Free English Class! Topic: Plants! ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒป

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we'll be starting in 47 seconds 46 45 I'm just going to make sure everything is working the way it should be and then we will get this English lesson started hopefully the audio is working I did disconnect everything and move it outside and then bring it all back in for the eclipse on Monday so I think everything's working the way it is supposed to and we can get started it in 20 seconds oh yeah there we go good good good hi Freddy Ralph Michael hi everybody in the chat we'll start in about 12 seconds we'll learn a little bit about plants today should be a good lesson I think you will and enjoy it for sure three two one well hello and welcome to this English lesson about plants plants are these wonderful things that grow outside and sometimes we grow them inside they make the world beautiful in my opinion plants make things look natural they make us feel good inside and in in addition to that they also feed us we eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables that plants provide for us so plants are amazing and certainly a worthwhile English lesson for today so welcome to this English lesson about plants hey before we get started just a few things I want to make sure I'm not talking too loud let me just check that oh yeah sounds great actually uh I do want to say hi to a few people hi to naston hi to LLY LLY uh Zeba Nadim tan gaso Fritz night Bots here with the in the chat I saw Freddy wolf earlier as well as Ralph and Michael Holman good to see all of the familiar faces hi to Wanda and taana Alicia fox25 s fox25 and all of the people who are here uh to learn a little bit more about plants I hope that you do enjoy it let me do one last audio check everything's working great remember if you want to have good English conversations in the chat while I'm teaching you should do that this is a great opportunity to practice some of your reading and writing as well as your listening um but please if you have a question use the form to ask it okay there's a little Link in the chat from nightbot there's also a link in the description below uh you can use that to send me a question and I will pause throughout the lesson to answer those questions hi to Arena good to see you Arena Moon uh cipas ramsha uh Nadim again Phineas Muhammad um scrolling back I think I said hi to Alicia already but anyways good to see all of you uh someone in the chat is new here good to see new people as well and gaso says audio is great awesome I will then get the lesson started here we go seed this is where you should start when talking about plants seeds in my opinion are one of the most amazing things in the world it's this tiny little thing and you put it in the ground and it turns into a tree or it turns into grass or it turns into a little bush seeds are these little dormant parts of the plant when I say dormant I mean a seed is kind of asleep waiting to grow at some point so when you have seeds uh you basically have plants that will grow someday Jen and I plant many many seeds in the spring we start our seeds in little seeding trays in our basement uh and then eventually they all grow into plants um and seeds can be yummy too it's fun to eat sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds there are many types of seeds in the world that that are very yummy to eat as well so the verb to plant this is what we use when we talk about putting a seed in the ground this person is planting seeds Jen will plant many seeds in the spring um farmers in our area will plant a lot of seeds in the ground later this spring so when you take a seed that's dormant and you put it in the ground or you put it in soil um and if it gets the right uh right things which I'm going to talk about in a moment uh it will start to grow but the verb we use is to plant and you put it into through the soil or the ground you could even say the Earth um generally we plant seeds into soil in our seeding trays if you were putting seeds into a pot uh you would probably say you're putting it into soil if you're outside you plant seeds in the soil or in the ground you could use either word to describe it but that is what will make seeds uh come out of their dormy and start to grow oops little misclick there to germinate so once a seed starts to grow it sends out usually a little root and a little stem so we say then that it has germinated the seed absorbs water and then it gets to a point where it will start to grow and we call that germination the verb is to germinate we hope that when we plant seeds they will germinate um it's nice to see seeds start to grow it's nice to see them germinate uh and start to um send down roots and send a stem up and the verb is to germinate and we also refer to this as a sprout so a sprout is something that might be familiar to you because we eat Sprouts um you can eat bean sprouts you can eat sunflower sprouts you can eat eat alala Sprouts a sprout is when the seed has germinated and it's sent out either maybe just a root maybe a root and a little bit of a stem but usually just that first root and then you are able to eat it maybe in a salad or something else very very yummy I like Sprouts um Jen used to do more Sprouts in our kitchen we had a sprouting jar we should probably do that more because Sprouts are very very healthy it's also a fun word to say why don't you say it right now sprout it's a fun English word to say so as I mentioned plants have different parts the root is the part of the plant that grows down into the soil so generally when a seed germinates it will send out its first root and that root will go down into the soil so that the plant can get water and other nutrients from the soil in order to grow so we call it a root I think it has a couple other pronunciations but I say root um roots are pretty cool they actually make the soil healthier as well because they go down and they break up the soil there are some crops that we grow just to make the soil better because the roots help make good soil to emerge so when a plant germinates and sends its first root down and then it sends its first stem up eventually it comes out of the ground and the verb we use is to emerge plants emerge from the ground um when I plant crops in my Big Field I'm always eager for the seeds to emerge I'm looking forward to seeing the plants sorry the seeds don't emerge I'm looking forward to seeing the plants emerge from from the ground it is a very exciting time when you see things we could also um use the verb to come up so it's fun to see plants come up um or to emerge from the ground and then we call that a Seedling when a plant first starts to grow that tiny little plant that first little um stem and a few leaves that come out of the ground we like we call that uh a Seedling um Jen in the basement because we grow flowers on our flower farm she has large trays she plants seeds in the soil in the tray eventually it will germinate and then the seed will emerge and then will have a Little Seedling after a day or two it'll put up a stem and then a couple little leaves and we'll have these cute little seedlings so the difference between emerge and germinate germinate means the seed starts to grow underneath the ground and when you say the sea when you say the plant emerges it means it comes out of the ground they are very similar but scientifically germination would be be the seed takes in water and sends out its first root so you might not see it yet and then eventually it will emerge and you will see it start to grow above the ground that would be the little difference between to emerge and to germinate so parts of the plant the stem is just that piece that doesn't have anything else happening it just connects the bottom of the plant to the first Leaf sorry just have a look oh bumping my microphone just have a look here this is the stem of this plant if you go far enough up you will have a leaf but that is the stem with a tree uh you might actually call the main part the trunk or you actually call the main part the trunk and then you might say stems but usually we say branches when we're talking about a tree um leaves of course uh or Leaf in the singular um these are the green usually green parts of a plant sometimes yellow or red or other colors this is the part of the plant that the plant makes in order to um capture sunlight and I won't go into the details of what plants do with sunlight but they use sunlight in order to get energy to grow so leaves are the part of the plant where sunlight can hit and the plant can grow and be strong and produce food or produce branches or produce um let me see I'm thinking fruit or anything else that a plant produces this is a bud so a bud is anything that looks like this that will become a flower or a leaf okay generally a bud becomes a flower but our trees right now have all little buds on them and those buds on a maple tree will open and become leaves on the tree when we see a bud on one of our flowering plants that bud usually opens and becomes a flower so it's like the stage before leaves or the stage Before Flowers is uh Bud then of course you have flowers this is a beautiful Delia or you have this which is a flower as well but we might call it a bloom this is a beautiful peie um you might hear the word flower more often people buy flowers people love to smell flowers it's the colorful part of a plant that humans are very attracted to uh and bees are also very attracted to them as well bees love flowers so that they can go around and land on them and there's things with pollen and later making honey that happen but we can also call it a bloom you know oh there's lots of nice flowers in that field there's lots of nice blooms in that field although flower would be the more common way to describe it um there's no flowers on our farm yet there are no blooms on our farm yet uh those will be coming in a few weeks okay that's not totally true there are daffodils blooming and there will be tulips blooming in a few weeks uh so notice that's a verb as well to bloom So when you say the flowers are going to bloom it means they're going to go from just having a bud to opening up and you will see a beautiful flower okay let's look at a few questions let me adjust this here a little bit my screen's off a little let me have a sip of water and let me check the audio and then I will answer some questions here awesome well hello to the 255 people watching it's nice to have you here uh if you're new here you should click this subscribe button and subscribe to my channel and you will get notified when I do a new English lesson uh let's see here hung says here we learn how to grow edible plants by propagating from a cell of the plant in tubes do you know how to grow plants using asexual propagation have you ever done that we grow almost everything from seed but Jen will do that sometimes she will take a cutting we call it a cutting like a small part of a stem maybe with a leaf and then she might um dip it in a special rooting powder and then put it into soil and it will grow um Roots straight from the stem not every plant in the world will do that I don't think but we do that for some of our plants it's a very cool way to propagate and good good word I don't have the word propagate uh in my slides but when you propagate it means you take a piece of a plant and then you stick it in soil and it starts to grow willow trees will grow that way quite easily um Denise says plants that sounds good you can use your personal photos instead of slides but let's not beat around the bush off we go I didn't actually use personal photos I should have but uh I was in a bit of a rush this week so I'm doing a lesson that I actually did four years ago that was mostly already made so some of you might recognize this lesson but um that's uh that's where we're at um rousin in the chat says let's make two million Subs by summer teacher Bob we'll see I'm at 1.8 million now I'm not too worried about getting more subs I'm quite happy with the size of my channel but at my rate of growth I probably will get to 2 million Subs more like like a year from now or a little under a year smart says you are the best thank you uh and Sarah says hi Bob can I ask you which province are you in I am in Ontario from rusland uh from The Forum hello dear teacher Bob how are you today I'm good good but my nose is itchy I keep touching my nose sorry it probably annoys some of you um do Canadians grow apples in their backyards so apples grow quite well in my area and people used to that means a long time ago people used to have one or two apple trees and one or two pear trees in their backyard that was very very common but now I think it's just easier to buy apples in the store so people don't do that but in my area of Canada where I am in Niagara the uh southern part of Ontario um you can definitely grow apples and you can grow pears um pretty much everywhere we can't I can't grow peaches or apricots or uh those kinds of things but to the north of me there's a place where they can grow those um from the Vietnamese writer there's a variety of ways to plant a tree are you familiar with growing plants using cuting yes what types of plants you often use that method for things so Jen takes cuting of different small bushes like uous bushes um we grow uh willow so sometimes she'll use it for willow um Le Leandro in the chat Super Chat hi Bob I'm a farmer in Brazil I don't think there's a place where there are more ends than here either for food or other purposes more plants probably Brazil is a huge producer of food we know because Canada and Brazil Brazil produced soybeans in opposite parts of the Year we're both huge Growers of soybeans so very cool thanks Leonardo aleandro for the Super Chat that's awesome back to the Vietnamese writer um yeah so we don't do a lot of cuting we don't propagate a lot but we do a little bit of it um from no that hey no that good to see you hello Bob I'm at work right now but thought I'd pop in with a question is there a type of plant you would most like to grow on your farm thanks in advance and greetings sir so I would love to grow grapes someday but this is not the right area for growing grapes the same area north of me if you go about 30 km North there's a kind of a protected area where it's a little warmer it sounds funny because it's north of here but it's a little warmer and they can grow grapes um maybe with global warming when I'm older I might be able to have a little Vineyard here but right now it's not the best area to grow grapes we would need it to be a degree or two warmer um but I do have a nice south-facing slope that maybe someday I can grow grapes on maybe some of my uh viewers in France can send me a a few little um some root stock of some uh Vines from France that I can start a little Vineyard here but that's a great question though that I think that would be fun uh get a nice old hat and have a little Vineyard out there that would be fun uh let's see the Vietnam rice farmer we should find new plants to provide enough food for the huge population what types of plants will be Humanity's future food will they be will they be more healthier and tasty thanks I'm not sure but the basics we're basically um we have very good production of Wheat and rice in the world there are some pulse crops as well that people grow a lot of like um lentils and those kinds of things but I think the future of food probably is in foods that provide I'm getting a little technical here foods that provide both carbohydrates and proteins I think we need to grow more foods that have higher amounts of protein so wheat and rice are mostly just carbohydrates whereas lentils uh and bean type crop crops have protein as well as carbohydrates so I think that's the future we need to grow more crops and then secondly because I'm I'm going on a little tangent here crops that make their own fertilizer that would be huge um let's see here Victor o can you can you speak British English I'm trying to do a British I can't speak British English it just sounds really bad sorry to all British people who are watching so no Victor I can't speak with a British accent um let's see here from Yousef hey Bob I hope you are going well I want to ask about the differences between stem and trunk and between limp and Branch thank you so first of all with limp limp is what you do when you hurt your foot or leg let's change the P to a b and then it's limb so a branch or limb on a tree so a stem is generally like any small plant will have stems like if you have a little plant in your house it will have stems and then leaves on the stems when we talk about a tree the main what's kind of the stem is actually called the trunk and then the uh little stems that come off the trunk of a tree are called branches or limbs so with trees we just have a little bit of different um uh little bit of a different way of looking at it um Marina this is a good question um hello Bob are there any plants that people think bring bad luck in your culture thank you for your fantastic English class I don't think so there are some plants like poison ivy that you don't want to touch because you'll get a rash on your skin and people do think if you find a fourleaf clover it's good luck because most Clover plants have three leaves on their stem but I can't think of a plant that people think bring brings bad luck um from Nadim at Spring most of the trees start to change their colors and come up what do we call this process like when tree has this pinky or white colors so we might say that there are blossoms on the trees like cherry trees have beautiful blossoms tiny tiny flowers on the tree um we sometimes say the tree is starting to Leaf out so they have really tiny leaves that over a few weeks will grow into larger leaves so you might say oh the cherry tree is in Blossom aome it has beautiful flowers or the maple tree is starting to Leaf out the leaves are starting to come out of the tree uh let's see someone in the chat let's see yeah Canada doesn't allow to bring plants from other countries unfortunately yeah don't you maybe shouldn't send me plants from other countries uh ala is correct on that one okay couple more questions and then I'll get back to the uh lesson Bob's Vietnamese friend says corals themselves seem growing beautifully with Incredible colors and eco-friendly do you think Coral is actually a special sea plant or it's an unmovable animal things I don't know much about coral or coral reefs perhaps I should do a lesson on the ocean in the future and then I will talk about that so buddy says I missed that old plant that was behind you in your room haha yeah I had a plant just for a little while over there but there was not enough enough sunlight in this room so we ended up moving it to the kitchen so that's the story of the plant that was in this room it will come back someday maybe we'll find one that will grow with less sunlight fruit so fruit is something that a tree will grow um other plants have fruit as well but the most common types of fruit would be things like apples peaches pears I think dates are a fruit um I think even strawberries are considered a fruit they don't grow on a tree though they grow on a little bush in the ground uh but fruit is generally sweet fruit is generally very very yummy um but if I go to market in the summer one of the things I want to buy is fresh fruit in our area in the summer as you go to market like a farmers's market it starts uh usually the season starts at the end of and the first fruit at Market can sometimes be apples but they're apples from the year before that are coming out of storage so they're not like from the tree in May or June but we usually start to see fruit come in around July we have peaches apricots nectarines plums um eventually we do have apples and pears in the fall fruit is very very yummy and that those are some examples vegetables are basically any other part of a plant that you eat in fact because this isn't a science lesson I don't have to be specific there are some things that we say are vegetables in the kitchen that maybe if you looked it up online is actually a fruit but uh this to me would be these are all vegetables I'm not sure if Tomatoes would actually be considered a fruit or not I don't want to get into a big argument but vegetables are things like spinach or lettuce uh or broccoli or cauliflower those are all vegetables uh very very very healthy for you to eat um everyone should eat a lot of vegetables in fact there are a lot of different ways that people explore to be healthy one of the best things you can do is just eat more vegetables I don't want to go into the details of why that's good but vegetables are just good for you very good when you grow a lot of one kind of plant we usually call it a crop so right now I have a wheat crop in my field I have a over 30 acre field and I'm growing wheat last year the crop I had in that field was soybeans next year the crop will either be corn or soybeans so when you drive out in the countryside and you see wheat fields or rice fields we call those crops they're growing a crop in order to harvest the crop and to sell it to people so this is a corn crop by the way if you're not familiar with it I we call it corn it might be called maze in other countries when a farmer has a crop they are growing that crop okay and we can use crop even more broadly like Jen has a nice crop of flowers um we grow flowers I'm growing wheat we grow corn sometimes I also grow uh hayy for cows and goats to eat so this is the general term for humans um planting seeds allowing them to grow and harvesting them you just use the verb to grow and then when they're all done growing you harvest them so this is called a combine in my part of Canada we call this machine a combine it is a large machine that can drive and it takes the crop into itself and takes the part out usually the seed and puts it in the bin on the top and then the rest of the plant all of the stems and leaves go out the back but there are many ways to harvest you can Harvest by hand you can Harvest with a big machine like this combine you can Harvest with maybe just um a bunch of workers with knives cutting broccoli out of the field uh lots of ways to harvest Harvest crops when they are ready uh to be um sold so when you grow vegetables at home we call that a garden so some people have a small piece of land a small area in their yard where they improve the soil so that it's good for growing things and they might have a small garden um if you grow flowers though we usually call it a flower bed um not sure why so this is a garden this is a flower bed but you could also have a flower garden so the words are kind of interchangeable I think flower bed would refer to a smaller area um but you can also use the verb to Garden to talk about this hobby of growing things so when you Garden it doesn't mean you're growing food to sell it doesn't mean you're growing plants to sell it doesn't mean you're growing flowers to harvest and make bouquet and sell to people it means that you enjoy being outside and you enjoy growing things so someone might say what are your hobbies and you might say oh I like to Garden I like growing little plants outside I have a small vegetable garden I have a few flower beds around my property and I like to grow different types of plants so when we use the verb to Garden we're talking about the hobby of Gard gardening so here is a vegetable garden so I mentioned Garden earlier and I mentioned vegetables a few times but you could just specify and say I have a vegetable garden um you don't grow fruit usually in a garden although some of the things you're growing are probably fruit usually you would grow fruit on trees in an orchard uh and then here's a flower garden sorry I must have forgot that I had these slides here so a flower garden is a a bigger place than a flower bed where you grow a wide variety of flowers a person who grows lots of plants to sell is generally called a farmer so Jen and I grow a lot of flowers to sell them we are flower Farmers I am a farmer Jen is a farmer I also grow lots of wheat Jen and I have a large field of wheat We Are Farmers so this is a term we use for someone who grows a lot of plants and their purpose for growing the plants isn't to eat them themselves their purpose isn't to look at the beautiful flowers their purpose is to sell whatever they harvest I'm going back using the word Harvest so a farmer will plant crops a farmer will grow crops a farmers farmer will harvest crops and a farmer will sell crops if we go inside you might have house plants so a house plant is a small plant that you grow inside because you like how it looks so you might have a few plants like this one in different rooms it's nice to see green plants in a house people mention that they miss my plant they wish I still had my plant here plants just make humans feel better there's a nice feeling inside like you have a nice feeling when you see plants around so a house plant is a plant that you grow in a house so there's crops there's plants that we grow because we like growing them plants we grow because we're trying to produce food or flowers but there are also plants that uh would be called a weed a weed is an annoying plant that grows in a spot where you don't want it to Jen and I have rows of flowers in our field and weeds grow amongst the flowers or among the flowers you can use either word and we have to go and pull the weeds out this is a dandelion um there are a variety of weeds in my part of the world I'm sure there are different weeds in your part of the world but if you'd like to have a nice beautiful flower bed if you nice if you want a nice vegetable garden you need to go out and and make sure that you pull the weeds out uh and in English by the way we often have the same noun as verb so I can go weed the garden okay if there are weeds in the garden I like to weed the garden so I can use the same word um there's a noun form and an a verb form of that word that I can use weeds are annoying by the way they will grow pretty much anywhere and it's kind of frustrating sometimes nutrients so let's talk about what plants need to grow um plants need a variety of things to grow but one of the things they need um they need nutrients nutrients refer to all of the things in the soil that plants take in through their Roots along with water in order to grow they need things like magnesium and calcium and nitrogen and phosphorus and pottassium there are a number of things that need to be in the soil I think they even need some sulfur um that plants need in order to be healthy and in order to grow and we'll we'll talk about those things in a bit I'm just going to check something and we're going to go to members only chat mode um just for a bit and uh we will get back to the lesson in about 10 minutes so don't leave if you're new here and don't know what's happening right now um about this far through the lesson I stop to answer questions from here but I will also answer questions directly from the chat from members uh and members thank you for being members if you're wondering what membership is there is a join button somewhere that you can click and you will be able to see what you get if you are a member Tara says could you I'm going to fill in some words here could you tell us the difference between pip and pip and fruitstone so when you eat fruit there are usually seeds in the middle if the seeds are small we might call them Pips if the seed is really big we might call it a stone so when I eat an apple there are tiny little seeds in the middle I'm not sure if I would call those Pips um I'm trying to think of a smaller type of seed um we also say pit though with a T I would probably say like when you eat a cherry it has a pit in the middle when I eat a peach it has a pit in the middle and we might call that a stone as well so a few different ways to describe the hard seed in the middle of the fruit Joe Biden hi Bob which is your favorite plant I'm going to bring some of your favorite from the White House I like maple trees maple trees are just awesome we have several kinds of maple trees they grow all over in my part of Canada in in fact in most of Canada um we have a few sugar Maples we have some silver Maples they are just beautiful crimson maple they have red leaves awesome I think there's a it's no mystery to me that there is a maple leaf on our flag it totally makes sense to me that we have that uh from the solo camper hello sir I will have a camping trip this summer would you like to eat dried vegetables rather than edible wild plants when you go for a solo camping thanks so generally people will travel and they'll bring trail mix when they go on a hike not necessarily camping trail mix is usually like nuts and seeds um it might have things like raisins or cranberries in it it's a very high energy form of food like one handful of Trail Mix has a lot of energy in it for you to eat um so if I went uh solo camping if I was going on a hike I might bring some trail mix with me because you're on the trail and that's when you eat it from Shota BL is there a place nearby where you can see Sakura cherry blossoms in many areas of Japan they were in full bloom last weekend we love the short-lived flowers so much yeah they are amazing we do have a couple flowering trees I don't think they are cherry here but we have two trees that flower in a similar way when a tree has all these all blossoms on it it's just very very cool to see I love it hey from the chat Naomi is saying hi Lolly saying hi to John everyone's saying hi I should say hi to John too hi John good to see you um and then Anna says hello Bob today's topic is the thing that I've been in i' sorry you're that I've been interested in for a few years people love plants one of the reasons why Jen has a successful flower farm is because people in the world love plants people love flowers and people like growing their own plants as well so it doesn't surprise me Anna that you enjoy it John wedge says hi Bob I'm late today I'm here but I'm here no questions today my friend just listening and chatting I have two more live streams of yours to watch which I haven't been able to see the last two Fridays yeah I did get a little bit in English we might say I was a little bit live stream happy so I did one last Friday I did one last Saturday I did one last Monday there's there's a lot of live stream content up there um so thanks John I hope you get caught up Wanda says Hi teacher Bob you said you would like to grow grapes do you appreciate wine thanks a lot I do I like grape juice though grape juice is yummy I like table grapes like I like to just eat grapes we have different kinds of grapes here when we say table grapes we mean you buy the grapes in order to eat them so I think I would love to grow table grapes and maybe make some grape juice I don't think I would get into wine making that might be a little bit um that might be a little bit too challenging LLY says Bob k prere I love pees pies are just really really cool they come up every year they have BL beautiful flowers and they smell amazing so I would say that's one of my favorite um Naomi says we can still enjoy cherry blossoms this weekend very cool so it depends probably where you are in the world um let's see here Freddy says do you have any areas which mushrooms grow in the for forest or even truffles in order to make awesome meals it's so yummy y y oh yes no we so we have mushrooms here but they're not safe to eat we could grow mushrooms if we wanted to there are some mushroom Growers around but you need kind of like this moist sheltered area most mushrooms that we eat in Canada are from a mushroom Farm which is actually a building they grow mushrooms in a building so um maybe if I grow grape someday I should also grow some mushrooms Michael says hi Bob I'm at work right now selling fertilizer farmers are pretty busy with Planting onions and potatoes in my area is your soil good for those crops too so no I understand though about fertilizer that fertilizer is very important and I'll talk about it in just a moment um my wheat doesn't have fertilizer on it a vegetables they definitely grow onions there but I have very hard clay soil so it's hard to grow um crops where you have to where they're underground like onions are in the ground garlic it's hard to grow here you can but it's not the best area oh Bob so I have three live streams to watch instead of yeah you definitely have a lot awesome I'll enjoy to watch it yeah instead of two yeah you have three to watch instead of two uh John H folks as always don't forget to give a thumbs up thank you for the reminder uh and let me get another question on the screen let's go back to this uh for um from Lolly LLY bonjour Bob how long do you work on the farm when it's flower season and did your sales Dro significantly during Co Meri so Jen works basically from March until November pretty much full-time um through the winter she works a little bit less I don't do much in the winter at all around this time of year I probably start to work just a few hours a week maybe one or two sometimes on a Saturday Jen will have a job for me to do um when summer comes I probably work about maybe 10 to 20 hours a week on the farm with Jen depending on what we have to get done that week so Jen does the vast majority of the work in July and August I do quite a bit of work um but uh that's the breakdown so that's why when people ask I always say Jen's the flower farmer and I help her like it's very much her business so um let's see John says hey Bob your camera blurred a little bit let's see what's going on we can always do a little check here to see what's up oh it looks pretty good to me if I do this it'll focus on my hand and then it will focus back on my face that might reset it we'll um Naomi says I'm excited about going hiking and seeing plants in the woods tomorrow yes hiking is fun I'm waiting for the leaves the trees to Leaf out though it's nicer to hike when there's lots of shade um uh thanks uh T by the way for becoming a member TAA Oro I forgot to mention joined and became a member of the channel welcome T thank you and Alexander bodar has given me a super sticker thank you so much for that I appreciate the support uh did sales drop significantly during Co a little bit but we sold more flowers at our roadside stand because people people couldn't do anything so people drove around the countryside that was a common activity during covid so we actually did okay on that front uh let's see nran from Iran Hello My Teacher Bob can you name some of the apartment plans we have so many because the weather is hot in my Province we keep mostly apartment plants I don't know but I would assume that people would have a lot of container plants we would say in English so they might grow tomatoes on their balcony they might grow cucumbers on their balcony in pots they might have really large pots to grow those types of plants that would be my guess uh let's see here Freddy wolf says if you make wine from red grapes you can get red red wine that's a song Yes red red wine that song was popular when I was going when I went to University my was it my or just before yeah um young last question and we'll get back to the lesson if there are only five kinds of fruits what would you choose I would choose so bananas peaches if I can count strawberries as a fruit um I like plums and apples I think probably bananas and app app are the two fruits I eat the most bananas and apples and then Freddy wolf do you have a green thumb Bob is Jen teaching you about flower planting I don't have a green thumb which might sound funny because we have a flower farm Jen definitely has a green thumb but the things I know how to do help Jen there are things like I think I'm better at operating Machinery well maybe not better I've just done it more um but definitely if if I tried to grow plants that I wouldn't be very successful at all not at all I'm not I'm not a very uh by the way someone with a green thumb that means someone who's good at growing things uh let me just turn off members only chat for a moment and we will get back to the lesson we'll go back to subscriber mode there we go and go back to slides anyways thanks for being members everybody again if you're curious about membership there is a link down there uh you get an extra video every week a short uh lesson for Mondays on things you can do uh you get your name in green during a live stream and you can participate in uh members only chat let's get back to the lesson though fertilizer so fertilizer generally refers to three main things and that is nitrogen phosphate and potassium those are the three major fertilizers that plants need uh each one helps the plant in a different way When I grow crops in my field I need to make sure there's enough fertilizer in the ground if there isn't we put more fertilizer on um my wheat needs nitrogen soon because it's primarily a grass nitrogen is the most important fertilizer for it um but yeah lots of times people will put fertilizer down before they grow something so that it grows strong and it grows healthy they might use manure which is of course just a very natural fertilizer there's no other way to say this manure is a mixture of straw and poop from animals so if you have sheep you probably put straw in the Sheep pen straw is just dried wheat or oat stems uh and then they poop and then the mixture will decompose a little bit and it becomes very very good fertilizer so horse manure cow manure sheep manure goat manure it's all very very good for the soil in fact better than fertilizer in some ways because fertilizer adds the chemicals that are needed manure adds the chemicals that are needed but also what we call organic matter all of the little pieces of you know old plants in the manure are good for the soil as well and then there's compost I don't know if you have a compost bin a compost bin is a place where you put kitchen scraps so that they can decompose and it becomes a very rich mulch or fertilizer as well so we put all of our kitchen scraps like little pieces of celery that we cut off the end uh leaves that we don't eat like if you eat the stem but not the leaf um when you buy carrots the green part of the carrot we put into the compost um so that will slowly turn into a really really nice nutrient source for growing plants oh and by the way manure does smell but if it's very very old manure it doesn't smell very bad so it's good to let manure sit for about a year and it turns a dark dark brown and it doesn't smell as much so um plants need water lots of water they get water in a variety of ways but certainly uh rain is probably one of the most natural ways um right now it's raining outside so Jen and I will be uh we will not be working outside tomorrow on Saturday because it's supposed to rain then as well but uh plants need water it's probably for most crops the most important uh we call them crop inputs sometimes but it's the most important thing that they need uh for sure in the chat Michael says micronutrients have become very popular as the use of nitrogen and F phosphorus are very regulated yes we have the same here um definitely when I first started farming we used the big three nutrients like nitrogen phosphate potassium but now there's also usually sulfur in our fertilizer mix um and then they do test for calcium and magnesium and a few other nutrients as well sunlight so plants need sunlight to grow the sun is amazing it provides the this uh light energy that comes and we like sitting in the sun and staying warm in the Sun but plants actually need the sun to grow in the winter in Canada most plants are dormant they go into dormy and they don't grow they just wait for spring to come and once we start to get rain and once the Sun starts to shine our lawn our grass starts to turn green the trees start to Leaf out and you start to see everything start to um I'm not going to go into any details but plants need the energy from the Sun in order to survive and live and then there's also something called pollination in order for plants to reproduce they need to be in contact with other plants this can happen by plants just blowing past each other in the wind or there might be insects like bees that fly from flower to flower sometimes plants just release pollen into the air and it blows around with the wind but sometimes they need a bee to kind of come and uh take the pollen from one plant to another plant um by the way Plant pollen is a source of allergies like there's one part of the Summer where my nose is stuffed up all the time because I think I'm allergic to one of the plants that's uh sending out pollen at that time uh when you water you can water artificially so you can water using a sprinkler a sprinkler is just something that shoots water around on Plants you might water using a watering can so you might fill up something like this it has a spout and a handle and you can go and put water usually if you're watering um a vegetable garden though you would probably use a sprinkler if you're watering a few potted plants you might use a watering can uh and then if you are using a sprinkler you might need a garden hose so this is a type of hose that we use outside in our Gardens you connect it to a tap and then you can hook a sprinkler up to the other end or something else and then you turn the tap on and water will come out and then when you're done you can wrap up or roll up the garden hose sometimes our dogs chew our garden hoses that makes Jen quite angry because garden hoses don't work when they have holes in it from the dogs chewing on them um if you grow plants in pots you will probably buy potting soil so we buy potting soil because it's a really good kind of soil to start seeds in so Jen will fill pots or trays with potting soil and then she will use that to start her plant so it's a type of soil that you buy at a store that you can use to grow plants in house plants usually are in potting soil um weeds are annoying and sometimes you need to hoe to get the weeds again this is a hoe and you use a hoe to hoe so I can go buy a hoe and then I can go out in the field and I can hoe the weeds okay this gentleman here has a pretty heavy duty hoe when you say something's heavy duty it means it looks like it's built really really well but uh yes weeds are probably the most annoying part of farming in all respects pruners so you can they're kind of on these gloves here I probably should have chosen a better picture pruners are anything you use to cut stems or branches off of a plant there are small pruners we would call these hand pruners there are larger pruners that you can use as well that we might call loppers where you can kind of or hedge trimmers but pruners are used to remove part of a plant from the plant itself and again you can use the verb to prune when you're talking about pruners you can go prune an apple tree using pruners uh wheelbarrow very handy tool one wheel on the front two handles on the back you can fill it with anything you want and it just makes it easier than carrying things so you can go out and you can fill the wheelbarrow with manure and then you can wheel the manure somewhere and dump it okay so a few more verbs there you can fill the wheelbarrow with manure you can then wheel the wheelbarrow to a spot in your garden you could say oh wheel it over here dump it right here and then you dump what's in the wheelbarrow this is one of the best things ever invented in the world the wheelbarrow it has made the lives of gardeners and Farmers uh way easier for so long you can carry in a wheelbarrow you can put five times more stuff and E easily move it it's so cool um how that works such a simple simple thing but so so handy uh you might have a shovel or a spade technically there is a difference between a shovel and a spade but we use the same word usually um in my part of Canada at least um if you need to dig if you need to move dirt around if you need to make a hole or dig a hole in the ground you would use a shovel or a spade in order to do that and then to finish up there are plants that are annuals and there are perennials so an annual is a plant that needs to grow from seed each season or each year sunflowers this is a type of flower we grow we plant seeds every year and then they regrow or and then they grow from seed a perennial though comes back on its own every year so peanes are perennials this is called These are rude beia but they're also called something else I can't remember right now these are perennials at least most years in Canada if it's really cold in the winter sometimes they're not oh this is eonia I think um so in annual you grow from seed every year and a perennial just comes up by itself like peonies was the one that uh I think pey to me is the best flower in the world because it's a perennial it's beautiful it smells beautiful um people love buying them so for me who grows pies to sell I like that as well so but yeah annual from seed every year perennial comes up by itself hey I'm going to finish off some questions and we're going to wrap up this lesson um Freddy wolf back in the chat says Bob when you speak about manure I don't know why but the word manicure comes to mind the meanings are so far away from each other yeah a manicure is when you get your nails done professionally you go to a nail salon and you get a manicure uh but manure is definitely a completely different thing that's a that's kind of funny Freddy for sure um okay let's um let's finish off the questions and finish off this lesson um Majid says Hey te hi teacher Bob there's a kind of flower named PIRA it looks like a palm and in Iran people believe it brings good luck what is your opinion is it true I don't know I'm not a big believer in good luck and bad luck although sometimes strange things happen don't they and and it's a bit of a coincidence so I'm sure though if the flower is beautiful it makes you happy and in a good mood and maybe good things are more likely to happen when you're in a good mood Hamza says hello my teacher simple question for today what's your favorite kind of vegetable thanks a lot I like carrots uh I like cucumbers uh I like green beans and I like peas those are probably the four I eat the most Jen and I often eat broccoli um and sometimes cauliflower I don't like cauliflower as much um but if you go to my freezer because we have some frozen vegetables there's usually frozen green beans and frozen peas in my freezer uh in the fridge we usually have carrots and cucumbers um we sometimes have tomatoes um but those would be the ones that uh I would say are some of my favorite um a house Gardener my friends suggest buying expensive Venus fly traps to decorate and catch the Flies do you think it is a good idea and how about owning fly trap plants in your garden so Venus fly traps in Canada in my part of Canada will only grow inside I think I'm pretty sure they're a tropical plant they're from further south where it's very warm and humid um we have a lot of spiders we love spiders and spider webs cuz they help to control the Flies but sometimes there's just flies there's nothing you can do about it um let's see here last question is not about plants but we'll answer it Jose says the song highways run forever lyrics says them highways run forever why is it using them instead of these or those thanks a lot pop up so when there are are different ways of using English depending on who you are and what region you are from so this is a sentence probably being said by like a farmer who lives out in the country maybe in the Southern United States so I the correct thing to say would be those highways run forever but you might hear someone say wow them highways run forever so they might speak in a slightly with a slightly different accent a little bit it's not really a dialect but um you will hear people and sometimes people just use a different word to sound funny like uh them guy them how is I'm not going to say it again I was trying to do like I'm just going to annoy people from the Southern Southern United States so I won't do that but yes um let's see here [Music] um yeah here we go um Andrew says hi from Russia Bob I just want to say thank you for your lessons have a good day no problem and then jizelle said the last question here we go how do you decide the class topic I like the topic today though those words are not easy to memorize I still enjoy the class I decide on the topic based on what I'm doing throughout the week okay so this week Jen and I spent quite a bit of time outside starting to get things ready for growing so I start to see plants you'll notice I did a lesson earlier on Spring a week and a half ago so very often my lessons are related to something I've done in my life or something that I've seen so that's how I decide and sometimes people give me suggestions and I'll do a topic like that but otherwise it's just uh whatever I forget what the phrase is whatever strikes my fancy I guess yeah that's an English phrase but uh certainly right now I I'm if you watch the live stream of the eclipse or last Saturday you'll see that it's starting to turn a little bit green outside the plants are starting to grow so I thought it would be fun to do a lesson um anyways thanks for watching everybody that's that is the end I'm going to uh enjoy the rest of my day get done the things that I need to get done at work and at home and uh I hope you have a good weekend so bye uh bye to John and LLY and let me get my glasses so I can see names Majid noston pad lovil Mohammad naston Anna Majid I'm saying names twice now 10x code Zeba Cat Diary says thanks a lot dear teacher Bob for such an amazing green lesson have a great weekend ahead I hope everything in your garden will grow fine this season I hope so too um Freddy wolf says bye Bob thanks for this colorful lesson oh he corrected it for Canadian spelling nice uh and thanks again for the sharing of the eclipse event yeah that was fun that was really really cool thanks for uh all of you that were able to join that uh let me jump to the bottom bye to kachen Jose Pedro uh panow John Javier Fritz uh nightbot although nightbot is not a person um Yu and everyone else you guys are awesome thanks for learning a bit of English and have a great day bye
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 37,208
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Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles
Id: ofUwRRjH2lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 6sec (3666 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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