DIY Dollar Tree Glass Bead Flowers

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everybody it's early and today we're gonna do some fun little decor from my garden using very simple things from Dollar Tree which are these cute little glass buttons whatever you want to call them what are they actually calling they call them glass gems so these are just some plain glass gems this entire bag is a dollar a dollar tree it's fantastic and I am throwing a whole bunch of them in here with the etch all dip and etch liquid they got to sit in here for about 15 minutes so while that is doing its job I'm gonna cut and it will come back after 15 minutes I'll show you exactly what it's going on with them okay so I've taken the little gems out of the jar and I have sorry about the green hand and I washed them off with water dried them and this is what the difference is now that you have or I have etched them so this is the one that's etched mrs. onnum isn't the cool thing about the etching and I'm gonna show you the difference is that it now gives it a choose the glass of two so I can take my Sharpie markers and just to show you one that isn't etched versus one that is etched alright so here I let them sit for about 30 seconds or so and the one that is not etched it wipes right off and it's all over my hands and slice I've got some got some other permanent marker the one that hitched and have a little bit sit for 30 seconds I'm using the same amount of pressure and it is stained if I didn't touch it and I'd let it sit for an hour or two it would be permanent and it would be on there so that is the difference between the two all right so what you're gonna do is we're gonna create little flowers and I'm doing this on my paper towel so I don't get my craft mats all gross so basically what you do is you take your you're going to take five and you have one for the center and then you have some that go around in a circle just like that so it's actually six so it's one two three four five six seven let's count it again so you need seven total hopefully edged enough I think it did so as you have a flower you have the center and then you have the outside pieces just like this actually you can get away with doing oh yeah I know it's still 5 so I have enough and I have a few extra just in case I screws them up so I have enough to make 1 2 3 and I think I have enough to make there we go so I have enough and then I have a few extras just I played with if you want to throw a plain glass one in there as something different you most definitely can I mean you can switch it up you can have some plain glass and there was some of the etched glass that makes it kind of cool and I have a ton of extra to put in there keep in mind if you're doing the plain glass ones you cannot color them which is kind of where I'm going with it so I might do a little bit of a variety of stuff so maybe I'll swap some out and then I can get some extra I can swap some like this so I can do some see how they're just a little bit different which is kind of cool so I'm gonna do a couple of them like that there it is and then I can do one more maybe where the center is the color there so you can just change it up and you can make them every point or if I want to put another edge to one in there I can so this is where you can have a little bit of fun so I'm going to come in and I'm just gonna work with this far right now and I'm gonna make this traditional flower but really truly it's whatever pattern you want to do I'm gonna come in and I'm just going to color this I'm gonna color this entire probably easier on the table this entire thing kind of a yellowy color and we're gonna get in and do a good job coloring it and did that be super perfect see and just kind of coloring it and that is the yellow Center for my flower see how pretty right and now I can come in with some fun colors so let's make this one a pink one and so for each of these I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna color it [Music] so just like I colored that on Terra one I'm gonna do the same for all these ones going through okay so that's what I would call our traditional flower but you can also have fun with it and you can do cool designs so on this one here and this is where you can really kind of go crazy and I'm just gonna kind of push actually just rotate and work over here with this one I'm gonna do the center and we're gonna do some colors in black so I'm actually into the center and this kind of make this a blueish flower so the center is gonna have a spiral so again this is where you can have fun with it there's no right or wrong to how you create these so have some coolness it means and I didn't spiral mine very out very well so we're gonna kind of add to make it our own we are gonna end up gluing all these together so as you get closer to the outside don't worry too much about what it looks like alright from here now I've got a spiral I'm gonna alternate so here I have a blue color and it's good very faint blue so I'm gonna start with a blue and I'm just creating kind of like these stripes again it's a very very faint blue so now I'm going to do I'm just gonna come in and straight you will see this as it's going through and careful my fingers are starting to pick up a lot of stuff on them so you just might want to clean your hands as you're doing this so that way you don't transfer colors so then I'm going to come in with a black permanent marker on the black sharpie and do fine lines so kind of kidding a couple of different color tones here end up looking like that when it's done so I'm going to continue doing this pattern of these little fan things going all the way through first starting off with the lighter color coming in and just making fans lines and I'm gonna speed up and show it looks like when it's all done so how cool that looks and it's just it's doing different designs I'm actually thinking I'm gonna come back in and do some of this and adding to this spiral here in the center with that other blue color I'm just kind of actually coloring on top they do kind of blend the thing because these are kind of alcohol-based the colors will blend so I'm kind of doing a little bit of a blending thing happening here so the color is completely blended in I'm gonna pop that dry take a little bit of color off and I'm wasn't too thrilled about the spiral because I like the fan shape so we're gonna change that up a little bit my prerogative and I'm actually gonna continue that's star I kind of like that better and just really get in and enhance that black star on the blue yeah I like that better kind of ties the two pieces in together so you've got your little petals and then there is my Center I mean there's no wrong way to do that have fun with it kind of play it up color one solid color them fancy shapes let's see what I'm gonna do with the next one so this is what I'm going for like a green tone I'm actually just going to go ahead and color the entire center in in this green so giving I mean there's no right or wrong reason have fun with it this is one way that sections of it that are the clear glass so I'm not going to have a petal the petals are going to show something a little bit different because I can't color on the glass on the ones that are not edged so here I have a green and then I'm gonna come in with the lighter gram and see how well this shows up yeah it's kind of fun if you just do little pieces it doesn't show up as well but if you do larger or color the whole thing it does show up really well so color that whole thing in just like that do the same thing for the other two there are X all right so just to kind of take a look to see how this one is going to look I don't want to have two of there we go I'm gonna arrange it so look it's kind of cool it adds a different element when you have some that are clear I think I'm going to come in with a black one now and just add spots little tiny black spots that looks it's awesome right alright for this one the center is clear but we're gonna alternate doing the pink and a purple and we're gonna solid color them so it's completely coloring it in so I'm gonna do three and the pinky tone so I just finished three and now we're gonna do three with a solid purple so like that I mean sometimes you just can leave it simple you don't have to go and add fancy decora I definitely like the ones that have like these kind of fun pattern on them but I like the alternating color alright we are now moving into on the last one this is one way to do little dots so I'm gonna go ahead and close inside in this dark purple color so my daughter is here you wanna say hi Katherine and she's helping me pick out the colors for the last one so I think we're gonna use this blue for want to be outside we're going to do the entire Center should we do it yellow with black dots yeah okay here I'm gonna have you come over here and you color that one you yellow it close this one out and then we're gonna pick each one of the petals being a different color just for something fun for the end so I'm gonna go with the darker green [Music] so here are our fun flowers I'm gonna go wash my hands I'm gonna show you how to attach them using our super tight as you said okay first thing I want to do is you want to flip all your little pieces over so they're upside down so the flat side is now facing so make sure they're all flipped over upside out and they still look colored so there really is no back or front but when we're gluing these together it works better if you flip them over upside down so the only one that I have to be careful on the orientation of this one because I have lines on it and making sure the lines are all facing in and then they're not for instance it's not lined up like this so just making sure that they're all in the right direction and then you have to let these sit once we glue them so this is a super tight adhesive glue this is a multi grab 360 it's a great glue it has great hold so from here all I'm going to do is I'm going to take a dab of glue and it's gonna hold the two pieces together so come in and a dab of glue kind of between each of the sections this is where you do not want to move it from here on out so you're gonna hold this together and this is what's going to secure your flower so there is a little bit of a glue surface that's on the back side that you're gonna want to basically not touch for awhile and that's what's gonna hold all of your pieces together it takes a full 24 hours for it to set you are also going to want to skewer which is the stem for your flower so all you're gonna do now did you take your skewer and what I like to do is I like to place it where it goes across three of the little gems just to give it even more of a secure hold and then place even more glue just kind of holding it down on the back side you are gonna see a little bit of the stick poking through but it's part of the whole thing I'm gonna take one more little gem and I'm gonna place it right here kind of on the sticks the stick doesn't pull up and probably on place is a little bit closer so right about there so therefore my stick actually dries even and it's not tilted or slanted so it's a very very easy process you just going to come in and you attach the glue between a section pretty much the center one's gonna get a ton of glue make sure there is a connection between each one of the gems and an Accenture one a little bit the glue seeps down that's fine I also well I'm here and when it connect the two pieces on either side as best as possible sometimes you can't because they're not touching but the more surface area you have of everything kind of sticking the better chance everything is going to stick and be super firm so just adding as much glue the backside just to hold everything together and now this one needs a stick so come in find a spot it really is no good wrong way to attach this and then add another I've got that's how these will be and they're exactly the right height it's just place one right under there so it's nicer firm and secure a little bit more glue on the backside of these just to make sure it's all sticking together that's it pretty simple right let's do this one together again really easy so one thing I love about this glue and heads up there is a coupon code below for you guys to get 10% off your order and there's free shipping over $5 it's already a very inexpensive glue which is fantastic and it has got very little chemicals and odors the amount of stuff that would I know glue is gonna have stuff in it that's what makes it stick to one thing or another but they might have stuffed it in this glue that is hazardous is nowhere near as much as any of the other companies that are out there which I think it's phenomenal I absolutely love that just stick my little stick there make sure it's getting secured if I need to add a little more height I mean I've got so many people Gems I might need to come in and on another one kind of in the back so everything is all the gems are sticking together I'm gonna do that to all of them actually give them all a secondary gym just so that it's laying nicely and firmly there we go and it's already starting to set on this first one it's not hard I mean I could probably pull all apart together because this does take a little while instructions are on the back about how long it takes but the link is down below where you find where you can get this and I'm gonna get attach the ones next to each other all the way across and this will dry clear so it's just you're looking at the flower from the front side not from the back side so don't worry about how kind of messy quote-unquote it is that looks on the back because that's not the part that you're gonna be seeing alright so I'm going to continue gluing up these last couple of flowers and then I'm going to show you imma let these sit overnight and I will show you tomorrow what they look like and once they are set and then how cute they also look in the garden so here we go they're all done I let them sit overnight and they are looking so super cute then we'll do some up-close pictures of these you guys can see them up and personal but they are so stinking adorable it would look cute in a Vaz with a bunch of other flowers in your garden in a miniature garden you could cut the sticks to be as long or as short as you want as the beautiful thing about that and they can also go indoors or outdoors because this is an outdoor weatherproof glue rated for outdoors so thanks much for stopping by and a fun little summer craft or an outdoor craft for your garden to kind of brighten it and bring some little cool evergreen flowers just using some simple stones that you get from the Dollar Tree a chawl dip and etch liquid and some sharpie knees and some super tight glue so thanks for stopping by and don't forget subscribe bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Erin Reed Makes
Views: 79,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supertite glue, supertite glue coupon code, mixed media, kids crafts, kid craft ideas, scraps of reflection, glass flowers, glass flower, diy room decor, dollar store diy, dollar tree crafts 2018, dollar tree crafts, dollar tree challenge, glass bead crafts, glass bead craft ideas, etching crafts, garden decoration ideas, garden decoration ideas homemade, garden decor diy, sharpie crafts, summer crafts, summer crafts diy, dollar store crafts, dollar store crafts ideas
Id: Khm14kwQlEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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