English vocabulary about feelings | Ways to describe how you feel in English

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[Music] hi there this is harry and welcome back to my english lessons what am i going to talk to you about today we're going to talk about your feelings and we're going to use some adjectives to express those feelings so i'm going to give you the adjectives and then i'll go through them one by one explain them to you and give you a couple of examples okay so the list is going to include heartbroken trapped embarrassed overwhelmed and i'll come back to that with the pronunciation baffled surprised disgusted and shocked so they're all about feelings your particular feeling so as i said we'll take them one by one and i'll give you some examples okay so let's take the the first adjective heartbroken it's a place where we've all been before heartbroken heartbroken because the love of your life has walked out on you heartbroken because your pet dog had to be destroyed because it was so old okay so a feeling heartbroken so this is all about the feelings that you have so let me give you a couple of examples oh he's really heartbroken he loved that dog he's had the dog since he was 10 but it's very old we had no choice so he's heartbroken or he didn't get the place in university that he was hoping for so he's heartbroken he had his heart set on going to manchester university now he has to accept something second best but like all young people he'll get over it so heartbroken so you can be heartbroken about a person as i said the love of your life boyfriend girlfriend or you can be heartbroken about your pet dog your cat or about something that you just didn't achieve the place in university as i gave you in the example okay so heartbroken okay the next word is trapped and this has many different meanings and uses we can be trapped in a relationship we can be trapped in a part of our life like a particular job you can feel trapped in the way your life is going and you want to break out okay so you need to be rescued by somebody and of course you can physically be trapped somebody trapped underground and they actually have to be rescued so they go pothole you know caving or some mad exploit like that and then somebody raises the alarm and everything breaks loose and eventually they get released so trapped has many different ways but when you're feeling trapped for example in a relationship you've been in a relationship for years and years and years but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere but you don't know what to do so you talk to your best friend you say you know i really i feel trapped in this relationship i have to get out it's best for me so you you do something to get away from it painful as it may be but you're trapped and you try to escape you can be trapped in a job a dead-end job that you've been doing for years and years and you finally give it up and like me you take up teaching and they are not trapped any longer you're free so trapped so the third word on my list is embarrassed so embarrassed can be a feeling and these are all about feelings we are embarrassed when we do something we shouldn't have done or we don't do something we should have done we are embarrassed we go a little bit red in our face when we are embarrassed or we blush and say oh really i shouldn't have said that or i shouldn't have done it so we can be embarrassed because of a little faux pas some little mistake that we have made we said a word that we shouldn't have said my wife always tells me not to do that but we say a word we shouldn't have said we go oh i shouldn't have said that i'm a little bit embarrassed we get embarrassed because we forget somebody's birthday yeah and you ring up your friends say oh i'm really embarrassed i had it written in my diary but for some reason i forgot all about it will you ever forgive me okay so they say of course it doesn't really matter yeah yeah we don't really mind okay so to be embarrassed you forget something or someone embarrassed because you did something or didn't do something okay embarrassed okay next word is difficult to pronounce so we'll practice it overwhelmed okay so over that's one part of it wellamed overwhelmed put them together overwhelmed overwhelmed so when you're overwhelmed it means you're either taken over by something or you've lost control of something or you have had so much response to something that you don't know what to do so it can be positive and it can also be negative if you're overwhelmed with work it means you're snowed under you're up to here with work and you really don't have time to do anything else and your boss comes to you with another pile of documents you say completely overwhelmed could you not give them to somebody else please yeah or you could be overwhelmed with gratitude you know it's your birthday and you get loads of birthday cards that you really weren't expecting gifts presents phone calls what's up messages whatever you're getting oh god i'm completely overwhelmed by people's generosity i wasn't really expecting this at all so we can be overwhelmed positively or we can be overwhelmed negatively oh god what am i going to do with all this work i just don't know it's i'm completely overwhelmed i'm up to my eyes okay so remember the pronunciation over that's one part wellamed yeah and get de well and at the end overwhelmed okay okay so next on my list is baffled and again be careful with the pronunciation baffled yeah baffled so when you're baffled you're confused you're a little bit surprised but surprised to the point that you just don't understand something you know you can be surprised and oh really surprised but baffled you're scratching your head a little bit like puzzled and baffled would be similar words so you can't work something out and it just has you completely baffled so you're talking to your wife and say look i don't know how to put this together you know better you know all about this ikea furniture it completely baffles me i don't know whether you put it here put it there but somebody knows how to do it you look at the instructions and you can work them out but if like me you're not a diy specialist then you can be baffled by simple little projects like that so baffle b-a-f-f-l-e-d baffled okay so get the pronunciation baffled surprised but surprised to the point you don't know how to work it out now as i just mentioned before i mentioned the word surprise when i was talking about baffle so surprised is a little bit like baffled but surprised is positive okay i'm surprised by people's interest in this property that's on the market it doesn't look much but there are lots of people interested so i'm surprised i'm surprised that no one turned up for the the party yeah i'm surprised so surprised is something that uh catches you out or something that you can't work out for a while until you get some information or facts and then you can work out the reason or you can be surprised by the number of people who call you to congratulate you on the new job you've got you can be surprised by the number of people who called to congratulate you on your retirement yeah okay so these are all positive situations so it's a good feeling to have so when we talk about surprise it's usually positive a positive surprise if we want to talk about a negative surprise then we use another word which are going to come along to later on called shocked so surprised more positive so the other type of surprise as i said is to be shocked so shocked can be a little higher than surprise okay but usually negative so if you're surprised by the phone calls you get congratulating you on your birthday that's good if you're shocked that nobody called you you know you're you're surprised in the negative or you're shocked to see the news on the tv or in the newspaper or look it up on the internet that the stock market has fallen by 20 that could be a big surprise if you're uh hoping to have good investments okay so you're completely shocked so shocked a more negative surprise surprise more much more positive um i was shocked when i got the news that my favorite aunt had died because she she wasn't ill but i i got the news from some relatives so that's a a bad surprise a bad news a shock so to be shocked okay and then the final uh set of these i have is disgusted okay so when we are disgusted it's because it's something we just don't really like we don't like the taste of it we don't like the sound of it we don't like the sight of it okay so something disgusts us so for me cottage cheese ugh i don't like the taste of it at all at all i'm disgusted when i smell it or i see it or i taste it i disgusted by the news that some uh young guys broke into some old person's house and beat them up and took whatever money they had yeah that was you were disgusted by that news disgusted by the sight of graffiti on the walls of a nice building that has just been finished all of these things can be uh disgusting you can feel disgusted okay so when you feel bad about something you feel disgusted oh i was really disgusted to read that news i was shocked and it was terrible yeah disgusted okay so just remember when you're using adjectives that i end in ed and ing they often get confused when we're talking about ourselves and here we're talking about how we feel and we usually use edie i am disgusted i am shocked i am surprised i am embarrassed okay so we use the ed to describe how we feel okay if we want to describe a thing we always use ing it is disgusting it is shocking it is embarrassing it is surprising so always when we talk about things ing and when we talk about us and our feelings they are edie now we can't talk about people using ing but be really really careful because it does change the meaning so for example bored and boring if i say i am bored it means i've got nothing to do and i wish i had a good book to read or a movie to watch but if i say i am boring well it means nobody wants to be stuck in the corner of a party with me because i'm not so interesting okay so be very careful how you use ing when you're referring to people always use it when you're referring to things and when you're talking about your own feelings edie of course there are many many more adjectives ending in edie but these are just some that i wanted to to help you out with in terms of your feelings so let me give them to you again heartbroken trapped embarrassed overwhelmed baffled surprised shocked and disgusted and just remember the ed and ing endings on those so thanks for for listening and thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and as always join me again soon
Channel: Learn English with Harry
Views: 2,095
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Keywords: Ways to Describe How You Feel in English, english with harry, ways to describe your feelings, advanced english adjectives, adjectives ed and ing explanation, study advanced english online, adjectives to describe feelings and emotions, study english advanced level, advanced vocabulary words english learn, words for feelings in english, Vocabulary feelings and emotions, English vocabulary about feelings, Difference between adjectives ending in ed and ing, speak better english
Id: qHk_YVPZ_c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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