Create DIY Glass Garden Flowers with Thrift Store Glassware! #upcycling #gardendecor

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so today I'm going to make glass garden flowers using these items from thrift stores I found this really pretty teal bowl that I thought would make a nice flower because of the edges looks really pretty and this is a little um I think this is a candle holder perfect for a garden flow and this glass bowl I've got a couple of little candle holders here and this bowl looks like Carnival Glass I love that and this and this is um a doubled egg plate these make really good flowers because of the shape so I'm going to use that and here's a candle holder and I have marbles I'm going to use for the stamman so I'm going to glue them to to nails and I have gems and I'm going to use hockey pucks for the back to hold it on to rebar um somebody mentioned this online that this works for glass flow so I'm going to try that see how it works so I'm going to get started so first thing I want to do is I need to have holes drilled in these hockey pucks so I'm going to see if I can get those drilled so that the rebar will fit into I'm going to go see if my neighbor Larry will drill holes in these hockey pucks for me I see he's out there working in his Woodshed so I hope he will there you go all right 1 half in O Okay looks good side a little bit Walnut and cut the grooves with the thing and wow that's really pretty cut all the 45s and it comes out like that wow let me get this something Larry made he's making jewelry B boxes yeah nice when I fix a base for it it'll come out like this around it and then I'll put a Cove around it set it up it look like it's sitting on 4 ft really nice with it he's making um Christmas gift I get everything tightened up here I just finished cutting that I was trying to figure out what what I'm going to do with that I don't know if I'm going with natural stain it or darken it or I think I'm just going natural I think natural would look nice I think so yeah I'm prid of I'm standing it's going dark or something it's going to take away from something anyway here's Larry with his sign his daughter made him this used to be a dog pen and he made it into a Woodshed M yeah there was a dog pin right in my wife told me clean up that old dog pin I did okay the first thing I want to do is make these stamms I'm going to put marbles on the end of these nails the nails are about uh I don't know 2 and 1/2 in and I'm going to glue the marble on the end like that and how I'm going to do that is I'm going to use use some little clay beads I have this sculpy clay from Walmart it's white sculpy clay and I I'm just going to roll it into a little ball like this and put it on the head of the nail like that and then I'll put the marble on there and that's just to hold it in place while I put the epoxy glue on there until the glue dries that'll just hold it in place just like that okay so I stuck the marbles on there with the clay and I have this foam I put it in so they can stand up while it's drying and um I use JB Weld epoxy it's a two-part epoxy so I have to mix it in a cup and then um I'll put epoxy on the marbles there so it'll stick to the nails okay we'll just squeeze it into a cup like this okay that epoxy went on real easy you can see that should hold it in place for a long time so I'll let that dry for about 5 or 10 minutes and then I'll be able to put those into the flowers okay so the next thing I'm going to do is glue these hockey pucks with the whole drilled in it onto the backs of these this is the back side of the flowers so I'm going to flip these over like that and I'm going to use epoxy and I'll glue these on here like that okay [Music] okay so I'll let that dry for maybe 10 minutes and then I'll be able to flip them over and start working on the middle of the flowers okay so I flipped these plates over and I'm going to start building the flowers so first thing I'm going to do is put this this bowl it's kind of the shape of a flower too I'm going to glue that into the middle of this one like that start with that put that right in the center okay and then I'm going to put this um teal colored flower into here in the middle like that okay I'm going to put this Carnival Glass I think that's what it is in the middle here like that okay and I'm also going to glue this red candle dish into the middle like this gives it more color and this red also reflects onto the carnival glass which looks really pretty so that okay so now I'm going to make um the very center of the flowers I'm going to put the stamms in the middle and how I'm going to do that is I'm going to use that same sculpy clay I rolled them into a ball like this I'm going to put it in the bottom with these candlestick holders like that and that's going to hold the nails up in place and I'm going to pour epoxy in here and um the clay holds them in place until epoxy dries okay let's see it like that yeah look good okay and then I'll U mix up epoxy and pour it in here let that Harden and we'll do this one okay all right so I'll set that aside and let that dry okay what I'm going to do now is I'm going to add some gems to this flour to give it a little extra color there's a little flat spot on this uh dish here so I'm going to glow a gem on each of those spots okay so this is what I have done almost finished so tomorrow I'm going to put um these stamms inside of the middle of the flowers like that but I want to make sure they're dry before I do that and this one's going to go in here so but I'm going to let that dry for okay so I let these dry overnight and U last night I was looking at this and I thought it needed a little extra color so I added these little blue gems on here too so I think that looks really pretty now so now all I have to do is glue these little candlesticks with the stamman into the centers I'll use epoxy again and then these will be finished finished like that I'm going to do this one first um I need to flip it over so I'm just going to use that for now put on these little bumps all right let's see put it like this okay and I'll do the same for this one around the [Music] edge so let's go like that okay so these are all glued up and I'll just need to wait for them to dry and then I'll put them on the rebar and we'll see what that looks like so on the last flowers I made I used um/ in conduit and I glued a bottle to the back of the flowers and U slid that over the conduit and then I put a filler inside of here to keep it steady but um I wanted to show you something about the conduit I did the same for this one conduit pole and a bottle and that worked really well but this time I used um a hockey puck and I want to show you what I ran into with that okay so a hockey puck is 1 in thick so I thought um a/2 in hole and a hockey puck would work for the conduit but so this is/ in conduit but it's not actually a/2 in so the actual measurement of a/2 in conduit is 5/8 on the interior so it's even bigger than that so that's why I couldn't use the Conduit on the hockey puck cuz it would have been too wide to drill a hole into here so that's why I had to go with a rebar and so I bought um 3/8 in rebar and I had the 1/2 in hole drilled in the hockey PE Puck and that seems like it'll work really well so so I wanted to show you the paint that I Ed for the rebar I use this kryon Fusion allinone paint and primer um this really works well for outdoors um it costs a little bit more than the other spray paints I think it was $7.95 or something like that the other paints are like $6 but yeah this works really well so I would oh HW and here they are finished I think they look really pretty with the light behind it there's a side view and there's the hockey puck slid over the raybar for
Channel: My Little Slice of Paradise
Views: 169,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glass Flowers, DIY Garden Flowers, Glass Garden Flowers, Garden Glass Flowers, DIY, DIY Flowers, Garden Decor, DIY Garden Decor, Larry's Wood Shop, Dog Pen, Cats, Hawk, Larry, Dish Flowers
Id: 03Y6zYQOJbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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