Let's Learn English! Topic: Travel

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in you're here for an English lesson about travels so hopefully you are ready to maybe learn some new words and phrases about travel or maybe you will be reviewing some of your words and phrases about travel so today we're gonna talk about travel I'm just gonna test to make sure everything is working just give me a sec here I just want to say hi to everyone in the chat I can't say everyone's name there's just too many people but welcome again let me test this out looks like it's all working so again we're here to talk about travel I'm not sure how many of you have traveled a lot I personally have not done a lot of traveling in my life I have gone to only the United States I went to San Diego once and I've been to the state of Michigan and I've been to South Africa that was a long trip actually but let's get started let's talk about travel again welcome to everyone who is here for this lesson on travel so the first word and phrase is trip oh I forgot to mention one thing if you have questions during the live stream there is a link in the description below to a Google Form and I just posted it in the chat as well please ask your questions that way it's hard for me to keep up with the chat I know there's a lot of conversations going on there so please use that link that I just posted into the chat to ask any questions so in English we just call it a trip you go on a trip I tried to add a little bit of a phrase with each word as well because people were asking for a little bit of a more intermediate lesson so you go on a trip you plan a trip you go on a trip you come back from a trip even though you go on a trip when you return from the trip you say that you came back from the trip so a trip is anytime you go somewhere it can be a small trip something that we call a day trip so a day trip is when you leave in the morning and you come back the same day or maybe you are going on a longer trip of multiple days or a couple of weeks so a trip is when you get together some things in a suitcase and you head off to go visit somewhere else there's a few different words for different kinds of trips some people get these to confuse in Canadian English a holiday and a vacation are almost the same thing we do have days in the year where it is a holiday where the government says no one has to work but we also say that we're going on holidays or going on vacation so you notice I added an S there and you can see the phrases as well you can go on holiday or you can go on vacation so a little bit of a mistake here though in English in Canada we would say go on holidays so maybe I should have fixed that but a holiday or a vacation is time away from work or school let me just check to see if there's some questions I know there are some questions and I'll paste one in I'll probably pause every few moments just to see Lewis from Burgas Electronics says hi Bob this is your friend Louise from Brazil hi Louise my question is what is the best way to say this phrase I will trip to so you would say this I am going on a trip to Canada or I will be going on a trip to Canada okay so that's the right way to say it if you see those two questions there I'm just gonna take one more question here from the forum one second this is also from Louise says the words trip and travel are they the same and can I use one or the other in any situation so not necessarily so we use trip when we say things like I'm going to go on a trip but when we used travel so trip is a noun right I went on a trip but you would never say the same thing with travel you would say I'm going to travel so you would use the verb to travel so that's the difference between those two but let's continue we looked at trip holiday and vacation but you might be traveling simply to visit someone so my mum still has family in Holland in the Netherlands and she will sometimes go on a trip to visit them or they will go on a trip to visit her so there's different reasons to travel one of the reasons to travel is simply to visit people usually family or friends I know that I have friends from university and they went on a trip just to visit other people that they knew from university so you might go on a trip because it's a vacation but you also might go just to visit people this word we don't use a lot anymore but I know I have heard English learners use it and that's the word journey so a journey is kind of an older word for a trip or for traveling so if you hear someone say tomorrow I'm going on a long journey it sounds a little bit funny because we don't use the word that much anymore so journey is another word for trip but it's a little bit of an older word so a lot of people in the chat saying hi hi to everyone they're just a reminder if you have questions during this lesson I will post the link again let's see here oh lolly has a question this is a great one because this question is from lolly and it says what's the difference between trip journey and voyage so trip is the most common word that we use right now we go on a trip journey again is an older word and voyage is kind of more like in my mind when I hear voyage I think you're going on a ship so and we don't use voyage much anymore we actually use the word cruise a lot more for going on a ship because most people go on cruise ships so great question lolly by the way when you go on a trip you have a destination so this is the word destination and a destination is the place that you are going to visit so let's say I really wanted to visit France to see the Eiffel Tower I would tell people I'm going on a trip and they could ask me where are you go or they could ask what's your destination destinations a little more of a formal word you may be asked this at an airport if someone says oh do you have your ticket what's your destination so this is the place that you are going to again more commonly we would probably just say where are you going oh you're going on a trip where are you going and then you reply with where you're going before Oh someone's saying hello from Paris see if I mentioned France the people from Paris and from France say hello sometimes when you're going on a trip you will take care of all of the planning yourself but sometimes you will hire a travel agent or you will go to a travel agency to have a travel agent help you plan your trip so this is a person who helps you plan your trip they will help you get your plane tickets they will help you get your hotel reservations so a travel agent is a handy person if you are going to a country where you don't know a lot sometimes you will plan the trip yourself many people plan trips themselves and they'll they'll just take care of it online so when they go to book tickets on a plane or to book a hotel room so this is to reserve a spot on a plane or at a hotel so if I go on a trip before I go on the trip I need to book a flight so I need to book with a an airline so that I have a ticket so when you book something it means to buy or to reserve and you also need to book a hotel room so you need to call a hotel to get a room if you're staying at a hotel but you aren't necessarily staying at a hotel let me check there's another question oh there's a lot of questions difference between trip and journey we kind of took care of that difference between holiday and vacations so in English I will say I'm going hope I forgot to paste this let me slow down here Jai from Korea says what's the difference between holiday and vacations so in English in formal English I would say something like this summer for holidays I'm going camping or this summer for a vacation I'm going camping so we use them interchangeably but holiday also means a day off work so there are holidays in Canada that the government has said this Monday no one has to work so there we go again there's questions coming in that are not related to the topic of travel I will not be answering those sorry I really only have time to answer the ones that are about travel next question is from Bhutan says the difference between trip and travel is that trip is short-term and travel is long-term not necessarily because my family just went to Holland and they would say we just went on a trip to Holland okay but they might also describe it as saying we were just traveling and we saw Holland and Germany and France so you have to look at it again like trip to go on a trip is a noun but to travel is a verb let me do one more question and soon from visitor so there's let's see the trip would like to know some phrasal verbs so I am skipping some of the questions because I've already answered them a little bit either this Edith says I would like to know some phrasal verbs to use with travel so I did a video on that if you search for Bob the Canadian phrasal verbs travel you'll probably find one a video about phrasal verbs for travel I will try to find a link later for that and let's see here please only ask questions about travels it makes my job easier let's see here here is a good travel question Thank You doovy so this question is from Dubey he says hi Bob good morning where have you traveled outside of Canada so I have been to the state of Florida in the United States I have been to San Diego in the United States I have been to Michigan in the United States and I have been to the airport in on my way to South Africa and then the airport in France on the way back to South Africa in Paris so that's the only places I have been do V again people if you have questions please make sure you are asking a question using the link below and ask about travel only please because the spreadsheet is filling up with English questions but we want to stick to the topic let's keep going so I talked about tickets this is an interesting one because a long time ago you had to actually buy a ticket and you had a ticket in your hand and it's a piece of paper that lets you get on an airplane or a boat or whatever form of travel you are using but these days most people use E tickets so an e ticket is a ticket that you buy online and the ticket is on your phone so paper tickets are still used but we also are moving quickly towards only using a tickets when you go on a trip a lot of times you will have a root or an itinerary now this word route you may hear it pronounced route so route or route we say route most of the times in Canada and itinerary is a bit of a challenge it's a bit of a mouthful of words isn't it but this is a list in order of the places you will visit so sometimes you're going on a trip and you're going to visit multiple cities so let's say I was going on a trip and I was going to go to Paris and then I was going to go to Amsterdam and then I was going to go to London so the route that I would take would be Paris Amsterdam London and the itinerary would list the things that I am doing while I am visiting those cities so this is kind of the plan the written plan for what you are doing on your trip I think we're going to get into familiar folks could you make sure that I see a lot of questions showing up in the chat and so what happens is the chat goes by so fast that I can't pick out the questions so if you use the forum that would just be great I would really really appreciate it so let's take another couple questions from the forum Christiane says what's the difference between travelers and travel so travelers are the people who are doing that traveling okay so if I go on a trip there's a lot of names for people who are on trips one is that they are traveler so there's a number of travelers going to South Africa today so those are the people traveling and then travel is just the actual act of moving from one place to another is traveling let's see here Fernando says when should I use trip and when should I use journey so my my take on it is this we say trip almost all the time we rarely use the word journey anymore if someone says I'm going on a long journey it sounds funny in English because it's an older word Fernando that we don't use a whole lot anymore so that's that's the difference between those two let me see here Miroslav is here thanks for the patreon Miroslav that's great let's see here the new name of a new Bruce Springsteen song is the where wave fire can you explain the difference between passing your Voyager and Wayfarer is it wave let me see here Bruce Springsteen wave Wayfarer that's the word yes okay Wayfarer so here's how it goes Miroslav the difference between passenger Voyager and Wayfarer first of all we use the word passenger for someone who's going on a plane or boat or train it's a very common word so a passenger is the person who travels on those things you can even be a passenger in a car so if you are in a vehicle you are a passenger Voyager is the same thing but we don't you that word very much anymore and Wayfair is annexed that you will rarely hear but it means the same thing I mean someone who is traveling so there you go for that one let's see here oh this is a great one that I didn't talk about but I should have so papi chulo says could you talk about jet lag plz so jet lag because there are time zones right so it's 8 a.m. here 8:15 a.m. here if I was to go to let's go somewhere else if I was to go to Japan the time is different so my natural sleep pattern is messed up and so your yours you end up sleeping during the day or you're tired during the day because you have jet lag ok so jet lag is when you your body is used to a certain time zone but you've traveled to a different one that was a great question by the way who asked that again papi chulo great questions one more question and then we'll continue Luis says how many cities have you visited in Canada many I think I've been to almost every province at least once so I've been to Halifax in Nova Scotia I've been to Victoria in British Columbia I've been to Vancouver I don't think I've been to Edmonton though in Alberta anyways let's continue folks if you go on a trip you need to have luggage so this is a suitcase we use the word luggage baggage bags so or suitcases so we say things like did you did you pack your bags or are do you have your luggage ready to go we don't use the word baggage very much in normal spoken English it is used at the airport but we more use the word luggage like can I help you get your luggage can I help you carry your luggage do you do you want me to help you carry your bags or we use the plural of suitcase which is suitcases so again this here is a suitcase but we call all of this your luggage or your bags or your suitcases before you leave Oh someone's asking for the form to ask a question if you look in the description of the video you will find it and I try to post it in the chat as often as possible so you need to pack so this is to put clothing and utter other items in a suitcase or bag so before you go on a trip you get together your clothes and you get your toothbrush and you get your toothpaste and you get all of the things that you need on your trip and you pack you pack your bags so I think it's called two pack because the English verb to pack means to like put everything squished in a box so you pack a box but you also pack your luggage or pack your bags you'll hear this phrase in a song in some songs sometimes when people pack their bags to go on a trip let's see here oh wait this is ticket again didn't we do ticket already let me check thought we did yeah we did ticket we'll do it again ticket the thing you buy to go on a plane or boat or anything that needs tickets you also when you travel you need your passport so your passport is from your government and it's the document that declares that you were yes you were born in that country you are definitely Canadian or Israeli or South African whatever country you are from but you need your passport and they almost all look the same the colors are different the design on the front is different but it's a small book that you use and when you go through customs they stamp it right they let you know that you went to that country you get a stamp on it let's see here a lot of questions thanks guys so happy to is visiting streams why is Vanessa making a live stream the same time as you I don't know but vanessa is great you should watch her she's awesome she does a great English lesson as well you can always watch mine later let me just check something for a sec it doesn't matter to me if you watch me or Vanessa there's a lots of good people on YouTube who are doing excellent stuff so let's see here I lost my train of thought sorry that's a great phrase isn't it train of thought is like an idiom related to travel isn't it let's see here we see in Phoenix waterway and traveling believe this not sure I understand this question but we'll have a look at chick chick as n says hi good evening sir I'm from India please say something about the waterway and traveling related to this so waterways are any navigable hopefully that's the right word water that ships can navigate around the world so that is what we would call a waterway so here close to us we have the Welland Canal so that is a waterway that connects two lakes so hopefully that is let's see here Henry says Enrique says have you ever been to Vancouver if so which places would you recommend us to visit there thank you I was in Vancouver a long time ago and I don't really remember the whole trip Andriy case so it's hard for me to answer that question but it's a beautiful city it's a nice warm city almost year-round so hey before you go on a trip depending on whether you want to take cash with like bills and coins you might need to go to a currency exchange so this is where if I was traveling to Europe and I needed euros I would take my Canadian dollars to a currency exchange and I would buy euros so that when I am in Europe I would have money to spend so a currency exchange is the place where you go when you need to exchange a certain type of money for another type of money so not as important anymore many people simply travel with their credit card or their debit card or interact card or bank card whatever you call the card and just use that and that works well for them so let's see here lolly asks our abroad and overseas used interchangeably pretty much like if I was going to travel abroad or I was going to travel overseas especially if I'm from Canada it means I do need to cross an ocean we have Mohamed from Malaysia hope your questions a little long mom and I have to just delete a few things there we go Mohammed says do you ever travel in my country Malaysia I have not been to Malaysia we have rich culture shared by three main ethnic groups Malaysian Malay Chinese and Indian we also have famous clean open beaches very cool thanks for letting me know that sounds like a great place to travel some day when I get there when I have enough money maybe I will travel there let's see here daliyah says do you plan on visiting southern Spain someday maybe hike will visit a bit right now I have to work and I have to take care of my kids don't have a lot of time to do all that so here we go arrival time so if you are traveling by air your arrival time is the time your flight will arrive I didn't go over how airplanes work they they take off and they land once your airplane lands at an airport it usually if it's on time then your arrival time is whatever time you get to the airport hopefully that made sense so if you're traveling by air this is the time you will arrive often if you are having someone get you pick you up from the airport that's the phrasal verb we use pick you up you would tell them your arrival time so they know when to come and get you and then the flipside is the departure time so the flip side means the opposite so your arrival time is when your plane gets to the airport your departure time is when your plane is scheduled to take off so a lot of times - if you are taking a flight and a friend or family members picking you up you will tell them your departure time your Airport and your arrival time at their Airport okay so let's see here once you get to an airport you need to go to baggage claim remember I told you that in everyday speech we don't use the word baggage very much but they do use it at the airport so the baggage claim is the place where your suitcases come out but if you were talking to someone at the airport and you needed to go and pick up your luggage or your suitcases or your bags you probably wouldn't use the word baggage you wouldn't say oh I need to go get my baggage you would say though I need to go get my bags from the baggage claim or I need to grab my suitcase from the baggage claim so the baggage claim area is where all of your suitcases come out and then everyone's favorite when traveling is going through customs so this is where government officials and this happens in every country I just happen to have I think this is in Beijing but customs is when you go through the airport and government officials might inspect your bag they might ask you questions they want to see your passport they might want to ask where else you have traveled and what you did there they may say to you do you have anything do to declare anything to declare and that means did you buy anything when you were in the country you came from so let's say I fly to the United States and then I fly to France when I land in France customs will say do you have anything to declare did you buy anything and especially when you're going coming home from another country if you go on a trip and you've bought lots of things when you go through customs from your own government in the airport they might ask you if you have anything to declare let's see here you might when you get out of the airport need to take a taxi or an uber if you're wondering why I'm talking mostly about airplane travel it's because that is mostly how people travel either you go on a small trip in a car but usually in the world now if you go to another country that's far away you take an airplane so I'm not talking much today about boats or anything but after you get off the plane you might need to take a taxi or take an uber so uber is a new company that works like a taxi service but you need might need to take a taxi or uber hello everyone people are saying hi in the chat that's awesome let me just check here for another question mister to is named by tourists let's see here here's a good one Romney sleep says what do we call about a trip if the airplane stops between the first take off and my last destination so we have what are called connecting flights so if I take one plane from the Toronto Airport to the Vancouver Airport I might need to get on a different plane or a connecting flight in order to get to my final destination if it was say Tokyo Japan so when you switch planes midway through your travel or your your trip we would say it's a connecting flight next question on Rek say what is a backpacker so backpacker is someone who travels light so they have all of their stuff in a backpack and that's all the luggage they have and they just walk around and explore other countries it's probably a great way to travel Locke says can you suggest some interesting places in Canada to visit well I would visit Ottawa which is the capital city I would visit Quebec City because it's one of our oldest cities if not the oldest and it's beautiful and I would visit Vancouver but they're really far apart and then lastly I would visit Niagara Falls it's really really neat to see let me do one more question and we'll keep going it's about so Motaba says can you please make a video on how to pronounce the Canadian provinces well why don't we just say them all really quick from the west coast to the East Coast we have British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Pei and Newfoundland that's all of them and then we also have the Yukon and the Northwest Territories above us so I think I got those right I hope there's no Canadians watching and then maybe I said it wrong but I got I pronounced them right I just was worried I missed one hey when you go on a trip you might stay in a hotel when you stay in a hotel you need to check in so when you get to a hotel hopefully you have booked a room remember we use the verb to book and hopefully you have a reservation at the hotel you need to check in you need to prove who you are so that they can check you into the room they'll give you a key card or a room key card we don't use Keys anymore where are my keys when you go to a hotel you don't often get a key anymore like you don't get one of these mostly you will now get a key card so it's all electronic now very cool when you're on a trip you might do some sightseeing so if you go sightseeing you are a sightseer or a tourist so in English we say things like I'm traveling because I want to see the sights so the sights are like the historic places the interesting places the coolest places that the country or city has to offer and when you go to see those sights we say that you are sightseeing it's a little bit of a tongue twister so here if I went to Paris one of the sights is the Eiffel Tower it is one of the things that you have to see if you go to Paris so if I went as a tourist or sightseer I would want to make sure that I see the Eiffel Tower if you go to a city and you don't know your way around you might want to find a tour guide so this is a person who helps you see the sights so remember we talked about sights are the cool places to see so you might hire a tour guide so that a person can lead you around the city and tell you and show you all of the really cool and important historical places and then while they're doing that they usually give you a mini history lesson so they'll show you something and they'll tell you about it they'll show you the Eiffel Tower and they'll tell you when it was built etc etc let's go hear the question from yan is Canada's Canadian what is the difference so so if something is Canadian that means that it is obviously from Canada I'm not sure if we used Canada's very much but if I say you know Canada's biggest city is is it Montreal or Toronto I don't know one of Canada's biggest cities is Toronto it's the possessive form right I'm saying that it belongs to Canada so the difference there is if it's Canadian it's just a general description if we use Canada's it means that it belongs to our country richard has a great question here it is when you use the when do you use the word board riding a plane and boat or ship and is it check in or check into so here we go so you board a plane you board a ship I'm not sure we usually say board a train you can say it but usually you get on the train but you also get on a plane you can also get on a boat but boarding is like when they say you know we're ready for boarding and passengers can now make their way onto the airplane okay so that's that one check in or check into it's definitely check in so you can say I need to check in to a hotel but in and two are separate okay let's see here next question is from Louise and it is Louise says Bob when we are going on a trip by plane is it necessary to do a check-in in the airport before departing and can you explain about this phrasal verb to check-in so yes when you get to the airport you do need to check in okay you do need to have your ticket usually you now go up to a kiosk and it's done electronically but it confirms that you are at the so they know that you are at the airport and you're planning to take your flight we also say you need to confirm your flight so that's the similar kind of thing where you say yes I am definitely going on this trip there's a lot of question here folks that's great it's gonna take me a while to get through them but that's fine slava says have you ever hitchhiked I have not so when you hitchhike in Canada you stand on the side of the road with your thumb out and you hope someone will stop and give you a ride I don't recommend it I think it's can be dangerous but some people hitchhike and they love it let's see here this question is from Locke hi Bob how do what do you think about the link between traveling and learning a language especially English so here's the key traveling to learn English is great as long as you don't go with a big group of people who speak the same language as you so if you travel alone if you like to travel by yourself and you go to an english-speaking country I guarantee you will learn a lot of English but if you and your three friends all travel like you have three Vietnamese friends you're all from Vietnam and you travel somewhere you will most likely not speak a lot of English you'll speak a little bit but you will be tempted to speak Vietnamese the whole time so let's see here Miroslav says and most of us need visas for travelling which is not easy to get very often travel insurance boarding pass carry-on luggage maybe to mention thanks oh yeah Miroslav those are good words so travel insurance is money you pay so if something goes wrong on your trip you get money back a boarding pass is after you confirm your flight or check-in at the airport they will verify that you have a ticket and they will give you a boarding pass which is another kind of ticket that lets you get on the plane and carry-on luggage is one small bag usually a backpack that you are allowed to take on the plane hey let's keep going I will get to all the questions I'm just gonna do this live stream till we're done so just be patient when you are all done Idaho tell you we'll check out this box is a box where you just throw your keys in at the end of your stay at the hotel but let's let me just take a little sip here but let's say you didn't get let's say you didn't take a taxi or an uber maybe at the airport someone picked you up so sometimes when you go on a trip you'll phone ahead to family or friends and say hey I'm going to need to be picked up from the airport tomorrow at 3 o'clock so to be picked up or to get picked up is when family or friends come to the airport to get you so it's kind of nice it's cheaper than a taxi if they pick you up and the flip side of that is if you're done visiting family or friends you will need to be dropped off at the airport so you could say hey my flight leaves tomorrow at 3 o'clock could you drop me off at the airport at two one o'clock so you would say oh I need to be dropped off tomorrow and here's something interesting that happens to some people when they travel they get homesick so when you're homesick it means that you feel sad while traveling because you miss home so some people really really love traveling actually I have a sheet here for that just a sec let me find it some people have I'm looking through my big pile of papers here I think I made too many this morning some people have the travel bug so this is someone who has a strong desire to travel so we all probably know someone who has the travel bug they just travel all the time any time they can go somewhere they go these are the kinds of people that sometimes travel around the world because they love traveling so much so we call that having a travel bug or that travel bug the opposite would be someone who when they travel they are homesick they just really really like being home and they have trouble enjoying their trip because they're homesick so travel bug and homesick opposite of getting picked up is to get dropped off there we go let's see here Marcos has a question here's Marcos this question what's the difference between suitcase bag and baggage not a whole lot so usually when you travel you have a backpack and you have a suitcase or you have we would just call it your bags okay pack your bags go on a trip good stuff this is a question from Ziming says hello Bob have you traveled to China or any other oriental countries I have not I hope to someday that would be really really fun Michelle asking here what is the difference between trip travel and journey thanks Bob so here's what I would say the most common word is trip just say I'm going on a trip I went on a trip had a lot of fun on my trip that's the best one to use travel you could say I had fun on my travels but it sounds older and then journey you'll read that in books and you'll read it in the news but in everyday English we don't use the word journey very much anymore let's see next one fabio says is there any travel destinations that Canadians love the most considering Canada itself North American the rest of the world and what are the names of destinations in Canada that people mispronounce so I'll do the second question first the province of Saskatchewan I don't even sis cat Saskatchewan I don't even know if I spell it right I didn't spell it right myself it's such a hard province to say here we go so the province of Saskatchewan many people mispronounce but then your first question what is the favorite travel destination of Canadians oh we love Canadians love going to Florida in the United States in the winter so a lot of people in Ontario go to Florida and just recently a lot of people from Canada in the winter have been going to Portugal because it's warmer there it's very beautiful it's very European so those are two Florida and Portugal the state of Florida and Portugal see oh this is a good question from Syed his question is how many days are them are the longest vacations in Canada so most people when they get a job they get two weeks of vacation a year and the longer you work at that job so you get two weeks of days off work the longer you work at that job the more days you get so most people if they've been at the same job for 10 or 20 years they probably have three maybe four weeks of vacation four weeks would be a lot but most people in Canada work 48 to 50 weeks out of the year and they get two to four weeks of vacation a year except if you're the boss I think you can have more more weeks than that so let me take one more question let's see here first comes an amazing teacher oh yes thank you Jason says I'm an amazing teacher thanks Jason let's see daliyah says your slides and flashcards are awesome could you download them somewhere to use with our students oh I never thought of that I should have I should open the sets up to you shouldn't I I will do that from now on daliyah because it's all open source it's all copyright free so I will do that hey maybe you didn't go on a plane maybe you went on a cruise or a cruise ship so this is the other type of vacation that a lot of Canadians go on so they go on a cruise ship usually in the Caribbean so you say Caribbean or Caribbean I say both but in the down south to the east of Central America we have the Caribbean so a lot of people go on cruise ships or they go over to the Mediterranean and they go on a cruise ship and some people go on cruises in the North Atlantic around Iceland and then over to the east around Norway and Sweden and Finland but cruise ships are a very very common way of travelling or going on vacation for Canadians some - oh thanks for the super chat Kathy that's awesome I not very often do people give me a little monitor tip during the livestream but there's a little button for some of you with a dollar bill don't send me money if you don't have money but if you like to buy me a coffee that's how you do it but thanks Kathy very much again Bob the Canadian makes lessons for free the videos are free I don't need money but if you want to give me a little tip so I can buy a pizza for my kids later or something that's fine but only give me money if you have money okay do you guys understand that I don't want your money but if you have lots of money you can give me a little bit bus tour so sometimes when you go on a trip especially as a tourist you will go on a bus tour this is a great way to see a city often a bus tour will have a tour guide who comes with so you'll have a person either the driver or another person on the bus they'll talk on a microphone like to your left you'll see the Eiffel Tower it was built many many years ago I don't know when it was built but a tour bus or a bus tour sorry let me get that straight this is a tour bus when you go on a tour bus you are on a bus tour is that confusing it's a little bit confusing isn't it both that there's also people go travelling so they can go camping so camping is when you get a tent and you go out in nature and we have we have another form of tourism called adventure tourism people go on adventure tourism or sorry adventure tours or adventure I think because it's new we don't have a formal name for it but they go on a trip where they go this person is kayaking they might go mountain climbing they might go let's see they might go off road dirtbike riding but adventure tour is tourism is for people who like to do exciting things while they are traveling and then we have a new kind of tourism which I don't understand totally called Agri tourism or agro tourism we haven't decided yet we use both these words but this makes me laugh because this is where people pay money to go work on a farm so it's interesting to me because I I have a farm and it's really hard work but people will pay money to go and work on farm we call it Agri tourism interesting maybe that's what we should do at home maybe we should have Agri tourism so people could come and stay on the farm and and work for us let me take a few more questions from people let's see here again Jason is saying this is not travel related but Jason just wanted to say thank you that's great thank you Jason Jason says I'm here for the first time in the live stream in the first comment I've been watching YouTube channel every night thank you very much you're an amazing teacher ah that's awesome thanks Jason mo mood says let's see here hello Bob I highly recommend that you visit Morocco one day visit Morocco especially a Sri my city you will love it huge welcome thank you very much I will see Bob the Canadians gonna need not gonna need a lot of money if I travel this if I travel this much in the future let's see here there's a question does this do we have a what's app group we don't have a whatsapp group okay I don't have time to management to manage it sorry so we don't have one let me see here Oh Richard from the Philippines has a great question he says when do we use the term layover so remember we talked about connecting flights so you take one flight and then you get from that flight to another one you catch you catch your connecting flight sometimes your connecting flight doesn't leave for several hours or a whole day and we would say that then you have a layover so you're either waiting in the airport or you actually get a hotel room so a layover is when you are stuck at an airport or an airport hotel for a certain amount of time before your connecting flight leaves that was a great question Richard awesome question let's see this good question - Bob can you talk about what to do when your luggage is lost between diff between destinations yes so sometimes when you go on a trip they put your luggage on the plane and then you get to the airport and your luggage doesn't come out in the baggage claim so if that happens you need to find a representative from that airline so if you took Air Canada you would need to go to the Air Canada desk and you need you would need to report to them that you lost your luggage or they lost your luggage but and hopefully they will help you find it so Wow thank you for the super chat very awesome I think that's the are is visit ripples or is it there's so many currencies in the world I'll have to look this up thanks bow Zhang thank you as well you guys are awesome I really do appreciate that the kids will get pizza same name um let me do a few more questions folks there's so sometimes I mumble sorry about that you're getting authentic Canadian English though right now while I'm talking Abner wait where's it Oh Sayid says there are so many sites in Iran that I would recommend that you should visit I would love to see a lot of the countries out that way I would love it to come and see someday so we'll see how it goes let's see here next question is from Amir Wadi from Egypt says what's the difference between stay in and at a hotel so you can use either so a few months ago my wife and I went to Niagara Falls and we stayed in a hotel we stayed at a hotel you can use both they are totally they're totally interchangeable so I stayed at a hotel I stayed in a hotel you can use either for sure I'm here let me grab another question here let's see here this is a good one Mohamed from Malaysia says a few days ago I watched you play in the snow with your family what do you call playing in the snow in a specific term we just say playing in the snow so when we go outside sometimes when our kids are have lots of energy in the winter and they're really hyper because in the winter you're stuck inside a lot so we say just go outside and play in the snow so that's what we say we have a few more sheets here I'm not done though I'm just going to keep going today I don't to work today it's a holiday for me it's not cool so you guys get more of me this isn't really the kind of travel any of us do but it does it is a kind of travel so we have space travel so here you can see the Space Shuttle is being launched so space travel and then if you read science fiction or you watch movies that are science fiction movies we have something called time travel and none of us can do this either but time travel is when you go back in time or you go forward in time and currently it's impossible and I think it will always be impossible but we have time travel and we also have another word for a trip in English is a getaway so you could say something like in the winter it's nice to have a getaway which means it's nice to go on a trip many Canadians like I said like to go south in the winter because they like to have a little getaway where it's warmer where the Sun is still shining okay let me grab a few more questions there are plenty to go through and I will try to get to all of them Louise says Bob can you explain about the phrasal verb check in used in airport so it simply means to go to the desk of the airline that you're taking so in if you were taking again Air Canada you would go to the Air Canada desk and you would say here's my ticket I just want to check in it makes them aware that you are in the airport and they will most likely give you your boarding pass although I haven't been on a plane for a few years so things may have changed a bit but that would be my understanding that when you get to the airport you need to check in and I think you can do it at a kiosk and you can do it electronically now next question is from Fabio is there any travel destination Canadians oh I think we did this one yes so Canadians love to go to Florida and they love to go to Portugal they also like to go to Arizona the state of Arizona let's see here question is from Syed why in Canada they take money for camping so we really like our parks so when you camp you go to a park and in order to keep our parks beautiful the the the people that run the park most of them are national parks some of them are local parks they need money so that they can keep things looking good to clean up the garbage keep the bathrooms working properly trim things mow the lawn and etc etc so the reason it costs money to camp in Canada is that we can keep it as beautiful as possible let's see I think I miss click there we'll see in a sec nope that was the wrong one okay one second here click that click that that didn't work either having this minor technical difficulties here don't worry I will fix it in a moment oh here we go I think I got it now Sayid says which is right pick up me or pick me up so it's pick me up so if I was going on a trip and someone needed to come and get me that's the other way to say it I would say hey can you pick me up tomorrow at 1:00 o'clock my flight gets in at 12:30 could you pick me up at 1:00 that's how you would say it enric a so hey Enrique we did a video a while ago about buildings and I talked about what is the difference between a hotel and a motel so a hotel is usually a little more money and it's nicer and a motel is usually a little bit cheaper and sometimes the doors to the rooms are on the outside of the building I wish I had a picture here to show you but I don't so sorry about that [Music] Fernando says from Recife Raziel do you need a so do we need a special drivers license to rent a car in Canada I actually I actually don't know I don't know I think don't quote me on this that means I'm not the expert but I think if you have a driver's license from a one of the countries that we have an agreement with I don't think you need a special driver's license but I might be wrong so so don't don't don't quote me on it that means I'm not the expert let's see here so some people are posting their questions more than once because they're not travel questions so if I don't answer your question it's probably not a travel question so sorry about that Camille from Russia let's just get some of these through says Bob you are an amazing person thank you you're I want to say thanks you I'm learning you see every day I like really like watching YouTube where I listen excellent I'm glad kami that's awesome let's see here not totally travel related but I'll just take these do you can explain explain the meaning of drop so simply but when you have something and you let go of it you drop it see I caught it did you know it's not that's tricky so I'm gonna drop this there but it's just right here it's not magic or anything let me find a few more questions Raphael says I am a big fan of your channel gonna delete a few things here Raphael says I'm a big fan of your channel congratulations for a great job my question is are there any hostels in Canada and are they good and safe option instead of the normal hotel so hostels are usually places where younger people who are traveling stay there cheaper than hotels you usually don't get your own room I think there are some hostels in some of our bigger cities it is very much a common thing in Europe and other places but yes I think you'll be able to find hostels and they usually are safe Canada is a fairly safe country we do have crime but it's fairly safe in most places as long as you do your research beforehand to figure out if other people have recommended it that's what I would look for Sergio is asking which is right pick me up it's picked me up yes sorry about that I always get this request it says the Leah says could you speak a bit in French so we can see your accent we see two village papaya mas amen Shambu qu parle francais met cm per se for exact a mole a mole merci difficile from one of the parties mistakenly just you ant kind of fair in live stream it's hard for me to do this when I'm doing a live stream because I'm afraid I'm gonna make mistakes but you guys feel that every day when you speak English don't you so yeah hey he's next there you go D'Elia Louise says let me get this one copied and pasted over folks when I lived in the United States or the USA we heard that oh yes we heard the term snowbirds people that move according to the season of the year in Canada do you use this term yes so a Snowbird is someone from a state or from Canada so the places where you get snow snowbirds are the people who go south to Florida in the winter or other southern states in the u.s. so snowbirds are people who instead of staying in Canada in the winter or instead of staying in Michigan or New York State the states that get snow they head south so we call those snowbirds I think because birds migrate and so we use the word Snowbird to refer to them let's see here Miroslav says let's see here to get this fixed up let me see oh I see yeah that makes sense Miroslav says it's not that we have a lot of money it's about it's nice to show you some kind of respect for all your efforts and help if you want to visit all the countries of your students you need money that's true so let's let's so what Miroslav is talking about is the super chats so there's a little not all of you have it but there's a little dollar sign down there and you can give me money and I said don't give me money unless you have money what Miroslav is saying is that even if some of you have just a little bit of money you like to show your respect and I appreciate that but again only give me money if you if you have lots of it let's do it that way if you're rich you give me money if not don't give me money I have a job I'm doing fine so I don't don't expect it or need it so let's go here say it says what's the difference between mumbling and giggling so mumbling is this Dutchman really understand what I'm saying so you really couldn't understand what I was saying because I was mumbling I was not pronouncing my words very good giggling is is like when you're laughing and it's a really cute laugh like that was a really bad example anyways giggling is usually little kids giggle okay and it means they're laughing and it sounds really cute because of the way they're laughing so let's see here as promised Oh Enrique says have you ever been to the American side of Niagara Falls if so which one do you prefer thank you so I've been to both sides and I prefer the Canadian side hopefully we don't have a lot of Americans watching who are sad about that but I have been to so Nagre Falls is it comes from the Nagre River and one side of the Niagara River is the United States and the other side is Canada then I live about 45 minutes I live really close to Niagara Falls by the way and you can view the falls you can view the waterfall from the Canadian side or you can go to the American side so I like the Canadian side though there's lots of parkways and parks and walking it's really really nice so let's see here I should post the link again because I'm running getting close to the end of the questions so let me put that in there if you have questions please use that link and let me get back to the list here let's see here pick me up this amazing person a bit of French camping oh yes here we go this is a question from lolly and the question is oh thank you John Rochon rrah for the super chat thank you very very much can you do a British accent please give it a try oh I can't do British X I can't do a British it's buried deep in I can do a southern United States accent I don't know if I should do it though cuz I don't like to make fun of people but if y'all are from the southern United States you would talk a little more like this so hope that's my southern United States accent but can I do a British accent not very good anyways lolly has a question someone who stays in a hotel is called a guest yes when you stay in a hotel you are called a guest I'm just listening to myself now because I feel like that was yeah I'm just gonna listen to myself do my southern American accent formal yeah that that that sounds pretty good so yes lolly if you stay in a hotel you are a guest and lolly you're asking a question here your next question what's a red I don't know that to me is not a recognizable word English word so I'm not sure what that is lolly what's a res Furber I don't know maybe it's just spelled a little bit indifferent so what's the best places this is from Marie Marianna Coelho where is the best place to get traveler's checks at banks thanks you're the best teacher so traveler's checks are a form of money that you get from the bank that has insurance on it and it's a special kind of money that you take when you go on a trip and a bank is the best place to get them although I will say most people don't use traveler's checks much anymore depending on where they're going because they can just go to a bank machine in another country and take money out when I went to South Africa we did not take traveler's checks we simply went to the bank in South Africa and took money out so that was that was really cool let's see here this is from Louise says Bob do you know what is the cheapest state to visit in candidates so in Canada just a quick correction we have provinces so the cheapest province to visit in Canada I don't know because Canada is not a cheap country and any province you go to you're probably going to be in the tourist area and it's going to be a little bit expensive so let's see here let's see this is from mimus from Malaysia says my friend is if you're from Europe America or developed country you will feel like a king if you travel to an Asian or third-world country because of its currency is that true it can be a little bit true it depends on what you're going for but sometimes the currency exchange there's differences depending on what country you visit so you might visit a country where for your own currency you get a lot of the local currency and it can feel like you have a lot of money but I I'm not sure I don't think I've traveled enough to answer that question well but let's see here Richard from the Philippines says thanks for answering all of our questions you're awesome thank you Richard let's see here Wes M Kumar says what is the term for traveling during the weekend it would just be traveling I'm going on a little trip like if I went somewhere tomorrow which is Saturday I would just say I'm going on a little trip there's no real difference between the two let's see here Yan wants to know do you have any tips for someone taking the IELTS study a lot and make sure you're reading writing listening speaking and learning vocabulary every day for at least an hour for weeks you really really want to be prepared for that test Elizabeth says can you explain the difference between booked and reserved you booked a room or reserved a room is one of them use more often than the other no I was using the word book because I use that a bit more I would book room but you can reserve a room as well but usually you book a flight okay so you don't reserve a flight you would say I need to book a flight to London or I need to and I need to book a hotel room or I need to reserve a hotel room and then once you book or reserve a hotel room you have a reservation okay that's the noun for that let's see here daliyah says did you travel to South Africa for business or for leisure so it was for a school trip we have a partner school in South Africa and we went to visit them it was really fun it was a good trip let's see here I'm out of questions people so if I miss your question it probably wasn't travel related if you have a question you can use that form right there and I will answer it I'm currently just going to wait and see if any more questions pop up oh I have one right here let's see if I can get this copy DOS marvelous Green from turkeys is when I travel to Canada how much time can I stay there maximum I don't know what the limit is for how long you can stay as a tourist obviously you can stay two or three weeks you can probably stay for a few months but I would find the Government of Canada website and just do a search for how long can I stay as a tourist in Canada so how long can I stay as a tourist in Canada I'm actually typing that in right now let's see if there's a quick answer it says most visitors can stay for up to six months well that's great but then there's some other information there so you should do that search and you should use that as your guide let's see here papi chulo says Bob would you talk about travel attractions in Canada which places would you recommend for tourists so depending on what you want to see I would definitely go to Banff which is in the Rocky Mountains I would definitely go to Vancouver or Victoria Island or Vancouver Island the City of Victoria on the west coast I would definitely see Ottawa which is our capital city I would definitely see Niagara Falls but you can't do that all in one trip to Canada unless you have lots of time because it's a big country you might have to visit more than once two or three times to see all that let's see here we have from Lewis Lewis is saying sorry Bob by state Bob I'm confusion with the USA I know that Canada's provinces yes let's see the are dollar sign is reals it's from Brazil oh thank you very much that's good to know I'll check later to see what all the different currencies were you know those of you that are giving me super chats they'll have to exchange that currency into Canadian dollars let's see here next question korea Fabiana says there is some kind of bus tour in big seas of canada that goes to the mountains or forests what's the name of this kind of bus so they would all just be bus tours but you would need to find one that actually visits that most bus tours though don't necessarily go to visit nature most of them are in big cities like if you go to Niagara Falls there are a lot of bus tours Krieger wants to know what my full name is I don't like to give my full name out my real name is Bob though that's for sure and my real first name is Robert so Bob is actually a short form did you know that and my official name is Robert let's see here let's see here Ram hi Eve says hi how are you hope everything is good can you save this video on Soundcloud so many of you have asked if i can put these live video lessons up as a podcast or on soundcloud i have time this summer to maybe start working on that so I'll think about that throughout the day and we'll go from there let me see here let's see ooh one click I think everyone has unforgettable experience when traveling the worst one is maybe when you stay at a guest house in your bed has bedbugs yes sometimes people when they travel the place where they stay the accommodations that's the place you stay could have bedbugs sometimes the food doesn't sit well and people get sick when they're traveling and those kinds of things hey I'm gonna do some idioms let's finish up with some idioms these are related to travel I forgot to fold them so I'm gonna have to fold them while I'm doing this here's one bad news travels too fast so I think you can figure out what this means it means that if there's something bad happening in your life somehow people find out quickly and good news travels slowly we talked about this one a little bit some people when they travel they travel light this means that you don't have very many bags that you didn't bring a lot of suitcases so if you travel light usually it means that you just have a backpack okay or you have one bag because you like to travel you know when you have lots of luggage it can be kind of annoying right because you have to carry all your luggage but if you travel light then you can go places really quickly sometimes we use the phrase off the beaten track so this means a place where not a lot of tourists go or we're not a lot of people know about so I might know a really cool beach on Lake Erie that's off the beaten track and this means that if you go there it will be very quiet because not Veni because not very many people know about it so off the beaten track when people go really fast we say they're going a mile a minute and we use this to describe other things as well like people talking some people talk a mile a minute so it's another way to say that they're talking really fast like wow that girl really talks a mile a minute that would mean that person is a really fast Tucker hey I'm not done but I'm just gonna post the link again so that if there's questions while we're doing the idioms I just have a few more left here we have a saying in English all hands on deck so the deck is the top part of a ship but we use this phrase in everyday life so let's say at home our house is messy and it needs to be cleaned up we might say okay kids all hands on deck let's clean the house this would mean that both myself and my wife and all our children are cleaning the house so all hands on deck you might also have this maybe you're building something and you need help and you might go to three of your friends and say hey this is kind of an all-hands-on-deck situation I need your help sometimes a row odhh splits into two roads and we call that a fork in the road but we also use this to describe life sometimes in life you are at a fork in the road which means you're at a spot in life where you have to make a decision so that's what a fork in the road is I'm just gonna wrap things up in a bit again if you're new here you should click the subscribe button below and everyone should give me a thumbs up if this is helpful if it's not helpful don't worry about it but if this is helpful subscribe thumbs up all that kind of stuff I have a few more things here sometimes we tell people to cool their Jets or cool your jets and this just means to relax so airplanes have jet engines and when they're hot they need to cool off but sometimes people get a little hot under the collar that means they're a little bit angry or worked up and we'll say hey cool your jets it means just cool down I want to have another one here so we use kilometers in Canada but a mile is something they use in the UK and the United States I think they use in the UK still but a country mile is longer than a normal mile it isn't really but we use this to describe Oh that's out towards this town but it's a country mile so it means it's far away if you say something is a country mile a couple more here if you are in charge if you are the boss of something we say that you are in the driver's seat so this means that you are in charge so when I am in my classroom I am in the driver's seat because I'm in charge of the classroom we also have something called a back seat driver this is someone so literally this means someone who sits in the back seat and tells you how to drive but we use this in life as well so if you're doing a project and you're making all the decisions but someone keeps telling you what you should do we call them a backseat driver it's like hey I'm doing this project stop telling me what to do you're being a backseat driver and sometimes people are gonna laugh what I'm gonna say boat if you have a difficult situation in life and a friend or a relative has the same problem you would say that you're in the same boat so let's say my car breaks down and I call my brother to ask if I can use his car and he says my car is broken too we would say that we're in the same boat and then here's the last one this is for how we would describe someone who travels a lot maybe for business we would say that they are living out of their suitcase so maybe they've like actually my brother had to go on a trip to four different cities in Europe for business so for three weeks he was living out of his suitcase he had to live out of his suitcase so that means someone who travels a lot hey let me check if there's any last questions and then we'll wrap this up let's see here I was too early for live streaming I have to find my spot here video soon here we go so here's the first one Adolfo Carrillo says Bob it's too early for a live stream I can barely keep my headlights open yeah okay bye it's 8 a.m. I'm just starting my engines yes just getting going for the day by the way for those of you that are still watching don't forget that if you come back tomorrow you can watch this again and it will have subtitles it's always good to watch it twice I know it's a big time commitment but you can watch it again tomorrow it will have it will have subtitles tomorrow Rogerio says is it true the native speakers tend to invent or create phrasal verbs in a slang way sorry for my English no problem Rosario so English and every language they are developing over time so there's new words all the time so a new word right now would be if something's really cool we say it's lit so that's a brand new word just a year ago sometimes those words make it into the dictionary after a couple of years so and I think it happens in every language actually Rosario let's see here say it says why do some people tour their passport at the airport I'm not sure Syed I'm not sure if you mean to rip up I don't think they would do that but I'm not sure how to answer that question again Vlad is asking what is your full name Vlad I don't give out my full name sorry how many times have I visited the United States so many times because I have family in the state of Michigan so I tend to visit once in a while not every year but regularly enough let's see this one is Richard from the Philippines says could you share the different motion sickness we get so motion sickness is something people sometimes get when traveling because they're not used to being on an airplane when you're on a boat we sometimes call it being seasick so you can get seasick on a boat because the boat moves and you're not really used to it right so it makes you feel a little bit funny oh this is a great question Louise what is the best time of year to visit Canada as a tourist so that really depends if you like snow come in January if you don't like snow come in July so July 1st is Canada Day so it's almost it's Canada Day weekend here it's a holiday on July 1st because we celebrate Canada so July is a great month if you can get to Ottawa on July 1st you would love it it is a great celebration let's see here Christine Chitra Simba's wall says sir please upload this video so that we can watch it again so it this video will automatically become a watchable video as soon as the livestream is done if you wait six to twelve hours it will have subtitles at the bottom and that is great a great thing to do is to rewatch it don't forget to re-watch it tomorrow maybe just you can just watch the sections that you didn't understand especially if you have trouble understanding me watch it again tomorrow with the subtitles on click the CC button very very helpful let's see here next question oh it's a little bit long let's see your Elizabeth's thanks ever so much for answering the questions so nice to hear the answers live what about the word voyage is it used in everyday conversation or is it kind of old it is kind of old like I wouldn't say I went on a sea voyage we just wouldn't say that anymore you will see the word voyage though when you read and you'll probably see it in the news you'll hear about you know it was a long voyage that kind of thing but usually we just used the word trip okay so I'm not sure why people keep asking for my full name but I'm not giving out my full name sorry people Chitra census or upload this videos who can watch again I think I did that one already sorry about that and Susannah says do you prefer to travel with a car or plane and have you been to France so no well sorry I've been to the airport in Paris that's it and Susannah says do you travel by car play I like traveling by plane because when I travel by car I have to drive and then I get tired of driving but on a plane you can just sit and talk to the person you're with so it's very very it's very very cool I'm just gonna answer one question here I go live on Friday at 8 a.m. yes Eastern Standard Time which is 12 GMT and I go live on Saturday at 7:00 7:00 7:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time as well so I do two lives a week this one's almost done folks we're gonna wrap this up let's see if this is gonna be the last question I said oh so poppy Julie says what do you what's your advice for people who do not understand cultural different differences and they don't want to offend people when they travel just maybe do a little bit of research before you go like if you were to visit Canada I would go to youtube and I would search things to know when visiting Canada and then you'll probably find a video that helps you and you'll be able to figure out okay don't do this this is acceptable and go from there you'll learn about whether it's acceptable to tip or not tip to negotiate prices or not negotiate prices but that's what I would do search for things to know when visiting Canada or things not to do when visiting Canada or what other ever country you're from so anyways folks I think I am going to wrap this up that means that this is the end of this live lesson I've gotten through all of the questions that came in thank you very much for them thank you for the super chats that was pretty funny a pretty fun fun sorry not funny it was fun that's a bath I made a mistake there funny would be like I didn't like it but fun means I did like it so that was great and I just want to say again hi to everyone that was in the chat thank you for those who were able to submit questions via the forum we will do this again next week don't forget to watch this again tomorrow click the subscribe button if you hadn't haven't give me a thumbs up don't forget to watch this again tomorrow with the subtitles on to help you subtitles will be available in about twelve hours so it takes a while for the subtitles to show up and please share this video with anyone you know that's learning English and thank you so much for watching I'm gonna say thanks for watching in the chat I can't type today I keep making mistake thanks for watching you guys are awesome and again there will be another live stream tomorrow evening so next live is Saturday which is tomorrow at 7:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so that is from the farm and that is meant just to be a listening and conversation practice I do want to mention a lot of people ask grammar questions on the saturday night live stream but i interested in that being a grammar lesson it is very much for you to just have a conversation with me you can ask me questions about myself about Canada about the farm and I love to answer them you can ask me questions about how to save certain things but it's it's more meant just for us to hang out just to spend some time together but anyways I'm Bob the Canadian I think I have talked long enough I hope that you are having a good evening or a good morning or a good afternoon and I hope you all have a really good weekend I'm gonna push the button now that turns this off
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 1,000,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english travel vocabulary, english travel words, english travel words and phrases, english travel phrases, english words to use while travelling, english vacation vocabulary, english travel useful phrases
Id: g-Y4TyYGQl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 5sec (4925 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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