Let's Learn English! Topic: Pain & Injuries πŸ€• An English Lesson on Health Care and Medicine 🩹

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well hello everybody i'm just getting a few last things set here um just give me one second i'm hoping that everything is working well it usually is but uh it's always good to do a little check before you get started to make sure we'll be starting the lesson in about 13 seconds 12 seconds eight seconds well it's going fast now well hello and welcome to this english lesson where i'm going to talk a little bit about pain and injuries i'm going to talk about the things that don't feel right with your body after you do something like go for a run and maybe you run too long or maybe you fall down these are the kinds of things that you will probably talk about if you go to the doctor so this is a really good lesson if you want to learn how to explain what's wrong with you when you're in the doctor's office or when talking to someone at a doctor's office like a nurse so i'll talk about things like scrapes and bruises and all of those kinds of things before we get started though i just want to do a little check here to make sure everything is working well it sounds like the audio is working good i do want to say hi to everyone who was here it was fun chatting before the live stream started but i did have a little technical glitch and i had to reboot my computer so hopefully everything keeps working right well hi to julia hi to lolly lolly hi to norma brent from american english annual james is here mihay is here i seen natalya illusion is here as well modine uh manfred and so many other regular names good to see all of you um let me just get started here let me do one more check to make sure things seem to be working good i'll do one more audio check i see a ronie talk italian with the rone is saying all good hopefully he's saying the stream is all good but he might be saying he's all good as well let's get started when you go to the doctor when you go to see a doctor because something is wrong with you please notice the phrases that i'm using we go to the doctor when something is wrong with us okay maybe you have a headache maybe something else is wrong with you usually one of the first things the doctor will ask is where does it hurt so if you've gone to the doctor because of an injury an injury is something like when you fall and break your arm or when you hit your head in a car accident we would say you have an injury the doctor will most often say where does it hurt he might say something or she might say something like what can i do for you today or what seems to be the problem those are other common questions as well but generally if you go in because you have pain the doctor is going to say where does it hurt and then you will point to the part of your body that hurts it's a very common question i want to go over three words though i want to go over the word sore the word hurt and the word pain okay because each of these is used in a couple of ways when you are sore it means that you have pain somewhere okay so you could answer the doctor and say i have a sore elbow so this is your elbow you could say i have a sore elbow you could also say my elbow is sore if the doctor says where does it hurt you could say i have a sore knee or you could say my knee is sore okay so there's two ways to form phrases with the word sore you know where does it hurt my finger is sore or i have a sore finger when you talk about hurt you can use this a number of ways actually three ways you could say things like i hurt my knee you could say my knee is hurt or well sorry there's really only two ways i messed up a little bit there you would definitely say things like i hurt my knee i was out running and i hurt my knee or my knee hurts so two ways to use the word hurt as well actually there is three because you could say my knee is hurting my arm is hurting that's a little more rare but you could definitely say that as well so i hurt my i'm pointing here this is your elbow this isn't your d i hurt my knee my knee is hurt or i my knee is hurting um definitely another way to describe pain that you are having and then we'll talk about the word pain itself pain is when there's a part of your body that just doesn't feel right it's it feels wrong it hurts it's sore you're in pain hopefully if i use those words you understand what i mean if i hit my head really hard i'll have some pain in my last video i slapped my face pretending there was a mosquito there but i did it i had to do it seven times because i wasn't happy with it and then i had a lot of pain on my face from slapping my face that wasn't a good idea but it was funny um anyways the word pain as well you could say this i have back pain you could say i have a pain in my back okay so you have two ways again of describing where you have pain so to go back you could say i have a sore back you could say my back is sore you could say i hurt my back you could say my back hurts notice i'm talking about the back now and you could say i have a pain in my back or there is pain in my back i have back pain sorry i have back pain or i have pain in my back so let's talk about some words that we say when we hurt ourselves we often say things like ouch so ouch is something that you exclaim when you hurt yourself if you were to accidentally um let's see bump your head you would say ouch you might also say ow so if i let me see i don't want to hurt myself here um let's uh so i'm not i was trying to i always like to give visual examples if i was to punch myself in the head i would say ow that hurt if i was to punch myself in the head i could say ouch that hurt don't punch yourself in the head it's not a very wise thing to do anyways there's two words that you can use to express pain you could say ow or you can say ouch those two both work equally well again i do want to just pause for let me just check something here for a sec nope we're good i do want to just pause for a minute and say welcome to the 274 people watching this is an english lesson about pain and injuries things that just don't feel right after you hurt yourself so here are a few things that you can do that will cause pain okay i sometimes stub my toe when you stub your toe let's pretend my hand is my foot it's when you hit your foot against something hard maybe you hit it against a fence maybe you hit it against a rock maybe you stub your toe going up a stairs maybe the steps aren't the size you're used to and you hit so if you hit your toe against something we say that you stubbed your toe sometimes when you stub your toe you can break your toe so a long time ago i stubbed my toe so hard outside that i actually broke my toe and i had to go to the doctor because i had a broken toe i don't want to be too descriptive but if this was my foot my little toe looked like this it was not straight anymore so when you stub your toe it means you hit your foot against something and your toe really really hurts so stub your toe um when you are walking or running or hiking you might twist your ankle so when you twist your ankle you can see in the picture here it's when your foot turns in a way that it's not meant to turn okay maybe again maybe you step on a rock and your foot goes like this and you twist your ankle maybe you're just running really fast on a flat surface and then you go onto an uneven surface and you twist your ankle when you twist your ankle it's not very fun i twisted my ankle once when i was really young playing baseball i was sliding into second base and i twisted my ankle and then i was on crutches for a while so when you twist your ankle it means you hurt so it's the part between your leg and your foot right you guys know your body parts should i do a lesson on body parts i should have done that before this lesson baby oh well i think you know what your ankle is but you can twist your ankle when you hurt your back we often use the phrase to throw out your back maybe you're lifting something really heavy when you lift something really heavy you sometimes can throw out your back when you throw out your back it means you suddenly have pain in your back i see brent saying i kicked a cement pool while playing with my children i broke my toe it's not fun when you break your toe that is painful it's just a little toe but it's very painful um so you can have pain in your back you can have a sore back but generally people will say um so where does it hurt and you would respond by saying oh i threw out my back i was lifting something really heavy yesterday and i threw out my back so notice i went to the past tense there but when you throw out your back it means you have back pain maybe because you turned too fast while holding something heavy or maybe you were lifting something heavy just give me one sec here i'm going to pull up my slides i don't have them on the screen over here where are they just takes me a minute to see where i am oh we're doing good um sometimes you'll have a kink in your neck so when you have a kink in your neck maybe you're staring at your computer all day and your head is in the same position and you start to get some pain in your neck because you've held your head the same way all day we would call that a kink in your neck and then sometimes you do things like this to try to get the kink out of your neck it's not fun to have a kink in your neck i sometimes get a kink in my neck when i'm driving the tractor because i have to look behind me while i'm driving when you do field work on a farm you're always looking behind you and then you get a kink in your neck you start to have a bit of a sore neck because you're looking behind you so much um sometimes you might get eye strain so eye strain is when your eyes are sore usually this happens to me when i stare at my computer screen all day right now because i'm teaching from home i am on my computer all day and i get a little bit of eye strain i try to wear my reading glasses i got a new pair how they look i try to wear my reading glasses as much as possible because that stops me from getting ice cream but eye strain is when it's almost like having a little bit of a headache because your eyes are sore usually from staring at a screen or from reading all day let me see here you might also get an earache so you might be going to the doctor because your your ear just hurts inside you have a really bad ear ache and if the doctor said where does it hurt or what can i help you with today you could say oh doc i don't say doc you could say doc though you could say oh doctor see i i just call my doctor by his first name but you could say oh i have an earache so if you have a sore ear if you have pain in your ear if your ear hurts you would say i have an earache um hey folks let's look at a few questions i've defined my mouse here let's look at a few questions i haven't looked at questions yet let me see what questions we have right now just give me a moment here and i will pull them up let's see here so this is from rod rod says good morning bob i wonder what's the difference between ache and pain thank you stay safe have a great friday so we don't use the word ache a lot we use it in words like headache earache toothache so in those words we use the word ache but we don't usually use the word ache in everyday english it means the same as pain like you could say oh i have a lot of aches and pains but we generally at least in my part of canada use the words sore pain and i forgot the other one we use the word sore pain and hurt there we go you could say i have an ache in my elbow but it won't sound very current it sounds kind of old-fashioned but again we do say toothache earache and those kinds of things so great question though rod let's see here so eucharist says hi have you had a broken bone ever what is the difference between tablet and pill yes i broke my wrist once so when i was in elementary school when i was in grade school that's what we call it in canada i was in grade four or five i fell off the teeter-totter that's a toy where a kid sits at each end and goes up and down and i broke my wrist so i had a cast because i broke my wrist as a child um and then the difference between a tablet and pill you know almost every kind of medicine you take we would call a pill but a tablet is usually like more like an oval shaped it's kind of hard to describe but pill is the general term for medicine you take with your mouth let's see here modin hi how you how have you been mr bob good missed your vids but i'm glad that i can watch them again my question what was the most painful injury you've ever had what did the experience feel like thanks so i went bowling about 10 years ago i went bowling so bowling is when you have a big heavy ball and you roll it down an aisle to knock down pins and i hurt my knee i had a sore knee the next morning and i tore something in my knee that was the most painful injury i've ever had i didn't have any pain while i was bowling it happened just the next morning i felt the pain but it was not a very nice feeling by the way i do want to welcome the 400 people who are watching this is an english lesson on the topic of pain and injuries so we're talking a little bit about the things you might say if you went to the doctor if you had a part of your body that was sore so welcome it's good to have you here uh let's see here mehmet says what kind of health insurance do you have in canada so in canada we pay a lot of taxes to the government and because we pay a lot of taxes we have free health care it does not cost money to go to the doctor in canada a few years ago i had heart surgery it cost me zero dollars okay but you do have to remember that we do pay a lot more taxes in canada than you would pay in countries that don't have health care so we don't have health insurance in the united states you often have health insurance through your place of work and that's what helps pay for your medical expenses in canada it is free to see the doctor it is free to go to the hospital but we do pay a lot more taxes for that um and also medicine is not free in canada you do still need to pay for medicine and you do still pay to go to the dentist by the way just so you know let's see here um yo-yo says did you get hurt when you were a child come to taiwan yes one time as a child a cow fell on my leg i grew up on a farm so once when i was a child a cow fell on my leg and i hurt my leg because of that so not a bad injury but i did have an injury as a child where a cow fell on my leg that's kind of that's a long story i should tell that story in my next wednesdays with bob video uh ruslan hello teacher bob no questions today sir i wish you to be healthy and prosperous thank you for the great lessons best wishes from russia no problem ruslan and that is kind of related to the lesson right wishing that me to be healthy and prosperous so thank you for that uh let me see here isam says good morning teacher bob how are you what's the difference between remedy and cure and treatment and the plaster from the bandage you are a great role model to me so a remedy is anything that fixes what's wrong with you a cure is anything that fixes what's wrong with you and a treatment would be the things you do to fix what's wrong with you right so if the doctor said take these pills for 10 days that would be the treatment okay um and i'll talk a little bit more about what we call a cast and bandages later isim so we'll go from there let me jump back to the slides though let's get this lesson rolling um i do want to welcome the 433 people who are watching so fun to see all of you this is an english lesson about what ails you that's an old way to say an english lesson about pain and injuries and things that go wrong with our bodies so we had a question about the word ache from rod so you can see i have ear ache i have headache headache is probably the most common kind of pain that people have you end up you work all day and you get a headache sometimes when you look at a computer screen all day you get eye strain but you also get a headache you wouldn't necessarily go to the doctor for a headache you would probably just take what are called painkillers you would take advil or tylenol or ibuprofen or aspirin or something like that or you might just have a nap okay i don't have a slide here for toothache but we also mentioned toothache when one of your teeth hurts when your teeth hurt you wouldn't go to the doctor you would book an appointment at the dentist you would go to the dentist and the dentist would figure out what's wrong with you by the way in canada when you go to the doctor's office we call the doctor a doctor when you go to the dentist's office you call the dentist a doctor as well okay so a dentist in canada is a type of doctor a really bad headache is called a migraine i had migraine headaches for a little bit when i was in university there was about a month or two where i had headaches that were so bad i could hardly see and you would call that a migraine so a migraine is a severe headache a really really bad headache is called a migraine i think i had migraines because i was still i was only 17 or 18 years old and i think i was still growing when you're still growing you can have pain in various parts of your body as you grow i think that's why i had migraine migraines let me see here sometimes you bite your tongue sometimes when you're eating food you'll you'll bite your tongue you wouldn't necessarily go to the doctor for this but this is something you could do that uh something you might do that hurts and causes pain so you might be sitting and eating with people and all sudden you might go ow or you might go ouch and someone will say what's wrong and you'll say oh i bit my tongue or oh i bit my tongue it's not a nice feeling i don't bite my tongue very often but i think everyone at some point in their life bites their tongue here and there by accident when you do something by accident it means you didn't mean to do it you might have a nosebleed or a bloody nose so this is another thing it's not exactly pain it's more of a mild injury but you might have hit your nose somewhere and your nose starts to bleed so you would get some tissues or kleenex we call them in canada to stop your nose from bleeding it's actually common for some people in canada and in other countries where we heat our houses in the winter the air becomes really dry in our houses and it can sometimes cause you to have a nose bleed sometimes my daughter and myself sometimes we will have a nosebleed in the winter because your skin and the inside of your nose it gets really dry in the winter when you heat your houses it's kind of a funny thing all of my friends from russia who live in the northern part of russia where they have a good winter will understand what i'm saying when you heat your house the air gets dry sometimes you have a nosebleed or we also call it a bloody nose sometimes you get in a fight or sometimes you accidentally get hit by something and your eye will turn black and we call this a black eye um you'll see this in the movies a lot someone will get punched in the movies and then the next day they'll have a black eye so a black eye looks exactly like that i actually got a black eye once the dentist pulled a tooth from the top back of my mouth i had a tooth pulled and a day or two later i had a black eye because of the tooth that's kind of weird the dentist didn't punch me there was no punching there that wasn't what happened but i think because of the tooth being pulled it caused me to have a bit of a black eye but normally you get a black eye when something hits you or if you got in a fight you shouldn't fight you might get hit and get a black eye let's see here so these are some general things you which would be more referred to as sickness or illness you might have a sore throat so one of the symptoms of covid is that people get a sore throat when you have a sore throat you talk more like this it's hard to talk it's hard to talk when you have a sore throat i sometimes get a sore throat if i talk too much during the week i'll get a bit of a sore throat um you might oh sorry let me look at my slides here nope that's right um so another injury that you can have is something called a concussion a concussion is very common with athletes who play games that are rough so if you play soccer or football or rugby or hockey if you play a sport where people physically hit each other you are more prone to injuries when you're prone to something it means it's more likely to happen one of the injuries that people who play those sports get is something called a concussion it's when you hit your head so hard that your brain moves i think a little bit inside i'm not a doctor but here's the picture and then you um it's just not a very good thing boxers so boxing is a type of fighting also get concussion so it's an injury to the brain that's caused by hitting your head really hard or getting hit in the head really hard so not a good injury to have a concussion um you might have joint pain so this picture makes it look like joint pain is on the outside but joint pain is actually on the inside of your body a joint is any part of your body that bends so your knuckles are a joint your wrist is a joint your elbow is a joint your shoulder is a joint so the parts of your body where the bones connect together we call your joints so you have hip joints knee joints ankle joints shoulder joints sometimes you have joint pain so you might go to the doctor and the doctor will say so where does it hurt and you could say my shoulder hurts i have joint pain i have some joint pain in my shoulder um or my knuckle hurts sorry i don't know why i'm laughing because it's such a small joint my knuckle hurts i have joint pain in my knuckles okay so joint pain again the picture makes it look like it's on the outside but joint pain is actually on the inside of your body at one of the locations you know where your body bends where it can flex um shortness of breath so this is another symptom of kovid by the way shortness of breath means normally i breathe in and out very easily when you have shortness of breath you you if you go up a stairs if you climb a flight of stairs at the top you might have to stop because you're like you're just breathing really shallow breaths and you're having trouble breathing so when you have shortness of breath it's not a good sign okay so normally you can breathe freely but sometimes you have what's called shortness of breath and it makes it difficult to breathe your heart usually you don't have heart pain unless you have a heart attack but you might have heart palpitations that's when you can feel your heart beating in your chest and it might be beating irregularly or you might have a racing heart where your heart rate is really high and those might be reasons that you're at the doctor as well the doctor might say so what can i help you with today and you could say oh i've been having you know an irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations like where you can feel your heart beating really strongly or you might say my heart my heart has been racing for the last couple of days or hopefully it hasn't been a couple days that's a long time but these are things that would be wrong with your heart another normal thing to have is a fever by the way this is another symptom of covid so if you have a fever it means your body temperature is higher than normal okay so if your body temperature is 39 or 40 degrees celsius you have a fever um i don't know what it is in fahrenheit i apologize to those of you that use fahrenheit um but a fever is not pleasant you feel hot you might feel cold when you have a fever even though your body is higher even though your body temperature is higher than normal you might actually feel cold it's kind of a strange thing a stomach ache is when your stomach hurts sometimes when you eat food you have a stomach ache because the food is bad sometimes you get a virus or a bacteria that causes your stomach to have pain and you have what's called a stomach ache you can see the word ache used again here so when you have a stomach ache your stomach feels funny it might cause you to throw up that's when the food in your stomach comes back out of your mouth not pleasant a stomachache might also cause you to have what's called diarrhea where you're going to go and sit on the toilet and i'm not going to describe that part but a stomach ache is a fairly normal thing to have you might go to the doctor the doctor will say so where does it hurt and you might say oh i just have a really bad stomachache another thing people experience sometimes is dizziness so dizziness is when you know normally it's easy to stand and to walk when you're dizzy you you're kind of you it's almost like you start to fall over sometimes like you're kind of like you want when you walk you're like kind of going like this wobbling a bit because it feels like the world is spinning around you so when you're dizzy it's something in your brain and it feels like the world is spinning a little bit hey let's go to let's do two things right now let me first of all say hi to the 510 people watching you guys are often you guys are often you guys are awesome sorry i misspoke there i do also want to flip the chat to members only for a little bit let me also just check my audio for a minute i haven't done that for a while yes there we go so two things are going to happen now first of all i want to thank all of the people who are members thank you for clicking that join button and supporting me you're awesome if you are a member you can ask questions in the chat right now totally fine and then secondly i will be answering questions from everyone else as well so let me get the next question uh let's see here natalia i wish you all good health what body temperature is considered high enough for a person to be issued a sick leave in canada so if you have a fever right now you must stay home from work actually in canada right now we're in a stay-at-home order in ontario so we have to stay home no matter what but generally right now if you have a fever you would stay home if you had a mild fever if you were if you had a fever where it was only half a degree or one degree above normal most people would simply take some ibuprofen or advil and go to work anyways it really depends let's see here norma says dizziness and vertigo so vertigo is a similar feeling vertigo is when you know you've lost your balance and it feels like the world is spinning it's a weird thing norma i've only had it once i had vertigo after i went on a roller coaster it wasn't a nice feeling let's see and that says in french we say to a child you bit your tongue so you're going to say a lie do you say the same in english no but i forgot to mention when we want someone to stop talking we'll say hey bite your tongue it's rude it's informal sometimes parents say it to children when children are talking too much they'll say hey bite your tongue and it means just to stop talking or shut up it's very direct and it's definitely rude uh ev jenny says hello sir bob once i've been in thailand and got a huge sunburn on my skin there this physical pain was the most painful for me what physical pain is the most painful in your opinion well sunburns do not feel very good at all it is so hard to sleep when you have a really bad sunburn but i would say for me the worst pain for me is any pain that stops me from walking so when i had a sore knee or when i had a twisted ankle i just hated that pain because i couldn't go for a walk so that's the kind of pain that i hate the most uh seowoo says hi bob have you ever had a grow had growing pains yes so as a child i distinctly remember like my legs hurting at certain points in my life and those are called growing pains as children grow usually there's no pain but sometimes you have a growth spurt when a child has a growth spurt it means they grow really fast over a couple of months and sometimes it can hurt like their their arms and legs are growing so fast they can have growing pains uh let's see here anu hi teacher bob how are you doing is it okay to use the word tummy ache instead of stomachache thanks yes but usually children use that word and you want um usually kids will say oh i have a tummy ache adults usually say stomachache you could say tummy ache but tummy is kind of like the kid's word for stomach so i would definitely if i were you and you were at the doctor i would say stomachache yes although you know i could say that to the doctor i could say yeah i have a bit of a tummy ache yeah that'd be fine but it is it is mostly a kid's word uh key park i have i'm having joint pain in my left shoulder nowadays i don't know why so it's funny you say that key part because i've been having joint pain in this shoulder so i've been trying to exercise this shoulder and move it a lot uh to get rid of it but yeah i have this funny weird joint pain in my shoulder right now i don't know why it's kind of neat that you have the same thing i think as people get older they have more joint pain pretty common lolly lolly he saw stars after that blow in french voir transiscondel yeah so when you get okay i don't i don't fight i don't know really know what it's like but in the movies when people get hit sometimes they'll say they see stars after they get hit so for sure in if you watch cartoons cartoon characters sometimes have stars above their head after they get punched rod the brazilian english teacher mr bob i consider lower back pain excruciating i suffer from it yeah so lower back pain is not good jen actually has back pain right now it is not nice it's so hard to just do the normal things of life when you have back pain not fun rod not fun julia hi dear teacher what would you say about whether it depends on the person have you ever had such issue let's see here so julia hi dj bob what would you say about are you talk maybe you're talking about the weather because some people feel pain when the weather changes in canada when it's warm and then when it's starting to get cold people sometimes feel it in their bones julia i'm not sure if that's what you're asking but i have the ankle that i twisted when i was a kid and the knee that i injured a while ago they feel funny when there's cold weather coming it's kind of interesting i think that was your question but i'm not 100 sure uh let's see here when you are injured do you use plaster soon or do you cover nothing so plaster is used for casts if you have a broken bone so when you have a broken bone and i'll talk about this a bit later generally you get an x-ray and if your bone is broken you get a cast it's kind of uh i think i've had a cast once on this wrist my daughter has had a cast on her knee or leg once um here's diego hi dear teacher good morning here's my question in english when you get hurt do you usually use bad words like the f word or another here in argentina we use bad words for this yes the common example is if you're if you have a hammer and you're banging a nail in and you hit your thumb people like me who don't usually swear day to day i just don't swear i don't i don't see the point of swearing when i hit my thumb you'll probably hear me say some bad words so i'll say ow and i'll say ouch and then i'll probably use a few swear words to express how i'm feeling as well um i don't know about this one sorry i'll put this one up i don't want to talk about this one could you talk a little bit about how to explain it when some part of the body is swollen and a not nice liquid comes out thanks our bodies do strange things but sometimes a part of your body might swell up so it's bigger than normal and then it might ooze what we call pus okay i don't want to talk about it too much because it just makes me feel gross but sometimes part of your body will swell up it will be swollen and then liquid will come out not blood like a a yellow or other colored liquid and we would call that pus and we would say it's oozing so you would say to the doctor my arm is swollen and it's it's oozing this gross pus it's just uh bodies bodies are weird let's see julia says yeah cowoo says is it the same meaning wound and injury yes so a wound and an injury are very similar although a wound would be a lot more like if you had a cut or if your body um like if you had something hit you and then your the skin had been broken so you had a cut we would say that's a wound an injury can be something like you know you have a sore knee where nothing traumatic has happened uh julia yes i always feel my knee when the weather changes yes definitely the more injuries you get in life after they heal later in life when the weather changes you might feel that injury again let's see here richard p has a question about covet hi bob hope you're doing well how does the covid situation in canada evolve are there any restrictions now in my country there's many restrictions i'm tired of it so i live in the province of ontario canada we are currently in a stay-at-home order so you're only allowed to leave your house for groceries and for medicine and if you have a job that's considered essential you're allowed to leave your home otherwise everyone else is asked to stay at home and this is for 28 days and it started yesterday we were already in what you would call a lockdown it wasn't as severe it's more strict now yes for sure um julia wrote the word whether wrong everybody does that julia i don't know why we have two words just makes it harder uh thank you for understanding my question no problem seow says thank you and then semra says hello bob what is the emotional pain name do you use the word or phrase for rude words of pain thank you so you can feel pain as well like you can have heartache heartache does not mean your heart hurts it means that you you love someone and they don't love you so you're like you're sad so we would call that heartache um we would say that people um how would we describe this we have mental health when you when you don't feel good mentally so there's no pain you just aren't excited about life we would say that you're having mental health problems um so yes we do express you know after someone dies you can feel a lot of pain because you miss them so we do use the word pain to describe things that aren't physical injuries but more emotional for sure let's see here um that was semra annette hope the weather's good where you are yes thanks annette julia i think julia has the same weather as me over there um lolly curfew at 6 p.m in france yes that's we don't have a curfew but i think it's coming i definitely think it's coming um aleona says what is the difference between pain and hurt um so like i said at the beginning you can have pain you can be hurt okay so if i if i'm running and i fall down i might hurt my arm so i would say i hurt my arm when i fell down my arm is hurt i feel pain in my arm or i have arm pain they're all just slightly different ways of expressing that you are hurt i'll make sure i finish this lesson on time let's see here krishna says how is the best way to tell professionally the reason for pain so i'm going to correct this a bit how what is the best way to tell a professional where it hurts or where you have pain or forward injury is there a difference in telling for both of us thank you so i think what i'm understanding here is what i mentioned at the beginning you would say i have i have a sore arm my arm hurts i have pain in my arm if you were talking for another person or for two people you would say um you know we have back pain or you could say we were in an accident and we both hit our head and we both have pain in our head um so basically you would if you go back to the beginning of the lesson i talked about sore and pain and hurt those are the ways you would talk about your pain let's see here andrea how often do you go to the doctor for a checkup like for example blood analysis even if you don't have any symptoms thank you so at my age i would normally go to the doctor once a year even if there's nothing wrong with me okay and we call it a physical you go in for a physical once a year when you're younger you go in for a physical every five or ten years but when you get older you start to go for a physical once a year at your physical your doctor will check your weight the doctor will check your height because as you get older you actually shrink a bit they will take blood and they will just do a brief examination and ask you some questions about your lifestyle and how you're eating and exercising so in canada someone my age would go to the doctor once a year for a checkup and that checkup is called a physical as well let's see here let me switch off the members only chat thank you to my members for being here and for chatting you guys are awesome let me back up to make sure i finish them it starts tomorrow says norman bob listening from mexico hi jay uh gj that's cool um i hope to visit mexico someday in the winter would be a good time julia says hi annette we have about minus 17 degrees in a lot of snow but it doesn't feel bad half bad i wish we had that here julia that would be really nice actually for me let me do one more question please tell me if you suck oh this is from andy by the way please tell me if you suddenly needed to call an ambulance to your farm little correction there how long would it take will you have to pay for the call so it would take about 15 minutes for the ambulance to get here if we called the ambulance um do we would not need to pay for the call if it was decided that it was an important and and that it was a medical emergency if they if someone called the ambulance every time they had a headache eventually they would have to pay for the ambulance they would say look you just have a headache you can't call the ambulance every time you have a headache but we've called the ambulance twice since we've lived here we've lived here 25 years i think we called the ambulance once for me i had kidney stones so bad that i thought something was horribly wrong with me i ended up i had a kidney stone on each side at the same time and we called the ambulance once for my daughter because she had a seizure a seizure is when i don't want to act one out because it's not pleasant but it's when your eyes roll back and your body starts to shake that was a long time ago but yes you uh the ambulance is free if it's for a regular medical emergency um calif says hello mr bob can can canadians buy medicines from pharmacies without medical prescriptions no so there's two kinds of medicines okay there's over-the-counter medicine and then there's medicine you have to buy by prescription okay um let me just double check this to make sure sometimes you guys ask questions and then i'm like why do we call it that um yes so an over-the-counter medicine you can go and buy so ibuprofen aspirin advil tylenol those types of things some cold medicines as well but all other medicines you need a prescription from your doctor your doctor needs to tell the pharmacy what you need and then they will give it to you so that's an important distinction between the two hey we should get back to this lesson though shouldn't we so sometimes you have what's called a pulled muscle so sometimes when you go running sometimes when you lift something heavy sometimes when you when you play a sport that you haven't played for a long time you will have your muscle hurt so your muscles like this is my bicep this is my tricep the muscles are what make your arm move um um so basically a pulled muscle is when you do something and then your muscles hurt for a few days afterwards it's a fairly minor injury a pulled muscle but sometimes like i pulled a muscle last summer when i was working on the farm and then i pulled a leg muscle and then i just couldn't walk for about four or five days sorry that's not true i could walk i couldn't go for a walk for exercise for four or five days hopefully you understood the difference but a pulled muscle is not a nice feeling you might also get what's called a charlie horse or a muscle spasm this is very very brief but very very painful okay so a charlie horse or muscle spasm is sudden pain in your muscle for about one or two minutes and then it goes away sometimes you get a charlie horse again when you do something that you don't normally do maybe you decide you're going to play uh football with your kids and you haven't played football for a couple years you might get a sudden charlie horse in your one of your leg muscles because you haven't done it for a while let me see here okay so um sometimes you break a bone or you have a fracture we have two names for it again when i was younger i broke my wrist i actually broke i guess you could say my arm but i broke the bone right right behind the wrist here i keep saying i broke my wrist but the wrist is really a joint i actually broke one of the bones in my arm so i had a fracture i had a broken bone i had to get an x-ray and then they put a cast on we'll talk about that later sometimes you can dislocate your shoulder so your shoulder can actually pop out of its socket and then they have to put it back in again i have never had a dislocated shoulder but at school one of my co-workers was playing football with the students and he fell on the ground and dislocated his shoulder so his arm was actually hanging down here and then he went to the hospital and then they popped it back in i don't like talking about it it looked really really painful and it looked very strange he had dislocated his shoulder um a dislocated shoulder isn't as bad as it looks um usually they just pop it back in and they'll probably make you have your arm in a sling for a few days but yeah that did not look good i didn't want to have a lot of blood in this lesson so i found the the smallest cut possible for this picture sometimes you're using a knife in the kitchen and you might cut yourself and there can be more serious cuts but a cut is when something sharp breaks your skin and you start to bleed so you might have a cut so again you might be at the doctor saying hey i was working in the kitchen and i cut my finger and it's a really deep cut when you have a really deep cut the doctor might put stitches in the doctor might get a needle and thread just like you're sewing clothes and they might put stitches in to your cut um i think shawn mendes has a song called stitches yeah i'm not sure if it's the same thing though um you might be playing outside or running outside and fall down and then when your skin slides along the pavement on the road or on the gravel on your drive you might get a scrape kids often get scrapes when they're playing in the playground so they might they might be running in the playground and they might fall down a lot and then they might have they might scrape their elbows or scrape their knees it's very common for children to have scrapes and then we also have what's called a bruise so a bruise happens when you know if something hit you really hard then a day later or later that same day you might have a bruise a bruise is like a brown or black spot where i think it's from you probably were bleeding under your skin and then it when it's after a while that just turns a brown color and then it's a bruise will slowly disappear after my heart surgery for some reason my left arm had bruises the whole arm was bruised and it took about two months for that to go away i think because yeah i'm not sure what they needed to do i'm not a heart surgeon so i don't know but a bruise looks like that if you have a simple cut you might just put a bandage on it we have a box of bandages in our house most people do if our kids have a small cut they might put a bandage on the cut so the cut that you see here that's a cut where you might just put a bandage on it we also call it a band-aid bandage and band-aid are the same thing um but definitely when you yes definitely when you have a cut especially if it won't stop bleeding you will often put a bandage or a band-aid on it um when you pull a muscle or when you hurt yourself playing a sport you might you might just put an ice pack on it okay often when um athletes twist their ankle or maybe they hurt their knee a little bit they might sit on the side of the court or playing field and just put an ice pack on it so the ice pack is cool and it makes the injury feel a little bit better it also stops swelling swelling is when things get bigger so if you were playing volleyball and you hurt your elbow and you would say oh i have a sore elbow i hurt my elbow you might put an ice pack on it you would stop playing volleyball and put an ice pack on it because you want it to you don't want it to swell up so you would put an ice pack on it by the way this lesson is not a lesson where you get medical advice it's just where you learn the words you need to learn to talk about these things in english so don't quote me on any of my things if you twist your ankle um you might end up on crutches um when i twisted my ankle as a kid i was on crutches for a little bit uh crutches are what you see right there um i think they're bakie i think so sometimes i don't know all the words they just they're in my head somewhere um but you might end up on crutches um this person doesn't has what's called an air cast so um there are various things you might do with a twisted ankle you might simply wrap it you might put a cast on it usually there's no cast but you might have what's called an air cast which is a cast that you can take off and put back on again modi says i have first aid in my car it's always good to have a first aid kit somewhere we have a small first aid kit here in our house um for sure annette says yes big yes thanks annette it you know it's one of those words that you don't use very often so like there's when you learn a language there's words you use a lot and then there's words you use like once every five years so sometimes it's hard to remember um going back to having a broken bone or a fracture when you go to the hospital it would go like this the doctor would say so what can i help you with where does it hurt and you would say i think i broke my arm i i have a lot of pain in my arm and the doctor would say well we're going to send you for an x-ray and then they would send you either to a different building or another part of the hospital you would get an x-ray and then they would say yep it looks like you need a cast so one of the cool things about casts now is that you can get different color casts i'm not sure if you can in your country but in canada you can choose what color cast you want when i was a kid and i got a cast it was white when my daughter got a cast about five or six years ago i think she chose pink or purple it was pink i think so she could choose what color she wanted i thought that was pretty cool let's see here after you injure yourself you will often have what's called physiotherapy physiotherapy is where someone helps you do exercises so that your body works properly again so if you broke your arm or you dislocated your shoulder you might actually go for physiotherapy for a couple of weeks and then they will help you learn you know how to lift small weights and to use elastic bands to strengthen or to return your body to normal the person who does physiotherapy is called a physiotherapist so the man you see in this picture is a physiotherapist and the woman is at physiotherapy the short form that we use is just physio so we'll say something like oh so you were in a car accident and you hurt your neck and you hurt your arm and your leg did you go for physio afterwards and the person will say yeah i was in physio for about six weeks so physiotherapy is where you go it's after you've gone to the doctor after they've done everything to make you better but you still need to kind of fix your body to be ready for real life you need to make sure your joints work properly you need to rebuild your muscles after my heart surgery i was in physiotherapy for eight weeks and so i went and they helped me get back into tip-top shape so that's what physiotherapy is um i just want to end on this uh just a repeat of symptoms diagnosis and treatment so when you have something wrong with you when you are injured or sick you would describe your symptoms to the doctor the doctor might say what are your symptoms and you would say oh my arm really hurts and i have trouble opening and closing my hand those would be your symptoms you might say i have a fever and a stuffed up nose those are your symptoms the diagnosis is when the doctor decides what's wrong with you and the treatment is when the doctor decides what to do about it okay so the doctor might diagnose you with a broken arm the doctor might diagnose you with having um let's see like a bad cold and then the treatment would be they would say you need a cast or you need to take these antibiotics or you need to take this medicine okay so symptoms are what you describe to the doctor the diagnosis is the doctor deciding what exactly is wrong with you and then treatment comes after that hey let's jump over to the questions uh that's the uh major part of the lesson is done i know i talked a lot today about the lesson and i didn't answer a lot of questions but i will do that right now just give me a sec let me see how many questions we have i can finish these for sure let's get through these um says hello teacher bob how are you doing how can i use pain or ache on my body so again you would describe things like i have a sore finger i have pain in my finger my finger hurts you could say i i just have like some aches that's like general pain through your whole body and again like i mentioned earlier we don't often use the word ache i think the way we use the word ache is this when you have a fever sometimes your body aches as well okay so that would just be where your body just feels you just have a little bit of pain everywhere we would use the word ache there let me see here skip the next one ciao says hi bob nice to meet you you are the best teacher thanks thanks joe so what is the difference between fever ill and sick thank you so a fever is when your body temperature is high ill and sick mean the same thing it's when you're just not feeling good we use the word sick a lot more than we use the word ill okay we do use the word ill a little bit but they mean the same thing and we usually use the word sick so here we go chenglin hi bob first time asking questions may i ask how to describe the pain from the heart how many kinds of heartache in english i don't know how to describe it to a doctor so first of all heartache is an emotional or romantic feeling okay it's not a physical pain in your heart when you experience heartache it means you love someone and they don't love you back okay or maybe you do love them and they love you back so it's more about love when you describe pain with your heart generally it's this you have shortness of breath so you're like that shortness of breath you might feel like there's a weight on your chest that's where your it just feels very heavy here that's a common feeling when you have a problem with your heart you might have heart palpitations that's when your heart beats really strong and you can feel it you can feel your heart beating you might have like what's called angina which is pain in your chest and it's from your heart so if you're feeling extreme pain in your chest from your heart it's called angina and then lastly you might have a racing heart where your heart beats really fast or an irregular heartbeat so i'm not sure at shanglen exactly which you're experiencing but those are some of the more common ones saddam says hey could you please help to understand about the difference between he was injured he had been injured and he so first of all the last one he injured actually means he's doing it to someone else like he injured the dog that'd be mean but when you say he injured he's that person's actually hurting someone else he was injured means that in the past something happened and he something happened that caused him pain or injury and then he had been injured you know we usually would use that in a sentence like you know he had been injured many times but this is more of a grammar question sodom so it's hard to explain quickly but there's a few example sentences for you let's see here i should say hi to the 591 people watching i'm going a little overtime today to finish the questions this was a lesson everybody on pain and injury how to describe what's wrong with you to the doctor i will be done in about five minutes so stick around zira i'm wondering what procedure both includes and involves health insurance in canada so all canadian citizens have health uh insur well it's not called health insurance but we all have free health care provided by the government we pay for it wix with our taxes james headache and migraine is there a difference yes a headache is milder than a migraine a migraine is more severe for is a more severe form of a headache so they're both headaches but a a a headache is like the general term and it's used for some like mild pain where you just take some pills and it goes away a migraine is a much more severe headache so i forgot to mention this world so i'm worried so i'm glad that allah al-ahmad i think i pronounced it right this time in a lesson last week on my short english channel i think i said al-ahmad but i think it's i hope i did it right let me know in the chat what's the difference between sprained and twisted ankle and diseases illness or sickness so i didn't talk about a sprained ankle but a twisted ankle and a sprained ankle are the same thing i should have had a slide for sprain so you can have a sprained ankle or a twisted ankle same thing diseases are things that spread from person to person an illness is something that spreads from person to person and a sickness is something that spreads from person to person so they're all very similar except that an illness can also be something that you don't get from another person okay so your body itself can be sick or ill so if you had cancer you could say i'm ill i have cancer you didn't get cancer from someone else you could say oh i'm not feeling well um you know i have i don't know the name of everything but you could have a certain sickness so diseases are generally things that spread from people to people although can can is cancer a disease you know i think they're all very similar for sure um muhammad says hollow trying to speak english properly hello dear teacher sorry but how could i get your pamphlet and your pdf lesson which sometimes you used in your video so these slides muhammad if you want a copy of these slides this video comes out again in two days a shorter version of this video where i take the user questions out and the pdf of all those slides is in the description so if you go back to last week and you look at the bathroom lesson only version in the description of that video there's a link to the pdf with all the slides um let's see here where am i i'm getting close getting close lee hi bob i want to know if people in your country will invite their friends to sign their cast why i think it's fun does it have some special meaning thank you bob so people do this if you break your arm and you get a cast people get their friends to sign their cast i don't know why they do it but people do it it's kind of fun and it's kind of cool uh ken says hi bob are sore and pain the same meaning there's slightly different usage right like i have a sore arm i have pain in my arm my arm is sore my i have arm pain so they're just little variations of describing something that hurts dr nick so dr nick is here and says hi everybody hi dr dick dr nick here with a word of the day anesthesiologist bye for now so an anesthesiologist is the person that puts you to sleep before you have surgery so we use the phrase to be put to sleep when i had heart surgery the anesthesiologist put something in me that made me go to sleep and then they fixed my heart so thanks dr nick that was very nice of you and dr nick had the last question of the day so i did all the questions thank you so much hey there are 605 people here if you're new here this was an english lesson about aches and pains and injuries and things that are sore and things that hurt you should click that subscribe button if you're new here thank you so much to everybody who was watching today i'm glad the live stream worked and we didn't have any problems because i was worried about that um i do want to say a couple things thanks to todd and dave once again for moderating the chat thanks to all of you for being awesome i'm just assuming you're all awesome people and i hope this helped you have just some vocabulary and some phrases you can use if you did have to go to the doctor and speak english okay i hope it's helpful i of course didn't cover everything it's not possible to cover everything i miss things like i see someone talking about labor pain like when a woman is about to have a baby they have labor pain so they have a p you know they need to go to the hospital and have the baby um i see in the chat oh i missed another one that's okay anyways thank you so much for being here thank you for learning a bit of english don't forget this lesson will come out again in two days a shorter version with just the slides no user questions and it's great to watch it again just to review put it on in the kitchen while you're cooking supper listen to it in your car off of your phone um but it's just a good thing to do to reinforce what you have learned um and i think that really really helps bye everybody have a good day i'll see you tomorrow with a question and answer english lesson at 11 a.m eastern standard time so if you want to ask questions about this crazy language come again tomorrow a little bit later than this one it's at 11 a.m eastern standard time i hope to see you there bye
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 99,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HWdRgrIbnGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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