DIY Suncatchers

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[Music] hey everybody so today we're going to make some sun catchers and i have made these many many times before and i absolutely love the look of them hanging on the porch but i'm gonna hang mine in my window i think i might put one on the porch so i need to show you what you're gonna need to do this first of all you're gonna need plastic pony beads that's what they're called now walmart sells these this was 597 i think and there's 1500 beads in there so you can make quite a few sun catchers with one package of these you're going to want the translucent pony beads and not the opaque beads because the sun will shine through these and it won't be opaque beads i already had a thing of beads but these are the translucent ones here and these are opaque and so i didn't have enough translucent i felt like to make a good sun catcher so i went and bought these you will need a cake pan now this is just a walmart brand cake pan i think it was 2.97 or something like that i've got my ticket okay 3.97 but excuse me you don't you can use any cake pan because once you're through making this these things are usable for food it won't harm it at all there's it leaves no residue on it it doesn't stick to it it's it'll be fine so i got this size and i got a small size also so these are pretty big as you can see for a sun catcher it's going to be a big one but the idea is to make that and i bought some metal cookie cutters you can't use the other kind the silicone or whatever because the idea is to hang this from that using your string you can use this kind i bought this or you can use embroidery thread you can use fishing line i've used that in the past clear fishing line but i find it difficult uh to tie a good knot in that so this time i've used this this will be the string that you hang the whole thing from now you don't have to have this bigger size what you also can do if you don't want to use a uh a cake pan you could use any anything you've got i would not recommend using a cupcake pan because it's difficult uh to get the these things out of a cupcake pan but on these they just pop out that your suncatcher will just pop out once it's cooled you can also use an oven uh safe glass pan any kind of glass pan that you have any shape any size you could do you know rectangles or squares or just whatever size you want it'll be perfectly fine so these are big and the only reason i'm using this one today is because i'm going to just arrange all these beads in here randomly what i like to do really is i like to have say a blue on this side and a clear maybe on this other side and some yellow and greens down the middle and i will do one with this one but for the purposes of time constraints i'm going to use this big one and i'm just going to put them randomly in so you'll see what i'm talking about i also had already these things like this these glass things now of course glass isn't going to melt but my hope is that i'm going to take some of these and put them randomly in places on here and my hope is that when the plastic beads melt they will hold the glass in it so i'm gonna do one with these and the pony beads as well now my cookie cutter shapes you can use anything you want i found this heart i don't particularly like that it's scalloped like this because i don't know how my beads are going to to melt inside i wanted kind of a smooth and then i found the flower or sun if you want to use it as a sun but um this is what i found and it has to be it has to be metal okay i think that's all our uh things that we need now this video is going to be either very long or in two parts but it's okay that's what we'll do so the first thing i'm going to do is take my pony beads and go ahead and pour them in a container and she ran like the wind she sure did she ran off and i mean to scare you in this key now what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and take these beads and we're going to put them in this pan [Applause] [Music] and we've got one layer now i want to have them as i go through i want to have them um and it seems like they're kind of doing i don't want to lay it on the side i want them to have the whole side up you don't have to have it that way they just melt differently that's the only reason i said that now we need one layer only so this is the most time consuming part of it but like i said if you want a certain coloration uh like blue on one side or clear on the other side or you know yellow or whatever um oh shoot i can't there we go i kind of wanted them not laying on their sides but some of them you can't help it it's going to be that way just kind of mash them down before you get one one good layer in there if you see some i see one see some spots that's kind of empty put a bead there because you want all uh beads everywhere and you want the sides touching you know my grandkids used to come down for a week every summer and we always had a craft project they absolutely look forward to that they love their craft project and they call me gee gee is in geezer but that's that's what they call me and my husband was poppy you might be a nana or a grandma or granny or meanwhile i never had a meal or a meal but anyone would do a project every year and sometimes they do canvas painting sometimes they paint bird houses uh then one year we did their their uh sun catchers and they would sit for hours and arrange their beads y'all and uh get the design exactly the way they want it to be okay that looks pretty well covered to me i might stick one right in there that's what you want to do yep yep yep okay now what we're going to do is we're going to put these in the oven at 400 degrees from 20 to 30 minutes and you're just going to have to kind of check when you get to that 20 minute mark and you're going to want it to be totally melted all over one time i didn't melt them quite good enough and it was a real bumpy texture which was okay it looked great but when they're melted all over that's when that sun really comes through so i'm gonna put these in the oven and i will show you what it looks like when it comes out okay i had them in the oven and my oven cooks hotter than my oven used to when i made these before so they took about 20 minutes now the small ones in the small pans if you use those they may even take less time so all you have to do is just open your oven door and look at them and if it's smooth as it can be across the top of it then you know that all the beads have melted and it's time to come out if not just let them bake just a little bit longer but here's one i did in this little pan as you can see it okay and watch whoops it just popped right out i just turned it over on my hand and it popped right out and this is what it looks like now this is one that i did with like three different colors the green the blue and there's kind of a yellow but what i should have done is use a darker blue but once they're hanging up once i hang them up and put their their little piece behind it and once the sun comes through it will be just fine it'll look good and here's the one that had the little star let me show you this one's a little more difficult it's going to come out it's just a little bit ah there comes there it is a little star and i did all that that's purple believe it or not so this will hang below that one i don't know if you can even see it it's so light there it is see how it did okay there's that one now here's the big one i did now what i did with this one is i just put random colors all over i didn't try to do any kind of a pattern whatsoever here's a small one i did with the same things look at them in the sun that you can't i don't have any sun today unfortunately or i'd hold them up in the window but here's what they look like they're sturdy as they can be these were done without a pattern i just put them all over it [Music] now here's my here's my heart look at that and i've got a little mark on here that's where i'm going to put a hole and here's the other sun done with random pattern or a flower whatever you want to call it and i've got a mark on it okay so here's all my little guys now what we're gonna do and i'll show you i'm gonna put a hole in them by the way i would be in my chair but miss you know who has decided to cram her big body up in there and i can't sit down now that's okay it's okay okay i'm gonna put this down whoa that won't way go down isn't it i need to tighten it up a little yeah that's pulling way down that's not wanting to tighten up isn't it the way all right i got a block of wood here i'm gonna put a paper towel on top of it and i'm gonna take my my piece right here and i've got a drill with a drill bit now you don't have to use a drill what you can use is an ice pick and just heat it up so i'm going there we go okay it's got a hole in it right there now a little hole and all i'm going to do is cut a piece of my cord and flip it through that and make a loop and tie it then i'm gonna put another hole right down here and put a piece of cord and hang this from that or hang the back from that and then you can hang it up and it'll be ready to go and i'll do the same thing with my blue green yellow kind of color next time i'm going to use a little bit darker bead i think for the blue but you know what once i get it hung out and in the window you're gonna be oh yeah you can see you can see the the color the most so i can't i think i have given you everything i need once i start to edit this video and see what i told you and what i didn't tell you i know better what to tell you if i've left something out i'll i'll include it but that's how you do it y'all it's simple as it can be they take 20 minutes 30 minutes tops and the little ones take even less to do there's all kinds of designs you can make with them there's all kinds of shapes you can make with them depending on what kind of uh pan you want to use even glass like i told you that's all there is to it and then you can give them to friends you can hang them wherever you want to they'll be pretty in a bathroom window too if you had sun coming in it'd be real easy to do so i hope y'all have enjoyed making your your easy diy sun catchers okay i finished doing all i'm gonna do on these suncatchers for now let me show you what i've made i've got them hanging up here see i made these big ones in that big cake pan a cake pan yeah and here's the hearts for it look how shiny now i don't have any sun today y'all it's uh raining and that's when we didn't go to equipment because he was gonna pull a trailer and it's dangerous in the rain this is one i made with a lot of light blue beads but i took those glass beads that i showed you and laid them down made sure make sure if you use something like that that your your uh plastic beads are completely around this because that's gonna hold them in now those glass beads they won't melt i wish there were sun but there isn't here's the star or sun whatever look how shiny bright that is here's this one here's another big one now let me just suggest to you that you don't use this cord like i used get some fishing line it's clear it's lightweight and it makes these things hang straight instead of a wonky jaw like that see it'll make it look a lot better and you won't see all that wire i love this one it's my favorite now i made few more of these little guys so i can hang those up here like that if i want to or i can attach them to one of these plus i have the this one here if i wanted to use that or hang it up now let me see if i can do this without making a mess here's one in a pan just took it out of the oven not too long ago in one of those small pans it doesn't take very long to cook maybe 20 minutes or bake rather whatever it's doing and i use the clear the clear uh kind of white colored now i'm going to turn it over and see if it'll pop out it should pop out there it is popped right out just as easy as pie all right there's that one and what i'm going to do is put a hole in it i used a drill y'all can use the heated ice ice pick like i was telling you about but that's what they look like aren't they pretty now you do any designs you want hang them anywhere you want like i said i would use the the cord though that looks that looks a whole lot better but i think what i'm gonna do is get a tension rod and hang it across right up here and hang some of these from that so that that because i get a lot of sun that comes in this window and i think that will look pretty so what do y'all think so easy to do if you have any questions put them in the comments if i've left something out and i haven't explained it right or something they're super easy to make they don't take long and they are so pretty hanging up in a window i'm not going to put them over my door of course but i've got that up there because i had that rod and i wanted to show you that's all there is to it happy crafting
Channel: My Simple Cottage Life
Views: 40,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Suncatchers, Cottage Living, How to make easy suncatchers, how to make suncatchers with pony beads
Id: xdjM4509h5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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