Let's beat Undertale, without killing anyone

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oh my God lord I have played a little bit of undertale in seventh grade but I know I'm not an expert I'm not an undertale expert so this is gonna be almost a blind look name the Fallen human my papa's bakeria dude I need a methimbus so we'll go thimbus oh there's no room themes is fine wow I'm a jiggly jiggly boy there I am okay wow that is that a jumper am I wearing a jumper is that like a onesie I like it well howdy wow it just say howdy oh my God that's how I address everyone howdy I'm flowey flowey the flower you're new to the underground aren't ya well I like your friendly manner of speaking golly you must be so confused someone ought to teach you how things work around here I guess little old me will have to do ready here we go I'm ready battle see that heart that's your soul the very culmination of your being I can move it around look at me go you want some love don't you I don't like that you're gross I'll share some with you I'm okay love is shared through little white friendliness pellets are those pills is that are those opioids no I'm a clean boy I went through the Dare program absolutely not hey buddy you missed them let's try again okay okay fine I'll I'll come in all right it was opioids in this world it's kill or be killed that's fair that's fair you can do neither though or would anyone pass but opportunity like this I guess if you're going for like okay if you're going for kill count then sure pardon oh we were I was really getting somewhere with that guy I can fix him uh do not be afraid my child I am toriel caretaker of the ruins why is that in red pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down you were the first human to come here in a long time oh it's poipal ooh well isn't this just lovely oh I like you actually you seem sweet I don't know if I'm falling for something but you seem sweet the shadow of the ruins looms about filling you with determination HP fully restored I like that sound that's really satisfying all right this is a little leaf pile it doesn't let me play in them sucks ass dude I was really looking forward to that can I climb these okay allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins I built it so it would be inconvenient as hell to go literally anywhere wow I would go insane if I lived here that being said I'm an absolute puzzle wizard Only The Fearless May proceed Brave one's foolish ones both walk not the Middle Road okay calm down did you get that at home goods to make progress here you will need to trigger several switches do not worry I have labeled the ones you need to flip oh thank God I'm an absent one please press this switch tutorial what do I do as a human living in the underground Monsters May attack you you will need to be prepared for this situation however worry not the process is simple go for the jugular stall for time I will come to resolve the conflict that's quite cute not much for conversation well let me give it my best shot you talk to the dummy doesn't seem much for conversation that's what I said wow I made this game really seems happy with you I'm glad I earned nothing she she wants me to to not hurt anything because they're her Legions and then they're gonna all strike at the very end and it's gonna be like oh if only I killed them when I had the chance the flower was right trying to have a fun time here oh it's a froggy yeah oh it screamed oh damn okay I was getting somewhere but here take my hand for a moment damn it she's literally hand holding I I wanted to give it a shot I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself forgive me for this okay [Music] [Music] is everyone having fun yeah okay greetings my child do not worry I did not leave you okay I was kind of hoping I'm gonna stay alone for a while please remain here it's dangerous to explore by yourself okay can I oh a cell phone I'm Gonna Leave instantly hello this is toriel you have not left the room have you to block that number I'm afraid I have some advice for you about battling monsters if you act a certain way or fight until you almost defeat them they might not want to battle you anymore the monster does not want to fight you please use some mercy okay okay every thing in here is telling me not to kill anything I'll take some candy 's candy Wim son approached meekly okay let's try acting as as requested terrorize I'm gonna console you halfway through your first word Winston burst into tears and runs away okay I think we I think we handled that Like A Champion what is this air vents is this gonna oh I have fallen and broken mine two ankles I don't want to throw I want to be a nice boy I'm gonna compliment you bracket didn't understand what you said it was flattered anyway ah I'm glad I'm glad I could help does that mean I can show Mercy spare hell yeah for no reason in particular which do you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch oh I'm a bee Scotch boy I'm not a huge cinnamon fan what happens if I just spare it straight up no okay so I have to get it oh my God okay so if they're if their name is yellow then we can we can give them the presidential pardon um cool is this one gonna be freaking trial and error nope okay so it's far right like a little snake Okay far right and then let okay oh you're just like a wimpy little baby oh you're already yellow can I just straight up okay you need a dedicated animator freaking anyone wants to reply for shit's sake yeah I love you sweet pea get out of my face please I'm busy am I is this dumb is what I'm doing dumb because I don't know if y'all have noticed I have gained no experience points whoa there partner who said you could push me around so you're asking me to move over okay just for you pumpkin you did so good I'm gonna ask a little more from you you want me to move some more alrighty how's this okay so we're on the right track oh you little genius I'm so proud of you so helpful you're doing all the right things I'm just gonna need you to hold hold the line a little bit give me a workout you're a rock I think you'll manage so whimsen is ready to be to be unemployed froggit is not so we're gonna go ahead and tell froggit that he's hot as [ __ ] love you pat pat knowing that the mouse might one day leave its hole and get the cheese fills you with determination this cheese has been here quite a long time it's stuck to the table ew can I still grab it what the hell is that is that like an arrow nope I cannot move through it is it a character this ghost keeps saying Z out loud repeatedly pretending to sleep oh I don't want to bother it move it with Force no do I have to what the hell dude I'm sorry it is a little ghost napstablook where have I heard that name I'm a cheer for you a patient's smile ah I'm picking up his spear okay you know what never mind that's that's rough oh oh my God okay really not feeling up to it right now sorry that's okay let me try are you gonna oh he's crying I call it Dapper Luke it's lovely you're doing a great job oh gee it just hit me is the freaking the dude my one Nintendo switch friend no his name is tenta blook I wonder if it's inspired by Napster bloop y'all know the guy if you've been to like any of my streams where I play switch games my my one friend on Nintendo switch oh I'm rambling again I'll get out of your way no come back spider bake sale all proceeds go to real spiders 18g I don't have that much money 7g I don't have that much money either God these spiders are scam artists what the hell is that F spiders if you also dislike spiders obliterate the like button for me I heard using F4 can make you have a full screen I already done that oh okay Mike Wazowski leave 7g in the web absolutely some spiders crawled down and gave you a donut wow better donut I am so proud of them vegetoid plants can't talk dummy yeah my fault what about dinner at your stomach vegetoid offers a healthy meal Eat Your Greens okay oh oh oh no I can spare it it just wanted me to eat healthy dude all the all the folks in this they just want friends seven attack five defense seems evil but it's just with the wrong crowd okay maybe he doesn't like the sexy wiggles from mold small so do I have to spare mold small oh he's dancing la la just be yourself oh he's bugging down you found a faded ribbon defense three if you're cuter monsters won't hit you as hard hell yeah they want term name origin story hell yeah so my name is Thomas and after just like years my friend uh started calling me thermos eventually thermos became inconvenient too long so he started just calling me therm and has been calling me therm for years and then when I made my YouTube channel I made a Channel with a friend and then I wanted to make a personal channel so I could like upload like the kind of games like single player games and the kind of games that I like to play that I thought my friend might not like to play and I couldn't think of a name so I just put therm as like a placeholder until I thought of one uh and then I forgot to change it I can get it I have my cute ribbon on I'm hot as hell I'm so damn attractive okay I'm a little low on health I'm gonna eat my spider donut yum yum yum thank you for the donut guys it was delicious Your Greens Your Greens hell yeah I'm in a constant state of serving and eating we're all too intimidated to talk to her ah but she seems very sweet so there's a knife yeah that tree is actually gonna come alive and kill me it's kind of creepy how did you get here my child are you hurt it was irresponsible to try to surprise you like this oh what happened surprise you've got chlamydia got a small one yes ma'am all right I need to heal seeing such a cute tidy house in the ruins gives you determination I I this voice is terrifying leave me alone I just think she'd be a very comforting Mom and for me that's like a comforting mom voice it's a butterscotch cinnamon pie I thought we might celebrate your arrival I want you to have a nice time living here so I will hold off on the snail path for tonight thank you I have another surprise for you bye I'm gonna snoop through what a nice smell oh it's a pie I wonder if it's butterscotch flavor too hot to eat though fire stoking tools the ends of the tools have been filed down to make them safer that is really cute she baby proofed the house for me what's downstairs I think I'll head back here later I'll follow her now I just want to what a room of your own I hope you like it ah thanks mama is something Burning uh make yourself at home I thought the pie was out of the okay it's me it's you it's toriel's diary read the circle passage I will Snoop you read the passage why did the skeleton want to Fran because she was feeling bonely the rest of the page is filled with jokes of a similar caliber I dig it that caliber is high what is this it's my room she made a room for me or this is like maybe she had a kid who died that would be sad look at these cool toys they don't interest you at all what about my Betty bye oh I'm taking a snoozems ah she left me a piece of pie you found a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie all HP Max it heals me for error Tang I have how are you I like the way about the moves um I want you to know how glad I am to have someone here there's so many old books I want to share this may come as a surprise to you but I have always wanted to be a teacher actually perhaps that isn't very surprising I don't know I don't have I wouldn't have any way of knowing still I am glad to have you living here oh did you want something what is it um oh I think I have to break the question when can I go home what the this is your home now um would you like to hear about this book I'm reading I would oh I'm sorry it is called 72 uses for snails how about it you know what sure use an exciting snail fact did you know that snails have a chainsaw like tongue called a radula interesting I'd like to leave ma'am I have to do something stay here yeah fat chance okay okay am I about to get locked into a fight oh God hello you wish to know how to return home do you not ahead of us that is the end of the ruins a one-way exit to the rest of the underground I am going to destroy it no one will ever be able to leave again [Music] now be a good child and go upstairs no every human that falls down here means the same fate I have seen it again and again they come they leave you naive child if you'd leave the ruins day asgore I wonder if his name is important we'll kill you I'm certain I'm only protecting you do you understand go to your room no this is your final warning no I'ma throw a tantrum take me to Dave and Busters you want to leave so badly hmm you are just like the others hell yeah I am I am derivative and simple-minded prove to me you are strong enough to survive [Music] [ __ ] baby okay no don't fight we can we can hash this out oh I'd accidentally checked her out I'm sorry that's gross 80 attack 80 defense knows best for you clearly not I'm not as captivating okay as captivating as her snail facts are try to think of something to say again but what do I do I'm not just gonna check her out over and over again and I can't think of what to say do I have to fight that one frog said if you act in the right way or fight until someone's almost dead you can spare them so maybe I have to fight her but not kill her hiya oh that's gonna take a hot minute okay it takes a deep breath well I'll give you a deep chest wound oh well I did nothing can I spare you yet no I can flee oh that just resets the goddamn okay you know what I'm gonna go heal and then I'm back for you tutorial blocks wait what if okay hold on hold on hold on hold on what if I have to throw and assume that she won't have the guts to kill me hit me hit me hit me hit me I'ma beat myself up I have one Health it takes a deep breath do you have it in you no see she won't do it well then what do I do now spare it didn't work okay um clear do I actually need to fight her maybe now we can chat think of any conversation topic I can think of a few what do you mean now is not the time to not be able to think of coming here's here's a good starter if you touch me one more time I'm dead please let me leave or you will kill me those are the only two outcomes here I got dialogue when I spared her what if I is it okay this time it's two rows of dots do I have to just keep freaking sparing acting aloof what are you doing uh her expression softened I'm sparing you attack or run away no I am uh I am I'm I'm holding my ground I'm determined that was the word look at her weird little freaking go feet not him bashing her feet her feet are weird I can't help it stop looking at me that way oh she knows I'm looking at her feet I'm sorry that's fair that's gross of me God yeah that's a bad luck that my first instinct was to instantly hone in on the feet I promise I'm not a foot person oh music stopped I know you want to go home but but please go upstairs now no promise I would take good care of you here oh with the smile no I trust you I trust that you'll take good care of me here but I want to go back to the I want to meet new friends I know we do not have much but I do like my toys we can have a good laugh here why are you making this so difficult please go upstairs oh this is very sad I'm sorry haha did you think of another Banger joke pathetic is it not yeah it's pretty pathetic cannot save even a single child you wouldn't be saving a child you'd be imprisoning a child dot dot dot no I understand you would just be unhappy trapped down here the runes are very small once you get used to them would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this thank you I need I need a cultural palette for you my child I will put them aside thank you if you truly wish to leave the ruins I will not stop you however when you leave please do not come back I hope you understand can I still give you a ring ah a big hug big hug goodbye my child bye oh [Music] oh Goodbye Oh can I call your phone call her mom [Music] nobody picked up uh what is happening oh for shit's sake clever very clever you think you're really smart don't you bet you feel really great you didn't kill anybody this time but what you'll do if you meet a Relentless killer you'll die and you'll die and you'll die that's actually Fair what do you do then will you kill out of frustration or will you give up entirely on this world and let me inherit the power to control it oh okay ah I like it I'm the Prince of this world's future Jesus Christ don't worry my little monarch my plan isn't regicide this is so much more interesting oh my God peace okay so is this like is that like a super meta commentary about like the actual gameplay experience where it's like oh if you get bored then you'll like quit the game and and abandon it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is about to happen by Toby Fox good job Toby Fox I'm having a great time I don't like this noise I like the atmosphere though snowy Woods a stick can I crack it can I be like no okay okay perhaps it was just the wind Bridge you know I could probably make I could squeeze through those bars okay wow you the first person to be my height human don't you know how to greet a new pal turn around and shake my hand II Captain is saying oh I don't like that silhouette at all it is I know you you're everywhere you're in the internet what the hell is that Tech sound the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick it's always funny anyways you're a human right that's hilarious is it really that's a super disrespectful thing to say I'm Saiyans Sans the skeleton I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now but you know I don't really care about capturing anybody now my brother Papyrus he's a human hunting fanatic hey actually I think that's him over there pick a new friend I have an idea go through this gate thingy yeah go right through my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone I did it oh that lamp is me Shaped quick behind the conveniently shaped lamp hell yeah you know what's up brother brother is it what is the Hulk Hogan it's been eight days and you still haven't recalibrated your puzzles you just hang around outside your station what are you even doing staring at this lamp it's really cool so you want to look no I don't have time for that but if a human comes through here I want to be ready I will capture a human then I the great Papyrus will get all the things I utterly deserve respect recognition I will finally be able to join the royal guard okay I like your cape flowing okay so you're like I'ma say you're the main character of this game I think you deserve to be people will ask to be be my friend I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning I'll give you all of the kisses all you do is boondoggle oh sit and boondoggle what is boondoggle is that a for real word I'm heading to Webster's Miriam Webster it is a word hey take it easy I've gotten a ton of work done today a skeleton damn if I could do that if I could do that on command anytime I say anything I just need like a soundboard why does someone as great as me have to do so much just to get some recognition wow sounds like you're really working yourself down to the bone give me another one hell yeah I will attend to my puzzles as for your work put a little more backbone into it does he get the zoom no that's not fair okay bye bye bye can I come out now attack okay the butt cheek rocks what do they mean I was thinking my brother's been kind of down lately he's never seen a human before and seeing you might just make his day don't worry he's not dangerous even if he tries to be thanks a million I'll be up ahead oh am I gonna am I gonna be a plant oh that's that's cute this is a box you can put an item inside or take an item out same box will appear later so don't worry about coming back sincerely a box lover tough glove I get a bandage it was 10 HP it has already been used several times yum okay what about this ow that's a reflect oh God give me a moment snow Drake this teen comedian fights to keep a captive audience ice to meet you there's a joke I'll laugh I laugh see laughs dad was wrong oh that's really cute snow Drake is pleased yay Sans oh my God is that a human in the flesh uh actually I think that's a rock what's that in front of the Rock oh my God is is that a human yes oh my God Sans I finally did it undyne will I'm gonna I'll be so popular popular popular popular oops I skipped your dialogue human you shall not pass this area I the great Papyrus will stop you I will then capture you you will be delivered to the capital I feel like this dude what's the voice I gave that um dude from Pokemon the super obnoxious one who talked like a Shakespeare novel he seems very theatrical and flamboyant continue only if you dare I feel like he's one of those people one of those like yes well that went well I feel like he's one of those like oh my God he definitely is okay that's what we'll stick with ice cap I love your hat oh my God is it origami even for my scan that has a great hat duh who doesn't know okay never mind I don't want to comment you anymore you're an asshat about it an ass hat I'm gonna ignore you you managed to tear your eyes away from Ice Cap's hat looks annoyed hello my hat's up here oh it wants attention you're not looking at ice Cap's hat I'm just looking at the floor seems defeated ice cap is desperate for attention by Perfect voice all right then I'll stick with it I'll stick with it just for you it's kind of exhausting though and I have no experience doing voice work absolutely no moving okay oh it's a doggy did something move was it my imagination I can only see moving things something was moving for example a human I'll make sure it never moves again doggy whoa your fit is radical the spotted pants you got a belt on the tank is good too damn and and master master the blade I'm a petcha do suspicious of your movements don't move an inch okay I called your bluff oh now that you can't see me now I'll pet you oh I got you you pet doggo what I've been pet pot pet pot oh my God he's so confused oh I can spare you now oh he looks so embarrassed something pet me something that isn't moving I'm gonna need some dog treats for this my brother has a very special attack if you see a blue attack don't move and it won't hurt you there's an easy way to keep it in mind imagine a stop sign when you see a stops oh my god when you see a stop sign you stop right stop signs are red so imagine a blue stop sign instead simple right when fighting think about Blues top signs in yellow that's funny I will think about blue stop signs just for you my friend oh oh it's like the ice puzzles in the freaking Pokemon games North ice South ice West Ice East Snowden town is there any ice good to know I want to go northward and hello hi Miss Snow but I cannot move if you would be so kind traveler please take a piece of me and bring it very far away I would love it would be an absolute honor heels 45 I'm never using that to heal you're so lazy you were napping all night thing that's called sleeping excuses excuses oh the human arrives in order to stop you my brother and I have created some puzzles I think you will find this one quite shocking for you see this is the invisible electricity maze when you touch scope I thought it said tough sorry I am dyslexic when you touch the walls of this maze this orb will administer a hearty zap sound like fun because the amount of fun you will have is actually rather small I think okay you can go ahead and wow OBS is freaking out I'm clipping the mic constantly that's the perfect voice I'm so glad I'm doing my very best what the hell just happened oh my God it said stops I actually freaked me out says what did you do what did he do it's like the human has to hold the orb oh okay sorry sorry oh radical hold this please wow he's got a cannon okay try now I'm stuck y'all I don't know what to do incredible you slippery snail you solved it so easily oh easily the next puzzle will not be easy it is designed by my brother Sans you will surely be confounded I know I am yeah whoa my God okay he's got wheels whoops I wanted to talk to oh I missed my chance oh hot dog salesman do you sell hot dogs I don't understand why these aren't selling it's the perfect weather for something cold oh you're not selling hot dogs oh a customer hello would you like some nice cream it's a Frozen treat that warms your heart now just 15g I'd love some ice cream here you go have a super duper day I'm gonna buy it I'ma buy you out of house and home I love supporting small businesses I just bought the hell out of this nice cream look at how much ice cream I have snowball can I investigate it no I can just hit it around oh it's getting smaller do I have to like oh oh when you hit it it stops getting smaller but if you leave it unattended it starts to shrink yeah I'm gonna get a perfect score keep it moving keep it moving Banger it's a yellow flag your Surefire accuracy put an end to the Mayhem of ball you are awarded 3G I put an end to the make him a ball human I hope you're ready for what Sans where's the puzzle it's right there on the ground trust me there's no way they can get past this one actually he's got a point I am total [ __ ] at word searches why is that thing just say nightmare oh my god oh those are the characters icy and Nightmare I give up you stump me I'll go back Sans the human is escaping you made the puzzle too hard hey you get back here okay fine fine Sans that didn't do anything what no I should password instead I'm not gonna cross words either what crossword can't believe you said that in my opinion Junior jumble is easily the hardest that easy peasy word scramble that's for Baby Bones I am actually pretty fire at the at the word jumbles that's like that's my in terms of word puzzles that's probably what I'm best at unbelievable human son of this dispute which is harder oh crossword a hundred percent dude jumble is easy peasy you two are weird crosswords are so easy it's the same solution every time I just fill all the boxes in with the letter Z because every time I look at a crossword all I can do is snore wow that was pretty clever yeah I'm in the bow no okay human please enjoy this spaghetti little do you know this spaghetti is a trap designed to entice you you'll be so busy eating it but you won't realize that you aren't progressing thoroughly japed Again by the great Papyrus Papyrus lovingly written Papyrus knowing the mouse might one day find a way to heat up the spaghetti for those of determination I want spaghetti I'm pretty hungry actually it's a plate of Frozen spaghetti it's so cold it's stuck to the table man y'all need to get like non-stick tables or something what is this it's a poppy lesser dog you're not lesser to me I think you're greater than life man I wonder what I should do I'll bet you you better oh it's head guy it was head guru really lifted your head unless your dog got excited or is it leaning up to meet my hand what's happening is that I've done it hooray I will earn nothing are you a lovely happy couple what's that smell where's that smell if you're a smell identify yourself [Music] wow they're scatting makes me want to eliminate eliminate you ah all right smooting you roll around in the dirt and snow you smell like a weird puppy ah I see I need to trick there's their noses oh [ __ ] ah oh my God okay now can I pet you wow pet by another pup wow I opened their mind to new experience look at their eyes it's you God damn it I can't honestly as much as I love your character pretty excited to leave you behind because your voice is wearing on me what how did you avoid my trap and more importantly is there any left for me uh I I ate your paquetti I don't wanna I don't want to hurt his feelings really wowie no one's ever enjoyed my cooking before I loved it well then fret not human I Master Chef Papyrus will make you all the pasta you could ever want I love spaghetti is so good my brother start I thought I said start in and I thought it was about to be something rad my brother started a sock collection recently how saddening you should be more supportive sometimes I wonder what he would do without such a cool guy taking care of him check this [ __ ] check me out yeah I remember that team from whatever the hell it was called Camp Rock it's the human you're gonna love this puzzle it was made by the great doctor oh God alfies alphys alphys alphys the doctor you see these tiles once I throw this switch they would begin to change color each color has a different function red tiles are impassable you cannot walk on them yellow tiles are electric they will electrocute you green tiles are alarm tiles if you step on them you will have to fight a monster or oh God okay orange tiles are already scented they will make you smell delicious blue tiles are water tiles swim through them if you like but you smell like oranges the Piranhas will bite you also if a blue tile is next to a yellow tile the water will also zap you purple tiles are slippery you will slide to the next tile however this slippery soap smells like lemons with piranhas do not like purple and blue are okay finally pink tiles they don't do anything oh my God I have a feeling none of this is gonna matter it's gonna I'm just gonna be able to walls through it step on them all you like how is that understand Crystal Clear brother this puzzle is entirely random when I pull this switch it will make a puzzle that has never been seen before not even I will know the solution it's probably gonna switch to one where they're like all pink or something stupid I see it um there he goes see you around a doggy building what is that a snow cylinder are you building a snow cylinder a snowender this dog is staring blankly into the snow waiting for it to turn into art you're doing so good sweet pea Pizza pop-up date cooling down please keep me updated I am on the edge of my seat that dog considers itself an artist but doesn't ever know what to create probably doesn't help that its brain is the size of a piece of kibble wow your dick snap off and this is a snow puff is this a snow puff this however is a snow puff what about this though surprisingly it's a snow puff well what about this woof doggy what a tiny dog house ah What's this called snow puff how about this one is it really a snow puff Maybe or this one Behold a snow puff and you uh there's 30g inside ah what is this probably a snow buff it's a snow puff okay what about you snow puff ah what is this doggy a puppy boy can I pet you I pet you oh my oh my God oh my wow look at you mister so big and strong how about I beckon you you call the greater dog it bounds towards you flecking slobber into your face oh my God I'm gonna make a freaking best friend sign me the hell up make a snowball and throw it for the dog to fetch Splats on the ground greater dog picks up all the snow in the area and brings it to you thank you now a dog is very tired rests head on you oh it's contented wow that was the cutest fight I've ever seen what a sweet puppy hi oh it's like a Samoyed oh oh bye bye oh my God oh God here we go okay human I could never I need to finish I need to make sure I finish this game before I go back to school because this is so damn loud I could not do this in my tiny freaking sweet plus I'm having two new people move in this is your final and most dangerous challenge Behold The Gauntlet of deadly Terror wow there's a doggy when I say the word it will fully activate cannons will fire spikes will swing blades will slice each part will swing violently up and down only the tiniest chance of Victory will remain are you ready because I am about to do it [Music] okay well what's the hold up hold up what hold up ring ding ding ding ding I'm about to activate it now let me know when that happens a few business days perhaps that uh does not very activated well it seems maybe too easy to defeat the human with yeah yeah we can't use this one I am a skeleton with standards my puzzles are very fair and my traps are expertly cooked but this method is too direct no class at all anyway it goes bye what are you looking at this was another decisive victory for papyrus yeah ain't too much don't tell me what I can and cannot do yo you're a kid too right I can tell because you're wearing a striped shirt hell yeah what's up this way I hate that it's it's the library welcome to the library yes we know the sign is misspelled is it [Music] Library oh it's Library god I didn't even notice when I was younger my teachers gave me word searches when they ran out of assignments I thought they were a waste of time but look at me now I'm the number one word search Creator in the entire Underground whoa oh my God am I like is this frostbite oh God there I am it's Papyrus human allow me to tell you about some complex feelings is he in love with me feelings like the joy of finding another pasta lover the admiration for another's puzzle solving skills the desire to have a cool smart person think you are cool these feelings they must be what you are feeling right now I can so honestly I like I've been wrestling with it since I showed up here I can hardly imagine what it must be like to feel that way after all I am very great I pity you lonely human worry not you shall be lonely no longer I the great Papyrus will be your friend no no this is all wrong I can't be your friend you are a human I must capture you then I can fulfill my lifelong dream powerful popular prestigious that's Papyrus they do all start with peas the newest member of the royal God oh God [ __ ] man all right what up brother okay I'm not fighting you oh my God I'm a hundred percent flirty with the virus why is flirting so you finally reveal your ultimate feelings well I'm a skeleton with very high standards I can make spaghetti Oh no you're meeting all of my standards I guess this means I have to go on a date with you I should put I have zero redeeming qualities let's stay later after I capture you okay [ __ ] man this is tough then let's see if you can handle my fabled blue attack [Music] I think I took care of it I just thought of that blue stop sign what the hell pardon oh I'm oh I have gravity now you're blue now that's my attack yeah he got me you're blue now yeah I freaking figured here I come I'm not moving oh my God Papyrus head of the royal God yep that's what they'll call you I am getting shot on let's eat some candy I ate the monster candy whoa whoa whoa uh bro um oops I skipped your dialogue [Music] after your captured and sent away [ __ ] give up or face my special attack what's your sign yes if you know it don't spoil I want people who don't know I want people to guess what mine is Aries Leo Taurus Taurus Taurus turmo Gemini Virgo Aquarius scorpio I've seen a hot burst of Libra toward the end Gemini Scorpio Sagittarius sagittacious sorry I am in fact a Taurus I don't know what that means we ha ha ha oh it's your special attack I love it what the heck it's my special attack hey you stupid dog do you hear me stop munching on that bone hey what are you doing come back here with my special attack oh well I'll just use a really cool regular attack ah he is an absolutely normal attack I'm sorry we were really excited to show it to me oh for God's sake wait wait whoa whoa whoa doggy cool dude yo okay you got style oh [ __ ] oh I can just oh I'm I'm elevating elevating oh my God [Music] yes well it's clear you can't defeat me yeah I could see you shaking in your boots therefore I the great Papyrus elected to Grant you pity I will spare you human now is your chance to accept my Mercy what if I go for the kill shot here would it instantly kill him God how uncool would that be I'll spare you though we're buds is that the sound you make when you're crying I can't even stop someone as weak as you undyne's going to be disappointed in me I'll never join the Royal Guards and my friend's quantity will remain stagnant what should you say what a loser let's be friends really you want to be friends with me I guess I can make an allowance for you wow we we haven't even had our first date and I've already managed to hit the friend zone who knew that all I needed to make Pals was to give people awful puzzles and then fight them you taught me a lot human I hear my grant you permission to pass through and I'll give you directions to the surface continue forward until you reach the end of the cavern then when you reach the capital cross the barrier that's the magical seal trapping us all underground anything can enter through it but nothing can exit except someone with a powerful Soul like you that's why the king wants to acquire a human he wants to open the barrier with soul oh my God is this genocide like is it am I gonna get picked off wants to open the barrier with soul power the nest monsters can return to the surface the king of all monsters he is well he's a big fuzzy pushover everybody loves that guy I am certain that if you just say excuse me Mr dreamer can I please go home he'll guide you straight to the barrier himself anyway that's enough talking I'll be at home being a cool friend feel free to come by and have that date oh I will do so immediately whoa whoa thanks to the person who just popped into the chat just to go balls couldn't agree more wow you're so eager to date me you're trying to go into my house without me that's really weird okay can we talk I'll have to take you someplace really special a place I like to spend a lot of time it's just gonna be his house I stand corrected you know no I think he's gonna no he's gonna I knew it you little goof my house all right let's party wow y'all your carpet is groovy what the hell who uh I you know what bad news I think your house is on fire this is my brother's pet rock he always forgets to feed it as usual I have to take responsibility the rock is covered in sprinkles that's right interested in my food Museum please peruse my culinary art show half of the fridge is filled with containers all labeled spaghetti the other half contains nothing but an empty bag of chips can we go in your room there are also signs on it though that's my room if you finish looking around we could go in and do whatever people do when they date smooch whoa your room is rad dude I love the race car bed that's my bed if I ever get to the surface I'd like to drive down a long Highway wind in my hair sun on my skin of course that's just a dream so instead I cruise while I snooze do you want to start the date yes so badly okay date inside oh my God dating start wow here we are on our date I've actually never done this before but don't worry you can't spell prepared without several letters from my name whoa I snagged an official dating rule book from the library there's the HUD it's Thursday and it's sunny wow crime population is dropping oh my god oh oh we're good now oh my god wow okay step two ask them on a date human I the great Papyrus we'll go on a date with you yes we really wowie I guess that means it's time for part three put on nice clothes to show you care I like your clothes wait a second where clothing that bandana around your head you're wearing clothing right now not only that earlier today you were also wearing clothing no could it be you've wanted to date me from the very beginning yes oh I killed him oh you planned it all you're way better at dating than I am no you're dating power oh my God don't think you've betted me yet oh my God the tension is on through the roof I can easily keep up with you you see I too can wear clothing in fact I always wear special clothes underneath my regular clothes just in case somebody happens to ask me on a date Behold a better look fly yo that's it what do you think of my secret style I love it no a genuine compliment wow this date won't escalate any further unless you find my secret but that won't happen [Music] oh it's a present you found my secret I suppose I have no choice it's a present a present just for you it's spaghetti do you know what this is of course spaghetti that's what you're thinking isn't it huh right but oh so wrong this ain't any plain or pasta this is an Artisan's work silicon spaghetti finally aged in an Oaken Cask then cooked By Me Master Chef Papyrus human it's time to end this there's no ways this can go any further I'm gonna eat it take a small bite your face reflexively scrunches up the taste is Indescribable what a passionate expression you must really love my cooking and by extension me maybe even more than I do ah ah now I've beaten him I am better you're madly in love with me everything you do everything you say it's all been for my sake I'm sorry I don't like you the way you like me romantically I mean I mean I tried very hard to yo man I'll help you through these trying times I'll keep being your cool friend and act like this all never happened don't cry because I won't kiss you oh Marty crying tears are tears are on the floor oh and if you ever need to reach me here's my phone number you can call me anytime platonically well that went well bye oh it's per it's pretty is it like a cave area oh my God I'm going on a I'm going on a date with both the Bros so what do you think of my brother so cool of course he's cool you'd be cool too if you wore that outfit every day oh yeah I wanted to ask you something music's quiet I'm scared oh [ __ ] is he gonna propose have you ever heard of a talking flower which talking flower I know there's the one the echo flower that we just saw but there's also the one at the beginning of the game that tried to murk me yeah I have well Papyrus told me something interesting the other day sometimes when no one else is around a flower appears and Whispers things to him flattery advice encouragement predictions yeah okay hi undyne I'm here with my daily report uh regarding that human I called you about earlier did I fight them yes of course I did fought them valiantly did I capture them well no I tried very hard on dying but in the end I failed what you're going to take the human soul yourself but I'm dying you don't have to destroy them you see you see uh oh I'll help you in any way I can oh he's he's in a tough spot here oh [ __ ] I'm saying still okay I'm just gonna head out if that's cool ah for shit's sake yo did you see the way she was staring at you that was awesome I'm so jealous what did you do to get her attention come on let's go watch her beat up some bad guys oh [ __ ] he ate he just wow okay feeling good dread hangs over me not wheelie though oh it's just ripped Aaron Flexes in wait couldn't I hold on I want to see if there's a secret room to the right oh my God that was just a crap shoot okay uh what do you have to say I just wasn't ready for the responsibility huh oh there's a quiche there's a quiche underneath the bench you take it I'll take the quiche hello this is papyrus how did I get this number it was easy I just dialed every number sequentially until I got yours so what are you wearing I'm asking for a friend she thought she saw you wearing a Dusty tutu is that true are you wearing a Dusty tutu I would never lie to you I would never lie to you so you are wearing a Dusty tutu got it wink wink Have A Nice Day washua washuama Clean you I'm gonna wash you oh I'm asking wash what to clean me hops around excitedly cream means clean oh it just likes to oh [ __ ] ah ah I got beaten up but it helped I got a little birdie in there monster defeats a human that can take its Soul the monster the human soul horrible Beast with unfathomable power oh [ __ ] oh I gotta Dodge the Spurs you know the high low to high [Music] oh [ __ ] oh she's gonna grab me whomp oh it's the freaking kid yep no worries I'm never watching my face ever again man are you unlucky you're standing just a little bit to the left yo don't worry I'm sure we'll see her again oh you don't understand knowing the mouse might one day extract the cheese from the mysterious Crystal it feels with determination I believe in the mouse she's been here selling a magical crystals growing around it I wonder if it's stuck to the table so don't you have any wishes to make just one but it's kind of stupid yeah probably hello this is papyrus remember when I asked you about clothes well the friend who wanted to know her opinion of you is very murdery but I bet you knew that already and because you knew that I told her what you told me you were wearing a Dusty tutu because I knew of course after such a suspicious question you would obviously change your clothes you're such a smart cookie okay oh God quiet yeah I'm onion son onion sign you're here you're visiting waterfall huh hey that's okay it beats moving to the city living in a crowded aquarium like all my friends did and I'll be here on the aquarium is full anyway so even if I wanted to that's okay though here on dad's gonna fix everything you hear I'm gonna get out of here and live in the ocean you hear hunting song Echoes down the corridor won't you play along it's a statue oh it's all wet oh my God can I put one in the Statue to keep it dry put the umbrella in the Statue yes oh this is what I have to play Flawless performance it's a legendary artifact will you take it well of course carrying too much the bandage only heals 10. we take it of course King to me dogs I'm sorry oh there's a dog I'm gonna drop the dog put the dog puppy I swear to Christ I swear to Christ okay you know that's fine you you yeah honestly I'm not even mad honestly honestly he deserves it he deserves it he's a sweet boy who's been trying his hardest yo you got an umbrella awesome yay let's go man I'm dying is so cool she beats up bad guys and never loses wow this is really cool the end Qatar that you called a war United the humans were too powerful and US monsters too weak not a single soul was taken and countless monsters returned to dust oh that's very sad oh oh my god oh [ __ ] I don't make mistakes really you're attacking can go in the right way I went the wrong way I went the wrong way I'm bound what yep it's been a pleasure and yeah that's new character it sounds like it came from over here oh you falling down haven't you are you okay here get up fibs huh that's a nice name oh my name is Danny I've made a headcanon it's a pile of trash look at all this look at all the trash partaking in worthless garbage fills you with determination so true attack my content baby a bike you rest your hand on the Rusted bike torn wheezes with a hunk of Despair I was about to say can I hear it that didn't sound like despair that sounded fun and cool that sounded like the episode of SpongeBob where they have slide whistles and whatnot there you go I got astronaut food oh those are actually the best I don't know if y'all have ever had those like freeze-dried like Neapolitan ice cream rectangles from like a space museum or something those are absolutely delicious oh is it is it the same one can we chat some more seems like a regular training dummy do you want to beat it up no stare into each other's eyes for a moment I hope it's the same one hello oh my God is it a fight too intimidated to fight me huh I'm a ghost that lives inside a dummy my cousin used to live inside a dummy too until you came along when you talked to them they thought they were in for a nice chat but the things you said horrible shocking unbelievable it spooked them right out of their dummy human I'll scare your soul out of your body what did I say I'm gonna talk to you you talk to the dummy doesn't seem much for conversation no one is happy with this all your friends ah what the hell is that ow you dummies watch where you're aiming your magic attacks oh oh there we go I like this piano having a lot of fun here hey guys dummies dummies dummies remember how I said not to shoot at me well failures you're fired you're all being replaced oh they look so bummed out now you'll see my true power relying on people that aren't garbage dummy Bots you're awful dummy Bots are actually kind of cooking me a little bit dummy Bots final attack no no oh God beat him up oh I got it with all of them no way these guys are even worse than the other guys who cares who cares who cares I don't need friends oh my god I've got knives whoa I got a knives out of knives but it doesn't matter you can't hurt me and I can't hurt you you'll be stuck fighting me forever forever forever wow you are grooving Mister whoa whoa whoa whoa what what the heck is this acid rain oh forget it I'm out of here oh oh it's you I forget your name but I love you as soon as I came over your friend immediately left oh no you guys looked like you were having fun oh no I just wanted to say hi Oh no no please well I'm going to head home now oh um feel free to come with if you want throw that offer I would love to hey my house is up here in case you want to see or in case you don't I do so badly I feel like calming tranquility and I'm filled with determination good to hear so a bird wants to carry you across except the bird's offer maybe later I'm okay for now you look very eager though and I would like that about you I want to visit this one it's locked dress well what's to the right you know what no I need to hang out with you you deserve my time the CD is labeled spook Tunes play it let's let's hear it damn [Music] this is Jingle Bells I have to agreement I like to ride in the ground not on the ground I feel like garbage me too family tradition do you want to join me yes so badly this is what I've been doing all week man really wishing I picked any other song to play in the background here we go you'll lie down as long as you don't move so let me move around when you want to get up I guess all right with you okay this is run its course I'm done I had a great time hanging out with my new friend today I need to like put that in my diary dear diary today I made a new best friend it's a snail for some reason you can't help but wonder what it tastes like that never crossed my mind it is just living its damn life oh you got a six dash Snail Race hell yeah you want to play a game it's called Thunder snail isn't that a DreamWorks movie let's run it I'm gonna press the [ __ ] out of this button what happened are you okay do you need more encouragement are you nervous oh it's on fire don't worry I'll put it out with more encouragement oh it's really on fire oh looks like you encouraged your snail too much all that pressure to succeed really God to her oh oh whoa there I've got some neat junk for sale oh I love you and buy some items just might save you hide don't threaten me ooh more signs I can read hurt beaten and fearful for our lives we surrender to the humans seven of the greatest magicians magicians hmm the huge power equivalent to seven human Souls attacks the barrier it will be destroyed oh that's foreboding is that why toriel said like hey heads up is the King guy like just waiting for kids to fall down here and then killing them and like keeping their souls what are they gonna do what's the end game if they break the barrier and go back up the humans are just gonna be like yo what the hell and then send them back down Tammy special enemy temi appears here to defeat you her face is kinda migrating a little bit Hoy I'm Tammy that was it that was it just wanted to chat okay well damn I'm really low I'm gonna die okay washua clean me clean me green means clean oh I needed okay themes stay determined what voice is that I don't think I've heard that one yet that's our first death I should just healed I just realized I have like Tasties in my pocket clean me okay I need to hit the I need to hit the green I need the ah there we go I had to take a hit what in the crumb is I'm gonna run into another thing that's gonna wipe my booty and kill me it's not in this room y'all freaking played with me y'all toyed with can I have a flee no I'm gonna die okay uh washua a clean me whatever it's fine so y'all are saying it's in dash mushroom room I'm gonna hit them all I'm gonna hit them all and it's gonna reveal a secret path I'm just gonna try all the cardinal directions oh here we go [Music] wow I hope this is worth all the trouble welcome to tem Village hi I'm Timmy and this is my friend Tammy hi I'm temmy and this is my friend Tammy colorful cast of characters hi I'm Tammy don't forget my friend I'm Bob you feel something you feel determination determination full of determination I'm I hate it oh you're welcome to the Tim's yeah I hate this place tempeh for college I'm actually kind of close you know what I'll save up I'm gonna make that a goal I'm Gonna Save my save my money I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna pay for your college I'm gonna do it Tim watch egg egg will hatch can proud parents every second I'm in this room I feel like I'm getting stupider Tim heard human allergic to Tim is that okay Tim understand Tim also alluded to Tim oh oh no oh it's breaking out on hives washer Man Mushroom dance mushroom dance whatever could it mean oh it symbolizes my inner torment trapped here by my hi-fi I struggle to pull away my struggle to escape but alas to no avail I couldn't really get a good look at that dance give me one more time for me I I'm sending you to college tem mark my goddamn words you're going to like Tufts or something nice uh it's very dark it's very dark look at the the grass behind you well end of the line seven seven human Souls with the power of seven human Souls our King King asgore Dreamer will become a god with that power asgore can finally shatter the barrier he will finally take the surface back from Humanity give them back the suffering and pain that we have endured understand human this is your only chance at Redemption give up your soul or I'll tear it from your body no oh my God nope [Music] oh it's the freaking kid I'm dying I hope you fight oh is this where he realizes yo you did it I'm dying just right in front of you you've got front row seats to her fight wait who's she fighting hey you aren't gonna tell my parents about this are you oh my God that Dopey ass kid just saved my bacon Bridge time Bridge time oh is this about to be Dino child betrayal Arc you're human right man I knew it well I know it now I mean undyne told me uh stay away from that human So like um guess that makes his enemies or something but I kind of think that yo essentially means I can hate you please no yo what so I have to do it here goes nothing yo I I hate your guts I I'm such a turd I'm I'm gonna go home now ah I had a great time hanging out with you oh oh God wait help I'm tripped oh I gotcha I got you so for me yo dude if if you want to hurt my friend you're gonna have to get through me first oh she's backing off backing off you know you really saved my skin kissing enemies which is a nice thought huh those have to be friends instead oh damn seven seven human Souls yeah we've we've been over this we've been over this I've gotten the Cliff's Notes six that's how many we have collected thus far that those numbers those are not good optics for me I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people it all started long ago I feel like I've heard it already um no you know what Brew it hi yeah that was stupid dramatic whoa you wow you have a wow that is a Dopey looking face you're standing in the way of everybody's hopes and dreams Elvis's history books made me think humans were cool with their giant robots and Flowery Swordsmen sounds like anime but you you're just a coward oh is that what the anime disc was did oh my god do the monsters watch anime and think it's like historical documentation that is incredible I've seen the way you perform Alchemy and make best friends hiding behind that kid so you could run away from me again and let's not forget your wimpy goody two shoes stick oh I'm making such a difference by hugging random strangers you know it would be more vulnerable nope you know it'll be more valuable to everyone if you are dead that's right human your continued existence is a crime your life is all that stands between us and our freedom right now I can feel everyone's Hearts pounding together everyone's been waiting their whole lives for this moment yeah I can tell that you've only ever watched anime we're not nervous at all when everyone puts their hearts together they can't lose and apparently High School Musical now human let's end this right here right now I'll show you how determined monsters can be step forward when you're ready no more running away here I go oh my God okay sorry that actually that was I was not expecting you to fly in a frame on guard I'm green I'm green now undyne attacks until undyne her attacks are too easy the bolts get faster okay as long as you're green you can't escape unless you learn to face danger Head On You Won't Last a second against me what oh oh I like this and now sunlight is just within our reach she looks like oh my God I'm not warming up I'm actually kind of gone right now it's like he's challenging ugh nah this doesn't care anymore yeah I probably have to keep hitting spare like I did with the other ones it seems like with boss fights the technique is just a spare spare spare what's going on you just want to be friends she remembers someone her attacks become a little less extreme oh who's she remembering maybe Papyrus Papyrus is a very goody goody goody kind of guy okay we keep pleading until you understand you didn't want to fight nothing happened stop being so damn resilient the hell are humans made out of a hundred percent the sick Vibes and radical skateboard tricks who knows to be dead by now but not me I watched Yu-Gi-Oh that was so many humans were determined hell yeah what the hell that's not fair what are we cheating [Music] oh my God undyne thinks of her friends and pounds the ground with her Fists I don't want to break my stream I shouldn't do that okay why on God's name okay try again next week sister I'm a Postmates driver you'll never Escape From Me In Red okay yeah I need to fully damn it this is like the freaking bug snacks thing where they had to physically tell me like hey for shit's sake oh no it was breath of the wild it was the last three of breath of the wild I was stuck on this part of the final boss and she had to be like use the updraft link God damn open it there it is what the hell I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing right now oh they had to tell me use the up draft say [ __ ] link okay I need to leave wow I'm embarrassed escaped okay oh I have to run from her this is this is hilarious I love this Dynamic stop running away [Music] peace welcome to Hot Land Hot Land I'm getting a phone call it's my friend hey what's up I was just thinking you me and undyne should all hang out sometime I think you'd make great Pals that's me top at her house later it sounds great man I would actually love to come back here you little punk no I just keep running from her is this the rest of the video help me how how many okay is she getting tired Armor's so hot but I can't give up you're doing so good okay it's water cooler take a cup of water absolutely take a cup of water give undone the water of course there you go is she gonna like spring up good morning oh are you confused okay see you around well I want to go hang out with Papyrus I want to go hang out with my friend oh the human arrives wow you love that sentence mister are you ready to hang out with undyne I have a plan to make you two great friends will you hang out absolutely okay stand behind me was that she loves these bone oh wow hi Papyrus ready for your extra private one-on-one training you bet I am and I brought a friend oh hi I don't think we've why don't you two come in oh look how excited he is here I'm dying my friend brought a gift for you on their own uh thanks I'll um I'll put it with the others good Lord whoopsy doopsie I just remembered I have to go to the bathroom you two have fun damn that's a 10. that's a perfect 10 did you see that that was incredible this is Forum on that so why are you here to rub your victory in my face to humiliate me even further is that it no then why are you here come on be friends with you you think I'm gonna be friends with you huh right yes really how delightful I accept let's all Frolic in the fields of friendship not why would I ever be friends with you you're the enemy of everyone's hopes and dreams I will never be your friend no get out of my house oh hello dang what's a shame I thought undyne could be friends with you but I guess I overestimated her she's just not up to the challenge oh damn Papyrus is kind of you know what as doofy as he is he's a bit of a strategic genius because that that is a that is a clutch play what a joke I can make friends with a wimpy loser like you any day I'll show him this is not human we're not just gonna be friends we're going to be besties I'll make you like me so much you won't be able to think of anyone else it's the perfect Revenge okay I mean whatever works is there are we can't believe you left through the window like that normally he Nails The Landing uh did he not even suck but their history kind of rules case in point this giant sword historically humans wielded swords up to 10 times their size oh my God she does use anime for historical documentation right uh-huh I knew it when I first heard that I immediately wanted one so me and Alphas built a giant sword together she figured out all the specs herself she's smart huh totally I like your little fish doily it's very nice I'll sit down I'll get you something to drink wow that's very sweet of you wow look at all these options what would you like oh hey don't get up you're the guest sit down enjoy yourself um why not just point to what you want you can use the spear okay t-box blatantly correct Choice awesome tasty tea hot chocolate green cylinder looks pretty blue to me uh we'll go with the tea box tea huh coming right up it'll take a moment for the water to boil so you into you into crypto oh okay looks like it's boiling nothing but the best for my absolutely precious friend man I love this Dynamic it's kind of strange you chose that tea Golden Flower tea That's asgore's favorite kind actually now that I think about it you kind of remind me of him you're both Total weenies sort of you know I was a pretty hot-headed kid once to prove I was the strongest I tried to fight asgore emphasis on tried couldn't land a single blow on him and worse the whole time he refused to fight back I was so humiliated afterwards he apologized and said something Goofy excuse me do you want to know how to beat me I said yes and from then on he trained me one day during practice I finally knocked him down I felt bad but he was beaming I had never seen someone more proud to get their butt kicked anyway long story short he kept training me and now I'm the head of the royal guard so I'm the one who gets to train dorks to fight but uh to be honest I don't know if I could never let Papyrus into the royal guard don't tell him I said that he's just well I mean it's not that he's weak he's actually pretty freaking tough It's just that he's he's too innocent and nice he was supposed to capture you he ended up being friends with you instead that's what we're doing right now I could never send him in a battle you get ripped in a little smiling shreds that's part of why I started teaching him how to cook you know so uh maybe he can do something else with his life well that's sweet oh wait a second Papyrus his cooking lesson supposed to have that right now and if he's not here to have it you'll have to have it for him oh my God wow oh my God that's right nothing has brought Papyrus and I closer than cooking which means that if I give you his lesson we'll become closer than you could ever imagine what is with everyone in the underground and trying to like optimize any percent friendship afraid we're gonna be best friends oh I'm so pumped okay yeah that's my hair let's start with the sauce bang I'm assuming we're gonna be making spaghetti why are we putting nanners and carrots in there Envision these vegetables as your greatest enemy now pound them to dust with your fists how will you pound I will pound strong you pledge the vegetables at full force you knock over a tomato yeah yeah our hearts are uniting against these healthy ingredients now it's my turn yeah yeah oh my God uh we'll just scrape this into a bowl later but for now oh we add the noodles homemade noodles are the best but I just buy the store brand they're the cheapest yeah I just put them in the pot now you put them in fiercely you throw everything into the pot as hard as you can including the Box clanks against the empty bottom yeah I'm into it all right now it's time to stir the pasta as a general rule of thumb the more you stir the better it is ready let's do it oh my God I'm this is on my left hand that's my weak hand so I can't stir that hard harder I'm trying harder hashtag let me do it oh my God oh my God it looks great but the stovetop symbolize your passion let your hopes and dreams turn into burning fire don't hold anything back oh I'm turning it up oh my God it's just rotating hotter butter darn it oh my God Hunter wait that's two yeah I feel like we never put the water in we're just lighting dry pasta on fire yeah okay ah man no wonder Papyrus sucks at cooking so what's next scrapbooking friendship bracelets oh am I kidding I really screwed this up didn't I you can't force you to like me human some people just don't get along with each other I understand if you feel that way about me and if we can't be friends that's okay because if we're not friends means I can destroy You Without Regrets oh my god I've been defeated my house is in shambles I haven't failed to befriend you this is an absolute roller coaster now come on hit me with all you got yeah yeah okay uh I'll fake attack pretend to swinging on them with all your might Boop what that's the best you even attacking at full force you just can't muster any intent to hurt me huh you know what okay I don't actually want to hurt you either the way you hit me right now it reminded me of someone I used to train with now I know you aren't just some wimpy loser you're a wimpy loser with a big heart just like him who asgore listen human seems that you and asgore fated to fight but knowing him he probably doesn't want to talk to him I'm sure you can persuade him to let you go home eventually some mean human will fall down here and I'll take their soul instead that makes sense right yeah I like it and if you do hurt asgore I'll take the human Souls cross the barrier and beat the hell out of you that's what friends are for right now let's get the hell out of this flaming house well that was fun huh we'll have to hang out again another time oh her house is crying I'm sorry all right let's get back to progression no that was good fun whoa whoa lab I'm the star of the show oh my God literally I am the star of the show look at me it's me it's you it's me who are you are you dinos dinosaur oh it's so bright oh so bright oh oh my God I didn't expect you to show up so soon I haven't showered I'm barely dressed it's all messy and um hiya I'm Dr alphys I'm asgore's Royal scientist but uh I'm not one of the bad guys actually since you stepped out of the ruins I've um been observing your journey through my console your fights your friendships everything I was originally going to stop you but watching someone on a screen really makes you root for them so uh now I want to help you using my knowledge I can easily guide you through hotland I know a way right to azegar's Castle no problem well actually um there's just a tiny issue a long time ago I made a robot named metaton originally I built him to be an entertainment robot uh you know like a robotic TV star or something anyway recently I decided to make it more useful you know it's just some small practical adjustments like uh anti-anti-human combat features of course when I saw you coming I immediately decided I have to remove those features unfortunately I may have made a Teensy mistake while doing so and uh now he's an Unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for human blood but uh don't believe he won't we won't run into him I have bad news oh no what have you done oh no oh oh yes welcome Beauties oh it's one of those people welcome beauties oh do today's quiz show yeah yay oh boy I can already tell it's gonna be a great show everyone give a big hand for our wonderful contestant yay there's only one rule edser correctly or you die oh it's trivia I'm not very good at that let's start with an easy one what's the prize for answering correctly [Music] Shins right sounds like you get it this metal body renders him invulnerable to attack use your terrific prize what's the king's full name asgore dreamer yes correct what a terrific answer oh my God I'm having so much fun what are robots made of hopes and dreams metal and Magic Snips and snails sugar and spice metal and Magic I'm incredible at this here's another easy one for you oh [ __ ] okay station names they should be our 252.252.5 miles apart from each other I've got 18 seconds less than that uh Pfizer in this jar well obviously 54. hey I see I knew it what monster is this that's a froggit okay would you Smooch a ghost heck yeah how many letters in the name mettaton uh oh [ __ ] what is Alpha's oh is she showing me the answer is she saying C that's really funny I actually love that in the dating simulation video game Mew Mew kissy cutie oh oh I know this one it's it's snail ice cream in the foot chapter ever goes to the beach she buys ice cream for all her friends but it's still flavor and she's the one who wants it it's one of my favorite parts of the game because it's actually a very powerful message about friendship outfits office you aren't helping our contestant are you oh you should have told me I'll ask a question you'll be sure to know the answer to who does Dr alphys have a crush on she was blushing there's no time limit I can't say don't know because I think it's between It's gotta be the human right she blushed so many times seriously my my how conceited can you get I love it was I wrong because she looks she doesn't look embarrassed she just looks angry and while you yeah I am wrong okay is it undyne that would be a power couple with Dr Alphas helping you the show has no dramatic tension we can't go on like this but but this was just the pilot episode next up more drama more romance more Bloodshed until next time Darlings all right it's been an absolute Joy where did you get that phone it's ancient doesn't even have a texting wait a second please oh Mike who was screaming did you insert a child into the cell phone is that where Siri comes from it can do texting items it's got a keychain I have inside you up for the underground's number one social network that were officially friends [Music] I'm gonna go to the bathroom okay take a package of noodles yeah okay got the instant noodles nice letters from many monsters here froggit snowy doggo they're all unopened why you should are you socially anxious so many people want to talk to you bye bye oh Alpha's updated status just realized I didn't watch that I'd fight the human okay is this gonna be oh my god well I know she's unbeatable I'll ask you about it later oh it's totally undying that she has a crush on ma'am nothing else to do with your time Falcon strolls in I'm low on health I hope I can handle some more soon I'm gonna encourage you Joe Vulcan is doing a great job Stacks become extreme yeah it does my best ah you do so good I'm gonna die there better be a heel point up here outfits plane gets in the way not on purpose or anything that is really funny it's Tundra plain he's a tundra or whatever it's called hell yeah I don't know what that is referring to at all oh it's tsundere sugar plane shakes its nose expensively at you oh now I can spare you I just had to like be subtle oh a frying pan hell yeah frying pan laying on the ground when you take it absolutely consumable items heal four more HP oh that's good OMG I've had my club over the last digit for five minutes oh but gee I'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna call whenever you're ready okay thank you click where was calling going up before you answered it Jesus Christ uh hi so the blue lasers uh I be the Alpha's here hi the blue lasers won't hurt you if you don't move orange ones uh you have to be moving and and they um they won't uh move through those words uh bye clouds have a shook like that since undyne called me to ask about the weather oh I'll rip you apart with my hands oh my God oh my God maybe you guys have a crush on each other oh for shit's sake shoot the opposing ship move the boxes to complete your mission hi mister whoa and darling enjoy the area is closed I tried to puzzle but I kept running out of ammo and it kept restarting I'm gonna do co-workers want to help so they don't even want to go to work oh I have two bullets Brava as the Royal scientists I have some chicks up my sleeve I'll hack into the the hotline laser database take it out [Music] okay all right okay uh oh my God stop stop oh what is this I love the flooring oh oh it's kind of dark in there isn't it no worry I'll hack into the light system and brighten it up it's kitchen oh no oh is it oh yes welcome Beauties to the underground's premiere cooking show cooking with a killer robot oh I love it we're going to be making a cake my lovely assistant here will gather the ingredients everyone give them a big hand let's see wow it's like three people we'll need sugar milk and eggs go for it sweetheart um I got him perfect great job beautiful we've got all the ingredients we need to bake the cake milk sugar eggs oh my what a magnificent moment how could I forget you need flour and baking soda I'm missing the most important ingredient flour a human soul oh my God oh my God sorry I'm getting a call wait wait a second could you just make a can you use a can you make a substitution in the recipe a substitution you may use a different non-human ingredient why uh what if someone's vegan uh that's a brilliant idea of this actually I happen to have an option right here MTT brand always convenient human soul flavor substitute a can of wish is just over on that counter hell yeah [Music] lowered it for convenient um okay you can't get the can in the next one minute we'll just have to go back to the original plan so better start climbing beautiful okay oh oh no there's not enough time to clap up see that huge button that says jetpack watch this it's my phone whoa whoa if you're making a cake with sugar milk and eggs that is gonna be one dense wet sad cake oh my God that was not avoidable I made it seems you've bested me but only because you had the help of the brilliant Dr Alphas oh I love to think what you would have happened to you without her well toodles well uh anyway let's keep heading forward please lose my number so it's like flambo from Adventure Time Heats flamesman remember my name I've got it Heats flamesman I'll remember it oh you got a hot dog toasty bun wanna buy a hot dog it's only 30g I'm sorry I've I've got really tight my purse strings are tight right now I'm saving up for temmie's college yeah you gotta save your money for college how did you know now Mr Blue because sent you a friend request wow Napster Book 22 22 is my favorite number a lot of my usernames end with 22. this is like my soul mate accept the request of course seems to have already rejected itself no armor defense 11 he was one HP every other turn uh yes please puzzle is kind of a timing based you see those switches over there you'll have to press off within three seconds I'll try to help you with the Rhythm one two three okay now press the third one hey looks like you only needed to press two of them thank you as always microwave it's a piece of cheese inside this computerized laser safe the lasers have melted the edges of the cheese stuck to the table oh the mouse knowing the mouse might One Day hack into the computerized safe and get the cheese it feels the determination I know you can do it Mouse okay you stop oh it's the guards we've like received an anonymous tip but a human wearing a striped shirt he told us they were wandering around hotland right now I know it sounds scary huh well just stay chill we'll bring you someplace safe okay oh what is it bro the shirt they're wearing like what about it oh bro are you thinking what I'm thinking bummer this is like Mega embarrassing we like actually totally have to kill you and stuff damn it okay I can be friends to rg1 to be honest with his feelings like what I don't get it we gotta clean your armor oh I cleaned his armor clean Royal Guard 2's armor it's cooling dirt begins to wash away getting warmer ah oh I have to oh it's heating up yeah can't take it armor too hot oh yeah take it off much better oh the guy is sweating oh my God looks bothered by something be honest with your feelings you got the hots for your best friend shoot your shot I can't take this anymore not like this like two I like I like like you bro the way you fight the way you talk I love doing team attacks with you I love standing here with you bouncing and waving our weapons in sync uh-oh uh I mean uh psych gotcha bro huh one yeah bro do you wanna get some ice cream after this sure dude one and two are looking at each other happily well look at that oh it's dark oh it's dark oh yeah please enlighten me God okay I'm back my hacking skills have got things covered oh [ __ ] are you serious oh yes good evening Beauties and gentle Beauties this is mettaton reporting live from MTT news an interesting situation has arisen in eastern hotland fortunately our correspondent is out there reporting live Brave correspondent please find something newsworthy to report are 10 wonderful viewers are waiting for you um how about this glass of water oh my it's a completely non-descript glass of water but anything can make a great story with enough spin but if I spin it I'll report it attention viewers our correspondent has found a glass of water but what's astonishing about this glass of water is how uninteresting it is like all glasses of water it's comprised of water glass nitroglycerin nitroglycerin wait a second that's not a glass of water that's a bomb oh no no is it to a disaster report but don't panic you haven't even seen the rest of the room yet whoa this is basketball it's a book doggy a present uh just like a bunch of dynamite oh my seems everything in this area is actually a bomb that dog's a bomb that basketball's a bomb even my words are oh my god oh no Brave correspondent if you don't defused all the bombs this big bomb will blow you into Smithereens in two minutes looks like a five to me our nine viewers are going to love watching the oh you lost one don't worry I had started Bob diffusing program on your phone use the diffused option with the Bobs in the diffuse zone now go get him alphys why are you so conveniently in the middle of everything all the time diffuse the dog confused yeah I defused the dog great job shut up basketball I missed the glass of water is gonna be tough hi extremely agile glass of water [ __ ] okay I did it well done darling you've deactivated all the bombs if you didn't deactivate them the big bomb would have exploded in two minutes no it won't explode in two minutes instead it'll explode in two seconds goodbye darling is this it does this happen oh as soon as the bomb isn't going off ah what happened that's because while you were monologuing I I've fixed um I'd change oh no you deactivated the bomb with your hacking skills yeah that's what I did curses it seems I've been foiled again curse you human curse you Dr alphys for helping so much but I don't curse my eight wonderful viewers for tuning in until next time darling we really shout him huh that felt scripted alphys what is going on I have you know what is Alpha's trying to self-insert fanfic her way into my life right now so don't worry because forget about it and smile that smile all right whoa I like that that's cute oh are you spider Welcome to our parlor Deary interested in some spider pastries all proceeds go to real spiders sure buy a spider Donut for yeah unfortunately cannot Pony up yeah cannot do that I can afford thumps College wow you look just absolutely dumbfounded by that donut yeah uh-huh yeah all right sure I'll watch your [ __ ] oh my God oh my God how am I not supposed to skip this dialogue I'm bored out of my mind of talking to you alphys don't like that it's a spider area I don't like spiders well this game probably has cute looking spiders yeah those are cute spiders I can do with those bye bye did you hear what they just said what did they say the spiders they said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through oh I heard that they hate spiders I hear that they love to stomp on them no I don't I don't love to stop on spiders I catch and release here they like to tear their legs off oh my God yeah Jesus Christ no that that ain't me if you do that you are an actual psychopath you think your taste is too refined for our pastries don't you Dairy oh I disagree with that notion I did buy I bought a bagel or whatever I think your taste it's exactly what this next batch needs uh-oh it's Muffet don't look so blue my dearie ah well it wasn't tarnation oh oh now I have modeled strings I think purple is a much better look on you up next spider make a delicious cake I've already got one this is cute I'm having a good time up next two spiders up next parachute this is the little parachute or is it a muffin oh how rude of me I almost forgot to introduce you to my pet and I look like an idiot in front of all my friends ah oh it is oh it's a little muffin spider that's cute okay this is less cute like this oh God it's like Frogger oh I got hit oh [ __ ] wow croissant you can't be throwing croissants in here strange by swords on the Shadows changing shape who the hell could that be am I supposed to be doing something is it am I like is it gonna be like the undyne fight where I have to like think outside the box or whatever 38.8 defense 18.8 why with all the leftovers you have a nice vacation but a spider baseball field I'd watch wow I'm just like hanging out on the left Edge ah I should have hang out on the left Edge for some more time can I stop oh maybe I did it you're still alive oh my pet looks like it's time for dessert a telegram oh my god that's literally exactly a telegram from the spiders in the ruins what they're saying that they saw you and you helped donate to their cause oh my this has all been a big misunderstanding I thought you were someone that hated spiders person who asked for that Soul they must have meant a different human in a striped shirt is there another human down here oh oh my God maybe I'm gonna maybe that'll be like the final fight I'll spare you now ah good oh so what would have happened would I have would that have been a harder fight if I hadn't bought that spider donut back there or whatever oh that human oh my God is it you could it be My One True Love ugh I never got to be in my high school plays this is this is a big full circle moment for you guys I'm getting a little emotional he's singing to me try not to cry challenge cherry blossoms it'll suck and then you'll die a lot yes I will really sad you're gonna die cry cry so sad it's happening I mean you could probably prevent it so sad so sad that you were going to the dungeon well toodles uh oh no whatever shall I do my love has been Cast Away to the dungeon a dungeon with a puzzle so dastardly my Paramore will surely perish oh it's this [ __ ] oh heavens have mercy the horrible colored tile maze each color tile has its own sadistic function for example a green tile sounds a noise and then you must fight a monster red tiles will actually wait a second the about a hundred rooms ago that's right you remember all the rules don't you great then I won't waste your time repeating them good luck darling ugh the incredibly slow conveyor belt yeah yeah wait they like they like lemon so maybe I can soap and then pass through wait I got orange on me I'm orange scented now I can go through the okay I did great here come the Flames darling they're closing in getting closer oh my God 30 minutes now what's happening what is what's happening um I was about to say is he waiting for his cue from alphys watch out I'll save you I'm hacking into the firewall right now oh no how could this happen foiled Again by the brilliant Dr alphys alphys did you code mettaton you'll never be able to defeat us but as long as we work together this is probably the saddest thing I've ever seen did you forget what the green tiles do they make a sound and then you have to fight a monster well darling that monster is me oh my god oh I took off his dress I'm gonna yell nothing happened hey this seems bad but don't worry there's one last thing I saw on your phone so yo but because this phone's activated press it yellow press the yellow button the phone is resonating with mettaton's presence oh that yellow glow oh now press Z oh it's a blaster oh oh you've defeated me how could this be you were stronger than I thought Etc whatever before I met you I didn't really I didn't really like myself very much for a long time I felt like total screw up we couldn't do anything without without any athletic every dad so I impeded in progress hacked your phone and interrupted you constantly see this is great and all and I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like yourself that you had self-loading Tendencies and that you just wanted to help and I'm glad that this is good for you but you can't thrust yourself into this role without someone else's consent and then be like oh it's fine though because I was like depressed it's like well not really this is still a really gross Dynamic hey yes I did look at that face oh it stands wait I need to read the cheese paper first hey go up the creepy Alloy on the right for some great deals I love deals oh my God hey check it out yeah check it out wow a mystery key probably to someone's house law oh I wonder if that's the key to that house next to napstablook I'm tempted and now I gotta save up for college man how about grabbing some dinner with me first yeah great thanks for treating me uh I have okay well I'm kind of saving for college but so I'm a century in Snowden Forest right sit out there and watch for humans it's kind of boring fortunately deep in the forest there's this huge locked door and it's perfect for practicing knock knock jokes jokes goddamn so one day I'm knocking them out like usual knock on the door and say knock knock and suddenly from the other side I hear a woman's voice who is there oh is that toriel who was there I can't remember the voice I gave her she's the best audience I've ever had then after a dozen of them she knocks and says knock knock I say who's there old lady old lady who oh I did not know you could yodel wow needless to say this woman was extremely good that's funny it's a thing now telling bad jokes through the door it rules then she told me something strange if human ever comes through this door could you please put watch over them and protect them will you not I hate making promises this woman I don't even know her name but someone who sincerely likes bad jokes has an Integrity you can't say no to you know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything uh-oh buddy you would have killed me right um so appetizers they lighten up Buckle I'm just joking with you besides haven't I done a great job protecting you I mean look at yourself you haven't died a single time hey what's that look supposed to mean am I wrong no oh damn I wish I got this far without dying I've only died freaking once the relaxing atmosphere of this hotel it fills your determination you look like you have a couple screws loose pal I don't foreign [Music] this is a hamburger restaurant I'm just trying to survive yeah that's fair that's absolutely Fair okay well I'm not oh my God I have a sparkler day you have your mood swings could put playgrounds to shame I'm Gonna Leave oh the core that's where I need to go oh what a pretty balcony okay pickles pickle man ready this is it take the elevator up to the top of the core okay now there isn't working what the elevator should be working oh you are we going off script Elvis well then go to the right keep heading up okay uh it's a bunch of Fire all right now just keep heading up that pit is on my map forget it let's try the left side oh no your script outfits okay you should be able to make it through here pickles please and thank you well at least it's very polite they'll cover this order orange orange blue got it move it to the third one you were wrong and it didn't matter my reaction speed is just that good oh my God are you okay I I'm sorry I gave you the wrong order everything's fine okay let's just keep heading to the right try heading to the right no oh whoa It's night night are you okay why didn't you head to the right come on you trust me don't you no I got it stop I got it I got it I'll just activate the lasers let you through there their dad's turning off I can't turn them off I it's okay I have this under control I'm going to interrupting power for that holdout that you can walk across okay go wee oh what's up oh my God I'm power it's turning itself back on damn it this is supposed to I I'm gonna turn off again when it turns off move a little it doesn't stop okay you won't get hurt I did it okay you should you should I don't know this doesn't look like my map at all I'm sorry I I have to go okay whims a lot and final froggit whoa It's a boss froggit I am going to pray you kneel and pray for safety rumors about remembers its conscious there's still hope thanks means a lot doesn't want to fight anymore well what about yeah I'm going to mystify you you did something mysterious final [ __ ] it recognized it has more to learn from this world thoughtful croak Final Friday seems reluctant to fight you amazing oh my God there's so many let's let's pray what's up guys welcome back to my let's pray okay wow what a pretty Bridge okay I'm filled with determination core end oh am I gonna finally actually fight you freaking for real instead of just hop skipping and jumping over the place I was like oh thank you my computer phone drop the phone foreign to finally stop the malfunctioning robot malfunctioning in quotes not malfunction reprogramming get real this was all just a big show an act Alphas has been playing you for a fool the whole time wow shocking as she watched you on the screen she grew attached to your adventure she desperately wanted to be a part of it so she decided to insert herself into yours it's literally a self-insert into your story she reactivated puzzles she disabled elevators she enlisted me to torment you also she could save you from dangers that didn't exist also you would think she's a great person that she's not and now it's time for her finest hour at this very moment office is waiting outside the room during our battle she will interrupt she will pretend to deactivate me saving you one final time finally she'll be the heroine of your adventure you'll regard her so highly she'll even be able nope she'll even be able to convince you not to leave you see I've had enough of this predictable charade I have no desire to harm humans far from it actually my only desire is to entertain after all the audience deserves a good show don't they and what's a good show without a plot twist oh door shut hey what's going on the door just locked itself sorry folks the old program's been canceled we've got a finale that'll drive you wild oh my God oh real drama real action real Bloodshed on our new show attack of the killer robot made a ton attacks yes that was the one who rearranged the core I was the one that hired everyone to kill you that however was the short-sighted plan oh was was how did you change shape all right were you the one who like was like ah spider kill the spider but how did you change shape you know it would be a hundred times better killing you myself that worthless speed shooter won't work on me darling don't you understand what acting is oh that's fair okay but if I can get your soul I can stop asgore's plan I can save Humanity from destruction oh well maybe I should oh wait but then I'd still have to die then using your soul I'll cross through the barrier and become the thumb of the star I've always dreamed I will be Ellen DeGeneres hey office you did this uh I can't see it's going out of there but don't give up okay this is one last way to beat beta Todd it's uh it's this is the work in progress so don't judge it too hard but you know how bad it's not always faces forward it's because there's a switch on his backside so if you can turn him around uh and uh press the switch he'll be uh he'll be vulnerable well gotta go seems like a good time to turn metaton around I'm gonna turn you tell Marathon there's a mirror behind him oh a mirror right I have to look perfect for our grand finale um what am I supposed to do oh okay did you just flip my switch I really hope he just straight up turns into Ellen DeGeneres I'm unbelievably uncomfortable it's almost a real boy oh my if you flipped my switch that could only mean one thing you're desperate for the premiere of my new body how rude lucky for you I've been aching to show this off for a long time so as thanks I'll give you a handsome reward I'll make your last living moments oh absolutely beautiful the ratings the ratings views are down oh my God look at him break it down holy [ __ ] those boots are like the freaking y'all know the the SpongeBob movie where Patrick has to like lower SpongeBob from the ceiling when he's on the rope and he's got those boots on I'm gonna pose dramatic plus 100. you pose dramatically the audience nods do I just have to get ratings up is that how I beat this fight lights camera action yeah yeah melaton yep I agree it's mettatonic ex you say you aren't going to get hit at all ratings gradually increase during metaton's turn ah so this one it's like Stakes are high okay I disappointed them I need to I need to get better smoke for the camera I'm incredible this one's an essay question what do you love most about metaton um I really like that you're honest about your feeling I wasn't talking to Gold Star okay you actually really showed everyone your heart why don't I show you mine I would like to beat it up no I disappointed the audience oh [ __ ] sorry but how are you on the Dance Floor very good our Union regulated break happy break time yay thank you my God oh my God look at him go he's grown so distant darling how about another heart to heart ah imma kick your [ __ ] in I'm gonna kick your heart in never I wasn't gonna get hit and then I got hit all the arms I'm sorry oh I feel bad I'm sorry you were so excited about your new body arms who needs arms with legs like these I'm still going to win I can shoot these These are shootable boxes there's a rewind function lights camera enough of this do you really want Humanity to perish or do you just believe in yourself that much yeah I believe myself how inspiring well darling it's either me or you but I think we both already know who's going to win witness the true power of Humanity's star pretty lackluster damn oh no your legs I'm sorry are you the star can you really protect Humanity yes whoa now you're really mad look at these ratings eleven thousand oh my god oh look at these ratings that's exactly what I just said this is the most viewers I've ever had we've reached a fewer Colin Milestone one lucky viewer will have the chance to talk to me before I leave the underground forever let's see who calls in first hi you're on TV what do you have to say on this our last show oh hi metaton I really liked watching your show my life is pretty boring but seeing you on the screen bright excitement to my life vicariously I can't tell but I guess this is the last episode I miss you metaton oh I didn't mean to talk so long oh this is totally napstablook no wait wait BL is that short for blook he they already hung up okay time out time out I'm picking up on nuances I can tell he was about to say he and then correct himself to say they you know him the BL was probably a nickname like blooky or blook or whatever you know each other there's history maybe oh my God okay I'm connecting all the Dots here the house next to naps of Luke's house is your house and your neighbors and you're his only friend and now you feel guilty about leaving him behind I'll take another collar melaton your show made us so happy mettaton I don't know what I'll watch without you mediton there's a minute on shaped hole in my mettaton shaped heart oh I I see everyone thank you so much darling perhaps it might be better if I stay here for a while humans already have stars and Idols but monsters they only have me if I left the underground would lose its spark I'd leave an aching void that could never be filled I'm not sure about that so I think I'll have to delay my big debut besides you've proven to be very strong perhaps even strong enough to get past asgore I'm sure you'll be able to protect Humanity ha ha it's all for the best anyway the truth is this forms energy consumption is inefficient in a few moments I'll run out of battery power I'll be all right Knock Em Dead darling and everyone thank you you've been a great audience he's daddy exploded uh-oh uh oh did he die well now in clearly not he was talking a lot about the future thank God it's just the batteries but it's hot if you were God I would have I would have I mean hey it's no problem you know he's just a robot if you messed it up I could always just build another perhaps you go out ahead yeah I would love to not talk to you anymore okay we finally shook alphys like okay sorry about that let's keep going how much longer are you gonna play these games with me you must be pretty excited about all that huh yeah for real yo finally you'll finally get to go home yeah [Music] okay bye bye oh my God wait I made um I I was just going to uh say goodbye and I can't say this anymore yeah this is the worst I I lied to you oh yeah oh you lied you were lying to me oh no drop the [ __ ] please tell us it's strong enough to cry oh that's what you lied about that's it oh for sure this human soul is instructive to cross the barrier alone it takes at least a human soul and a monster soul ooh if you want to go home he'll have to take his soul he'll have to kill asgore I will never bye I'm sorry yeah that's not what you should be sorry about you tormented me Jesus Christ okay bye here we are it's a how this looks like the ruins house with the like little garden out for oh my God it is the wait what why is it it's just the ruins has black and white I need two padlocks howdy I'm in the garden if you have anything you need to get off your chest please don't hesitate to come keys are in the kitchen and in the hallway uh kitchen and hello oh my God the frogs are giving me lore long time ago a human fell into the ruins injured by its fall the human called out for help apparently there's a different human walking around with a striped shirt so I got the key baby asriel as real as real as real the Kings will go we'll go with asriel the King's son heard the humans call he brought the human back to the castle oh can I go in my room presents oh my God there's two beds what the hell one of them is for as real was the other ones the other one the the person the kid did they like adopt the human when they fell down it was a heart-shaped locket Inside the Box would you take it uh of course got the heart-shaped locket uh how good is the heart-shaped locket armor defense 15 it says best friends forever throw that Shion baby there's a worn dagger Inside the Box will you take it sure I'm under Renovations that's it's just the same thing in the other place look at uh jelly molds over time asriel new human became like siblings yeah okay so that is their room the king and the queen treated the human child as their own the underground was full of Hope well that's very sweet until weisuki green it's me despite everything it's still you you unlocked the chain is gone I ate it what if there are all these monsters who keep like intercepting me to give lore and like one of them didn't get the memo and it's just like it starts like tearing me to shreds you became very ill uh-oh does a human know how to only one request to see the flowers from their Village but there is nothing we could do oh cause they can't leave the next day the next day the human died ah asriel racked with grief absorbed the human soul oh gross he transformed into a being with incredible power with the human soul Ezreal crossed through the barrier carried the human's body into the sunset back to the Village of the humans asriel reached the center of the village there he found a bed of golden flowers golden flowers are clearly significant they've been everywhere and I don't know why but they're important he carried the human onto it suddenly screams rang out uh oh the villagers saw Azrael holding the human's body they thought that he had killed the child yeah I mean that's fair but maybe you can explain yourself as real the humans attacked him with everything they had he was struck with blow after blow Ezreal had the power to destroy them all but he didn't but Ezreal did not fight back clutching the human asriel smiled and walked away see say something I don't care how stoic you freaking think you are wounded asriel stumbled home he entered the castle and collapsed his dust spread across the garden oh so now they're both dead oh well that's not very nice for the king and queen who's the queen oh is it toriel okay cause her house looks freaking exactly like this house so maybe they lived here had the kids the kids both did it at the same time and then like I don't know either there was their their marriage fell apart or whatever and toriel moved to the ruins and that's why she was so adamant about like don't leave you're gonna die the king and queen had lost two children in one night the humans had once again taken everything from us the king decided it was time to end our suffering he killed all of us every human Who falls down here must die with enough Souls we can shatter the barrier forever King asgore will say give us hope they all said different things but I only read the middle one by accident oh God I'm the last one you should be smiling too aren't you excited aren't you happy not particularly I don't think I've smiled a single time throughout this experience huh you're going to be free no I'm not what part of this do you understand I'm going to be murked is this where the big fight happens oh no oh what the hell what are you doing here dude you're not the king are you the king this whole time whoa that would be crazy so you finally made it the end of your journey is at hand and in a few moments you will meet the king okay so it's not him together you will determine the future of this world that's then now you will be judged you will be judged for your every action you will be judged for every XP you've earned what's exp it's an acronym stands for execution points oh that's right I didn't get any XP because I didn't kill anybody way of quantifying the pain you've inflicted on others when you kill someone your exp increases when you have enough exp Your Love increases love too is an acronym stands for level of violence oh my God a way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt the more you kill the easier it becomes to distance yourself the more you distance yourself the less you will hurt the more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others oh there we go I was about to say where's my Comic Sans but you you never gained any love of course that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or naive just so you kept a certain tenderness in your heart no matter the struggles or hardships you faced you strived to do the right thing you refused to hurt anyone even when you ran away you did it with a smile you never gained love but you gained love does that make sense that was corny as hell Sans come on maybe not the rest of it was sweet though you're about to face the greatest challenge of your entire Journey your actions here will determine the fate of the entire world I am like a little toddler look at my dumb silhouette this is a lot of pressure on me if you refuse to fight asgore will take your soul and Destroy Humanity if you kill asgore and go home monsters will remain trapped underground what will you do well if I were you I would have thrown in the towel by now but you didn't get this far by giving up did you yeah you have something called determination so as long as you hold on as long as you do what's in your heart I believe you can do the right thing all right we're all counting on you kid good luck Oh no you're gonna be gone now whoa metal absolutely metal I'm a curious little cat I'm a curious little B oh is this the way I'm supposed to go I can't help it I can't help but Snoop oh my God okay you know what good morning it's the king whoa your voice is cool Dum Dee Dum oh is someone there just a moment I have almost finished watering these flowers oh do you enjoy gardening mister oh hi oh you have a kind face oh you look like toriel you're also like a goat howdy how can I oh oh looks like my kill Count's about to go up by one I so badly want to say would you like a cup of tea but you know how it is [Music] um [Music] nice day today huh how's he watering plants if he has nothing on his hands oh he's probably peeing on him I guess birds are singing flowers are blooming perfect weather for a game of catch I agree do you want to play catch we can play catch catch these hands I've just come straight for him I'll do it you know what we must do when you are ready come into the next room I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready just think of it like a visit to the dentist okay that helps me a little bit thank you wow yeah I definitely need to save again that was a lot of yeah a lot of a lot of progress there are you ready if you are not I understand I am not ready either we can learn together oh the barrier this is what keeps us all trapped underground everyone's saying no about college I thought I could just like I thought I could just do it like afterwards I can just kill myself if by chance you have any unfinished business please do what you might okay he's literally giving me time to do it he's literally giving me time to do it I gotta be quick I gotta be quick I have done I have worked so hard to raise money for your college education please be grateful 10 pay for college yes what that's a lot of Buzz can Tim really accept Okay time going to college and make you proud oh welcome back 10 back from cooling time there are many things they're just a new item yay [Music] I can't afford that what the hell is nice it was a mistake ever meeting you Timmy all right let's walk all the way back how are you feeling um I'm ready I see this is it then uh hi ready oh your eyes look so patient oh that is terrifying look at all the other kids who died a strange light fills the room Twilight is sheer snope shining through the barrier I'm embarrassed seems your journey is finally over you're filled with determination human it was nice to meet you goodbye oh God oh my God no what are you doing what the hell dog he knows the ins and outs [Music] damn that was like my whole plan how did you know uh let's chat you quietly tell asgore you don't want to fight him his hands tremble for a moment to Ezra you don't want to fight him speeding gets funny for a moment he firmly tell asgore to stop fighting recollection flashes in his eyes as was attack drop and his defense drop okay um still hitting pretty hard if you ask me what how the F oh his eyes okay we'll do that next time I'll check you 80 attack 80 defense no description okay ah wow okay well I can dodge all I want but how do I progress the dang fight I think I have to yeah I think I have to fight him yeah okay well let's do it maybe this is where okay that that advice that frog gave me the beginning of the game that I haven't used a single time where he said if you act the right way or attack until someone's just like not dead uh then you can spare them so maybe this is where I finally have to I just have to beat him down until he's too weak to fight back and then say no no no no I won't kill you and then we both live I can do this all day I'm going Hitler oops how are you spare him you removed your mercy maybe maybe he'll just be so weak that we just sit there forever and chat butter pie is it time for the butt Supply oh I put the butts pie away oh [ __ ] the butt's Pie is in the Box we're we're a below half oh I do have the pie it's just called pie uh I I'll eat this Glam burger oh my damn my attack is getting more and more attack Raw nope that was it okay I'm sorry I'm very sorry oh but see is HP Martin go to zero there was a little little little wiener left so that is how it is I'm sorry we can still be friends okay you know what let's bring in the swelling orchestral I remember the day after my son died the entire underground oh that D is really pushing it there on the right side entire underground was devoid of Hope the future had once again been taken from us by the humans in a fit of anger I declared war I said that I would destroy any human that came here I would use their souls to become Godlike and free us from this terrible prison then I would you can just you can talk a little faster then I would destroy humanity and let monsters rule the surface in peace soon the people's hopes returned my wife however became disgusted with my actions she left this place never to be seen again truthfully I do not want power I do not want to hurt anyone I just wanted everyone to have hope but I guess so toriel is his wife I cannot take this any longer I just want to see my wife I just want to see my child well uh one of those is possible please young one this war has gone on long enough you have the power you have the power take my soul and leave this cursed place no no no I put it back together with Scotch tape and glue yes right after everything I've done to hurt you you would rather stay down here and suffer than live happily on the surface ah he's gonna adopt me I promise you for as long as you remain here my wife and I will take care of you as best we can we can sit in the living room telling stories eating butterscotch pie butts pie we could be like like a family oh my God oh my God what the hell oh there's one left I was about to say Where's that bullet going are you [ __ ] me they're gonna tickle me with the idea of having a happy functional family it's a flower I literally forgot this dude was in the game you idiot you haven't learned a thing in this oh [ __ ] we're all dead oh we're all dead it's kill or be killed oh look at his face we're screwed we're screwed you can't have mine though hands off My Game just crashed I that was not me closing it it just crashed oh my God I'm sure that's scripted but I'm still freaked long ago oh this is different hold on this does not look right this looks different I hate that that genre of Horror like that kind like really meta kind of horror that kind of that is has always been the kind of horror that like gets me the most flowey my world did you like make a Minecraft world and forget to name it or something oh hey I'm I I'm I can I can play see don't worry guys game's not broken the end so can I oh file erased oh damn we're getting meta here it's me flowey flowey the flower I owe you a huge thanks you really did a number on that old fool without you I never could have gotten past him but now oh that is creepy I hate that he's dead that is terrifying and I've got the human Souls I've been empty for so long feels great to have a soul inside me again I can feel them wriggling okay yeah give me more Deeds please oh you're feeling left out aren't you well that's just perfect after all I only have six Souls I still need one more before I become God and then with my newfound Powers that's tutorial monsters human that's really good impression of me everyone I'll show them all the real meaning of this world what is it oh and forget about escaping to your old save file it's gone forever but don't worry your old friend flowey has worked out a replacement for you I'd love to see it oh my God I'll save over your own death so you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces over and over and over oh I took a step forward oh my God challenge what do you really think you can stop me you really are an idiot yeah true that's what my teachers told me baby let's go oh oh gross what the hell is that oh there's a lot going on my screen oh there he is oh his eyes move like lizard people wow okay those are all just like straight up pngs I see some worms in there oh Christ okay so now I just gotta okay okay whoa [Applause] oh my God what in God's name warning blue what the hell what is happening oh the now the blue soul is attacking me oh it's got knives ow ow ow act call for help oh I'm totally boned oh wow orange helped me thanks orange us warm colors gotta unite wow Jesus Christ warning orange oh orange you're the one who helped me out what the hell you're turning on me what's wrong with me what was wrong with you I mean oh you got all kinds of little hands I'ma hide in the in the little Center wow look at all these look at all these hands wow you must be good at playing the piano okay I called for help oh I'm gonna you take advantage of that empty help space thumbs up look at all these likes you can't oh you've loaded a save you can't save over my own death if I don't die dark blue okay oh you know what this Baseline I don't know if this is like stupid of me but this bass line sounds like the um papa's bakeria racing mini game oh my god wow oh God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm operating on pure adrenaline now baby oh my God there's so many attacks this one yeah I was about to say this one I just do not this is all just a bad dream and you're never waking up I can wake oh my God my eyes ow Jesus Christ stop laughing at me quit let's go ahead let's go ahead and boot the game up really fast this one I could like it confounds me like when it gets really hard and he's shooting them at like a mile a minute okay yeah for sure Terror hatred corrupt destroy oh are you a writer okay am I learning about oh are these like so all of these Souls belonged to past humans right so am I like are these attacks just like all their Hobbies because like one of them was like cooking and one of them one of them was just a glove I don't know how that's a hobby never mind one of them was dancing that one was like writing I couldn't see the fires because your stupid textbook eggs thank you what is your hobby you like to shoot people huh yellow heart oh my God they're all coming together as one hello my friends the previous humans yay other children who have sadly passed flowey's defense dropped to zero yeah yeah absolute tar out of him okay I what is God's name ah fire okay I'm doing some damage ah yeah I missed the flower ah oh they do have a hitbox thumbs up hell yeah fight fight I'm so low come on we're so close we're so close yeah hell yeah I killed you wait can you just like freaking if he's like the literal god of the universe can't he just start no no this can't be happening you you unfortunately so you idiot well I'll get up okay I can move out of the way I can move out of the way oh my god oh this time he wants to savor it he he did you really think you could defeat me yeah honestly for a bit there I did actually I am the god of this world and you you're hopeless hopeless and alone golly that's right you're worthless friends can't save you now call for help I dare you I would love to Mommy Daddy somebody help see what good it does you okay he called for help well but nobody came boy what a shame nobody else is gonna get to see you die yes it's fair oh get owned I have I don't know plot armor what how did you well I'll just where are my powers the souls what are they doing oh my God it's a rave oh it's a bowling alley you can't do that it's not fair you're supposed to obey me stop stop it stop please stay unionized remember you always have safety in numbers oh Caleb yeah well you have the chance no I'll spare I feel like that would be that would be out of character I will spare you though if this were real life if I was in this position yeah absolutely I would I would I would kill him right there like y'all can call me monster and pretend you'd be like no I'd be the bigger man and I would no dude freaking with other people it's like yeah there's misunderstood whatever they've been oppressed this dude literally threatened to kill everyone every human and every monster of course I'm gonna kill it if I have the chance what are you doing do you really think I've learned anything from this no I'm just gonna do it despite you know because it seems to be annoying you sparing me won't change anything killing me is the only way to end this you let me live I'll come back I'll kill you boink I'll kill everyone boink I'll kill everyone you love I don't know if that's true yep get rocked yep why why are you being so nice to me cause you're my friend you little freak I can't understand I can't understand I just can't understand flowey ran away undertale I was gonna say is it gonna do is it gonna be like bruh undertale oh wow by Toby Fox good job Toby Fox I had an absolute blast just calling to say you made a snowman really happy hell yes I did why did you let me go don't you realize that being nice just makes you get hurt so look at yourself you made all these great friends but now you'll probably never see them again not to mention how much they've been set back by you that's kind of fair hurts doesn't it if you had just gone through without caring about anyone you wouldn't have to feel bad now so I don't get it you really did everything the right way why do things still end up like this why is life really that unfair say what if I told you I knew some way to get you a better ending you'll have to load your save file and well in the meantime why don't you go see doctor office seems like you could have been better friends who knows maybe she's got the key to your happiness see you soon you creep me out why would I ever trust you oh you have to deliver something for me uh please I need you to deliver this letter to Dr alphys huh why don't I do it myself um well it's kind of personal but we're friends so I'll tell you hotline sucks I don't have to go over there so here you go they totally have a crush on each other this is adorable how am I doing bye my eyes after I went so like okay oh I can kill two birds with one stone I need to go to the lab anyway according to the flower man who I guess I trust now it's probably a bad call the door has no mail slot slide it under yeah I'll slide you slide the letter under the door and give it a knock oh no is that another letter I don't want to open it can I just slide it back out no I I can't keep doing this I'll read this one oh my God what is that oh hey this is a joke it's oh my god did you write this letter it was inside so I had no idea who could have oh my god oh no that's adorable oh God so passionately too okay I don't need to hear it all yeah let's go on a date oh my God I already did this and it didn't go super well okay here we go dating start you start uh sorry still getting dressed okay oh how do I look you look great what is what is happening this is is this game is this game just trying to jump through any Hoops possible to stick me in the most uncomfortable social situations you could possibly imagine this is I two for two on like worst nightmare date scenarios we already got hit with dating someone who doesn't love you back and now we're on to dating someone who seems disinterested in dating in general uh but we gotta give you items to raise your affection statistic first that'll increase the chance of a successful outcome to the date oh do you play like dating Sims I've been stockpiling gifts in anticipation for a date like this first I've got some metal armor polish ooh you can you can save that one for undyne if you want oh baby can't use that but but I also brought some waterproof cream for your scales you can also probably just put that in the undyne pile your uh scales uh well how about this magical Spirit repair kit that I uh hey let's forget about the items let's just start the date yeah let's uh date my skin is crawling uh do you like anime sure hey V2 hey let's go somewhere but where's a good place to go on a date I've got it let's go to the garbage dub oh I would love to go to the garbage dump I love it look at all these fun wow your garbage is so much more fun than mine you got like Weaponry severed limbs bunny rabbit doggy why is why who's throwing away puppies oh no that's her over there I can't let her see me on a date with you why why because uh well oh no here she comes [Music] oh she's dressed up too oh my God hey there you are I uh realized if you deliver that thing it might be a bad idea so I'm gonna do it give it to me huh you don't have it have you at least seen her uh oh she's she is quaking I'ma say yes I like I know Alpha's probably wants me to say no but these two are made for each other I'm gonna say yeah yes so she's somewhere around here thanks I'll keep looking oh my god well I guess it's obvious huh I uh I really like her I mean more than I like other people I'm sorry I just figured you know it'd be fun to go on like a cute kind of pretend date with you to make you feel better wow that makes me feel a lot better thanks imagine imagine you just went on a date with like your dream dream girl and then she's like yeah I just want to like go on a cute pretend date I would never step foot outside my house again undyne's the person I um really want to go on a day with but I mean she's way out of my league not that you are uh cool but I died she's so confident and strong and funny and I'm Just a Nobody a fraud of the royal scientist but all I've ever done is hurt people I told her so many lies she thinks I'm she thinks I'm a lot cooler than I actually am tell her the truth the truth I thought after watching all the anime you watched that lesson would have been just drilled into your brain by now so do you want to role play it or do you want to obviously role play it that actually sounds kind of fun okay which one of us will be I died uh you'll be online V I lied uh uh uh uh okay I'll say what I think she'd say and you um you showed me what I'm supposed to do [Music] um yeah hey Elvis you look cute today which I say often but platonically because I would never like you yo you're one hot baby this got into you hi baby how dare you call me that first off I'm a baby Knight captain of the babies between my position with respect or I will strike you down uh now pretend I'm suplexing of Boulder for no reason uh anyway what do you want to say Elvis Alvis gives you a kiss comma absolutely what I would never Elvis what are you doing I say pushing you away from me you just sort of Kiss Me but you're so good at it because of what you learned from those dating video games I I can't help but kiss you back this is oh my God oh my God this is absolutely horrific yeah yeah yeah I thought that I'm piling all this roaches what did you say I died I was just hey whoa wait a second your outfit's really cute what's the occasion wait a second are you two on a date uh yes I mean uh no I mean we were but I mean actually we were really romantically role-playing as you what I mean this is one of the most catastrophic and legendary social collapses I've ever seen I've been lying to you what about what about well everything as long as that seaweed was like scientifically important really I just used it to make ice cream and those human history books I keep reading those are just dorky comic books in the history movies those those are just uh anime they are real that time I told you I was busy with work on the phone I was just eating frozen yogurt my pajamas and that time I Alphas I I just wanted to impress you I just wanted you to think I was smart and cool that I wasn't some dirty loser alphys yay more friends look at everybody I'm such a good Matchmaker I didn't do any of this this is just them working it out and I'm present how Fists shut up oh three points damn that was clean alphys I think you're neat too I guess but you gotta realize most of what you said really doesn't matter to me I don't care if you're watching kid cartoons or reading history books to me all that stuff is just nerdy crap what I like about you is that you're passionate you're analytical doesn't matter what it is you care about it 100 at maximum power so you don't have to lie to me I don't want you to have to lie to anyone anymore Alphas I want to help you become happy with who you are and I know just the training you need to do that oh my God I died you you're gonna train me what me hell yes jog boy I'll do my best wow there they go oh my god oh is she about to freak out just kidding right those cartoons those Comics those are still real right anime is real right [Music] hmm you know what I know I know we were God the music is absurd I know we were we were dropping those truth bombs about being like not lying telling the truth look at her face man I feel like if I tell her anime is not real I'm gonna have a spear through the heart I knew it gigantic swords magical princesses here I come uh thanks for taking care of office I feel strongly and for no apparent reason you should also go there to her lab house I have only good feelings about this goodbye someone put them up to this I'm gonna do it anyway oh my God wait hold on do y'all remember early on in the game when I was at dinner with Sans and he said that thing about like Papyrus has been telling me that sometimes a talking flower Whispers advice to him camera's still on me I feel like by now it should have been like hey this is weird let's disable it oh I can go in the office room the bathroom elevator losing power I'll I'll power it with my electric personality whoa this feels so like stylistically different from the rest of the game like the way the walls are shaded I feel like we haven't seen that kind of like dithering it anywhere time to do what the King has asked me to do I will create the power to free us all I will Unleash the Power of the soul soul power can only be derived from what was once living so to create more we will have to use what we have now Souls of monsters oh my god did they like kill a bunch of monsters and it didn't work but extracting a soul from a living monster would require incredible power besides being impractical doing so would instantly destroy the Soul's host and unlike the persistent Souls of humans The Souls of most monsters disappear immediately on death if only I could make a monster Soul last using the blueprints I've extracted it from Human Souls I believe this is what gives their souls the strength to persist after death the will to keep living the result to change fate is this determination yeah let's call this power determination we missed one I think this was three right yeah can I buy some chips buy some chips yeah buy some chips I didn't seem it dispensed some chips can I collect my chips do I have chisps potato chips there's a note on the ground can't make it all out asgore asked everyone outside the city for monsters that had fallen down their bodies came in today they're still comatose and soon they'll all turn into dust what happens if I inject determination into them if their souls persist after they perish then Freedom might be closer than we all thought oh okay I have ideas uh I think she tried to inject determination into like almost dead monsters and maybe it just made them like straight up explode and she like didn't have the heart to tell their families like he had killed I killed your daddy for real for real you have to turn all those things yeah oh oh my God what the hell seems like it doesn't care anymore okay there's a red key lying in the sink oh I could probably put in that slot entry number 13. one of the bodies opened its eyes oh okay it seems like it comes real bad lie on it yeah okay do I like heal oh no I don't like this what am I waiting for okay no absolutely not I'm okay seems like this research was a dead end but at least we got a happy ending out of it sent the souls back to asgore returned the vessel to his garden return the vessel to his garden what the hell does that mean return the vessel to is that is that the is that the flower is that the goddamn flower what's the freaking flower's name I can I can't remember the damn flower you know the one the ass hat is that just like a flower that got like injected with the soul juice and then like Went Psycho also never back tomorrow smiley face oh did she say she caught all the families and let everyone know that they're alive oh Christ entry number 16. no no no no no no yep yep foreign okay I'll take the key hello oh you little trickster smells like sweet lemons that that body is is the like remember that thing that was singing at me actually it looks like that I don't know if they're related maybe this is like one of those and then this is like and it got juice put into it and then freaking exploded you have a familiar tune lemon bread lemon Bread's body shakes wow welcome to my special hell I love it ah these are all various acts from like various enemies that I've seen before Flex was that one Aaron guy unhug was the like giant jelly creature mold big I don't remember scream cry or call I'll unhug oh yeah it has the it has the jelly guy's teeth is this like a combo of a bunch of things do you think I'm pretty yeah I'd say so could this be goodbye yes it could be never even look at me again something here it feels warm and moist oh it's my favorite adjectives okay I'm turning back I think I need to like do before I come here just gory the hell is Gory gory in the house now that metaton's made it big he never talks to me anymore except to ask when I'm going to finish his body but I'm afraid if I finish his body he won't need me anymore then we'll never be friends ever again not to mention every time I try to work on it I just get really sweaty oh because you got you have the hots for your own creation press it yeah blow the smoke away oh I wonder if now they're smoking that other oh um I wonder if the smoke that other room is now like oh gross uh uh I cannot flee I'll just come at you it's the amalgamate I'll be back in ya you call the amalgamate oh it's drippy hole bounds towards you flexing a strange liquid from an orifice oh oh oh oh oh pet decisively the amalgamate seems to be satisfied by all this it's endogony is contented bye the families keep calling me to ask when everyone's coming home what am I supposed to say I don't even answer the phone anymore oh okay I see oh yucky it's so cold oh it's really okay I recognize the bird the comedian bird I think that's the vegetable in there too I think there's a couple vegetables um let's revise did she inject determination into the monsters too much of it and then they all melted together told a bad pun about snow her expression starts to shift I remember ah oh you missed them oh you I think you missed she's completely calmed down okay well she's just like a jokester I suppose something under the bed sheets yeah okay I don't have to lie in the bed thank Christ I was scared oh this is way back yep there it is we'll need a vessel to wield the monster Souls when the time comes after all a monster can't absorb the souls for the monsters which is a human cannot absorb a human soul so then what about something that's neither human nor monster a God damn flower I almost just threw up engine number 10. oh oh you what in God's name okay I recognize okay they're the eye creature I remember that everything else is just like a total freaking ew okay its name is a comma mystify was the uh frog but like the mega frog well okay so I'm afraid of what are you so afraid of uh good question oh are you okay oh two new butterflies oh yeah I've been there whatever nice I made it all right uh oh I can I can go out the Secret Door this is like this controls the elevator's power yes please ring ding ding uh oh yeah okay you are some dashing mushy gentlemen oh hey stop what the hell did you do office the power went out and I've been trying to turn it back on but it seems like you were one step ahead of me this is probably just a bigger convenience for you but I appreciate that you came here to back me up as I said I was afraid that I might not come back but that's not because of these guys or anything I was just worried I'd be too afraid to tell the truth then my runaway or do something cowardly uh I I suppose I owe you an explanation as you probably know asgore asked me to study the nature of souls doing my research I isolated a power called the termination I injected it yeah it worked out super well I think projected into diagnostic so their souls would last after death but the experiment failed you see oops unlike humans monsters bodies don't have enough physical matter to take those concentrations of determination their body started to melt and lost what physicality they had pretty soon all the test subjects had melted together into those seeing them like this I do I couldn't tell their families about it I couldn't tell anyone about it no matter how much ever was asking me yeah that made it that probably made it infinitely worse come on guys it's time for everyone to go home wonder how that'll go can I like follow them I want to see how their families react to them and be like well this isn't my dad entry number eight I've chosen a candidate I haven't told asgore yet oh is it a yellow flower is it a yellow flower the center of his garden or something special the first Golden Flower That Grew before all the others far from the outside world entry number 18. the flower's gone damn really ring it's a voice you have never heard before okay I don't know why we're being so dramatic that is a wow that's a very sing-songy voice thanks to you everything has fallen into place themes see you soon okay maybe it's the kid oh didn't they say there's another kid in a striped shirt down here maybe it's that kid maybe the kid's soul is in the flower but then why would it be so evil what does that kid have against everybody and me I'm really confused it's you I thought your voice was way lower I thought you died a strange light feels no this is the exact same did I did the wrong thing oh oh this is different this is different oh my God what the hell was that oh it's you as terrible why is your toriel voice a Family Guy character that's true it does sound like a Family Guy character wow I'm seeing equal parts this accent is perfect and God damn it the voice is back he deserves Mercy too Tori you came back do not Tory Me Dreamer synthetic whelp they wanted to Free Our Kind you could have gone through the barrier after you got one Soul taken six Souls from the humans then come back and freed everyone peacefully but instead you made everyone live in despair because you would rather wait here meekly hoping another human never comes Tori you're right do you think we can at least be friends again ah nowhere score oh he's crying oh all my friends are coming to hang out I'd like to think that Sans is gonna be toriel's rebound who the hell is that oh my God I literally forgot the metaton is that his name metaton Freddy was a character man I feel bad my child it seems as if you must stay here for a while wow and I'm still level one that is so humiliating Papyrus you called everyone here right oh no wait is she gonna say like why and he's gonna say like oh the flower said so let's just say a tiny flower helped me God damn it oh no yeah okay super awesome I freaking called it from eight miles away wow you guys are having your little pow-wow I took the human souls and now not only are those under my power but all of your friend's souls are gonna be mine too I thought you had a change of heart you asshat see that's what I was talking about this is what I was talking about this exactly is exactly what I was talking about remember last stream when I was like I'm gonna pick spare for The Vibes but if this was really me I would tear this thing to shreds right here that's why I would have done it I will achieve my real form what is your real form the kid the freaking human oh I think I'm right about this do you leave the underground satisfied you'll win the game if you win you won't want to play with me anymore oh he's going out of his way to be the villain because he doesn't want me to like stop playing the game so I guess the idea is that in this universe determination is equated to like the meta power that the person playing the game has to like respawn make save states quit the game rejoin the game like drop the game for years reset now that he has determination he like knows of all these things but he can't leave the game so he just like loses his mind bored out of his mind until somebody plays the game so he's trying to be evil so that I won't stop playing the game I don't know how this is supposed to be fun for you sitting here ding what the hell just happened do not be afraid my child no matter what happens we will always be there to protect you thanks I got one HP ah thanks team that's right human you can win just do what I would do believe in you hey human if you got past me you can do anything so don't worry we're with you all the way I don't even beaten this guy yet come on this weirdest got nothing on you wow thanks guys look at all the friends I made ah Ribbit the frog is my favorite you you um we played into his hands I can't believe you're all so stupid all of your souls are mine oh yeah we brought all the souls to him is it gonna be the kid is it gonna be the the human human child is that the kid is that the kid I was so tired of being a flower you killed everyone it's not a kid who is that oh God I actually don't know who this is who the hell it's another goat is this like a kid version of one of the two who the hell is this God damn it did the I just like completely forgot didn't the yeah didn't uh asgore and the oh God I'm sorry about the names toriel didn't they have a kid and I guess this is the kid and then they also had the human kid that they like adopted so this is the monster kid damn I literally I forgot the monster kid existed it's me your best friend really I feel like we've only just met oh my god asriel oh I guess that's yeah it's pretty heavy-handed that's literally just their names smooshed together it's the end I'm so confused I don't understand what's going okay but what is this dude's motive why would oh my God I'm tripping balls okay does he think that I'm because I'm also a kid in a striped shirt does he think that I'm the kid from before who died and that I like used determination to come back am I that kid is that the big twist at the end am I that kid who died let's act it out whoa whoa oh my God everything is so intense I will hope you hold on to your hopes you reduce how much damage you'll take this turn Jesus Christ wow my God I don't care about destroying this world anymore okay oh oh my God okay well you seemed really intent on it the entire game oh my God I feel like I'm a Shadow Lane laser tag ready star blazing dude okay please calm down your attacks are like what I freaking named My Hot Wheels cars when I was eight dream dream dream dream dream dream dream I'm assuming that it's gonna be a waited out kind of fight because as a game creator I'm sure he wants to get all this dialogue out because it's important to the lore wow that's a really tough attack I'm sorry your determination the power that let you get this far it's gonna be your downfall nor girl I'll do it I'll reference truck one level girl whenever I damn please this is my channel it's on a purge this timeline once and for all try it asshat okay this is good this feels like we're abreast of the fight wow what'd you get your attacks from Spirit Halloween you clown I have one HP even after that attack you're still standing in my way wow you really are something special don't get cocky up until now I've only been using a fraction of my real power let's see what good your determination is against this oh he's wide as hell now how am I supposed to take that seriously that was the dumbest [ __ ] I've ever seen oh okay never mind I take it back I'm taking you seriously uh struggle can't move your body behold my true power well oh but it refused okay you struggle nothing happened try to reach your save file nothing happened tried again to reach your save file nothing happened seems saving the game really isn't possible but maybe with what little power you have you can quit the game I can open Task Manager we may both have determination on our side I'm the one who owns the computer how many YouTube subscribers do you have asriel zero I think that's why you're angry maybe that's why you're attacking me you're jealous of my influence and my stomach virus oh my friends uh I'm going for I'm going for asgore first it's my favorite I'm gonna give you a big old hug you hug the lost soul seems like his aggression is slowly melting away forgive me for this this is for your own good oh they're attacking me because they're confused and don't understand what the hell's going on I feel you I also am confused the last cell that you won't hurt him no matter what something about this is so familiar to him oh I'm getting through to them suddenly the memories are flooding back huh fate is up to you now you are our future yay I'm bringing all my friends back give me big old smooches it's going to come at me um someone else strangely as your friends remembered you something else began resonating within the soul stronger and stronger seems there's still one last person that needs to be saved but who oh asriel because this isn't really necessarily just asriel this is like kind of asriel but mostly just like a flower corrupted by determination with asriel's soul stuck in it you reach out and call their name huh what are you doing oh to me after I totally ate it [Music] oh we never saw this part so I so I have met Azrael before oh he's so cute look at his adorable face that is adorable you feel your friend's Souls resonating with an asriel ah okay no no I don't need anyone okay oh my God wow I actually almost no hit that attack that's really cute okay so oh my God it's all clicking I just remembered there's also God thank God I like when I edited uh down the whole first stream uh into a compilation literally yes like two days ago thank God I did that because otherwise I wouldn't have remembered a lot of stuff from early on in the game that's right there's that one cut scene where like in the waterfall area after you fall down where it's like oh did you fall down are you hurt here I'll help you my name is and then it whites out is that like at the beginning of the game after I fell down asriel like helped me up but then I thought the kid died why am I back there oh maybe okay okay maybe that's a flashback to like a previous timeline where I fell down he helped me up we grew up together and then I the kid got sick and died and then God this is so so confusing I tried to bury me it didn't work as that's right asriel's the one who died he died on like a bed of golden flowers so now asriel's like monster Soul dust is on the flower and then alphys puts the determination into the flower so now the flower has a will to live but doesn't have a soul so it's like it goes insane it's confused and asriel's soul is like trapped in there and that's what this is this dude I'm looking at and then my determination or whatever reset the world when I booted up the game and so I came back down but so now I'm the kid and I'm back but asriel is still dead and is still well it's still a flower and that's where I meet the flower at the beginning of the game instead of meeting asriel at the beginning of the game going like people saying I'm close okay I'm sorry this is so painful Oh I thought I was on to something I'm trying to piece things together okay so I okay I'll just I'm just gonna keep going I must be missing something stop it get away from me do you hear me I'll tear you apart try it doesn't look like it dude this is a pretty weak attack your sperm Count's getting lower don't they look like I feel like they look a little like sperm I can't help it oh you says I'm doing this because I love you you killed like 800 people just let me win oh my God oh I'm going to the decimals stop it stop it now oh my God look at that ha ha I leave I was getting darker so alone fims yeah kinda so afraid Sims I'm really wrecking the drama of this Moment by name my character themes Sims I I don't think in and out is that good oh he's crying and now he's a little kid again I'm so sorry oh now he's just a little kid I know you're not gonna oh you're not actually Sims are you Sims has been gone for a long time I'm just a I'm just a freaking separate kid I'm not even the kid from before I'm just a kid who looked like the other kid and got mixed up in all this mess okay it's about the beginning of the game I wasn't naming my character I was naming the original human Sims who came down here got helped up by asriel got sick and died and now I am a completely separate dude what is your name frisk what the hell kind of name is frisk this guy this guy I kind of dig it that's a nice name as a flower I was soulless I lack the power to love other people however with everyone's Souls inside me I not only have my own compassion back but I can feel every other monsters as well you all care about each other so much and they care about you too Frisk I understand if you hate me I acted so strange and horrible yeah you really did that's true that's one thing that has not been explained yet is what made him just go absolutely insane was I right about that part when I went on that little tangent there during the fight a lot of people were saying like you're 90 there or like you're close was I like was I like right on it in every aspect except that these are two separate kids there's no excuse for what I've done now forgive of course I'll forgive can't keep these Souls inside me the least I can do is return them but first there's something I have to do right now I can feel everyone's hearts beating his one they're all burning with the same Desire with everyone's power with everyone's determination it's time for Monsters to finally go free oh is he gonna break the barrier whoa oh my God oh my God he's become so metal oh oh the barrier was destroyed that the power of everyone's Souls you can't keep maintaining this form in a little while I'll turn back into a flower oh that is very sad I'll stop being myself I'll stop being able to feel love again oh is so I guess that's why flowey went like insane uh I'll comfort him what the hell what kind of person would say it would get this far and then be like no I'm okay I'm gonna give you a hug I'm gonna get all up on you oh he's hugging back oh that's really really cute I don't want to let go I look so sad you're gonna do a great job okay no matter what you do everyone will be there for you okay take care of Mom and Dad for me okay oh does he know they're no longer together oh no what if he doesn't know take care of Mom and Dad for me okay dude there I am Frisk we do not remember exactly what happened there was the flower and then everything went white but now the barrier is gone when you are ready we will all return to the surface um Watson anime oh dude you're aft do you think Azure toil or uh ever gonna get back together honestly I don't I don't if you leave here the adventure will really be over friends will follow you out of the Underground I think I'm ready whoa [Music] so beautiful well it's just the A Team left whoops [Music] uh should I do something [Music] well gotta go well can I do both can I like hang with them for a bit and then go home and then visit every once in a while um I do I I probably do have places to go I have places to go uh I see I am a changed little boy God not what the hell I'm just gonna like go home my mom's gonna be like where the hell are you you have soccer practice in like two hours oh there's papyrus by Toby and temmie oh the little birdie and Sans but Toby wow look at him go there's oh they're gonna smooch I'm done an outfits oh [Music] oh my god oh there's asgore oh he's just just doing a bit of god wow that looks great other kid oh and there's toriel oh toriel's a teacher that's sweet okay so I guess even if they're not together at least she is still willing to hire asgore as a contract landscaper and there's the mountain and that's the way it looked when I almost died at the beginning the and oh oh no yeah okay did you really think it was over oh it's the kid I mean we haven't even done the special thanks yet oh that's cute ready let's end all of this for good oh I have infinite HP special thanks oh my god oh I have to dodge the credits yo this is a fun mechanic I'm having good fun ah look at all those credits that I touched God damn it good night it's middle of the afternoon ah we took a picture together the end very cute we did it ladies and gentlemen we beat undertale without killing a single thing oh ducky I know that there's another way to play this game and I know that it involves killing everybody so I suppose I should go ahead and do that oh but it makes me feel so sad because like the message this game has been trying to drive home over and over again is like if you reset the file and start over you're gonna like rip all these people away from their happy ending and then kill everybody so what I'm actually probably gonna do is just leave this undertale journey here uh for now um and once I get this big video out the big undertale video out uh if it does really well and people are really like a lot of people are watching it and really want me to do the genocide run I will do the genocide run [Music]
Channel: Therm
Views: 1,634,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therm, therm undertale, undertale, undertale playthrough, undertale pacifist, undertale blind playthrough, undertale let's play
Id: -sJsJuI3WH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 13sec (11473 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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