Let's Learn English! Topic: Feelings

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on feelings I hope that you are ready to learn a little bit more about expressing your feelings in English this will be more than a beginner lesson this will be a bit more of an intermediate lesson I'm going to talk about some of the simpler feelings like anger and sadness but mostly I'm going to talk about more advanced expressions for talking about your feelings let me just check to make sure sounds like everything is working awesome let me turn myself off now so again welcome to this English lesson on feelings I'm Bob the Canadian and you are learning a little bit of English today and hopefully this is good listening practice for you as well as a little bit of extra vocabulary for you to use so again this lesson on feelings I'll start with three of the simple ones but then after that I'm going to go into some more complex or more detailed feelings so I just want to say hello to everyone who is here welcome to this lesson I hope the room isn't too echoey I feel like I can hear my voice echoing so hopefully you guys don't hear that too much let me check my audio again for you to use a little bit Becca we but not too bad anyways we're gonna talk about our feelings today that makes me laugh I'm not sure why but we're going to talk about expressing your feelings you all know the simplest feeling which is happy so these people are obviously happy you can see that they are happy because they are smiling and they're even maybe laughing a little bit so when people are happy they usually smile and they usually just you can just tell from their face that they are happy they are experiencing happiness by the way so they are happy but you could also say that they are experiencing happiness so here we have a couple of people that's the first simple one of three the next one I have is sad so you can see that this person is sad by the look on her face she might even be crying a little bit here so when you are sad you are the opposite of happy you're not feeling super excited about your day you maybe even have had something happen in your life that made you sad that caused you to experience sadness people are sad when they don't get what they want they are sad when life doesn't go the way they think it should and they are sad sometimes when they lose someone in life maybe a family member has passed away or died that can make you sad as well so when things in life don't go well that can make you sad the third one easy one before we get to the more intricate ones is angry so you can see this guy is yelling on the phone he is obviously very very angry at someone and so he is raising his voice we say he is yelling but you could also say that he is raising his voice when someone is angry they raise their voice at someone so sometimes when my children don't behave I raise my voice it's kind of like yelling actually it is yelling when you raise your voice to someone so happy sad angry and now we're going to look at a few more detailed ones I just want to stop and say hi to everyone who is watching if you're new here I'm Bob the Canadian we're doing a little lesson this morning on feelings my paper is not standing up and if you are new here I don't forget to click the subscribe button I love it when people subscribe to my channel and if you could guys hmm and if you guys could give me a thumbs up at some point that would be awesome as well gonna check my connection again looks like it's working I'm getting some errors on my camera screen but that's okay we're gonna keep going so I promised you some more advanced vocabulary to talk about feelings so let's start with this one you can feel left out when you feel left out it means that other people maybe your friends are all doing something fun and maybe they didn't invite you and so you feel left out you're the person who is not part of the group so a great example would be maybe your friends decided they would go see a movie and all of the sudden you notice on Instagram that they're on the movie that they're at the movie theater but no one invited you you didn't get a message inviting you to go to the movie you would feel left out okay because your friends have excluded you from their plans this is not a nice feeling when you feel left out it's definitely a situation where these people all seem very happy but this person here who was left out who was excluded obviously does not feel very happy so left out is our first one the next one oh hello everyone it's like two hundred and seventy people that goes up quickly doesn't it the next feeling you can have is you can feel down so this person has his head on his knees and he's kind of in a position where he looks sad when you feel down it's similar to feeling sad you can feel down about your day you can feel down because you lost your job I think it's the short form of the phrase down in the dumps in English you can say I feel down in the dumps but we regularly just say down okay so the other day I was feeling down my YouTube video didn't do as well as the one before so I was sad so I felt down let me jump and see if there are questions I'm only going to answer questions about feelings and emotions so hopefully you don't mind first one is from Henry Henry says I have a gut feeling or have a hunch so it's not hunch hunch is actually your hip so it's hunch h u n CH what's the difference they are the same when you have a gut feeling about something or a hunch it means you think you know it's right or you think you know the answer not because of anything you've thought of but because you just have a hunch you have a you just have a feeling that you're right let me see here next question I'm gonna jump down oh yes this one I will talk about later but Chen says does no hard feelings mean it's okay either way you choose so no hard feelings is something you say after you have a fight with someone or after you do something that someone didn't like okay maybe you got in a fight with your sister and you talked it through and you come to an agreement again and you are happy and you like each other again you would say hey no hard feelings which means let's not remember that we had a fight let's just move forward without reminding each other that we said mean things to each other that's how that's how no hard feelings works let's see Elvina says oh this is interesting yes hi Bob hi Elvina how do you express your feelings at work for example if you're dissatisfied at work with the conditions or something like that so that's a tricky one because it depends on where you work and it depends on your boss so I have a boss who says my door to my office is always open what that means is if you feel like something at work isn't going well you can always go and talk to him some people have workplaces where the boss doesn't like that so it's tricky if you're in a big enough company and you aren't enjoying your workplace you can maybe talk to human resources they might have a whole department for that but anyways that's a tricky one Elvina let's see here let's keep going actually I'll I'll do a few more of these so we had down remember we finished with down which means you know to feel a bit sad if you're feeling down but we also have the phrase let down now whenever I use this picture people usually tell me that this is a famous picture from a park and I can't remember where maybe you guys can tell me in the chat but when you feel let down it means someone I always think this girl looks let down that her boyfriend or husband disappointed her so when you feel let down it means someone else did something and that made you feel disappointed in them so maybe her husband spent all their money on gambling maybe he spent their life savings gambling she would feel let down because of that because he kind of betrayed her a little bit or did something that affected their relationship so when you feel let down it usually means because someone disappointed you okay let me know in the chat if you recognize this photo I've used it a few times for different lessons oh and here we have I do have this one down in the dumps so this means the same as down when you feel down in the dumps you just you're not excited about your day your day isn't going well maybe there's been a few things that have happened in your day that have made you feel sad or a little bit depressed so you feel down in the dumps I usually don't feel down in the tubs I'm usually I'm usually in a good mood although if you talk to my kids they might disagree they might say that I'm usually in a bad mood but I'll talk about that a little later here's a phrase that we use at the end of your rope so when you're at the end of your rope it means a series of things have happened that made you have a bad day and you're just you're just done with it I was gonna say you're fed up that's another phrase that works with this one when you're fed up when you're at the end of your rope it means that one too many times in that day something has gone wrong and you're just tired of it you're just ready to maybe go home have a supper have supper and go to bed early so Linfen says it's home Clem Clem Clem lake in Vietnam yes thank you very much for identifying that for me that's very cool no I don't think this is George Clooney I think it's just a picture of a guy who he's not having a good day and he's at the end of his rope the next one is again I have a couple here who are fighting to bite someone's head off sometimes people are feeling really grouchy they're in a really bad mood and so this isn't specifically a feeling but sometimes you go through your day and you just feel like biting people's heads off what that means is even if someone says something nice to you you want to respond in not a nice way so you go through your day saying things like I just agree with you or no or stop being so nice today I don't know I'm giving bad examples but when you bite someone's head off you give a very short unpolite answer to their question you are just not kind during the conversation so when you bite someone's head off it usually means you're in a pretty bad mood let me check the questions again folks let's see what we got here from Miguel we have what's the difference between sentimental and feelings so when you're feeling sentimental it means that you're thinking about the past or you're remembering something nice from your childhood you just have good memories that's what sentimental is whereas feelings are everything that we experience as human beings you know anger sadness happiness feeling down in the dumps those kinds of things so that's the difference between there let's see here this is from our and this from Algeria says hi Bob I want to ask you about anxiety can you give us some tips to overcome anxiety thanks for all you have have a nice week yes thank you any so first of all I'm not an expert on anxiety so any advice I give is just me as a person I'm not a doctor or anything like that but here's what I know helps me not be anxious so this is what helps me to not have anxiety if I go for a walk five times a week a long walk usually an hour if I eat healthy and if I get lots of sleep okay now it's not a perfect solution and it doesn't work for everybody but for me personally I am less anxious I have less anxiety if I go for a walk five times a week sometimes six or seven eat healthy food and don't overeat and if I have a good night's sleep that's what helps me so thanks for the question let's see here I'm gonna tidy up my questions and I'll answer a few more and then we'll move on let's see here show asks about which is which one is correct raise your voice at someone or raise your voice to someone you use raise your voice at someone so I you know the other day I I was I don't raise my voice a lot but I raised my voice at someone yes so you would use at definitely great question let's see this is a good one as well says from Sayid would you explain about how to use the phrase feel like so when you feel like doing something it means you want to do it they are exactly the same thing so today I feel like doing a lesson it means that I want to do a lesson today I feel like having a really yummy lunch so I want to have a really yummy lunch so that's how that one works let's get back though to the lesson I just want to shout out one person who's been a regular here so I like to shout out Sean from free 99 English hi Sean I just saw you in the chat glad you're here so we're talking about feelings the next one is petrified so again I don't want to talk about you know the ten simple English words for feelings when you're petrified you're scared okay you're afraid so this guy he's out on a branch above a river and I thought he looked a little bit scared so when you're petrified you're really scared so I don't like snakes if I saw a snake I might be petrified the reason we use the word petrified is it means like you became like a stone so when someone's petrified they're so afraid that they they don't even run away they just petrified now we use this to exaggerate when we're afraid so you might say that oh I was petrified and it doesn't mean that you turned into a stone but definitely if you're petrified you're very very scared okay I want to just pause and say hi to everyone who's here we're doing a lesson on feelings this morning or this afternoon or this evening if you're new here don't forget subscribe and the thumbs up and if you watch this again tomorrow with subtitles on it would be a really good listening practice for you but let's continue sometimes you feel out of it so this is a bit of a you see this guy who's scratching his head and his hair is kind of messed up when you feel out of it like you don't know what quite what time it is and and your day's going badly and you you can't think straight and maybe you're late for a meeting because you can't find your shoes and you lost your keys and the day is just full of little troubles and you can't solve them very well you would say that you're feeling out of it so sometimes early in the morning I feel out of it before I have a cup of coffee so I get up and my everything's just foggy in my brain and I can't think straight and I'm just trying to get myself ready to get out the door and I can't find things you would say that you are feeling out of it I feel out of it every morning you sleep let's see I'm gonna go over the two phrases in a good mood in a good mood I think I said moon there it's not moon its mood if you're in a good mood it means that you are happy so you see this girl is super happy when you're in a good mood you joke around with people you kind of make other people happy because you're happy so generally I'm in a good mood I like to be in a good mood it's just better your day is better if you're in a good mood the opposite though is to be in a bad mood so when you're in a bad mood you tend to bite people's heads off you don't actually bite their head off by the way that's that would be weird but if you are in a bad mood it means that you're just grumpy and grouchy and you're mean to people and you I don't know you go through your day unhappy when you're in a bad mood it's better to be in a good mood for sure let me take a few more questions here as we move along mode Taba has a question what does it mean to feel something out like I just want to feel it out so maybe you're you maybe you've bought a new car and you just want to feel it out that means you want to try it for a few days maybe you've started a new job but you're not sure you're going to stay there because you just want to feel it out for a few days what that means is that you are going to do something to experience it for a bit in order to see what it is like let's see here oh yes this is a good one Dimitri says hi Bob can I scan you say a word that you would use when you have a changeable mood so we say that you are Moody moody or have mood swings okay so when you're moody it means like you're happy one minute and then you're mad the next minute and then you're sad when you have mood swings you're happy and then you're sad and then you're excited and then you're you feel down so those are two ways to describe changes in mood that happened really quickly let's see here Sylvana says down or depression are they the same or not so we need to be careful here down means that you're feeling sad but depression more and more is a diagnosis when a doctor diagnoses you as having depression so we do use the word depressed in English but sometimes we use it lightly more and more when you are saying that someone's depressed it's a it's a clinical term so we usually say people are down or they're not feeling great that day but when you say that a person has depression usually they've seen a medical professional so we need to be careful with how we use those two now God says are you sad I I felt that way have you eaten breakfast so I'm sorry that you've felt sad I hope that you are not sad now Gaga and I'm not sad and I did have breakfast wasn't a very good breakfast though it was a fast breakfast usually one of my viewers Judit if I tell you guys what I ate I'm oh I'm embarrassed because this morning I had a piece of cake for breakfast and Judit tries to make sure that I eat healthy so I'm sure that that's not a good breakfast for me let me clear up some of the questions here and then let's see here one last question and then we'll move back to the lesson Kasim Najam says how can I cook it how can i express myself when I miss someone as and didn't see him for a long time you would say you missed them you would just say I'm really sad because I haven't seen my boyfriend for a long time I'm really sad because I haven't seen my girlfriend for a long time I miss him or I miss her okay that would be exactly how you would say it here's another feeling you can feel jealous you can experience jealousy so when you are jealous it usually means you can see this couple this man and woman are fighting and I feel like she's saying I think you were with another girl okay I think that's what she's saying so I think they're a couple and maybe he has cheated on her or maybe he's been spending time with another girl so she is jealous she's probably also angry I'm probably really angry but jealousy is when you are upset because someone is spending time with someone else or someone has something that you can't afford to buy so sometimes people have nice cars and then you might be jealous because they have a nicer car than you so jealousy is about sometimes comparing yourself to others and looking at things they have that you want that you can't afford I feel like a lot of the feelings I'm talking about aren't great feelings but we have the the feeling of miserable so sometimes when you are sick you feel miserable sometimes you have a day that you just feel miserable you just maybe it's a cloudy day and there's no sunshine and it's raining a little bit and you don't like rain and you're just having a miserable day and you feel miserable this is really hard to pronounce by the way miserable miserable it's almost I see it a bit with the Zed sound miserable when you're miserable you're not nice to be around other people don't like being around miserable miserable people but miserable people just it's not really just sadness it's more like you just sigh all the time and you're just feeling miserable um I usually use this word when I have a cold and if I don't sleep well I'll say uh I just I feel sick I'm just miserable today you don't feel like doing anything there's the phrase feel like again when you are miserable hello again to everyone who is watching so fun to see all of you in the chat thanks again to Todd for helping out and I know Sean's in chat he sometimes helps out a little bit as well by the way you should check out free 99 English's Channel he has an English channel as well on YouTube and his name is Sean I call him Sean the Canadian by the way anyways sometimes you might feel withdrawn or you might know someone who feels withdrawn when you are withdrawn you separate yourself from other people so sometimes you just don't feel like being around other people you want to be alone and so you might say I'm just I'm just feeling a bit withdrawn today and so you just go somewhere by yourself usually when you feel withdrawn it does come with a little bit of sadness as well but it means that you are separating yourself from other people hamed I don't usually take questions from the chat but Ahmet has a great question there which is right I feel miserable or I am miserable you can say both you can say both let me get this right you can say both Ahmed you can say I am mazaa I feel miserable today or you can say I am miserable today anyways let me do a couple questions for a sec how how says good morning Bob if someone says I'm down and out does it mean what does the out mean here it's just an extra word if I feel down or I feel down in the dumps or I feel down and out they all mean the same thing so you're feeling just a little bit sad that day if you're feeling down let's see let's see oh so this isn't exactly on topic but cue Mike says hello here Michele is it true that English people don't like to talk about money and polyp and political subjects and they are not feeling well about these questions so it's true that you don't usually talk too much about money in English you don't usually ask someone how much money they made and sometimes people don't like to talk about politics but we do still talk about those two things let me do one more question the social or Jean from Taiwan says are there any phrases that include up to describe feelings yes so you could say I'm feeling up you'd like opposite of down you can also say are you up for going to a movie it's not really a feeling though I'm feeling oh here's a good one I'm feeling up beat today so if you feel up beat means you're in a good mood so sometimes you can feel worthless this is not a nice feeling at all when you feel worthless this is hard to say isn't it worth less worthless when you feel worthless you feel like you have no value you feel like people don't think that you are good at anything you feel like no one likes you it's not a good feeling to feel worthless so again things that have value have Worth and things that don't have value we say are worthless so this it's not a good thing to save it sometimes you might feel like garbage like you might be treated in a way where you just don't feel good about yourself you're not happy about yourself and you might feel worthless if you feel worthless if some of you feel this way it's just a really good idea to talk to someone who you really enjoy talking to like a good family member a parent or somebody if you're feeling worthless this is not a nice feeling to feel worthless there's a related feeling you can feel useless so I put this person there using a drill to put something into this piece of wood because not all of us are good at everything not all of us are you know good at construction work or good at using computers and sometimes you can feel useless so when you feel useless you feel like you aren't able to do something that other people are able to do so some of you have said that you like me as a teacher but if you were a teacher you feel like you would be useless if you had to stand in front of a classroom let's see here so when you're useless it means that you're just not good at something maybe you go to help your brother fix his car if I had to help someone fix their car I would feel useless I would stand I could hold a light I'm good at holding lights but I don't know how to fix a car so if I needed to help someone fix a car I would feel useless okay good I just wanted to check that things were working so there's two opposites here we talked about these last week you can be optimistic which means you think everything will go well all the time or pessimistic where you think things will go badly all the time so let's say you're planning a vacation and maybe you are optimistic that the whole family will have fun maybe your spouse maybe your husband or wife is pessimistic and they think the vacation is just not going to go good we also say that optimistic people see the cup as half full and pessimistic people see the cup as half empty so again if you have a cup and if the cup has this much in it some people say optimists say well it cups half full that's good and a pessimist might say well the cups half-empty that's no good so that's the difference between an optimist and a pessimist I use slightly different word series you know it's that the feeling you can feel optimistic and that means you are an optimist you can oh i slurps sorry I didn't mean to do make the slurping sound you can feel pessimistic and that means you are a pessimist hopefully I made some sense let me do a couple more questions lolly says I don't know exactly how to use overwhelming or overwhelm so there's just a slight difference there you describe things as being overwhelming so for some people doing a live stream would be overwhelming okay but though overwhelm is a verb so you know the the live stream could overwhelm you so that's the difference there it's just a small graphic grammatical difference now is one of Bob the Canadians bad explanations it's the next feeling is you can feel uncomfortable so there's two ways that you can feel uncomfortable you can be physically uncomfortable like maybe this shirt is is too tight on my arms because I've been working out so great I just made myself laugh I could say that this shirt makes me feel uncomfortable like it's too small and I'm uncomfortable but you can also like this guy's tie maybe makes him feel uncomfortable so you can be physically uncomfortable but you can also be uncomfortable in a situation so you might say you know I went to the gym the other day and there were some people there outside the gym and I think they were doing something bad and they made me feel uncomfortable when someone makes you feel uncomfortable it means that you maybe you're afraid a little bit maybe you weren't sure what they were doing it looked like they were up to no good but you can feel uncomfortable which means maybe a little bit like you feel threatened or a little bit afraid okay so that's uncomfortable let me grab the next one here again thank you for everyone who's watching if you're new here don't forget to subscribe and thumbs up are also appreciated and it's nice when you feel appreciative okay so when you feel appreciative it means that you want to thank someone if you feel appreciative you can click the thumbs button right now and then I would know that you appreciate what I'm doing so when you're appreciative it means that you are happy with something someone is doing and you are very likely to say thank you to them okay so when you feel appreciative you want to thank people for what they are doing so maybe someone took you out for dinner and they paid for it that would be really cool you would be appreciative you would feel appreciative about it that's hard to say isn't it appreciative I don't have a sheet for the other one which is you can feel appreciated so when you say thank you to me when you click the thumbs up button I feel appreciated so there's two sides to it right if you feel appreciative you say thank you and the person you say thank you to will feel appreciated so it's really nice to do that by the way let's go to the next one I really like this picture so if you feel head-over-heels for someone it means that you're really in love with them so you can see this couple here on their wedding day I'm assuming that they are head-over-heels for each other I'm assuming that because they're getting married that they love each other very much so he is head over heels for her and I'm assuming she is head over heels for him as well so head over heels in love is a feeling the next one is I don't know why we call them this but I had goose bumps so maybe you have gone to a concert where the band played a song and it was so good that you got little bumps on your arms you got goose bumps great so when you have goose bumps it means that you have been moved emotionally but it has other meanings too you can get goose bumps when you're afraid of something you can get goose bumps when you're excited so I don't know what you call them in your language but sometimes you get goose bumps because you're excited or you have an emotional experience that makes you feel really good let me go to the questions for a sec next one is from Chen says does it's kind of a punch in the gut mean to be frustrated or painful no when when you say it was kind of a punch in the gut it means that someone something happened to you that you didn't like okay the best example is maybe you lost your job maybe you had a great job and also in one day at work your boss says you're fired you've lost your job that would be like a punch in the gut it's a it's a situation where your life has changed out of your control so not a nice feeling at all let's see here let me clean up for a sec my my questions here and then I will do a couple more questions let's see here oh this is from Yasin this is a great one but where did it go let me just click back here there we go Josslyn says hi I'm from Kurdistan hi awesome what does it mean to be sick and tired of something so if you don't like something you could just say I'm sick of it but if you really don't like something you could say I'm just sick and tired of it so sometimes people use this expression when they talk about someone else's behavior so maybe you could say people keep smoking outside my workplace and they put the cigarette butts in the flowerbed and I'm sick and tired of it that means that you're just you wish they would stop whenever you see the cigarettes in the flowerbed you get annoyed you could say I'm just I'm sick and tired of it so oh I was gonna do one more question let's get another question here let's see here rj frisco says can blame and guilt be used as the same for the same purpose and what is the correct legal word for that so it's a little tricky you could say who is to blame right so someone stole thing who is to blame who is guilty in those two sentences it means the same thing so who is to blame and who is guilty mean the same but the word blame itself if you blame someone it means that you say they did it okay so let me back up so if you say who is to blame or who is guilty those two sentences mean the same okay hopefully that helps a little bit RJ let's see here Andreea Andrei says let's see here it's common to say I feel blue or is there another expression for it thanks and hi from Mallorca I want to go to Mallorca someday by the way I think looks like a nice place to go when you feel blue it just means you feel like your day isn't going good there are a lot of ways to say it like I'm feeling blue I'm feeling down and those there's another one coming up that I'll show you in a minute let me dig it out of my pile you could say that you're feeling blah so this is a little bit more of a slang way of describing your feelings but some days you just feel blocked when you feel blah you have no energy you don't feel like doing anything so you feel blah I feel blossom times so I have a fly here but I brought my fly swatter today when I put this flyswatter here the flies stay on the other side of the room I think cuz they're afraid I have let me just find a couple more here sometimes you might have mixed feelings about something so you can see this guy I picked this pitcher because one eyebrow is up like he's excited like hmm this looks fun but the other eyebrow is down a little bit so he might be having mixed feelings about the trip he's going to go on so there are parts of the trip he might be happy about and there's parts of the trip he's just not sure about that he doesn't want to do so he's having mixed feelings he's kind of happy about some parts and he's kind of sad about some hurt his feelings are mixed people sometimes have mixed feelings about going on trips going on vacations like oh I'm excited to go on a trip because I'm going to see my aunt but I'm not excited to go on the trip because my uncle is mean sometimes so I have mixed feelings about going on the trip that could be that's a good example of mixed feelings when you are really really in a good mood you could say that you're in high spirits so this guy is obviously in high spirits he's so pumped that's another feeling by the way you can feel pumped about something super excited so this guy is in high spirits I've got a couple more here sometimes you feel like your hopes were dashed when your hopes are dashed it means that you thought the future was going to be a certain way and then things changed to go a direction you didn't want so I always think like I think this guy really liked this girl and I think they just broke up I think he thought they were going to be together for their whole life and she decided no I think we need to break off the relationship so his hopes are dashed now maybe he had really really big hopes for the future with this girl but I think she was like no you're not the guy for me so now his hopes are dashed that's probably not a very good feeling I'm gonna do a few more questions here let me just dig in let's see here the next one is from a niece from Algeria Algeria says hi teacher don't you think if we want to have a good life we have to be optimistic and see the glass half full and not half empty thanks a lot sir enjoy your weekend yes i I've Airy much think that in order to have a nice day oh there's the fly in order to have a nice day or a nice week or a nice life it really helps to be optimistic some days I am pessimistic and then I don't have a good day because I'm just annoyed by things let's see here so the one is from Elvina what does the phrase come undone mean as in the famous song of drain rent so when things come undone they come apart you can also say I've come undone which means that you're coming apart inside like your feelings are all you're very confused and you're not sure about things and you're just not feeling good about yourself you would say that you're coming undone it's not a very common phrase though Elvina in English we don't use that a lot anymore let's see here this one is from Roman from Russian I got time for a couple more questions here Roman from Russia says hello Roberts in a bad mood and I feel bad is this the same thing no if I'm in a bad mood I'm just cranky and grouchy and I'm I mean to people and if I feel bad it means that like let's say that someone says my my cat ran away I can't find I would feel bad for that person so it's a whole different feeling when you feel bad for someone you are empathizing with them you are sad for them you are having feelings on their behalf when you feel bad for them there's slightly different meanings for I feel bad as well but generally if I say to someone oh I feel bad for you it means that I'm I am a good friend or I am a person who is feeling the same thing they are feeling in that moment you should look it up though because when you feel bad it has a couple other little meanings as well Oh Mao says what are good phrases to encourage someone who is in a bad mood well that's a tricky one because when people are in bad moods sometimes they don't want anyone to cheer them up so I would say just be helpful like hey can I help you with anything hey is there anything I can do to help that's a good thing to say and then ask them about their day like hey how's your day going even if their day was going badly so um hey I'm going to say a few things here though thanks for watching please subscribe if you haven't please give me a thumbs up if you haven't done that yet do watch this video again tomorrow with the subtitles on you don't need to watch all of it but I'm sure there were one or two parts of the lesson that you didn't quite understand come back and watch it again tomorrow sometimes when you watch something two or three times in another language it really helps for listening practice I highly recommend that you just put this on in the background and listen to some of it again tomorrow it will really really help you with your listening practice I'm Bob the Canadian I have to go and do my real job in a little bit so I'm going to wrap up this lesson I'm going to end it again don't forget to subscribe don't forget to give me a thumbs up you can give me a thumbs down too if you didn't like the lesson it doesn't really bother me when I get comes down I'm optimistic enough that I know that thumbs up means you liked it and sometimes people don't like stuff and that's fine that's a totally fine feeling to have anyways thanks to Todd for helping out let's see here oh I clicked in the wrong spot sometimes I do that thanks Todd thanks Shaun for being here again and I hope you all have a great weekend I know some of you it's Friday night already that must be really nice to have Friday night but I'm going to push the button here and it is going to end thank
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Views: 159,346
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Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english feelings, feelings in english, talking about yourself in english, english words and phrases for feelings, talking about feelings
Id: y21KN892nEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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