assets but also materials so if you go over to the surfaces tab you can see there's a wide variety of materials we have ice rock wood metal whatever material you need you can import it directly into unreal and just by clicking on it and downloading it there's also decals which are basically textures that you can put on static meshes on top of the previous material and then we have imperfections which is like a mask or a filter that we can put over other materials so that's quiksil bridge summarized like i said there's a lot of different assets in here and i would suggest playing around with this downloading assets moving them around your scene to see what you can make all right so let's talk about landscapes real quick so first of all let's go ahead and create ourselves a new map so we'll do file new level and we're going to go with this time of day level so you can see here we're in this nice level here with these clouds the lighting the controls here to move the sunlight around you can hit control l and use the left mouse button to control the time of day file save current level as and in our content tutorial project we'll just name this new map okay so to create a landscape we're going to go over to our landscape tab you're going to see here we have this little green grid on our map it's essentially telling us the preview of what our landscape is going to look like okay so over here on the left you can see we have our landscape tab so we have a new landscape create new we can assign our landscape a material we have the location rotation scale then down here we can choose how big our landscape is going to be so the overall resolution you can up this to 2017 by 2017 for a really big landscape or we can orient changes back by hitting that little back button to go back to 8x8 so our overall resolution determines how big our map is going to be and also comes at the cost of components essentially components are these green boxes here and each of them is a draw call by having a larger landscape you have more of these and it makes your computer have more draw calls and have to process more information by having a large landscape so we also have the import from file so this is if you were going to import a height map height maps are pre-made texture files that look something like this where you have the white defining the piece of a mountain and the black defining no information so this can be useful to create realistic terrain inside of your game alright so we'll go ahead and do a create new and we'll just click the create button so here we have our landscape you can see here we have a few different options we have our manage sculpt and paint so first we'll start off with the manage so here you can select each component so say if you wanted to delete a couple components that weren't needed on the screen you could select them and click delete and we have the scoped which allows us to sculpt detail on our landscape by hitting left click so we can left click and scope these little hills like so the sculpting tools are all right here we have sculpt and underneath the sculpt we have our brush type falloff so we can change our fall off control z to undo then we have our tool strength we have our brush size and our brush fall off which controls that little sphere in the middle then we have the smooth which smooths things out we have flatten so this will create a flat terrain we have the ramp tool which allows us to create a ramp between two parts like so go ahead and reset that to remove that you can see here we have a nice little ramp we have erosion tool so this allows us to create a little erosion on our hill we have hydro erosion which is is simulating if you know it was raining on this hill creating some erosion you have noise which gives us all these little bumps and we have re-topologize which i'm not going to use it kind of messes with the topology of your mesh and then we have mirror so we can mirror part of our terrain we have copy which is a little copy tool so we could click r to translate w to move this around and we can put this around our little hill here copy data move it over here and then we could do sculpt and then we can left click and fill this all in with our brush back to our sculpt and you can see here we've copied and pasted that hill over so very basic tools that allow you to create landscapes then over here we have the paint tab so we'll go ahead and create a landscape material but essentially the paint tab allows you to paint your landscape so for example if you had sand you could paint sand onto the beach dirt and stuff to make a path and so on alright so let's go ahead and create a landscape material to do this we will need some materials and textures so we'll go ahead and go back to quick soap bridge and we're going to get a couple of materials so first off we're going to go ahead and search for brass and you can also search for these clover patches here just type in clover patches on grass and then you can click download all right once you've clicked download we can go ahead and add that now we're going to need some sand so we'll go ahead and search up sand so we can use this thai rippled sand so click on that click download and then we can add that as well and last but not least we need some rock material so we go search rock we can filter this by surfaces and then we can scroll down here and we get something like this layered cliff rock so we'll go ahead and download and add that to our project as well all right once you've downloaded and added those to your project we can go ahead and pop open our content drawer i'm just going to go ahead and dock this into our layout for now and you can see here we have our clover patches on grass layered rock cliff and our thai rippled sand so we'll go back to our content browser and and in our tutorial project go to our materials folder and create a new material call this landscape underscore m double click to open that dock that at the top so here we're going to create our first landscape material so a landscape material can consist of multiple different textures and they are called landscape layers so to blend them we add a right click here and search for landscape layer blend click on that and on the left details here we can add layers so click add and add so add four layers here the first one you hit that down arrow we can go ahead and name this sand our second one we can name this rock our third one we can name this grass and the fourth one we can name this auto go ahead and save that and next up we need to add our materials in here so usually you would drag in your textures into your material here but for us we're going to go a little bit of a different route and add what is called a material function so to do that we right click add a material in textures go down here to material function and we're going to name this grass underscore mf so go ahead and double click that and in here we're going to go back to our content browser click the mega scans surfaces clover patches on grass and click on these and shift click and drag them into our grass material function so in here really quick we're going to drag off of our output result and make material attributes so this is going to look a little bit more familiar like the like the normal material inputs but essentially what we're doing is we're making a material inside a material and this will help us keep our nodes very clean and and also prevent us from having to redo some extra work so now in here we'll go ahead and sort these like so so we have our base color our roughness and amine occlusion and then our normal map here so off the back we're going to drag off of the uvs and do a multiply then we're going to drag off the a and do a landscape coordinates this is going to tell us how much we want to texture our material so off of here we'll do a scalar parameter and name this grass close and hook these all up for the uvs of all three of these then we're going to copy these three over and drag them down and we're going to drag the a to the landscape coordinates drag the b off and do another scalar parameter and we're going to name this grass bar so the scalar parameter allows us to define a variable and in this case it's allowing us to tell how much we want to texture this material that way we can reduce the repetition in our landscape material next thing we're going to do is drag off the rgb and do linear interpolate and this is what is known as a as a lerp which takes an a and a b and combines them together using the alpha to drive that combination and it outputs one value what we're going to do is copy and paste this three times and we're going to hook up the rgb into a right there and the rgb for the base color into b like so then for our roughness it's going to be a little bit different we're going to get the r into a and for the next one we're going to grab the g into a same for the bottom one the r goes into b and the g goes into b like so okay last one for our normal map we're going to just grab the rgb and a and the rgb into b for these we can hook the base color to the base color this one this red channel is the roughness the green channel here can go into ambulance occlusion and the normals here can go into the normal next up we need to create our alpha blend so this will help tell the material at what distance should it blend go ahead and right click at a distance underscore blend and then here we can drag off here and do scalar parameter we can name this blend range and we can name this other one start offset so we can add a default value of say eight thousand the start offset of negative two thousand and we can hook up the results into each of these alphas right here so this allows us to blend these two materials at this distance so when we get farther away we can scale out the material and it helps with the repetition and the overall look so we'll go ahead and save this and now that we've made that function we can go back to our content tutorial project materials and we can just duplicate this function two more times right click duplicate name this rock material function duplicate that name this sand material function double click our rock and all we need to do here is switch out our textures so left click and control left click these two texture nodes and we'll go to our layered rock clip you can select the texture here which is the base color and over in our rock material function we can go to the details and hit this little arrow to use that so that's a very useful tool if you select anything in your content browser you can hit that little arrow and it will automatically assign it right there same thing for our roughness control click these select our roughness here and click the little arrow same for our normal maps click those and select your normal map and click the assign arrow save that and we'll repeat that go back to your tutorial project materials open up your sand and do the same thing here by selecting your base color go back to your sand go to your tie rippled sand sand material and hit the assign same for your roughness channel click on the roughness and assign that and then lastly your normal map okay now that we have those done we can go back to our landscape material and here we can go ahead and go to our tutorial project materials and select our sand rock and grass material functions and drag those in to here so you can see we have our material functions right here and they're all nice and neat in our landscape material so we can go ahead and connect up our sand to sand our rock to rock and our grass to grass then for our layer auto we'll go ahead and add a world aligned blend and then off of the blend sharpness we're going to add a scalar parameter and name this slope shortness and same thing for blend bias at a scalar parameter and name this blend bias so these scalar parameters will allow us to tweak these values when we're in our map looking at our terrain and this world aligned blend will allow us to create a landscape on a material that way we can have the engine do all the work for us and auto texture our landscape based on slope off of our with explicit normal we'll go ahead and do a blend material attributes for the a we'll do rock for the b we'll do grass and then we'll plug this into our layer auto and before we do this one more thing we need to do is break material attributes so that we have all the connections we need and one last step we need to go ahead and add some variation we have our starter content here we have our materials there's a bunch of different materials in here we're going to use this gold material up here there is this micro and macro variation this is essentially a black and white texture that adds these little dark spots and kind of breaks up the material here and this is really helpful for our landscape material so we can select this ctrl c and ctrl v to paste it in here we're going to drag off the lerp and do a multiply node and multiply the base color by that variation and hook that up for our base color then we'll hook up the roughness to the roughness normal to the normal and the ambient occlusion to our ambient occlusion like so okay then we hit save and we've just made our first landscape material so go to our content browser tutorial project materials and before we apply this material to our landscape let's go ahead and right-click our landscape material and create what is called a material instance so a material instance if we double click here you can see there's no editor in here we can't edit the actual material this allows us to non-destructively edit the values the scalar parameters that we added so that we can adjust the values that we want without destroying our master material so in here we're going to check all these boxes and we're just going to apply some values here negative 12 for our blend bias 30 for our slope sharpness grass close will be 0.1 grass far will be .009 go ahead and hit save then with our landscape selected we can we can go to our details scroll down here until we get to this landscape tab and we can see we have a landscape material so we can go ahead and drag that onto there so you're going to see here looks very strange but our shaders right now are compiling so now what we need to do is go into our landscape tab and we're going to have to create layer infos so head over to the paint tab under the sand we're going to create a wait blend in normal and we can just go ahead and click save and you can see here we have sand on our map going to do this for our rock crate layer info weight blended layer info and then we'll do this for our grass and for our auto okay and now we can start painting materials onto our landscape so we can do rock and left click you're going to see it's compile the shaders you see we can start painting on our landscape here this rock material you can also paint some grass and then of course we have the auto material and what the r material does is it automatically textures our terrain so if i go ahead and paint this onto our landscape you're going to see it automatically textures the areas with rock where there is a slope in the mountain and instead of painting this entire landscape what i'm going to do is just delete this go back to our landscape we'll create a new one go ahead and drag our material instance onto the material go back to our landscape tab and under the paint we're just going to click under the auto or auto layer info and it will automatically apply our auto material to the entire landscape so now i'm going to go ahead and close this content browser go back to our landscape mode we can click the scope tab and we can start sculpting our landscape so you see as we sculpt the landscape automatically has rock assigned on the slope sides you can use the flattened tool you see our rock material there on the sides so we can go ahead and actually adjust the scaling here of the texture so if we go and put our landscape material instance right here drag this out we can adjust these values here so we have the blend bias so this allows us to control the blend of the slope so put this back to or negative 14. our grass close controls the texture of how close it is looks like we actually need to adjust our rock close and to do that we go back to our content browser tutorial project materials in our rock material function we actually did not add custom scalar parameters so go ahead click the grass close name this to rock close grass 4 change that to rock bar and then same thing for the sand we'll go ahead and click on this and change this to sand close and sand far save that and now if we open up our landscape material instance we have more parameters here we can play with so we'll go ahead and check box all of these for our rock close we'll do 0.1 and we'll scale this up we can go ahead and smooth things out here and go back to our material instance so the texturing up close should be fairly detailed so we can go ahead and take the rock up close and do maybe point one is seems good and then as we get farther away we want this to be like point zero one point zero five something like that you can play around with the values sand close we can do the same thing even though we don't have it in the scene at the moment one point zero five and go ahead and hit save okay so another thing we want to do is to create a post process so go to create all classes search here post process volume drag that into the scene we're going to search in the details here exposure for the min and max brightness here we want to take this down to one and point three that way our camera doesn't have too much exposure when we look at the landscape and then we want to do infinite bounds and we can go ahead and play with the exposure now it doesn't get too dark in here all right next up we can create a basic water body so first we need to enable the water tools to do that we go to edit plugins search for water you're going to enable the water plug-in and then you're going to search for land mass and enable that plugin as well click yes and restart now make sure you hit save selected all right now if this is your first time enabling the water tools within unreal engine 5 you're going to have a little compiling shaders in the bottom right now this is going to take probably 15 to 20 minutes maybe longer depending on your computer specs but once it's finished you can go ahead and go to your new map alright so the first things first you need to click on your landscape and check box this enable edit layers then we can go ahead and go to create all classes search for water and here we have the couple different options we have island lake ocean river we're going to go ahead and go with the ocean and drag that into our scene so you can see here it automatically affected our landscape and that is using the landmass plug-in so you can see we have these different spline points that we can move around and it will automatically adjust our landscape like so okay okay so there's a couple things we can do we can actually take some of these spline points and bring them out you can alt drag on them to duplicate out and we can create a little island shape and you can also drag alt drag in like so and create whatever kind of weird shaped island you want and you can also take these little curves and adjust the actual curves themselves okay so we can go back into our landscape mode here and into our paint tab and we can go ahead and select our sand layer click our sand layer info and we can start painting our sand onto our landscape so this is going to be really nice for our beach so what we can go ahead and do is scale this brush size up and paint all along the coast of our landscape here okay and let's keep painting like so and then we're going to increase the brush size here and get everything underneath because if we actually hide the water you're going to see that underneath it is either grass or rock so we're just going to paint it all to sand okay and then we're going to increase we're going to decrease the brush size and decrease the fall off and we'll paint a little bit more of the beach and we can kind of break it up by just adding by just making the lines not all the way straight just breaking up here and there just like so all right and we can also go back to our scope tools here and scale up our brush a little bit and add a little bit more hills here as we sculpt you can see our landscape on a material here in action and then we can use some of the erosion tool here and adjust our brush size make a little bit larger and scale down the brush fall off okay a little bit like that and then i actually want to take our flattened tool scale down our brush size and flatten the peaks that way we have more of a hill then maybe some parts of these i can take the sculpt sculpt it up a little bit and then use the flattened tool to flatten so we have more of a cliff all right so we can go ahead and research for our player start so we hit f we can focus in we can drag this above that mesh and when we hit play we have our character here and we have our beach over here our sand texture and our water okay so we can go ahead and now use the foliage tool to paint some palm trees onto our map so go to the active foliage editing mode and we're going to open up our content browser and go to our tutorial project meshes and click our palm tree and drag it into our foliage browser here so with our palm tree selected we can adjust the painting density going to do something like .001 we can scale up our brush size and this will allow us to and maybe increase our density up a little bit point zero five and we can paint some palm trees like so okay so obviously these are all the same size all the same scale so what we can do to break things up is we ctrl z to undo that we can go ahead and under our scaling here we can tweak some of the values so we can give a min and max value of say 0.8 in max 1.6 okay and so now we can start painting again it's going to randomize the scale of our palm trees so we can add some more meshes and trees and stuff into here we have this mega scans 3d assets nordic beach rock formation so you can just go and drag these meshes into your scene to add rocks to your scene or you could use the foliage tool again to paint these so what i'm going to go ahead and do is get some assets from the quick store bridge and download them to our project so we can search for beach rock so we got a lot more options here i'm just going to download these thai beach rocks and instead of having the high quality i'm going to use nanite which is a part of unreal engine 5's new technology that allows you to have high quality photo scan assets in your game while still maintaining really good frame rate all right so i'm going to add some grass here i've just searched tropical and under here we can just add this velvet grass so we can go ahead and download that and then we can also select ferns here and we can select this silver lady fern download that and add that to the project as well all right once you've added all that content we can go to our content drawer you can see here it's compiling shaders okay so we can pull up our foliage tab here and our content browser we just go ahead and dock that you can see we have all of our different options here you also go ahead and add these ferns here drag those in and select all these other grass types okay and with all those checked we can go ahead and add some variations here so we can do our min of point 0.8 and say our maximum of 1.2 and then of course we need to crank our density down to 0.01 and you're gonna see it's gonna start compiling shaders for some of these maybe we'll crank up our density to point one maybe we'll just crank this up to say five and we might need to adjust the radius as well as the min and max scaling so we get better variation here all right next up we can add also rocks so if we go over to mega scans 3d assets any of these rocks right here nordic beach rocks going to do is deselect everything like that and drag in or beach rocks and with control click all these selected we can go ahead and change our settings here first we want to adjust our z placement so our our maximum will be negative point negative one and then our uniform our min and max we're going to change this point eight in one 1.8 density we want to bump this down to say 0.5 and maybe we'll bump down this to negative 4. okay so you can see here the negative is the offset pretty much puts the mesh tries to put it below uh the terrain we need to bump up the scale here to at least do one and three point five and bump down this to negative seven maybe okay so like that and of course we can always come in here and manually select some of these meshes and move them around you can erase some of these that we don't need and then we can select some of these and move them down you can also rotate them a little bit so okay so our beach is looking pretty good of course we can always add more uh different sort of meshes and stuff and break up the grass a little bit it's a little bit repetitive so we can always go back and erase certain areas in our brush here like so go to our race tool scale it up and just weed some of these things out that way there's not a whole ton of these and yeah it's looking pretty decent okay so another thing that we can do is we can always come in here and adjust our lighting so if we do control l we can adjust the lighting in our scene here and also add a crate exponential height fog and in our details here we can adjust fog density fog fall off height the start distance and the cutoff distance and our max opacity here okay and just like that let's save that and maybe we can adjust the lighting just a little bit and yeah that's our little scene that we made here now i want to go ahead and dive into blueprint very quick which is essentially the visual scripting system of unreal engine it allows us to create various gameplay elements to our game and we can create some very powerful things so let's go ahead and create some blueprint so let me go ahead and explain what is blueprint if you've never played with it before so if you go into your content browser in our third person bp we have blueprints and our third person character double click that and open it up so this is our character blueprint it might look a little bit overwhelming if we head over to this viewport tab you can see the character we have our character here and we have our camera and a little collision capsule so a blueprint is made up of various different components as well as the event graph so if you hit the event graph here we have the characters movement and input so this is what allows the character to move around in the game we have our move forward which is our wasd and then we have our jump which is our space bar so over here on the left we have pretty much like our scene outliner kind of like our world outliner um if we head over to our viewport you can see our character is made of a capsule component an arrow our character's mesh our camera boom and our camera in blueprint you have various different actors so if we go back into my content browser i right click i can add a blueprint blueprint class going to see there are a couple different classes that we can pick from so we have an actor a pawn a character and then player controller game mode and so on so an actor can be quite literally anything so it could be like a rock or a tree that you want to chop down or it could be like a a chest or something that you open up the pawn can be anything that can be possessed by either a player or ai so this could be like a car pawn a horse that you can ride it could be an npc as well so character has more things like the ability to walk around and to control your character so our third person character is a character blueprint class and in our event graph we can add here functionality to our character so say we do the r key we can add a input here so when we press r we could do something like launch character and we can do for a velocity here on the z-axis 2000 in the air so you want to hit this compile here and that means you've compiled your blueprint and you're ready to run it you also have your save button here to save your blueprint so i can hit play and hit r you see we launched our character in the air we can also create variables and over here on the left you can see we have a variables tab so variables allow us to store information like numbers letters and such so we could add a new variable by clicking this plus button and here we have different variable types so we have a boolean which is true or false uh integer which is just a whole number a float which could be like a percentage a decimal number a name which is text string which is also text text pretty much the same thing vector it is combination of like three numbers like x y and z rotator is essentially the same thing but information for a rotation and then transformation which is a combination of all three plus scale so we can add say like a float we can name this variable health and what we need to do to give it a default value is we need to compile and we can add something like a hundred for 100 hp so in our content browser we can add a new blueprint class actor and we can name this damage box double click that and we can add here a component so you can see there are various different components like i said our character is made up of a skeletal mesh and camera as well as a collision so for our damage box we're going to add a simple box collision we can name this damage box and on the right side of the details you can see as we select different components we have different details on the right side so we can click r in this viewport to scale our damage box it's all the same controls as you are used to in the normal v port so if we scroll down here on the details we can add some events so a collision box allows us to add an event if our player runs into that box so for example on component begin overlap we can add by hitting that plus button we can drag off of the other actor and cast to third person character so whenever someone runs into that box it's going to cast to the third person character to see if they are of this character class if so we're going to apply damage and we're going to do 10 base damage so we can just do 10 and click compile now we can go to our character and in our event graph we can add we can do any event any damage so these are the built-in functions to unreal apply damage and event any damage so if we have any sort of damage applied to us we can take our health minus or subtract by that damage and then set our health value to that new value so the incoming damage going to subtract that from our health and set that to our new health our new health variable then we can drag off here and do a print string so that we can see what's going on and we want to connect the health into the string so that it converts from a float variable to a string now we can go ahead and drag our damage box right here into the scene we can make this a bit large like so and if we hit play we can run over to our little damage box and you're going to see in the top left we did 10 damage 80 hp 7 hp 60 50 40 30 and so on so we can add say some sort of fire here that could possibly damage the character and you can scale this box around that fire to have that effect what i'm going to go ahead and do is to go back to our third person character blueprint and off of here we're going to check to see if the health is less than or equal to zero and off of our boolean here we're going to do a branch and a branch allows us to do a true or false so allows us to check to see if the player's health is less than or equal to zero if so we could do this if it's not true we could do this so if it is true we're going to get our mesh and going to set simulate physics connect that up to the true and check mark simulate and then one more thing we have to select our mesh scroll down to our collision and hit the drop down for collision presets and we're going to hit collision presets we're going to scroll down and do ragdoll so hit compile and hit play and if we run over to our collision box so if i hit over here you can see 90 hp 80 70 60 and when my hp reaches 0 you can see my character ragdoll so there's my character right there pretty simple logic but you can create some very powerful things just with blueprint so that's going to be pretty much it for the unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial i hope you guys learned a couple things some couple tips that you guys can take away for if you're going to try and learn unreal engine 5 is that game development is not going to be easy per se you're always going to run into some sort of challenge you're going to have to search the problem of that issue and try and figure out where exactly in your blueprint you made a mistake or something like that so always expect that you're going to run into some sort of issue when you're when you're working on a game because i want to say half of game development if not more is solely working on fixing bugs and and trying to figure out the solution to some sort of problem anyways that's going to be pretty much it for this tutorial hope you guys learned something new if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you hit the subscribe button and leave a comment down below i'll be making some more uh tutorial series like this so so guys make sure you stick around and i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 237,649
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Id: UVTzVtxxgE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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