Let's Practice Our English Listening and Conversation Skills!

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welcome to this Saturday evening question and answer session a little bit of listening practice a little bit of conversation practice for you so for those of you that don't know I am Bob the Canadian I teach English here on YouTube if you're new here you should subscribe by the way and give me a thumbs up if my lessons help you but yes I like to on a Saturday night just let me check the technical aspect of this to me looks like I'm talking on the screen so that is great so a few things before we get started number one if you have questions about the English language please ask them using the forum that I'm going to paste into the chat right now so if you have questions post them there if you have pronunciation questions if you have questions about something that you want to be able to say in English that's great sometimes though I get a lot of questions about English grammar I don't know if a listening and conversation practice lesson like this is the best place to do that so let's look at pronunciation ask me questions about how to say certain things that would be awesome and we'll go from there so I just want to say hi to everyone who's watching so far a lot of people in the chat I'm not going to shout out all the names because there are so many of you but thank you so much for being here as you can see it is a beautiful Saturday evening here in Ontario Canada I'm really happy to do a livestream again from home I hope the quality of the live stream is good enough for you to learn and practice some English so again before we get started if you have questions if you look down there in the chat I think the chats over there on my screen it might be below on your screen I'm not sure I would be happy to answer some of them so hello hello to everyone who's watching I'm gonna take the first question we have a few here so what I do is I paste your question into the chat so you can see here that Boden says hi what does the word supercede mean and how do I use it correctly so you'll notice when I read your question I correct the English as well so I won't always read it word for word because I will read it the way an English speaker would actually say it so supersede means when something takes over the number one spot so if your favorite football team was always the second team in the league and eventually they win enough that they supersede so they become more important they become higher in the ranking we can use this for a lot of things sometimes things in life supersede other things so for instance my family is more important than my youtube channel sorry so my family supersedes my youtube channel hopefully that made some sense let me find the next question I'm not sure this is a question but it's from Fernando he says oh no I just figured out I don't have money to pay the bill I should have gotten my wallet from home and I'm in a restaurant so I don't know if this is actually happening with Fernando but it sounds like he's out having something to eat and he has forgotten its wallet sorry I shouldn't I shouldn't really laugh should I so anyways again if you have questions post them in the chat I will try to get to them if you are asking questions in the chat it Scrolls by so quickly I can't answer them so please do use the forum that would be awesome and also I might not get through all the questions today so we'll see how things go next question from leo says leo from brazil hi Bob my son is going to Canada in September for as public exchange oh it's a public exchange service for his school could you please give him some advice so first of all if he's going to be studying in an english-speaking school I would say don't hang out with the other people who speak Portuguese okay don't hang out with the others people who speak your language that's the number one piece of advice that I give people if they study in another school make sure that you listen to your teachers and get to know your teachers in some cultures teachers aren't very friendly but in Canada teachers are very friendly they like to know their students so talk to your teacher at the end of class every day greet your teacher every day be kind to your teacher I would say buy them gifts but that's that's your choice so that would be Leo that would be the advice I would give next question here is from Natalie could you please clarify the difference in pronunciation between these two words accept and accept so it's very slight right like everyone went on the trip except for me except exc EPT except sometimes people want to give me money and I just need to accept the money I need to accept it so one thing you can know is that you can almost say these two words the same in informal English there is a difference but if you're speaking quickly people might not notice okay so that's what I would tell you again folks see lots of questions in the chat if you have a question please use the forum there it helps keep things organized and it makes Bob the Canadian really really happy this let me clear some things out here and janae has the next question and it is the most difficult thing for me in English is to use articles correctly the and or an and pluralization my language lacks articles and pluralization works very differently so this is a challenge believe it or not a lot of listening practice will help you because subconsciously without thinking your brain will learn these things okay the same with when I was learning French you're learning to use look or lie because there's feminine and masculine nouns it's a challenge but listening is one of your best things to do to listen to native speakers and listen for the an the AA and the DA and listen for the plurals and again I apologize a lot for the English language that is a challenging challenging thing to learn next question is from lolly lolly asks or says hi Bob please what's the difference between motion movement and gesture so if I take my water bottle and you'll see that let's see how would I say this there is movement right now right when I'm moving the water bottle there is movement and it is in motion when I am moving it so I can only really give you examples of me using the word when you watch this video you'll see that there's a lot of movement of the branches when the wind is blowing they are in motion when the wind is blowing so those two hopefully that clarified a bit with some example sentences for the last one gesture so gestures are actually hand signals that mean something so in English this means come here this means stop this means awesome or cool there's another one I won't do that is a bad word but hopefully that was a bit of an explanation for you lolly there you go next question let me grab the next question here from lolly again excellent says print oh the pronunciation of want versus won't so I want to drink some water want wamt I want to drink some but I won't drink any right now because people don't like it when I make a slurping sound but I want to drink water but I won't maybe I will one sec mmm that's good okay next one question is from Nelson Nelson Villamizar says how long does it take to learn English after at thirty years of age so if you're 30 years old so a lot just depends on how much time you have every day so if you're 30 years old and you're married and you have six children and you have a full-time job it's going to take you longer because you don't have as much time to spend learning English but if you are thirty years old and maybe you only have one or two children and you only work part-time you will have more time to dedicate so it's hard to say because some people learn English faster than other people as well but I would say if you spent one hour a day for three years you would be quite fluent as long as you're doing remember you're reading you're writing you're listening you're speaking and you're learning vocabulary every day those are the things that you need to focus on let me post the link again for you folks if you have questions please ask them over there let me grab the next question here the next question is from Andy Oh let's see how this one goes Bob the Canadian isn't always great at explaining these andy says if I do not say when something happened in the past may I use present perfect example John Doe has crashed his car so I was gonna skip this one because I don't like doing grammar examples but if you do not say when something happened so if I said yesterday John Doe crashed his car or if I said John Doe crashed his car yesterday or if I say John Doe crashed his car they are all correct that is how you would say that John Doe crashed his car hopefully he's okay we'll see anyways folks again grammar questions not my strong suit and this is mostly a listening conversation practice so try to ask me questions that if you need to learn grammar there's lots of videos for learning grammar right so here we go Matthew has the next question these are great questions tonight people hi Matthew says hi teacher so my question is do you think of a person who studied American English and kind of like never heard any other accent may have some problems or trouble we would probably say trouble their understanding other native speakers possibly now here's the thing I'm Canadian I speak Canadian English I can understand people from the UK from Ireland from Australia from the southern United States I can understand them all fine but sometimes they have one or two words that are different and that can kind of trip you up when you're tripped up it means it's hard to understand something so yes so in some ways you if you only learned understand one person speaking it might be a little bit of a challenge but in terms of the the structure of the sentences everything's the same it's just an accent that you have to adapt to a little bit so hopefully that helps you that was from Matthew thank you very much next question is from Wagner thanks for the question Wagner Wagner says how does the expression figure out work so when you figure something out you solve it so if I have a math problem one plus one I have to figure out what the answer is okay so I'm going to figure it out I'm going to solve it I'm going to I guess I'm just using figure out over and over again but when you figure something out it means you solve it if you have a puzzle or if someone tells you a riddle that's a good one you need to figure out what the answer is hopefully that helps you a bit next question is from papi chulo hi papi you were here yesterday good to see you again let's see here papi chulo says Bob could you explain the phrasal verb to come down to something so I'm not sure if you're using the verb to come down with something so if you come down with something it means that you're getting sick so I can come down with a cold I can come down with the flu that is how I would use that to come down to something the only I can think for that is if you wanted a certain price for something and I didn't want to pay it I might come down to your price so you wanted $10 I only wanted to pay I wanted sorry you wanted to pay $10 for something and I wanted to charge 20 I could come down to your price but I think you meant come down with I think I'm not sure it sounded good though I think that was a great explanation um let's see the next question is from Catherine hi Catherine says hello sir I do not know how to say how to ask in English correctly when I need someone to help me or if it's convenient for them so if you need someone to help you so you're you're just out in public and you need to ask someone you start by saying excuse me would you mind helping me with whatever you need help with so let's say you need help carrying your groceries you would say excuse me would you mind helping me carry my groceries to the car or excuse me would you mind lending me $20 No don't do that would but you would use that conditional would like would you mind you could also say could you so you could say excuse me could you help me find the bank okay so those two add a degree of politeness to the question so that's how I would do that let's see here again folks I see people asking a lot of grammar questions let's try to keep the conversation light I know grammar is difficult for you but here's a question where diesel gizelle says what book or which book would you recommend for a level b1 so I would recommend at level b1 that you look at the New York Times bestseller list for fiction or nonfiction because at level b1 you should be able to read anything that's on the bestseller list you don't need to read young adult fiction you can read what I'm reading okay I'm not reading anything right now though but you can read a book that a normal English speaker would read I'm a B 1 C 1 French speaker and I can read any French book I might have to look up some words once in a while but that's the way it goes hey Zhu says this is a so hay-zu says what up up up I want to ask you how can I know if my accent is good I don't know what to ask you so that's a tricky one how do you know if your accent is good you need to find a native speaker and you need to ask them so you need to have a conversation that's for sure I see a lot of people posting that they really enjoy my videos thank you very much I don't forget to do a few things if you're new here click the subscribe button give me a thumbs up there's a little thumb up button somewhere somewhere around here and share my video with other people I love it the more people that watch the better the more I like it it's kind of fun to know that and I was gonna say something else subscribe like share Oh leave a comment although there's so many comments now I do have trouble answering them all so let's see here I think I answered this one we just did hey Zeus we're gonna go to the next one this is from Juan he says Juan says what is your motivation to make these English learning videos so what is my motivation so I have always liked technology ever since I was a little kid my first computer I got when I was 12 my parents bought me a computer I had to share it with my brother and all along the way I have always loved using computers it's a lot of fun for me so when I got this MacBook it had iMovie on it and I wanted to practice making some movies I hadn't really done a lot of movie making so I made a movie and I thought what should I make it on and I always wanted to try YouTube as well so I thought I'll make a video to help people learn English I am a language teacher I teach French so I thought there's a lot of people in the world that want to learn French but there's a lot of native French speakers teaching French so I don't want to teach French but I am a native English speaker who knows how to teach a language so I decided I would start a YouTube channel I really just started it to learn how to do it but then people started watching my videos and they liked them so I made more so I just get some joy out of it I think that's that would be my explanation genre genre is here thanks for the super chat on yesterday morning Jean Jean Jean or genre what is the difference between fun and funny so when something's fun it's enjoyable to do so for instance going swimming is fun driving a jet ski or a seadoo is fun hanging out with friends is fun but funny means that it is something you laugh at so if I tell a joke I'm funny if it's enjoyable to hang out with me if it's enjoyable to be with me then I am a fun person but if I tell a lot of jokes and I make people laugh then I am a funny person so that's how that one would go let me paste the link again for folks let's see here next question is from Heinz says hi teacher how can I practice my English so I mentioned it earlier and hopefully all of you are doing this you need to read everyday you need to write everyday you need to listen everyday even if it's just music you need to speak everyday even if you're just speaking to yourself and you need to learn some new vocabulary if you did this for one hour every day if you disciplined yourself and plan to do this you would do really really well let's see here this next question is from Kyle or Chow could you say a little bit about your motivation to make great videos for us because you have a farm to take care of family and another profession so again I always need to have a hobby this is kind of my hobby so I do work hard during the day I do relax what I need to I do play with my kids a lot and then in the middle time in the in-between time of all that and I do spend lots of time with my wife and I do work on the farm I think I said all this I do just like to do something for fun so making videos and doing YouTube for me is quite enjoyable I really really like doing it so that would be my motivation so folks I know some of you you realize I'm getting a little behind in the questions that's just life that's gonna happen I'll try to keep up as best I can but sometimes I fall behind but here's the next question Alessandro says why the difference go to the beach go to church or go downtown so you're asking why we didn't put the the there so we we say go to the beach and we say go to church we say go to go downtown oh yeah I don't know that's a tricky one isn't it because we say things like I need to go to the grocery store or I'm going to go to I'm gonna stop by the school I'm going to pick the kids up from school so again it's just something that you need to listen to sometimes we put the in front sometimes we don't there's probably a rule about it and I just don't know it because I'm a native speaker so that's a tricky one very very tricky so again folks if you have questions use the forum you can do it I know you can sorry Alessandro of that explanation wasn't great I'm better with pronunciation explanations Adrian says pronunciation of the words studying where and were thank you teacher so studying today you are all studying English right now by watching this so you are studying so that is how we pronounce that word studying if you are wondering where my water bottle is my water bottle is right here so that's how we would use the word where where where's my water bottle it's right here and then were so yesterday we were studying English we there was a live stream yesterday morning and a lot of us were studying English we were learning about travel there I almost forgot what yesterday's lesson was about but we're studying travel hi Jen Jen's just waving right now let's see next one is from Katherine Katherine says hello sir could you explain to me in what situation we would use the words by the way so if I'm talking about one thing and I want to talk about something else for a little bit I would use by the way to join them so if I said this water is really good by the way a gen just walked by so it's a way to connect two unrelated ideas so if I was to say yesterday I did a lesson on travel a live lesson on travel by the way if you were there some people were happy so I kind of it's like a connector or a segue to another idea so it's kind of a filler word is how I would describe it a word that simply fills in a connection between two things gang lululu Oh King you guys do you guys laugh at me when I try to pronounce your names so Gong Luo says hi Bob can you say the word Paul and power and how to distinguish them by pronunciation so Paul is a name in English I actually have a student named Paul so PA ul is Paul Paul and then power I'm saying I'm really accentuating the syllables power is something like when you're strong you have a lot of power when you plug something into the wall we say connect it to power I'm not sure if you knew that but that's how we say Paul and power so Nexon says Nixon says how can I use the phrasal verb shape up so when you need to shape up it means you need to do a better job so let's say at work you're really slow and you drop things all the time and you're just not a good worker your boss might say you need to shape up because if you don't shape up we're gonna fire you you're gonna lose your job if you don't shape up so it means if you're working at a certain level and you're not doing a good job you need to do a better job at your job so that's what shape thought means and there's a saying shape up or ship out that's an old saying that means you know get your act together do better work or you're going to be let go Douglas is the next question thanks Douglas for the question Douglas says how can I improve my pronunciation so this is a challenging one a lot of people want to know how to do this so there are YouTube videos and I recommend that you do a search for how to improve my english pronunciation because they'll show you where how to hold your mouth and where to put your tongue when you say certain words that can be really helpful for people so I recommend that as number one so do some shadowing of people who are teaching you know when you make the the sound that your tongue sticks out just a tiny bit that would be a great thing to do let's see here Darby Jean says Darby Jean Darby Jean Louise or Darby Jean Louis depending on how you pronounce it hi Bob is it possible to learn two languages simultaneously yes but I can't do it I think some people are really good at learning languages and they can do two at once I can't there's just no way that I could do two languages at once I can I can learn one at a time and that's it because when this is going to sound funny but when I'm near people speaking a different language I like to start speaking French even if they're speaking Chinese or Russian I for some reason my mind clicks into language to mode and I start doing that but some people can so people are pretty good at learning more than one thing at a time I cannot do that at all next question is from Roderigo Roderigo from Brazil says hi Bob please what's the difference between lonely and alone so alone is a state of being I am sitting at this picnic table alone okay I am by myself there is no one else here so I would describe this as I am alone if you are lonely though it's a feeling so even when you are around other people you can feel lonely when you feel lonely you feel like no one is talking to you no one visits you and so you have a feeling that and that feeling is loneliness so you feel lonely whereas if you're alone you're just by yourself I'm quite happy out here by myself so I'm not too worried let's see here a lot of people in the chat saying my videos are excellent thank you very much for that that's awesome if you are new here again subscribe like do all that you to be stuff also don't forget to watch this again tomorrow it'll have subtitles for those of you that are having some trouble understanding what I'm saying tomorrow when you watch this video again if you watch it a second time it'll have subtitles that's always good for your learning next Binyam says what type of person is a cool person I think everyone in the chat is a cool person I think anyone that's learning English is a cool person but in the world things might be a little different I think sometimes people think that movie stars are cool people or people who who are like rock stars like people who are in a band like Taylor Swift is a cool person or Shawn Mendes is a cool person but for me I think anyone who is taking time to learn something new is a cool person that's what that's what I like let me get to the next few questions folks again if you need to ask a question there is a link in the description too by the way Wanderlei says what's the difference between to answer and to respond Thanks so you asked a question and now I'm going to respond you asked a question and now I'm going to answer so they are the same so you can say oh well I think I'll respond it makes you sound a little more intelligent maybe if you use the verb respond but they mean the same thing absolutely the same thing Irina says hello everyone hello Irina what is the difference between disappeared and vanish thank you in advance so if I drink all this water I could say that it disappeared I could also say that it vanished so it's the same I should drink some of this so it's the same we don't use the word vanish a lot anymore though people would recognize it but generally we say disappeared it's a lot more common not to say to disappear let's see here Angie I hope I'm saying your name right Angie says how difficult was it for you to learn the grammatical gender system of nouns in French as a native English speaker since English lacks them very difficult in fact I get them wrong all the time I sometimes I say Lapham and sometimes I say look palm and then people look at me funny so it's very challenging very very challenging I wish that either English had them and they were the same but that would make it harder for all of you wouldn't it but yeah that was that was a challenge for me by the way for those of you that don't know the other thing I think that helps me teach English is that I have learned a second language okay you see a beautiful sea so I learned French I speak it relatively well but the experience of learning another language has helped me to explain ways that you can learn English as well so I'm similar to all of you in that I have learned a language Clayton says I hope this message hi Bob I hope this message finds you well how can I improve my listening for the IELTS test thanks first of all do all of the IELTS practice material that you can find by nei eltz practice material that you can find because some of them have practice listening exercises also if you've never taken the test before the test itself is good practice I know you want to pass the first time and you want to get an amazing grade the first time but when I took my I took the test Oh apparently my phone just told me I'm live right now so thanks vote when I took my so I went to the Allianz francais for my French test and I did the CEF our test the first time I did the test was actually just a great experience because when I did my b2 test I knew more of what was expected so fine practice materials online search YouTube for IELTS listening practice tests that would be a great thing to do as well next question let's see how do I pronounce hi Bob how do I pronounce the letter H when it's aspirated do I have to breathe out I don't know how I say it I just like just say it I would recommend that you find a good YouTube video on technique for use pronouncing and aspirated H okay because I think it's a little bit challenging to do and I'm not the best person to teach you that but that's what I would do certainly you can find a great video that will give you excellent techniques for how to do that let's see Mohamad says hi Bob hi Mohammed could you please tell me how to pronounce contagious and give me a sentence on how to use it so when I am sick I could be contagious which means other people could get sick if I coffin them or if I touch them so when you have a cold when your nose is stuffed up or a flu where your stomach is sore you could be contagious and then other people can get sick if they are close to you um let's see here next question from lolly says lolly lolly says let's see here if I study four hours a day every day can I hope to become fluent in English in two years I would say if you study four hours a day every day and you already have a little bit of English knowledge you could be fairly fluent in one year it really depends on where you are if you were in an english-speaking country and you were forced to always speak English you're gonna you're going to learn a lot faster if you're at home though four hours a day is a remarkable amount and then remember to balance right so you're listening you're reading writing listening speaking learning vocabulary make sure you're doing all that that's just a great thing to do let me see here I'm just gonna paste the link again I have a lot of questions to go through tonight folks so we'll see how far I get I'm just gonna keep going and hopefully we can get through a lot of these so sorry if you've waited a long time for your question to show up Mon Saif says what's the difference between let's get started and let's start nothing so if I was to say we got an English lesson here let's get started we got an English lesson here let's start you can use them interchangeably they're the same thing yeah I would use let's get started though because I think it means it feels like it has a bit more energy to it this is a good one I use this word a lot so Pablo Campos says what's the difference between people and folks so I use them the same and I use them to talk about all of the people who are watching or to talk about the students in my class so I'll say to my class when I'm teaching ok people let's get started or I'll say ok folks let's get started it's just a way to address a group of people so it's not the same as the normal word people it's actually you're using it as a name so you can say oh I have a lot of people in my class but I could also say okay people quiet down let's get started or ok people okay folks quiet down let's start I was trying to use the other example with that but I don't think it worked too well anyways that's how you would do it that's how you would use those to Pablo that was from Pablo right let's see here there's a few people asking questions in the chat and sometimes people get frustrated I know there were a few comments last week because I didn't answer questions from the chat but it goes by too quick there's a link use the link I'll try to get to you I'll try to get to all the questions that I have to answer let me just get the next one so we can keep going so this is from Alex and this is a question that a lot of people learning English have alex says how to use to and at in an expression she's mad at me or she's mad to me so she is mad at you okay we do not say the second one I don't want to say it again because it's wrong I only like to say English phrases that are correct so you would say she's mad at me or you could say she's angry with me doesn't that make it a pain like she's mad at me she's angry with me sorry sorry English is weird I should make a t-shirt that says English is weird that would be a good t-shirt I think if you think I should make a t-shirt that says English is weird in the in the chat just say yes for me right now to say yes make that t-shirt English is weird no my example would be everything comes down to money oh that's great so we're going back to Papi's other question his example his question was using comes down to so everything comes down to money or everything comes down to having enough money everything comes down to enjoying life it means that at the very basis of everything at the bottom what is most important that's why we say comes down to so if you were to say if you wanted to for instance go on a long trip in order to have fun it all comes down to taking your time and just enjoying yourself so it's really the base or the most important thing about it a lot of people are saying yes in the chat they want me to make a t-shirt that says English is English is weird or English is crazy or I love English I don't know let's see here next question genre genre says what is 8 so this is the same as isn't so this this is water this isn't something else this ain't something else we don't use the word ain't very much anymore when I was a kid people used the word ain't a lot and it's the same as isn't so 8 equals isn't you do not need to use the word ain't ever but you should recognize it because people will use that word let's see here her nan says here we go her non-elites lit Co says what is the topic today so her nun here's how it works yesterday I did a live lesson on travel the Friday morning live lesson always has a topic we've done travel we've done technology we've done sports that was a good one a lot of people watched it the topic one day was money so on Friday morning at 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time I do a live lesson and it always has a topic this is a conversation and pronunciation live lesson so all we do here is there is a link to a forum I take questions I answer as many questions I can I go about an hour and a half and we just enjoy each other's company so that's what this is so no topic I guess that's what I'm saying there's no actual topic today let's see another question this is from Joe sue Ortega how long does it take to master writing interesting so the more you do one of the five things the better you'll get at it so if you do a lot of writing you will get better at writing and how long really depends on how much time you put in but if you spent a whole hour everyday writing you in English you would get really good at it but I would say it really just depends but try to do a balance you know do your listening do you do your reading your writing your listing your speaking your vocab try to keep a balance in all those things let's see here a few more thank yous in the chat for my other videos awesome I see a few questions in the chat I've posted the link again if you could use that link that would be awesome let's see is it oh this is a good one how says is it oh is it okay if then if native speakers don't pronounce the T sound in the middle of some words could you get could you give me some examples please so in the middle of some words so the best one is often so oft en and when we speak really quickly it often sounds like we're not saying the T because we're not really did you hear that it often sounds like we're not saying the T I should be saying the T okay if I was a correct speaker and I was speaking in front of a group of people I would try to say often it often sounds like we don't pronounce the see the the T but yeah often we don't did you hear that often we don't say the T so um you'll just have to listen and learn to figure out ah let's see here we have a question about visiting Canada so RT ute says I would like to visit Canada what would you recommend I would recommend that you visit Canada for sure so here I think last week a few people asked this as well and yesterday we talked about travel and a few people asked if you come to Canada it's a big country so you have to decide if you want to visit the east coast the middle or the west coast if you visit the west coast you should visit Vancouver you should visit Banff which is a huge national park and you should visit Vancouver Island in the city of Victoria if you are coming to the middle which is Ontario you should visit Ottawa which is our nation's capital the cap by the way it's Canada Day on Monday did you know that July 1st is Canada Day woohoo we're a cool country visit Ottawa and Niagara Falls and if you go to the east coast I recommend that you visit the Bay of Fundy it would be difficult though to visit all those places in one trip because Canada is so vast it is a very very big country let me get the next question here we go let's see let's see let's see oh here's one alized Rick says I sometimes come across words which I don't know when I watch the news how can I deal with that Thanks so it's good that you mentioned that you're watching the news because the cool thing about the news is you can read the news online and then you can watch the news on your television or on your phone what that allows you to do is if you hear a story let's say there's a story about how there's a the news story is that there's a huge celebration in Ottawa on Monday to celebrate Canada Day so you see this this news story on TV and you don't understand all of it quickly go to your computer and go to Google News and find some written articles about the huge celebration in Ottawa for candidate a that's what I would that's what I would do let's see here let's see Marta has a question the question is Marta says hi Bob what is the difference between happy and glad well today I'm happy and today I am glad they are pretty much the same thing although what I would say is we don't usually say I am glad you can it's correct to say that we usually say I am happy but the way we do use glad is we say things like well I'm glad I brought some water out here today because I'm thirsty or I'm glad I brought some bug spray out today because there's lots of mosquitoes so that's how we use the word glad a lot more than happy I can say the same thing I can say I'm happy I brought water odor I'm glad but if you are feeling happy we usually use the word happy and not the word glad Thank You Marta that was a great question let's see here the next one is lolly lolly says ask out and ask after can you explain please so if you ask someone out I'm not sure if that's the context it would mean that you are interested in them romantically so for instance if I was to say before I was married and I met Jen at a party and I said I asked her out it means that I asked if she wanted to go on a date if she wanted to go out for something to eat with me because I was interested romantically so that's what asked out means in terms of ask after it simply means that you're inquiring about someone so if I went to the library and I asked after yeah we don't even say it that way we usually say ask about now you go and ask about someone but you can say ask after as well it's just a little bit I think it's become a little archaic to say it that way to ask after someone but it means you're inquiring about that person okay let's get the form in here again I know I'm not getting to all of your questions quickly but I will try to keep answering them Marina says here's your next one folks Marina says what is the difference between far and away so we use them together first of all so you could say that someone moved far and away there's even a movie called that I think far and away but anyways let's talk about far in a way if we were to talk about that tree over there I would say that tree is far I could also say that tree is far away I could also say that tree is a long ways away okay so that would be all the things I could say referring to distance so the tree is far the tree is far away the tree is a long ways away but we use the word away differently as well we could say tomorrow I'm going to go away which simply means I'm going to go out hopefully that makes a little bit of sense so next question is from rachel ting hi Rachel welcome to the life lesson rachel says hi Bob how do you use stuff I hope it's not a silly question so wait in English no it's not a silly question in English we use the word stuff all the time like I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow I have to pick up a lot of stuff in the yard there's a whole bunch of stuff in my van that I need to clean up stuff is like a general term for things okay I think the closest yeah I'm not sure what the closest word in French would be maybe poke that I'm not sure but anyways we just have stuff right so when I move I have to pack my stuff when I go to school I don't want to forget all my stuff at home which is just the things that I would bring that day so that's actually a great question Rachel because you will hear the word stuff in English a lot like right now I have all the stuff that I need to do a live stream okay I have all the things that I need to do a live stream so that's a great question stuff man we say that word a lot the word stuff we in English first sir let's see here next one is let me just check for a sec so manly so this word we don't use this word a lot so its electricity electricity I think it should be alacrity though let me just make sure I know what I'm talking about because alacrity is like to be cheerful I like yeah I think it's alacrity let me put it in the in the chat so morning sir could you explain what is alacrity means so it's a lack crit T and we don't need to worry about this word people because we don't use this word very often but it means cheerful brisk cheerful ready those kinds of things you might see it in a book but you're not gonna hear that word very often let's see here next question is from Murillo says my house is near the river is the same Oh is there a song by Sting called my house stands near the river so a house can be or a house can stand we usually use the word be are the verb be so you could say my house is on a hill my house is out in the country my house is beside the river you could also say stand but it's more it's a more formal way to describe you know my house stands on the top of the hill or my house stands near a river you can hear my voice I'm sounding a little more formal when I say that so that's how that would work Belkis oops I made a mistake let me click the right one Belkis has a question Belkis Perez says can you pronounce these words hair this is my hair her so Jen is over there somewhere I talked to her earlier today but she is not going to be in the live stream this week I know I promised you she would be in the live stream some day and then bull so a bowl is something that you eat cereal or soup out of right full so that was here her and Bowl Warner says has a great question Warner says how much for a sunflower actually they're $1 each did you know that that's what we sell them for and I love your videos then you all know that videos in the chat is spelled wrong right but thank you very much Warner how much for a sunflower I wonder if that's my neighbor from Market watching my livestream probably not I'm sure Warner's from somewhere else but yes we do grow flowers we have some sunflowers not a lot yet though they're starting to grow let me get this tidied up for a moment let's see here so there's a challenging one because there's so many examples but Ginny says what is the difference between of and with things of me things with me so we wouldn't say things of me we would say I have to take a lot of things with me but we wouldn't say things of me so I'm not sure if you were using things or think because we can say I hope that you think of me that's with a K think of me think of me and then you wouldn't say think with me though so I know that's it that's a challenging question sorry I didn't quite answer that clearly let's see here Jose says Jose says what skill is more important to improve first listening and speaking and why thanks mister Bob so your most important skill to start with is vocabulary your next most important skill is reading your next most important skill is writing and when you have those three going after a month or two you should start listening and speaking at the same time you should almost whenever you listen to something pause it once in a while and say it out loud but I would say they're equal i I think that vocab is the entry into a language vocabulary is the door to start learning a language and then reading you can read as slowly as you want to write so that's kind of cool and then writing you can write as slow as you want to so your brain doesn't have to think really quickly in English to do those two things but as soon as you start listening and speaking you have to go faster so I would do them both at the same time let's see here this is a I like this statement Lewis says good evening Bob let's not only learn English but also exchange cultures so one thing that I think is very cool about getting to know some of you on YouTube and I know we don't really know each other well but I just like it that so many people from so many parts of the world have interacted with me and watched my videos it makes me love the world more okay should I make a t-shirt that says love the world yeah why do I want to make t-shirts that's a great one though let me tidy up here again I'm gonna skip one of these questions the some of these are repeats so people have asked them twice Marlin has a question here Marlin says hi teacher what's the difference between take and give so if I could hand you this bottle through the camera I would give it to you okay I would give you this bottle and you're on the other side you would take the bottle from me okay so if I to give is to have something and then you are giving it to someone else so you're saying here you and then to take is to receive it hopefully that made some sense I don't know if that made sense oh yes so Michael says how important is repetition in learning a foreign language even when I already know all the vocabulary in the video then it is less important so if you are understanding 90% of the words in a video or a movie or a television show just watch more episodes of the same television show don't listen to it twice or three times the only time you should listen to it two or three times is if you are working on your listening practice you might want to listen to it a second time with subtitles on you might want to listen to it a second time and slow it down a little bit but if you are understanding 80 or 90% of what you are hearing I would just watch more instead of repeating that's what I would do Michael let's see here oh here's a nice one as well oh I just deleted it that's not what I wanted to do huh I undeleted it don't worry my name is Jeff pronunciation of a there and there okay so they are going to fireworks tomorrow night I hope that their car doesn't break down and I hope that they're good while they're there that makes sense they let's see they are going to fireworks I'm going to put these in the chat tomorrow get tight they are going to fireworks tomorrow I hope that their car doesn't break down on the way and then I hope that they're good while they're there how's that one I hope that they're good while they're there there you go excuse me let's see here question from Locke Locke says good morning Bob do you have some tips for English learners to deal with situations that we completely do not understand what others are just saying especially formal situations so learn all of the polite ways to ask people to slow down or to repeat themselves so English speakers don't mind if you say could you speak a little more slowly please my English is not so good or you could say I'm sorry I didn't quite catch what you said could you could you repeat yourself please so use a lot of the the polite English words say please and you say could or would would you be able to repeat that please I wasn't able to catch what you were saying those would be great ways to do it even if it's formal in a formal situation if you are polite if you use your please and thank yous people will will respond to that papi chulo says what is the difference between American pronunciation and Canadian pronunciation to me you sound you both sound pretty similar yes we do sound similar my understanding is that Canadians have a flatter sounding kind of English there's nothing amazing about our our accent you can hear when I say words like about or when I say words like vote I say them a little differently than an American our vocabulary is 99.9% identical because Canadians watch a lot of American TV because America is our biggest trading partner for business American and Canadian English is very similar as I mentioned before I went to university in the United States and I had zero problems understanding or doing well in America hey lots of people watching we're gonna keep going but if you're new here you should click the subscribe button below and give me a thumbs up and share this video and leave a comment I'll try to respond but you know there's so many comments lately it's starting to be a challenge so folks if I don't answer your question it was probably repeat because I have to kind of move along here Farooq Jabari says I'm going to pass my IELTS speaking test tomorrow do you have any suggestions for me so first of all notice the difference in English between to take a test and to pass a test so tomorrow you are going to take a test okay if you take the test and you do well you might pass the test so that's the difference and my recommendation to you is get a really good night's sleep that is probably the most important thing to do eat a good breakfast so that you have lots of energy to think maybe have a cup of tea or coffee with a little bit of caffeine in it let's see here Wagner has a question here related to stuff and things so what is what's the difference says Wagner between thing and stuff so it would be things because when I say stuff it already is plural like I have lots of stuff okay I would never have one stuff you don't okay so I have lots of things here so I can do a live stream I have my laptop I have my water bottle I have my camera and my microphone I have lots of things here I also have lots of stuff here so you can use them interchangeably in that situation my van is really messy there's all kinds of things on the floor of my van there's all kinds of stuff on the floor of my van I think someone's going by in a jet ski behind me in the river but I don't think my Wi-Fi works that far away to show you let's see here I'm just kind of moving through some of the questions next one is from nile treaty please say you're the better rapping ha ha my question is how can i improve my vocabulary a lot so one of the best ways to improve vocabulary is to read books because and read all different kinds of books ok read read novels read biographies autobiographies fiction nonfiction so stories that are not true fiction is not true and nonfiction is true read everything just read read read and look up words like crazy reading is the best way to expand your vocabulary let me post the link again although I don't know if I'm going to get to all the questions let's get rid of that one Matthew is asking a question here Matthew's question is I'm from Brazil and my biggest dream is to live abroad do you know how or what I can do to live in Canada and get Canadian citizenship what kind of jobs am i likely to get so first of all I'm not sure exactly how the immigration process works I would find I would do a search for Government of Canada website immigration from Brazil and you might get some specific information I do believe that it is fairly easy to immigrate from Brazil as we have really good agreements with your country but I would do that first do a Google search and get some real information not from not from Bob the Canadian who doesn't always know what he's talking about let's see here ciao or sow says what do you think about recording a video having English conversations with some of your YouTube learners I would do that that would be fun let me think about that one I should write that down somewhere shouldn't I so that I don't forget that's a great idea I could ask a few questions and have you answer them in video form and send me the video and then put it all together in one video that's a great idea if we do that ciao you'll have to tell me how to pronounce your name let's see here next question is from Juan Hernandez let me go back to child Oh Joe can you email me at Bob at Bob the Canadian comm there's my email address in the chat this is for child the person who asked the question what do you think about recording a video having English conversations with some of your could you email me and then we'll we'll work that out I want to make sure you're in it next question I think I pasted it already Juan Hernandez says what part of Canada are you from I am from the province of Ontario and if you look on Google Maps at the City of Hamilton I live just outside of Hamilton Ontario Canada and the next one is do you also speak French I do speak French but it is a learned language for me so I am a bilingual Canadian officially but I did not grow up in the province of Quebec or in the eastern part of Canada or in the parts of Ontario or Manitoba where people speak French so I am NOT a native French speaker but I do teach French so you're a native French speaker you should move to Canada and teach French there's lots of jobs Kazu Yamashita says hi Bob do you have anyone who helps make videos or do you do them all by yourself I do them all by myself but my wife helps me with some aspects of it she makes sure that things look good and she gives me advice all the time and she helps me plan some things but I do everything myself my oldest son is also really good at video so when I have questions about editing I ask him but I do all the video I do all the editing I do everything myself start to end that's what I do let's see here let me delete a few of these the next question is from Coach nev says hi how to use the phrase about two so like i'm about to drink some water it's something you say just before you do something i'm about to show you the can of bug spray so it's something you say when you're you're just before you do something you say that you're about to do it so i'm about to get the next question maybe you just wanted me to say about because when i say it it sounds kind of funny because i have a Canadian accent bear of Ilsan hi bear Wilson how are you can you pronounce a war and were so yesterday I wore a coat I hope that they were warm enough so I put two sentences in the chat I'm not sure if they've shown up yet but yesterday I wore a coat I hope that they oh I made a mistake there I hope that they were warm enough wonder if I can delete my own I made a mistake on that one let me get rid of it remove yeah I think it's gone now so the second one I hope that they were warm enough so yesterday I wore a coat I hope that they were warm enough tricky vinΓ­cius is here there we go got all the regulars coming in now awesome regulars are people that watch the video all the time vinΓ­cius says hi Bob can you tell us about education steps in Canada here in Brazil we have basically five steps infant fundamental middle and Superior schools and postgraduates so in Canada you have kindergarten you have junior kindergarten and senior kindergarten when you are four or five years old you go to kindergarten so junior kindergarten four-year-olds senior kindergarten five-year-olds and kindergarten is a German word I think I don't know why we use it then you go from grade one to Grade eight is called elementary school or grade school so you can use either word but I have kids in elementary school or grade school so that's grade one to eight from until you are aged thirteen twelve or thirteen then you go to high school high school is grade nine through twelve high school takes you up to age 17 or 18 so I teach out of high school so my students are between the ages of thirteen fourteen up to age 18 after that you go to either college or university college is where you learn practical skills like filmmaking bricklaying plumbing construction nursing university is where you go to learn things like philosophy history to be a teacher etc so from the bottom to the top your kids if you were in Canada go to kindergarten then they go from grade one to grade eight that's a grade school or elementary school then they go to high school which we also call secondary school so high school or secondary school grade nine to twelve and then you go to college or university that was hard to explain I think that was a great question Maryna keeps asking the difference between far and away but marina I did I did have a look at that sorry I know I'm Way behind in the questions Fabio has a question here says could you explain the difference between achievement and accomplishment so it is a great accomplishment that I have made 100 videos on YouTube it is a great achievement that I have made 100 videos on YouTube actually there's more than that isn't it and I don't think they're that great of an achievement so we could use accomplishment and achievement in that sense we could use them the same same meaning one says Juan from Ecuador is it true that Canada has the best public workers in each ministry well that depends if you mean by in the government maybe well Oh Enrique Alexandra has given me a super shot Thanks on reak a sometimes people like to give me a little bit of money to buy some coffee or tea tomorrow so that's nice thank you very much we have good government and we have good ministers in our government but I'm not sure I would say they're the best we do a pretty good job I think overall but I think all countries have their problems let's see here Alexandre says so is that rial Enric Alexandre that's real right that's Brazilian money probably anyways Alexander says are you use if and whether frequently and what's the difference between it thanks a lot so that's a tricky one if and whether so if you are thirsty you drink my phone's making lots of noise sorry about that it's all part of the lesson if I'm thirsty I drink and I would drink whether if I was to say I would drink some water whether I was thirsty or not it means that it wouldn't matter if I was thirsty that was a really poor explanation I'm sorry Alexander hopefully that made some sense to you Lewis says Bob what's the correct way to say I learned a new word in English or I did learn a new word in English I would say I learned a new word in English today today I learned a new word in English I did learn a new word in English is not incorrect it's just not how we would say it okay so you could say yesterday I did if someone said you didn't learn any new words today did you you could say I did learn a new word in English today so it's where you're affirming you know boldly or strongly that you that you actually did something if someone was doubting you you might say it that way Dubey is here hi doobie how are you doing doobie hi Bob today your live stream is coming earlier luckily I caught it on time please tell me more about yourself how many kids do you have what old is the youngest so my youngest kid is 9 my oldest kid is 18 I have been married for 22 years my wife's name is Jen the farm I live on was my mum and dad's farm and my wife and I bought it from my mum a number of years ago in the barn over there my parents used to milk pounds we had dairy cows and my dad passed away I think over 20 years ago now my dad passed away at the age of 56 he was very very young he had a heart attack so my mom has been on her own for a long time and we visit her a lot because we want to make sure that we take care of her so that's a little bit more about me now you know always nice when people ask a little bit about me let's do a few more here Syed says hello Bob I've been watching your videos for a month and I think you are absolutely an awesome teacher and a normal man by the way I'm your fan from Saudi Arabia thank you very much for watching that is awesome and thank you for the kind words don't forget to share the videos why do I always ask people to share the videos I don't know just maybe makes me feel good when people watch the video I think cuz I work really hard on them and then when I see how many people watch them it makes me feel good let's see here the next question is Yassine says hi Bob I want to know the difference between despite and in spite of despite the cold weather it's not actually cold here but despite the hot weather I'm doing a live stream anyways in spite of the hot weather I am doing a live stream anyway so in that situation they would be the same you can use them interchangeably next question is from Vlad hi Vlad from you cut you cut yeah should I say did you ever or have you ever so did you ever go see a movie or have you ever gone see - have you ever gone to see a movie you can use either it does change the sentence a little bit if I would to use did you ever it's very informal so it would be between friends or family right you know let's see what would be a good question did you ever eat two donuts at once have you ever eaten two donuts at once so you could use both the second one is more polite I would say excuse me losing my voice I should have brought more water out so as a question here about jaren's infinitives and part of participles I'm gonna skip that because I don't want to get too deep into I think grammar is best taught with a whiteboard where you can write stuff it's hard in conversation so Mario Casas Conte says hi Bob what's the difference between by and for thank you so much so they have a lot of different uses I'll just give you a couple of I'll just give you a couple examples sentences so I could do this live stream down by the river okay so I could that would mean beside the River by the river instead I'm doing it up here by this tree so that's the word bye and then for I'm doing this video for you guys this video is for you so I'm not sure that's the sense you were asking about but that would be two example sentences of how you would do that let's see here the next one is from Alex alex says hi Bob please tell me what is the difference between closed and closed - so first of all it's closed and closed - okay so closed if you go to a store and it's no longer open if it's too late at night the store is closed this bottle is open wait I got a better example this bottle is open now it's closed I closed it but when you are asking about closed - if I put this bottle here and I put the bug spray close to it so you can see that this is close to it now it's far away now it's close to it hopefully that made some sense I think it did that was a pretty good explanation actually let's see your next question kindle kaat says tired from work I went to bed early versus being tired from work I went to bed early so last night I was tired from work so I went to bed early or yesterday I was tired from work yeah so if you're saying that you're yeah when you say see it's a different kind of you're seeing something different there okay so if I say I was tired from work so I went to bed early that's a very straightforward sentence but I could say being tired from work makes me want to go to bed early or being tired from work makes me want to quit my job so it's the the state of being tired as a description let's see here Wallace says I'm feeling stuck in intermediate English and it's terrible what are your recommendations for me to get out of there go on a trip to a country where people speak English go for two or three weeks and go by yourself and just immerse yourself in English I don't know does that work maybe not I'm not sure you have enough money to do that let's see here I'm gonna delete these oh this is from Lee Lee says how do you pronounce IKEA thank you Bob so we say IKEA I don't know how to sound it out but when you go shopping at the big store IKEA it's a store where I think it's from Sweden if correct me if I'm wrong but IKEA that's how you pronounce that that is the name of the store Zieve says how do we use the word unique so I think I'm a pretty unique person there aren't a lot of people like me in the world although my brother is a lot like me my younger brother and I have the same voice and he looks a little bit like me but he's a little bit taller but I think I am unique so when you are unique you are one-of-a-kind you are someone where there's not a lot of other people like you in the world if I was to do a painting the painting would be unique because I made it and there's only one so that's what let's see here what should we do with this we should report and then sorry I'm just taking care of one little livestream thingy here we'll put that there let me go to the next question by the way sometimes some of you wonder if I'm speaking slowly tonight I'm speaking a little more quickly sometimes Lukas ribby arrow says what's the most useful test to take any of those because when you book a test when you plan to take a test let's say all of you decide that in September you're taking an English test you will study a lot when you know there's a test coming up you will start studying two or three times as much every day when you know there's a test so it doesn't matter to me which test you take personally but you would need to figure out which one helps you if you want to get a job in a different country or study somewhere else so that's what I would look at which one benefits you the most depending on your situation let's see here the difference Roderigo says hi Bob again could you please speak a little bit about the difference between could should and would Thanks so if I'm thirsty I should drink some water okay if I'm thirsty I should drink some water if I'm thirsty I could drink some water but I don't have to I could if I wanted to I could drink some water and then if let me I've tried to figure out another example with would I would drink some water but there isn't any left so there's some example sentences for you let me talk about each of them again when you say that you could do something it means there's a possibility that it might happen you know I could go to bed at 10 o'clock tonight but I probably won't but I could so there's a possibility that I could do that if I should do something it means that it would be good for me so I should exercise every day I should go for a walk every day I should drink lots of water so it's indicating something that would be required or that's good for you and then would is simply you know a conditional statement of something you want to do so I would drink some water but then I might make a slurping sound and people don't like that but I'm gonna drink some anyways there there was some water left by the way I know I said there wasn't let's see here next question papi chulo says merci beaucoup pour vous had no problem thank you for your help let's see here next one is Michaelis Lima says hi Bob from Brazil I've I found your channel this week your videos are excellent I would like to ask if Canada's colleges offer sports scholarships and for example soccer I think they do I'm not 100% sure though they do offer scholarships I just don't know if they offer sports scholarships but if you want sport scholarships the United States is the place to go that's where the money is for sports I don't think you would get a lot of scholarships in Canada I you would need to search that up though on Google next question is mr. Yi laddie ray says to learn grammar is the biggest problem for me I study and then I forget during conversations what is the solution practice practice practice but don't practice the grammar necessarily try to learn a grammar concept and then try to identify it when you read or when you watch a television show so let's say you've just learned how to speak in the past tense like yesterday I watched a TV show yesterday I looked at a new car and so you've learned the past tense now listen for it and identify it when you read and when you watch something that's what I would do let's see here how do you pronounce this is from Igor Lima how do you pronounce toughened up this is a difficult word to say so toughened so toughened up you know you got toughened up you it helped you get get toughened up so T ough is tough so toughened let's see here BR says only Brazilians there's not only Brazilians here by the way there's a lot of Brazilians here but there are a lot of people from everywhere else in the world - so anyways next one here Abbi menu says hi Bob my question is when do we say just high and when hi there you can use either hi there is a little more familiar so if I was to say hi there how's it going it's it's usually to someone you know it doesn't have to be but hi is very neutral like hi hi how are you fine but if you say hi there it can have overtones of that you like the person so if you were doing it romantically which you should be careful you would say hi there so that would mean I don't know if you heard my tone there but if I was let's say I I was it was 30 years ago and I just met Jen I might if I was interested in her I might say hi there which in in the tone it means that I'm interested in her romantically so but you can use hi there somewhat neutrally as well like hi there how's it going um so you just have to kind of listen to how I'm saying those two let's see here a little bit of oh here's a pronunciation question from Gavin let me just tidy up here a bit people next one here Gavin says how do we pronounce lower loyal and lawyer so I put the shoes on the lower shelf I am a loyal YouTube creator so I'm loyal that means I have a dedication and I need to hire a lawyer I need to hire a lawyer so there are your three pronunciation so Robert asks about a word this is another filler word in English we use the word actually which means for real or that it really happened so yeah so actually the other day I went to the store you don't need the word actually in that sentence it's kind of a filler you could just say the other day I went to the store or you could say let's say Jen said oh the blue van needs gas I could say actually I put gas in today I just put gas in this morning actually so it's kind of like it's confirming that it's really something that really happened folks I am NOT going to get through all of these questions there is a lot of questions sorry I'm going to be wrapping this up in a little bit you can stay we're not done yet but it's going to take me a little bit to get through all this some of these are repeats so I'm just gonna tidy up here a sec so Kyle says tell us a little bit about English and French in Canada as official languages I would like to know if all people speak English so no I think one of the things that's interesting about it is if you want to be in our federal government if you want to be in government if you want to be a minister or a prime minister you need to speak both languages it's less important if you want to be in provincial government but generally one of the most interesting things is that students in Canadian schools learn French for 12 years either 8 or 12 years depending on what they choose it doesn't mean they all speak French though ok some of them are pretty good by the end of grade 12 but by the end of grade 8 they can recognize a lot of words and they only do it for like one hour a week from grade 1 to 8 so it's not a whole lot next question the next question is from Andre and the question is which of these are better to improve spoken English voice recording or video recording just do both oh yeah if you're just out and about and you want to use your phone to record your just your voice do that if you can record a video and watch how your mouth is moving do that as well both of those are great ideas let's see here how many phrasal verbs are commonly used there's a lot sorry I'll paste this in the chat for you this is from Vanderley how many phrasal verbs in a Canadian or American English are commonly used in a natives life just a lot and you know what's funny about phrasal verbs is until you teach English you don't even know what they are there's just so many of them and you just use them all the time so you don't even really know what they are you don't know that they're phrasal verbs because they're so common for you let's see here Yassine says when we pronounce gh is at the same as F sometimes like sometimes if you use the word though I'll put it in the chat though there's no sound at the end but if I say tough there is one so I know that's tricky so in those two words in chat the first one is though and the second one is tough so sometimes it makes an F sound do V has a question DV says Bonjour how do you think about what do you think about learning stuff I'm not sure using learning stuff is correct for instance 100 new words per day sound crazy you should be learning stuff you should be learning a lot of stuff and stuff is used to mean almost anything so when you're studying English you should be learning new stuff every day so that's how we would use the word stuff 100 new words per day you could do 100 words per day yeah just focus on it I think that would be a great amount of words to learn per day do V that would be awesome let's see here Nelson asks I always get this a lot Nelson Villamizar says if I can understand 95% of what you are saying what level of English am I it really depends when I took my French test my speaking and listening were really high and my writing was really low and my reading was pretty good so it depends on maybe your listening is amazing I do speak a little more slowly though but if you can understand everything I say your listings probably pretty good but you might be lower on speaking and reading and writing that depends you should take a test find out let's see here oh yeah tossing and turning just give me a sec here I'll get to that question this is from all or ek he says what's the meaning of tossing and turning I heard this in a movie so when you go to bed and you have trouble sleeping and you you're laying on one side and then you lay on the other side and then you lay on your back and then you lay on your stomach and then you lay on the other side again we call this tossing and turning so if you do that you are tossing and turning let's see here next question coach EV says hi Bob is there a difference between I'm curious and I wonder no not really like I wonder if I should get a new dog I'm curious if I should get a new dog we we would use both we use I wonder a lot right I wonder if I run out of water I wonder if Jen will bring me more I'm curious if Jeff yeah they are they're interchange I would use I wonder a lot more though I'm curious is more for things that you actually want to learn about like I'm curious if I read two books a day in English would it help my English so somewhat interchangeable coach EV you certainly would not sound funny if you use one or the other you would sound like a normal native speaker for sure Louise says Bob what's the difference between I learned a new word in English and I did learn a new word in English you can say either we would probably say the first one more though I learned a new word in English today that that and I think I answered it a little bit before like if someone doubts you you might say I did learn a new word in English today so if someone said you didn't learn a new word today your you didn't you didn't you would say I did learn a new word today let's see here next question well these are big adverbs here so Lulu says hi there Bob what is flabbergasted and excruciating and exactly what they mean so I had a kidney stone once and the I had excruciating pain so that means that I was in pain and it was horrible horrible pain it was excruciating flabbergasted is when you just can't believe what someone told you like someone said I'm we're expecting twins you would you be flabbergasted like I don't know if that's the best description it's like you can't believe what someone told you that's what I would say for that and we do use that word flabbergasted the dictionary says surprised greatly or to be astonished flabbergasted so and we do use it like I was flabbergasted we do say that for sure Locke says let's go here Locke says hello Bob how do I know if you ignored my question is there an option to numerate the questions when you copy the questions into chat and you copy the number to know and you know what the problem is Locke is there are so far I have answered e no sorry I lost the numbers I've answered a lot of questions and it there's just a lot of people here and people everyone just needs to be patient so I'm sorry I can't go through them quicker but it does take a bit of time oh I did that one Rodrigo yep could and should in would did that one did that one where were we oh here we go we're at Igor's question sorry to ignore you guys look at my computer for so long Igor says can you explain the term carrying out so when you make a plan then you carry out the plan obviously you can carry something out of a store right like I bought a whole bunch of tools and I carried them out of the store like I carried them like I I could carry these out of the store but when you make a plan you can also carry out the plan so that's just another way to do it can you guys all wait two seconds I just got to go and tell my kids something I'll be right back you can enjoy the beautiful scene so normally so normally huh so normally I tell my kids that they can't use the internet while I'm doing a livestream but I just went and told them they could and I'll keep going for a little bit try to get a few more of these questions answered the next one is from Wagner says sometimes I don't understand the difference between the pronunciation of can't and kin can you help me so the problem is we say it really fast right like I can't run very quickly I can run very slowly I can't run very quickly so you can hear when I say it I don't quite say you can hear the T a little bit when I say I can't but let me see here what would be a good if I speak really quickly you can't understand me can't can so just you got to just listen for that little T that should help you a bit nearest says so again I am not answering grammar questions just so people know let's see here so masa yama says when natives hear an unknown word what letters do you write for the word sometimes sounds and letters are quite different in English so I can't find the correct word it bothers me yeah I'm sorry it's hard right because you might hear like when they say look it up in the dictionary but you don't even know what letter it starts with it can be a challenge so when we hear new words we just say how do you spell that how do you spell that word and then people sometimes help you which is cool I think I did the can can't already let's see Allie says so Allie hi Bob can you recommend a book between upper intermediate and advanced level so at that level my face is really glowing from the Sun isn't it at that level Allie you can read the same books that native english-speakers read so go and look at the New York Times bestseller list or the Amazon bestseller list for English books and find a book that looks interesting to you and then buy it and read it Iger says let's see here can you please explain the difference between roughly and so so so roughly so when we say roughly it means approximate so you could say you know I measured the length of the of the car and it was it was roughly 12 feet long or it was roughly 3 meters long so it means approximately and then so so we use that just to how you feeling so-so like it was so so how was the party it was so-so it wasn't good but it wasn't bad it was so-so so it was right in the middle that's how we would use so so tossing and turning we did I think from Enrique so folks there's no need to ask your questions twice I will get to them it's no problem oh wait I think John has a question here here's a good question John cuz studio says hey Bob how's it going could you please talk a little bit about the contraction reduction and pronunciation of we are and we're in the colloquial speech so we're going weird so it's not where it's not were it's we're going to see fireworks on Monday we're we are going to see fireworks on Monday we're going to see fireworks on Monday sorry my face is glowing the the Sun is going down over there and it's shining it's gone below the trees and so now it's shining right in my face but I guess I'll just look kind of like an orange person for the next bit Gavin has a question here Gavin says Gavin sizes how to pronounce royal and lawyer so I like the royal family so because Canada is somewhat connected to Britain we like the royal family and I have to hire a lawyer I have to hire a lawyer maybe I need to make a will maybe I was in an accident I got those questions from Igor and this one is from gong this is a good question I love this question so gung Wow says Bob how many cooking style of eggs are there in a restaurant and what are the vocabulary so when you go to a restaurant you can order a scrambled egg so that's when they crack the egg in the pan and they mix the yolk and the whites together and they make scrambled eggs you can order sunny-side up which means they crack the egg in the pan they don't break the yolk and they don't flip it they just cook it till it's done you can order over easy which means they crack the egg in the pan they don't break the yolk they flip it once just for a little bit and then they put it on your plate you can we call it a broken egg where they crack it in the pan and they break the yolk and fry it some people call it a flat egg but you could just say I'll just have my egg broken they should understand you but the most common are scrambled over easy or sunny side up because the yolk looks like the Sun rings sunny-side up next one let me find here we go I'm not sure about the answer to this one and antis are says which certificate would help me more to be a good English teacher tosyl or TEFL just get certified get as many as you can get the duolingo one get get every single certificate you can and just get your English to be the best it can be two certificates is better than one if you can do to do it oh here we go let me let me tidy up again here I'm just deleting some old ones let's see here this one is from Fernando says hi Bob how do you native speakers use and pronounce paramount and I found the following example but I'm not sure if I got it right everybody agrees that education is paramount so paramount means of the utmost importance okay it is paramount that I go for a walk every day so my heart stays good shape so it's very very important that I go for a walk every day it's paramount that that you get a good education it is a very important thing in your life to do that so paramount that's how we would say that let's see here tossing and turning let me get rid of that got that one here we go Louie says I learn English Louie says I learn English watching sports I watch here in Brazil i watch CBC Hockey Night in Canada very cool do you watch this as well sometimes I don't watch a lot of hockey don't tell the other Canadians that because most Canadians watch hockey but I don't watch a lot of hockey but if I do i watch Hockey Night in Canada very good hey let me get the next question but as I'm doing that if you're new here please click the subscribe button below give me a thumbs up on this video so many people watching there's still 340 people I'm trying to get through as many of these questions as I can let's see the next question is from Gong Wu says for instance completely definitely there is no tea sound correct so completely and definitely I would say the T sound like definitely completely complete completely definitely let's see here next question is it possible this is from Lally this is questions from a while ago Lally sorry I hope you've gone to bed by now because it's probably pretty late there Lally says is it possible to learn English online and become fluent I'm studying on my own I think it is but I think a key element is that you start to talk to someone via Skype or FaceTime in English I think it's key that you find that native speaker online that you can talk - next question is from me says hi Bob what does rouen mean Thanks so if this shirt had a hole in it it would be ruined I wouldn't be able to wear it anymore if it had a hold on it if a button fell off it wouldn't be ruined because I could just sew the button back on but if there was a big tear here the shirt would be ruined be ruined and I would be sad this is one of my favorite shirts so let's see here Dukla mall so Duke Kemal says how can we be confident while speaking English it just comes with practice and finding the right people to talk to people who are kind and willing to talk to you that's what I would say let's see here Igor roughly and so so we did that I think thanks Igor that was a good question ruin growth you just let me just get that one out of the way so again folks no need to ask the question more than once I will get to them next question is from Clive hi Clive good to see you again Clive Clive says could you make a video to teach us how to listen to pronunciation and learn English from movies thank you yes I should do that shouldn't I I will try to do that Clive because there's a lot of little techniques right like slow the movie down if you watch it on a computer you can hit the arrow key to go back five seconds there's these little tricks that you can do I'll try to make a video about that let's see here Oh Zachary this is a good one too these are great questions here people Sicarius says what does it mean close call and can you give an example so let's say I was walking along the road and all of the sudden a car came by and it missed me it almost I was walking and it missed me by this much I would say that was a close call because I almost got hit by a car so we would say that's a close call sometimes people have a lot of close calls let's see here Wagner asks the question Wagner says there are people close to the river or there are people close to the river see I already corrected it so it's are there are people close to the river you would you wouldn't say there is people because people doesn't work as that way it's there are people close to the river so anyways if you go to the park over there there's a lot of people close to the river can't be close to the river let's see here DJ Awad says hi please any advice to improve listening skills watch a lot of Canadian and American television I know it sounds like you're it's maybe too easy but watch a lot of television and your listening skills will get better and listen to a lot of music music is the best way to improve let's see here Satish says so T says hi sir I'm from India I'm a very big fan of you thank you very much Satish thank you so much for watching let's see the next question is from Camilo says what's the difference between throw dump and toss hinder and hamper all the while and all the time well I can't I don't think I'll get through all of them but if I throw something like if I take this and I throw it I caught it by the way that's pretty good but that's to throw to dump is to if you have a whole bunch of stuff and you just tip it over you dump it so let's say you have a bin full of laundry and you go like this you are dumping everything out so you would dump it out and toss and throw are the same so I can toss this back and forth I can toss it or throw it to hinder and hamper our to prevent someone from doing something and I think I missed the last two that the chat went by let's see here oh where did it go all the while and all the time so all the while he was while he was watching the movie all the while he was sleeping yeah all the time so slight difference I like to eat oatmeal all the time I don't actually I just like it for breakfast I like to eat bananas all the time so that means that regularly I like to eat bananas all the time but all the while means during a certain event for the entire length of that event all the while a person was doing a certain thing I can tell I'm getting a little bit tired folks but hey de Leeuw d'lai d'lai says when to use I think and I guess I think I'm going to sleep in tomorrow I guess I'll sleep in tomorrow so they have slight differences in meaning but you could use either pretty much like I guess if I don't have anything to do tomorrow I can sleep in so like I'm supposing that if I have nothing to do tomorrow I can sleep in I think because I have nothing to do tomorrow I can sleep in there's some example sentences not the best explanation so let's see here let me delete that Vitor says getting caught up here Vitor says how about great to see you on YouTube hello Bob great to see you on YouTube please here's my question are that in which similar terms in an affirmative sentence how to use each of them so this is the bottle of water that I'm going to drink tonight this is the bottle of water which I'm going to drink tonight so in that case in those two sentences they are interchangeable but you should do a little research on that but so this is the bug spray that I sprayed on myself this is the bug spray which I sprayed on myself so those are interchangeable but there are some senses where you can't let's see here get through this enric a is asking about our housing prices our concern for Canadians so yes in Toronto and Vancouver those cities housing is really really expensive so it's definitely a concern for people leonardo says leonardo Aloha says hi Bob when can I use I'm in and I'm on like on a car in a train thanks for also no problem so you you are on a plane you are on a train you are on a boat you are on a ship you are in a car you are in a van you ride on a motorcycle you ride on a bike so hopefully you got all those we really only use in for cars like I rode in a car you can say in a boat if it's a smaller boat to like I went in a boat the other day but usually you go on ships on a boat in a boat yeah those might both work I think I did throw toss and dump let's see here next question is hi Bob is it sunrise or sunset in Canada it is sunset in fact the Sun just went down it's darker out here then it might look my camera is adjusting so that's really cool but we just had a beautiful sunset that's why my face was glowing because the Sun was very orange and it was on my face let's see here Vinicius says hi again is there any typical dishes in your city here in my city vitΓ³ria there is the famous dish moqueca Bewkes I said that really badly tonight it's a kind of boiled fish so in Canada people eat poutine which is french fries with gravy and cheese curds and other than that we just eat all kinds of food from other parts of the world wheat pizza and pasta and we lots of Chinese food and Indian food and we eat lots we eat everything so whatever you guys make in your countries we probably have it in our grocery stores I think because Canada is a country of immigrants we have a very rich tradition of eating lots of foods from around the world Igor says can you indicate or can you indicate some good songs for us just listen to songs where the songs tell a story I usually recommend that I don't know any off the top of my head but find songs that tell a story because it's just a lot easier to follow along so anyways folks I'm going to wrap this up there are more questions than I can possibly answer in one evening I want to thank all of you for coming please subscribe if you haven't and give me a thumbs up thanks for coming there will be a new video on Tuesday there will be a live lesson Friday I can't type Friday morning at 7:00 or sorry at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time there will be another live conversation and conversation and listening practice next Saturday at 7:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and that's how things work don't forget to subscribe don't forget to like the video don't forget to share my youtube channel with a friend leave a comment I'll try to answer it I'll at least try to get a heart on it for you but again thank you very very much for watching I think we and thanks for the super chats those of you that gave money that's great I can always buy pizza for my kids or maybe get a cup of coffee on the way to work I appreciate it there is no obligation though to give super jets anyways thank you very much let me just do one last check I think that is everything I think that it is time for me to just go and relax for the evening it's a beautiful Saturday night it's 9:03 p.m. and the Sun has gone down and I am going to go to bed thanks for watching oh I spelled spelling everything wrong and then I have to backspace to correct it thanks for learning a little bit more English see you next week have a good weekend you are awesome people there we go I'm gonna push the button guys thanks
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 1,659,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english speaking practice, english listening practice, english conversation practice, practice english, english conversation
Id: 1qCAOycNg5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 17sec (6617 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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