Free English Class! Topic: Verbs Used to Express Feelings and Thoughts ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค” (Lesson Only)

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don't have a lot of time this week to do this. So, it just is and more things are open every time I go to town. I've noticed You could say this, when it rains, I noticed that the plants grow really quickly for a few days afterwards. Um so, that I need to go to work in five minutes. I realize that you realize something, it means that you are aware of it or you hard for you. Maybe it's not but I understand that you don't well. When I say a sentence the main meaning would be that you when you notice something, it means you have become aware of it or hear it, it means you have become aware of it, okay? okay? Last night, I noticed that something smelled funny by understand. But we all use this in the same way as to wonder it. I have seen evidence that has made me aware of this, my van and when I touched the tire, it was hot. So, I noticed have a lot of time every week. I recognize that you don't have understand. You comprehend. You know what I'm talking about. So and to think, right? Like, I understand learning English is she does. So it means that you know about something or you are a lot of time this week um to do this. I realize that you know about it. I realize that plan need water. I realized saying you're aware of something or you know lessons. I recognize that you don't have time to watch all my Jen works really hard and I appreciate the hard work that be like hey person who knows me and I'm not sure who you are. lessons. I recognize that one of the things that happens when tables don't last forever and they fall apart and I need to you own a vehicle is you have to fix it. So, it's the same as Um but we also use this verb to say that we are aware of that it's Bob the Canadian and you'll be like hey Bob and I'll if I should build a new picnic table this summer. I wonder if is, right? Like you're thinking about something but we use this might be someone there you know and you recognize them. You're like hey that's Joe. Maybe someday you'll be walking thinking about something and you're not sure how it will go. wonder a lot. To recognize. When you recognize someone it means you know who they are and they are familiar to you. So something. So, when you notice something, you see it or smell getting it from another place. Uh I wonder if my sister will where we're giving suggestions. So, I might say something like a recognition of something. You know, I am aware. Um I understand that um the mail comes at 10 o'clock and if I'm Um here's something I've noticed. I've noticed that more waiting for something, I just have to be patient. To notice. this. I wonder if my meeting will be really long today. I something, okay? You know, I recognize the fact that picnic if you if I say do you understand and you say yeah I aware of it. And we use understand in the same way as something. Okay. So I recognize that it's hard work to learn English. You recognize that I work really hard to make build a new one. To realize. We use this in the same way. When What what name do you go by on YouTube? That's what I'll say. about. To wonder. We use this in the same way. The actual through an airport and you'll recognize me. You'll notice meaning is you know to kind of think wonder how big the moon gonna use it again there wasn't I? Yeah. Let me move on. We use when you see a large crowd of people at the airport there Um we use this verb a lot. Yes. Uh I wonder if uh I was just like it when she comes over. So it means you're kind of the pizza I buy later today will be good because I'm wonder if my van is gonna cost a lot of money to fix. I wonder in almost the same way as the verb to think but in a way about something, it means well, let's go back to what was I exactly how tall I am but from my videos, maybe you're like, here, what would be a good one? You shouldn't assume that very common expressions using the verb think. We use it all each day. To recall. So, there's two verbs to recall and night. Um like each night we all dream. But we use it more again. I think that I'm going to have a nice day tomorrow to introduce thoughts, right? So I think my new camera's put ice cubes in next time. So I'm just spitting out all these I think I'll have a drink of water right now. I think I'll I think that I should speed up a bit because I need to finish cool. I think this microphone was a really good thing to buy. Um I dream of a time when everyone in the world will be a little bit tall in his videos but until you actually a silly. You should never, for instance, assume um let's see today but I think I don't think my boss will mind. So I slightly bad word here if you look at the word assume it has actually put don't in there. So to think kind of like a assume you think something is true without any proof and that people's children are like them, okay? Children can be measuring tape you don't know how tall I am we have an that you should get to know them so that you can see for back yet. So, simply another way to say remember, Uh let's dream of being um a professional basketball player this lesson. I think tomorrow you should watch this lesson um kind of has three other words in it and so we have this universal verb to put at the beginning of a sentence where time. Yeah I think it won't be a problem. I think it will be interesting thing in English that you should never assume to recollect. These are kind of yeah, they're not super common well, I assume he's really tall because uh he just looks seems might want to be. That's active dreaming. You can also dream at twice. I think this lesson is great. I think you should watch about people because when you when you assume I'm gonna use a can make you feel kind of silly and the other person kind of because I'm not doing a live stream. I know you'll miss it. along better. I dream of a day where I speak perfect French. you think of something uh possible in the future that you sure. To think, we use this a lot. Um we use this verb almost the time. I think I'm gonna be a little bit late for work So you'll notice it's like this common verb that we just used things from the past. Like, if I recall correctly last year, sentence we use. I think I just used it once. I think I used it all the time like I think we use it probably in every fifth you're going to talk about what you are currently thinking you and me. So, we kinda divide the word up. So, when you to a conclusion without necessarily having any facts or happy. Um and well fed and have lots of clean water. Uh let's you might assume that I'm really tall. You might not know the way. But I could say, you know, you know, I recall when I statement here. Bob the Canadian is very tall. Some of was a kid, I played outside a lot more or I recolect When I phrase in English when you assume you make an **** out of anniversary to their wife. And so then sometimes they come to see here. To assume. Um so when you assume something, you come proof, okay? So, when you assume something, so I put this very different than their parents. You shouldn't assume you said you would give me 100 dollars. Or if I recall forgot to do something. That means I never actually thought this lesson in five minutes. I think I can get it done in remember, do I have these lined up together? I don't think I or a professional football player. Um so, when you dream, people quite often buy uh if they forget um an important need to remember to call the garage. To forget, I put us and they buy flowers. Flowers are something that uh they don't remember it. So maybe they've been married for occasion. Sometimes they will buy flowers. But again to after Jen drove it. So, I think it needs new bearings. So, I maybe you just did it um instead of forgetting it. So things about people uh you should never assume things using here, to desire. Some people have a desire to be a want it to happen in the future, okay? When you dream correctly last year, I let you money and you haven't paid me need to make sure I need to not forget to call the garage boring. So, it means you could watch these 100 times. To played outside a lot. Later today, I need to remember, I suppose I could give you $100 but when will you pay me back? was a kid I used to play outside a lot. Later today I because I don't want to forget what I do what I need to do again. I remember I was a kid. So basically, I'm thinking lists so that I can remember what I need to do each day because my van, the front rims on my van were hot last night going to have trouble with. So let me give you the examples So, it means you could do it, okay? Um I suppose you could about a time in the past. I remember when I was a kid, I forget is the opposite of remember, right? Um yesterday I can also use us to say you agree to do something like, rock star. Some people dream of being a rock star. Some people used it in two really good examples sentences. Um but I remember something, it means that maybe you forgot it or a lot. We do use recall though often when we're talking about commonly to say you know I dream of a day where people get have an idea that you haven't finished thinking about. Um you come over tomorrow. I suppose I could do five lessons a week van fixed. It simply means to to think about something um let me explain a little bit better. I can I remember when I hey, can you give me 100 dollars? You could say, I Okay, to dream. When you dream about something, it means you see here. Gonna scroll back. Sometimes men forget um their anniversary. This means that interesting one. It means the way we use it the most often is was a kid, I played outside a lot more. We don't use recolect watch these lessons 100 times but I think you would find it the morning. It means you're thinking about something or you flowers here because often times, well, not often times, Uh to suppose. So, when you suppose something, here's an It's similar to hate but it's much stronger than that. Um looked up. I don't think I did. Yes, I do. To feel intense, but we do use them like they mean the same as to remember by about it and I didn't do it. Usually, I make lists. I make because it has elements of um disgust as well. Like, one loathe that. It bothers me a lot and I find it disgusting. to say uh a little bit like I guess. Like, I suppose I could ten or fifteen or 20 years and they forget to say happy out of my house and they bring mud in on their shoes, I just maybe you don't like pizza, you can say, oh I loathe pizza. It are doing. To adore. So, we have love and we have like. So, should remember to write down definitions for the ones I'm that you love someone. Um it's closely tied to the word yeah this is a tricky one. Why am I struggling with this? I've you like what they're doing and you are happy about what they loathe. To So here's a pronunciation exercise to you loathe someone, it means you just do not like the person instead of three. I suppose I could try to sleep longer in much don't like it, okay? Let me see if I have this one have to remember to call the garage because I need to get my at all. Um if you don't like a certain kind of food, then do. Oh, yes, I do. Well, we'll do remember first. When you thing I loathe is muddy weather and then if people come in and Um puppies are adorable. And you could say oh I just adore teacher who made them work hard. They are happy about that you could say, I like my dog, I love my dog, you could say, I adore my dog. It just is another way of expressing the students don't like teachers that give a lot of homework but sometimes at the end of their schooling, they appreciate the about them, to think about them in a positive way. Sometimes, teacher. So, when you appreciate someone, it means appreciate their parents. They start to have better Thoughts eventually sometimes they appreciate their parents. When disliked, or disgust for something. Or someone. So if loathe. When you loathe something, it means you very means you don't loathe it at all. When you eat it, it just doesn't taste good. You loathe pizza. It's a very strong word. people get into their late 20s and 30s they start to resent their parents. They're annoyed with their parents. But adore comes somewhere between like and love on that scale. To puppies. It means you really really like them. I would say adorable. Okay? Kittens are adorable. Babies are adorable. emotion that you are happy with someone that you like someone started uh with the verb to resent. Sometimes teenagers think about it for a day or two and then we'll make a If a I would like to do them all on the very last day of school, needs to do extra work to water the flowers. So when you stress just look at it for five or 10 minutes and you contemplate usually they apologize and then you say I forgive you, okay? It and so we need to water the flowers. So today Jen is to think um contemplate can also mean um well, I guess I can be hard to forgive people. It can be hard to say to nice things says, I'm sorry, and then if the other person getting very tired. I admire that about them. I admire their About it a lot and you're worried about it, okay? Jen here is a basketball player, I always admire people who can your homework. Um don't you remember last week, I stressed sometimes is stressed because it doesn't rain a lot here. Um and it usually means you you need to make a decision. So, if that you must do something that is important. To admire. So, uh my kids. So I stress a lot about um whether they're doing forgive you. Um, it can be very healing when a relationship stressed because she has a lot of work to do. But she also someone, that's okay, I understand, I forgive you, but play sports especially at a very high level. I admire It it. So, you can look at a beautiful painting and you can that it was important to do your homework? So, it can mean hard work. I admire their dedication. To appreciate. So I someone, it means they did something that upset you and Yes, there we go. So, you can contemplate a painting but you something, it means you think about it, usually because you when you stress about something it means that you think of find impressive or awesome or neat. Um I often admire the well in school. I stress a lot about actually I don't stress someone says, um Bob, we would like to come to your farm and could say to my students, let me stress something. You must parents stress a little bit. To stress. When you are stressed sometimes people do things that aren't very nice and sometimes about something it means you worry about it. It's on your fact that professional athletes can play an entire game without get your work done. I can't stress this enough. You must do When you look at a beautiful painting, you can contemplate says that's okay I forgive you then sometimes the relationship put old people here because I think at the beginning I means that I'm impressed by them. It means that I think and think about what is life mean? What is the real meaning mind. You think about it a lot. Um let me stress something. It student says, I didn't do any of my assignments this year but that much about my kids. No I do a little bit. I think all a second. This was one of the tricky ones that I wanted to can also mean that you emphasize something. So, I speaker, I do look up all the words I teach. Um so, to look just did explain it, didn't I? Let me just check something for need to make some sort of decision. To contemplate. When of life on this planet Earth? To forgive. When you forgive can say, okay, Jen and I will consider it. It means we'll they're cool. It means that they're doing things that I can uh be better again. Too stress. I stress a lot um about you contemplate something, it can kinda have two meanings. isn't going well. If one person who has done mean things or not other. Let's see to prefer. So, sometimes some people prefer tea. This isn't tea. One, one moment. I would say I prefer cut flowers by ourselves instead of buying bouquets. I they ask for forgiveness, and it's nice to be able to say I can I hand them in? I could say, okay, I'll consider that. can also contemplate the meaning of life. You can sit you preferred coffee or tea, I would say right now, I prefer So, I did do another lesson uh on feelings. I think I did two those can be attached to the verb to feel. We also Use this Make sure I looked up. Yes. By the way, I do, as an English coffee or tea? II like tea better, okay? To consider. When coffee, some people prefer tea. We use this verb exactly in at thoughtfully or simply to sit and think about something. what was the artist trying to communicate here. So, it means we use. When you feel something, you can then use all visit enough right now. You could say um I feel that people Uh give me a day to think about it. So, when you consider that. I think that people aren't kind enough to each I feel agitated. I feel excited. I feel annoyed. I feel So basically, I'm saying I think that my family doesn't as an equivalent to the verb to think, okay? So I could say part one and two. So, if you want to review those, all of means to Observe something or to see something and kind of of the other words. You can say, I feel happy. I feel sad. this, I feel that my family doesn't visit enough right now. aggravated. I feel frustrated. I feel ecstatic. I feel joyful. you consider something, it means you're thinking about it informally is to say, I like tea better. Do you prefer aren't kind enough to each other. That means you think like this, maybe they're um a little bit agitated and moving tea. Here's my tea. The other way we say it a little more observing them, I can sense that they're nervous. I can school year is near because I've just done all of the final that way. It has no hidden meanings. If you were to say do presentations in class, you can sense that they're nervous. So, I imagine Bob's not doing a live stream tomorrow. You would come to a conclusion. Um I can sense that the end of the are all ways in common English speech uh speech to express will be outdoor concerts. And I imagine people will have a good Maybe they're kinda doing this, maybe their hands are going would use suspect. It means you think something happened. Okay? through words but through what people are doing and how time there. To suspect someone. When you suspect someone of day. I don't know though cuz I haven't been outside yet. So it around a lot. So, they're not saying they're nervous but by start again soon in Canada in about six weeks. I think there they're acting. Sometimes when students need to do So, to means to think about something in the future in a is going to happen, okay? So, we use it as kind of this about it. We use this verb quite commonly when we don't when you sense something, it means you feel it maybe not informal way to talk about things like that. Um like, if happened so then you think something else happened. Um if while you're in Ontario, I imagine you're gonna go to my son took the last one. So that means I think he did it. also mean that you think something happened. Okay? So Toronto and Niagara Falls. So, it's when you think something you were to say, uh tomorrow's the fourth Saturday in a row. their quiz. I suspect that they cheated. Okay? So that's how we to Toronto. I imagine you're gonna see the CN Tower or um say I doubt it like comments only come by every few years I Okay? I could also say this. The students all got 100% on comments in one night go through the night sky I would or the actual meaning is to think of something in your believe you So, we use this in two ways. The literal meaning astronaut or they'll talk about maybe they'll write a story and sense by looking outside that it might be uh a windy cold up like astronauts and they'll imagine that they're an that you don't believe something. If someone said, um if we outside tonight at 4 AM we'll be able to see five maybe I'm going the right way. Maybe I'm going the wrong way. things I need to do. This is kind of a universal verb that I have doubts. So when I doubt something it means I'm not sure sense from the chat that people are enjoying this lesson. I can something it means you think they did it. Okay? Um it could be correct. You would have thought about that correctly. everyday speech though. We say things like um So, you're going write a story about it. We also use the verb to imagine in prime minister. I highly doubt that he'll be able to do that. There's a little bit of evidence that you know this it rains I suspect that the plants will start to grow again. Okay so we can use it to connect to ideas as well. To So doubt it II doubt that we'll be able to see them so I don't say I doubt it. Uh my cousin Jim is not gonna be the next cousin Jim is going to be the next prime minister, I could lost sometimes I doubt whether I'm going the right way. So I because it hasn't happened yet. Um so I imagine concerts will am not sure I'm going the right way. I'm uncertain. I feel like I'll use it two ways. There are cookies missing And I suspect they'll imagine a world and they'll do some coloring or head. Often children will imagine things. They'll dress So, notice I said, I doubt, I doubt it. I highly doubt. These believe something someone said. So, if someone said, your express when we are not sure of something. Okay? Um when I get worst food on the planet. I would say, I disagree with you um let See here. Some people believe that everyone in the or I don't agree with you. Um so again, it's The opposite of when you believe something, you think it is true. In your mind, with disagree, we use both, okay? I could say I disagree. means you want something. Um we also use this to express distrust. We often just say I don't trust or I don't like but common verb to use when you're talking about your thoughts or wish. So this verb has a couple of different ways uh to use it. that verbs like distrust and verbs like, let me look at my someone else. To doubt. So this is a verb that we use to agree with that. So when you agree with someone you think would stop talking. I wish that people wouldn't talk in the agree. It's it means when you have the opposite thought than the world, I could say I agree with you and this is a very wish these lessons were shorter. That usage of the word little bit boring. Maybe it's time to move on to the next So, world is a good person. I don't believe that. Let me flip that When you agree with someone, it means that you think the same feelings. I agree with you. If you said that um 22ยฐ Celsius is wish it would rain because the ground's a little dry out Sometimes you have to make a decision. Sometimes you have to are bad apples. That's I'm convinced of that. To agree. ponder that for a moment. It means that I Need time to way. I wish my boss wouldn't ask me to work on Saturdays. I decided that I would buy a red van. So, it's very um you will cake you can say II wish that we had world peace. So, it disagree. We do use this disverb. I know I mentioned are both very common. I disagree with you. Pizza is the thing that they think. If you say pizza is the best food in to the opposite by using don't. I believe that most people in day. So, if I said to someone, you know, just let me ponder hear this verb very often in the future and in the past the same way as them about a certain thing. You might think for a longer period of time than just a minute or two. To Or I could say I don't agree. Those would both work. Those happen quickly or take a long time. Ponder almost always has you are convinced that it is true. Some people believe that the perfect temperature. I would say I agree. I definitely that these lessons are a little bit boring sometimes and I desires. So, you more frequently might hear it this something and to ponder is exactly means exactly the same I say I wish um or make sorry if you blow candles out on a theater when I go see a movie. So, I'm expressing what I want there. To believe. When you believe something, you think it something, you might think about it for 5 minutes or a believe in Santa Claus even though he doesn't exist. Um but would agree with you. Sometimes the lesson does get just a the world are good people. But I also believe that some people need to ponder it. I would say this though, thinking can list here, disagree, nope, sorry, wrong one, dislike and much control. That would be that would work. To side. the future and in the past. We don't often use it in the you a good day that means I want you to have a good day. If that for a moment. Um okay, that's a good question. Let me we would say things like okay well I'll decide tomorrow what instead. Okay. I'm afraid of snakes. I'm scared of snakes. I thing often times when you need to think about something, you of the verb wish is very, very common in English. I wish you is true, okay? I put Santa Claus here because some kids a longer element of time to it, okay? So, when you ponder get so there is an example of the present tense but generally to happen, okay? I wish it was a little sunnier today and I One is to simply say that you want something. So if I wish arguing I would say look I decide um how much homework you present. We don't often say I decide. Uh we usually say English to my native English ear. Um but some people I think are a few situations where we would if students were like um wish I got paid more. I wish these lessons were longer. I have a cat that lives in our barn. We have many cats by the So, we don't often talk about it in the present tense. There fear the cat, okay? Even though we have a verb to fear, we think. So when you ponder something, you think about it talking about bigger things like I fear that the future of seeing all of the people chatting in English in the things like this. I will decide tomorrow what to do or I afraid of the cat. When we use the verb fear, we're usually because the act of making a decision happens very quickly. maybe you have to decide which door you're going to go fear. But normally when we're expressing that we are scared of something or afraid of something we usually say that choose. Here you have a series of doors and in that situation so you can see this lady is thinking she is thinking about to do or last week I decided to go to Niagara Falls to ponder say, I agree with you. So, if someone says, Bob, you have too music. This is a very simple one. It simply means that through. So you need to decide. We generally use this verb in warming or other natural disasters will make the planet don't often use it in the first person. I could say this, I'm know the French language. I know my brother and if you were inhabitable. You know, I have a fear or using it as a verb I chat. So, very straightforward, very simple one. No hidden these lessons. I think you enjoy watching them. I enjoy scratch me. It kinda looks like this. Um but wouldn't say I way but we have one cat that when I walk by, it tries to could say I fear snakes but it sounds a little weird to my the information in your brain, okay? If you know how to speak really want a new camera. To know. So, to know is to have are great and I, if I said, I know, that sounds a little bit you could say things like I fear the government has too the first person very often, like II can't remember the I like I wouldn't say I desire a new camera. I would say I talk about situations where people have a strong want for desire, I don't desire, I desire, yeah, it just sounds saying is, what you said is true. Bob, your English lessons very formal. We would probably instead say, um I really want, something is giving you happiness or joy. I enjoy doing So, their dream in life, their desire is to become a rock or handsome and you just have incredible desire for them. the planet is in jeopardy or I fear for my kids that global agree with you. To enjoy. These people I think are enjoying So, desire is when you want something really, really badly, house, a job that pays way too much money, etcetera. Desire, pop in the world. Um so, you could probably see the meanings with this one. To fear. So, this is a cat. We life. Uh in order to earn an income. When you want something difference now. Um there are needs and there are wants, some good music. I enjoy eating pizza. I enjoy listening to life. You need a job. You need to drink water and you need to know she's really good at it. So, I'm kind of saying that I many blue shirts. I could say, I know. And basically, what I'm Interestingly enough, we don't often use this with the subject star. Maybe there's someone you know who's extremely beautiful desire nice weather for my vacation um but we do Use it to to say, Bob, Jen's bouquets are very beautiful. I can say, I have a couple of meanings. I know how to speak French. I arrogant but it means that I agree with you. So, I know can familiar with them but we also use this verb quite often to something, okay? So it's a little more, it's not used in English, it's in your brain. If you know someone, you are you need water but you might want soda. no1 needs soda or you need all those things. Wants are things like a giant things that you have to do in order uh to have a nice healthy or hate. So here are three example sentences. I dislike So it means the opposite of like. Again we actually don't though, it's simply something you desire. Something that you hot weather. When I say that it sounds kinda weird because in of like. Like I like hot weather. I dislike hot weather. okay? A lot of people have this desire to be a rock star, okay? I. Like, I don't often say, I desire a good day today. I needs are things like a job, a place to live, a happy family, would like to have but it's not important. If you are thirsty, eat every day. Those are things that you must do. There are you need something it's something important for your of those phrases. I hate hot weather or I don't like hot to want. Okay? Let's talk about these uh at the same time. When weather. Are far more common. So let's talk about to need and use the verb dislike very often. We often use don't like everyday speech in English we don't say that very often. I would say I hate hot weather or I don't like hot weather. Both that would be you expressing that strongly. Here's another could say something like um I hate the fact that we can't um that would be not that would not be appropriate. But we use strong word when you're talking about people. But it's used expressing your opinion lightly. If you said, I hate my spoken English to use don't. Like, I don't trust that guy. I dog or I distrust his dog. You would say, I don't trust his speak in our own language in my English class. The teacher it to their face though. You wouldn't say I hate you. That we use in English but it's far more common especially in don't wanna use it with people although you can. You could say dog. I think it might bite me. So again, these are verbs that And use that way quite a bit. I often say to my students um I teacher, that would be a very inappropriate thing to say and makes us speak English. I hate that. That would be you a far more um normal way to say it. Now, the verb to hate, brother. You would hear them say, I don't trust my brother. would ever say that. But we use it to talk about things that we picture from the internet. It does look a little bit like having a conversation with friends, I could say, you know going to do something, you know it will happen. They won't let this also in a far more casual way. People say things like I say, I don't wanna go to Bob's house because I mistrust his dog or distrust the dog. But that actually sounds a little don't like. Notice I said things. So it's very common to fun when I say it. By the way, that's not Oscar. That's just a trust that all of you are going to get this done. Um or I could that you will keep your vehicle repaired. I trust that you will These are interesting verbs. They mean the opposite of believe them. When you trust someone, when they say they're say and just so you're again, love is stronger than like, often trust their grandparents. When you trust someone, you way. The actual meaning of hate is the opposite of love. Let's you down. They will always do what they say they're going to say to students that um this project is due tomorrow and I okay? On the chart of positive emotions. To trust. So, this is compliment. Um the word love has kind of a special place in sometimes people leave comments and they say I love you Bob. That's a more common way to say it. You wouldn't hear someone trust to say I think you're going to do this. Okay? I trust could say, you know what? I really like you. I just, it's use the verb to love too freely. And you should know but I have a lot of other stuff to do. So, it's a way of Oscar. Instead, what's more common is to use don't with verb that we don't use very often. So this is the opposite that all of you are going to watch it. So we use the verb to the English language. Like on the other hand is something you good. You can say that. But I find sometimes English learners meanings for this verb. So, when you say, like if I said um trust. So, you wouldn't often hear someone say, I mistrust my that in English we don't use it that freely. So I know to someone that we are familiar with. Um you might say this very lightly when we're talking about things. Okay? So you what? I just hate this one person I work with. Um you say hear English speakers say oh I hate soda. I hate pizza. Um I study more English this week. So it means I believe you're resent someone, it means you're definitely not getting along use of the word hate but people do say that sometimes. If I'm don't trust the government. I don't trust my cousin. That is really fun working with you. That's an appropriate thing to an interesting one because when you trust someone, you believe And that's okay. But a better thing to say would be, Bob, I hate the food from that restaurant. Um so it's a very could use. You could say, oh, I really like you, Bob. You make good English lessons. That's an appropriate thing to say. Um if Hopefully, that made some sense. Let's talk about love though. You could say I love working with you. That's that's okay? So, I could say this, I love Jen. I love my kids. I English assessment test. If you're preparing for some sort like coffee but I hate tea or I hate pizza. I don't know who there's two ways we use this. We use this in a very serious them. I put a picture of a grandmother because children trust that you'll be on time for class tomorrow. We need to agreeing with my boss but it's not okay, okay? If someone says family members or your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend, say there is a new video coming out next Tuesday and I trust going to do something. I think you're going to do something. So a slightly different meaning than the traditional meaning. kind of giving an answer without really thinking about talk about your feelings, your emotions, and your thoughts. see. What would I guess? I'll guess five. So, it means you're properly in English. The verb to love If you use this in a get started right on time. Now to mistrust and to distrust. rules that their parents have created for them. So, when you That's kind of Crossing a line. We wouldn't say that in English you say someone resents someone, they are annoyed with do. Um but we use this in another way as well. Um I could I hate my boss or I hate my coworkers. It's a very strong Is that okay? I could say I guess that's okay. It means I'm trust. Right? If you see a mean dog you might uh mistrust the use it with um yeah, I hate really windy weather, okay? I they're going to do them but they're not totally wanting to when we are uncertain or reluctant about what we're to me, can you come over and help me move my fridge? It's appropriate usage of the verb to love. But when you, if you But I want to give you some pointers on how to use these we go. Verbs to express your feelings or your thoughts. The say this to someone, if you say to someone at work, I love you. more often is a slightly different way. So, we say it and like. These are probably the two most common verbs to respect others. I could say I trust that you're going to pick a number between one and ten, you could say, hm, let me sentence like I love you, you would use it only with close deep down in their hearts, teenagers do like and love And if they said I guess I can do them right now. It means of a dad and his son. Because the verb resent um when I think you are working with someone that you like working with, you sometimes will hear teenagers say that they resent all of the their parents but sometimes, they resent their parents a that we use to talk about feelings and thoughts. So here start to not like them. Maybe a little bit maybe a lot. You of English test, you will have a Where you where you will need the opposite of like or love. When you resent some you really say um to one of my kids could you do the dishes right now? along with their parents. Especially when they're little bit. So, the verb to guess, there's a couple parents, okay? Their parents might have too many rules. them. They are aggravated by them. They don't, it's kind of really love your lessons, okay? That would feel that's a nicer first verb is the verb to resent. So I put a picture here with them and you are starting to not like them. Um but I know teenagers. Eventually, they might start to resent their they might start to resent their parents. That means, when will help you. So welcome to this English lesson about verbs agreeing to do something but not totally agreeing. them than you might actually realize. So, I'll talk about really heavy. I could say, you know, I guess I could come over do them. If my boss said to me you have to work on Saturday. love my mom. I love my brothers and sisters. Those are all speech. Um if you're someone who's preparing for an English saying. So here's a good example for you. If I was to we use to talk about our feelings, our thoughts, maybe a about it I most often think about children who don't get resent and loathe. Other verbs that you might not normally it. You're just guessing. But the way we use it in English Well, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, or it. emotions as well. These are verbs that we use all the time to talk a little bit about yourself. I think this lesson preparing for your IELTS or your TOEFL or your Cambridge and some of them have more meanings or more ways to use verbs like like and love but I'll talk about verbs like test, this lesson will be really good for you. If you're we uh use verbs that we use all the time in our everyday little bit about how to use them to talk about your a teenager, they're starting to feel more independent and so this English lesson where I'm going to talk about verbs that maybe you're up in the middle of the night but welcome to Their parents might tell them what to do all the time and as hear all the time in your English studies. But words that
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 92,459
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Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles
Id: ZOl2FEtw1HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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