Let's Get Crafty! with Suncatchers

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hey friends welcome back to let's get crafty this time around we decided to make some sun catchers it's been a little bit dreary out so we decided to make something to capture a little more sunlight in our life and i think that applies to our faith too when we're thinking about how do we pull a little more god into our everyday especially in times but it seems like it's a little bit of a trouble to do so so let's get right into this craft let's get crafty for this project i decided to make a sun catcher not something as fancy as stained glass but just something to let a little bit of sunlight in for this project the supplies that i bought were a plastic plant saucer i went with a six inch but gardening grocery and dollar stores sell six eight ten twelve whatever size the biggest part is that it should be flexible so that we can pop out the project at the end i also bought decorative flat glass gems or stones uh again craft and dollar stores normally carry them in net bags i used about 30 of them for this project and the darker ones tend to let a little less on in than the lighter colored ones the next thing i got was crushed glass decorative filler and i got that at the craft store it's not strictly needed but i like that it had the reflective backing and i used that as a filler in between my stones lastly i used clear pva glue and for the six inch saucer i used about four ounces i could have used white glue and while it dries clear sometimes it leaves a cloudyness to it so i decided not to the first step is to determine the pattern whether starting from the center or from the outside any pattern will do as long as it brings you joy this step can be skipped but i found that it's easier to move the stones around without the glue in the saucer then once we added the glue clear stones can be colored with permanent markers although coloring the stones may result in the glue getting colored as it's drying i think it looked pretty cool i did not demo that in this particular one but at the end i'll show you one that i did that for i used about 30 stones all together and i liked having the variety of blues and greens and clears in my final product after determining the design i captured the design uh with my phone just took a picture of it so that i could recreate it later then i cleared the extra stones out of the way and dumped those precious stones out onto my table again the next step i did was just to pour that glue right into the saucer and while it didn't look like enough to start the height of the glue will rise up over the stones as the glue is displaced by the stone again i used about four ounces here for a six inch plant saucer i suggest just keeping some extra glue around in case you need it at the end next i took my phone back out and i recreated the pattern using that picture it doesn't have to be exact but it definitely helped to give me a starting point i don't mind getting my hands a little sticky but i know some people who do so using the back end of a paintbrush or a dowel can really help move around the stones once they're in the glue next up i filled the gaps with these small decorative uh crushed glass filler from the craft store again this is not strictly needed and these can also be colored with permanent marker i do not recommend crushing your own glass because they are more likely to have sharp edges these ones had some reflective coloring on the back and they did not damage my fingers at all i didn't really have any rhyme or reason as to where i put the decorative pillar i just filled in the gaps until i thought it looked pretty this next part of the project is definitely the hardest part of the entire project it's having the patience to not pick at it while it dries i suggest letting it sit for multiple days maybe three to five days in an area where it won't get dust in it the top of it will dry first so once that top part is dry then i found that it did not continue to pick up dust or anything after that this is the sun catcher four days after i created it and honestly if i wasn't demoing it for let's get crafty i probably would have left it up to at least a week because the plant saucer was so flexible i was able to pull it right back and i also used the dried glue that came up around the edges to help pull out the sun catcher i didn't show it in this video but after i let the sun catcher dry that edge right there i actually just trimmed off the top glue was pretty congealed but the sun catcher that was directly next to the plant saucer was still pretty gooey so i left it on the plate for a few more days to let it dry on that side i didn't make a whole video to demo making this smaller sun catcher i made this one by coloring the decorative crush glass with permanent marker and then i just put it in an applesauce container i used a pen to make sure that i could get enough of it up on the edge so that i could grab the whole thing and pop it out with my hand some of the glue stayed in the container and i was able to see where the colors from the permanent markers spread as well this one also needed to sit for a few more days to dry thank you friends for sending in some of the pictures of your awesome sun catchers and this one even has some star glitter that they had around the house once mine were dry i put holes in between the stones and then hung some up inside and out they caught the sun and they were beautiful hey that was a lot of fun although waiting for them to be done uh i had to be a little patient so there are a couple different ones here i have noticed that they get the pattern from the saucer on them so if that bothers you find a flat one but did not bother me and here is another one that we did and then i'll show you the little one that we talked about that little itty bitty one ended up with a lot more color since it was colored with the permanent markers always been a fan of the reflective surfaces as you might remember from the cd craft so how are we reflecting god in our lives right now and how are we finding ways to pull god a little more into our everyday life hey friends have a great time and i look forward to seeing you at the next let's get craft bye you
Channel: Grove UMC - West Chester
Views: 12,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crafting, Let's Get Crafty!, DIY, suncatchers, crafts for kids, crafts for youth, anyone can craft
Id: cAm9z-h552I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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