I made my viewers look at ducks for 2 hours

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I'm gonna name you after my favorite baseball player no you lit Trevor's story on fire I'm not gonna sugar cut things I feel like a pile of dookie right now so I scratched our original plan to play three high energy games and replaced it with this game I found called Placid plastic duck Simulator for two dollars on Steam uh play Atlanta thank you I'm not quite sure what is going on what is it [Music] I was stuck oops I just took a screenshot it said it's a very hands-off gaming experience and I thought if I start feeling real bad part right through the stream I can just leave this on like a sensory video and have you all watch ducks for a while I'm just gonna name this one Timbo everyone say hi to Timbo you're running the new Duck oh look at all those treats down there you want a snack no okay well it's up to you I wonder if they're gonna actually stumble their way into that that slide I wonder if these two have history at all I wonder if they know each other or this is their first time meeting what's the flamingo's name that's Graham you happy with your exam results no a third duck this one's sank what is it really heavy oh it's a stone duck so we've got Timbo and crimdo um this is Bonbon oh if you stumble into that slide you get shot into that pool and then if you stumble over there you get slid back up into this pool let me talk about what classes I'm taking I'll be taking biochemistry uh we'll see how that goes inorganic chemistry that one I'm a bit frightened about my duck counter's full huh wow you've got spots you're gonna be named Bert oh my God are they gonna Collide what happens when that does the world explode oh my God oh my God this will shake the Earth how will the economy recover I'd like to think that this is this is the Earthly realm and that this slide represents uh the The Stairway to Heaven if you will the gateway to the afterlife which is that plastic pool down there only the Chosen Few can be resurrected and returned to the realm of the living but for the vast majority once you're gone you're gone um however some of us as bon bon here is demonstrating some of us remain so grounded so enraptured by Earthly desires greed material belongings possessions stuff like this uh keep us stuck uh and and just trapped in a purely mortal existence whoa [Music] I'm finally taking a music theory class I'm taking an intro to tonal Theory I don't think it'll change how I make music at all because I like to just muck around and I feel like the people on Tick Tock who always talk about music theory make the most boring freaking music like Charlie puth has the supernatural ability to take any really cool sounding sample and make it shockingly disinteresting let's check on Bonbon oh oh my God Bert wow I missed it Bert is our first to to pass on and Ascend you are entrenched in the dark dingy depths of greed Bonbon will you let go when will you let go of your mortal desires and learn to love life for what it is streaming fun streaming is very fun though wow Bert you have company and our partners in this new existence oh my God no prom though is just paying a visit wow cromdo is just showing what he can do chromos is showing how fast he can go wherever he pleases wow cromdo what are you and [Music] gromdo has seen the other side and is now frantically telling everyone about it cromdo is the Jesus of this universe I'm not realizing I wonder if the Ducks will form some sort of religion around prom though I wouldn't be surprised Bert is feasting on Ambrosia and nectar in the comfortable Blades of the afterlife should I make videos if you'd like to you've literally been touched by God I wonder how measles will respond to this for you maybe a pink one whoa you're tatted up [Music] wow it's raining it's raining oh it's really loud oh it's really loud oh my God it's so loud who's your favorite YouTuber that's a good question I have quite a few Ice Cream Sandwich I think is really funny and has an endearing art style uh Drew Gooden is my favorite commentary YouTuber I think he's the funniest objectively Danielle wait pause what a ride hi oh my God she's like yeah you see that [ __ ] wow Danielle had a point to prove new ducky gingerbread duck you're so cute sweet thing I love you sweet thing my number one favorite The Game Grumps they make gameplay videos they do video game stuff I want an actual number of how many hours of content of theirs I have watched in my life because I just I don't know I discovered their channel in like freshman year of high school and I just thought I thought it was really chill to just kind of hang out and I liked I liked their style of stuff I thought they were I think they not thought I think they are funny if I ever met them in real life that would be my big not like a play button not a subscriber Milestone that would be my big like wow YouTube moment I would flip do you have a dream job uh YouTube this is totally this has been my dream job since I was literally eight my mom and I were talking about this and she was like I have no idea how I was even the slightest bit surprised when like you started doing this full time a couple years ago because the signs were there since I was literally eight years old like I've been consistently making videos with my friends and uploading them to YouTube since I was eight so this and I'm gonna take this as far as I can go two of the Ducks protect you two others try to fight you who are you picking uh as a protector well absolutely Chrome though cromdo is fearless did you see the way chromedo Danielle because did you see the way crom though made the transition and then came right back to reality in like four seconds Chrome though is fierce and a go-getter so I'm gonna say cromdo and Daniel also really like win for it new ducky and in terms of attacking uh Bonbon since uh you can't move I suppose sweet thing because I mean he's just a sweet thing ducky wow a plaid duck I'm gonna name you after my favorite baseball player Trevor story welcome to the pond Baby Bert has spent a long long time in the afterlife and has finally decided he's ready to go back not quite Bert has risen I don't like that sound very much favorite food probably my my mom's spaghetti knees weak arms are heavy grateful I really wish the best for you Trevor he had to get an armed surgery I was complaining about it yesterday I'm very sad because I just bought his jersey and I was very excited to watch him this year I'm not I'm not frustrated with him obviously he's absolutely wonderful and damn if you don't know how to hit a baseball real far [Music] they're all just so happy to to be in each other's company I think we can learn a lot from these ducks this game is my mental state during my organic chemistry 2 final oh you're just a happy little boy oh my God okay I like you a lot quacks bees named after the restaurant quaxby's proud father right here uh-huh I keep that that startles me every time the bird lifestyle oh quaxby's what the hell just happened I kind of want to isolate that clip of me uh zoomed in on a duck named Trevor's story a virtual duck while wishing him a swift recovery I kind of want to clip that put it on Twitter and tag him and see if he sees it because how would you react to that if you're a professional athlete and someone tweets at you just a duck with your name on it but like really earnestly talking about like man I hope you're doing all right just so you know I got your jersey you're my favorite player and I'm gonna I'm not gonna like make it sound I'm gonna like make the caption be really real I'm gonna be like you got this man hang in there wishing you a swift recovery at Trevor's story and then just this video y'all need to like that when I tweet it this is post-production Thomas reporting back to tell everyone that I did in fact make that tweet uh and he did not see it so needless to say I am absolutely crushed thanks for watching the video though reborn again look out where's quaxby's what the hell did quaxby make it make it to the ocean quaxby was always a lively one oh I wish him the best he was always meant for bigger things I'm just holding him back Moss duck everyone else has seen play this game called the poop duck it's clearly Moss it's clearly Moss Timbo had babies I'm a grandparent wow masak is backing his ass up right into those children please stop oh it's wearing a sweater wibby Diddy look at how many fun folks we have here oh my God it's now a party down there yeah I'm actually having a really good time I'm also feeling like completely better I expect it to be like feeling really bad and just like put this on so I can leave but now I'm like feeling better crazy oh my stuck whoa my stock said I'm taking you with me wow I wasn't gonna make a video out of this but no I think I just might I would give anything to have this in my backyard are you kidding me Bonbon is a rock duck so they sink so true let's do it you know what let's do bracket style tournament I'm gonna make a series of polls where I ask you lovely folks to vote on your favorite duck and we're gonna make it bracket style and we got a new one wow oh you're like reflective oh my gosh round one Timbo and babies cromdo bon bon and Mark duckerberg how many people are watching right now I'm gonna pull up my stream on my phone oh my God 214. that is more views than I've had in like any of these segments so far Timbo and the babies have absolutely clobbered the boat round two would be between grateful sweet thing Trevor's story and Danielle sweet thing has the lead but it's tight ah it's no longer tight sweet thing is really pulling away the second I said sweet thing has the lead the hive mind took over and everyone started voting for sweet thing round wax bees Moss duck present we'll open in a moment Bert and we have wibby dibby pick your favorite ducky wow look at you it's a nutcracker I'm gonna name you fanciful D Danielle's gonna be that final push oh my God Trevor's story after all this time wait no he might bust out Danielle might just scoot right past him wait no Mark Zuckerberg's gonna take him out oh and here comes Timbo everybody is teaming up to get Trevor's story The Help he needs go go go yes Timbo was the final push wait they've all stopped oh my God this is actually crazy sorry this this takes precedence over the Pole right now looks like quacks pieces are a runaway Victor but Mazda kind of gave him a run for his money there goes Trevor so proud of you great job yeah quaxby's has it oh here comes Danielle fourth and Final Round measles Apollo 13 and fanciful D our newest edition I love Trevor whichever it is so good wow in an outcome I never expected Apollo 13 is destroying the vote we have our finalists ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finals of what is chat's favorite duck Smackdown I'm gonna open this present the claws wow they're just so happy to be here just so happy to be around I'm gonna eat a chip very fast I'll be right back I'm gonna do so quietly you won't even be able to hear have I missed anything oh where to even begin look at that pretty little picnic blanket over there I'd like to sit there and relax with a good book just kidding I can't read because I'm today's youth I don't care about this view where do I scroll I just want to Tick-Tock about it will it get me dozens and dozens of hits on YouTube I love I love seeing um adults try to write teenage characters for movies because they never get it right and it's so funny to me I don't know who at Disney decided that every teenager in America just viscerally hated their parents because like I never hit that phase I don't know about y'all I never had a phase where I was like Ugh mom like every Disney show some mom was like hey honey how was your day at school awful it might be like Oh I'm sorry well I made you some snacks and the get a clap back be like snacks can't fix this bomb storm of their room and it's like God damn who actually talks to their mom like that I know I don't we still have to read books for school granted I never do it because I hate reading wow whoa a lizard it's like a it's like Godzilla oh I forgot the final round Timbo absolutely killed all right Timbo and his babies are the fan favorite and it's now clear as day I'm not saying everyone loves their parents because they're they're some pretty shitty parents out there but like I have never seen I personally have never met a teenager who like um I'm sorry I like that one I have never seen a teenager respond to a nice well-meaning mom with snark like I'm sure like there are some shitty moms out there but like according to Disney Channel every mom is just like a like an absolute wonderful person and then the teenager is just like I hate her like good Lord I don't want to do my homework I just want to Tick-Tock all day fortnite get that Victory Royale with my Bros teacher this lesson plan is not on fleek wow you really just are all about the fire like all about it you say I should apply for college but how will that help me get more epic skins and V bucks can I put orange Justice and default dance on my resume I love your content I'm glad do you still epic farts cute wind fail fortnite definitely a win math class sounds like an epic fail to me suss Among Us imposter we're making good content together everyone have y'all seen that like common meme template of the like there's the two booths and one of them has a huge line at it and one of them's empty and the empty one is college and the one with a big line is fortnite no you lit Trevor's story on fire oh my God his recovery was going so well oh my God uh uh how do I help new Duck it's just it's a red one I like it we keep it simple 12 containers overboard one of them welcome what do I do Trevor don't like the children okay we're good sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice in the Duck game I'm trying to keep a chill atmosphere does it spread help him out fortnite no okay fortnite battle pass is not made of flammable material so it's okay that was really funny maybe the water Slidell make something happen Trevor maybe maybe Trevor will be submerged I guess if we're symbolizing that this is the afterlife then that means Trevor has finally passed away from the Flames well now who's gonna play second base for the Boston Red Sox we're having fun Trevor die yeah oh wow fanciful dude hot as Blaze oh my God hit the half pipe yo that was unbelievable wow Chester this these are the kind of games where when I see posts online of like older people saying I just don't understand the appeal of video games these are the moments where I'm like I get it man we're just watching ducks float around but God if I'm not having such a fun time right now maybe a very Primal pit in our brains has always wanted this and this game has just finally given us the chance because when's the last time you just watched a bunch of mystical ducks float around a pool all day there goes Puba Snoop wreaking havoc Trevor's story is still on fire sorry champion foreign [Music] wow so dapper [Music] Square angle do you blow bubbles out of your pipe or do some fun gimmick since you're one of the rare ones oh man okay you know what we've created a vibrant and loving Community here but I think I'm gonna call that a wrap for now I hope everyone had fun with the Duck game I had a really good time [Music]
Channel: Therm
Views: 419,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: duck, duck simulator game, duck simulator, placid plastic duck simulator, placid plastic duck simulator all ducks, placid plastic duck, placid plastic duck simulator gameplay, placid plastic duck simulator trailer, placid plastic duck simulator achievements, therm, rubber duck, i made my viewers, look at ducks
Id: Cz4-e1X7H0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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